View Full Version : little bastard

08-12-2005, 03:51 AM
I died in Vaalor bog at like 3:30am and no rescuers available. I was way heavy with and also boxes fell out of disk. I have access to use a friend's empath and cleric if I need 'em, so had the empath pick me up and fog me in. She also grabbed my boxes that fell and dropped 'em by my body after she healed me. We landed in a not highly trafficed area. Then I brought in the cleric....

Pypir just arrived.
* Pypir joins the adventure.
* Sylverose joins the adventure.
Pypir raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Pypir gestures at you.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Pypir encompassing you. You sense the comfort of salvation, and you hear something peculiar, but the sound is too faint to be identified.
* Shaeribeth returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Belnor just arrived.
Belnor picks up a simple monir strongbox.
Belnor put a simple monir strongbox in his rune-stitched backpack.
>say hey
You say, "Hey."
Belnor picks up a badly damaged thanot coffer.
* Haedika joins the adventure.
>say thise are mnine
You say, "Thise are mnine."

>****EDIT I WAITED for ANY response, and didn't want the little bastard to take off on me*

* Edoch joins the adventure.
* Nicolite joins the adventure.
Pypir traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Pypir gestures at Belnor.
CS: +173 - TD: +14 + CvA: +11 + d100: +99 - -5 == +274
Warding failed!
Belnor suddenly stops all movement.
Pypir raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Pypir gestures at you.
Pypir suddenly looks very drained.

You feel a sudden jolt of nothing short of the raw power of divine intervention. For some reason, you cannot bring yourself to move quite yet, but feel relieved nonetheless.
You feel the touch of the hand leave your soul.
* Eilithyia joins the adventure.
* Xanator returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Geezzer returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
You do not feel drained anymore.
You feel your energy level return to normal.
* Eilithyia returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
You recover enough strength to move again.
>stance offensive
* Eiadh joins the adventure.
You move into an offensive stance, ready for battle.
You struggle, but fail to stand.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
* Deron returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
You struggle, but fail to stand.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
* Deron joins the adventure.
* Luky joins the adventure.
You groan.
Vandet just arrived.
* Dallicis returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Vandet just went east.
* Chazym returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Pypir faces you, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between the two of you. You gain 95 mana points!

