View Full Version : KILLING!

08-06-2005, 06:15 AM
Ok, So I don't log...but this is what I have. It's long but easy reading, I tried to get some noisy stuff out.

So it began when everyone in the dais was going nutts and killing everyone and kat was fire balling the lords and ladies who were laughing at her as she giggled and said how strong she was.

Then someone told me to fire ball so and so, so thinking like everyone else, it wouldn't even hit hard enough to show how hard I was hitting. (even when they put that spell on me to attack really hard for one cast I couldn't hit them but they thought it was hilarious)

Well I end up killing the guy, I hide fast (by luck, she has none in hiding) say I'm sorry really really sorry, and offer him 5 diamonds and spells when he gets up. He freaks out...

Everyone is laughing and such Kat comes out gives Viol her flowers crying and saying don't let them take them!

Ended up being a 20k fine since she's never killed anyone. I get out he still won't take gems and says he will kill me. I tell him I deserve it ask if he wants me to go outside of town so he does not get a fine. He leaves.

Then older character comes in, kills me, everyones pissed and boom attacks him, he logs, lil guy comes in, I am bad....
he logs
big one comes in drags me out and kills me.

HA! look at my DS! -3 hehe. I thought that was hilarious.

Well from what everyone was telling me, there was a GH undercover there. So after big boy kills me again, lil guy logs in and zap! he is pulled. Then comes back and starts it up again.

Gods are talking to everyone...all hell is breaking out. It's funny. So kata deals with it in her own way...but that's in her log.

Also here: Great Lord Gilheal who is kneeling, Azzreala, a stunned Crazyfeather, Boomsplat, Dessedemona, Zadya, Lord Yngvar, Veiss who is sitting, Selah who is sitting, Violenttmoon, Aprildawn, Suprie who is sitting
Obvious paths: out
Dessedemona says, "Boom let those damned free range whoidiots acsess."

******Ok, after he killed me first time, everyone attacked. Not sure what happened.********

Crazyfeather gasps and struggles to no avail.
Crazyfeather just left.
Violenttmoon laughs!
Boomsplat bursts out in loud, raucous laughter.

You say, "Hmmm I wanted to decay...."
Violenttmoon grins at Boomsplat.
Boomsplat put a long gleaming wire in his headsman's pouch.

Azzreala closes her eyes for a moment.

You exclaim, "But we get clerics learning!"
Gilheal says, "Geesh."
Violenttmoon says, "Wow he is a coward."
Boomsplat nods to Violenttmoon.
Azzreala quietly says, "I cant do this."
Boomsplat stupidly says, "Much'ums."
Zadya quietly asks, "Did I take a wrong turn and ended back up in Landing?"
Violenttmoon chuckles.
Gilheal nods to Zadya.
Violenttmoon gives Veiss a lingering kiss.

Violenttmoon says, "We get ya up kat."

Delerium just arrived.
You say, "Its ok if he kill me."

Delerium grins.
Veiss says, "Maybe ill accidently hit him with a fireball."
Veiss leans on you.
DEAD>'I didnt mean to kill his little one, offered 5 diamonds to repay him

Gilheal grins at Delerium.

Veiss whistles tunelessly to himself.
Boomsplat stupidly says, "Nae'ums him...his ODER self."

Boomsplat grumbles.

You sigh softly, your ghostly voice a mere breath on the wind.

Boomsplat stupidly says, "Much'ums child."
Skuln just arrived.
Veiss nods to Boomsplat.
Delerium ponders.
Dessedemona says, "Boom forgot to shut the darned gate zads we have a herd of free range who idiots in town."
Boomsplat laughs at Skuln!
Violenttmoon traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...

You say, "Aye child, his little one."
Violenttmoon gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.

to Delerium.

Sharmane gestures at you.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Sharmane encompassing you. You sense the comfort of salvation, and you hear something peculiar, but the sound is too faint to be identified.
Skuln whispers, "Enjoy dieing?"

Dessedemona pokes Boomsplat in the ribs.

You say, "Yes skuln I enjoyed dying thank you."

You say, "But you could have have killed me."
Dessedemona says, "Shut those damned gates ."

Skuln whispers, "Next time you wont attack me."

You say, "An empath with no enchant armor."
Sharmane gestures at you.
Sharmane suddenly looks very drained.

You feel a sudden jolt of nothing short of the raw power of divine intervention. For some reason, you cannot bring yourself to move quite yet, but feel relieved nonetheless.
You feel the preservation on your spirit fade.

Boomsplat stupidly says, "'e coward, wit'ums nae honor."

Boomsplat nods.
Skuln bows to you.
You say, "I didnt mean to attack you."

You sit up.

Veiss nods to Boomsplat.

sR>prep 224
That is not something you can prepare.
Violenttmoon says, "What an idiot."
Skuln calmly says, "Good then learn."

Veiss says, "Little boys."
s>tap sk
You lightly tap Skuln on the shoulder.
Veiss gazes up into the heavens.
s>spell all
Minor Spiritual:
Number Name
101 Spirit Warding I
102 Spirit Barrier
103 Spirit Defense
104 Disease Resistance
105 Poison Resistance
106 Spirit Fog
107 Spirit Warding II
108 Stun Relief
109 Dispel Invisibility
110 Unbalance
111 Fire Spirit
112 Water Walking
113 UnDisease
114 UnPoison
115 Fasthr's Reward
116 Locate Person
117 Spirit Strike
118 Web
119 Spirit Dispel
120 Lesser Shroud
125 Call Lightning
130 Spirit Guide
Major Spiritual:
Number Name
201 Calm
202 Spirit Shield
203 Manna
204 Unpresence
205 Light
206 Darkness
207 Purify Air
208 Living Spell
209 Untrammel
210 Silence
211 Bravery
212 Interference
213 Minor Sanctuary
214 Bind
215 Heroism
216 Frenzy
217 Mass Interference
218 Spirit Servant
219 Spell Shield
220 Major Sanctuary
225 Transference
Empath Base:
Number Name
1101 Heal
1102 Limb Repair
1103 System Repair
1104 Head Repair
1105 Organ Repair
1106 Bone Shatter
1107 Adrenal Surge
1108 Empathy
1109 Empathic Focus
1110 Empathic Assault
1111 Limb Scar Repair
1112 System Scar Repair
1113 Head Scar Repair
1114 Organ Scar Repair
1116 Cry For Help
1117 Empathic Link
1118 Herb Production
1119 Strength Of Will
Violenttmoon says, "A true idiot."
s>prep 214

Skuln peers quizzically at you.

You ask, "Can I ask you something?"
Dessedemona says, "Boom."
Boomsplat peers quizzically at Dessedemona.

s>prep 214
You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell...
Your spell is ready.
s>cast skul
You gesture at Skuln.
CS: +165 - TD: +41 + CvA: +19 + d100: +96 - -5 == +244
Warding failed!
Skuln suddenly stops all movement.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You say, "Thank you."
Boomsplat starts chuckling at you!

You struggle, but fail to stand.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
sR>prep 1107
...wait 1 seconds.
You feel your energy level return to normal.
Boomsplat pulls you to your feet.
prep 1107

You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Adrenal Surge...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Nothing seems to happen.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Gilheal gives Delerium a friendly hug.

Violenttmoon says, "I sancted."

Veiss whispers, "He touches you again hes going down hard."

[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
The platform is sitting at a distinctly downward angle facing due northward, its deepest edge firmly planted into the center of Shimmarglin Court's cobblestones. The plants all bow in curious angles. The canopy's fabric lays in crumbled heaps. You also see an errant shadow, a badly damaged modwir box, a badly damaged mithril coffer, the Veiss disk, an enruned gold coffer, a copper lockpick, some ambrominas leaf, a scratched tanik coffer, a black hawk, some ephlox moss, some pothinir grass, a rose-marrow potion, some aloeas stem, some basal moss, some torban leaf, some ephlox moss and a glaesine arch.
Also here: Azzreala, Lady Sharmane who is kneeling, Skuln, Delerium, Great Lord Gilheal who is kneeling, Boomsplat, Dessedemona, Lord Yngvar, Veiss who is sitting, Selah who is sitting, Violenttmoon
Obvious paths: out
Delerium just went out.

