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09-30-2003, 03:38 PM
way among the spires of stone that rise from the cavern floor is like traveling through a strange and exotic forest. Instead of vines and bushes, long growths of stringy moss and huge mushrooms and toadstools provide an undergrowth that chokes the way. The small creatures of a sylvan setting, mice, squirrels and other small furry beasts are not present. Instead, the pale bulging eyes of small lizards blink at you silently before the owners scurry away through the growths of fungi. You also see a young myklian.
Obvious exits: north, east, west, northeast
Dhaeran followed.
[Dark Grotto, Huge Cavern]
The huge cavern that stretches out to the northeast presents an eerie, other-worldly vista, filled with tall spires of stone and crystal, and dotted with growths of giant mushrooms and huge fans of lichen. Somewhere high overhead, the ceiling of the cavern lies out of sight, shrouded in darkness. Many varieties of mold, moss, lichen and fungi fill the underground landscape, some of them glowing with pale unearthly light that fills the cavern with dim, shadowy illumination. You also see a young myklian.
Also here: Wintersin, Drizzsdt
Obvious exits: east, northeast
Dhaeran followed.
You can't go there.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>am myk head
...wait 1 seconds.
Wintersin traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
am myk head

am myk head

...wait 1 seconds.
>am myk head

...wait 1 seconds.
>am myk head

...wait 1 seconds.
>You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sapphire-set rolaren warblade at a young myklian!
AS: +294 vs DS: +213 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +83 = +196
... and hit for 74 points of damage!
Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray.
The young myklian falls back into a heap and dies.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Wintersin gestures at a young myklian.
Nothing happens.
A pained expression crosses Dhaeran's face.
You say, "woah"
You say, "sorry"
Wintersin traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
'i'm blind
You say, "i'm blind"
[Dark Grotto, Huge Cavern]
The huge cavern that stretches out to the northeast presents an eerie, other-worldly vista, filled with tall spires of stone and crystal, and dotted with growths of giant mushrooms and huge fans of lichen. Somewhere high overhead, the ceiling of the cavern lies out of sight, shrouded in darkness. Many varieties of mold, moss, lichen and fungi fill the underground landscape, some of them glowing with pale unearthly light that fills the cavern with dim, shadowy illumination. You also see the Dhaeran disk and a young myklian that appears dead.
Also here: Dhaeran, Wintersin, Drizzsdt
Obvious exits: east, northeast
Wintersin gestures at you.
CS: +408 - TD: +121 + CvA: -9 + d100: +100 - -5 == +383
Warding failed!
An unseen force envelopes you, restricting all movement.
>'what the hell
You say, "what the hell"
Wintersin says, "you're bound too"
>'I apologized
You say, "I apologized"
Dhaeran frowns.
Drizzsdt chuckles.
[Dark Grotto, Huge Cavern]
The huge cavern that stretches out to the northeast presents an eerie, other-worldly vista, filled with tall spires of stone and crystal, and dotted with growths of giant mushrooms and huge fans of lichen. Somewhere high overhead, the ceiling of the cavern lies out of sight, shrouded in darkness. Many varieties of mold, moss, lichen and fungi fill the underground landscape, some of them glowing with pale unearthly light that fills the cavern with dim, shadowy illumination. You also see the Dhaeran disk and a young myklian that appears dead.
Also here: Dhaeran, Wintersin, Drizzsdt
Obvious exits: east, northeast
Drizzsdt says, "nice comments you made the other night"
>'there is one east of here
You say, "there is one east of here"
Wintersin joins Drizzsdt's group.
A young myklian crumbles away into dust.
>'Go hunt something your own age
You say, "Go hunt something your own age"
Dhaeran changes his tune, adding a new element to his song...
Wintersin says, "enjoy"
Dhaeran skillfully begins to weave another verse into his harmony.
In response to the soothing melody of Dhaeran's song, your surroundings become calm and still.
Drizzsdt chuckles.
You don't seem to be able to move to do that.
You hear a low growl and feel a sudden chill as a red myklian arrives.
Drizzsdt says, "Grow up"
[Dark Grotto, Huge Cavern]
The huge cavern that stretches out to the northeast presents an eerie, other-worldly vista, filled with tall spires of stone and crystal, and dotted with growths of giant mushrooms and huge fans of lichen. Somewhere high overhead, the ceiling of the cavern lies out of sight, shrouded in darkness. Many varieties of mold, moss, lichen and fungi fill the underground landscape, some of them glowing with pale unearthly light that fills the cavern with dim, shadowy illumination. You also see a red myklian and the Dhaeran disk.
Also here: Dhaeran, Wintersin, Drizzsdt
Obvious exits: east, northeast
Drizzsdt put a ruby-hilted black rolaren longsword in his black duster.
Drizzsdt's group just went east.

09-30-2003, 03:42 PM
If your wondering about the comment's he's reffering to as per "the comments the other night" I'm a rogue and ambush when I kill and every since time i'd be on a hiding rt he'd walk in with his damned script and kill it and be like sorry didn't see you. So I said maybe he should wait till the people who actually hunt there for experience can get their hunting done before he runs a script and show some respect. And he's like well how about you search your kills and show some respect. And I said I would if I had a empath bitch to follow me around like he does.

09-30-2003, 03:45 PM
Drizzsdt and his empath slave (friend or no, dunno who plays the char and don't care) are allllllllways scripting in myklians. (never afk from what I've seen though)

I very very very much dislike him. I am trying to be nice. I very much..... boy it's hard..... dislike yes that's it, dislike him.

09-30-2003, 03:50 PM
I'm not one to usually have a strong disliking towards someone... but Drizzsdt... Yeah... I don't like him one bit.

He has an attitude where since he is such a High level, he demands respect from everyone. Supposidly from what I hear, he's no differant OOC either. He goes to Simucon with the attitude that my shit don't stink.

09-30-2003, 03:53 PM
Ha. Send him to Icemule. We'll set him straight.

High level = nothing in Icemule. We'll treat you like an ass if your an ass. You can fling whatever spells or blades you want. We don't care. Besides, there's always someone older in Icemule.

09-30-2003, 03:55 PM
But icemule... sux:tumble:

I've met Drizzt one time, only, I was trying to get to vruul, i gave up, never saw him again

p.s. Drizzt will get really down when he'll be 100 like everyone. He'll be very very down and very very paranoyac

[Edited on 30-9-03 by Xcalibur]

09-30-2003, 03:55 PM
Heh. If he can take the time to sit down for 200 some straight days picking to get an extra 100 levels, more power to him. It takes a whole lot to piss me off in a text game, and some middle aged nut with an inferiority complex flexing his power ain't gonna do it.

09-30-2003, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
We'll sic Myrefalcon in a bad mood on him.

Mwhahahah! :)

That's cruel, Daina. I thought you were better than that. :P

09-30-2003, 04:22 PM
Dude, he (and his associates) are not ones to talk about anything. Because he (and his buddies) know nothing, and are nothing.

09-30-2003, 04:37 PM
I've seen pictures of Drippdt attending SimuCon ::cringes::, I don't think he's middle aged... middle to late 20s.

Dipppdts is one of those people that have nothing better to do with their life than be uber in a fantasy world. It's rather sad. GS4 will only be a partial set back for him, I'm sure he'll spend weeks upon weeks shut up in his hole running his scripts. We can only hope someone deeds him before he achieves his uber-ass status again.

He's not untouchable, and he's not that bright. My ranger was able to take him down on a couple of occasions. The first time he started bitching about how low it is to use spike thorn. I threw the "What in the nine hells made you think I was going to fight fair?" quote at him and he was completely oblivious to the reference. If you're going to rip off a character name, know what the hell that character's profession and mannerisms are. Drippy would never make a good ranger.

He's completely different around people that have handed him his ass, he shuts up. If it's a rogue that has caught him stealing, he does nothing until the rogue leaves. He's the bully in game that never was outside of it.

The boy has issues and needs help. I think GS4 is going to send him over the edge. Who says there are no positives?

I had to really tone down this post, Drooppdt grates the nerves like no other. He could be the victim of the most royal screwing over by Simu. Him have his account literally hacked, accidentally erased... you name it. I would simply shrug my shoulders and say "Karma, what a bitch".

09-30-2003, 04:40 PM
Which 'con did he attend? 2003?

09-30-2003, 04:43 PM
I had a situation with him myself... He threatened to kill me because I was attempting to rescue someone who he apparently was having an argument with and murdered. I explained I was on no ones "side", I was just checking in on the dead one. He then flung insults and reiterated that he would kill me if I tried to save the body.

09-30-2003, 05:05 PM
Don't you love how the helpers always get in trouble? Best way to deal with small minded boys like him, is to say, "You have a large penis." By saying this, you negate his need to make bullshit posturing moves, and beat his chest like an ape.

09-30-2003, 05:17 PM
I also will shed no tears if Driz finds his account hacked. I have little sympathy for bullies, and that is all he has shown himself to be to me in my own interactions with him.

I've had altercations with several people more than a hundred levels above my pc's, but no one else was so arrogant as he to just abuse mechanics and in essence say "what are you going to do about it?".

As for the photos, I do recal seeing some simucon photos with his name on them. If I am remembering correctly he is a pretty big boy, but no Tsa'ah.

[Edited on 9-30-2003 by Skirmisher]

09-30-2003, 05:22 PM
When his ass is only 100 trains, I am sure there will be many people killing him weekly. I know I have a throw away 87 trained sorc that will everytime she sees him

09-30-2003, 05:45 PM
Yeah, no loss of relative power huh Simu. I feel sorry for the people over the level cap who will soon be no greater than someone who is currently trained about 120 times and will convert to 92, yet will be probably able to kill anyone at level 100.

09-30-2003, 05:52 PM
They can still get whatever TPs they would've had, their level just stops at 100.

09-30-2003, 05:54 PM
rank max

gs4 is evil

09-30-2003, 06:14 PM
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Roxia is standing in its place.
You say, "ok"
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Roxia
Obvious exits: none
Roxia nods.
>'let me just get this all out before you say anything ok?
You ask, "let me just get this all out before you say anything ok?"
Roxia says, "Certainly."
>'I'm weird about that
You say, "I'm weird about that"
>You giggle.
>'Now I know there is probally nothing you can do.. you guys deal with this all the time I'm sure... hear this stuff
You say, "Now I know there is probally nothing you can do.. you guys deal with this all the time I'm sure... hear this stuff"
>'I'd also like to make it clear I don't believe in the WARN verb, I like to role play my problems out rather then that, and if it gets too hot to handle, I assist
You say, "I'd also like to make it clear I don't believe in the WARN verb, I like to role play my problems out rather then that, and if it gets too hot to handle, I assist"
>'I just..
You say, "I just.."
>'I've had problems with the player known as Drizzsdt
You say, "I've had problems with the player known as Drizzsdt"
>'I hunt in the broken lands I'm sure you know of there.. in myklains
You say, "I hunt in the broken lands I'm sure you know of there.. in myklains"
>'It's a quiet place to go most of the time
You say, "It's a quiet place to go most of the time"
>'I hunt for experience there
You say, "I hunt for experience there"
>'Due to the nature of touching their skins
You say, "Due to the nature of touching their skins"
>'I do not search them for fear of cuts on my hands
You say, "I do not search them for fear of cuts on my hands"
>'that would prevent me from searching to leave
You say, "that would prevent me from searching to leave"
>'and spending money on herbs just to hunt..
You say, "and spending money on herbs just to hunt.."
>shake head
You shake your head.
You say, "Anyways"
>'I go out there
You say, "I go out there"
>'And he hunts out there
You say, "And he hunts out there"
>'But he script hunts out there
You say, "But he script hunts out there"
>'With an empath slave
You say, "With an empath slave"
You say, "Wintersin"
>'I realize scripting isn't against policy
You say, "I realize scripting isn't against policy"
>'Even though I'm a firm believer it should be, except in the cases for travel
You say, "Even though I'm a firm believer it should be, except in the cases for travel"
>'But It's not my choice to make
You say, "But It's not my choice to make"
>'anyways that's irrelivant
You say, "anyways that's irrelivant"
>'As I am a stalker
You say, "As I am a stalker"
>'I hide
You say, "I hide"
>'And cut their heads off
You say, "And cut their heads off"
>'thats my way of hunting
You say, "thats my way of hunting"
>'I go out there
You say, "I go out there"
>'and he script money hunts
You say, "and he script money hunts"
>'for their skins
You say, "for their skins"
>'well a few days ago
You say, "well a few days ago"
>'i was out there
You say, "i was out there"
>'and every time I would hide
You say, "and every time I would hide"
>'and be in round time
You say, "and be in round time"
>'of just 3 seconds
You say, "of just 3 seconds"
You say, "3"
>'he would walk in the room
You say, "he would walk in the room"
>'and kill, search, and skin it
You say, "and kill, search, and skin it"
>'all in like
You say, "all in like"
>'a flash
You say, "a flash"
>'before the 3 second rt was even up
You say, "before the 3 second rt was even up"
Roxia nods.
You say, "Finally"
>'after spending about 10 minutes out there
You say, "after spending about 10 minutes out there"
>'and still being clear
You say, "and still being clear"
>'because of this happening
You say, "because of this happening"
>'I said Drizz...
You say, "I said Drizz..."
>'Please hear me out
You say, "Please hear me out"
>'I understand you have a right to be here as well
You say, "I understand you have a right to be here as well"
>'but it is VERY VERY frustrating for me
You say, "but it is VERY VERY frustrating for me"
>'as a stalker
You say, "as a stalker"
>'to hunt here with your scripting
You say, "to hunt here with your scripting"
>'and fast movement
You say, "and fast movement"
>'at home, I have dial up
You say, "at home, I have dial up"
>'I can't move like that
You say, "I can't move like that"
>'I can't move that fast
You say, "I can't move that fast"
>'And I asked him to maybe not script, or just stop hutning for like 5 minutes so I could actualy just get my experience and leave
You say, "And I asked him to maybe not script, or just stop hutning for like 5 minutes so I could actualy just get my experience and leave"
>'and he could continue making his money and what not
You say, "and he could continue making his money and what not"
>'Well needless to say
You say, "Well needless to say"
>'He wasn't nice about it
You say, "He wasn't nice about it"
>'I mentioned the word respect
You say, "I mentioned the word respect"
>'and he says
You say, "and he says"
>'well maybe you should show some respect and search your kills
You say, "well maybe you should show some respect and search your kills"
>'that pushed my buttons
You say, "that pushed my buttons"
>'so I said maybe if I had an empath slave to follow me around as well I would
You say, "so I said maybe if I had an empath slave to follow me around as well I would"
'and walked away
>You say, "and walked away"
>'I left the area
You say, "I left the area"
>'to return later so I could continue my hunt with him away form the area
You say, "to return later so I could continue my hunt with him away form the area"
>'Well today
You say, "Well today"
>'I was hunting with my friend there
You say, "I was hunting with my friend there"
You say, "Dhaeran"
>'And no one was there
You say, "And no one was there"
>'I was moving fast
You say, "I was moving fast"
>'saw a lone creature in a room
You say, "saw a lone creature in a room"
>'walked fast back and attacked it as soon as I walked in
You say, "walked fast back and attacked it as soon as I walked in"
>'and drizz was in there with his empath
You say, "and drizz was in there with his empath"
>'I immediately said sorry , i'm blind
You say, "I immediately said sorry , i'm blind"
>'to make it a joke
You say, "to make it a joke"
You say, "anyway"
>'he goes yeah and now your binded
You say, "he goes yeah and now your binded"
>'and binds me
You say, "and binds me"
>'i was like what the heck? I apolgoized
You say, "i was like what the heck? I apolgoized"
>'and he goes thats what you get for your snotty comments
You say, "and he goes thats what you get for your snotty comments"
>'and then
You say, "and then"
>'he steals
You say, "he steals"
>'from both me and my friend
You say, "from both me and my friend"
>You say, "both"
>'then he walks in the room I am later and starts killing the creatures in the room i'm even though he see's me there
You say, "then he walks in the room I am later and starts killing the creatures in the room i'm even though he see's me there"
>'not hiding or anything
You say, "not hiding or anything"
>'so finally I just assist
You say, "so finally I just assist"
>'ok i'm done
You say, "ok i'm done"
You chuckle.
You say, "and"
>'with his rapid movement
You say, "with his rapid movement"
>'there has to be something against policy about that
You say, "there has to be something against policy about that"
>'I mean seriously he makes it so if you stand still in a room he runs in and out so fast you can't see anything oging on
You say, "I mean seriously he makes it so if you stand still in a room he runs in and out so fast you can't see anything oging on"
>'you just see drizz goes west drizz arrives drizz goes east
You say, "you just see drizz goes west drizz arrives drizz goes east"
>'over and over and over
You say, "over and over and over"
>'I mean this isn't fair to me or anyone else that hunts out there
You say, "I mean this isn't fair to me or anyone else that hunts out there"
>'Daig my friend doesn't bother hunting there anymore because of him
You say, "Daig my friend doesn't bother hunting there anymore because of him"
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Roxia
Obvious exits: none
Roxia asks, "Is Daig Dhaeran?"
>find driz
Brave Adventurer Questing:


