View Full Version : Beerpong appreciation post

07-22-2005, 01:02 AM
Greatest game ever.

07-22-2005, 01:32 AM
hot set up right there, never played that deep before.

last time i played, here was the ending of it


07-22-2005, 01:37 AM
We taught my roommates grandmother how to play during Live 8. Not only did she make a cup her first game ever... she made 3. Including last cup after my roommate already made it to end the game.

edit: the black table we are playing on here is our normal table. We custom built it one weekend when we were bored. Folds up completely, legs and all to fit in the back of a car for tailgating. The big white table only comes out for big games.

[Edited on 7-22-2005 by Elrodin]

07-22-2005, 01:39 AM
it makes me cry.... never too old to play beer pong

07-22-2005, 01:42 AM
heh, soon I will be old enough to drink...

07-22-2005, 01:51 AM

soon (in 2 years), my date for the night (shown in green) will be legal to drink....

07-22-2005, 07:09 AM
3 months for me.

07-22-2005, 08:02 AM
We played a modified version that was actually more like ping-pong at one party (because a few of the people had to show off their actual "ping-pong" skills)


Regulation Ping Pong Table
Doubles Match
Your beer goes in your corner.


Regular ping pong play is encouraged and ping pong point rules are in effect. Play to 21 and then switch sides.

If your opponent hits your beer, that is also considered one point - and you have to drink.

If your opponent hits your beer, and it bounces off and hits your partner's beer, that's three points, and you both drink.

Once your beer is empty, you leave the table and let the next spectator play.

If in your drunken paddle flailing you knock over your beer you will be yelled at to "PICK IT UP, QUICK!" and finish the beer immediately. You will then be dismissed from the table.

07-22-2005, 09:18 AM
I am a beast at this game. Best.. game...ever

- Arkans

07-22-2005, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I am a beast at this game. Best.. game...ever

- Arkans

I used to play for cash on a relatively consistent basis. :smilegrin:

Our table in college was a giant piece of plywood painted with the Irish flag...which was laid across an overturned foldout couch. It was an awesome table, except for the 1 in 20 chance of the couch accidently pulling itself out in the middle of the game and flipping the table top (and a 30 cups of beer) onto the floor.

Terminator X
07-22-2005, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Elrodin
We taught my roommates grandmother how to play during Live 8. Not only did she make a cup her first game ever... she made 3. Including last cup after my roommate already made it to end the game.

edit: the black table we are playing on here is our normal table. We custom built it one weekend when we were bored. Folds up completely, legs and all to fit in the back of a car for tailgating. The big white table only comes out for big games.

[Edited on 7-22-2005 by Elrodin]

damn, that bitch is fine :hitit:

07-22-2005, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
We played a modified version that was actually more like ping-pong at one party (because a few of the people had to show off their actual "ping-pong" skills)


Regulation Ping Pong Table
Doubles Match
Your beer goes in your corner.


Regular ping pong play is encouraged and ping pong point rules are in effect. Play to 21 and then switch sides.

If your opponent hits your beer, that is also considered one point - and you have to drink.

If your opponent hits your beer, and it bounces off and hits your partner's beer, that's three points, and you both drink.

Once your beer is empty, you leave the table and let the next spectator play.

If in your drunken paddle flailing you knock over your beer you will be yelled at to "PICK IT UP, QUICK!" and finish the beer immediately. You will then be dismissed from the table.

This is the version of the game I'm familiar with. I have no idea how you're playing the game with all the cups.

07-22-2005, 09:29 AM
I remember we had an actual shaped table. Thin in the middle and large out towards the ends each with spaces marked for the cups. It was decorated with various things stupid college aged kids would put.

Anyway, I was a monster, though I do remember I always got better the drunker I got. We'd do some amazing shots that I'll never forget.

Anyway, best beer to play with? Keystone.. Shit is like water, tastes bad, but it all tastes like "fizzy wet" after a while anyway.

Here's to you, beer pong (or Bierut as it was nicknamed)

- Arkans

07-22-2005, 09:33 AM
Ugh Keystone... I'd rather eat the can.

07-22-2005, 09:35 AM

I know, it's gross, but I usually pregame it with some good ol' Coronas. You need a watery beer to go down in that game so you don't fill up on it.

Unless you only play one game. Well, then you're nothing more than a coward!

- Arkans

07-22-2005, 09:50 AM
It's not nicknamed beirut, it's called beirut.