Violenttmoon says, "So sharmane isn't punished."
You hug Veiss.
Veiss leans softly against you.
You quietly whisper to Veiss, "I told him I give him diamonds."

>tap sk
You lightly tap Skuln on the shoulder.

You remove a dragon's-tear diamond from in your golden silk robe.
Dessedemona says, "What are you gonna do about the free range idiots you let in by forgettin to close the darned gate."

You drop a dragon's-tear diamond.

Veiss whispers, "Just an ass."
Dessedemona says, "Tap foot."
Dessedemona says, "Hmm."

You remove an uncut diamond from in your golden silk robe.
Boomsplat grins at Dessedemona.

You drop an uncut diamond.
>recite diamonds are for the one I killed

You recite:

"Diamonds are for the one I killed"

You say, "Replace your deeds."

You say, "It was an accident like I said a million times."

You sigh.

You say, "I never kill anyone."

You say, "I just an empath."
Violenttmoon says, "Wow azzreala you hang with people like that."

You say, "Not powerful one like violenttmoon."

You gaze in awe at Violenttmoon.

Boomsplat grins at you.
You give Boomsplat a lick!
The deep blue glow leaves Sharmane.
Azzreala quietly says, "He isnt always like that."
Boomsplat winks at you.
Azzreala sighs.

Violenttmoon says, "I knew i didn't like him from day one."

You quietly whisper to Boomsplat, "I cant believe he logged."
Violenttmoon rubs Azzreala gently.

Boomsplat stupidly says, "Much'ums idjit."
Boomsplat nods.

[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
The platform is sitting at a distinctly downward angle facing due northward, its deepest edge firmly planted into the center of Shimmarglin Court's cobblestones. The plants all bow in curious angles. The canopy's fabric lays in crumbled heaps. You also see an uncut diamond, a dragon's-tear diamond, an errant shadow, a badly damaged modwir box, a badly damaged mithril coffer, the Veiss disk, an enruned gold coffer, a copper lockpick, some ambrominas leaf, a scratched tanik coffer, a black hawk, some ephlox moss, some pothinir grass, a rose-marrow potion, some aloeas stem, some basal moss, some torban leaf, some ephlox moss and a glaesine arch.
Also here: Azzreala, Lady Sharmane who is kneeling, Skuln, Great Lord Gilheal who is kneeling, Boomsplat, Dessedemona, Lord Yngvar, Veiss who is sitting, Selah who is sitting, Violenttmoon
Obvious paths: out

>tap sk
You lightly tap Skuln on the shoulder.

Skuln calmly says, "Join my loce."

You say, "Diamonds on ground are yours."

You nod to Skuln.

Veiss says, "Touches her again, theres going to be bits flying."

Boomsplat nods to Veiss.

You say, "You can use diamonds for deeds."
You beam happily at Skuln!
Gilheal gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Gilheal gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Gilheal.
Gilheal gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Gilheal gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Gilheal.
Skuln begins to move again.
Skuln's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
Gilheal gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Gilheal gestures.
Gilheal suddenly looks more powerful.
Gilheal traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Gilheal gestures.
A dim aura surrounds Gilheal.
Selah squints.
You say, "Its sanctioned."
Boomsplat chuckles.
>'cant kill me
You say, "Cant kill me."
Gilheal traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Gilheal gestures.
Gilheal stands tall and appears more confident.
>rub sk
You rub Skuln.
Gilheal traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Gilheal gestures.
A brilliant aura surrounds Gilheal.
Boomsplat sticks his tongue out at Skuln, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!
Gilheal traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Gilheal gestures.
An opalescent aura surrounds Gilheal.
* Eradinn has disconnected.
>point dia
Dessedemona pokes Skuln in the ribs.
You point at an uncut diamond.
Boomsplat folds his arms over his chest.
Veiss makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Veiss gestures at you.
>'diamonds though
Gilheal murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Gilheal gestures.
Gilheal's eyes narrow in concentration.
You say, "Diamonds though."
Skuln just left.
Sharmane just left.
* Sharmane has disconnected.
Gilheal murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Gilheal gestures.
An aura of resolve suddenly fills Gilheal's expression.
Veiss makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Veiss gestures at you.
A silvery luminescence surrounds you.
[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
The platform is sitting at a distinctly downward angle facing due northward, its deepest edge firmly planted into the center of Shimmarglin Court's cobblestones. The plants all bow in curious angles. The canopy's fabric lays in crumbled heaps. You also see a scratched wooden box, a simple maoral box, a weathered maoral trunk, a battered steel trunk, an uncut diamond, a dragon's-tear diamond, an errant shadow, a badly damaged modwir box, a badly damaged mithril coffer, the Veiss disk, an enruned gold coffer, a copper lockpick, some ambrominas leaf, a scratched tanik coffer, a black hawk, some ephlox moss, some pothinir grass, a rose-marrow potion, some aloeas stem, some basal moss, some torban leaf, some ephlox moss and a glaesine arch.
Also here: Demondrae, Aprildawn, Azzreala, Great Lord Gilheal who is kneeling, Boomsplat, Dessedemona, Lord Yngvar, Veiss who is sitting, Selah who is sitting, Violenttmoon
Obvious paths: out
Dessedemona says, "Enough silly."
Boomsplat stupidly says, "Wat'ums fool."
Violenttmoon just went out.
Veiss makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>'aww he upset
Veiss gestures at you.
A silvery luminescence surrounds you.
Gilheal murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Gilheal gestures.
Gilheal gets an intense expression on his face.
You say, "Aww he upset."
Boomsplat rolls his eyes.
You pout.
>get dia
You pick up an uncut diamond.
Gilheal nods to Boomsplat.
Veiss makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Veiss gestures at you.
A bright luminescence surrounds you.
Boomsplat grins at you.
Veiss makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Veiss gestures at you.
A bright luminescence surrounds you.
You say, "But now I still have diamond collection."
>raise dia
You raise your uncut diamond skyward!
Veiss makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Veiss gestures at you.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds you.
>put dia in robe
You put an uncut diamond in your golden silk robe.
>get dia
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Snowie.
You pick up a dragon's-tear diamond.
Veiss makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Veiss gestures at you.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds you.
Aprildawn says, "He made an enemy with me tonight."
>raise dia
You raise your dragon's-tear diamond skyward!
Snowie just went out.
Veiss says, "Hes going to be more upset when he's little bits."
Veiss gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Veiss gestures at you.
A light blue glow surrounds you.
A bereaved woodland spirit hurriedly flits out of sight.
Dessedemona says, "Greedy puff."
Boomsplat stupidly says, "Boom too."
Boomsplat nods to Aprildawn.
>put dia in robe
Dessedemona snickers.
Selah softly asks, "Now... if Crazyfeather returns will an enraged Boomsplat return to the frey as well?"
You put a dragon's-tear diamond in your golden silk robe.
Veiss gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Veiss gestures at you.
A light blue glow surrounds you.
Crazyfeather just arrived.
Demondrae leans softly against Dessedemona.
Veiss gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Veiss gestures at you.
A light blue glow surrounds you.
Boomsplat laughs at Crazyfeather!
You see a blur out of the corner of your eye, and Seluus's group suddenly appears.
Veiss grins at Seluus.
Veiss gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>hug vei
You hug Veiss.
Boomsplat stupidly exclaims, "Coward!"
Seluus doubles over and turns a purplish color as he clasps both hands over his mouth, gripping tightly!
Dessedemona smooches Demondrae on the cheek.
>'thank you
You say, "Thank you."
Katara recites a series of mystical phrases while raising her hands...
Boomsplat laughs!
Dessedemona says, "Monkies."
Katara gestures at Seluus.
Seluus begins moving faster than you thought possible.
[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
The platform is sitting at a distinctly downward angle facing due northward, its deepest edge firmly planted into the center of Shimmarglin Court's cobblestones. The plants all bow in curious angles. The canopy's fabric lays in crumbled heaps. You also see the Angeliqe disk, the Seluus disk, the orange Katara disk, a scratched wooden box, a simple maoral box, a weathered maoral trunk, a battered steel trunk, an errant shadow, a badly damaged modwir box, a badly damaged mithril coffer, the Veiss disk, an enruned gold coffer, a copper lockpick, some ambrominas leaf, a scratched tanik coffer, a black hawk, some ephlox moss, some pothinir grass, a rose-marrow potion, some aloeas stem, some basal moss, some torban leaf, some ephlox moss and a glaesine arch.
Also here: Seluus who is kneeling, High Lady Katara, High Lady Angeliqe, Crazyfeather, Demondrae, Aprildawn, Azzreala, Great Lord Gilheal who is kneeling, Boomsplat, Dessedemona, Lord Yngvar, Veiss who is sitting, Selah who is sitting
Obvious paths: out
Dessedemona gives Demondrae a warm buss on the lips.
Aprildawn says, "Wow."
Veiss gestures at you.
A light blue glow surrounds you.
Crazyfeather is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Crazyfeather grabs you and drags you out.
You are already standing.
Crazyfeather swings an elegant vultite flamberge at you!
AS: +269 vs DS: +82 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +16 = +245
... and hits for 142 points of damage!
Terrible slash to your side!
Entrails spill out, onto the ground!
Death can be SO messy.
The light blue glow leaves you.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You realize that you have no outstanding favors which Lorminstra owes you, and without having accomplished a deed for Her, your soul is in danger of vanishing from the land forever!