You say, "no"
>'Daig is a different person
You say, "Daig is a different person"
>'Dhaeran I met today
You say, "Dhaeran I met today"
>'He wanted to try something new to hunt
You say, "He wanted to try something new to hunt"
Roxia says, "I see."
>'Daig and I used to hunt figures together
You say, "Daig and I used to hunt figures together"
Roxia says, "I can see how it must be very annoying when he races around like that."
>'I can't kill a thing he does it so fast
You say, "I can't kill a thing he does it so fast"
Roxia says, "So, I think you are right to complain about it."
Roxia nods.
>'I mean I even asked him nicely
You say, "I mean I even asked him nicely"
>'to just slow down
You say, "to just slow down"
Roxia says, "If he were showing more respect, I'd suggest trying to get a disk while you hunt, because that allows others to know you're there."
Roxia nods.
>'sometimes it's hard finding a disk
You say, "sometimes it's hard finding a disk"
Roxia says, "But, if he isn't willing to go halfway to accomodate you, then it's probably not worth it."
Roxia nods.
>'time of day, lack of black crystals etc
You say, "time of day, lack of black crystals etc"
Roxia says, "And it's not always easy to get them, I understand."
>'he tells me to get a disk
You say, "he tells me to get a disk"
>'he said that the other night
You say, "he said that the other night"
Roxia nods.
>'but should I really have to leave my hunting area in the middle of hunting
You say, "but should I really have to leave my hunting area in the middle of hunting"
>'ring back to town
You say, "ring back to town"
>'get a disk
You say, "get a disk"
>'just to come back so I can continue hunting?
You ask, "just to come back so I can continue hunting?"
Roxia says, "Makes it hard to get a disk when he steals your coins, though."
>'amen to that
You say, "amen to that"
>'he didn't just steal form me
You say, "he didn't just steal form me"
>'he stole from my friend as well
Roxia nods.
You say, "he stole from my friend as well"
>'after he binded me
You say, "after he binded me"
Roxia exclaims, "I'd be mad if it was just me!"
Roxia asks, "Did he bind you, or did the empath?"
>'friend couldn't leave, he songed of peace so I wouldn't die
You say, "friend couldn't leave, he songed of peace so I wouldn't die"
>'being binded in offensive in hunting grounds
You say, "being binded in offensive in hunting grounds"
>'it not a good thing to be
You say, "it not a good thing to be"
Roxia nods to you.
>'his empath did
You say, "his empath did"
>'I had no interactions with the empath at all
You say, "I had no interactions with the empath at all"
Roxia exclaims, "And those myklians are tough when you're hunting them for experience!"
>nod rox
You nod to Roxia.
>'I'm under trained for them too
You say, "I'm under trained for them too"

Level: 34 Experience: 1223566
Next level at: 1250000 exp. Exp. until next lvl: 26434
Fame: 3866233 Mana: 82/82 Max
Deeds: 8 Deaths this level: 0

Your mind is as clear as a bell.
>'i'm only 34
You say, "i'm only 34"
>'they are like 45 or something
You say, "they are like 45 or something"
>'at least 40
You say, "at least 40"
Roxia says, "Wow."
>nod rox
You nod to Roxia.
Roxia nods to you.
Roxia says, "I think they are higher than that."
>'I'm one tough girl
You say, "I'm one tough girl"
>cle mus
You flex your muscles.
Roxia says, "But I'm not sure."
>'I've died
You say, "I've died"
>'believe me i've died
>You say, "believe me i've died"
You chuckle.
Roxia is admiring you.
>'they make you drop your weapon too
You say, "they make you drop your weapon too"
>"i won't go out there with anything higher then 4x
You say, "i won't go out there with anything higher then 4x"
Roxia says, "I'm amazed you're able to hunt them."
>'I can do it spelless too
You say, "I can do it spelless too"
>wave jenisi
You fan yourself.
>'not to brag
You say, "not to brag"
Roxia says, "Go ahead and brag."
>gig rox
You giggle at Roxia.
Jenisi (at level 34), your skill bonuses and ranks are:
Skill Bonus Rank
Armor Use : 155 [55]
Shield Use : 156 [56]
Combat Maneuvers : 170 [70]
Edged Weapons : 170 [70]
Climbing : 35 [7]
Disarm Traps : 170 [70]
Pick Locks : 170 [70]
Stalking & Hiding : 170 [70]
Perception : 128 [34]
Scroll Reading : 20 [4]
Magic Item Use : 20 [4]
Ambush : 168 [68]
Physical Training : 90 [20]
Mental Training Points : 2
Roxia says, "I'd be bragging if I could have hunted them at 34."
>grin rox
You grin at Roxia.
Your personal fame is 3866233.
You are a level 34 Dark Elf Rogue.

Roxia says, "I thought you were exaggerating when you said you'd fry in five minutes."
>grin rox
You grin at Roxia.
>'each one knocks my mind up a bump
You say, "each one knocks my mind up a bump"
You snicker.
Roxia says, "But getting back to Drizzsdt..."
You nod.
>l rox
You see GameMaster Roxia.
She appears to be a Human.
She appears to be senescent and taller than average. She has almond-shaped brown eyes and ebon skin. She has long, thick deep red hair worn in elaborate braids. She has a heart-shaped face and a flaring nose.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a large sack, a simple white robe, a huggable half-krolvin doll, a small rose, a headdress of twisted white linen, a pair of simple rope sandals, a small bronze badge, a chunky gold bracelet, a small button, a gold star, a wicker hamper, a crystal amulet, a rusty old key on a rusty old chain, and a large sack.
>'not sure what this means, but rorac is glad you have shoes on now
You say, "not sure what this means, but rorac is glad you have shoes on now"
Roxia says, "I'd say that his behavior was definitely annoying."
>'he said to say that
You say, "he said to say that"
You stare at nothing in particular.
Roxia laughs!
The buzz of thoughts in your mind subsides.
Roxia says, "Rorac seems to have some special interest in my feet."
You chuckle.
Roxia asks, "If you see Drizzsdt doing that again, will you please REPORT it immediately?"
You nod.
>'the gamehost
You say, "the gamehost"
>'saw it too
You say, "saw it too"
>'if you wanna ask him
You say, "if you wanna ask him"
Roxia asks, "Quabu?"
>'he stood there while he ran from room to room to room
You say, "he stood there while he ran from room to room to room"
You nod.
>'he even asked us to leave
Roxia nods.
You say, "he even asked us to leave"
>'because he couldn't read
You say, "because he couldn't read"
>'or whatever
You say, "or whatever"
>'from the noise
You say, "from the noise"
Roxia asks, "Quabu asked you to leave? Or Drizzsdt asked you and Quabu to leave?"
>'Quabu asked to leave
You say, "Quabu asked to leave"
>'because drizz was running so fast
You say, "because drizz was running so fast"
Roxia nods.
>'screen was moving really fast
You say, "screen was moving really fast"
Roxia says, "I see."
>'drizz goes east drizz arrives
You say, "drizz goes east drizz arrives"
>'over and over and over
You say, "over and over and over"
You chuckle.
Roxia says, "Well, next time you see him in Myklians, even before he starts to bother you personally, please REPORT and say that Roxia asked you to."
You nod.
>'Allright thank you hon
You say, "Allright thank you hon"
Roxia says, "I'm sorry you are having such a frustrating time with him."
You nod.
>'It's not your fault
You say, "It's not your fault"
>'He just doesn't show respect for other people
You say, "He just doesn't show respect for other people"
Roxia nods.
>'Has it in his head because he's old he has more power then other people
You say, "Has it in his head because he's old he has more power then other people"
>'which he doesn't
You say, "which he doesn't"
Roxia says, "There's nothing that says he has to show respect."
'maybe in the PVP world
>You say, "maybe in the PVP world"
>peer rox
You peer quizzically at Roxia.

[Entering rest mode...press any key to resume.]

Roxia says, "But if his hunting behavior is seriously detracting from your enjoyment, there's something I can do."

[Leaving rest mode.]

Roxia says, "You said he has an empath with him."
You nod.
Roxia asks, "Does the empath heal him when he searches?"
Roxia asks, "Or does the empath skin and search?"
You say, "yup"
>'I believe he heals him
You say, "I believe he heals him"
Roxia asks, "Yep, the empath heals him?"
>'I'm not sure actually
You say, "I'm not sure actually"
Roxia asks, "Or Yep, the empath skins?"
>find driz
Brave Adventurer Questing:


>'I can go see if he is there now and look
You say, "I can go see if he is there now and look"
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Roxia
Obvious exits: none
>'want me to?
You ask, "want me to?"
>'I have a ring
You say, "I have a ring"
Roxia says, "You said you'd seen him killing them."
>'Drizz does the killing
You say, "Drizz does the killing"
>'I'm not sure who skins
You say, "I'm not sure who skins"
>'and heals
You say, "and heals"
Roxia nods.
Roxia says, "You don't need to go there right now."
You nod.

[Entering rest mode...press any key to resume.]

Roxia says, "But, again, if you see him doing it, especially if he has the empath, please do REPORT it immediately."
Roxia says, "I'm going to send you back now, unless there's anything else you'd like to tell me."
Roxia says, "Or unless you have any questions for me."
Roxia says, "I really appreciate you bringing this to my attention."

[Leaving rest mode.]

>You nod.
>'I'm suprised no one has before
You say, "I'm suprised no one has before"
>'I will report when nessesary
Roxia says, "Well, at least when I hunted in those areas, Myklians wasn't that popular."
You say, "I will report when nessesary"
Roxia says, "Too tough."
Roxia shudders.
>'they are mean
You say, "they are mean"
Roxia nods to you.
Roxia says, "It's quite possible that you're the only other one hunting there when he does."
Roxia smiles at you.
Roxia says, "Have a good day."
>'you too
You say, "you too"
The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...

09-30-2003, 06:35 PM
ohhhhh! Get him! I never thought something could be done about this so I never reported but thanks to you I will now and I do see him there ALL the frickin' time. I mean, get a life man! Roll up a baby and learn to have fun in GS again. Sheesh.

09-30-2003, 07:32 PM
Heh. If he can take the time to sit down for 200 some straight days picking to get an extra 100 levels, more power to him. It takes a whole lot to piss me off in a text game, and some middle aged nut with an inferiority complex flexing his power ain't gonna do it.

well, If I was an 800 lb man who needed a cane to simply walk, I'd have an inferiority complex too. Whats more intruiging to me, is who built the chair he sits on when he plays? They must be one damn fine company making some damn nice chairs not to be breaking constantly.

Back to the topic, I've never had an altercation with him, but I generally tend to avoid him in the game. As for wintersin, the slave, I HAVE had an issue with him being a bully, and trying to repeatedly cast at me. I avoid him in general because

1) he's about on the same level as Vif regarding RP
2) If any of you have ever met Jabee, he's similar to that in being the bitchy type who likes to hunt and kill people to show off his power because he lacks the mental capabilities to do anything else.
3) He will generally pick on whoever for whatever reason just because he can show off his oh so many trainings.

09-30-2003, 08:16 PM
Do you have any idea how many times Dripp has been reported? How many official complaints have been lodged against him?

I'm willing to bet he has a bigger file than anyone else. He's still here and the GMs won't do anything about him. I'm not sure if it's because he's was Warden's little bitch or because he has possibly the greatest sob story ever to be told.

The day Pooppdt gets a 30-day lockout or even a warning will be the day the Simu server catches fire.

09-30-2003, 08:18 PM
Haha, Jabee. He says he's going to kill me. Why? He was running around telling people that the player of Maimara is someone else, and he was set straight. Unfortunately, by t his time, he'd already assumed I was this person and started talking to me like I cared. I laughed at him and made fun of him. Now he's going to kill me because he's stupid. :(

09-30-2003, 09:21 PM
I had one run in with Drizzdt. I was a young sorcerer in the east tower asking for someone to pick my chest. Drizzdt nodded to me so I passed it over. He took the box and said, "That'll teach you." Or something lame like that and kept the box.

He's one character I now avoid completely.

09-30-2003, 09:52 PM
...I don't get it.

10-01-2003, 07:48 AM
I didn't quite get it myself. I asked what he was trying to prove and was ignored.

The only lesson was avoid asses like him.

10-01-2003, 08:36 AM
Can't wait until this idiot is brought down to the lvl 100 cap. I hope to God he's stocked up on Deeds, as he is definately some small dicked wanker who liked to flaunt his power like some phallic extension. CAN'T WAIT :D

10-01-2003, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Do you have any idea how many times Dripp has been reported? How many official complaints have been lodged against him?

I'm willing to bet he has a bigger file than anyone else. He's still here and the GMs won't do anything about him. I'm not sure if it's because he's was Warden's little bitch or because he has possibly the greatest sob story ever to be told.

The day Pooppdt gets a 30-day lockout or even a warning will be the day the Simu server catches fire.

What's the sob story?

Maybe the story would allow us to have a better understanding of this person...

Damn! I'm such a bad liar!

I want to hear why this guy is so lame...

10-01-2003, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Can't wait until this idiot is brought down to the lvl 100 cap. I hope to God he's stocked up on Deeds, as he is definately some small dicked wanker who liked to flaunt his power like some phallic extension. CAN'T WAIT :D

deed? gs4?

there will be deed? i thought all you had when you were killed (stupid idea) is a death rating which will eat up experience for a while (for a level 100 like him, will be so so useful :rolleyes:)

10-01-2003, 08:43 AM
Deeds still have an effect in GS4, just a lessened one. Still, he has pissed off ALOT of people and has revelled in his immortal self-omnipotence. Now he's getting the shaft and alot of folk are eagerly awaiting his nerfing.