[Edited on 7-22-2005 by Celephais]

07-22-2005, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by Arkans

Anyway, best beer to play with? Keystone.. Shit is like water, tastes bad, but it all tastes like "fizzy wet" after a while anyway.

- Arkans

natti ice all the way

07-22-2005, 09:55 AM
Natti Light = pork chop in a can.

I am not a beer drinker at all so I've never played beer pong. I normally just drink vodka and watch other people play, it's a good spectator sport as well. Everytime your team (guy you're cheerin on) takes a drink you take a drink. I normally cheered for someone I knew would lose.

07-22-2005, 10:14 AM
I've only just recently heard it called Bierut and I'm a loooong time veteran of beer pong. Played with tons of different people too.. Heh, who knew?

- Arkans

PS: Anticor you woman, go play with vodka

07-22-2005, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I've only just recently heard it called Bierut and I'm a loooong time veteran of beer pong. Played with tons of different people too.. Heh, who knew?

- Arkans

PS: Anticor you woman, go play with vodka

There are subtle differences. The main one (atleast when we played) was that in Beirut the ball was live. So if a ball was stranded in the middle of the table, or on the ground rolling around, you could grab it instead of taking turns throwing.

We'd occasionally play on two end tables 15-20 feet apart. So there was wide open space in the middle so you could hipcheck opponents when trying to retrieve the ping pong balls.

07-22-2005, 10:24 AM
SN, that's a real way of playing this game. The more action the better, I always say.

We usually didn't play with a live ball only because the floors were so fucking disgusting that we'd need a seperate cup to clean the thing off. Believe me, it sucks having to drink you beer with some black shit floating in there.

- Arkans

07-22-2005, 10:34 AM
The game you guys are playing ain't beerpong...its beirut! For some reason, where I went to school, when you throw it towards a pyramid of cups its beirut, shrug.

Our version of beer pong was two on two, on a big table, with you and your partners cup in the middle along the edge of your side. We played with 'paddles' which were really just foot by foot squares of wood with lewd things wrote on them and usually soaked with beer. Then you'd 'serve' and volley. You had to hit the ball up (so no like, spiking, or intense ping pong action, its sorta a fun game, still intense). You hit their cups, they drink 1/3...3 hits and you're out. If you sink their cups, they automatically lose, and chug their beers. I will always love pong.

07-22-2005, 10:35 AM
The way Janarth plays is very similar to the way I've heard/played.

07-22-2005, 10:36 AM
I never used a battle. I've used cheap wine though. What a fucking mistake that was.

- Arkans

07-22-2005, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I never used a battle. I've used cheap wine though. What a fucking mistake that was.

- Arkans

I too, have played wine-pong.

My sophomore year in collage, I unscrewed the doors to the armoire in my dorm, connected them, and we'd play beerpong in the middle of my room with the makeshift table top held up by our desk chairs.

By the end of the year, half the people I knew didn't have doors on their armoire/dresser things in the rooms. The doors were slid under beds and taken out for beer pong tournies. :lol:

07-22-2005, 10:45 AM
I went to Tufts...Dartmouth frats play sorta similiar to us save they use real ping pong paddles, and you and your partner have to alternate hits, so you end up doing this wierd circle dance with your partner. Its sorta gay, like our way better - pure fun. And I put crazy spin on the ball, people always have a hard time returning my serves.

Also, anyone played the battleship variation of beirut? Thats kinda fun...instead of a pyramid, you have like 15 cups, but you put five in a line anwhere on your side of the table as your aircraft carrier, like 4 as your cruiser, 3 as your sub, 2 as your destroyer, and then one cup somewhere. You 'win' when you sink all the other person's ships :) You only have to hit one of their cups in a ship to make them drink the whole ship, so the aircraft carrier can be painful...

07-22-2005, 10:46 AM
I remember we converted a whole living room into a beer pong area. No place to sit, no room for couches, beer cans and cartons all over the place with scoreboard on the wall. We took this sport (yes, it's a sport) ridiculously seriously.

I remember one time waking up under the table surrounded by bottles, cans, and cartons with the worst stiff neck ever. I knew it was a good time of gaming.

Anyway, wine pong is evil. Horrible. You get wasted the first game and as I said before.. You can't just play ONE game.

- Arkans

07-22-2005, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I never used a battle. I've used cheap wine though. What a fucking mistake that was.