...departing in 14 mins...

A nearby goodwife screams, "Murder!".

Dessedemona just arrived.
* Kataleena just bit the dust!
Crazyfeather just left.

With great effort you give a keening cry, your spectral tears falling to the ground.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Boomsplat just arrived.

The horned frog hops off.
You say, "That was mean."

Dessedemona just went to a grounded dais, dragging you with her.
[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
The platform is sitting at a distinctly downward angle facing due northward, its deepest edge firmly planted into the center of Shimmarglin Court's cobblestones. The plants all bow in curious angles. The canopy's fabric lays in crumbled heaps. You also see the Angeliqe disk, the Seluus disk, the orange Katara disk, a scratched wooden box, a simple maoral box, a weathered maoral trunk, a battered steel trunk, an errant shadow, a badly damaged modwir box, a badly damaged mithril coffer, the Veiss disk, an enruned gold coffer, a copper lockpick, some ambrominas leaf, a scratched tanik coffer, a black hawk, some ephlox moss, some pothinir grass, a rose-marrow potion, some aloeas stem, some basal moss, some torban leaf, some ephlox moss and a glaesine arch.
Also here: Dessedemona, Seluus who is kneeling, High Lady Katara, High Lady Angeliqe, Azzreala, Great Lord Gilheal who is kneeling, Lord Yngvar, Veiss who is sitting, Selah who is sitting
Obvious paths: out
Skuln just arrived.

Dessedemona says, "That was wrong."
The voice of Aprildawn says, "Wow what a loser."
Seluus gibbers incoherently.
Yngvar babbles something unintelligible.
Skuln coughs.
Aprildawn suddenly fades into view.
Yngvar grins.

You say, "Skuln...."
Veiss whispers, "Who killed you?"
Selah waves.
Boomsplat just arrived.
Skuln just disappeared..
Yngvar waves to Selah.
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Snowie.
The sense of peace and security passes away from the area.
Yngvar gives Selah a friendly hug.
Aprildawn says, "Nice."
Dessedemona says, "Skuln really drunk is no excuse."
DEAD>'haha gods took him
You say, "Haha gods took him."
Snowie just went out.
Aprildawn says, "Gods took him."
Aprildawn says, "Woohoo."
Gilheal traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Gilheal gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
Boomsplat nods.
Yngvar just left.
Boomsplat flashes a wide grin.
Angeliqe whispers, "Need a healer or have one?"
DEAD>'told you it his other
You say, "Told you it his other."
Seluus returns to normal speed.
Aprildawn exclaims, "Woohoo!"
Violenttmoon just arrived.
DEAD>whisper ang aye I take um back though
You quietly whisper to Angeliqe, "Aye I take um back though ."
Violenttmoon murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Violenttmoon concentrates.
Violenttmoon looks a little better.
Angeliqe grins.
You say, "One leave lands...other come...den he leave...den other."
DEAD>'bad cycle
You say, "Bad cycle."
Violenttmoon says, "Im so glad the gods took him."
Violenttmoon roars!
Angeliqe whispers, "Need a cleric or have one of those?"
Angeliqe grins.
Violenttmoon murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Violenttmoon gestures.
Violenttmoon's back looks better.
Berrasi just arrived.
Berrasi just went out.
DEAD>'please I love a cleric
Violenttmoon murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
You say, "Please I love a cleric."
Violenttmoon gestures.
Violenttmoon's back looks better.

You exclaim, "I love all clerics!"
DEAD>Violenttmoon murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Violenttmoon gestures.
Violenttmoon's abdomen looks better.
Seluus smiles at you.
The mirror images surrounding Dessedemona undulate and grow stronger.
Dessedemona renews her songs.
You exclaim, "When I alive we a good team, when I dead...they good for me!"
The black hawk cocks its head intelligently.
Boomsplat whispers, "Gms got him."
Seluus gestures at you.
A gigantic burst of magic explodes over the head of Seluus. He reels from the backwash of pure spiritual energy!
Selah softly says, "Splat."
Angeliqe gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Veiss gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
DEAD>whisper boom aye I knew he was same character
Veiss gestures at Seluus.
The glazed look leaves Seluus.
You quietly whisper to Boomsplat, "Aye I knew he was same character."
Angeliqe gestures at Seluus.
Nothing happens.
Aprildawn just arrived.
Boomsplat rubs you.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Angeliqe.
DEAD>'I dunnos who have me
You say, "I dunnos who have me."
You giggle eerily.
Violenttmoon says, "Take about a loser."
Seluus says, "Weather has taken me pretty badly."
The black hawk looks around quickly.
Seluus says, "Sorry about that."
Azzreala takes a deep breath.
Angeliqe rubs Seluus gently.
You ask, "You guys wanna know something funny?"
Seluus grins.
You giggle eerily.
Violenttmoon murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Boomsplat nods to you.
Seluus raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Boomsplat grins stupidly.
You say, "The guards charge me for healing me."
Seluus gestures at you.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Seluus encompassing you. You sense the comfort of salvation, and an image flashes before you, but it is gone before it can be recognized.
Violenttmoon chuckles.
DEAD>'I mean geeze...im a healer
You say, "I mean geeze...im a healer."
Violenttmoon grins at you.
Boomsplat rubs you.
Violenttmoon murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
You giggle eerily.
The deep *BWAAOOOGA* sound of a ship's horn suddenly bursts forth from Gilheal's pin.
Seluus raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Seluus gestures at you.
Seluus suddenly looks very drained.

You feel a sudden jolt of nothing short of the raw power of divine intervention. For some reason, you cannot bring yourself to move quite yet, but feel relieved nonetheless.
Violenttmoon murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Violenttmoon gestures.
Violenttmoon's back looks better.
Veiss gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Veiss gestures at you.
Nothing happens.
(Azzreala wipes a few tears that fall from her eyes.)
Angeliqe gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Gilheal chuckles.
Violenttmoon gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Angeliqe gestures at Seluus.
The glazed look leaves Seluus.
Azzreala just went out.
Angeliqe gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Angeliqe gestures at you.
You are no longer stunned.
Veiss makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Veiss gestures at you.
A silvery luminescence surrounds you.
P>get dia
You remove a dragon's-tear diamond from in your golden silk robe.
Seluus nods to Angeliqe.
Seluus says, "Thanks."
Violenttmoon murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Veiss makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Veiss gestures at you.
A silvery luminescence surrounds you.
Violenttmoon gestures.
Violenttmoon's back looks better.
You recover enough strength to move again.
* Hakwea just bit the dust!
Veiss makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Veiss gestures at you.
A bright luminescence surrounds you.
P>give dia to sel
You offer your dragon's-tear diamond to Seluus, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Seluus bows to you.
Violenttmoon faces you, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between the two of you. You gain 95 mana points!

Violenttmoon opens her eyes, looking slightly drained.
You beam!
Veiss makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
P>hug sel
Veiss gestures at you.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds you.
Violenttmoon murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
You give Seluus a friendly hug.
Violenttmoon gestures.
Violenttmoon's neck looks better.
Azzreala just arrived.
You sit up.
Roundtime: 9 sec.
Azzreala just went out.
Toy hugs Boomsplat, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Boomsplat grins at Toy.
Seluus hugs you, and you wrap him in a warm embrace.

