View Full Version : SENSE

07-22-2005, 02:54 PM
Decided to get 630 and will be searching for a critter in the near future. I understand I use "SENSE" to find out what critters are in a given area. However, to date, when using SENSE, I have only determined the general nature of the surrounding environment and pathways. Have I been using SENSE in areas void of critters or am I doing something wrong? Also, does SENSE rely on any skills, such as Perception?

As always, thank you in advance and regards....Pops :cool::cool::cool:

07-22-2005, 03:00 PM
you're using sense right. It's not dependent on anything except you being level 30. Being outside of a town. Some areas don't have ACs, but for the most part, most do.

From now on, you'll be able to see the animals in the area, even after you get an AC. I believe the usage is:

Incant 630
summon animal of choice

Then you have to feed and pet it a lot to gain it's confidence. Then later in the future you can summon it again.

Make sure you summon the right one the first time or else you'll be stuck waiting a few hours before you can summon a different one again.

07-22-2005, 03:23 PM
You also have to "befriend" it or something like that once you decide on the one you like to get it to stay. It's been a couple of years since I got 630, so I forget.

There's a great AC resource at http://cc.manatree.com/guides/ACAffinity.html and http://sildraug.tripod.com/id10.html

07-22-2005, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Pops
Decided to get 630 and will be searching for a critter in the near future. I understand I use "SENSE" to find out what critters are in a given area. However, to date, when using SENSE, I have only determined the general nature of the surrounding environment and pathways. Have I been using SENSE in areas void of critters or am I doing something wrong? Also, does SENSE rely on any skills, such as Perception?

As always, thank you in advance and regards....Pops :cool::cool::cool:

If you havent purchased the spell yet from the char manager sense wont tell you about the companions. Once you have the spell the messaging expands.

07-22-2005, 04:29 PM
Thank you all for your assistance. it is much appreciated!!


07-22-2005, 06:14 PM
Have fun with your companion!