Pypir opens her eyes, looking slightly drained.
Vandet just arrived.
* Nicolite returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Silverthreaded returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Vandet just went into an inn.
>say i suggest you drop myu boxes
You say, "I suggest you drop myu boxes."
Belnor says, "Here vand."
[Ta'Vaalor, Amaranth Court]
A large inn marks the bustling corner of the court, its massive walls enlivened by deeply carved intertwining vines that creep up the stonework and meet in a mass of heavy stone foliage above each window embrasure and door lintel. An engraved silver sign, illuminated by the lanterns hanging from the inn's wide awning, swings from a post beside the inn's ironwood front doors. You also see a scratched wooden strongbox.
Also here: Belnor, Lady Pypir
Obvious paths: east, southwest
You struggle, but fail to stand.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
* Thamdal joins the adventure.
Belnor says, "Simple mistake, no need to get hostile."
* Justarias returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Heelena returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Corwynd returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>say i sauid they werer mine and you didnt drop em
You say, "I sauid they werer mine and you didnt drop em."
* Lyndashel joins the adventure.
* Sairai joins the adventure.
>say when people in a room, you dont take their things
You say, "When people in a room, you dont take their things."
>say without asking
You say, "Without asking."
* Zarcillos joins the adventure.
* Voldandelv joins the adventure.
* Ninji joins the adventure.
Belnor says, "Um someone casted a hold spell on me...."
You sense the link to Pypir's soul slip peacefully away.
* Wuxong joins the adventure.
>say yes
You say, "Yes."
Belnor says, "I couldnt."
You struggle, but fail to stand.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
>say she cast it after you didnt drop
You say, "She cast it after you didnt drop."
* Angeliqe joins the adventure.
>rem back
You need a free hand for that.
>drop bac
You are not holding that.
You glance down to see a long fiery staff swirled with pale shards of jade in your right hand and a corroded brass coffer in your left hand.
* Telse returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>drop coff
You drop a corroded brass coffer.
You struggle, but fail to stand.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
* Hyfryn joins the adventure.
>rem back
You take a heavy backpack off your back.
>drop back
You drop a heavy backpack.
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
...wait 4 seconds.
Belnor says, "For god sake I dont need to justify, just take them."
* Grundaboob returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>take back
You are unable to handle the additional load a heavy backpack would add.
* Jaefer joins the adventure.
Belnor begins to move again.
You feel at full magical power again.
Pypir picks up a heavy backpack.
* Telse joins the adventure.
Belnor says, "There its disolved."
Belnor drops a badly damaged thanot coffer.
>say thanks
You say, "Thanks."
* Kinzi returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Bendina returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Fhoin joins the adventure.
>say dont just walk in and take things
You say, "Dont just walk in and take things."
Belnor removes a simple monir strongbox from in his rune-stitched backpack.
* Neph returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Belnor drops a simple monir strongbox.
>say thats my advoce t you
You say, "Thats my advoce t you."
* Nikhiliam joins the adventure.
* Ceyrin joins the adventure.
* Kazonia joins the adventure.
[Ta'Vaalor, Amaranth Court]
A large inn marks the bustling corner of the court, its massive walls enlivened by deeply carved intertwining vines that creep up the stonework and meet in a mass of heavy stone foliage above each window embrasure and door lintel. An engraved silver sign, illuminated by the lanterns hanging from the inn's wide awning, swings from a post beside the inn's ironwood front doors. You also see a simple monir strongbox, a badly damaged thanot coffer, a corroded brass coffer and a scratched wooden strongbox.
Also here: Belnor, Lady Pypir
Obvious paths: east, southwest
* Togrim returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>say thank you
You say, "Thank you."
Belnor asks, "You expect more from a rogue?"
* Huv joins the adventure.
>say expect a problem if you do that
You say, "Expect a problem if you do that."
* Nikhilan joins the adventure.
* Katara joins the adventure.
* Boney joins the adventure.
>say dont talk to me about expectations
You say, "Dont talk to me about expectations."
* Vasenya joins the adventure.
* Kazonia returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>say or whine about consequecnces
You say, "Or whine about consequecnces."
* Neph joins the adventure.
* Huv returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>say if you are going to use that excuse
You say, "If you are going to use that excuse."
* Seluus joins the adventure.
* Niadja returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Olorhen joins the adventure.
>take white cry
You remove a white crystal from in your damask cleric's cloak.
>rub cry
You rub your white crystal.
You feel much stronger.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>stow white cry
Could not find your default container. Clearing it.
Hyfryn just arrived.
>put cry in cloak
You put a white crystal in your damask cleric's cloak.
Hyfryn just went east.
Hyfryn just arrived.
Hyfryn just went southwest.
* Shoakoga joins the adventure.
>take bla cry
* Blob returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
You remove a black crystal from in your shoulder pack.
>rub cry
You rub your black crystal.
A small circular container suddenly appears and floats rather serenely over to you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>put cry in cloak
You put a black crystal in your damask cleric's cloak.
* Sskar returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
[Ta'Vaalor, Amaranth Court]
A large inn marks the bustling corner of the court, its massive walls enlivened by deeply carved intertwining vines that creep up the stonework and meet in a mass of heavy stone foliage above each window embrasure and door lintel. An engraved silver sign, illuminated by the lanterns hanging from the inn's wide awning, swings from a post beside the inn's ironwood front doors. You also see the Zenaxa disk, a simple monir strongbox, a badly damaged thanot coffer, a corroded brass coffer and a scratched wooden strongbox.
Also here: Belnor, Lady Pypir
Obvious paths: east, southwest
* Libras returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Telse returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>take coff
You pick up a badly damaged thanot coffer.
* Nylla returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>put coff in disk
You put a badly damaged thanot coffer in the Zenaxa disk.

* Maali returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>take coff
You pick up a corroded brass coffer.
* Erinaa joins the adventure.
>put coff in disk
You put a corroded brass coffer in the Zenaxa disk.

Belnor says, "I see jokes dont translate well in this game...."
* Gogonasher joins the adventure.
* Balstraud joins the adventure.
>sat where?
* Alderred joins the adventure.
Please rephrase that command.
>say where?
You ask, "Where?"
You blink.
>take guide
Get what?
>take guide
Get what?

****EDIT I had a NEWCOMERS guide but i transfered it out when i emptied out before my hunt*******

>look in cloak
In the damask cleric's cloak you see a black crystal, a white crystal, a smoky glimaerstone, a turquoise stone, a green sapphire, a violet sapphire, a crystal wand, a spiderweb turquoise, a lavender shimmarglin sapphire, a pale water sapphire, a weathered fel coffer, a yellow sapphire, an iron wand, a pink topaz, a green sapphire, an orange spessartine garnet, a yellow hyacinth, an engraved brass strongbox, an orange imperial topaz, a plain steel box, a corroded silver coffer, a clear tourmaline, an aquamarine wand, a piece of onyx, a yellow sapphire, a piece of banded onyx, a white opal, an orange spessartine garnet, a fiery jacinth, a piece of amber, a golden glimaerstone and a pair of small steel jaws.
* Siatrie returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Alderred returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Belnor says, "Was a simple mistake, Im on my way."
Vandet just arrived.
Vandet just went east.
You nod.
>say heed my advice, at least with me
You say, "Heed my advice, at least with me."