Here's some info on Deeds and Dying in GS4:
If a character dies with deeds and is resurrected, they will accrue 1,000 Death Recovery (DR) points.

If a character dies without deeds and is resurrected, they will accrue 10,000 DR points.

If a character decays with deeds, they will accrue 10,000 DR points.

Say goodbye to permanent death! If a character decays without deeds, they will accrue 20,000 DR points.

Weedmage Princess
10-01-2003, 08:51 AM
I see Driz getting his ass handed to him many, many times if and when 4 is released. I also think a lot of GMs (except whichever he might be tight with) won't be too quick to assist him when he reports.

10-01-2003, 01:30 PM
He had the nerve to tell YOU to grow up? Please, he should take his own advice! He bound you in a hunting area because you accidentally killed "his" myklian? That's so lame! That's as bad as yelling "Chase!" What a child he is. And you made a pretty standard apology when someone makes a mistake like that, what more does he want? Groveling? Get real.

Binding you in a hunting area, which could have gotten you killed, would have been considered PvP. Not that dying in myklians is fun, it's a pain in the ass, but if you'd reported he'd binded you and gotten lucky enough for a GM to see you get killed because of it, hopefully he would have ended up in a consultation lounge, with a warning.

You have to report bullies like Drizzdst. You also have to use that warn interact thing with him so he can't put you on his list to pick you clean after you annoy him, since picking pockets is interacting!

Get a Sorcerer to curse a gem and put it in your cloak. Maybe he'll get it next time he slips his hand into your pockets, too. Good luck!

10-01-2003, 03:17 PM
I want to see a picture of this fat piece of trash. Why don't some people beat his ass at simucon if he's that big of a dick?

10-01-2003, 03:22 PM
Now THERE is a mature, intelligent response to the thread *rolls eyes*, sure beat his ass at simucon. That's sooo the solution to it. Get real.

10-01-2003, 03:24 PM
Why isn't it a solution? If he acts like (and I quote) 'his shit don't stink' then punch him in his face. It'll bring him back to reality real quick.. How is that immature? It's been a viable solution for 4000 years, and just because a few PC punks and feminist say fighting doesn't solve anything in the last 40 years doesn't mean shit. If he acts like a dick to you in real life, ask him to fight, it'll solve the situation one way or another. (Not like I'm suggesting to put the guy in the hospital.)

[Edited on 10-1-2003 by Hulkein]

10-01-2003, 03:26 PM
Children? I only said that because someone said he acts like a dick IN REAL LIFE. Ok old lady?

10-01-2003, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
Can you say Separate Game From Real Life, children? :P

Exactly Daina! :thumbsup: Kicking someone's ass at simucon does not solve the problem that people have with Drizzdt in game. I personally have only met him in game 2 times and both times were pleasant.. but even if he was a dick to me in game.. as you have been Hulkein I might add.. I would not go to simucon to kick his ass. It IS A GAME... sheesh.

10-01-2003, 03:51 PM
haha, Great minds..Daina..Great minds. *grins* You are a very witty lady, I appreciate that in people. It makes dealing with immature people so much more pleasant because I can sit back and watch your response and giggle. Plus.. half the time you say what I am thinking anyway heh.

10-01-2003, 04:02 PM
Here's what I find amusing.

"I'll kick your ass at Simucon, I swear to GOD!"

...several months later, at Simucon...

"You really pissed me off, man. That hurt."

"Well I guess we had comunnication issues. It's hard to discuss tough subjects over the Internet. I'm sorry man."

"It's all good. Wanna beer?"

No fighting, maybe some strong words are exchanged, but... damn, at least that's how it was at Simucon 2003. People's Internet-bark is way worse than their RL-bite.

10-01-2003, 04:28 PM
Drizzsdt does and has been to Simucon. He looks like his character. Just fatter.

10-01-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Drizzsdt does and has been to Simucon. He looks like his character. Just fatter.

Give us links. Oh and I wana know what sob story gets him out of his much needed bannings??

10-01-2003, 04:34 PM
He's been banned? As for pics, I saw them a while back, would be too much hassle to dig em up again :P

10-01-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Izalude
I'm not one to usually have a strong disliking towards someone... but Drizzsdt... Yeah... I don't like him one bit.

He has an attitude where since he is such a High level, he demands respect from everyone. Supposidly from what I hear, he's no differant OOC either. He goes to Simucon with the attitude that my shit don't stink.

There's the quote for you. I was calling you old lady teasing you because you called us children. I guess my assessment wasn't far off the mark due to the fact that you thought I was being serious. Great minds.

10-01-2003, 04:43 PM
Izalude is a man.

10-01-2003, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Izalude is a man.

Eh, read the previous posts so you know the context I am speaking, thanks.

NP Daina, mis-understandings are easy on the internet, espicially with someone who doesn't use smiles =)

10-01-2003, 04:48 PM
Heres a link. Thanks to Yahoo search.


Scroll down to the pics sent in by Mnute.

According to the order. Drizzdt is the huge guy w/goatee leaning on two chairs to help support his big self. heh.

10-01-2003, 04:51 PM
What did I tell you? Phallic extension ;)

10-01-2003, 04:58 PM
So now someone elaborate on the "sob story". Oh wait I know what it is. His 2in. dick fell off due to inactivity and poor blood circulation.

10-01-2003, 04:58 PM
Atleast he can see it now ;)

10-01-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Atleast he can see it now ;)

ROFLMAO!! true true..

10-01-2003, 05:00 PM
That's mean, even if he is a jackass.

10-01-2003, 05:04 PM
I can almost hear those two chairs screaming

10-01-2003, 05:07 PM
Poor chairs :(

10-01-2003, 05:15 PM
I don't think he's that big.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-01-2003, 05:16 PM
I guess I missed the lets shit on Drizzsdt memo. My one interaction with him was good. Can't say anything about if he's fat or not, or a nice/bad guy.

I wonder what you folks would do with all that pent up hate if you didn't post it here.

10-01-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage

I wonder what you folks would do with all that pent up hate if you didn't post it here.

I'd play golf.

10-01-2003, 05:23 PM
I don't know, b ut I also dont think it's fair to make fun of people because of their appearance.

Somehow, I think that people who do tease people because of their weight, because they have crossed eyes, or whatever -- are the same people that are really insecure about t heir own looks.

Looks are just the trash bag we wear over who we are. If you don't like who he is, or who he projects himself to be online, that's one thing. To tease him because of his appearance is just plain fucking mean.

10-01-2003, 05:24 PM
Isn't it a bit sad to tease and harass someone because you didn't spend an unGodly amount of time picking boxes?

10-01-2003, 05:25 PM
Yeah but that has nothing to do with his appearance.

10-01-2003, 05:27 PM
No, but rather a fundamental character flaw.

10-01-2003, 05:29 PM
See, I told you Hulkein is Sean. Makes the same kind of mindless violent threats that have absolutely nothing to do with what happens in the game. And also has the same inability to separate what he reads on the boards from the game too. Am I the only one that sees this?

By the way, Einstein, beating someone up in real life is called assault and you can get arrested for it. I'm sure Simutronics would appreciate meatheaded idiots beating people up at their Con. Can you say banned?

10-01-2003, 05:44 PM
I don't care much what he looks like in real life.

I only know him from my interactions in Gem and from that I have no problem saying that he's an asshole.

10-01-2003, 06:11 PM
There isn't a sob story that I know of. I used the reference as a question. Is the reason he hasn't been banned because of the world's greatest sob story?

I don't know Drippdt, I don't care to. My opinion of the player is very low simply because of how he carries on in game and how he posts on message boards.

No character/player distinction.

Threatening an ass beating in real life is lame and beyond childish. There exists only one person from GS that I would even beat the shit out of, and that's Sean. It has nothing to do with what he has done in game either.

[And Drooppdt is the guy in glasses, not the facial hair.]

[Edited on 10-1-2003 by Tsa`ah]

10-01-2003, 06:22 PM
The guy in glasses on the far right? That's Porcell


10-01-2003, 06:25 PM
Drizzsdt is the guy with the goatee. His PC looks EXACTLY the same as him.

10-01-2003, 06:27 PM
There's another picture with Drizz in it a little further down the page... same fat facial haired Guy. Coincidently, Porcell is in this one too though. But the fat one is Drizz


10-01-2003, 06:32 PM
I've only met him once where he promptly killed one of my friends and cleaned him out of over 12k in coins while threatening death to any cleric or empath that came near. I believe it was something over a disagreement in the hunting grounds? Someone finally grabbed him [my friend] and fogged. Either way, Driz is not someone that I like.

BTW, Not pinning this on him but I -think- it was him that took 15k from my pockets at Artisians. I had the merchant fix the room to keep me from losing the rest of my coins.

[Edited on 10-1-2003 by JustMe]

10-01-2003, 06:32 PM
Holy crap. I didn't realize Porc shaved off his goat!

Never mine me... I just need more coffee.

10-01-2003, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
See, I told you Hulkein is Sean. Makes the same kind of mindless violent threats that have absolutely nothing to do with what happens in the game. And also has the same inability to separate what he reads on the boards from the game too. Am I the only one that sees this?

Lol, I'm not Izbin.. What makes you think that? Because I said to fight the guy? My point was IF HE IS A DICK TO YOU IN REAL LIFE, THEN FIGHT HIM, STOP BITCHING ON THE BOARDS.

Go ahead and call me Izbin, I have been friends with him for like 2 weeks and we're one in the same? My character Hulkein has been around for 4 years, Jesus Christ open your fucking eyes. It's like the God damned Salem witch hunts on these boards.

10-01-2003, 07:56 PM
No one really CARES about his appearance either. People were wondering something like"my god how can anyone be that way towards others?" It makes them interesting. Or they wonder "damn how can someone spend sooo much time playing a game?" and things along those lines then they wonder what they must look like to make them be indoors 24/7 playing a text game and making a high level character treat others like dog shit. So yeah, beyond that people could careless...

His weight isn't even the issue. It is just the result of sitting on ones ass for extended periods of time. So yeah its just normal to simply wonder how the person would look. No he isn't hideous or anything. However, how he treats people makes him ugly. He is what is considered morbidly obese by todays standards. It's not an insult but just fact. Only we can guess why.

Personally I like men to have a gut as long as they have at least some muscle too and above all a kind and good heart.

10-01-2003, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein

Originally posted by Caramia
See, I told you Hulkein is Sean. Makes the same kind of mindless violent threats that have absolutely nothing to do with what happens in the game. And also has the same inability to separate what he reads on the boards from the game too. Am I the only one that sees this?

Lol, I'm not Izbin.. What makes you think that? Because I said to fight the guy? My point was IF HE IS A DICK TO YOU IN REAL LIFE, THEN FIGHT HIM, STOP BITCHING ON THE BOARDS.

Go ahead and call me Izbin, I have been friends with him for like 2 weeks and we're one in the same? My character Hulkein has been around for 4 years, Jesus Christ open your fucking eyes. It's like the God damned Salem witch hunts on these boards.

Uhm the only reason some people think you might be the same is because your posting style is the same. The speech is the same, attitude is the same. The foul language is the same. Nothing wrong with foul language sometimes, but can go overboard. Anyway, you and "Sean/Izbin" wig out over the same things and talk about fighting the same way.

If you aren't him then quit acting like him. If you ARE him, maybe you should learn to cover it up better. Just a few thoughts.

10-01-2003, 08:27 PM
The reason I don' t get banned or get in trouble is the same reason as the instance that started this thread.

Someone does something to instigate the matter. But they only cry foul once they get retaliated upon. They run to a GM and cry that they were abused but they forget to tell the host or GM what has occurred previously. They forget the whole truth. They only like to tell the part that makes them look good.

I have never been banned and never will because I don't break any policies.

The fact of this matter is that she endlessly berated me the night before for while wintersin was there for killing a myklian while she was hidden. It's really simple get a disk. End of problem. It's not hard to get a disk. I even offered her a black crystal. She dind't care about that she was busy berating me. Then she ran off.

The next night we were in a room in myklians. After her group comes in and has been there a couple seconds she leaps out and kills a myklian in the room. Why would Wintersin not bind her? Obviously thinking it was retaliation and done on purpose. Her bard sancted the room so there was no danger of her dying.

end of story.......

course she cried a nice story to the host and GM. Once the truth came out she was told I was doing nothing wrong. Of couse she doesn't post that interraction with the GM's.

On the matter of my appearance is that all you folks have to do with your lives? I have no sob story sorry to disappoint those of you and the folks that actually know me know that I'm very active I don't sit around and do nothing, of course, I don't sleep much either. Course that would really disappoint those of you that have nothing better to do with your lives.

Drizzsdt is high trained because he has been around a long time. The fact of the matter is he has not hunted for learning longer than most of you folks have been around. Oh wait, I keep forgetting everyone is ice age when they're posting on the boards.....chuckle. The fact of the matter is I've been the most trained warrior since before it went to the web. That's alot longer than most of you have been around and I was already the most trained. Duh, think about it.

I would really like to hear from someone that actually met me at Simucon or in RL state that I have an ego problem. The fact of the matter is I'm completely the opposite of that.

To the folks that wish to beat me up in real life.......if that's what you wish..........I won't stop you....course I won't just stand there. Do whatever makes you feel better.

I almost hated posting on these boards. Everytime I do I breathe life into them again do to the huge increase in posts and activity.

You folks enjoy yourselves now.......hopefully you'll feel better after.


P.S.ya that's Porcell on the right he's the good looking one. If you ever need help writing a script he's the man for the job

Miss X
10-01-2003, 08:41 PM
No offense, but personally I think binding anyone, on purpose in a hunting area is pathetic.
Its easy to hide behind a high CS and bind & silence everyone that annoys you, its a lot harder to argue with your mouth, and try and make people understand your point of view that way.
Just my thoughts.

10-01-2003, 08:45 PM
Wow, so you are the oldest warrior? You have been around for how long? WOW. I think I just ejaculated in my pants. Sorry.

Truth is you are a whiny, selfish bully of a snert whom I glad will be getting his ass handed to him come GS4. You act like a complete idiot, you steal from people who stand no chance against you when they blatantly spot you, and even then rub it in their faces when they do spot you. The above log proves your idiocy.

As for your "levels", picking for power is a totally weak ass way to gain power. I don't respect you any farther than I could throw you. And I dount many others would disagree either.

PS, Nice ultra original name.

[Edited on 2-10-03 by StrayRogue]

10-01-2003, 08:47 PM
Driz, sorry but your full of crap.

The VERY first time I interacted with you, you dragged my out of the east tower without so much as a word to me.

That sound like appropriate behavior to you Mr somebody does something to instigate and I only retaliate?

I never spoke to you, I never did an action to you, in fact I was talking with my friend the whole time.

You decided you did not want me there, fne, If I was doing something to bother anyone at all and anyone, a single person asks me to stop I do. I am not there to screw up someone elses time. You however did not ask me to stop or adjust anything, just went into action.

The second time, you stole from me like crazy and smirked and made some asshole comment about how I had not seen anything or some bs and even when I did an ACT of walking to a corner and looking back into the room you kept on. Way to abuse game mechanics, go you!

Be a smug asshole all you want, but please do not delude yourself into believing your own hype.

You're a punk.

[Edited on 10-2-2003 by Skirmisher]

10-01-2003, 08:51 PM
Quite simply... if you treated people with a little more respect maybe you would receive some yourself, Drizz.

