View Full Version : Dual 1.8 ghz G5 special :)

07-25-2005, 12:17 AM
anyone interested in purchasing a Dual 1.8 ghz G5, Mac OSX (Tiger), 1.256 GB, Ram, 160 mb serial ATA HD?

looking for 2,000$, plus 80$ for shipping.. May include some software as well, if it will sweeten the deal. ;)

07-25-2005, 01:48 AM
Anyone who buys this (or any Mac) deserves to be shot in the face.

No less than seven times.

07-25-2005, 09:05 AM
Hate to be a troll like Tayre, but why are Mac's so much more expensive then PC's?


Poweredge 1800 (http://configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?cs=04&kc=x&oc=pe1800pw13od&x=1&y=2)
Dual 3.0ghz Xeon processors
1gb DDR2
160gb SATA
PCIe slot for video card upgrade


07-25-2005, 10:29 AM
64 bit processing? The tower's made out of solid aluminum? The OS is more stable then Windows? When they start having intel make their chips.. look out.

[Edited on 7-25-2005 by Yswithe]

07-25-2005, 10:31 AM
From $2,396

07-25-2005, 10:36 AM
When we install our systems we typically use Dell PowerEdge 2850's unless the client overrides with their preferred vendor/server.

The 2850 smokes.

07-25-2005, 12:44 PM
ehh, if that G5 was about 13-1400 i'd probably bite. allthough i dont think i'd trust buying something like that from someone off PC...

07-25-2005, 02:17 PM
Well, not much I could say except that it is 1 month old, hasn't really been used, and it has an apple care service plan.

07-25-2005, 02:55 PM
Any reason you're getting rid of it?

07-25-2005, 02:59 PM
Any reason you're getting rid of it?

Going to go with because its a mac. Only reason to own a mac is if you do video editing and whatnot.

07-25-2005, 03:13 PM
I own a dual 1.8ghz already, I use it for graphic design, video editing, dvd production, Adobe After Effects animation (rendering), and on occasion, I use it for batch video compression (to quicktime, windows media player, and realplayer formats).

This system is actually one a friend of mine is selling, she has a powerbook and doesn't really have a need for the horsepower that the G5 offers.

She's a photographer, and does the photoshopping and archiving with her laptop. (Personally, I think she should keep the G5, but who knows what's going on in her mind)

07-25-2005, 03:14 PM
macs suck at gaming, though, not much out for them, although, when the games do get ported to the mac, the system requirements tend to be less then the requirements for a PC, oddly enough)

07-25-2005, 03:28 PM
Its because mac's and PC's are built alot differently. They take less to run games for the same reason they are better at "graphic design, video editing, dvd production, Adobe After Effects animation (rendering), and on occasion, I use it for batch video compression (to quicktime, windows media player, and realplayer formats). "

07-25-2005, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by Yswithe
macs suck at gaming, though, not much out for them, although, when the games do get ported to the mac, the system requirements tend to be less then the requirements for a PC, oddly enough)

WoW works on mac, what else do you need?

07-25-2005, 04:27 PM
It seems that I have sworn off gaming indefinitely at this juncture in my life. I guess work > gaming.

07-25-2005, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Yswithe
macs suck at gaming, though, not much out for them, although, when the games do get ported to the mac, the system requirements tend to be less then the requirements for a PC, oddly enough)

I disagree they suck for gaming. But I agree not as many games are ported for Macs.

07-25-2005, 04:48 PM
Just you wait. When they start working with the Intel chip, there will be more games available. Then macs will pwn hard over PCs (even though they already do).

07-25-2005, 04:54 PM
<<(Personally, I think she should keep the G5, but who knows what's going on in her mind)>>

Probably something about birthing. My brother says that's usually all a girl has on her mind.

My girlfriend has a G5, one of those slim ones. After 2 months of owning it, the mid plane (which is mac speak for motherboard) completely failed and shorted out, resulting in smoke coming from the back of it. The entire midplane and the cooling fans had to be replaced. Now, after 4 months of owning it, the thing won't stay on for more than 3 minutes without forcing itself into hibernate mode (or as it probably is called on the mac OS, "Nap time"). The apple stores don't really have anything to do with anything other than fixing the computer, so they can't have you talk to a manager or what not for compensation for all the shit that happens when you can't do work because you've lost your computer. My girlfriend was out of work for over a week because her computer was at the repair place.

I don't really like apple. My favorite memory was when my freshman year roommate made fun of me the entire time he was upgrading his old mac to mac os X saying things like "My computer is going to be uncrashable, unlike your peice of shit PC". 5 minutes after completing the install, his uncrashable mac crashed. I congratulated him on his new uncrashable OS.

My mom bought a computer from Dell. Something happened, I forget what, but the computer stopped working. She called up Dell and they replaced the whole thing with a brand new one without a hassle. None of our Dells have had any problems. I use a Toshiba laptop. I've never had a problem with it either. The thing never crashes either.