08-12-2005, 04:36 AM
Don't think he earned being called a bastard. He did apologize and admit his error, at least twice. Oh and for god's sake proofread your speech in game before hitting enter. Or type slower.

08-12-2005, 04:44 AM
well he needed to choose in my opinion... he was either apologizing for making a mistake, rp-ing being a thieving rogue, or making a joke.
And typing slower would help, I'm working on it.

edited to add: I suppose the joke was that he is supposed to be a rogue. Sometimes those things don't come out well. Either way, he wasn't exactly "I'm sorry, I didn't know" kinda sincere sounding to me. My opinion.

[Edited on 8-12-2005 by cajunlady]

08-12-2005, 04:45 AM
If you leave it on the ground in town it's generally fair game anyway, as Warclaidhm found out to his dismay.

08-12-2005, 04:51 AM
You're friend should have handed you the boxes instead of dropping them at your feet. Ground is fair game. I personally wouldn't take things if people were in the room, but I wouldn't feel I have exactly the right to complain if someone did it to me. I don't trust disks though so I have never had that problem. I may be weighed down, but damn it that extra silver and red spinel is MINE!

08-12-2005, 05:01 AM
I was never taught that taking boxes or loot when others who may own it are in the room is fair game. Not without asking in any event, if it belonged to anyone. Could I have transferred better? Perhaps. Are cloaks that are pickpocketed also fair game because the owner failed to close it? I saw someone taking my stuff after I alerted him they were mine. What would others have done, by the way, out of curiosoty?

08-12-2005, 05:05 AM
You muddy the waters by playing both characters at the same time. The cleric you were playing wouldn't know those were your boxes until your other character said something, and usually I don't see a non-involved cleric binding unless they were asked to.

Anyway, the idea is, if you leave something on the ground and another player takes it, you can't complain to the GMs and get it back. It's not good etiquette and I imagine you'd be within your rights to kill them (of course, these days, you can kill anyone for any reason and the staff won't get involved).

Doyle Hargraves
08-12-2005, 05:14 AM
Are cloaks that are pickpocketed also fair game because the owner failed to close it?


08-12-2005, 05:14 AM
Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves

Are cloaks that are pickpocketed also fair game because the owner failed to close it?


But you're free to kill/maim them if you wish.

08-12-2005, 05:19 AM
Originally posted by Drew
You muddy the waters by playing both characters at the same time. The cleric you were playing wouldn't know those were your boxes until your other character said something, and usually I don't see a non-involved cleric binding unless they were asked to.

Actually I did say something before she bound. And as it happens, these two clerics are friends and one would have no problem defending the other. Pypir wouldn't kill, it isn't her style, but she would, and did, bind someone who was taking her friend's stuff.

She simply saw what was happening and being that I was dead and unable to do anything myself, she helped me out.

Doyle Hargraves
08-12-2005, 05:24 AM
Originally posted by Drew

Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves

Are cloaks that are pickpocketed also fair game because the owner failed to close it?


But you're free to kill/maim them if you wish.


08-12-2005, 05:25 AM
Originally posted by cajunlady
Are cloaks that are pickpocketed also fair game because the owner failed to close it? I saw someone taking my stuff after I alerted him they were mine. What would others have done, by the way, out of curiosoty?

Well, of course a cloak that is left open is fair game for my rogue to sift through...duh.

As far as the boxes go since they were in a disk and dropped on the ground, they would no longer be my characters property. That is why he doesn't die when he has boxes in his disk, or if he does, he doesn't complain about someone taking them, as they are on the ground.

Regardless of what the item is, if it's on the ground anyone can take it. It may not seem fair, but that's the way it is. Perhaps you should talk to the thrak once again?

Oh, and I'd never be in that situation because I wouldn't login as someone elses character in the first place. If I wanted the boxes badly enough, I'd wait until I decayed and then run fast as hell to where I died and pick them up. Usually, two boxes aren't worth that much trouble for me.

08-12-2005, 05:32 AM
I, as a rule with ANY character, never carry silver and keep all of my containers closed. Just because it isn't polite to steal or to take boxes doesn't make it stop happening. Just protect yourself from having to deal with the trauma/drama that happens.

[Edited on 8-12-2005 by Toxicvixen]

08-12-2005, 05:44 AM
Regardless of what the item is, if it's on the ground anyone can take it. It may not seem fair, but that's the way it is. Perhaps you should talk to the thrak once again?