Seluus stands up.
Dessedemona gives Toy a warm buss on the lips.

Seluus's group just went out.
You say, "Sorry I wasted your spells Veiss."

You quietly whisper to Boomsplat, "Dat guy really young."
Dessedemona rubs you tenderly.
Veiss says, "Its ok ill get payback."

Violenttmoon whispers, "Hes dead on sight."
Veiss winks at you.

Boomsplat whispers, "Really stupid."

Violenttmoon, "Dont kill him in town."

Dessedemona says, "Shoulda told ya to close your group."

Veiss says, "Lets just say he wont be resting here."

You say, "But i like snuggles from people."
Veiss nods to you.

You pout.
Violenttmoon says, "Right."
Violenttmoon nods to Veiss.
Violenttmoon says, "He won't rest here ever again."

You say, "Don't kills him in town...no need for fine."

You say, "I not worth it."

You giggle.
Veiss says, "I have ways to kill without a fine."
Veiss winks at you.

You beam happily at Veiss!

Boomsplat grins at Veiss.
Boomsplat stupidly says, "Boom too."
Violenttmoon snickers.
Boomsplat winks at Veiss.
Violenttmoon grins at Boomsplat.
Veiss grins at Boomsplat.
s>whisper vei even his older guy not old at all
You quietly whisper to Veiss, "Even his older guy not old at all."
Veiss whispers, "I know lol."

You quietly whisper to Veiss, "I offered him 5 diamonds and told him I really really sorry."
Veiss whispers, "Yeah complete moron."

You duck slightly and cover your head with your arms.

You quietly whisper to Veiss, "Wonder how long till he come back."

You grin.

You quietly whisper to Boomsplat, "Wonder how long till he come back."

Boomsplat grins at you.
You say, "Wow what a night...I never kill anyone...never been killed..."
Boomsplat whispers, "Who knows...won't be all that soon."

You exclaim, "Then I die two times!"
Violenttmoon grins at you.

You let out a cheer!
Violenttmoon asks, "Can we say pansey?"
Violenttmoon leans softly against you.
Boomsplat nods to Violenttmoon.
Violenttmoon says, "You met one tonight."
Veiss asks, "Can we say bits?"
You giggle.
Boomsplat stupidly says, "Boom had'ums garotte on him too."
Boomsplat sighs.
Boomsplat manages a sad-eyed grin.
Violenttmoon rubs Boomsplat gently.
Violenttmoon says, "He gotta come back eventually."
Violenttmoon cackles!
Veiss says, "They breed."

Dessedemona says, "He said breed."
You say, "I should make a song about this night."
Violenttmoon says, "Anytime YOU need anything,just ask."

You giggle.

You sing:

"Katta go splatta be the big bad warrior "

Selah stands up.
Selah just went out.

You laugh out loud!
You say, "Dat strong..."

Boomsplat rubs you tenderly.
You say, "I strong."
You strike a heroic pose.
The horned frog croaks loudly.
>nod frog
You nod to the horned frog.

You say, "The frog agrees."
You sit down.
You giggle.
Please rephrase that command.

Dessedemona whispers, "I know you're tee too and i think you should post this as a example that you have changed you never used tee to avenge ya ."
Dessedemona nods to you.
The horned frog shifts its weight.
s>whisper dess I shouldn't post anything... they say I defend myself
You quietly whisper to Dessedemona, "I shouldn't post anything... they say I defend myself."

You quietly whisper to Dessedemona, "Plus I dont log anything...do you have log just so I can keep it?"
You giggle.
Having found a trap on the box, Gibreficul begins to attempt to disarm it...

You quietly whisper to Dessedemona, "This was funny."

You quietly whisper to Dessedemona, "Actually.... ."

You quietly whisper to Dessedemona, "If you have log...I post it just cause it funny."
You nod to Violenttmoon.
Skuln calmly asks, "Ready fer round two?"
Violenttmoon whispers, "Just ignore him totally."
Boomsplat rolls his eyes.
Violenttmoon whispers, "Dont answer."
Dessedemona says, "Skuln."
Violenttmoon whispers, "Dont respond."
Dessedemona says, "Be good."

You nod to Violenttmoon.
Skuln peers quizzically at Dessedemona.
Violenttmoon whispers, "If he kills you the gms are watching."
Skuln calmly says, "She killed me."

Skuln calmly says, "Fer fun."s>
Violenttmoon whispers, "I just had one speak to me."
Speaking softly to Skuln, Selah says, "She said sorry."

Dessedemona says, "She didn't mean too."
Violenttmoon whispers, "So dont respond to him at all."
Speaking stupidly to Skuln, Boomsplat says, "Jus'ums let it go."
Boomsplat nods.

Skuln calmly says, "And had a good laugh about it."
Selah softly says, "Like eleventy times."
Skuln calmly says, "Then turned me into the gods."
Violenttmoon whispers, "Act like he isnt there."
Skuln calmly asks, "And i should be nice?"
Speaking softly to Skuln, Selah says, "You did that to yerself."

Skuln peers quizzically at Dessedemona.
Dessedemona says, "Skuln."

Veiss says, "You big in big brothers they get upset."
Dessedemona says, "She never laughed."

Dessedemona says, "She apoligized."
Skuln calmly says, "I should have her killed fer fun."
Veiss says, "She offered you diamonds too."
Violenttmoon whispers, "Good."
Dessedemona says, "And offered you 5 diamonds."
Speaking stupidly to Skuln, Boomsplat asks, "Let'ums it go.. Nae'ums ye eber learn?"
Skuln calmly says, "Okay fu."
Boomsplat rolls his eyes.
Violenttmoon whispers, "Just pretend he isnt there,dont say a word to him."

Skuln calmly says, "Okay fine."
Skuln bows to you.
Speaking softly to Skuln, Selah says, "It's over, you should hunt er get drunk er sumfin."
Violenttmoon smiles at you.
Skuln calmly says, "Sorry."

You nod to Violenttmoon.
Violenttmoon whispers, "He is on my ignore list."

You giggle at Violenttmoon.
Violenttmoon winks at you.

You quietly whisper to Violenttmoon, "Me too."

Skuln peers quizzically at you.
Skuln calmly says, "Sorry."

You quietly whisper to Violenttmoon, "I plan not talk to him."

You quietly whisper to Violenttmoon, "I dont want trouble."
Violenttmoon whispers, "Good girl."
Violenttmoon whispers, "Dont talk to him at all."
Veiss reaches out and holds your hand.

Violenttmoon joins Veiss's group.
Aprildawn joins Veiss's group.

********* some noisy stuff goes on then he goes again******

Skuln calmly says, "Syhe killed me then turned me into the gods."

Skuln smiles at Azzreala.
Boomsplat laughs at Skuln!
Violenttmoon whispers, "Don't respond."
Boomsplat stupidly says, "Tell'ums dat to Crazy."
Veiss says, "Neither can you obviously."
Boomsplat bursts out in loud, raucous laughter.
Veiss starts chortling.
Violenttmoon whispers to the group, "Hes just trying to get ya goat."

You growl ferociously!

You whisper, "I said nothing to the gods." to your group.

J>spell all
Minor Spiritual:
Number Name
101 Spirit Warding I
102 Spirit Barrier
103 Spirit Defense
104 Disease Resistance
105 Poison Resistance
106 Spirit Fog
107 Spirit Warding II
108 Stun Relief
109 Dispel Invisibility
110 Unbalance
111 Fire Spirit
112 Water Walking
113 UnDisease
114 UnPoison
115 Fasthr's Reward
116 Locate Person
117 Spirit Strike
118 Web
119 Spirit Dispel
120 Lesser Shroud
125 Call Lightning
130 Spirit Guide
Major Spiritual:
Number Name
201 Calm
202 Spirit Shield
203 Manna
204 Unpresence
205 Light
206 Darkness
207 Purify Air
208 Living Spell
209 Untrammel
210 Silence
211 Bravery
212 Interference
213 Minor Sanctuary
214 Bind
215 Heroism
216 Frenzy
217 Mass Interference
218 Spirit Servant
219 Spell Shield
220 Major Sanctuary
225 Transference
Empath Base:
Number Name
1101 Heal
1102 Limb Repair
1103 System Repair
1104 Head Repair
1105 Organ Repair
1106 Bone Shatter
1107 Adrenal Surge
1108 Empathy
1109 Empathic Focus
1110 Empathic Assault
1111 Limb Scar Repair
1112 System Scar Repair
1113 Head Scar Repair
1114 Organ Scar Repair
1116 Cry For Help
1117 Empathic Link
1118 Herb Production
1119 Strength Of Will
Violenttmoon whispers to the group, "I know."
Skuln peers quizzically at Azzreala.

sJ>prep 210
You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Silence spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A pall of silence settles over you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Veiss whispers, "They was prolly watching."

