View Full Version : Great Roleplaying (complete log)

07-26-2005, 02:44 AM
I was RPing with this girl who's been spreading rumors about a friend of mine in game ... and this was the final result.

She smells just like xxxxx.
Lord Haksmoke just went through a doorway.
xxxxx whispers, "Thanks for ruingGSA for me you ass wipe."
xxxxx clearly says, "Well no need to worry."
>whis xxxxx ruining it for you?
You quietly whisper to xxxxx, "Ruining it for you?"
xxxxx clearly says, "I quit."
Lord Kezoku just arrived.
Lord Kezoku just went north.
xxxxx just left.

I didn't threaten her or anything. I just used Showal's wonderful power of asking a lot of questions and when she finally didn't have any answers and Showal said she was lying ... she quit GS because I ruined it for her.

[Edited on 7-27-2005 by Showal]

07-26-2005, 02:45 AM


07-26-2005, 02:57 AM
that might be it. I was assuming it was a typo for GS

07-26-2005, 03:14 AM
yes, fucking pwned.

07-26-2005, 08:54 AM
Makes me wonder how many people I pushed over the edge...

I don't even see how that could in any way ruin someone's gemstone experience.

Funny though.

07-26-2005, 08:57 AM
Seems to be an attention drama person.
She'll likely be back. Again and again.
I unfortunately went through that phase, years and years ago.

07-26-2005, 10:19 AM
I'd include the whole log, she starts swearing and stuff. It was pretty funny. One of my friends who came in towards the end didn't want his name posted, so I didn't.

07-26-2005, 11:58 AM
You should post the whole log. Just XXX out names. Enquiring minds wanna know.

07-26-2005, 12:03 PM
Or don't xxx out the names because that ruins the whole log.

07-26-2005, 01:45 PM
Hehe, thats hilarious, how'd that all come about?

07-26-2005, 01:47 PM
Yeah. I'll be forever amused by the person who loudly proclaimed in Vaalor that she was deeding her character and quitting Gemstone forever....and actually deeded it and got huge amounts of public sympathy....and still had her account and other PC and has, ever since.

[Edited on 7-26-2005 by Warriorbird]

07-26-2005, 01:48 PM
I guess I should include the whole log. I'll figure out a way to edit it properly tonight and leave my friend out of it. Just excuse my poor editing skills and i'll probably leave my friend out altogether, if everyone can excuse the lapse in my log.

07-26-2005, 01:54 PM
Yeah. I'll be forever amused by the person who loudly proclaimed in Vaalor that she was deeding her character and quitting Gemstone forever....and actually deeded it and got huge amounts of public sympathy....and still had her account and other PC and has, ever since.

Was this a recent thing? I remember something similar happening to someone a few years back. Was someone affiliated with the militia if my memory serves me correct.

07-26-2005, 01:56 PM
Oh, the best part of this story is I told someone else who knew her, she told me this person's other character's name. I did a find soandso and her other character was in game.

07-26-2005, 02:01 PM
yeah she just probably deleted the character you "ruined" Gemstone for. You should leave the name in the log since she is no longer around. :lol:

07-26-2005, 02:14 PM
Thumbs-down to Xing out names!!!1 That's what the officials are for!


07-26-2005, 02:17 PM
Spunn just lawves the gossip!

okay, me too. :moon2:

07-26-2005, 03:18 PM
bah as much as I would love to throw in the name, other people probably know her other character's name and I'm not going to be the asshole. Hell throwing in the name would make my life easier with the editing tonight.

07-26-2005, 05:47 PM
That's the fun part...

Just tell us!

07-26-2005, 08:49 PM
xxx removes some armor from in her cloak.

xxx works her way into some armor.

xxx clearly says, "Heads empty get it over with so I can train ."

You remove a rat-carved hoarbeam yumi from in your leather bow sling.

Speaking to xxx, you say, "Get what over with."
You feel fully energetic again.
xxx clearly says, "Killing me."

You chuckle at xxx.
xxx appears to be checking her pockets for something, but finds them empty.

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "You think I want to kill you?"
xxx clearly says, "Yes."

You ask, "Why?"
xxx stares at you.

You are no longer moving silently.
xxx clearly says, "One... I spit on you."
xxx clearly says, "Two... I pissed your mate off."
xxx clearly says, "Three..you hate me."
xxx shrugs.

You ask, "You spit on me?"
xxx clearly says, "I think."
xxx clearly says, "At that meeting."

