07-28-2005, 03:59 PM
* Sephirothas is off to a rough start! He just bit the dust!
s>[Leaving rest mode.]
Active Players: 465
Staff on duty:
Use WHO HELP for more options.
Hadya raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Hadya gestures.
A pure white aura sparkles around Hadya.
Stelthsin just arrived.
Hadya raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Hadya gestures.
A pearlescent emanation extends outward to encompass Hadya and those nearby.
Hadya raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Hadya gestures.
A sphere of pure white light appears above you.
A wispy tendril of pure magic reaches out to encircle Hadya and those nearby.
Hadya raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Hadya gestures.
Emerald light glitters in Hadya's eyes.
Hadya begins to meditate on her lot in life.
* Devr just bit the dust!
s>report I don't think Sephirothas is acceptable for a GSIV character name. It's clearly ripped from Final Fantasy VII.
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.
Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.
s>fame sephirothas
Sephirothas has 105 fame.
s>profile sephirothas
Stelthsin just left.
s>[Entering rest mode - press any key to resume.]
SEND[Xayle] Yes, but the spelling is not the same though, we appreciate your report.
Your mind extends outward in an attempt to link with the PsiNet, but fails.
(Client will attempt reconnection every 5 minutes. You may disable this by typing PSINET UNLINK.
[Leaving rest mode.]
Active Players: 458
Staff on duty:
Use WHO HELP for more options.
Usage: POLICY {page}
GemStone IV Player Policy
Topics Page Topics Page
------------------------------ --------------------------------
Introduction.................1 Score Lists...................11
Role-Play....................2 GameMasters, Sages and Hosts..12
Abusive/Disruptive Behavior..3 Repair/Replacement Of Items...13
Player vs Player Conflict....4 Unique Items..................14
Solicitations................5 Game Mechanics and Changes....15
Character Names..............6 Quests And Special Events.....16
Bug Abuse....................7 Privacy.......................17
Delays Or Slowdowns..........8 Scripting.....................18
Transferring Characters......9 Violations Of Policy..........19
Character Purges............10 High Maintenance Guests.......20
Your next unread page is page 1.
s>policy 6
GemStone IV Player Policy: Character Names
The following guidelines are in place to ensure a high level of consistency among the names of the adventurers within our community. Players consistently creating names that violate the guidelines may be formally warned or face suspension of playing privileges.
- Vulgarity of any sort will not be allowed.
- Racist or racist related terms are clearly unacceptable. (Klan, Towelhead)
- Names clearly in bad taste will not be allowed. (Lykmi Pihole or Monkeyspanker)
- Names of well-known historical or religious figures. (Hitler, God, St. Peter, Gandhi)
- Copyrighted or trademarked names. (Nintendo, Lucasfilm, Chevy)
- Famous Out-of-genre literary figures or well-known literary terms. (Buck Rogers, Chewy Bacca)
- Names taken from movies, cartoons or video games.
- Technology based names. (Laserbrain, Jetfighter, Mouseclicker)
- Names of current or past well-known personalities. (Madonna, Goldberg, Cronkite)
- Garbage names. (xxbdgscy , yyyzzz)
- Names with repetitive letters. Two may be allowed, three will not. (xxfredxx, Ghannndalf, Marrrisa)
- Phrases. (Ima toasteroven, Worldsgreatest Treeclimber)
- Names with titles in them. (Knight Blackness, Mistress Bombshell)
- Silly or out of genre names. (Frogeater Tongueodeath, Bumblebee Tunahead)
- Names created specifically to mock current players.
- Names too similar to names of Staff members or NPCs in game.
- Odd punctuation or capitalization. (Fragel DeLYon)
There may be names within the lands that do not adhere to the above guidelines. The fact that these names were created prior to this revision has no bearing on the creation of new names. We will not argue or debate names currently in the game, if we feel a newly created name violates our guidelines.
If you were sent to re-create your name, but feel your name is acceptable, and you wish to appeal, you must file the appeal in writing to Your request will be submitted to the senior staff for review. Be prepared to wait 1 to 2 weeks for a review of your appeal.
If an existing name is found to be a blatant violation of our guidelines, the senior staff may either request or force a name change depending upon the severity of the guideline breech or disruption among the community.
Your next unread page is page 1.
SEND[Gaiking] Names from games are fine, but thanks for the heads up
s>report Names from games are fine? Policy 6 begs to differ: - Names taken from movies, cartoons or video games.
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.
Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.
The appearance of great calm leaves Hadya as she looks up and glances around.
Hadya stands up.
SEND[Xayle] The spelling is not the same as that of the character's name in the game, therefore, it does not violate policy.
Hadya just went through a breach in the ruined tower wall.
s>report Was just responding to Gaiking's SEND, Xayle. Thanks though.
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.
Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.