Violenttmoon whispers to the group, "But he dont know that."

You nod.

You fold your arms over your chest.
You raise your flame-bright tulip skyward!

You kiss your flame-bright tulip.
You offer your flame-bright tulip to Violenttmoon, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Violenttmoon has accepted your offer and is now holding a flame-bright tulip.
Violenttmoon turns to give you a quick smooch, and you tilt your head slightly, giving her a warm buss on the lips.

sJ>look in basket
In the pink flower basket you see a dragon's-tear diamond, a luminous scroll, a kakore runestaff, a black crystal, a dark blue rose-shaped scroll, a murky glaes bottle, a black crystal, a black crystal, a small daisy, a bleeding heart rose, a small frosting-topped cake, a hard-boiled blue duck egg, a vivid dark blue snapdragon, a velvety dark violet windflower, a tiny chocolate boulder, a stale ginger tart, a silvery scarlet rose, a long-stalked sunflower, a ring of white moonflowers, a cluster of angelica, a dozen perfect long stemmed roses, a small wildflower bouquet, a fragrant linden blossom bouquet, a pulpy water lily bulb, a sprig of pristine white jasmine, a soft black orchid, a cluster of angelica, a handful of gooey honey, a rare inky black rose, a fragrant long-stemmed mournbloom, a tart green apple, a pierced heart-etched flask, a bouquet of delicate pink roses, a pale stargazer lily, a pale stargazer lily, a stargazer lily, a pale blue moonflower, a lavender iceblossom, a vivid multi-hued sirenflower, a crimson-swept bright flamestalk, a briny spiced dill pickle, a piece of citrine quartz, a blue shimmarglin sapphire, a fiery jacinth, a violet spinel, a shimmertine shard, a silvery moonstone, a wisp-etched jade green ora dagger, a large sack, a wisp-etched jade green ora dagger, a star sapphire and a black
Veiss says, "I nevah get flowers."
Violenttmoon tries to eat her flame-bright

You remove a pale stargazer lily from in your pink flower basket.
Veiss whines at Violenttmoon!

You kiss your stargazer lily.
Violenttmoon says, "But i have you."
Violenttmoon winks at Veiss.

You offer your stargazer lily to Veiss, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Veiss turns to you and cheers!
Veiss has accepted your offer and is now holding a pale stargazer lily.

You remove a pale stargazer lily from in your pink flower basket.
Violenttmoon put a flame-bright tulip in her green backpack.
Violenttmoon smiles.
Veiss says, "Mines prettier then yers."

You kiss your stargazer lily.
Veiss sticks his tongue out at Violenttmoon, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!
sJ>give lil to dess
You offer your stargazer lily to Dessedemona, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Dessedemona has accepted your offer and is now holding a pale stargazer lily.
Violenttmoon says, "Don't make me kill ya."
Violenttmoon licks Veiss's cheek sloppily. Yuck!
Dessedemona turns to give you a quick smooch, and you tilt your head slightly, giving her a warm buss on the lips.
Veiss put a pale stargazer lily in his Faendryl warpack.
Veiss says, "Don't make me slobber on you."

You remove a stargazer lily from in your pink flower basket.
Veiss nods to Violenttmoon.

You kiss your stargazer lily.
Violenttmoon says, "Hrm."
(Boomsplat licks his hand.)

Boomsplat grins stupidly.

You kiss your stargazer lily.
Violenttmoon grins at Boomsplat.
sJ>give lil to boom
You offer your stargazer lily to Boomsplat, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Boomsplat blinks.
Boomsplat has accepted your offer and is now holding a stargazer lily.
sJ>'lick da flower
The pall of silence settles more heavily over you.
Boomsplat sniffs at his stargazer lily.

Then I found an even better for Violettmoon…A moon flower.

Sorry, I’m still learning empathy spells as well.

[Edited on 8-6-2005 by GSLady17]

[Edited on 8-6-2005 by GSLady17]

08-06-2005, 06:21 AM
By the way, after I offered diamonds many times, I went and sat at a table. Dess then came and said Crazy wanted to kill me. So Kata went out and sat down and said ok, I didn't mean to kill him but it's free. KIll me if you wish.

When his lil guy came in I offered diamonds AGAIN. He killed me anyways. It was obviously a mistake. Kataleena wouldn't kill anyone intentionally.

08-06-2005, 07:06 AM
Ahhh Just went through and highlight things like his characters name and deleted more noise so that it is easier to read. It was funny how he wanted Round two even after Gods had pulled him.

Kat just sat there... there was no round, she just died.

08-06-2005, 07:10 AM
You bring such things upon yourself Teeoncy.

08-06-2005, 08:12 AM
It had nothing to do with Teeoncy.

And every one in the dais immediatly turned against him. I was not the one to bring in an older character. I was not the one called up or yelled at by the GM's.

08-06-2005, 08:26 AM
Damn, and you associate with Dessedemona. I guess birds of a feather really do flock together.

[Edited on 8-6-2005 by Artha]

08-06-2005, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by Artha
Damn, and you associate with Dessedemona. I guess birds of a feather really do flock together.

[Edited on 8-6-2005 by Artha]

She's always been nice to me. I have not seen her do anything bad. It would be OOC not to like her.

No need to talk trash about her, this thread is not about her. Your comment is just silly.

08-06-2005, 08:37 AM
As I said Teeoncy, Sarah, whatever you fucking call yourself - frankly I'm suprised you still post consider we've proven that you're who you claim not to be - trouble follows you around for a reason. And I'd estimate that reason is that you're fucking mental.

08-06-2005, 08:41 AM
This thread is about the log, she is in the log and you're talking with her. Shut the fuck up, Sarah.

08-06-2005, 08:43 AM
No one has proven anything. Wow, people sure like to bring things off topic around here. If you can't post on topic, don't post at all.

And I just don't see the reason to always bash someone Artha. People do it so much. I thought the log was funny myself---especially the logging in and logging out of characters and the -3 DS.

08-06-2005, 08:45 AM
Why the fuck don't you admit it. The word of Lyonis is worth far more than the word of some freakshow whose been known to pretend she's not who she says she is.

08-06-2005, 08:45 AM
There's no doubt in my mind you are who you say you aren't. Maybe nothing's been proven where everyone can read it, but that's only because there's precedent against that kind of thing.

08-06-2005, 09:51 AM
Weren't these supposed to be zombie characters?

08-06-2005, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Weren't these supposed to be zombie characters?

Kind of like they were "supposedly" bought, but yet here we see them being used as the primary character in an extended interaction and one where most shocking of all she kills someone younger.

08-06-2005, 10:50 AM
It's really lame of the guy to log and bring in his older character to kill you.

08-06-2005, 10:51 AM

08-06-2005, 11:01 AM

That log was painful, lots of OOC comments. Amazing to see the same folks gathered around that appear in many logs.

Dessedemona is one. Violenttmoon is another.

[Edited on 8-6-2005 by TheRoseLady]

08-06-2005, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady

That log was painful, lots of OOC comments. Amazing to see the same folks gathered around that appear in many logs.

Dessedomna is one. Violentmoon is another.

Heh. I was thinking exactly the same thing. It's fascinating how the same names show up time after time.

08-06-2005, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Artha
There's no doubt in my mind you are who you say you aren't. Maybe nothing's been proven where everyone can read it, but that's only because there's precedent against that kind of thing.

I'll translate that for you Teeo

Every time you post, the message board logs your IP address in the corner of your post. People who run the boards (Admin, mods etc) get to see those IP addresses.

All they have to do is look at the IP address in your recent post, with the ones under your other posting names.

That's how they find out who banned posters are so quickly.