Uhm, oddly enough, I did have a youngone speak with him recently, and in checking the newcomer's guide I mentioned... it states *ahem*:

"As mentioned earlier, while hunting do not attack someone else's creature unless you are invited to join them. If a creature comes into your area limping, someone will most likely run after it within a few seconds. Hold off on attacking wounded creatures. If you see items on the ground, they may belong to someone else in the room who has not had time to pick it up yet, so don't think it's there for the taking."

I assume the same manners would be used in town. Also, I don't have a problem with grabbing an empath and/or cleric to help if no one else is available to help. Through the mud and into the bog isn't somewhere you can just run back into when stung, though I have done so in other more easily accessable hunting areas.

I don't recall the Thrak saying either, don't drop your stuff because another adventurer has the right to come along and snatch it up.

I don't normally drop things because I don't want to get janitored. If they had been janitored, well, then they got janitored. And it was three boxes, thank you very much. Zenaxa might be generous with giving it away, but she is greedy in obtaining her silver!

Edited to respond rather than posts again.. When I'm in the West Toxicvixen, I do exactly as you say and keep it all closed tight. I think because of how the sancts are set up in Vaalor, pickpockets have a much harder time.

[Edited on 8-12-2005 by cajunlady]

[Edited on 8-12-2005 by cajunlady]

08-12-2005, 05:52 AM
He at least used to tell you not to set your stuff on the ground.

08-12-2005, 06:03 AM
Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves

Are cloaks that are pickpocketed also fair game because the owner failed to close it?


That deserves a hell yes.

That is a whole different scenario. The option to steal from someone’s cloak, was an option put in the game to take advantage of. I just started testing it out today. Amazing the crap you pull out of some peoples cloaks… It’s more fun to get a bunch of weird looking grapes then a diamond.

As for items being on the ground, I would have asked them to help me carry them. That would see what kind of attitude they would have. If they say sure! Then no harms done. If they run away…then you chase them hehe. (Sometimes, it can be fun if they run! But always good to see their view point or plans before you attack. For all you know, they could have been picking them up for the dead body so that the janitor didn’t get them!)

Honestly, everyone knows how eager rogues are for boxes now. Not only is it a good way to learn, but Lock mastery kicks ass. If I had been webbed that fast or at all, I would have ran away with them. They can’t get in trouble for doing it, the ground is fair play.

Just odd, I’ve never seen you RP like this before.

08-12-2005, 06:07 AM
If I wanted the boxes badly enough, I'd wait until I decayed and then run fast as hell to where I died and pick them up. Usually, two boxes aren't worth that much trouble for me.

I did that once in the tower... decayed and ran back in. With such low spirit and stats they ended up cursing me and taking my weapons. :lol: I was very happy to see a nice character walk in right as my characters body hit the floor.

I now have come to the conclusion... Boxes arn't really that hard to get, no big deal!

08-12-2005, 06:09 AM
And as a side note, had he role-played a rogue who saw an oppurtunity to take off with boxes, I'd have rp-ed it out. At the time it was happening, I wasn't sure what he was doing by saying "Vand here" when a box was still on the ground, and Vand had walked through. He tells me not to get hostile (about him taking my stuff)? Also says simple mistake. Well, for all I knew it wasn't a mistake. Then the "in this game" comment was interesting, and I would have given him the guide had I had one on me.

This is kinda fun is a masochistic kinda way, and I don't find it traumatic...
Tear it up! It's what happens here right? And what I expected.

08-12-2005, 06:11 AM
Uhm, oddly enough, I did have a youngone speak with him recently, and in checking the newcomer's guide I mentioned... it states *ahem*:

"As mentioned earlier, while hunting do not attack someone else's creature unless you are invited to join them. If a creature comes into your area limping, someone will most likely run after it within a few seconds. Hold off on attacking wounded creatures. If you see items on the ground, they may belong to someone else in the room who has not had time to pick it up yet, so don't think it's there for the taking."

I assume the same manners would be used in town. Also, I don't have a problem with grabbing an empath and/or cleric to help if no one else is available to help. Through the mud and into the bog isn't somewhere you can just run back into when stung, though I have done so in other more easily accessable hunting areas.

I don't recall the Thrak saying either, don't drop your stuff because another adventurer has the right to come along and snatch it up.

I don't normally drop things because I don't want to get janitored. If they had been janitored, well, then they got janitored. And it was three boxes, thank you very much. Zenaxa might be generous with giving it away, but she is greedy in obtaining her silver!

Edited to respond rather than posts again.. When I'm in the West Toxicvixen, I do exactly as you say and keep it all closed tight. I think because of how the sancts are set up in Vaalor, pickpockets have a much harder time.

[Edited on 8-12-2005 by cajunlady]

[Edited on 8-12-2005 by cajunlady] [/quote]

I think the thrak is talking more along the lines of manners...they could have been picking them up so they wouldn't be janitored. You never know!

