View Full Version : Extra gear disposal?
07-21-2005, 01:42 PM
So do you guys sell your excess green and blue stuff to the vendors? Do you AH them? Or do you save them for disenchanting (I'm not an enchanter but I figure it would help when I ask for stuff to have some supplies)?
My last set of training cut my bank account in half, so I was thinking of ways to increase my loot supply without resorting to the Chinese Gold Farmers just yet.
Other ideas I have are selling herbs and fish, but they take away from hunting time.
07-21-2005, 02:03 PM
If you're an enchanter, disenchanting them will typically leave with you something worth more than if you had sold it to the NPC merchants.
If you're not an enchanter, the item you were wearing is probably soulbound and you can't pass it off to disenchant.
The way I started making money was just AH'ing every green item I found. I was shocked how well I did with it.
Some Rogue
07-21-2005, 02:09 PM
I think you'd be surprised how well that fishing does for you too.
07-21-2005, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by Some Rogue
I think you'd be surprised how well that fishing does for you too.
I'll say! I didn't realize it until Rennick mentioned that oily blackmouth fish sell really well in AH. And since I was always fishing for my potions and cooking and no longer needed my blackmouths at the time, I sold them. Very nice.
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Originally posted by Some Rogue
I think you'd be surprised how well that fishing does for you too.
I'll say! I didn't realize it until Rennick mentioned that oily blackmouth fish sell really well in AH. And since I was always fishing for my potions and cooking and no longer needed my blackmouths at the time, I sold them. Very nice.
I think they are an ingredient for free action potions.
07-21-2005, 02:16 PM
If its not soulbound, I mail it to my mage who disenchants it, and then mails stacks of the returned items back to my rogue who then sells those enchantment materials at the AH.
That way, I gain enchantment ranks for cool enchantments, and some coin as well. That way, my mage can start banking on enchantment sales in IF and make money that way too.
07-21-2005, 02:16 PM
I don't have that recipe yet, so as far as I knew, they were just for the underwater breathing.
07-21-2005, 02:17 PM
AH it.
Just check the prices for similar items of that level, undercut them by a little bit, and it'll sell.
07-21-2005, 03:22 PM
Thanks for the advice everyone!
I caught a mess of blackmouth and firefin the other day and even got a stack of 20 stranglekelp the same evening. I ended up pawning most of it or using them for my alchemy ranks. Maybe I'll try that again if my usual HoR buds aren't around and try to AH them and see how it goes.
07-21-2005, 03:25 PM
*whine* Not the firefins! Anything but the firefins!
I might be able to sneak on around 8ish tonight. If not, I'll definitely be around tomorrow night. Let's get a group together and go finish BlackFathom Depths.
And another good money-making tip is to accept the silvers you are offered for picking up poison ingredients while in Org, instead of throwing them in my face!
07-21-2005, 03:37 PM
The best advice I can give is for you to hand over the items to the lvl 13 rogue of the guild.
The same rogue that got WTFPWNED out in the Barrens by mobs. Luckily the Guild Shaman was there to save his ass.
- Arkans
07-21-2005, 03:40 PM
I am going to sap the shit out of you.
Dont forget about the meat shiled too...
Oily blackmouth.. I just find that name so fucking funny on so many levels.
- Arkans
Yeah, I'm afraid what type of "blackjack" you'll use to try to "sap" me there, troll boy.
07-21-2005, 03:44 PM
Hehe yeah Dave's new name in WoW is meat shield. He drew their attention, got smacked the hell up and they turned around in time to eat death from Arkans as I kept gouging them. Good times.
07-22-2005, 11:02 AM
I ended up putting my non-soulbound blues and greens up on the AH last night and they diappeared rapidly. I think I listed them too low. I didn't see any duplicates on there, so I took the default prices (3x pawn). I'll do more research next time I guess.
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