So in effect, Artha is saying that your IP address is the same, the mods all know this, they cant post it because that's not nice and mods dont do that kind of thing...but it s pretty fucking obvious anyway.

Have a nice day

08-06-2005, 11:18 AM
She was never banned. She asked to be removed from the memberlist (even though she created new names to defend herself anyway). She's free to post here. I just have a problem with the denial when we have the proof.

But in any case, to return to the topic, I think everyone acted poorly, but yes, as TRL and HN stated, it's all the same people doing all the same thing. Nothing new, just more BS of the same trolls.

08-06-2005, 11:20 AM
I saw it initially go down. You were obviously suprised that the firebolt flared up and killed him. I dont think everyone jumped to your defense initially until he started going way way out of character and started cussing. Even with repeated warnings from those around him to tone it down he still stepped it up. Then I got bored and went to bed so I didnt see what else transpired afterwards.

08-06-2005, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
She was never banned. She asked to be removed from the memberlist (even though she created new names to defend herself anyway). She's free to post here. I just have a problem with the denial when we have the proof.

But in any case, to return to the topic, I think everyone acted poorly, but yes, as TRL and HN stated, it's all the same people doing all the same thing. Nothing new, just more BS of the same trolls.

I know she wasnt banned...was just pointing out that thats how its done

08-06-2005, 12:08 PM
When Skuln returned for the 3rd time, after being pulled... you should had placed a Warn Interaction on him.

You did a good job of ignoring him since though.

Just got to keep that up if you can.


And yes, I believe that Warns work... but obviously it won't work for those who continue to interact with the individuals that they Warned.

08-06-2005, 01:16 PM
Is this supposed to be some pity story or something? If you kill someone who is sitting there and had not done anything negative to you, then you sure as hell can expect a backlash of a much stronger effect. Sure, he might've gone out of his way to do it with another character, but you can't expect to kill someone and then offer 5 diamonds for everything to be happy and good. Pride is not something you can buy.

Stop playing the weak empath card and take responsibility.

08-06-2005, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Ganalon
I saw it initially go down. You were obviously suprised that the firebolt flared up and killed him. I dont think everyone jumped to your defense initially until he started going way way out of character and started cussing. Even with repeated warnings from those around him to tone it down he still stepped it up. Then I got bored and went to bed so I didnt see what else transpired afterwards.

don't think you were there for the inccident because this guy wasn't swearing that was someone else that Kataleena never attacked or anything.

Whole different thing I believe, I have no clue that guy went nutts.

08-06-2005, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Fowl
Is this supposed to be some pity story or something? If you kill someone who is sitting there and had not done anything negative to you, then you sure as hell can expect a backlash of a much stronger effect. Sure, he might've gone out of his way to do it with another character, but you can't expect to kill someone and then offer 5 diamonds for everything to be happy and good. Pride is not something you can buy.

Stop playing the weak empath card and take responsibility.

I did take responsibility. I paid my fine, apologized many many many times even after he killed me the firs time offering deeds and spells.

Pity? No, I thought I said I found it funny.

I should have put it in RP but there was no RP on his part.

I don't care if Kata dies, it doesn't upset me. If any of my characters die I sit and count gems while my sting is over--not a big deal.

If it had happened to me, I probably would have laughed my butt off. But I do understand why he was angry. However, I don't think it warrented him bringing in an older character like that. Nothing, warrents that.

If someone apologized five million times and offered spells, gems, money--I'd see that it really was an accident and not accept any and forgive them.

But perhaps more people get upset or angry more than I do.

[Edited on 8-6-2005 by GSLady17]

08-06-2005, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Atlanteax
When Skuln returned for the 3rd time, after being pulled... you should had placed a Warn Interaction on him.

You did a good job of ignoring him since though.

Just got to keep that up if you can.


And yes, I believe that Warns work... but obviously it won't work for those who continue to interact with the individuals that they Warned.

I do believe warn works. But I don't like to use it. I will however keep ignoring him even if he ends up killing me again. Tonight showed how great the GM's are and how they watch.

I don't like to use warn, because if he died one nght with no one to save him, I'd locate a few times to make sure no one was going to get him then I'd fog in, grab him, fog to town, LK him, and run like mad. I'd then call on the dais that he was in town and needed help.

I also would probably end up healing him if he was sitting there bleeding infront of me about to die and he whispered to me and said please or sorry or some sort. If there is another healer though, he is out of luck. And after healing him or saving him, I'd go back to ignoring him.

08-06-2005, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Weren't these supposed to be zombie characters?

I believe if you look it up, I stated Teeoncy sat at a table, went out to hunt, and then rested again. I believe I also stated that I had never played an empath, and thought they were fun.

Kataleena comes out when I am done picking Teeoncy's boxes and I don't want to sit there looking at the screen.

08-06-2005, 02:38 PM
As for the Off topic posts, I skim them if not just breeze over them. The small ones are hard not to read but some one posted something about, "here is how it works."

I'll be ignoring those types of posts. There is a WHOLE thread to post that junk in. If you are too lazy to find it, or are some reason unable to, http://forum.gsplayers.com/viewthread.php?tid=11279&page=1 <---There is the link.

08-06-2005, 02:49 PM

08-06-2005, 02:49 PM
How do you know what's off topic or not by just skimming!?

08-06-2005, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
As I said Teeoncy, Sarah, whatever you fucking call yourself - frankly I'm suprised you still post consider we've proven that you're who you claim not to be - trouble follows you around for a reason. And I'd estimate that reason is that you're fucking mental.

who is it shes claims not to be?

Doyle Hargraves
08-06-2005, 03:20 PM
Warclaidhm. She drives a scooter.

08-06-2005, 03:30 PM
If you read the link I posted it will explain all and you can reply there.:rah:

08-06-2005, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by GSLady17
If you read the link I posted it will explain all and you can reply there.:rah:

I didn't actually note any off topic posts. So your insertion of that random bit on off topic posts and a link, makes little sense.

08-06-2005, 03:35 PM
Posts that say claiming to be Teeoncy are off topic considering we have a whole thread about said topic.

This thread is about Kataleena and the log. Not about who I am.

08-06-2005, 03:38 PM

now that's off topic

08-06-2005, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by GSLady17
Posts that say claiming to be Teeoncy are off topic considering we have a whole thread about said topic.

This thread is about Kataleena and the log. Not about who I am.

Honestly, not to be a nitpicker. I have never had any issues with you or with those characters that you purchased. At least 3 or 4 mods have posted in this folder, one being HN and next in line CT and if there really were off topic posts - they would be gone.

Seen it hundreds of times, had a few of my own pulled out with the others.


The Warrior Princess
08-06-2005, 04:13 PM
on a normal basis, i wouldnt even bother posting...
but this isnt a normal situation.
in no way what happened last night was excusable.
Yea, i am friends with .... him....
but after last night... i just cant stand up for him. Being dragged into the middle of things was hard enough, seeing is how it involved many of my friends.
I appologize to everyone for what happened last night. I did everything i knew how to defuse his aggression. But everything i tryied, went unheard.
The thing is... he will most likely not remember what happened last night.

08-06-2005, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by GSLady17
As for the Off topic posts, I skim them if not just breeze over them. The small ones are hard not to read but some one posted something about, "here is how it works."

I'll be ignoring those types of posts. There is a WHOLE thread to post that junk in. If you are too lazy to find it, or are some reason unable to, http://forum.gsplayers.com/viewthread.php?tid=11279&page=1 <---There is the link.

None of the posts here were off topic. As long as you post about your characters, people are allowed to post about it so long as they are brought up. If you don't like the responses, that's fine, but they are on topic.

And for the record, please don't tell people where to post. I believe that's staff's job, not yours.

And to stay on topic, you stated that they were NOT going to be your main characters, however they seem to be the ones that are spoken about recently. Fancy that. When exactly is it that you play this rogue you have eh? You sure know how to MA Teeoncy and Kata in the same exact way. This "I figure I'd play the same" is garbage. Since you know Teeoncy was unliked, perhaps a bit of advice would be to play her your own way, because apparently the old and :lol: new way (the same way) still doesn't work. Try something else.

08-06-2005, 04:36 PM
>>This "I figure I'd play the same" is garbage.<<<

She apparently plays it so well no one can tell the difference!