As for sanctions in vaalor.... For rogues who do not RP when they steal, that could be hard I would imagine. But for those who put a little rougish trickery into stealing, and have fun with it...Sancts mean nothing.

08-12-2005, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by GSLady17

Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves

Are cloaks that are pickpocketed also fair game because the owner failed to close it?


That deserves a hell yes.

That is a whole different scenario. The option to steal from someone’s cloak, was an option put in the game to take advantage of. I just started testing it out today. Amazing the crap you pull out of some peoples cloaks… It’s more fun to get a bunch of weird looking grapes then a diamond.

As for items being on the ground, I would have asked them to help me carry them. That would see what kind of attitude they would have. If they say sure! Then no harms done. If they run away…then you chase them hehe. (Sometimes, it can be fun if they run! But always good to see their view point or plans before you attack. For all you know, they could have been picking them up for the dead body so that the janitor didn’t get them!)

Honestly, everyone knows how eager rogues are for boxes now. Not only is it a good way to learn, but Lock mastery kicks ass. If I had been webbed that fast or at all, I would have ran away with them. They can’t get in trouble for doing it, the ground is fair play.

Just odd, I’ve never seen you RP like this before.

I agree cloaks are fair game... and I suppose it was rhetorical in nature. Thieves who are caught stealing by pickpocketing are killed on occassion, and I was trying to make a poor attempt I suppose at saying thieving is thieving is thieving.

As to the comment as to why the boxes were being picked up... I told him they were mine, and when he didn't respond as fast as he picked them up *Which was IMMEDIATE BTW* Pypir took charge and kept him from runnin anywhere with them. Even if they might be fair game to take because they are on the ground, doesn't mean I have to sit and watch it happen. The oppurtunity to take them is there, as is with an open cloak. However there might be consequences for such actions. Hell, if he had tried to open those he's have died. I and Pypir saved his life! *HAH* Now THAT's drama.

08-12-2005, 06:29 AM
GSLady17 said: "Just odd, I’ve never seen you RP like this before"

I don't think you've ever tried to take anything that's mine, and been caught anyway.

Just because Zen is generally happy and loveable doesn't meanshe doesn't have horns that come out in some situations. She's a cleric but certainly no saint, and absolutely not perfect.

08-12-2005, 06:45 AM
I don't know about that.. I'm not looking at this like you're dumb etc etc. Looking at it more like a debate...

Using someone else’s character is almost like using one of your own "Older/more capable" characters to step in.

I used to do it with Teeoncy and now I'd rather have a younger character die every day than bring her in to help again.

Except, I almost want to say it's worse. What happens when that cleric dies runs into that rogue? The rogue will remember that character and think of them as an "ass", while the cleric will have no clue what so ever why their name may be being slandered.

I have used to have rogues that would come to my table while I was sleeping and pick my boxes due to the fact I always had them pick my boxes and they knew I would not have a problem with it. That rogue didn’t know you wanted your other character to be the one opening them---If you had misjudged the age and they had been skilled enough to handle the job, and did have an agreement/understanding like I had with so many locksmiths, you could have totally ruined that relationship by webbing them when they are just trying to be nice!

I guess the main thought in my head about this, is that fact that if my character is going to involve themselves in a conflict which makes them look bad, I want to be the one to pick and chose those conflicts! I also want to know about them and be there first hand!

08-12-2005, 07:00 AM
There would have been nothing you could do if he decided to keep them anyhow, since there's no way you can force him to get the boxes out of his cloak and then drop them.
Casting at him / her just made it less likely they'd want to return them.
I think the little 'bastard' was exceedingly reasonable.
Considering I'd have forced them down your throat, the way you acted.

08-12-2005, 07:03 AM
You both need to learn how to spell.

08-12-2005, 07:04 AM
So for 2k and a red spinel, you abused the power at your disposal and might have alienated a newb from GS? You didn't seem very calm in that situation, judging by your typing, and later you admit the guy was a newb, as you shared your newb guide with him and were looking for it throughout the conflict.

I think his inexperience is obvious to most people from the start. While I can respect the fact that you don't want *anyone* stealing from you, I can't respect picking on newbs. Try that at a higher level with someone like Grandsome, and I might say, "Go! Yes! Good for you!"


08-12-2005, 07:13 AM
I wouldn't take any sort of advice from someone who types like a blind person.

edit: To any blind people reading this, no offense intended.