07-25-2005, 05:12 PM
a 64 bit processor means nothing if the operating system doesn't take advantage of what that processor is capable of.

Secondly, when dealing with pure speed, a PC with 1 gig of DDR3 RAM at 700 Mhz is going to outperform a mac at every function outside of video.

If someone wants to spend that type of money on a computer, I don't think Mac has anything that can compare to the 512MB + video cards that are coming for the PC. At least I'm not aware of any video processing unit for the mac that can render and edit graphics in 1080i and higher standards of HD.

Also, for those interested, the next gen of DVD's (HD-DVD and Blu-Ray) have no plans of Mac support at this time.

a tenth of the software, a tenth of the support, and maybe half of the ability to add on and support new technology.

Gonna have to pass

07-25-2005, 05:22 PM
PC Magazine performance chart (http://common.ziffdavisinternet.com/util_get_image/2/0,1425,sz=1&i=28726,00.gif).

[edit to change img to url]

[Edited on 7-25-2005 by Backlash]

07-25-2005, 05:23 PM
If it was cheaper it might be concievable. Not down with used product.

07-25-2005, 05:38 PM
Hate to be a troll like Tayre, but why are Mac's so much more expensive then PC's?
You pay $1000 for the right to bitch about Bill Gate$ and Micro$oft, look trendy, and listen to U2.

07-25-2005, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by Showal
<<(Personally, I think she should keep the G5, but who knows what's going on in her mind)>>

Probably something about birthing. My brother says that's usually all a girl has on her mind.

My girlfriend has a G5, one of those slim ones. After 2 months of owning it, the mid plane (which is mac speak for motherboard) completely failed and shorted out, resulting in smoke coming from the back of it. The entire midplane and the cooling fans had to be replaced. Now, after 4 months of owning it, the thing won't stay on for more than 3 minutes without forcing itself into hibernate mode (or as it probably is called on the mac OS, "Nap time").

That sucks. Like every product, people will have bad experiences with them. I have never ever had a problem with a computer except for a gateway that my family used to own when I was younger.

And I was under the impression that the G5 your girlfriend owned was one of those newer g5 "imacs" which suck, if you ask me.

07-25-2005, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by GSTamral
a 64 bit processor means nothing if the operating system doesn't take advantage of what that processor is capable of.

What part of the Mac OS doesn't take advantage of the capability (even the software that is created with certain functions in mind, video, animation, graphics, etc., is built around taking advantage of the dual processing capability).

Secondly, when dealing with pure speed, a PC with 1 gig of DDR3 RAM at 700 Mhz is going to outperform a mac at every function outside of video.

Where is the test data to prove that?

If someone wants to spend that type of money on a computer, I don't think Mac has anything that can compare to the 512MB + video cards that are coming for the PC. At least I'm not aware of any video processing unit for the mac that can render and edit graphics in 1080i and higher standards of HD.

HD hasn't even settled on a final standard for export yet, 1080i is just one of 3 that I am aware of at this juncture.

Also, for those interested, the next gen of DVD's (HD-DVD and Blu-Ray) have no plans of Mac support at this time.

at this time. I would assume most manufacturers and software engineers are waiting to see how the intel switch will pan out. Naturally, that is going to take some but, so will the release of some of these technologies.

a tenth of the software, a tenth of the support, and maybe half of the ability to add on and support new technology.

data, not rhetoric, please

07-25-2005, 06:39 PM
Secondly, when dealing with pure speed, a PC with 1 gig of DDR3 RAM at 700 Mhz is going to outperform a mac at every function outside of video.

Talk to me when you know what the fuck you're talking about. You have no proof of that BS. I have 1gig of RAM, AMD Athlon 1.7ghz processor, and 1gig front side bus. My fiance has a G5 with 1gig of RAM, 1.8ghz processor, and less than 1gig front side bus, and they work identical, if not his working a lot better and a hell of a lot more stable than mine.

But it's not really so much the hardware as the software. Microsoft BLOWS. MacOSX rules all operating systems. In the 4 years that we've been living together, I can't even keep count on the number of times I've lost data and had to replace hard drives and reinstall software because Windows crashes. His? I would say a handful of times at most, mostly hardware issues, and 1-2 software issues.

Adding hardware is not an issue as long as you know what you're doing. PC is easier only because it has more common knowledge around more people. If my fiance has to change hardware, it's not so much different as a PC when I change it.

I'd love to see more software and games available to Macs. It will happen. They've switched from IBM chips to Intel, which changes the coding on software. Just wait and see how awesome these systems will work and challence the PC competition. I'll take expensive and reliable hardware/software over PC throwaways anyday. The reason I keep the PC is because of the availability of software. The day that they are even in the market scale, this PC is going in the trash or eBay.

07-25-2005, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears

Secondly, when dealing with pure speed, a PC with 1 gig of DDR3 RAM at 700 Mhz is going to outperform a mac at every function outside of video.

