View Full Version : Ranger Check !

08-30-2005, 04:06 AM
This is my first ever Ranger and I was just wondering how it looked to all you at there. I have no trouble hunting and all that.. I was just looking for comments on how it looked from some other rangers...

Gender: Male Age: 20 Expr: 593527 Level: 22
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 88 (24) ... 88 (24)
Constitution (CON): 69 (9) ... 63 (6)
Dexterity (DEX): 91 (20) ... 91 (20)
Agility (AGI): 85 (17) ... 85 (17)
Discipline (DIS): 90 (20) ... 90 (20)
Aura (AUR): 89 (19) ... 89 (19)
Logic (LOG): 36 (-2) ... 36 (-2)
Intuition (INT): 88 (24) ... 88 (24)
Wisdom (WIS): 79 (14) ... 79 (14)
Influence (INF): 31 (-9) ... 31 (-9)
Mana: 72 total

Armor Use..........................| 99 23
Shield Use.........................| 99 23
Combat Maneuvers...................| 99 23
Edged Weapons......................| 148 48
Ambush.............................| 99 23
Physical Fitness...................| 99 23
Dodging............................| 99 23
Harness Power......................| 99 23
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 5 1
Survival...........................| 99 23
Stalking and Hiding................| 146 46
Perception.........................| 99 23
Climbing...........................| 54 11

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 3

Spell Lists
Ranger.............................| 21

Thats it .. Please let me know what yah think...

08-30-2005, 04:25 AM
That's pretty cookie-cutter. For a base Ranger, that seems great, but honestly I would ask myself what skills make my character who he/she is. Once you figure out your character's RP in a skills sense, you'll have goals to set in the future to adjust your skills.

In my case, I found Stunseed being less of a hider, and more of a melee fighter. So hiding/stalk went to 1x, and I bumped my armor to 70 ranks, and picked up MoC to augment his fighting style.

It's really hard to screw a ranger's training, so have fun with it.

08-30-2005, 04:31 AM
I was honestly thinking of making that exact change.. I find myself hiding less and less... maybe just using it for that leg shot to get them down...... I was thinking of maybe switching my ambush and hide around.. i can live with 1x hide with all our neat spells.. and if it comes down too it we have that great ol 608!!! Rangers i feel are the all powerfull ones and much overlooked .. Some day we will save the world.... Or grow some great herbs.. one or the other.. or both is the same.. thanks for your post Stunseed !!!

08-30-2005, 05:33 AM
At that age you don't really *need* to hide or have great combat skills like Stunseed does, I wouldn't drop hiding just because you aren't using it at the moment, ambush is one of those skills that only gets more effective. If your character is more of an open fighter because of his style that makes sense, go ahead and drop the hiding, but I wouldn't do it for a mechanical reason until at least the mid 30s. Most rangers are hiders for good reason.

08-30-2005, 05:55 AM
< Most rangers are hiders for good reason. >

Not my problem they can't take a hit. :D

08-30-2005, 06:13 AM
Not our problem you got hit on the head enough that you think you have a good training plan ;)

Like you said, it's hard to screw up a ranger, I know a few other open combat rangers other than Stunseed and they do just fine. I just don't think you should give up hiding and ambush until you've got to a level where it's useful.

08-30-2005, 06:41 AM
I wanst thinking of major changes now anyways.. i am starting my planning for the next fixskill ... lol it is a ways away.. I do a lot more ambushing from the open the i do hiding. but i like the idea of hiding with ease.. i will see where i am when we cross the next fixskill bridge.. i dont hide because i cant take a hit.. i have good defense with my CoL signs.. I hide more because i like to play up the fact that i feel us Rangers are cousins to Rogues. Its for that reason as well that I will pick boxes at some stage of my life as well.... Thanks again to everyone who posted...