[Edited on 8-12-2005 by Artha]

08-12-2005, 07:51 AM
Kinda odd, in reality I am legally blind... can't drive whatever but that's NO excuse! I CAN type better when I slow down. Too bad I didn't feel like I had the time when it happened. Didn't know he was new until the end when I looked for the guide, didn't coddle, acted in haste. Would have been totally prepared not to get the boxes back, but would have have some interaction about it. There's a lot worse things I've seen people called on these boards ... "little bastard" isn't that bad in comparison. And I did throw in some thank yous of my own. I don't think he is permanantly scarred from the experience. I will however go out of my way to make sure he doesn't harbor anything towards Pypir. That is a very valid issue.

08-12-2005, 08:11 AM
I see old man Thrak is mentioned. Wasn't it brought up in another thread that he is only located in the Landing?

How can a new character, who can be born in one of numerous towns now, know anything about Thrak? Do the mentors of each town mention him?

I think Thrak should be a required sitting when a new character is introduced to the lands **but with the option of skipping right to the questions for the players who have sat through it before.** Or, use the time while Thrak is rambling to make a snack, step away from the computer for a few minutes, etc.

As far as the boxes, eh. It's been mentioned around the boards before. Yes, it's "morally" wrong, but not technically wrong.

08-12-2005, 08:20 AM
rem back
You take a heavy backpack off your back.
>drop back
You drop a heavy backpack.
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
...wait 4 seconds.
Belnor says, "For god sake I dont need to justify, just take them."
* Grundaboob returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>take back
You are unable to handle the additional load a heavy backpack would add.

That is my favorite part of your log. Even though he was bound, I have to say that you dropping the backpack was simply stupid. Seriously, you just had someone come in and take your boxes and here you are dropping a backpack. Really smart. I need to give you all my PW's so you can use my characters... Smart much?


[Edited on 8-12-2005 by Meges]

08-12-2005, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by Meges

rem back
You take a heavy backpack off your back.
>drop back
You drop a heavy backpack.
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
...wait 4 seconds.
Belnor says, "For god sake I dont need to justify, just take them."
* Grundaboob returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>take back
You are unable to handle the additional load a heavy backpack would add.

That is my favorite part of your log. Even though he was bound, I have to say that you dropping the backpack was simply stupid. Seriously, you just had someone come in and take your boxes and here you are dropping a backpack. Really smart. I need to give you all my PW's so you can use my characters... Smart much?


[Edited on 8-12-2005 by Meges]

You could have stopped with saying that dropping the backpack was stupid. In looking at it again now I'd agree; I needed to stand, he was bound. But certainly I made a big oppurtunity available.

I'm so glad you took the extra effort however to insult me personally. I feel so special! I'd be so crushed if I thought you treated everyone this way, so I'll just live the fantasy that it's just me. I <3 U !!! :lol: *right*

08-12-2005, 09:21 AM
canjunlady you're wrong about this whole situation. Gear a drift is gear a gift. The thrak says things "may" belong to someone else and he's talking about common courtesy not law. If it's on the ground and someone didn't disarm you or curse it out of your hands then it is fair game. It's not always the right/polite thing to do but snagging something off the ground isn't breaking any laws in game.

You lose in this situation.

08-12-2005, 09:56 AM
God.. thank you for reminding me why I am not playing GS.

"I died, so I had my empath get me and my cleric raise me before I had my rogue disarm my boxes and my warrior bash my boxes and my ..."

I just hope that rogue that stumbled into your "masterbatory roleplaying" was stealing from you as you were giving him advice, because I know that's what I would have been doing.

08-12-2005, 09:59 AM
And just so you know.. by dropping your stuff on the ground, you lose any and all claim to it. Period.

It's "Nice" for people to not pick stuff up off the ground when others are in the room.. but some people don't roleplay "nice" characters. You lost your claim to it the moment it was out of your possession.

08-12-2005, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
canjunlady you're wrong about this whole situation. Gear a drift is gear a gift. The thrak says things "may" belong to someone else and he's talking about common courtesy not law. If it's on the ground and someone didn't disarm you or curse it out of your hands then it is fair game. It's not always the right/polite thing to do but snagging something off the ground isn't breaking any laws in game.

You lose in this situation.

Actually, I never thought or meant to convey that I thought it was law. Impolite? Yes. Was I just gonna lie there and watch it happen because he *could* take them? No.

I think this kinda started because it was suggested I should not complain if they were grabbed because they were on the ground. In my view, I didn't complain; I got my boxes back. Where is it written I have to be nice about it? I would have been gentler if I'd realized he was new sooner, though.

Someone mentioned the Thrak and said I should revisit him on the issue. I only meant to point out that it was not exactly encouraged by the Thrak. If I didn't express myself well, then, it is what I meant to convey.

UPDATE: Also saw Belnar this A.M. and he seemed about as normal as a dark elf can be, and had no issues with me. So much for my traumatizing skills *sigh*. We can all aspire to greatness, but few ever can achieve it. I'll be happily lacking. :D Later!