Talk to me when you know what the fuck you're talking about. You have no proof of that BS. I have 1gig of RAM, AMD Athlon 1.7ghz processor, and 1gig front side bus. My fiance has a G5 with 1gig of RAM, 1.8ghz processor, and less than 1gig front side bus, and they work identical, if not his working a lot better and a hell of a lot more stable than mine.

But it's not really so much the hardware as the software. Microsoft BLOWS. MacOSX rules all operating systems. In the 4 years that we've been living together, I can't even keep count on the number of times I've lost data and had to replace hard drives and reinstall software because Windows crashes. His? I would say a handful of times at most, mostly hardware issues, and 1-2 software issues.

Adding hardware is not an issue as long as you know what you're doing. PC is easier only because it has more common knowledge around more people. If my fiance has to change hardware, it's not so much different as a PC when I change it.

I'd love to see more software and games available to Macs. It will happen. They've switched from IBM chips to Intel, which changes the coding on software. Just wait and see how awesome these systems will work and challence the PC competition. I'll take expensive and reliable hardware/software over PC throwaways anyday. The reason I keep the PC is because of the availability of software. The day that they are even in the market scale, this PC is going in the trash or eBay.

:yell: :clap:

07-25-2005, 07:15 PM
In the 4 years that we've been living together, I can't even keep count on the number of times I've lost data and had to replace hard drives and reinstall software because Windows crashes.
In the time since Windows XP has been available, I've had to reinstall approximately 5 times. This, however, is mostly because of my dumb dad visiting shady porn sites and virusing the thing all to hell. When run by someone who is not computer illiterate, however, XP is amazingly stable.

edit: Macs are wonderful for people who don't know what the hell they're doing, though. I doubt even my grandparents could break one of those things. However, it's way easier to break a stained class window than an i-beam, and that is the difference between windows and OS X.

[Edited on 7-25-2005 by Artha]

07-25-2005, 09:13 PM
oh yeah, funny thing is, I grew up with windows based machines, yet, when I first started working in multimedia design at the age of 18 (back in '98), I converted to macs after the first year.

I can still work with a windows operating system fluently, and should I decide to purchase one, will have no problem integrating it with my existing mac network.

I still have a 450 mhz g4, and use it for some tasks and storage... so it's nice to have the system I do in place.

When I finally get the nuts to learn 3d modeling, I will probably buy a few PC's so I can render the models, among other things.

07-25-2005, 09:14 PM
BTW update on the Mac.

it has a 3 year service plan, and is also bundled with a 20" LCD monitor (one of the new model displays". The price goes up to 2500$ now, will also bundle with Mac OSX tiger, Adobe CS2, and Macromedia Studio MX 2004, and MS office 2004.

[Edited on 7-26-2005 by Yswithe]

07-25-2005, 09:43 PM

Haha couldn't resist. So funny.

07-25-2005, 11:52 PM
MacOSX rules all operating systems.

You want data. If this was truly the case, why don't any of the Fortune 500 switch over to MacOSX?

If companies actively switched to it, well then, software companies would create more applications for it.

07-26-2005, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by GSTamral
MacOSX rules all operating systems.

You want data. If this was truly the case, why don't any of the Fortune 500 switch over to MacOSX?

If companies actively switched to it, well then, software companies would create more applications for it.

chicken before the egg.

most people are conditioned to use the windows OS, changing over to a new GUI would fuck alot of people up.

Seriously 90% of the windows users hardly even know how to work with their own operating system.

Show them a new one and they'll have an aneurism.

07-26-2005, 08:35 AM
"When run by someone who is not computer illiterate, however, XP is amazingly stable."

Nonsense. Not saying that the current Mac OS is more stable, but I'm more than capable and XP crashes for me all the damn time.

07-26-2005, 08:56 AM
oh my God like even I can use one of those apple things

just takes me a while to peel

07-26-2005, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by GSTamral
MacOSX rules all operating systems.

You want data. If this was truly the case, why don't any of the Fortune 500 switch over to MacOSX?

If companies actively switched to it, well then, software companies would create more applications for it.

Its a matter of economics. Thats all.

But if you look at companies who do their own in-house advertising/web building/graphics/music, or companies that purely do that kind of work you will find they have a few Macs there to do it. Probably also a few PCs for accounting/record keeping.

I’ve had my dual G4 for over a year and a half at least and have not had one virus or reformat. I’ve crashed maybe a handful of times. I don’t use virus software either.

This whole Mac vs PC thing is stupid and always happens when someone tries to post something about a Mac. PC users must need some outlet for their frustration over the fact Microsoft sucks ass and they know it.

07-26-2005, 09:37 AM
This whole Mac vs PC thing is stupid and always happens when someone tries to post something about a Mac. PC users must need some outlet for their frustration over the fact Microsoft sucks ass and they know it.

I agree. They're just bitter that they have to go through the problems of getting anti-virus programs and such because they're geared toward PCs since it would affect the most users. I root for the underdog.