From what I have seen, thats the main issue here. Maybe the girl didn't give the whole story.. so what. That is just one incident. There are thousands of other instances where you were the instigator of conflicts because your character is so old and you like to push people around. I only know because I have witnessed a few myself. Hey, though if you are RPing your character to be an ass.. thats all fine, but be prepared for the consequences.

[Edited on 10-2-2003 by GS4Gurl]

10-01-2003, 09:01 PM
Okay.. I might be totally off here.. but are people basically pissed because a higher level character steals from them and picks boxes to gain levels? And then brags about it because you caught him but can't make him give back the gems or whatever the situation is? *scratches her head*

Jolena--very confused at the moment.

10-01-2003, 09:05 PM
We're pissed because a high level person acts like a complete dick simply because he has the high levels. He generally acts like a complete snert, pushes people around, and flaunts his stupidly gained power.

He wanted the entire game changed to suit him, simply so he wouldn't lose his power, simply so he wouldn't reap what he'd sewn with hundreds of other players. Read his endless bitching on the official boards and judge for yourself.

10-01-2003, 09:07 PM
Oh and.. IMHO.. making fun of someone's weight in RL or assuming that it is because they sit and do nothing all day is just ignorant, mindless and cold-hearted. There are plenty of people out there who are overweight because they don't take care of themselves yes.. but honestly.. this is a DAMN GAME. Their RL looks or hobbies aren't an issue here and shouldn't be brought into it at all. In fact, bringing it into this forums shows a serious lack of maturity in my eyes. For those of you who weren't doing that and don't care what he looks like or whatever, this obviously does not apply to you. Those of you that ARE making fun of him for his looks GTFU seriously.

10-01-2003, 09:07 PM
By the way... Isn't Simucon technically taking the game into real life?

10-01-2003, 09:09 PM
Something think we got a Drizzsdt fan here too?

10-01-2003, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I guess I missed the lets shit on Drizzsdt memo. My one interaction with him was good. Can't say anything about if he's fat or not, or a nice/bad guy.

I wonder what you folks would do with all that pent up hate if you didn't post it here.

I'd bash the President more.

10-01-2003, 09:11 PM
Keep fighting that power sista!

10-01-2003, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
By the way... Isn't Simucon technically taking the game into real life?

Simucon is a way for people of similar interests to meet and discuss things and also to just hang out together. So no..I don't consider it taking the game into RL. I consider taking the game into RL when someone wants to "kick his ass' because he's a dick in game to them.

10-01-2003, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Okay.. I might be totally off here.. but are people basically pissed because a higher level character steals from them and picks boxes to gain levels? And then brags about it because you caught him but can't make him give back the gems or whatever the situation is? *scratches her head*

Jolena--very confused at the moment.

No they're upset cause they keep saying they see me. If they saw me I couldn't continue. Fact is they didn't catch me. I'm a warrior anyway not a rogue.

Fact of the matter is they don't know who's stealing from them but they just go ahead and assume it's me. Eventhough they can't see who it is and they don't see the rogues slipping in and out of hiding. Especially after they blame me for it. lots of rogues laugh abou tit cause soon as they blame me they kinda make themselves open season. Everyone is on them cause they'll just blame me anyway.


10-01-2003, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Something think we got a Drizzsdt fan here too?

Um..don't know if it was or not..but if that was meant for me.. No I'm not a drizzdt fan.. I don't even know him to be honest. I have had dealings with him twice and they were very brief. I just find the mindless bashing of someone's looks or situation in RL on a game forum board to be idiotic and cruel. *shrugs*

10-01-2003, 09:14 PM
What complete bullshit. I know of two people who have practically left these lands because of harassment from you. You forced them out the EN when it was first found, among others things due to constant bullying, threats and theivery. And they could see you, as they were high level as well. But what can you do about some lvl 236 moron with plate and a min-maxed character....oh I know, its called GS4.

10-01-2003, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl

Originally posted by Hulkein

Originally posted by Caramia
See, I told you Hulkein is Sean. Makes the same kind of mindless violent threats that have absolutely nothing to do with what happens in the game. And also has the same inability to separate what he reads on the boards from the game too. Am I the only one that sees this?

Lol, I'm not Izbin.. What makes you think that? Because I said to fight the guy? My point was IF HE IS A DICK TO YOU IN REAL LIFE, THEN FIGHT HIM, STOP BITCHING ON THE BOARDS.

Go ahead and call me Izbin, I have been friends with him for like 2 weeks and we're one in the same? My character Hulkein has been around for 4 years, Jesus Christ open your fucking eyes. It's like the God damned Salem witch hunts on these boards.

Uhm the only reason some people think you might be the same is because your posting style is the same. The speech is the same, attitude is the same. The foul language is the same. Nothing wrong with foul language sometimes, but can go overboard. Anyway, you and "Sean/Izbin" wig out over the same things and talk about fighting the same way.

If you aren't him then quit acting like him. If you ARE him, maybe you should learn to cover it up better. Just a few thoughts.

Read my 13 posts, I think I cursed maybe 3 or 4 times. You're reaching. And the 'quit acting like him.' LOL, stop acting like myself? I haven't picked a fight with anyone here, so I don't think I'm acting like Izbin (Not that I've seen any of his posts.)

10-01-2003, 09:15 PM
I'd start a website called "George Bush needs to die" but then I'd probably shortly disappear to never be heard from again.

10-01-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
We're pissed because a high level person acts like a complete dick simply because he has the high levels. He generally acts like a complete snert, pushes people around, and flaunts his stupidly gained power.

He wanted the entire game changed to suit him, simply so he wouldn't lose his power, simply so he wouldn't reap what he'd sewn with hundreds of other players. Read his endless bitching on the official boards and judge for yourself.

Um ya the last time I posted on the official boards is what 4 months? Last time I posted on here is over a year. I usually only post for a couple days a year at most.

You really seem to have issues. Perhaps you should seek help for them.


10-01-2003, 09:16 PM
I have to side with Jolena on this one.

10-01-2003, 09:17 PM
Drizz, are you able to comprehend at all why people actually LIKE porcell and not you?

When you can, you will be halfway there.

10-01-2003, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Those of you that ARE making fun of him for his looks GTFU seriously.

GTFU? I saw you post this before so I know it's not a typo, here's some help. GTFU would mean = Get the F up.

What you're doing is combining
GTFO = Get the F Out with
STFU = Shut the F Up.

Just letting you know.

10-01-2003, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Jolena

Originally posted by GSLeloo
By the way... Isn't Simucon technically taking the game into real life?

Simucon is a way for people of similar interests to meet and discuss things and also to just hang out together. So no..I don't consider it taking the game into RL. I consider taking the game into RL when someone wants to "kick his ass' because he's a dick in game to them.

Again, here is a case of selective reading, seems to be a very popular thing on these boards when trying to make themselves look right. I said, and hopefully this is the last time I have to say this:

If he is a dick to you in REAL LIFE at SIMUCON then why doesn't someone just kick his ass there.

Please stop taking things out of context, I'm sure those of you with selective reading are capable of taking the next step to 'reading unbiasedly.'

10-01-2003, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein

Originally posted by Jolena
Those of you that ARE making fun of him for his looks GTFU seriously.

GTFU? I saw you post this before so I know it's not a typo, here's some help. GTFU would mean = Get the F up.

What you're doing is combining
GTFO = Get the F Out with
STFU = Shut the F Up.

Just letting you know.

It's also GROW the F Up

10-01-2003, 09:20 PM
I just think Simucon is a place where people meet from Gemstone and so technically they are taking the game into real life. Personally I would never attend it (don't beat me up) cause most of the people that do seem kind of... um... I'll leave it blank for the imagination.

10-01-2003, 09:20 PM
I've spotted him too. No matter how old or however many ranks you have, you can still always fumble.

As for help, I don't need it. GS4 is all the help I'll need (not that no one could kill you now; I've seen the log of Boom owning your ass at Anfelt).

You are a snert. You are selfish. And you deserve everything you are getting and going to get.

10-01-2003, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein

Originally posted by Jolena
Those of you that ARE making fun of him for his looks GTFU seriously.

GTFU? I saw you post this before so I know it's not a typo, here's some help. GTFU would mean = Get the F up.

What you're doing is combining
GTFO = Get the F Out with
STFU = Shut the F Up.

Just letting you know.

Okay in my world it means Grow The Fuck Up. Sorry to those that didn't understand it. :)

10-01-2003, 09:23 PM
Hey Dusty, what is it that compelled you to choose a name with 5 straight consonants.. I don't think it's pronounceable.

10-01-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein

Originally posted by Jolena

Originally posted by GSLeloo
By the way... Isn't Simucon technically taking the game into real life?

Simucon is a way for people of similar interests to meet and discuss things and also to just hang out together. So no..I don't consider it taking the game into RL. I consider taking the game into RL when someone wants to "kick his ass' because he's a dick in game to them.

Again, here is a case of selective reading, seems to be a very popular thing on these boards when trying to make themselves look right. I said, and hopefully this is the last time I have to say this:

If he is a dick to you in REAL LIFE at SIMUCON then why doesn't someone just kick his ass there.

Please stop taking things out of context, I'm sure those of you with selective reading are capable of taking the next step to 'reading unbiasedly.'

My My Hulkein..a bit defensive are you? *grins* Muah!

10-01-2003, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein
Hey Dusty, what is it that compelled you to choose a name with 5 straight consonants.. I don't think it's pronounceable.

He ripped it off.

10-01-2003, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
I just think Simucon is a place where people meet from Gemstone and so technically they are taking the game into real life. Personally I would never attend it (don't beat me up) cause most of the people that do seem kind of... um... I'll leave it blank for the imagination.

I've never attended a Simucon myself.. but I find it humorous when people who play Gem think negatively of those who attend Simucon.. I mean.. you PLAY the game.. maybe not quite as much as the next person.. but you DO play. What makes going to Simucon suddenly turn a person into a negative image in your eyes?

Jolena--just being curious *ducks*

10-01-2003, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I've spotted him too. No matter how old or however many ranks you have, you can still always fumble.

As for help, I don't need it. GS4 is all the help I'll need (not that no one could kill you now; I've seen the log of Boom owning your ass at Anfelt).

You are a snert. You are selfish. And you deserve everything you are getting and going to get.

Ya and you obviously know everything that was going through my mind there right? You obviously know what I was thinking.

Boom has no way to get me so that he can hit me. All I had to do was keep tackling him. Or just swing at him at any point in time. Don't claim to know what I was doing. Or why I did what I did.


10-01-2003, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
I'd go if a) I could afford it, b) I didn't have a 14 month old KLINGON ;) Not that I'd trade him, mind you.

Exactly! I'd probably go to at least one to check it out if I had the money..but I have a 'KLINGON' or two myself. heehee.

10-01-2003, 09:31 PM
I always hated Drizt, Drizz, Drizzt, or whatever is the "real" name

I find it stupid to ALWAYS put a bad ass anti-hero and to let him become the greatest.

And according to ad&d, drizz sux


10-01-2003, 09:31 PM
You died. You fucked up. If you are so good, so powerful, why did someone with 100 levels less than you fucking wipe the floor with you?

10-01-2003, 09:33 PM
Drizzt, by D&D standards is pretty tough. Not the toughest, but tough. He's also a dark elven ranger, which Mr. Intelligence here, neglected to remember.

10-01-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Drizzt, by D&D standards is pretty tough. Not the toughest, but tough. He's also a dark elven ranger, which Mr. Intelligence here, neglected to remember.

Once again you have no reason why I chose the name. Oh and Drisst wasn't a ranger.

I did it as a joke when trying out other professions. Because there were a couple derivatives of the Drisst name already. I created a character as far from Drisst as I could. Again as a joke. Then I enjoyed the challenge as a warrior instead of a rogue. Warrior by far was the hardest profession years ago.


10-01-2003, 09:45 PM
Drizzt you idiot. Here's some proof you moron...


He is a Babarian/Fighter/Ranger. In the books he is a RANGER.

If you did it for a joke, back then in an RP game...it just shows your total selfish qualities in sacrificing RP quality for personal amusement...ie, snert behaviour.

10-01-2003, 09:49 PM
The exact stats are, for you geeks like me ;)...

Drizzt Do’Urden

Male drow Ftr10/Bbn1/Rgr5 of Mielikki

Please feel free to do a search for him or the books, and you will uncover the same things.

Miss X
10-01-2003, 09:50 PM
I dont get it, if boom has no way of hitting you, how come when he ambushed you that day at anfelt you died? I was there in the room, I saw it with my own eyes.

10-01-2003, 09:50 PM
Members viewing this page: Brat8525, Chadj, Dusty, Jolena, Miss X, Snapp, Suppa Hobbit Mage, Xcalibur

10-01-2003, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
The exact stats are, for you geeks like me ;)...

Drizzt Do’Urden

Male drow Ftr10/Bbn1/Rgr5 of Mielikki

Please feel free to do a search for him or the books, and you will uncover the same things.

d&d d20 v3.5 = gs4 (all evil)

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-01-2003, 09:54 PM
Anyone here think Dusty is coming off as totally calm and in control, while Stray is raving and foaming at the mouth, spitting up on his monitor?

I'd recommend some down time. And Dusty/Drizzsdt, I admire your tenacity in creating the oldest square in the game -- not a person can lesson the truth in that. I'm no power hunter, nor do I want to be, but I still think thats pretty amazing.

Years from now, folks will remember that, good or bad. I guess the question is, what will they remember StrayRogue for?

Just something to think about

10-01-2003, 09:55 PM
Hey I like Strayrogue. He's funny, usually pretty smart about things, he's british (1000 points!). So don't bash the english dude!

10-01-2003, 09:55 PM
Will you brag that you spend 50,000 hours on gemstone?
I won't

10-01-2003, 09:56 PM
I could careless about that, Drizzsdt or his fucking pals, Mage. He did NOT power hunt to his present level. I doubt he even got half way. If you want to read him "in control", please look back four months ago on the GS4 boards, bitching how he no longer will be able to show his weight around on the younger folk who happen to think he is a dick.

10-01-2003, 09:57 PM
Drizz, so when GS4 comes around and some of your levels are knocked off. You going into hiding? Apparantly someone kicked your butt at Anfelt and GS4 isnt here yet.

Your thoughts?

10-01-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Hey I like Strayrogue. He's funny, usually pretty smart about things, he's british (1000 points!). So don't bash the english dude!

Smooch for you :D

10-01-2003, 09:59 PM
I was smooched by an English guy! It's like Beatle mania all over again! (Even though my dad is English.. it doesn't count!)

10-01-2003, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Anyone here think Dusty is coming off as totally calm and in control, while Stray is raving and foaming at the mouth, spitting up on his monitor?

I'd recommend some down time. And Dusty/Drizzsdt, I admire your tenacity in creating the oldest square in the game -- not a person can lesson the truth in that. I'm no power hunter, nor do I want to be, but I still think thats pretty amazing.

Years from now, folks will remember that, good or bad. I guess the question is, what will they remember StrayRogue for?

Just something to think about

Are you kidding me? He would be easier to admire if he treated people better and used his power for good instead of being a total jerk. What is there to admire right now? That he has more spare time than anyone else?

10-01-2003, 10:01 PM
Drizzdst, get off your high horse. I once not only thought of you as a good warrior, but as a decent person to have around as a friend.