08-06-2005, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Gridlock

Originally posted by StrayRogue
As I said Teeoncy, Sarah, whatever you fucking call yourself - frankly I'm suprised you still post consider we've proven that you're who you claim not to be - trouble follows you around for a reason. And I'd estimate that reason is that you're fucking mental.

who is it shes claims not to be?

She created a thread saying she was the new owned of Teeoncy. It was then proven that she was in fact the original Teeoncy.

08-06-2005, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by GSLady17
So it began when everyone in the dais was going nutts and killing everyone and kat was fire balling the lords and ladies who were laughing at her as she giggled and said how strong she was.

So, you were casting fire spirit at completely random characters and were then surprised that you killed someone?

Good thing you bought those characters when you did. With every giggly, bouncy, somewhat braindead empath that is retired, a piece of me dies too.

08-06-2005, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue

Originally posted by Gridlock

Originally posted by StrayRogue
As I said Teeoncy, Sarah, whatever you fucking call yourself - frankly I'm suprised you still post consider we've proven that you're who you claim not to be - trouble follows you around for a reason. And I'd estimate that reason is that you're fucking mental.

who is it shes claims not to be?

She created a thread saying she was the new owned of Teeoncy. It was then proven that she was in fact the original Teeoncy.
oh i getcha

08-06-2005, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by GSLady17

Originally posted by Atlanteax
When Skuln returned for the 3rd time, after being pulled... you should had placed a Warn Interaction on him.

You did a good job of ignoring him since though.

Just got to keep that up if you can.


And yes, I believe that Warns work... but obviously it won't work for those who continue to interact with the individuals that they Warned.

I do believe warn works. But I don't like to use it. I will however keep ignoring him even if he ends up killing me again. Tonight showed how great the GM's are and how they watch.

I don't like to use warn, because if he died one nght with no one to save him, I'd locate a few times to make sure no one was going to get him then I'd fog in, grab him, fog to town, LK him, and run like mad. I'd then call on the dais that he was in town and needed help.

I also would probably end up healing him if he was sitting there bleeding infront of me about to die and he whispered to me and said please or sorry or some sort. If there is another healer though, he is out of luck. And after healing him or saving him, I'd go back to ignoring him.


Don't you realize that going out of your way to help him, rescuing and healing him....

Implies that you are consenting to any interaction with him?

This explains a lot... :rolleyes:


If you're going to ignore someone... you have to ignore them completely and utterly ... there's no "oh, as long you ignore him when you're not healing him" line. It's an absolute line.


If you want a conflict to in, all interaction must cease.

08-06-2005, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves
Warclaidhm. She drives a scooter.

jeezus christ on a cracker I give up. Think whatever. Those few of you who who are so consumed with outting me as some unpopular poster...
I feel sorry for you. You don't read people very well. I am me, and I ride a scooter when it works, and I doubt I'm the only one ever to do so.
As for this log to try to stay on topic, Kat you should know better than to cast a flaring spell in a group, you did apologize, but still, you have used that spell in hunting and you see it has a multi-attack. I would have been angry at you as well. Why he didn't try to attack you with Skuln is beyond me, but Crazyfeather shouldn't have come in with an older-- it just isn't right. I did it once and immediately felt shame for it, and didn't kill with her afterall. And did I read in there somewhere that he was drunk? I was returning from Zul last very early this morning and saw him at the ferry dock...

[Lake of Fear, North Dock]
Finely-carved modwir posts support the weight of the fel boards that
form the floor of the dock. The boards are fastened securely to the
posts with a thick rope twined between each board. The gentle sway of the
dock causes a light creaking sound as the waves brush against the posts.
A cobblestone path leads away from the dock back towards the village.
You also see a wooden sign.
Also here: Skuln
Obvious paths: none
You nod to Skuln.
You see Skuln the Spellweaver.
He appears to be an Illistim Elf.
He appears to be very young and very tall. He has sparkling blue-grey
eyes and fair skin. He has waist length, tied back white hair shaved
at the temples. He has a triangular face, a classical nose and a
pronounced jawline.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a dark-bladed vultite warblade in his right hand and a
grey zombie skin-covered shield in his left hand.
He is wearing some sleek onyx doeskin trousers, a gold ring, a carved
thanot bracelet, a crystal amulet, a white bone scabbard, a serpentine
amethyst pendant, an onyx-spiked bronze band, an onyx-inlaid imflass
armband, an onyx black raven-feathered cloak, an onyx black leather cap,
some full leather, a ruby-clasped onyx velvet pouch, an onyx-inlaid black
leather thigh-sheath, and some onyx black doeskin boots.
>Skuln turns to give you a quick smooch, and you tilt your head
slightly, giving him a warm buss on the lips.
**NOTE Admittidly I do know Skuln-he is from Vaalor, but he isn't on my list so anyone have an clue why he's warm to me?**
You ask, "Can ye read th time please?"

Skuln smiles at you.
>You glance at a wooden sign.

>Skuln whispers, "Today is Feastday, day 6 of the month Phoenatos in
the year 5105. It is 05:56 by the elven time standard. It is currently
morning twilight."
You say, "I can't make out
th elven at th bottom."
You squint at a wooden sign.

In the Common language, it reads:
<<--- Free Lake of Fear Transport - Funded by His Majesty King
Tyrnian --->>

Written below is some sort of table in elven script that you cannot decipher.
You say, "Someone told me it was
You ask, "Arrival time maybe?"

**NOTE-- there are big pregnant pauses between these questions, I was I gettin a little miffed at being totally ignored. I know some are afk while waiting, but he had already reacted, so I thought he was there.. **

You gaze thoughtfully at the wooden sign.
>Skuln peers quizzically at you.

>Skuln calmly says, "Fer ever."

>Skuln laughs!

You frown.

** Irritated he wasn't answering my question...**

You say, "I'm sorry.. I didna consider ye might not be literate."
You blush a glowing shade of red.
You stand in front of a wooden sign.
You gaze with interest at a wooden sign.
In the Common language, it reads:
<<--- Free Lake of Fear Transport - Funded by His Majesty King Tyrnian --->>

Written below is some sort of table in elven script that you cannot
You recite:

"Gree Lake of Fear Transport Funded by His Majesty King Tyrnian"
You nod.
You say, "So free ferr."
You smile.
You cough.
>Skuln grins ear-to-ear.
You sigh.
You say, "An somthn in elven..."
You say, "Some kinda tble."

**The arrval time thing is a new thing... I thought, maybe he doesn't realize what I'm asking for,... and I don't want to slip out of rp to spell it out**
You frown at a wooden sign.
**I thought, maybe I didn't see him right...he IS elf?...**
You see Skuln the Spellweaver.
He appears to be an Illistim Elf.
**yep, that's elf all right**

You say, "I kin
hardly believe an Illistimi cannae read."
You shake your head.

>A large wooden ferry boat slowly comes into sight.
No idea why he wasn't speaing... just being stubborn? His behavior was unlike the other interactions I've had with him. Oddly, after all that, I ended up not going on that boat and went to chat with a friend who got off the ferry. Guess my point there is he was being not himself...

08-06-2005, 09:08 PM
You know, I don't care for Teeo or her player either and I was witness to a lot of her past threads and her lies, etc including the fake pictures. However, that being said, :wtf: .

The posts in this thread were very *very* obviously off topic. They had nothing to do with the log whatsoever. It was a lynch mob of folks talking trash to the player of Kat about her being the original player of Teeo and obviously had NOTHING to do with the log. It has to do with the player of a character in the log, yes, but nothing to do with the log itself.

Not to say that all of the posts were off topic because they weren't. But why in the hell can't anyone else see but myself and Teeo's player that those posts were off topic? I've never believed in the conspiracy theories on these boards and still don't now however one has to wonder what the hell is going on when several mods are posting in this thread and fail to see how off topic things are going.

On topic, bringing in another character to deal with your conflicts is complete and total bullshit no matter who you are dealing with or what happened to you. You did the right thing by ignoring him however you should have continued it later on even when your friends came to tell you "Crazyfeather wants to kill Kat". If the original character had murdered Kat in return, I would see nothing wrong with it. Seeing as how he didn't and had to resort to another character, it's lame.

