View Full Version : Kandrio + Meteor Storm

08-01-2005, 01:12 AM
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court. Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the fountain. You also see a calico cat, a hawk that is flying around and a silvery white arrow fletched with white-spotted falcon feathers.
Also here: the body of Luccas who is lying down, the body of Zenaxa who is lying down, the body of Lord Naijul who is lying down, the body of Lord Kembal who is lying down, the body of Goretawn who is lying down, the body of Lady Roseblossom who is lying down, the body of Lord Felmer who is lying down, the body of Lord Astralin who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west

+ Numerous deaths North and South

Cast after the quakes and flare were seen, when everyone was spelling up and gearing for invasion.

No comment. Actions say it all.

Sean of the Thread
08-01-2005, 01:18 AM
I just see bodies.. where is the rest of the log?

08-01-2005, 02:26 AM
kandrio was recently sold. obviously went from one idiot, to an even bigger idiot

08-01-2005, 03:21 AM
Kandrio suddenly fades into view.
Kandrio gestures.
Kandrio throws his arms skyward!

Someone exclaims, "Endangering public safety by Kandrio! Call the Guard Captain!"

After that I yelled run. Too bad I was speaking Sylvan at the time.

08-01-2005, 03:27 AM
LOL Kenn... He might have cast it by accident, I know I have...

Heh I made a psinet alias so 525=425 now so I don't do that... but I can't defend Kandrio either way. Just my thoughts...

08-01-2005, 04:01 AM
Originally posted by OreoElf
LOL Kenn... He might have cast it by accident, I know I have...

Heh I made a psinet alias so 525=425 now so I don't do that... but I can't defend Kandrio either way. Just my thoughts...

its a shame that alias doesnt work. i thought i was good to go after i did it 2 times at the dais in 6 days. then did it again recently, allthough in a non-populated area so it wasnt much matter (read: 10 minutes ago)

some reason it wont take alias' like that, i guess because techincally 525 itself is an alias, as it outputs prep 525, cast/incant.

08-01-2005, 06:15 AM
Isn't he a member of the Crimson Ravens and one of the ones that attacked that empath because she refused to sit where they wanted her to?

You are right from one idiot to another..

07-18-2006, 11:54 AM
As of today, I own Kandrio.

You you will see no more foolishness out of him. He's now just a pocket wizard spelling me and my buddies up, and perhaps hunting in lonely area like the Broken Lands from time to time.

07-18-2006, 01:21 PM
Nice year+ bump...

07-18-2006, 02:02 PM
Sorry, I was using search to look for Reputation on this guy.