...We need more name nazis.
* Sephirothas is off to a rough start! He just bit the dust!
s>[Leaving rest mode.]
Active Players: 465
Staff on duty:
Use WHO HELP for more options.
Hadya raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Hadya gestures.
A pure white aura sparkles around Hadya.
Stelthsin just arrived.
Hadya raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Hadya gestures.
A pearlescent emanation extends outward to encompass Hadya and those nearby.
Hadya raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Hadya gestures.
A sphere of pure white light appears above you.
A wispy tendril of pure magic reaches out to encircle Hadya and those nearby.
Hadya raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Hadya gestures.
Emerald light glitters in Hadya's eyes.
Hadya begins to meditate on her lot in life.
* Devr just bit the dust!
s>report I don't think Sephirothas is acceptable for a GSIV character name. It's clearly ripped from Final Fantasy VII.
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.
Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.
s>fame sephirothas
Sephirothas has 105 fame.
s>profile sephirothas
Stelthsin just left.
s>[Entering rest mode - press any key to resume.]
SEND[Xayle] Yes, but the spelling is not the same though, we appreciate your report.
Your mind extends outward in an attempt to link with the PsiNet, but fails.
(Client will attempt reconnection every 5 minutes. You may disable this by typing PSINET UNLINK.
[Leaving rest mode.]
Active Players: 458
Staff on duty:
Use WHO HELP for more options.
Usage: POLICY {page}
GemStone IV Player Policy
Topics Page Topics Page
------------------------------ --------------------------------
Introduction.................1 Score Lists...................11
Role-Play....................2 GameMasters, Sages and Hosts..12
Abusive/Disruptive Behavior..3 Repair/Replacement Of Items...13
Player vs Player Conflict....4 Unique Items..................14
Solicitations................5 Game Mechanics and Changes....15
Character Names..............6 Quests And Special Events.....16
Bug Abuse....................7 Privacy.......................17
Delays Or Slowdowns..........8 Scripting.....................18
Transferring Characters......9 Violations Of Policy..........19
Character Purges............10 High Maintenance Guests.......20
Your next unread page is page 1.
s>policy 6
GemStone IV Player Policy: Character Names
The following guidelines are in place to ensure a high level of consistency among the names of the adventurers within our community. Players consistently creating names that violate the guidelines may be formally warned or face suspension of playing privileges.
- Vulgarity of any sort will not be allowed.
- Racist or racist related terms are clearly unacceptable. (Klan, Towelhead)
- Names clearly in bad taste will not be allowed. (Lykmi Pihole or Monkeyspanker)
- Names of well-known historical or religious figures. (Hitler, God, St. Peter, Gandhi)
- Copyrighted or trademarked names. (Nintendo, Lucasfilm, Chevy)
- Famous Out-of-genre literary figures or well-known literary terms. (Buck Rogers, Chewy Bacca)
- Names taken from movies, cartoons or video games.
- Technology based names. (Laserbrain, Jetfighter, Mouseclicker)
- Names of current or past well-known personalities. (Madonna, Goldberg, Cronkite)
- Garbage names. (xxbdgscy , yyyzzz)
- Names with repetitive letters. Two may be allowed, three will not. (xxfredxx, Ghannndalf, Marrrisa)
- Phrases. (Ima toasteroven, Worldsgreatest Treeclimber)
- Names with titles in them. (Knight Blackness, Mistress Bombshell)
- Silly or out of genre names. (Frogeater Tongueodeath, Bumblebee Tunahead)
- Names created specifically to mock current players.
- Names too similar to names of Staff members or NPCs in game.
- Odd punctuation or capitalization. (Fragel DeLYon)
There may be names within the lands that do not adhere to the above guidelines. The fact that these names were created prior to this revision has no bearing on the creation of new names. We will not argue or debate names currently in the game, if we feel a newly created name violates our guidelines.
If you were sent to re-create your name, but feel your name is acceptable, and you wish to appeal, you must file the appeal in writing to Your request will be submitted to the senior staff for review. Be prepared to wait 1 to 2 weeks for a review of your appeal.
If an existing name is found to be a blatant violation of our guidelines, the senior staff may either request or force a name change depending upon the severity of the guideline breech or disruption among the community.
Your next unread page is page 1.
SEND[Gaiking] Names from games are fine, but thanks for the heads up
s>report Names from games are fine? Policy 6 begs to differ: - Names taken from movies, cartoons or video games.
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.
Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.
The appearance of great calm leaves Hadya as she looks up and glances around.
Hadya stands up.
SEND[Xayle] The spelling is not the same as that of the character's name in the game, therefore, it does not violate policy.
Hadya just went through a breach in the ruined tower wall.
s>report Was just responding to Gaiking's SEND, Xayle. Thanks though.
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.
Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.
...We need more name nazis.