You say, "And if by mate, you mean nauriel ... and I know you do, because you have this idea that me and her are mates ... then that's not a problem, I piss her off daily."
xxx clearly says, "I know you are married to her."
You say, "No, I am not."
xxx rolls her eyes.
xxx clearly asks, "Divorced since the cruise?"
xxx folds her arms over her chest.
You say, "It was never really formal, but yes. The bond has been broken."

xxx clearly says, "Okay so you are part of her...man collection."
xxx clearly says, "Same thing."
xxx shrugs.

You say, "Man collection? This is getting interesting."

You ask, "What's this man collection?"
xxx clearly says, "See this is why she is mad at me."
xxx clearly says, "Her friends then if you will."

You say, "Wait, tell me about the man collection. I know most of her friends."
xxx clearly says, "Sygel,Ranad,Kerros."
xxx ponders.

You rub your chin thoughtfully.
xxx clearly says, "Whomever else."

You say, "So Sygel, you mean her boyfriend ... Ranad ... now I've seen his girlfriend and it's not Nauriel."
xxx clearly says, "But they are just friends."

You say, "I don't know Kerros, and I know a considerable amount of her friends."

xxx clearly says, "Kerros she was making out with in Vaalor."
xxx snickers.

You ask, "Did you see this?"
xxx clearly says, "No but others did."
xxx clearly says, "They thought they were going to duel."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "I find it more interesting that you feel the need to tell people about things other people saw."
xxx clearly says, "Whatever."
xxx clearly says, "Haremboy."
xxx chuckles.
xxx waves her hand in a dismissive gesture.

Speaking to xxx, you say, "That's how rumors start, and rumors are not nice things to start."
xxx clearly says, "It happened."

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "And you know this because you were told by someone who claims to have seen it?"
xxx clearly says, "I was too lazy to walk to the firepit."

xxx clearly says, "No I over heard them laughing about it."

xxx shrugs.

Speaking to xxx, you say, "Over heard them? Them ... they really are the trouble making group, aren't they."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "Most believable stories include "them"s."
xxx clearly says, "Well I allready knew they were not going to duel."
You ask, "So where did this thing with Kerros take place?"

xxx clearly says, "Fire pit upper cemetay Ta'Vaalor."

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "And you were in Vaalor?"
xxx clearly says, "About a week ago now."
xxx clearly says, "Yes."

xxx clearly says, "And Illistim."
She smells just like xxx.
xxx squints at you.
Speaking to xxx, you ask, "Funny thing ... you know Illistim and Vaalor are separate towns, don't you?"

xxx clearly says, "Yes there is a ferry between them."

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "So were you in Vaalor or Illistim?"
xxx clearly says, "Both towns."

You ask, "At once?"
xxx clearly says, "So has she been also."

You say, "That's a trick you need to teach me."
xxx clearly says, "No idiot."

You ask, "When the thing, or the "make out session" as you're calling it, took place, were you in Vaalor or Illistim?"
xxx clearly says, "I went to Vaalor for the guild work."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "You're not answering the question."
xxx clearly says, "You two sound the same."
xxx clearly says, "And you are not with her so what do you care."
Speaking to xxx, you say, "Because I don't like being lied to, and I know you are lying to me."
xxx clearly says, "Okay whatever."
Speaking to xxx, you say, "And we don't sound the same. I have a better grasp of the common language than she does."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "She butchers the tongue."
xxx clearly says, "Ask <another girl's name>."
xxx clearly says, "She was there too."

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "I got another question ... why are you telling me this?"
xxx clearly says, "You asked."

You say, "Right, but you said I was part of her harem ... a statement you knew would involve me asking questions."
xxx clearly says, "My statement started with kill me now so I can go hunt and train."
xxx clearly says, "No, it was my usual smart arsed comments ."

You chuckle at xxx.

Speaking to xxx, you say, "I know better things you could spread to hurt her reputation."
xxx clearly says, "Which I make more of."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "And I'll tell you them ... if you would like."

xxx clearly says, "Like I give a rats ass about her reputation."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "Well you seem also to have something against her. There's a difference between the information I have and that which you have, though."
xxx clearly says, "And I am sure she damages it enough on her own."

xxx clearly says, "I do not trust nor do I like you."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "My information does not reek of vengence and lies."
xxx clearly says, "I have no need for vengence."

She smells just like xxx.
xxx thumps you!