Then one day, you invited me on one of your little thieving missions, where your group just went around stealing from people. I've also seen how you treat younger folks who suspect you of thievery, how you've begged people in whispers in the guild to let you promote them instead of the person who has already offered/in the line to because you were close to being 235 or whatever age you are.

You arent the oldest person around, and Drizzdst ain't ice age in case you are attempting to insinuate it. You always act as though you are some sort of victim in EVERY SINGLE conflict you've ever been a part of.

Let me tell you something real plain and simple. You don't get as bad a reputation as you have without YOU having something to do with it. You carry a holier than thou attitude, and you constantly abuse your status in training. I for one will be happy with the coming of GS4 because I think perhaps it might put you in your place.

Wanna blame it on jealousy, that people are only that way because they are jealous of your age? I don't hear people complaining about tenderhand, jadall, sihaya, angellissa, malok, simmer, or any of those other ones who are just as old.
In fact, when Drizzdst was little, you didnt hear many complaints about hexxon, waldo, bleeds, blades, meta, and enegue either.

Perhaps you should re-evaluate your attitude and self and think that maybe if you could get off of what must be the most immense horse in the history of mankind, you yourself might be a part of your own problems.

Or you can go right ahead and continue thinking that you are the only human being on the planet who's problems are purely driven by others. Your call.

Personally, your actions in game have led me to no other conclusion that you're a dick with an inferiority complex, and you enjoy taking it out on others. If you can prove me wrong, I'd be more than happy to think otherwise. I don't hold grudges.

[Edited on 10-2-2003 by GSTamral]

10-01-2003, 11:23 PM
Drizzdst isn't that bad.

Other than the incessant hyper rationalization on boards everywhere...(which only makes him and the profession look bad)

(When I've seen him thief needled)

The thrilling name...

And the babble on the Voln Net....

He has a lot of tenacity for hunting and then picking boxes that far.

10-01-2003, 11:57 PM
Are you kidding me? He would be easier to admire if he treated people better and used his power for good instead of being a total jerk.


Evil will always prevail because good is dumb.

10-02-2003, 12:15 AM
That was almost poetic, Warriorbird.

10-02-2003, 12:16 AM
I have to say... I hate Drizzdst. The character. Yes, in the post, I will only pass judgement on the character. I don't know the player and I don't care what he looks like.

The character... is the most immature, selfish schoolyard bully to ever be conceived of. I can only give thanks that most people are more self-aware in real life, and would have a harder time rationalizing this assinine behavior than the character obviously does.

I was a schoolyard scrapper, myself... got into alot of fights (not beating people up for lunch money, but getting beat up for refusing to give it.) If ANYONE had behaved to me in the manner that Drizzdst (the character) does routinely, I would have wanted to stomp their teeth in.

I think Drizzdst (the character) is a low, oozing example of a personality and I know that when I see him pop up on the death screen repeatedly in GS4, I will not only not be sorry, but I will rejoice. No one should be free of the consequences of their actions, NO ONE. And his actions have called forth such hatred in the player and character population, that I believe has nothing (or very very little) to do with his level, except in how he uses it.

In the interests of proper role-play, I have my characters avoid Drizzdst as much as possible, because I don't think I could properly control myself as a player to have my character show the required fear of something so obviously bloated with power, like some kind of gluttonous blood-sucking worm.

I'll say it again. I HATE DRIZZDST (the character.) If he were a real man in front of me, I'd feel like breaking his knee caps. If he were a character in a book, I would put it down and never pick it up again. If he were some kind of disgusting French national dish, I'd spit on it. I HATE DRIZZDST. (The character.)

...I feel better.

10-02-2003, 12:23 AM
OMG, so Jenisi berated you the night before!

Is your skin so thin that she cut a verbal wound so deep you had to be a complete child and bind her in a hunting area 24 hours later? She made a forgiveable mistake and she apologized for it. Do you really believe that a comment is consent?

I hope more people do as Jenisi has next time your zombie Wintersin binds someone for Drizzsdt's problems with them.

You are a bully. You abuse your age and skills to act out to some really petty incidents. You have the nerve to tell Jenisi to grow up? Take a look in the mirror.

10-02-2003, 12:47 AM
If he wants to RP a thief. Fine, but if people know its you and even catch you in the act you just have to be prepared for retaliation. Don't whine like a bitch when someone catches you and don't kill them because you're pissed they caught you.

If you want to RP a bully thats fine too, just expect the consequences. Simple enough.

I get the feeling Drizz isn't letting that bit of logic sink in.

[Edited on 10-2-2003 by GS4Gurl]

10-02-2003, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
If you want to RP a bully thats fine too, just expect the concequences. Simple enough.

I get the feeling Drizz isn't letting that bit of logic sink in.

Consequences are for everyone.

10-02-2003, 08:58 AM
Of course they are. I don't recall anyone saying they weren't.

10-02-2003, 09:40 AM
Ok fellow members, let's tone down the personal attacks.

Problems with Drippdt are fine, comments about the player's weight are another.

Know where the line is.

10-02-2003, 12:50 PM
I call Drizzsdt "The Enforcer" all the time when I hear him shooting people down for help over the voln net. The name Enforcer has hidden meaning though, and unfortunately it's an inside joke with a group of my friends from back home who no longer play GS.

Anyways, in the lake community I grew up in, there was this guy that promoted himself to the beach caretaker. The thing is though, is that he had no real power. He wasn't appointed by the council of the community or anything, he just kinda started one day. He had to have been having a midlife crisis or something... his hair was falling out, and he was always in a pissy mood every day. Must not have been getting any either...

Anyways, he was always yelling and screaming at all the kids that were just minding their own business. He'd walk over to 8-9 year olds fishing and ask for their fishing license, he'd start freaking out on kids that were splashing eachother, or going outside the ropes... He'd call the police on people that weren't wearing their lake badge, saying that they're tresspassing even though he knew the person, and knew that they were lake members. He would bully people around just to make him feel better about himself... So my friends and I then gave him the title " The Enforcer".

Drizzsdt makes the perfect in game parallel, don't you think?

10-02-2003, 01:15 PM
Did this guy physically attack and steal from these people as well?

10-02-2003, 02:17 PM
drizzsdt is a complete chump. beyond stealing and attacking newbies for no reason, murdering people for speaking poorly of him, he is in general a whiny and pathetic child. If he wasn't so old (which he did by power hunting) no one would respect him or even know him. He is worthless. Warclaidhm is more of a man than drizzsdt is.

i recall one situation in particular, tehre was an alterer and he kept taddling on every single person who wanted something done, and in general just being a suck up to the GM while trying to get all the players who just wanted an altered item in trouble. for no reason!

it was just sad, someone who has been in the lands as long as he has has to act like a complete snert and a newb all the time.

10-02-2003, 04:45 PM
Of course he is utterly blameless to all this. We are just jealous of him.

10-02-2003, 06:26 PM
I've had nothing but good interactions with Drizzsdt in my time in the game. From my point of view.. most of the complaints I read were more of envy than of any merit.

If you are going to have an issue with Drizzsdt.. make sure you have an issue with the character and not the player. Making fun of one's weight or looks without knowing them is tremendously ignorant.

10-02-2003, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by DustyFact of the matter is they don't know who's stealing from them but they just go ahead and assume it's me.

I don't see the problem with this actually. :smug:

10-02-2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Of course he is utterly blameless to all this. We are just jealous of him.

I usually agree with most of your posts StrayRogue..

So, I'll agree with this one too. I don't think Drizzsdt's blameless here.. hell, he roleplays a pompus warrior who thinks he is right and everyone else is wrong... but I do think a great deal of the 'issues' with him and others are because he is so old and they can't do anything to get back at him.

10-02-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
Drizz, so when GS4 comes around and some of your levels are knocked off. You going into hiding? Apparantly someone kicked your butt at Anfelt and GS4 isnt here yet.

Your thoughts?

LOL... He will still be one of the oldest characters in the game.. and even with the compression of levels.. there aren't too many that would fuck with him. He'll still be pretty much impervious to any physical type of attacks.

10-02-2003, 06:39 PM
Envy? Funny. I'd love to say I snorted my drink out my nose but unfortunately I wasn't drinking so it was just a plain ole' LOL.

I remember when I started playing, I was in awe of some legend. I kept repeating "wow! That many levels!" and he laughed. I asked why he was laughing and he said that only one conclusion could be drawn from the fact that he had more levels than me. He said (paraphrasing), "Never make the mistake to think that more levels means better person. The only thing it means is that more hours have been put into my character than yours. Time, that's all it is."

While everyone deserves a certain basic level of respect, the real profund respect is earned by one's actions.

To be jealous or envious, he should have something that we don't have and want. All he has that I don't is more time spent on his character. Hardly someone one can be jealous of since time is available to everyone. You decide how much time you spend on your character and that number is easily changed should the player not be satisfied.

No, I think everyone here has enough sense to see that there is absolutely no reason to envy this player. A character could envy his power and RP that way, that's true. But we don't post IC here so I know what you meant was that we, players, are jealous.

10-02-2003, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
[quote]hell, he roleplays a pompus warrior who thinks he is right and everyone else is wrong...

I have yet to see evidence of roleplay on his part. (insert part where slave empath binds anyone who *edit: wordlessly* pisses off the player here)

[Edited on 10-2-2003 by Adhara]

[Edited on 10-2-2003 by Adhara]

10-02-2003, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by StrayRogue
Of course he is utterly blameless to all this. We are just jealous of him.

I usually agree with most of your posts StrayRogue..

So, I'll agree with this one too. I don't think Drizzsdt's blameless here.. hell, he roleplays a pompus warrior who thinks he is right and everyone else is wrong... but I do think a great deal of the 'issues' with him and others are because he is so old and they can't do anything to get back at him.

Sarcasm plz?

10-02-2003, 08:23 PM
SARCASM folks. God, please read my other posts on my true feelings for Drizzsdt, folks...

10-02-2003, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
SARCASM folks. God, please read my other posts on my true feelings for Drizzsdt, folks...

I invented Sarcasm pal. :smug:

10-02-2003, 08:52 PM
I think you'll find the English invented sarcasm and still use it today ;)

10-02-2003, 08:55 PM
How 'bout you invent the toothbrush and then come back.


Sorry, I've been waiting to say that ever since you showed up on these boards.

Miss X
10-02-2003, 08:57 PM
That is one thing that facinates me... Every American I speak too asks me if its true we all have bad teeth!
I might start asking all Americans if its true their all fat! (joke)

10-02-2003, 08:59 PM
Exactly. Go eat another hamburger Edaarin ;)

10-02-2003, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by Adhara
I have yet to see evidence of roleplay on his part. (insert part where slave empath binds anyone who *edit: wordlessly* pisses off the player here)

As we heard from Drizzsdt's player.. we got a little backround on that confrontation... didn't we. We find that she was simply being bitchy and was just as much at fault at the consequences as Drizzsdt's character was. Whether you like the way he handled it.. how again is it out of character for him to bind the bitchy one?

You may not LIKE him casting bind on her... but your approval doesn't necessarily denote a lack of roleplaying skill.

10-02-2003, 09:59 PM
You're absolutely right. He's free to call it roleplay and I will gladly admit that it is only my and my opinion only that casting without a word is poor roleplay on the part of the person controlling the slave empath.

Same goes for Drizzsdt himself. I've seen several logs of different bully sessions and in all of them I got the impression that there was no RP at all. It was the player bullying through a character.

Again, my opinion only.

10-02-2003, 10:06 PM
I'm a vegetarian.

But yes, 30% of America is obese, and some obscene percentage is overweight, so that generalization is usually true.

10-02-2003, 10:07 PM
Go eat a vege-burger...choke on some tofu...damn, I can't hassle vegetarians :(

10-02-2003, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Adhara
You're absolutely right. He's free to call it roleplay and I will gladly admit that it is only my and my opinion only that casting without a word is poor roleplay on the part of the person controlling the slave empath.

Same goes for Drizzsdt himself. I've seen several logs of different bully sessions and in all of them I got the impression that there was no RP at all. It was the player bullying through a character.

Again, my opinion only.

A log can be doctored. I'm sorry you haven't had the opportunity to roleplay with Drizzsdt. It can be quite entertaining.

10-02-2003, 11:55 PM
A couple extra points here.

Just because Wintersin is a friend and skins and heals me when we're hunting doesn't make him me. If you would like a script that allows you to hunt withoust having to continually hit the same couple keys over and over talk to Porcell. I'm sure he could use a little extra money. Perhaps he can start a business for you folks. He's quite good at it.

Amazingly enough you can have two scripts that feed off each others actions. Gee imagine that. That's logic but not much logic occurs on these boards. On these boards just cause two folks are together and move fastly they must be the same person.

If you want to see fast you should see porcell and I together. Everything else pales. Uh oh, that doesn't make sense does it? Cause you all know Porcell and I aren't the same person.

I believe Wintersin bound Jenisi cause the other night she berated us and ran off as fast as she could. Binding them allows you to have a good conversation with them, because they aren't going anywhere. At least that's the way I've seen bind used. If anyone wanted to cause her harm they wouldn't use bind. Again she was in no danger when we left her cause her friend was there and Song of Peace was running. Otherwise I would have stayed. I'm not going to let her die.

It wasn't an easy mistake on Jenisi's part. They were in the room a while before she killed it. I assumed they were going to continue the conversation of the previous night.

Um hello folks, wake up. I can not go around killing folks without them doing some sort of physical or magical action towards me. If I did that just a couple times over the years. I'd be banned. Hello. Use common sense. I'm bound by the same rules of policy that everyone else is.

The fact of the matter is that folks slap me, kick me, try to cast at me, try to steal from me, actually try to hit me with blades. Once they do that they're asking for interaction. And no you can't kill someone because they slapped you once. Folks alot of the stories you hear get exaggerated over the years as they get passed on from person to person.

Haven't you all played that game when you were kids in school. Where you all sit in a circle and the teacher whispers in the first kids ear....

"betty went to the store to get bread"

Then that kid whispers it to the next kid and it goes around the circle and when it gets back to the teacher it's...........

"Betty went to the store and got bred"

Notice, the stories not the same after it goes through a couple folks. It's an entirely new situation now.

I think the game is called telephone or something like that....

The point of the matter is everyone adds a little and everyone drops out what they don't think is important. The story gets changed. In this case little johny happened to be the last kid in the circle. We all know what a bad seed he is.

Another fact is when an episode doesn't go the way you want it to go. When you retell it or remember it it tends to get an even sour taste in your mouth.

Drizz can not just kill someone for no reason.. No one can. It just doesn't happen.

On the matter of stealing. Drizzsdt doesn't steal. If you feel he has stolen from you take it up with the constable. That's what he does. Of course, he actually has proof and the constable has no problem arresting the folks. And fully expect that if you try to steal from me and I catch you I'll probably kill you. Since I actually saw you. It's warranted. Just guessing someone is doing it isn't catching them.

And listen to what ParkBandit said. When I'm around they all love to steal cause they know everyone will just blame me anyway. He should know. I see him dipping everyone as soon as I'm around. He's a real scoundrel. Course he is smart for doing it that way.

As the last note. Folks either love Drizz or hate Drizz. That's because he can be your best friend or your worst enemy. He's very loyal and very traditional. You cross him once and that's it. you broke the trust. He treats folks the way they treat him. If you come up to him with a preconceived notion he's bad and evil. You'll most likely treat him that way and you'll get treated the same. End of story.