- Arkans

Ah, whats it called?!?! Damnit Arkans, I can't remember the name. We used to buy these 'thug jugs', 1.75 liters of cheap wine for like five bucks, complete with a small handle to put a finger through. CARLO ROSSI! It was always somethings the girls drank while we were swilling 30 racks of the beast or had a keg of natty. That stuff tasted alright, but god what a hangover. Think I drank a whole jug in a night once <shudder>

07-22-2005, 10:54 AM

That shit was fucking GARBAGE, but we slugged down the $8 for a jug of Vin Rose. This shit was bogus going down and even worse coming up. It also made me do evil shit.. Like head butting contests, throw our very own fight clubs, throw up.. junk than I thought my stomach would hold.

Man.. I remember when I got smoked once in Wine Pong and I had to down a whole plastic cup full of that shit. Ugh...

I swear, they made that shit with a purpose.. :rofl: So glad someone else had the "Carlo Rossi experience"

- Arkans

07-22-2005, 10:56 AM
I think Beirut is the west coast word for it.

I heard it called that like three years ago but I won't call it anything other than beer pong.

Great game indeed.

[Edited on 7-22-2005 by Hulkein]

07-22-2005, 10:58 AM
[i]I remember one time waking up under the table surrounded by bottles, cans, and cartons with the worst stiff neck ever. I knew it was a good time of gaming.
- Arkans

Good lord...in our beer pong room you stuck to the floor, it stole your flip flops a lot. I went barefoot one night and my girlfriend refused to let me in our bed until I had washed my feet twice and used a pummice stone. I would never voluntarily lie on that floor. We took pong so seriously when people spilled beer on the table we'd pick up a freshman and "zamboni' the table by dragging him across it. Or use any of the boxers/panties/bras we had hanging from the ceiling (no underwear in the frat, we saw it, you lost it...either you changed in ten seconds in front of us real quick or we ripped it off, hehe) to clear the table. It was also not uncommon to throw/slide paddles across the table to spill the other teams beers all over them (especially when you got sunk by a lucky shot). God what a game...I hate work.

07-22-2005, 10:58 AM
Depending on who I'm with I call it what the majority calls it (baaa baaa sheeeeep). If it's commonly referred to Beirut, it's Beirut, if it's beer pong, it's peer pong.. Beirut is easier to say and type though.

- Arkans

07-22-2005, 11:01 AM
I woke up in the most disgusting condition EVER when I woke up from that night. I crawled in the shower, ate a fist full of asprin, and cleaned myself off. Never again, I'll be damn sure to reserve to "pass out space" or just hoof it home.

Best thing to do.. Play the game and chase the gross beer with your beer or choice, but you should ALWAYS be drinking. Beer in one hand and ready to down your cup with the other.

- Arkans

PS: I went to a frat party once. I lost a Beirut bet and had to slam down 3 beers in a span of 3 minutes. Absolutely.. fucking.. disgusting.

07-22-2005, 12:22 PM
fuck that beirut shit. its beer pong. all the way.

only way to play...


07-22-2005, 12:24 PM
Very accurate rules, Hecto

- Arkans

07-22-2005, 12:25 PM
Beer Pong/Beirut r0x.

Over in university town (ann arbor), people call it by both names. go figure :shrug:

Sean of the Thread
07-22-2005, 01:34 PM
While I'll admit to playing many many games of beer pong/wine pong/cheap whiskey pong in the past I have more recently dubbed the game "meningitis pong" "hepatitis pong" "staph pong" "anything with an itis pong" or just plain "infectious diseases pong"

Ooo..just thought of this one. "Table Tetanus" ahahahahhahaha.

07-22-2005, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Xyelin
While I'll admit to playing many many games of beer pong/wine pong/cheap whiskey pong in the past I have more recently dubbed the game "meningitis pong" "hepatitis pong" "staph pong" "anything with an itis pong" or just plain "infectious diseases pong"

Ooo..just thought of this one. "Table Tetanus" ahahahahhahaha.

That's because you're living an area affectionately known as the Redneck Riviera. :lol:

Sean of the Thread
07-22-2005, 02:09 PM
HEHE coming from a guy who designates his location as "dirty Jersey" none the less... actually Panama City holds the Redneck Riviera moniker.

But seriously.. looking back I have to say that this is one of the dirty dirty dirtiest games ever. I love the argument "yeah but we rinse the ball in a rinse cup each time!" Where do you think all the crap you rinsed off ends up??? IN THE RINSE cup. haha. So basically it becomes a "fecal dipping cup".

Holy shit.. looking at the chart on this link Tampa actually HAS THE one of the WORST fecal dipping cups possible as our water rating is 4th lowest in the nation. MMmmm.