08-06-2005, 10:21 PM
The posts were on topic, because she (Sarah) is bringing up a character that she claimed would be a zombie. Which was grouped with other characters she claimed would be zombie characters, as well. Yet she posts a log of that "zombie" character not being a zombie. That lie leads to the other lies, which ties all the other lies together.

How she's able to descern which posts to "skim" over or ignore without actually reading them, is in itself a neat trick. Because even by skimming you will know what someone has said, thus making it impossible to ignore. She may not reply to them, of course, but not totally ignore it.

Secondly, I don't even know why she continues to make threads because it all leads to her having to deny who she is. People dislike liars especially when it's proven that they are lying. Until she either A. simply fess up or B. stops posting all together, then she's not going to EVER get past this. Obviously.

08-06-2005, 10:42 PM
I'm assuming by skim she means skim the subject headings to see if there's anything she's interested in before reading the messages. That's what I do, at least.

And since I skim headings and don't read a lot of what's posted, I have no idea what's going on with all the bashing here.

Anyway, sticking to the topic here, what this guy did sucks. I don't know how anyone can disagree with that, but apparantly if the poster is someone you don't like, it's alright for someone to bring in other characters not involved in the initial conflict to settle differences.

08-07-2005, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by Amber

Anyway, sticking to the topic here, what this guy did sucks. I don't know how anyone can disagree with that, but apparantly if the poster is someone you don't like, it's alright for someone to bring in other characters not involved in the initial conflict to settle differences.

Actually, I think the only one I read that said he thought it was all right to use an older charry.. fowl maybe?... The rest that have posted on the topic of that part of the log seem to agree.

08-07-2005, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears

Originally posted by GSLady17
As for the Off topic posts, I skim them if not just breeze over them. The small ones are hard not to read but some one posted something about, "here is how it works."

I'll be ignoring those types of posts. There is a WHOLE thread to post that junk in. If you are too lazy to find it, or are some reason unable to, http://forum.gsplayers.com/viewthread.php?tid=11279&page=1 <---There is the link.

None of the posts here were off topic. As long as you post about your characters, people are allowed to post about it so long as they are brought up. If you don't like the responses, that's fine, but they are on topic.

And for the record, please don't tell people where to post. I believe that's staff's job, not yours.

And to stay on topic, you stated that they were NOT going to be your main characters, however they seem to be the ones that are spoken about recently. Fancy that. When exactly is it that you play this rogue you have eh? You sure know how to MA Teeoncy and Kata in the same exact way. This "I figure I'd play the same" is garbage. Since you know Teeoncy was unliked, perhaps a bit of advice would be to play her your own way, because apparently the old and :lol: new way (the same way) still doesn't work. Try something else.

The character Kataleena, was in the package and I thought, “Why not?” But I have found the character Kataleena, useful to bind creatures for my younger characters as well. I also enjoy healing with her. It is a change from the Wizard I played before.

I wrote that in the death thread if you care to look.

I thought, that the old way would be Teeoncy coming in and beating the shit out of Both the characters that attacked Kat.

08-10-2005, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
You bring such things upon yourself Teeoncy.

There you have it. This post had absolutely nothing to do with the first three posts in this thread. This was nothing more than a blatant attack against the original poster.

If someone can prove to me otherwise, I am more than willing to listen.

Anyway, back on subject:

Don't people get sussed for crap like that? Isn't it unconsented PvP? WTF is going on with the game lately?

08-10-2005, 04:55 PM
Yeah, Just recently a Mod went through on a thread and deleted all the off topic posts which had to do with personal attacks. But Mods are blind to any personal attacks to me in any threads.

Just something you have to skip over.

What I thought was funny, is if he would have just killed me with the little guy of his. With a -3 ds....would not have been hard to do! And if he had, I wouldn't have even posted about it! If its done in character will RP, no big deal.

Kat even felt so bad she offered to go outside and let him kill her but instead he brought in the older one.

08-10-2005, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Forged

Originally posted by StrayRogue
You bring such things upon yourself Teeoncy.

There you have it. This post had absolutely nothing to do with the first three posts in this thread. This was nothing more than a blatant attack against the original poster.

If someone can prove to me otherwise, I am more than willing to listen.

I'll take a stab at it.

The reason I didn't consider it off-topic was because he was speaking to her more as a player. Since he associates her more as Teeoncy, he just named her that rather than by her other character or real name.

The player brings what happens to her in the game to herself. Her actions, regardless of the character she plays, causes these circumstances to occur. So his comments were probably geared more to the player who plays her character very similar in the sense that she calls conflict on her own. She only has herself to blame.

I'm sure Stay will correct me if I'm wrong, but that was my view on it. Take that as you will.

08-10-2005, 04:59 PM
Ehh Stray isn't even that bad at it. The one that really follows me around though and is the only one that gets annoying is a Mod himself. :lol:

Go figure.

08-10-2005, 05:01 PM
CT is right. Flies are atracted to shit for a reason AKA trouble follows certain people. I called her Teeoncy primarily because I don't know her so I won't be calling her by her real name. I don't expect anything more or less from people here. Secondly it was posted during the period she was claiming not to be her.

08-10-2005, 05:02 PM
Additionally, the guy involved was being, and is, a retard. I've never disputed that.

08-10-2005, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by GSLady17
Ehh Stray isn't even that bad at it. The one that really follows me around though and is the only one that gets annoying is a Mod himself. :lol:

Go figure.

You seem pretty full of yourself considering the way you pranced in here lying. I think you have been treated alot better then you deserve at this point.

08-10-2005, 05:12 PM
As a message board, should be treated equal. People can bash on me all they want in a thread made for that.

08-11-2005, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears

Originally posted by Forged

Originally posted by StrayRogue
You bring such things upon yourself Teeoncy.

There you have it. This post had absolutely nothing to do with the first three posts in this thread. This was nothing more than a blatant attack against the original poster.

If someone can prove to me otherwise, I am more than willing to listen.

I'll take a stab at it.

The reason I didn't consider it off-topic was because he was speaking to her more as a player. Since he associates her more as Teeoncy, he just named her that rather than by her other character or real name.

The player brings what happens to her in the game to herself. Her actions, regardless of the character she plays, causes these circumstances to occur. So his comments were probably geared more to the player who plays her character very similar in the sense that she calls conflict on her own. She only has herself to blame.

I'm sure Stay will correct me if I'm wrong, but that was my view on it. Take that as you will.

If that's the case, I would expect others to be afforded equal protection when slinging mud against even a moderator in this forum, if it is "as a player".

As it is, I think the whole "you bring it upon yourself" argument is self defeating and retarded. The actions described in the original post were blatantly OOC and undeserved, no matter who the "player" is, be it Teeoncy, Warclaidhm, or whomever else. The way she carried herself looked like it was good form to me. Shit happens, you apologize, offer to replace the deed, end of story. Simply knowing who the player is behind the other character that killed you and harassing them because of that knowledge is not only bullshit, but it is against policy.

The Warrior Princess
08-11-2005, 07:46 PM
it doesnt seem to me, that any of you know... actually KNOW the guy that this thread was started about.
yeah he has a bad temper problem, but he is in no way a retard as some of you put it. he like everyone here, has off days.. and yea... i will not disagree what he did was wrong.. but everyone makes mistakes... even big ones. there is not ONE of you, not even myself here, that is perfect. and some of you i i know have had alot more than just one fuck up. it happened he is very appologetic about it. the retards are the ones that can not accept that someone can fuck up. he fucked up... its done, and over with. just get over it

08-11-2005, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by The Warrior Princess
it doesnt seem to me, that any of you know... actually KNOW the guy that this thread was started about.
yeah he has a bad temper problem, but he is in no way a retard as some of you put it. he like everyone here, has off days.. and yea... i will not disagree what he did was wrong.. but everyone makes mistakes... even big ones. there is not ONE of you, not even myself here, that is perfect. and some of you i i know have had alot more than just one fuck up. it happened he is very appologetic about it. the retards are the ones that can not accept that someone can fuck up. he fucked up... its done, and over with. just get over it

I have not heard such abject apologies.

And please do find logs showing how everyone here did things as bad or worse than that he did.

But this time, he's the one that has to "get over it" and "deal with it" because the only one who made him pull in his older characters without so much as the slightest attempt to mask it, was him.

08-11-2005, 09:56 PM
This isn't the first time he's been totally OOC either.