View Full Version : What goes around, comes around
08-08-2005, 08:50 PM
Deron and Entress were the best of friends for the longest. They had a HUGE falling out. But before that happened, Entress agreed to have a sword enchanted for him. Since the enchant took four weeks, and we fell out in the middle, he haggled the enchanter to not charge him ANYTHING for the enchantment. Which was all Entress's money to begin with. Entress put the deposit down, and gave Deron the final payment to give to the enchanter at pickup.
The enchanter contacted me because it was done, and she couldn't reach Deron. She told me that he convinced her to pay nothing. So, he was going to pick up the sword, and pocket my 100k. Didn't sound fair to Entress. So here was their meeting.
You wave to the people seated at the Elusive Eel Table, hoping they will invite you to sit with them.
Deron waves at you and invites you to come sit at his table.
You head over to the Elusive Eel Table.
[Elusive Eel Table]
The cloth covering this table is sleek, almost slimy, and drapes over the edges in an unpredictable pattern. A single candle in the center casts eerie shadows on the walls of the booth.
Also here: Deron (sitting)
Obvious exits: out
Deron put a sapphire blue longsword in his cloak.
You put a vultite wall shield in your black leather back-sheaths.
You put an acid-pitted blood red falchion in your black leather back-sheaths.
You open your leather longcloak with a flourish, tossing its ends back over your shoulders with abandon.
In the leather longcloak you see an imflass longsword, a vultite skull-pommelled badelaire, a white flask, some acantha leaf, a blackjack, a broadsword, a gold ring, a gold ring, a short sword, some acantha leaf, some delicate ivory white pants, a gold ring, a broadsword and a crystal amulet.
You remove an imflass longsword from in your leather longcloak.
You softly ask, "My silver?"
You offer your imflass longsword to Deron for 50000 silvers. He has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL the offer.
Deron says, "Talking to her."
Deron says, "One moment."
Deron says, "She should've refunded you 50k for being so late."
Your offer to Deron has expired.
Deron says, "Think of it as you've paid me 100k."
Deron says, "For the blade."
Deron says, "And I issued the project."
Deron says, "Since you didn't accept the 50k from her, you forfeited MY 50k."
Speaking softly to Deron, you say, "It wasn't your decision how much I paid to have it done."
Deron says, "You paid 100k."
Deron says, "So your part of the deal is done."
You softly say, "Then I keep the blade."
You shrug.
Deron says, "I was able to haggle with her ."
You are now in a defensive stance.
Speaking to you, Deron says, "Don't piss me off."
Speaking softly to Deron, you say, "You have no right to barter with my silver."
Deron says, "It's not your silver."
Deron says, "It was mine."
Deron says, "You got my falchion."
You softly say, "Give me my 50k, you get your blade."
You softly say, "Otherwise, no deal."
Deron says, "Fuck it give me my falchion back."
You put an imflass longsword in your leather longcloak.
Deron says, "And 15k for the longsword."
You close your leather longcloak with a flourish, causing its hem to swirl about your ankles.
You softly say, "You forfeit the blade."
You nod.
Deron says, "You forfeit your ass bitch."
He gave me the falchion as a gift. I didn't want it as a gift, so I offered to get his sword enchanted for him. He was not the one who set a price on how much I would have to pay for the enchantment. And quite frankly, after I got this enchanter, someone told me they would have done it for free.
08-08-2005, 08:59 PM
As the aforementioned enchanter, this "gentleman" was a pain in the butt the whole way through. Temper times are up, illness and OT caused it to take a few days longer than it should have and he was a right royal pain in the butt and he demanded a discount because it was taking a month to go from imflass to 4x. So, I offered a full refund of the deposit. 100K is first of all, quite cheap for the enchanting process. Then he got rude when I gave the project back to the person that hired me. Guess who made my entire families list of "do not help"?
08-08-2005, 09:07 PM
I'll give you 100k Ent. I'll kill him for hire as well. Say 10k?
08-08-2005, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I'll give you 100k Ent. I'll kill him for hire as well. Say 10k?
You made me snort my wine. That cheap, eh?
And do I have to forfeit my ass too?
Wait, that sounded bad.
08-08-2005, 09:19 PM
Your soul will be sufficient enough. Seriously if you need 4x stuff, shoot me a U2U. I have lockers full of stuff I never use.
08-08-2005, 09:37 PM
Ha ha, all that over 100k?
That's not even an hour of hunting for a lot of people.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-08-2005, 10:03 PM
heh, no kidding. I have probably 10 lockers completely full of 3x, 4x and 5x crap. The guy below is my brawler and "not shield" guy... and I've only sorted about half my stuff.