Oh.. in our defense the water is that bad because all of the euro-trash tourists pee in our beach water.

[Edited on 7-22-2005 by Xyelin]

07-22-2005, 02:39 PM
Yeah man, Beer Pong is pretty nasty if you think about it. If it's at a frat, the balls rolling on the ground there hundreds are walking, getting touch by the hands of dozens of people, getting rinsed in a cup that's holding all the germs from everyone who touched it.

I mainly like to play at my apt or someone elses apartment before a ton of people are playing.

Playing at frats isn't something I usually do.

07-22-2005, 02:49 PM
That's why when we play Beer Pong (the type where you actually play ping-pong and each player has a beer in their corner) we use bottles. You hit the bottle, take a drink. Knock the bottle over with your paddle, chug what's left of your beer and sit the fuck down.

07-22-2005, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
That's why when we play Beer Pong (the type where you actually play ping-pong and each player has a beer in their corner) we use bottles. You hit the bottle, take a drink. Knock the bottle over with your paddle, chug what's left of your beer and sit the fuck down.

Too much volley, not enough drinky.

07-22-2005, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

Originally posted by Wezas
That's why when we play Beer Pong (the type where you actually play ping-pong and each player has a beer in their corner) we use bottles. You hit the bottle, take a drink. Knock the bottle over with your paddle, chug what's left of your beer and sit the fuck down.

Too much volley, not enough drinky.

Volley, Drinky, less TB.

07-22-2005, 02:59 PM
If you're playing in an unsanitary enviroment (IE Frats... big parties) or you're just concerned about germs... or don't have a budget to keep buying plastic cups... you use water in the plastic cups, and when a ball gets sunk you remove the cup and drink from your beer.

Works great when you're playing with people of mixed taste too.

07-22-2005, 03:06 PM
best worded rule ever:

Trying to blow the ball out of a cup is considered douche bag material. Blows are for hoes and lets keep it like that.

07-22-2005, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by Xyelin
But seriously.. looking back I have to say that this is one of the dirty dirty dirtiest games ever. I love the argument "yeah but we rinse the ball in a rinse cup each time!" Where do you think all the crap you rinsed off ends up??? IN THE RINSE cup. haha. So basically it becomes a "fecal dipping cup".
[Edited on 7-22-2005 by Xyelin]

Um...yeah, I feel sorta bad about the health thing. Actually reall bad. If you think beer pong is bad, have you heard of the "hat game"? The hat game went on during the party, and encompassed everyone. Basically, someone found a wierd hat, went up to someone they wanted to smooch, did so, and gave them the hat. That person then went for their choice...and the hat kept going. In hindsight, I can't believe we didn't all get mono.

Sean of the Thread
07-22-2005, 04:30 PM
We played a variation of that called "jimmy hat game". :lol:

07-22-2005, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Xyelin
We played a variation of that called "jimmy hat game". :lol:

Is that a Redneck Riviera party game where you pass around the same recently used condom? :lol:

(Sorry, I couldn't resist, I had a buddy down in Pensacola for a few years.)

Sean of the Thread
07-22-2005, 05:31 PM
Hehe close.. and for the last time Tampa Bay is one of the largest metro areas on the east coast. The Redneck Riviera is the Panhandle area and the name fits. Look at all the states on the border up there... wee doggy they must have fun.

Doyle Hargraves
07-22-2005, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by hectomaner
hot set up right there, never played that deep before.

last time i played, here was the ending of it


Looks like things didn't go too well. Her clothes are still on. :(

07-23-2005, 07:41 AM
Fun game but I have one suggestion.

We would always play with water in the cups and drink from individual beers. 3 cups = 1 beer. So if you're playing 9 cup a team of two have to drink 3 beers. This significantly reduces the sanitation problems and helps keep you drinking cold beer.

Terminator X
07-23-2005, 07:43 AM
grain shots would automatically sterilize pretty much anything :!:

07-24-2005, 03:47 PM
Wow... You all play such a different variation.


Thats pretty close to how I play, maybe Ill type up the rules I play by later. Everywhere I have played though has been nowhere near the beirut rules. Ohio State, Penn State, Pitt, Temple, University of Delaware, Univeristy of Maryland... All play with the same set of rules that is pretty much 6 cups per side. 2 players. Make both and bring them back. Biggest variation is in redemtion shots. I guess how you play the game doesn't matter so long as the end result is the same.

Anyone bragging about their skills in the Philly area?