08-12-2005, 10:03 AM
You logged in an empath to heal yourself, you logged in a cleric and started to resurrect yourself, you were in a highly popular area, someone picked up an item on the ground, and you think he's the "little bastard" here? You can't be serious.

I'm sure everyone before me has said the same thing.

08-12-2005, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
God.. thank you for reminding me why I am not playing GS.

"I died, so I had my empath get me and my cleric raise me before I had my rogue disarm my boxes and my warrior bash my boxes and my ..."

I just hope that rogue that stumbled into your "masterbatory roleplaying" was stealing from you as you were giving him advice, because I know that's what I would have been doing.

I have one account. I only borrowed because no one else was available to rescue. I don't use older characters to powerhunt my younger ones, which I think would be the biggest problem. What a saint you were for only having one charatcer you played, I guess? You don't know anything about my gameplay so piss off. :smilegrin:

08-12-2005, 10:13 AM
<<You don't know anything about my gameplay so piss off.>>

We all know you log in empaths/clerics when you die. You just said it.

08-12-2005, 11:05 AM
>>In my view, I didn't complain; <<<

Looks at the name of the folder, yep its the complaint folder. :whistle:

08-12-2005, 11:34 AM
1) You MA'd to deal with a situation. You Sux0r for that.

2) ANYTHING on the ground is fair game, common courtesy may say to let it lie, but who said everyone is courteous? I am rather sick of ALOT of folks thinking that ALL chars should be nicey fucking nice. Fuck that! Evil chars help the game.

3) I do have one char that would take those boxes, and your MA'ing would not of helped you. I have another char that would of disarmed and picked them, and had no one said anything by the time it was done, it would of taken the boxes. I have other chars that would pick them up for you and hold them so one of the afore mentioned things did not happen to you. And I have yet another char that would wait for you to get raised, and then put then disk you, then place your boxes in his/your disk depending on his mood, and yet another that would disk you, and place them in your new disk.

Minus the MA, if that was taken away, it simply would be how each PC rp's. From your dead cleric, to the rogue that was learning who he is and will become.

I guess what I am basixally trying tosay is let PC's be who they are. If they are good, ok, and if they are neutral, ok, and if they are just plain evil, ok. Each of those will get a reaction, what reaction depends on the situation, and the PC they are interacting with.


Anyway, thats my two cents, I realize that it means nothing, but I thought I would throw it out there for folks to do with as they wish.

ALL have a GREAT Day!


08-12-2005, 04:14 PM
All this trouble could've been avoided by doing the smart thing: Depart Confirm!

08-12-2005, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by cajunlady

Originally posted by Parkbandit
God.. thank you for reminding me why I am not playing GS.

"I died, so I had my empath get me and my cleric raise me before I had my rogue disarm my boxes and my warrior bash my boxes and my ..."

I just hope that rogue that stumbled into your "masterbatory roleplaying" was stealing from you as you were giving him advice, because I know that's what I would have been doing.

I have one account. I only borrowed because no one else was available to rescue. I don't use older characters to powerhunt my younger ones, which I think would be the biggest problem. What a saint you were for only having one charatcer you played, I guess? You don't know anything about my gameplay so piss off. :smilegrin:

Unless you altered that log.. I think I can comment on your gameplay in this case.

If you don't like the critique.. don't post logs of yourself.

In other words.. piss off.

08-12-2005, 06:35 PM
I'm holding off on my rant until my energy drink kicks in.


[Edited on 8-12-2005 by Vesi]

08-12-2005, 09:00 PM
The tone of this post will follow the tone that I set in the rest of my posts.

In other words, why the heck did you even post this? Is it an obligation to post every negative interaction that you perceive? Just looking at this log again you can see that the guy was a damn newbie that made a mistake. He had 14 TD and you expect him to be some malicious thief? If that wasn't enough, he said "Jokes don't translate well into this game" or something like that... Wouldn't that hint to you that he was, I don't know, a new player? These boards are starting to turn into everything that's wrong with the game, when people rush here to slam someone like this guy. This is Character Complaints, what you post here everyone is able to read should they want to, so at least take more consideration into what you choose to put up here. This isn't just to you, but to everyone who chooses to post something on this board.

08-12-2005, 09:09 PM
If you read the responses to her post you will see that most the people agree with you on the fact that she was dumb and pretty much ran a newb away from GS. Don't chide us for her stupidity please.

08-12-2005, 09:17 PM
"If you read the responses to her post you will see that most the people agree with you on the fact that she was dumb and pretty much ran a newb away from GS. Don't chide us for her stupidity please."

Maybe you need to re-read what I wrote.

08-12-2005, 09:21 PM
"These boards are starting to turn into everything that's wrong with the game, when people rush here to slam someone like this guy."