10-02-2003, 11:57 PM
Damn you spend a lot of time defending yourself when you've done nothing wrong, supposedly.

::wanders off::

10-03-2003, 12:04 AM
I must say, although I had only a few interactions with Drizzsdt while I played GemStoneIII, all were pleasant. He was never anything but a gentleman warrior to me. As far as I know, he never stole from me; however, my character never carried much coin on her person anyway. It did not seem the wise thing to do. ;)

HarmNone found Drizzsdt to be a gentleman

10-03-2003, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by Dusty
On the matter of stealing. Drizzsdt doesn't steal. If you feel he has stolen from you take it up with the constable. That's what he does. Of course, he actually has proof and the constable has no problem arresting the folks. And fully expect that if you try to steal from me and I catch you I'll probably kill you. Since I actually saw you. It's warranted. Just guessing someone is doing it isn't catching them.


Alright my paint chip nibbling friend, why on earth do you still insult the intelligence of everyone who reads the boards by denying you steal?

Stealing is not in and of itself a bad thing in GS. Its really ok to admit it. It's not simply stealing that pisses people off. In fact, our short bus riding warrior, your bestest buddy is the best known pickpocket there is yet amazingly people like him.

Why is it do you think that so many people find you abhorrent while liking him?

Seriously. I'm interested in why you think that is.

10-03-2003, 12:17 AM
Yup, he didnt know me from a hole in the wall and I also had no interaction with him at all when he decided to lay hands on my and drag me off elsewhere on my very first meeting with his slowness.

We are all out to get him though, and he saw through my little ploy and took preemptive action I guess.

10-03-2003, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by Dusty Folks alot of the stories you hear get exaggerated over the years as they get passed on from person to person.

On the matter of stealing. Drizzsdt doesn't steal.

My hatred of the character Drizzsdt is based on my own observations and the minimal interactions I've had with him over the course of a few characters. Not everyone hates him because they're listening to everyone else.

And that last... is just such an obvious lie that I cannot believe you even posted it. What gall. I don't hate you, the player of Drizzsdt, but I can't say I have any respect for you at all. Liars and people who believe they are free of consequence are two of my top pet peeves.

10-03-2003, 01:08 AM
I'd also like to say that I find it irritating and irrational the way he deals with his character's detractors. They fall into these groups in his mind:

A. Those who are just jealous of his obvious uberness and want to bring him down any way they can.
B. Those who listen to others' stories blindly.
C. Those who are plainly just stupid.

I do not fall in any of those and I think his categorizing is a poor way to debate/argue.

10-03-2003, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by Dusty
On the matter of stealing. Drizzsdt doesn't steal.

So you mean, in the isolated hunting ground, where it was you and one other person... the 12k in coins that came up missing, it wasn't you? Let me guess, after you killed him, they fell out of his pockets right? Yeah, I see that happening. :lol: If you're going to lie, at least make it believeable please.

10-03-2003, 03:05 AM
Binding in a hunting area is never a good solution, not even as an excuse for a "conversation" because someone ran away too fast. It's just another bully tactic. Be a man, or just try to be a person even, and ASK if you can speak to them about the situation first, instead of using your zombie empath to bind them 24 hours after a baiting. Again I say, is your skin so thin you need to respond to every little insult?

I do know first hand that you do steal. I'm on your "list." Why? Because I criticized you for bullying someone else for a stupid, petty reason.

Good thing I have friends with enough perception to see you steal and a level 130 Sorc friend that curses gem for me too!

10-03-2003, 03:13 AM
As posted by Dusty...

My thoughts...

Biggest pile of bullshit I have read in a long time. The condescending, lofty plateu this snerty fuck has placed himself on makes me really laugh as well as really make me take note of the total ignorance of the player behind him. Roll on GS4, and the Drizzsdt reaming.

10-03-2003, 09:56 AM
My very first in-game interaction with the character made me hate him and while I suspected it was the player's bullying, I gave him the benefit of the doubt. After reading so many lies I know that I can never respect the player either.

At least, Klaive and Bob are young. There is hope that they could someday change. Obviously it's not the case here.

Trying to debate with a lying adult is a waste of time. He will never change.

10-03-2003, 11:55 AM
"On the matter of stealing. Drizzsdt doesn't steal. If you feel he has stolen from you take it up with the constable."

Minus that nonsense, as I've seen you needled, I wouldn't mind Drizzdst all that much. Plenty of people are idiots on the Voln net. That's forgiveable. Plenty of people have stupid names and then begin to love the game.

10-03-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Dusty
On the matter of stealing. Drizzsdt doesn't steal.


Originally posted by DustyAnd listen to what ParkBandit said. When I'm around they all love to steal cause they know everyone will just blame me anyway.


Originally posted by Dusty
He should know. I see him dipping everyone as soon as I'm around.

Lies and slander.

Originally posted by Dusty
Course he is smart(er than me).


10-03-2003, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by SkirmisherStealing is not in and of itself a bad thing in GS. Its really ok to admit it. It's not simply stealing that pisses people off. In fact, our short bus riding warrior, your bestest buddy is the best known pickpocket there is yet amazingly people like him.

Actually.. Falgrin's not Drizzsdt's 'bestest buddy'. :smug:

10-03-2003, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
I'm a vegetarian.

You are now sponsored by me in my anti-vegetarian quest. I will now eat and/or waste three times as much meat as I do now, for you. You can thank me later.

10-03-2003, 03:58 PM
Oh please. Bottom line Dusty, you dont get a reputation as bad as you have unless you EARNED it. And earned it you have.

You don't abuse policy to bully people?

how about the time you kept tackling Ktank in the warrior guild and stealing his gems? Did anyone SEE you steal, no, of course not, but you can't stealth put, and you made it plainly obvious putting the gems away.

you may do things in such a way that borderline the policy here and there, but that doesn't change the fact that you have in the past FOLLOWED AROUND AND HARASSED people with your bully tactics. When they argue with you, you tackle them, so perhaps swinging or trying to cast at you is some feeble last defense, who knows, but that doesnt change the fact that you believe your age portends you to some uber respect. Not if you treat others like trash. Angellissa doesnt have your rep, neither did Simmer, any really anyone else for their time. Even Megaladon has garnered more respect than you because he will attempt to avoid conflict. 3 people behind that one, each with a clue that you seem absolutely oblivious to.

YOu go around harassing other people left and right. Whoever you feel like one day, whoever doesnt agree with you the other, I don't know and I don't care. Tamral has avoided you for the last 5 years, and if you want to come around and bully me, go right ahead. I'll still try and avoid you, because interaction with you is asinine at best. If people don't agree with your "respected" word, you antagonize them, even trying to bait them into a situation where you can show your strength. Woohoo for you. I'll repeat this again, there were MANY legends in this game before Drizzdst was born, and he is by no means some sort of revered elder. Meta never went out of his way to steal or pick on people, and he NEVER had your reputation. Why is that you ask? According to you, its because you are some sort of victim. Singled out victim, as you never have anything to do with your conflicts. You bind people for a conversation, speak exactly 0 words to them, and then leave them to die. If you cannot recognize a bard sanct from a clerical one, then by god you're a fucking idiot on top of being a dick.

If you simply had sat in a room and stolen from people, rather than find people you don't like, follow them around, tackle them, and otherwise prevent them from getting away, that would have been fine. But you also have the audacity to put their gems away in front of them, and then say you don't steal?

Let me tell you something. This isnt an official forum, nor is it part of the game. If you act as you do, you WILL get flak on places like here and you cannot hide behind some rule, or bend some moral code to justify it. People here don't have to buy that BS.

How would you like it if I followed you around and kept calling you a fatass? Or if I starting posting signs around your town picturing you with a caption portending a 2 legged elephant? And then when you try and do something about it, I happen to get the police on my side, and prevent you from doing anything other than basic venting? How about then if I started walking into your home wearing a mask that was just enough to cover enough so that the police could not ID me and stealing personal items of yours, and used a skill, like running, which you don't possess, to get away clean, similar to the way you abuse your skills in the game, and then started showing them off to you in a publicly humiliating way, such as hanging your underwear from a tree with a big sign letting everyone know who's underwear it was? I mean, I never got caught, so if you have a problem, see the sheriff right?

Well shit man, if you still believe all this bad reputation you've earned has NOTHING to do with what YOU have done to others, well, I'd like to sign you to a 50 million dollar contract to replace Tom Cruise in his upcoming movies because, simply said, you're more of a chick magnet. Either one would be equidistant from the truth.

10-03-2003, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein

Originally posted by Edaarin
I'm a vegetarian.

You are now sponsored by me in my anti-vegetarian quest. I will now eat and/or waste three times as much meat as I do now, for you. You can thank me later.

Three times the weight-intake of the average Amercian?? You must be one fat m*ther F*cker ;)

10-03-2003, 04:07 PM
Hulkein actually ripped off a quote from Maddox. Nothing like non-cited quotes.

10-03-2003, 04:29 PM
Tamral, you're quite amusing in your posts. I have never tackled anyone outside the glad games, training in the guild, or just messing around with my closest friends. The reason for that is you can get ousted from the guild for using tackle for enjoyment or to harm others. Since I've never been ousted your stories don't hold much water. They're great reading for entertainment purposes but they don't hold any fact.


10-03-2003, 04:32 PM
Err....don't be dim, Dusty. Very few times outside of absolutely rampant abuse cases is that ever enforced. He also said it was in the guild.

Ktank being an older player might also not be in favor of utilizing report.

[Edited on 10-3-2003 by Warriorbird]

10-03-2003, 04:34 PM
I hear a splash as respect for Drizzsdt's liar of a player hits the very bottom of my well of respect. I started out not caring about the player at all, but this repeated lying has just got to stop.

If you're so proud of your character and the way you role-play him, then at least have the pants to admit to all the base crap he does.

10-03-2003, 04:40 PM
according to Drizzdst

<<Tamral, you're quite amusing in your posts. I have never tackled anyone outside the glad games, training in the guild, or just messing around with my closest friends. The reason for that is you can get ousted from the guild for using tackle for enjoyment or to harm others. Since I've never been ousted your stories don't hold much water. They're great reading for entertainment purposes but they don't hold any fact.

Disclaimer: Tax and Title extra, free toaster offer not valid outside of South Africa. Offer not valid outside of Never Never land, 0% financing not applicable to human beings.

See the bullshit... Be the bullshit...

10-04-2003, 02:43 AM
First of all, "Hi there!" to my former mod-buds, Kranar, CrystalTears, The Princess, Lord Deprav... I miss you guys.

I was asked not to post in this thread and I held back for a couple of days, but...

As I read through this thread one thought kept popping in my head...have people totally forgotten that they are discussing a CHARACTER in a GAME? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the day I get foaming at the mouth and become truly mean-hearted over text in a fantasy game, is the day someone had better take an axe to my computer.

So Drizz denies that he steals, what is the big deal? Maybe I will decide that my character has never blown a trap before and I’ll walk around bragging about what an awesome locksmith I am. As long as a player stays within the rules and policies of the game, people can play their character as they choose. I don't always agree with Drizz’s actions, but it’s not my place, or anyone else to tell him how to play. Drizz has some of the most well-known and respected names in the game as family and friends. Would they really befriend him if he was the total ass that some of you have made him out to be?

I have been playing GS for a number of years now, the first few years Drizz and I were good friends, the past two years we have been playing an engaged couple. I spend a lot of time with him and I sure haven't seen him acting like some of the incidents in this thread. Either these incidents happened years ago, or both sides of the story haven't been told. I have seen countless people coming out of the shadows to attack Drizz, or I, just to see if they can, or ridicule because he is helping me hunt. I can’t count the times that we have to stop what we are doing so he can help a warrior with guild matters, or pick a high lock, or check a weapon for someone. At merchant events, he usually always pays for a room full of people to get work done and insists that his name isn't announced. I guess it’s only natural that the positive isn’t mentioned, and the negative gets all the attention.

I feel sorry for the people that had to take their hatred to a personal level, it’s just wrong and ignorant, and I hope that they grow-up, or get happier lives one day.

Just to clear up a couple of questions/comments that I hear often...

*NO Sharing of Accounts - No one has, or will ever have access to my account. Also, I won’t access anyone else’s account. It’s too big of a responsibility and I don't want the headache.

*NO Gifts - I don’t accept valuable gifts or silvers from ANYONE. Drizz has some amazing gear, but I won’t even borrow it. I don’t want him, or anyone else to ever think that I spend time with him because of gifts.

*YES - Drizz does help me hunt, but only after constant nagging on his part. I'd prefer to work in the Tower, organize my wardrobe, socialize with friends, almost anything other than hunt. With Drizz's help, I could probably train every few days...I'm actually averaging about one training every three months.

Kranar, I have always admired the intent that you, Buckwheet, and Caels have for these boards...all the best to you.


10-04-2003, 02:49 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by SkirmisherStealing is not in and of itself a bad thing in GS. Its really ok to admit it. It's not simply stealing that pisses people off. In fact, our short bus riding warrior, your bestest buddy is the best known pickpocket there is yet amazingly people like him.

Actually.. Falgrin's not Drizzsdt's 'bestest buddy'. :smug:

I think he was referring to Porcell.

Summer (That's six...hmm, seven, Porcell!)

Weedmage Princess
10-04-2003, 09:00 AM
Summerlyn!!!! *hugs hugs hugs*

And bah to whoever asked you to not post...your opinions are just as welcomed as everyone else's, whether people agree with them or not.

Good to see you...missed you lots, and I hope you stick around.

[Edited on 10-4-2003 by Weedmage Princess]

10-04-2003, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Summerlyn

Originally posted by Parkbandit
Actually.. Falgrin's not Drizzsdt's 'bestest buddy'. :smug:

I think he was referring to Porcell.

Summer (That's six...hmm, seven, Porcell!)

Sarcasm.... I even clued you in with the :smug::smug::smug::smug::smug::smug::smug::smug::s mug:

Hanging out with Drizz has made you stupid.

10-04-2003, 10:04 AM
So Drizz denies that he steals, what is the big deal? Maybe I will decide that my character has never blown a trap before and I’ll walk around bragging about what an awesome locksmith I am.

If you did this in game i doubt anyone would care much. If you claimed this on an OOC message board and even when 50 people showed up claiming they saw you blow a trap and you said they were just jealous of your skills then people might get irritated.

10-04-2003, 10:05 AM
Do read my last post in the Rorac thread. I believe it holds water in this thread as well.

Dippdt may not be the uber-ass toward his inner circle of friends, but he is still an uber-ass.

This would be a lack of distinction between the character and the player. Everyone knows the character steals, bullies, and walks the fine line of mechanics abuse. It's the player that denies it. My rogue steals in game and will never admit it even in rare instances when caught. My ranger is an ass half the time and has no problem killing another character if it's warranted. I the player am not going to deny that. Yet Dusty does nothing but deny at his every breath.

It's simply a fact; there is a heavy portion of the gaming population that detests Drippdt. Why exactly is that. We don't abhor Summerlyn. We don't dislike Blades or Porcell. Why is it that we would have a party were Drippdt deeded?

Perhaps it's because you don't see the aforementioned characters take it upon themselves to police the Voln net. Maybe it's because they don't wander the land with rare stops on message boards professing their uberness. Maybe it's because they don't bully or abuse mechanics.

