View Full Version : Lockout.

05-30-2003, 10:51 PM
Should Simu be stricter, or ease up? I know of folks that hacked the game and took advantage of it to the tune of thousands of RL dollars...

who are wandering around, in different forms...

I know folks that merely have bad cursing habits...

and are still locked out.


05-31-2003, 12:42 AM
No one, by my count, has "hacked the game."

People have taken advantages of bugs, yes, and some to the tune of multi-millions, but that's the nature of the beast.

To me, I tend to side with the GMs when lockouts are the order of the day. 85% of the time, the person really deserves it and has had it coming for them for a while. 10% of the time it is a gross first offense that needs a strict punishment. 5% of the time, it is a grey area.

No system is infallible, but I trust that the GMs know a lockout candidate when they see one.

Red Devil
05-31-2003, 02:24 AM
They need to straighten out policy so one stupidGM1 doesnt disagree with retardGM2 on whats wrong/right

05-31-2003, 11:20 AM
Agreed (shockingly enough) Red Devil.

As for hacking the game, I think taking advantage of bugs that cause the game TO crash for personal advantage falls into the hacked category in my mind.

06-03-2003, 04:52 AM
It is sick how you can get banned from Gemstone because a GM holds a grudge, other than that they are mostly fair.

06-03-2003, 04:59 AM
Eh, i know of people that have hacked the game, but they are smart and dont brag bout it, and i wont go any further on it so no one gets in trouble, cuz they never really did anything to harm anyone, they just wanted a challenge...on the other hand, i know of many passwords that have been hacked to account and items stolen off charecters, i guess thats not really hacking the game, but i just wanted to point that out since some one said they dont know of anyone that haz hacked the game before...

06-03-2003, 05:03 AM
abusing bugs and stealing passwords isn't hacking the game, its stealing already existing items from morons who give out their passwords, which shouldn't even be a bannable offensive givin people always give up their PWs so they can gain levels and not have to work, so when they get robbed they deserve it... I think he meant hacking as in changing the code of the actual game.

06-03-2003, 11:15 AM
I think he meant hacking as in changing the code of the actual game. -Ben

Yep. But I will amend my actual statement.

There was an occurence some years ago where someone did gain access to a GM's account by some method and were able to log in in "behind the scenes" mode. They lasted about five minutes before someone locked the IP. AFIAK, nothing was done, but it scared the dickens out of the staff.

In any case, the "GMs hold grudges" thing I can agree with. There is once certain GM who I've been on their bad side for a year or so, but I'd never be banned because of it. You have to make a GM want to ban you by some offense, they don't just not like you and ban you for no reason.

Red Devil
06-03-2003, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by Ben
abusing bugs and stealing passwords isn't hacking the game, its stealing already existing items from morons who give out their passwords, which shouldn't even be a bannable offensive givin people always give up their PWs so they can gain levels and not have to work, so when they get robbed they deserve it... I think he meant hacking as in changing the code of the actual game.

Bens offenses... racial slurs.. bug abuse... unconsented pvp... bug abuse... racial slurs...racial slurs.... racial slurs.... racial slurs... did i mention racial slurs?

06-03-2003, 04:53 PM
Scarecrow got locked out cuz I had problems with Brauden/Dantrotic told me his password so he could get levels without playing and I stole the immolation jeddart-axe cuz he is a junkie and he made up a big lie about how I sent him to some big website that stole his password some how, then on Njorn I got banned for bug abuse/Being Scarecrow.

[Edited on 6-3-2003 by Ben]