I'm no Ardwen, but I got tons of small time shit!
On a weapon rack:
a gornar banded troll hide cestus
a silvery woven ora sap
a vultite studded claw
a long rhimar tipped jackblade
a grey leather paingrip
a stained vultite hook-knife
a gornar-edged black imflass tiger-claw
a pocked small bladed tiger-claw
a serrated black vultite tiger-claw
a glaes-taloned fiery crimson razorpaw
a faenor bladed black velvet razorpaw
a viciously barbed steel knuckle-blade
a steel-bladed invar knuckle-blade
an elongated mithglin troll-claw
a gleaming imflass troll-claw
an invar braced heavy vaalorn troll-claw
a scintillating dual bladed troll-claw
a small glaes-bladed yierka-spur
a viciously spiked vultite yierka-spur
a viciously serrated glaes yierka-spur
a viciously serrated glaes yierka-spur
a long bladed zorchar katar
a krol-skulled vultite katar
a skull-inset vultite katar
a triple-bladed black vultite katar
an iron-handled vultite katar
a fel-handled vultite fist-scythe
a razor sharp ora bladed fist-scythe
On an armor stand:
a mirror-bright silver vultite targe
a gold-spiked red mithril targe
an iron-studded vultite aegis
a matte-black mithglin aegis
a scorched mithril-scaled heater
an embossed ice-blue glaes buckler
a battle-worn dark vultite buckler
a gold-banded rolaren buckler
a miniature vultite buckler
a sigil-incised vultite war buckler
a gold-banded rolaren buckler
an icy-blue rhimar plated buckler
a skull-shaped black vultite buckler
an iron-banded white mithril buckler
an opalescent blue imflass buckler
an iron-banded silver ora buckler
an iron-banded grey imflass buckler
an iron-banded black glaes buckler
an ironshod mithril buckler
a tanned leather-covered buckler
a kelyn-banded black imflass buckler
a silver banded etched vultite buckler
a spiked blood red mithglin buckler
a skull-shaped black vultite buckler
08-08-2005, 10:28 PM
You got a shield with a harness on I can buy Tayvin?
Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-08-2005, 10:29 PM
any of these harnessed?
an ora shield
an engraved golden round shield
a crimson-edged silvery imflass shield
an imflass shield
a moldering blue mithglin shield
an ivory-hued solid bone shield
a weatherbeaten crimson vaalorn shield
a dragon-etched vultite kite shield
a tall hammered silver shield
an enamelled celestial blue greatshield
a black titanium shield
a black titanium shield
a spiked ora kite shield
a thick silvery invar shield
an invar-edged ebony round shield
a dual-bladed invar parrying shield
a razern-edged vultite tower shield
a dwarven steel defender shield
a dwarven rolaren battle shield
a golvern-bound black vultite shield
a razern-spiked dwarven tower shield
a mangled shield
a dual-bladed invar parrying shield
08-08-2005, 10:30 PM
I have no fucking idea, heh. Like you said, I'm no Ardwen: I don't keep meticulous lists.
At least it didnt resort to one of the parties calling your cell phone and house to harass you and your family until said item(s) were returned...........
I'd say you hardly had any issue at all compared to other stories I've heard.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-08-2005, 10:39 PM
well, one is harnessed, but it's 0x -- I think some of the bucklers are harnessed. Does it have to be a shield? I think I gave away or altered most the harnessed shields I had.
08-08-2005, 10:40 PM
Whatever you have will be fine with me dude.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-08-2005, 10:50 PM
12lb glaes buckler or a 0x dwarven steel shield, which ya want?
08-08-2005, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Ganalon
At least it didnt resort to one of the parties calling your cell phone and house to harass you and your family until said item(s) were returned...........
I'd say you hardly had any issue at all compared to other stories I've heard.
Yeah, but if they have your number to begin with...kind of your fault.
I doubt she gave them the opportunity to call her and bug her.
08-08-2005, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Ha ha, all that over 100k?
That's not even an hour of hunting for a lot of people.
The money I would have laughed at, but him being an ass like that, I would have probably kept the weapon too.
Originally posted by GSLady17
Originally posted by Ganalon
At least it didnt resort to one of the parties calling your cell phone and house to harass you and your family until said item(s) were returned...........
I'd say you hardly had any issue at all compared to other stories I've heard.
Yeah, but if they have your number to begin with...kind of your fault.
I doubt she gave them the opportunity to call her and bug her.
Very true.