Speaking to xxx, you say, "Believe me, I believe you."
xxx clearly says, "I bathed stop that."
You nod to xxx.

You chuckle at xxx.

Speaking to xxx, you say, "If you would like, you can peddle pety lies."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "And all smart arsed comments have motives. I've made my fair share."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "Like the one I made that made you leave the Legion."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "That only took two sentences."

xxx clearly says, "I have not recived a single coin for anything I have said."

xxx clearly says, "I am a member of the Legion."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "But peddling doesn't always have to bring in money, does it? A lot peddle simply for others to pay attention to them."

xxx clearly says, "Oh by Kai's fist I am not after attention."

You smirk at xxx.

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "Then what are you after?"
xxx clearly says, "I get plenty on my own for my own actions."
Speaking to xxx, you say, "Funny I have never heard you mentioned, by anyone."

xxx clearly says, "This all started when..well i do not like people who sneak."

xxx clearly asks, "And your point is?"

Speaking to xxx, you say, "More people sneak than do not."

xxx clearly says, "My family and friends know me."

You nod to xxx.

xxx clearly says, "And some day I will be a great warrior."
Speaking to xxx, you say, "Good, that'd be depressing if they didn't know you."
xxx clearly says, "I do not think we run in the same crowds."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "So complete your story ... You started saying how it all began with ..."

xxx clearly says, "Oh but they are all petty lies."
xxx clearly says, "I am sure you are bored with my viscious lies."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "I didn't say this story was. I was talking about you calling me part of Nauriel's man collection."

You smile at xxx.
xxx clearly says, "Well as far as *I* am concered you are."
xxx clearly says, "But I am nobody."
xxx clearly says, "So my opinion is moot."
xxx folds her arms over her chest, her eyes glazing over with boredom.

Speaking to xxx, you say, "So then you really don't care if you're right or wrong, truthfully ... as long as you feel happy with what you're saying."

xxx clearly says, "I believe I am right."

xxx grins smugly.

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "Right, and you're basing it off something you knew several months ago. Do you even know how or why me and Nauriel got married?"

xxx clearly says, "None of my concern."

xxx clearly says, "Doubtlessly for the wrong reasons."
Speaking to xxx, you say, "But you talk about it like it is very much your concern."

xxx clearly says, "No the fact that you two bold faced lie about it."
xxx clearly says, "And called me a liar."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "In fact, you talk a lot about things you do not care about."

You nod to xxx.

xxx clearly says, "When I metioned it at the meeting it wasa valid point as a member ."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "Because you can't give me a straight answer. You dodge questions."
xxx clearly says, "I just answered you."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "And I asked you to make the accusation you had sitting on your tongue."
xxx roars at you!

Speaking to xxx, you say, "Then you ran out."

You wink at xxx.

xxx clearly says, "No I ran after I spit in your face."

xxx clearly says, "I did not want to have my mother nag at me about manners."

You cackle at xxx.

xxx clearly says, "Because you called me a liar infront of my family."

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "Nag you about manners? So you spit in my face?"

xxx clearly says, "Well I dont always think things through."
xxx clearly says, "Why i chose to be a warrior."
xxx clearly says, "Do now ,talk later."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "I never called you a liar at that meeting. I told you that you were wrong and told you to make the accusation, but I never called you a liar."
xxx shrugs.
xxx clearly says, "Yes you did and you said you could get me removed from the Leigon."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "I asked you to stop beating around the bush. You refused."
xxx clearly asks, "So who is twisting what now?"

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "Wait ... I said I could get you removed from the Legion?"

xxx clearly says, "Glatt had left and mother said she would deal with it."

You chuckle at xxx.

xxx glances at you and yawns.

Speaking to xxx, you say, "Answer me, you're saying I said I could get you removed from the Legion."
xxx clearly says, "Yes."

xxx clearly says, "You clearly implied that."

You chuckle at xxx.

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "Did I say it?"

xxx clearly says, "You implied that."

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "But I did not say it, right?"

xxx clearly says, "I am not stupid."

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "How did I imply it?"

xxx clearly says, "Twist it all you want ti wa there and you know it."
xxx clearly says, "It was."
xxx coughs.

Speaking to xxx, you say, "I'm not twisting, I'm asking you to tell me how I implied it."

You say, "You said I said it, now you say I implied it. You're twisting."

xxx clearly says, "Whatever."

My friend, Anonymous, enters the room at this point.

