View Full Version : Just to vent
08-05-2005, 01:37 AM
The slow rhythm of your dreamlike melody envelops you, loosening tense and tired muscles as the song pours from you.
Ismurii gives you a friendly little kick.
Vitrius just arrived.
Vitrius just went northeast.
s>blink ismur
You blink at Ismurii.
Ismurii faces you and shrieks at the top of her lungs!
Speaking in broken common, Ismurii exclaims, "Your evil!"
s>speak empath
You are now speaking Guildspeak.
* Mercetti just bit the dust!
s>'what the hell is wrong with you?
Speaking in Guildspeak, you ask, "What the hell is wrong with you?"
Greal asks, "Dont you have anything else ya wanna do cept make people bother you?"
:rolleyes: I was not speaking to her, hadn't spoken to her all night, didn't even glance her way and she just walks up to kick my empath heh. I can't wait until my empath is older then Ismurii and can ward her so she doesn't have to take that crap any longer.
Just wanted to vent, nothing spectacular. Ahem. Thanks. hehe
08-05-2005, 02:15 AM
<<I can't wait until my empath is older then Ismurii and can ward her so she doesn't have to take that crap any longer.>>
Oh man, that brings me back to the days of, "You only play Shay because you can kill people who are younger than you but you wouldn't dare attack someone you know can kick your ass!"
IIRC, you were one of them.
08-05-2005, 05:29 PM
Yeah but see, there is a difference. I don't play my empath to hurt other folks who are younger then me. I play her because I enjoy her. I enjoy healing with her, I enjoy her RP, I enjoy the other things she does such as hunting. And I might add, my empath is not a killer, she'd never try to kill someone else. She would however love to silence Ismurii for all the crap she talks.
Shay on the other hand, would go around and start crap with people simply because she knew she could get away with it mechanically. My path wouldn't start crap with Ismurii no matter what. However she'd damned sure defend herself.
So, nice try but no dice. :moon2:
08-13-2005, 05:39 PM
The moth has a lot of pushings around coming to her for all the pushing around she tries to do, in my opinion. I hate that silence and bind are able to be cast on people, but there are some, albeit very few, characters I'd love to utilize them against.
The moth is one of them.
08-13-2005, 05:40 PM
i didnt read any of this, but as i scrolled down towards the reply area, i noticed the word Ismurii
if its about Ismurii, Ismurii should die
if its not about Ismurii, Ismurii should die
08-13-2005, 05:43 PM
I think it's been decided in other threads that Ismurii is a moron. This is another good example.
I agree with hecto.
08-13-2005, 05:56 PM
Oh? I'm not the only one? Forget bind and silence, maybe I'll boneshatter her then next time she says something to me. Yes. Yes, that's a good plan.
08-13-2005, 06:03 PM
I've seen her act like a bitch to people while I've been on more than one character. I'm just waiting for the day she tries it on me.
08-13-2005, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by GSLady17
I've seen her act like a bitch to people while I've been on more than one character. I'm just waiting for the day she tries it on me.
All irony fans form an orderly line here.
08-13-2005, 10:50 PM
Yeah, Ismurii used to be a good good friend with my empath. She kinda turned that way the next day. It's been somewhat spoken of and rumored that she's bought or someone that has access to her account is playing her. I didn't try confirming that fact because well.. she's a huge biznitch now and I really didn't care to bother with her.
Agreed with Hecto though.
Terminator X
08-13-2005, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by GSLady17
I've seen her act like a bitch to people while I've been on more than one character. I'm just waiting for the day she tries it on me.
This is the kind of pot kettle comment that makes me want to hurt people IRL :shrug:
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