"This is Character Complaints, what you post here everyone is able to read should they want to, so at least take more consideration into what you choose to put up here. This isn't just to you, but to everyone who chooses to post something on this board."

When you made the statements These boards and this isn't just you, it makes me think you are chiding us all. How am I suppose to take it?

[Edited on 8-13-2005 by Toxicvixen]

08-12-2005, 09:36 PM
<<I don't recall the Thrak saying either, don't drop your stuff because another adventurer has the right to come along and snatch it up. >>

I just started a new character to reaquaint myself with the game mechanics before my old character is reinstated. I did all the Sprite stuff as well as talking to Thrak. One of the questions on the quiz he issues after putting you to sleep with his rambling is:

"It is never safe to leave items on the ground even for a moment."

The correct answer was of course: true

08-12-2005, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Tisket
<<I don't recall the Thrak saying either, don't drop your stuff because another adventurer has the right to come along and snatch it up. >>

I just started a new character to reaquaint myself with the game mechanics before my old character is reinstated. I did all the Sprite stuff as well as talking to Thrak. One of the questions on the quiz he issues after putting you to sleep with his rambling is:

"It is never safe to leave items on the ground even for a moment."

The correct answer was of course: true

Which is the part of his speech that I was talking about in my first post.

08-12-2005, 10:01 PM
Live and Learn. Obviously I didn't realize it was such taboo to use another account when players who could help you in game weren't available. I didn't have the benefit of all your opinions over the last 14 months to gently guide and nurture me into knowing what is good and bad. I have seen many many situations of people having multiple accounts running, I realize just because it is done doesn't make it right, but I also didn't realize it was a big deal. Until now, with many of you.

I also expected plenty of reaction from the log, and none of it positive because it is what you all generally do. I think I should be allowed to defend myself? Using one or two logs to assume you know my gameplay is not enough to warrant the insult I was given. Saying when I die I bring in an empath/cleric as a blanket statement isn't accurate either, as I stated many times throughout this thread it was a specific circumstance.

When you stop discussing the merit, or lack thereof, of the log and start discussing and/or attacking the person behind the character is when I and I imagine most people start to feel defensive. But also this was expected from reading other threads, and I'd hoped I could stay out of that. I'm not perfect. Post on, I know you have a right to do it. As much as I do.

I also stated that I had later interaction with the newbe and he was just fine.

From this I learned: departing is better than bringing in help in what seems to be most of you posters' opinions; if something is on the ground, it's better to just let it walk off without a word if someone comes to take it because you deserve to have it taken for it being on the ground; assume anyone I don't recognize is new; that most of you who choose to post think I'm an idiot and aren't shy about saying it, and it probably won't matter what I say in the future to change it. I'll save you the trouble of having to spell it out for me and not post any more logs involving myself. Not worth it for me. Yee haw, right? :)

And for the record, I am very kind to new players. Those who know me know it's true, and those who don't and think otherwise, oh well.

I'm done in this thread, so bash away! I won't resist!

[Edited on 8-13-2005 by cajunlady]

08-12-2005, 10:08 PM
I realize just because it is done doesn't make it right, but I also didn't realize it was a big deal. Until now, with many of you.
It's usually not a big deal. Until you start complaining about the way other people play.

I think I should be allowed to defend myself?
You are. Nobody's stopping you except yourself.

As for:

that most of you who choose to post think I'm an idiot and aren't shy about saying it
All I'm going to say about this is that you need to if you're honestly surprised by this, you need to look at who you associate with (http://forum.gsplayers.com/member.php?action=viewpro&member=GSLady17). Sometimes the associations rub off, especially if you come here right after they do posting about how great they are.

08-12-2005, 10:12 PM
Now you're just being sarcastic. No, you shouldn't just walk away if someone takes your boxes on the ground. You RP it out according to your character, and if the other person doesn't feel like RPing it out, then you can do with the situation what you will. Just don't MA other characters who have nothing to do with the situation to do the attacking. You brought in help since none was available, that's fine. You bound with the cleric without saying a word, that's not fine. Point is, don't leave things on the ground, look before you leap, and get over it.

08-13-2005, 02:48 AM
Exactly if people didn't have more then one account GS wouldn't be able to afford to stay up!

But having other characters help is bad. I've learned that.

Having a character that isn't even yours help and make a bad name for them, is worse.

08-13-2005, 03:10 AM
Maybe I'm just affected because Spun held a gun to my head and made me go read the Teeoncy2 thread, but... anyone else here think CajunLady = GSLady 17?

I'm wondering how long a wait occured before the cleric and empath were logged in. People are so impatient now, if no one insta-fogs to them within seconds.

08-13-2005, 03:13 AM
If you had done more research, you would have found the answer to that question.

And it would be Kataleena doing the healing.