Speaking to xxx, you say, "I remember you calling me an elitist snob for not remembering you on the boat."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "I remember also you telling me that I was untrustworthy."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "I never called you a liar and I never implied that I could get you removed from the Legion."
xxx clearly says, "No I said the elitest snobs never notice people like me."
Speaking to xxx, you say, "No, that's not what you said."
xxx clearly says, "Sure if you say so."

xxx clearly says, "Well you are one of them."

xxx clearly says, "Once again my opinion."
Speaking in Elven, anonymous says, "See your winning over more friends."
You chuckle at Anonymous.

Speaking to Anonymous, you say, "Wait ..."

You chuckle at xxx.

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "You know Anonymous, don't you?"

Time drags on by...

xxx clearly says, "I do not think so."
Speaking in Elven, Anonymous says, "I believe I would be one of those "Elitest snobs" she was speaking of."
xxx clearly says, "See nope."

Speaking to Anonymous, you say, "Anonymous, this is xxx. You might remember her because she was at the meeting where Nauriel was tried."
Anonymous nods to you.
Speaking in Elven, Anonymous says, "I remember her."

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "Are you too good to remember Anonymous, now?"

xxx clearly says, "You asked did I know him."
xxx clearly says, "Not if I met him ."

Speaking to Anonymous, you say, "She claims I am part of Nauriel's man collection."
Anonymous chuckles.
xxx rolls her eyes.
Speaking to Anonymous, you ask, "Were you aware that Nauriel runs a male harem?"

Speaking in Elven, Anonymous says, "Interesting."
Speaking to Anonymous, you say, "I said that same thing."
Speaking in Elven, Anonymous says, "I was unaware of that."
xxx clearly says, "I was being a smart ass to piss you off , you pompus dork."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "You're clever at the insults."

You nod to xxx.
Speaking in Elven to you, Anonymous says, "Pompus AND dork, your moving up in the world."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "And you say it so clearly."

Speaking in Elven to you, Anonymous says, "I'm proud of you, rat."

You chuckle at Anonymous.
Speaking to Anonymous, you say, "Thank you, Anonymous."
xxx clearly says, "Whatever."

xxx clearly asks, "Shall you collect more folk to hate me?"
AnonymousSpeaking in Elven, Anonymous asks, "Hate you?"
Speaking in Elven, Anonymous says, "I dont hate you."

Speaking to xxx, you ask, "Since you are very adept at collecting information, can I call on you to gather some if I ever need some?"
xxx clearly says, "Go the fuck ahead ."
Speaking in Elven, Anonymous says, "I believe you are greatly misguided."
xxx clearly says, "I never said I was."
Speaking in Elven, Anonymous asks, "Adept at collecting informations and she doesnt know of me?"
xxx clearly says, "I do not."
xxx clearly says, "So go ahead and twist things."
Anonymous smiles at xxx.

Speaking to Anonymous, you say, "Yes, she gathered information from some people who claimed to see Nauriel make out with some guy at the firepit in Vaalor."
Speaking in Elven to xxx, Anonymous says, "Let me introduce myself then."

Speaking to Anonymous, you say, "She can't seem to remember where she was when it took place, though."
xxx clearly says, "I was in VC."

Speaking to xxx, you say, "Before you were unsure if you were in Illistim or Vaalor."
xxx clearly says, "That is not what I said that is how you twisted your questions."

Anonymous goes on to introduce himself with a bunch of titles.

You chuckle at Anonymous.

xxx clearly says, "I am xxx pain in the ass nobody but a lair and many other insults I am too lazy to mention."

Speaking to Anonymous, you say, "Her titles are more entertaining."
Speaking in Elven, Anonymous says, "Well then, I am glad you are upfront about it so I wont waste my time getting to know the truth for myself."

She smells just like xxx.

xxx whispers, "Thanks for ruingGSA for me you ass wipe."
xxx clearly says, "Well no need to worry."
You quietly whisper to xxx, "Ruining it for you?"
xxx clearly says, "I quit."

xxx just left.

There's the rest of the log. Sorry I x'd out her name and my friend's name.

07-26-2005, 08:58 PM

So Showal and Nauriel are the same person?

*runs and hides*

07-26-2005, 09:00 PM
:rofl: hahahaha! this is great! wow! Nauri has a man collection? why wasnt Nauri informed!:lol:making out with Kerros? heh Nauriel just met him and that night in VC and was rather offended and slit his throat I believe. she didnt like his halfbreed attitude;) And they did duel, he dragged her out of town so she wouldnt get fined if she killed him and likewise. He did drag her to the fire pit in the plain of bones because it was sanctioned and he had lost a few limbs already and I think he didnt want to die.