In the land of Gemstone, Droopdt is the pyridine of ass hats. It's unfortunate that the player of Drippdt chooses to blur the line between player and character.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t this happen the last time someone started a Drippdt thread? Did Dusty not jump onto the scene with denials and boasts. No one bought them last time and just like last time, you posted pretty much the same thing.

Here are a few memories.


Rather telling that these topics pop up every now and again.

10-04-2003, 10:45 AM
Broughmin had a great post on one of those 'memories' from the old PC boards that bears repeating...

"There are easily hundreds of players that abuse whatever power they have much more than Drizzsdt. There are hundred of players that are much more OOC than Drizzsdt on a daily basis. So why is it that he gets all the attention?

If Drizzsdt was 100 trains, he could still steal with basically the same skill, he would still be close to unkillable to 90% plus of the player base, and no one would care.

Drizzsdt is just a player like anyone else. He just chose to kill a lot of critters and pick a lot of boxes.

I see Drizzsdt all the time, sitting at a table across from mine in Silvergate. He rarely even leaves the table anymore. He can hardly go out in public because of people seeking to bait him into confrontations.

I'm sure some people are saying well he deserves it, but I disagree. So you think he picked some gems from you, so you don't like his style of play, so his posting style on the boards is less than humble.. Big damn deal. Is he the only one doing these things? No. But he has trainings past the cap.

To hold him to a MUCH higher standard than the rest of us players simply because Simu chose to impose a training cap after he passed it is unfair.

If you think that it's "unfair" that his character has training past the cap, take that argument to Simu. Drizzsdt did not impose the cap. Drizzsdt did not cheat to get his trains after the cap was in place. "

10-04-2003, 10:57 AM
I dont like Drizz.

but they are right Drizz did not cheat to get 239 train.

10-04-2003, 10:59 AM
How he got them is immaterial.

The fact that he abuses those levels is.

10-04-2003, 11:04 AM
No he does not abuse those levels.

Just because your character is so weak you cant do anything to him does not mean he abuses what he has learned.

The thing is Drizz will deny in game he doesnt do things and then Dusty will deny out of game when I know for a fact that he does those things. He stole a cursed gem from me on the ferry going to the EN.

10-04-2003, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
How he got them is immaterial.

The fact that he abuses those levels is.

Abuses? How exactly does one 'abuse' a level?

Is it because he allegedly steals from people and they can't get back at him?

That's your abuse?

Boo hoo. :sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::snif fle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle:

10-04-2003, 11:14 AM
I don't think it's because they can't get back at him. It's probably that he denies he steals in the first place, whether it be in the game or on an OOC message boards, when people KNOW he does. And it seems if you call him on it, rather than be a thief and act the part, he threatens to kill you. THAT'S abusing your level.

10-04-2003, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Abuses? How exactly does one 'abuse' a level?

Is it because he allegedly steals from people and they can't get back at him?

That's your abuse?

Boo hoo. :sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::snif fle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle:

Oh my the cleverness that is you.

Please tell me where there is a chance for rp where one who can steal with impunity or do what he wishes with impunity and who then denies he ever did anything in the first place?

Yah, stellar rp'ing there.

I do not mind losing coins to a thief so much, but when I have no chance( sure a 1% chance is no chance to me, sorry) to catch him and no way to make him stop it gets boring quick and shows me he is just a punk ass. If thats your cup of tea then you're an ass too.

10-04-2003, 11:20 AM
As to Drizz not stealing, well, why he says he doesn't, I don't know. He's more or less an old aquaintance of mine, who I've simply not felt like staying in touch with.

However, I've seen him steal countless times from countless people, usually people that are stealing themselves, or are simply being world class ass-wipes.

However, I've also seen him acting like a complete ass-wipe himself in the Warrior Guild, demanding and taking every promotion that comes along, yet refusing to aid anyone in tasks or skills work. Hell, most of the time he wouldn't even answer questions.

I've also seen him on his bad days where he's called very good and wonderfull players terrible names both in private and on the amu-net, simply because they did something he wasn't happy with.

Many years ago I had an in-game RP romance. it was fun, and a great way to spend an evening when TV and movies were sucking donkey-balls (as they are ought to do most of the time).

My Other went into an extremely difficult area to rescue a very close friend of ours who had died. She was both family, friend, and member of our clan, so we called it and went to save her. We get back, get her healed and raised, and suddenly Drizz is on the amunet, calling my beloved a whore, a slut, a bitch, on and on.. it was disgusting.

Now, up until this point we were still friends, and I found his words & attitude shocking to say the least. I went back to the Guild and demanded he apologise for his words. Not only did he refuse, he continued to belittle and berate her to my face.

As honor required, I lopped off his head, and have never spoken to him since. There was no GM intervention, any reports, reprimands, or further discussion.

I've since spent most of my rare in-game time building up all the kids I've (for whatever curiosity) rolled up, and have had sitting at levels 1, 2, or 3 for the last 8+ years.

Everyone that I used to play with is gone. Everyone who I called friend or companion when Kelfore became the landing are gone. Some of them left with items of mine that were both personal and powerful. I wouldn't care less if I could just have my friends back.

I blame many for my friends leaving, but in the end, I think I'll stay for a bit longer. I just want to see how things end up.

All I can suggest, is if getting stolen from is a concern of yours, CLOSE yer godamn containers and go to the bank often. Why leave opportunity open to fate, when a few moments effort can deny it entirely?

[Edited on 10-4-2003 by HappyGuyJr]

10-04-2003, 11:25 AM
You don't have to be a jerk to be a thief.

10-04-2003, 11:34 AM
Summerlyn, I assure you I am not "picking on" Driz or his player here.

He is the one who makes the decision to insult everyone by protesting he does not steal when clearly he does.

He is the one who pushes to get his way simply because he can.

I ask you since he apparently will not answer, when there are so many who steal much more than Driz, why is it such a huge number of people find him to be a complete waste of a character slot and actually like and respect those other theives.

And one last thing, if you read these boards at all you will see I am rather even tempered about most things.

Bullies piss me off, and thats all that I see Driz as, through my own experience and stories from others.

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and if I had not had personal experiences with him I would not post in this thread.

[Edited on 10-4-2003 by Skirmisher]

10-04-2003, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
Oh my the cleverness that is you.

Please tell me where there is a chance for rp where one who can steal with impunity or do what he wishes with impunity and who then denies he ever did anything in the first place?

Yah, stellar rp'ing there.

I do not mind losing coins to a thief so much, but when I have no chance( sure a 1% chance is no chance to me, sorry) to catch him and no way to make him stop it gets boring quick and shows me he is just a punk ass. If thats your cup of tea then you're an ass too.

So what you are saying is that when you reach a level in the game where more than 50% of the playing characters cannot hurt you.. you need to stop roleplaying a thief?

My thief is only 74 or 75 trainings I think... maybe it's time for Falgrin to become a huggy wuggy person that loves everyone with no conflict.

I've been called a bully on MANY occasions. No matter how you do it.. there is no way to roleplay an effective thief that is of later trainings and not be considered a bully by some. Anytime you dip into the pockets of someone younger.. you run that risk.

Sounds like you have more of a problem with Game Mechanics than anything else. Hopefully GS4 will find you some salvation.

10-04-2003, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I ask you since he apparently will not answer, when there are so many who steal much more than Driz, why is it such a huge number of people find him to be a complete waste of a character slot and actually like and respect those other theives.

Because of the number of levels he has attained.

If Drizzsdt's character was named "Bilixabu" and was a warrior of 100 trainings.. we wouldn't even be discussing him right now. Most would say "Bilixy who?"

Being the oldest warrior character in the game for the past 5-6 years and being widely known.. it makes him an easy target.

10-04-2003, 12:54 PM
I've never had a problem with Drizzsdt in game; he's never been anything but nice to all of my characters.

I will say that I'll like him even more when my fantasy football team beats his.

Go me! w00t!



10-04-2003, 01:06 PM
Drizz is an asshole. One time I did something I shouldn't, but just for fun. I advertised some shell armor, (Which there was only one set at the time, and drizz had it) on the net just for fun. I had no clue drizz had it. Anyway, while I was in tsc. Drizz cussed me out, told me I was an asshole, whispered and yelled at me in whispers. Basically being an ass. (Drizz and I were friends before this). Anyway, he also told me he had a buyer who was going to buy his armor for 100m but since I advertised shell armor, that the buyer backed out and he "lost" 100m. I apologized to him a few times, no use, he didn't care, it seemed just money was more important than friends.

Summerlyn is a nice person. I just still don't see why he'd dump a friend over a mistake.

10-04-2003, 01:12 PM
Agreed. Even if he does steal, I don't care. I steal from folks on occasion, when I get caught though, I bow down and accept that. I don't moan on, then abuse my guild skills or level to get out of the retribution I've had coming. Drizzsdt does. Its called being a bully.

He just strikes me as a totally snertish character whom places himself upon a plateau of greatness alone. Well he's hardly unkillable. Capped characters HAVE nailed him. Sorcerer's as low as 70 will soon be able to kill him too. Big deal. The levels I never cared about. Its him who prattles on about the respect he is due and such, not us.

I don't care how or when he got those levels either, be it multi-accounting or not, all I know is he acts like a jerk. Be this his player or character is unknown (after reading his posts here and on the official boards, however, I would say the two are practically the same).

All I know is he acts like a total dick. Drizzsdt is the biggest, baddest guy on the block, and that fact makes him think like he has the right to take and do and say anything he pleases.

The amusing thing is, he ISN'T the baddest, toughest etc. Yet, as previously said, none of the other post-capped characters "abuse" their power.

[Edited on 4-10-03 by StrayRogue]

10-04-2003, 01:12 PM
I do believe there are causes for being a complete ass on occasion, this is one of them.

Additionally this would be a once in a lifetime event that I would actually cheer for Drippdt.

You got off easy. I would have either thorned your ass into the next week or cleaned you out while not bothering to hide it.

10-04-2003, 01:26 PM

10-04-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by Summerlyn
So Drizz denies that he steals, what is the big deal? Maybe I will decide that my character has never blown a trap before and I’ll walk around bragging about what an awesome locksmith I am.

I'd like to clear something up. Drizzsdt (the character) denies he steals. That's alright, that's him role-playing a jerk. Drizzsdt (the PLAYER) denies his character steals... which is lying. And full of gall, that he expects us to believe that.

That is where the problem lies.

10-04-2003, 01:45 PM

If you had cost me 100 million, I'd have deeded your ass, policy be damned.

[Edited on 10-4-2003 by Artha]

10-04-2003, 01:53 PM
Well now, as much as Warclaidhm making a post on the same side as me tends to undermine the cause so I hope he never does so again, he didnt cost him 100 million if Driz still has the armor.

10-04-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by LaVaca
Drizz is an asshole. One time I did something I shouldn't, but just for fun. I advertised some shell armor, (Which there was only one set at the time, and drizz had it) on the net just for fun. I had no clue drizz had it. Anyway, while I was in tsc. Drizz cussed me out, told me I was an asshole, whispered and yelled at me in whispers. Basically being an ass. (Drizz and I were friends before this). Anyway, he also told me he had a buyer who was going to buy his armor for 100m but since I advertised shell armor, that the buyer backed out and he "lost" 100m. I apologized to him a few times, no use, he didn't care, it seemed just money was more important than friends.

Summerlyn is a nice person. I just still don't see why he'd dump a friend over a mistake.

Just another reason I would like to defend Drizzsdt. He's not all bad.. as Warclaidhm has pointed out.

10-04-2003, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit[/i

Sarcasm.... I even clued you in with the :smug:

Hanging out with Drizz has made you stupid.

Sorry, I'm new to these boards and I haven't studied that nifty decoder guide on the meaning of each smiley face, yet.

We will see how stupid I am when I spank your team in Fantasy Football this week!



10-04-2003, 02:58 PM
I never had any problems with Drizzsdt. My only concerns were with his player, and only when it came to posting on OOC forums. This entire forum, the Players Corner, is an OOC forum to discuss things - as our players.

Sometimes we goof around and pretend that we're our characters (pretending to pretend - fun!).

But when it comes to "issues," I mean come on. Everyone knows Drizzsdt, the character, is a thief. It's possible that he's technically a warrior profession character for all I know. But he certainly has enough skill in stealing to classify him as a thief, as everyone can testify.

Dusty, the player, knows this. But Dusty, the player, will not acknowledge that yes, we all know his character is a thief. He adamantly denies it. I find this...worrisome.

To Dusty: It's no secret hon, you don't have to pretend it isn't true in an OOC forum.

To Drizzsdt: Keep on stealin and denyin to your heart's content. It's all part of the game.

It's when you aren't able, or willing, or interested in separating the two that there's a problem. And I think that's where the whole issue regarding this character and his player stems from.

Edited to add: Parkbandit, you're defending Drizzsdt. That turns me on. Cut it out.

[Edited on 10-4-2003 by Bestatte]

10-04-2003, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by Lady Daina

As I have had it pointed out to me recently, sometimes when you like/care about someone, you tend to see things under a rosy light, if you will. Isn't it possible this may be the case here?

Trust me, I have no delusions when it comes to Drizz. Again... I don't always agree with how he handles situations, and he sometimes HATES the way I handle my own little issues in the game. It makes for some very lively debates and discussions.

I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion, I'm just saying that some of the incidents discussed in this thread aren't quite accurate. Drizz can't just randomly kill someone for no reason.

Yes, I have made some of these same statements in past discussions on the old boards. I don't think Drizz needs my support, but it's hard not to state my opinions when friends are being discussed... in the game, or out.

Drizz has his reasons for the way he runs his character and the way he posts... it's not my place to explain them. I just wish that people would remember that it is all game related and not get so emotional.

I'll repeat something else that I have said in the past.... I compare GS to reading a good book. If text from a character pulls me in and makes me feel, be it sad, happy, anger, gritting my teeth in frustration, etc.... someone is doing something right.


[Edited on 10-4-2003 by Summerlyn]

10-04-2003, 04:24 PM
As for Drizzdst cheating to get his levels, I never insinuated he ever cheated. He did however, abuse the warrior guild unwritten code by taking every single promotion even if other masters were around and active.

He did not break any mechanics or whatnot, and I am not accusing him of being a cheater. He is by no means on the same level as a mechanics abuser.

My point is simple. He's a dick. He roleplays a dick in the game, and uses the fact that he has a power advantage over others to aid him in harassing ANYONE who doesnt see things his way. He whispers threats, death threats and namecalls left and right, acting no differently than a haashek type when he gets snippy. That he would deny he's a dick in an OOC forum is ridiculous.

All hail GS4 for that very reason, in that he will be fishmeat like anyone else if he chooses to continue his ways. While he will still have an advantage, it will by no means be the of the same order.

Again, to those of you defending him, when drizzdst came about, there were many legends of his age, NONE of whom had anywhere near as poor a reputation as him. Not Hexxon, not Enegue, not Meta, not Blades, not Bleeds, not Thalior, not Strom, not Wanton, not Dart, not Kodos, I mean the list goes on and on, and some of them, such as Thalior, have killed many more than he did. They simply knew how NOT to act like a 5 year old whenever things didnt go their way and people didn't believe them.