Dwarven Empath
08-09-2005, 05:47 AM
there's a 5x dwarven shield, that holds a wep in Medi's shop
a dwarven steel defender shield
08-09-2005, 08:10 AM
What amazes me is how OOC he has gotten about the whole thing. When Ent and Deron had the huge falling out, he resorted to OOC slandering. He wouldn't keep it IC.
He attempted to do so again this morning on the boards.
He kept calling the enchanter a bitch over IMs last night. Sure, I was annoyed that the enchanting was taking so long. But I didn't resort to throwing insults at her.
So lets see. Deron paid 15k for the imflass sword. He pocketed the 50k that was to go to the enchanter. He's ahead 35k. He can now start the process over with getting a sword enchanted to 4x. Have fun. :)
Nope, he doesn't have my number. And besides, I'm surprised to hear someone would resort to calling a player because they were upset with what happened in game (to harrass them). But I wouldn't have put it past him if I had given him my number.
Oh, and goodness people. Ent doesn't make that kind of silver on a hunt. She needs to hook up with a wealthy guy ;)
08-09-2005, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Nobody Cares
What amazes me is how OOC he has gotten about the whole thing. When Ent and Deron had the huge falling out, he resorted to OOC slandering. He wouldn't keep it IC.
He attempted to do so again this morning on the boards.
He kept calling the enchanter a bitch over IMs last night. Sure, I was annoyed that the enchanting was taking so long. But I didn't resort to throwing insults at her.
So lets see. Deron paid 15k for the imflass sword. He pocketed the 50k that was to go to the enchanter. He's ahead 35k. He can now start the process over with getting a sword enchanted to 4x. Have fun. :)
Nope, he doesn't have my number. And besides, I'm surprised to hear someone would resort to calling a player because they were upset with what happened in game (to harrass them). But I wouldn't have put it past him if I had given him my number.
Oh, and goodness people. Ent doesn't make that kind of silver on a hunt. She needs to hook up with a wealthy guy ;)
You know this wasn't about the sword or the coin.
And after I served your ass last week in a fair duel in which you still cheated, I let the matter drop.
But you just had to regurgitate it all. And here no less by posing as the innocent.
[Edited on 8-10-2005 by revelation]
[Edited on 10-8-05 by Miss X]
Miss X
08-09-2005, 10:41 PM
Enough with the personal insults please.
08-09-2005, 10:59 PM
Why, when I hit edit, it makes a whole new post?
Miss X
08-09-2005, 11:01 PM
Okay, I am going to get rid of the off topic posts now, please do not add to them following this post.
For those of you who have had posts removed, there were simply too many so consider this your notification. Any issues, feel free to U2U me.
[Edited on 10-8-05 by Miss X]
08-09-2005, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
Enough with the personal insults please.
I'm simply getting to the heart of why the heifer bitch is diluting the story to slander my name, and hiding behind her support group.
Deron doesn't get entangled in any IG stupidity. And he certainly doesn't bitch about it here.
Ent can't deal with me by herself so she has to recruit everyone to attack me.
For her to bring it here is OOC to me, because I don't know anyone here nor does anyone here know me or has ever interacted with Deron.
[Edited on 8-10-2005 by revelation]
Miss X
08-09-2005, 11:08 PM
Okay, I am not here to argue with you. Im telling you to cut it out and stick to the topic, so do so.
08-10-2005, 01:31 AM
Wow. Way to come off like an adult with the very witty language.
So...who's the schizo?
08-10-2005, 05:50 AM
Wow, the things I miss when I go to bed.
I'd love to hear about the posts that were deleted, if someone wants to take the time to u2u about it. I'll be around all day while at work :)
Originally posted by revelation
Deron doesn't get entangled in any IG stupidity. And he certainly doesn't bitch about it here.
Ent can't deal with me by herself so she has to recruit everyone to attack me.
For her to bring it here is OOC to me, because I don't know anyone here nor does anyone here know me or has ever interacted with Deron.
What are you doing here now? Let me help (bitching about it here). I never once attacked the player behind Deron here on these boards. Oh gee, I kept it IG. Something you obviously are having difficulty doing.
Me? Recruit people? I'm known around here, but I'm not best of friends with people. They say what they like. They're not my puppet, schmuck. You've been around the boards for a while, you should know this.
And the comment about no one knowing Deron around here? Straight out lie. There's at least a few who post here who are/were friends with Deron.
Oh, one more thing.
[Edited on 8-10-2005 by Nobody Cares]
Miss X
08-10-2005, 06:44 AM
Okay, this is the second and last time I will ask you to cut out the personal insults. You can U2U each other if you feel the urge, but this will not carry on here. Thank you.
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