07-26-2005, 09:07 PM
haha nauriel's a pimp.

07-26-2005, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Chadj

So Showal and Nauriel are the same person?

*runs and hides*

:lol: :lol: like showal can be as smooth as Nauri ;)

07-26-2005, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Showal
haha nauriel's a pimp.

:lol: Nauri kills them all off too fast to be a pimp ;)

[Edited on 7-27-2005 by Nauriel]

07-27-2005, 03:28 PM
Holy shit, you really do ask a lot of questions...

The Cat In The Hat
07-27-2005, 04:17 PM
You say, "So Sygel, you mean her boyfriend ... Ranad ... now I've seen his girlfriend and it's not Nauriel."

Think you forgot to XXX out her name there...

07-27-2005, 04:33 PM
Sygel's Nauriel's actual boyfriend. Not the person I was talking to.

07-27-2005, 04:45 PM
Hah, good one. I love the "Oh, yeah?! Well I quit!" people. They make me laugh.

07-27-2005, 04:46 PM

07-27-2005, 04:54 PM

Race. Male/Female?



Stupid Bitch

Look, I think she's still playing!

07-27-2005, 10:59 PM
I love that Nauri always finds herself in the middle of some scandal or gossip when she always trys to avoid it, she's like a magnet...I blame you Showal! ;)

07-27-2005, 11:44 PM
probably is my fault

07-29-2005, 11:27 PM
So...Wait...Ranad's Nauriel's...What?

09-11-2005, 06:06 PM
so the person who quit in this log told me "XXXXX whispers, "(oh and be sure to drag it ooc to the boards too again).".

She's come back to the game and Showal was asking her why since she left. So, I'm dragging it ooc to the boards again trying to get an answer.

Although i'm unsure what's more ooc, posting it here or quitting a game because you got too upset over roleplaying.

[Edited on 9-11-2005 by Showal]

09-11-2005, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by Showal
so the person who quit in this log told me "XXXXX whispers, "(oh and be sure to drag it ooc to the boards too again).".

She's come back to the game and Showal was asking her why since she left. So, I'm dragging it ooc to the boards again trying to get an answer.

Although i'm unsure what's more ooc, posting it here or quitting a game because you got too upset over roleplaying.

[Edited on 9-11-2005 by Showal]

I thought a week after you originally posted this you told me she was in fact around, and was running to River's Rest to hide - ie. my Penidiamond thread.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-11-2005, 08:12 PM
I think when she said "go the fuck ahead" you should have realized she was done roleplaying and left it at that.

And now, knowing she's upset about it, you are hounding her whenever she logs in?

Just my take on it, she likely is an attention whore like you say, but it's pretty clear she's done roleplaying at this point.

09-11-2005, 09:57 PM
Sygel is Nauriel's what?


09-11-2005, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by HouseofElves
Sygel is Nauriel's what?


what? I am innocent I swear! can't prove anything! :P

09-11-2005, 11:40 PM
Sygel's Nauriel's actual boyfriend. Not the person I was talking to.

I have evidence to the contrary.



09-11-2005, 11:59 PM
People that take this game too seriously make me laugh.


09-12-2005, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by Wulfe

Sygel's Nauriel's actual boyfriend. Not the person I was talking to.

I have evidence to the contrary.



:grin: again..im innocent...:master:

09-12-2005, 04:44 AM
Yea... Nauriel's almost as innocent as Amerith :P

09-12-2005, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by OreoElf
Yea... Nauriel's almost as innocent as Amerith :P

wait..Amerith is innocent? right..how could I forget...:whistle:

09-12-2005, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Wulfe

Sygel's Nauriel's actual boyfriend. Not the person I was talking to.

I have evidence to the contrary.



Also I too have evidence to the contrary as well.

09-14-2005, 01:09 AM
If people that take this game to seriously make you laugh prepare to yuck it up. Nothing is more important to me than gemstone NOTHING! :socool:

09-14-2005, 01:09 AM
That's my actual pic by the way.

09-14-2005, 02:43 AM
That's hot. You should be a model.

Terminator X
09-14-2005, 03:17 AM
Is that a black dinosaur, in the top left portion of the pic, eating the water bottle?