Again, I put up the issue. If I made fun of Thalior, he would have killed me, and never spoke another word of it. If I baited on Drizzdst, he would hold a grudge, call me names, and generally harass me over time until he finds someone new. Take for example a couple years back. How many people disliked Mxenna? not many, if any, and not nearly on this volume.

again, I will put it in caps this time to give it more effect perhaps.


For those of you who believe Drizzdst is always a victim, never bullies people, and otherwise never bends rules and never ever harassed anyone, I am selling the Triborough Bridge in the heart of NYC, and I suggest we meet regarding an appropriate price.

10-04-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by GSTamral

For those of you who believe Drizzdst is always a victim, never bullies people, and otherwise never bends rules and never ever harassed anyone, I am selling the Triborough Bridge in the heart of NYC, and I suggest we meet regarding an appropriate price.

I guess I am stupid... I have read this entire thread a few times now and I didn't see ANYONE state that they believe that.


10-04-2003, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Summerlyn

Originally posted by Parkbandit[/i

Sarcasm.... I even clued you in with the :smug:

Hanging out with Drizz has made you stupid.

Sorry, I'm new to these boards and I haven't studied that nifty decoder guide on the meaning of each smiley face, yet.

We will see how stupid I am when I spank your team in Fantasy Football this week!



Never! This is the week I right this ship and begin my march to the Superbowl!


10-04-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by GSTamral

All hail GS4 for that very reason, in that he will be fishmeat like anyone else if he chooses to continue his ways. While he will still have an advantage, it will by no means be the of the same order.

You might want to read up on the changes that will be happening to GS4. He will still be practically impervious to physical attacks.. couple that with his amazing armor and the downtweak in ambush.. there will be no change.

BUT.. Tamral.. please.. be the first to try it out. Let me know because I want to watch him flatten you.

10-04-2003, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by Bestatte
Edited to add: Parkbandit, you're defending Drizzsdt. That turns me on. Cut it out.

I will defend him to the end! With my last dying breath, Drizzsdt will always be safe.


10-04-2003, 10:55 PM
the problem is what's said on these OOC boards doesn't stay on the boards........it goes in the games. I've had folks copy stuff that I've said on boards and try to use it as proof in game.

People don't seperate the two. A good case is Tamral. If he disliked my character so much. good for tamral. But that has nothing to do with me(the player).

A great example of how it should be is Jael. Jael and i have had disagreements in game. At simucon we got along great and laughed about the interactions in game.

Tamral has issues and can't seem to seperate the two like many of you. Bringing up personal appearances and the like? grow up folks.

Oh, and I'm the one that told SUmmerlyn not to post, in this thread, because she gets so emotional. I told her to not even read the thread anymore. You see how much she listens to me eh? Smirk


Weedmage Princess
10-04-2003, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by LaVaca
Drizz is an asshole. One time I did something I shouldn't, but just for fun. I advertised some shell armor, (Which there was only one set at the time, and drizz had it) on the net just for fun. I had no clue drizz had it. Anyway, while I was in tsc. Drizz cussed me out, told me I was an asshole, whispered and yelled at me in whispers. Basically being an ass. (Drizz and I were friends before this). Anyway, he also told me he had a buyer who was going to buy his armor for 100m but since I advertised shell armor, that the buyer backed out and he "lost" 100m. I apologized to him a few times, no use, he didn't care, it seemed just money was more important than friends.

....And you say DRIZZ is the ASSHOLE?! Try looking in a mirror, pal. Man...everyone's right. You do suck. :thumbsdown:

10-04-2003, 11:16 PM
Actually Dusty, if you read properly, you would see that my personal insinuations at you were based on your lies on an OOC board. and they were hypothetical. And it also turns out they were quite correct, because it is plainly obvious that here, where you are just another joe schmoe like me or anyone else who posts, that

1) your lies dont fly here.

2) Your shit stinks here

3) You obviously would not like it if I were to run around and do the things I said you wouldnt like, because flat out, you wouldnt. But you still think its perfectly ok to continue to treat others just as I said, but because it doesnt specifically violate a rule, and because you are bending them instead of breaking them, its perfectly ok.

You obviously don't like being made fun of, having your faults pointed out to you, having threats made against you over and over again, and otherwise being baited into a no win situation of name-calling and personal insults. If you stop being a dick, people will stop treating you like one. If you continue to act as though your shit doesnt stink, people will shit on you and make you stink anyway.

If you could simply stop lying, and tell some truths here.

I mean, sheesh, are you that insecure that you cannot admit you steal gems from people? And for christs sake, dont tell us you wanted to have a conversation, just explain it simply

"I roleplay a dick in the game, that is my purpose, and I use my status to my advantage whenever needed"

No one has a problem with that. It is when you lie and justify your actions in an OOC forum, thats when people begin to question your personal character.

10-04-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Dusty
Oh, and I'm the one that told SUmmerlyn not to post, in this thread, because she gets so emotional. I told her to not even read the thread anymore. You see how much she listens to me eh? Smirk


Actually, I thought Summerlyn posted with a cool head and great aplomb. She spoke up for a friend and did it well. :)


10-05-2003, 04:19 AM
Agreed HN, if there is anyone in this thread who made me stand back and think about what was being said, it was Summerlyn.

10-05-2003, 04:32 AM
It's that he threatens people (such as my BABY cleric) with REPEATED killings for saying something about it. And I have no doubt in my mind that he would have followed through had I not just left the town entirely.

I've had the same experience as Daina.

There is no other side of the story to be told.
There is no side of things being lied about or kept secret.
I saw Drizzsdt bully an annoying twit, and I told him I though his actions were out of proportion with the problem.
For my right, as an equal reside of Elanthia, to be able to comment on his actions, I was put on his steal list and told to keep my mouth shut next time or I would find myself missing a deed.

Some of you ask how he abuses his levels. That's how. He catches someone trying to steal from him and he can't just loop off a hand (which a fully ambush-trained warrior could do) or laugh at their failed attempt, he has to kill them with one massive blow.

He could tailor his reactions to match the actions, and then people might not think so poorly of him. This really isn't just a suggestion for Drizzsdt either, it's for everyone that classically overreacts.

10-05-2003, 11:09 AM
"People don't seperate the two. A good case is Tamral. If he disliked my character so much. good for tamral. But that has nothing to do with me(the player). "

I've got more of a problem with you than I've ever had with your character. I'd just like to make that clear. I don't hate you, or even severely dislike you, but I find the continued rationalization and "I MUST JUMP IN AT EVERY THREAD THAT SAYS SOMETHING BAD ABOUT ME!" pretty stupid. If you were honest about what you did with your PC, I'd have much less of an issue with you. Your PC'd have been a lot more believeable as some "Warrior Guild leader" if you didn't do the crap you do, but that isn't my issue with you the player.

10-05-2003, 11:12 AM
Thats something that always irked me too, his Guild Master status. What, just because he powerd his way through the guild quicker than anyone makes him the best? I don't actually see him doing much in the guild these days, no rallying, no events nothing. And he even has the gall to whine on the official boards about he is OWED a fucking office. That is strangely absent in the rogue's guild.

10-05-2003, 04:15 PM
I'm not owed an office. I have an office. I've had an office since the event. I"m owed a personal decorating of the office. Please get your facts straight before you complain about them.

I will always help folks with guild work. As Summerlyn stated we constantly are stopped to help folks and I don't mind at all. I like to spend time with my fiancee and since she's not a warrior no we're not in the guild.

There is no office in the rogue guild because no one has mastered all the skills yet.


10-05-2003, 04:29 PM
There is no office in the rogue guild because no one has mastered all the skills yet.

I find that very, very hard to believe.

10-05-2003, 04:57 PM
hes actually right .. not all the skills are released

10-05-2003, 04:58 PM
I heard lock mastery wasn't going to be required for mastering the guild, as all rogues are not pickers.

10-05-2003, 05:37 PM
Just a random note here.

I can name at the top off my head a dozen rogues that have mastered the 5 skills currently available to rogues. Heck, give me 2 months and I'll be one.

Lockmastery is going to be the worst of all skills to master. It's going to take roughly 100 boxes that are within 65% of your max difficulty per rank. Added to the fact that there isn't going to be a handy box making machine, and you can understand that that's going to take months of effort. 6000 boxes, and you have to pick them in certain weather conditions, or lighting conditions, yeesh.

And just a random tidbit: there's a title in the works for whoever masters the Rogue's Guild once LM DOES come out..

10-05-2003, 06:10 PM
Tsin has mastered all the skills. So has Boom.

10-05-2003, 06:13 PM
Owed? Why owed? Because you were faster than everyone? Skill doesn't really play into it these days but of course it must have been much harder in the good old days *rolls eyes*.

Considering how you whined on about it, I am not suprised nothing has been done.

10-05-2003, 06:55 PM
Yah, the word and sentiment "owed" is very telling in explaining the point of view of the Driz.

10-05-2003, 07:01 PM
Why are you guys talking about the rogue guild and it's skills if he's a warrior? So confused. :?:

10-05-2003, 07:05 PM
Since he was promised the office when he became the first warrior to master all skills in the guild, his statement that he is owed the office is valid. Perhaps it could be worded better, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. If you were the first to master the entire guild, and you were promised an office decorated to your own tastes, and you never recieved it, I am sure you'd be upset over it.


10-05-2003, 07:07 PM
We mean the warriors guild.

10-05-2003, 10:46 PM
Yeah, considering people kept saying the rogue guild and mastering lockmastery, color me confused. :P

10-06-2003, 05:17 AM
Thats OK dear *pets CT* Man talk ;)

10-06-2003, 09:59 AM
Yeah, stupid men talk. :P

10-06-2003, 10:04 AM
You better have your dancin' shoes on woman...

Originally posted by CrystalTears
Yeah, stupid men talk. :P

10-06-2003, 10:48 AM
All my shoes are dancing shoes.

10-06-2003, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
I don't hate you, or even severely dislike you, but I find the continued rationalization and "I MUST JUMP IN AT EVERY THREAD THAT SAYS SOMETHING BAD ABOUT ME!" pretty stupid.

You don't like the fact that Drizzsdt came here to defend himself when someone posted a thread called "Drizzsdt is an idiot"?


If someone posted something about a charcter of mine... sorry, I would post a response to it as well.

To simply sit back and let folks believe the initial poster's opinion without calling him on it would be.. in my opinion.. stupid.

10-06-2003, 05:41 PM
That would have a point if said opinion wasn't also true, Park.

Actually, I'll take a step back and rephrase that. I don't think Drizzdst's player is an idiot. I don't dislike him nearly to the extent of most people in this thread. I view folks's opinion that his lying about thieving is stupid as true.

Leaping at every opportunity to say untrue things just makes him look really bad...and that's basically what his responses to these sort of threads are. This is not an IC forum, unless you're one of those leet speaking teens that can't seperate (and even they usually can).

[Edited on 10-6-2003 by Warriorbird]

10-07-2003, 10:09 PM
My lvl one character SAW Driz steal from someone. The person he stole from SAW it too. The person he stole from called him a thief and told him to give the uncut diamond back. Drizz denied stealing, and then proceeded to tell that person that next time he catches them outside town he'd kill them.

Kinda dumb to have witnesses to your crime then have the gall to deny it.

Fine...your CHARACTER wants to deny it. If thats part of your "RP" then fine.

The problem you are not quite understanding is that you come to the OOC boards and STILL deny stealing? Can you not come out of character in the real world? Stop lying we aren't stupid.

The other problem is that you THREATEN the people who actually catch you stealing? Why? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Help me understand how it gives you the right to threaten someone just because they catch you steal from them? I'm not even referring to non caught attempts or deeds. I'm talking about people who witness it.

I don't care how skilled or well trained a rogue is. They ALWAYS fumble once in a while and someone sees.

10-07-2003, 10:24 PM
I see nothing wrong with Drizzdt (the character) denying even after he's caught. I have no problem with him threatening people over accusing him of it.

As long as he's roleplaying the situation, I don't see what the problem is.

Once upon a time, Bestatte had recently made her Lady status and was hanging out inside Hearthstone. She saw Sagan there. He didn't know her, but for some reason he decided to be antagonistic.

So he said something about her being a whore, and proceeded to attempt to steal something from her. He failed, and she chuckled. He stood up, approached her, and placed his katana against her throat.

She decided if she was gonna die, she'd do it while getting the last word in, so she asked if this was how a coward handled failure.

He backed off.

It was a nice little scene.

10-07-2003, 10:25 PM
Heh. This is where the constable comes in. Accuse, make him kill 10-15 minutes of his time. Much better than making a demand that you know isn't going to be filled.

10-08-2003, 12:07 AM
I agree with Edaarin here. The most annoying thing you could possibly do is accuse him and get him arrested. Having to gather your stuff together after getting arrested sucks.

10-08-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
I agree with Edaarin here. The most annoying thing you could possibly do is accuse him and get him arrested. Having to gather your stuff together after getting arrested sucks.

That's why you script it.....

10-08-2003, 02:37 AM
On a side note... the title of this post rhymes.

10-08-2003, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
I agree with Edaarin here. The most annoying thing you could possibly do is accuse him and get him arrested. Having to gather your stuff together after getting arrested sucks.

Not if you write a script :)

NOT that I would have the need for such a thing. Falgrin is not a thief and has never been in jail once.

I swear.

10-08-2003, 08:03 AM
Can't wait to see Drizzsdt in the stocks. If he hasn't been deeded first.

10-08-2003, 08:04 AM
And here I thought I was the only one to have a script to remove all my items from the box and place them back on in order...

10-08-2003, 10:00 AM
Gads why didn't I think of that?

:: Dreaming of a killing spree of the influx of Landing snerts that have arrived in Icemule ::

10-08-2003, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Can't wait to see Drizzsdt in the stocks. If he hasn't been deeded first.

This isn't about Drizzsdt.. but I keep seeing a reoccuring thought here that in GS4, all the older characters will so much weaker and defend so much lower that almost anyone else can kill them. There also seems to be a reoccuring idea that all of a sudden, Simutronics Policies will somehow be changed to allow for unprovoked PvP. I've yet to read anything that would support either of these.

And old warrior will still be as difficult to kill as they are now.

10-08-2003, 12:16 PM
<<And old warrior will still be as difficult to kill as they are now>>

I dont think Drizz will be as tough to kill in gs4 than he is now at 230+. Ive never killed anyone cept friends so i know it wont be me but i bet it will be easier with lower DS's and AS's remaining pretty high. I know with a blue crystal and sign of madness going i can reach about 500 AS with a crossbow (i know they wouldnt harm Drizz cause of plate,but other weapons might) Plus with the cap older rogues could have a chance of a guild skill working where now there is no chance.

10-08-2003, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Bestatte
Once upon a time, Bestatte had recently made her Lady status ...

... It was a nice little scene.

And has nothing to do with the thread.

Originally posted by Edaarin
Heh. This is where the constable comes in. Accuse, make him kill 10-15 minutes of his time. Much better than making a demand that you know isn't going to be filled.

Unfortunately the constable system isn’t the most bug free system in the game. I've accused people that I have seen in my pockets and the constable just blathers about accusing innocent people, not enough evidence. My rogue has accused Drippdt in the past, even as recently as 2 months ago, and the constable has never issued a warrant.

10-08-2003, 03:42 PM
Drizz will be easy to kill. His TD is not going to go above a lvl 100 warriors. A lvl 70 sorcerer, cleric, wizard, or empath will be able to smack him. His DS isn't going to be as uber, neither will his AS. Nor will his guild skills etc etc.