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07-22-2005, 02:45 AM

07-22-2005, 02:52 AM
Congrats, Gramps. Now you and PB can minivan race up 95.

07-22-2005, 02:52 AM
That's my birthday! 10 / 23 / 82

07-22-2005, 02:57 AM
Happy B-day!

07-22-2005, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by Stunseed
Congrats, Gramps. Now you and PB can minivan race up 95.

Slowly but surely I'm going to catch PB!

07-22-2005, 03:26 AM
yay, i'm 23 too, yay

07-22-2005, 03:56 AM
My birthday story, at least the beginning part of it. I was out doing some work on the yard today and I was cutting down these bushes when I feel this horrible stinging sensation on my wrist. I look on the bush I'd just cut and there is this foot long green and red centipide/millipede type thing with spines all over it. My hand starts swelling up like crazy and I get a fever and a headache and these white spots start flashing in my vision a couple hours later. My friends called me up and were like "We're taking you to Crush (a club around here) for the start of your birthday." So, we went but it closed early (2am) but I found out Centipede poison and alcohol make for a euphoric experience (not too much of either!) and all around good times. I'd recommend it to anyone who has a poisonous centipede on hand!

Man, I think I'm going to start an ironic heavy metal band and name it Centipede Poison, awesome.

Miss X
07-22-2005, 04:52 AM
Happy Birthday! 23 is clearly the best age, since I'm also 23! ;)

07-22-2005, 04:53 AM
You are clearly old.

The both of you.

07-22-2005, 04:54 AM
:birthday: , sweetie! Sorry about the insect bite, but I'm glad you had a good time in spite of it. :)

Burnt out Priestess
07-22-2005, 05:39 AM
Happy Bday! Glad you had fun even with the poison bite.


07-22-2005, 07:08 AM
happy birthday!

07-22-2005, 07:20 AM
It's alright man, you've got 7 good years left.

Just wanted to make sure you could read it with those old ass eyes of yours :)

07-22-2005, 08:02 AM
Happy Birthday! I hope you smashed the centipede to bits.

07-22-2005, 08:07 AM
Welcome to your mid 20's

Early 20's - 20, 21, 22
Mid 20's - 23, 24, 25, 26
Late 20's - 27, 28, 29

07-22-2005, 09:07 AM
Holy shit! Mild mannered Drew was working in his yard one faithful day, which happened to be his birthday, when suddenly he was bitten by a radioactive centipede! Drew soon began to change. He grew 20 more legs, became furry, and liked to hide under dead logs.

Uh, happy birthday Centipede Man.

07-22-2005, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Backlash
Holy shit! Mild mannered Drew was working in his yard one faithful day, which happened to be his birthday, when suddenly he was bitten by a radioactive centipede! Drew soon began to change. He grew 20 more legs, became furry, and liked to hide under dead logs.

Uh, happy birthday Centipede Man.

Hahaha, awesome!

Everyone else, including Artha and Wezas can die.

07-22-2005, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Drew
this foot long green and red

Holy cow! FOOT long? In Florida? Yikes.

07-22-2005, 03:50 PM