View Full Version : hunting help
Carl Spackler
09-28-2003, 07:36 PM
Need some hunting Advice.
11 half-elf rogue
swings at 190, definds at 86 without any spells in offensive.
defense is 243 in defensive..
what should I hunt? preferably landing, solhaven area.
09-28-2003, 09:07 PM
Could try glacier, though you might need massies at this point.
Or could hunt fire guardians, good exp, DS of like 40 or something.
09-28-2003, 09:11 PM
Icemule. Cold guardians.
09-28-2003, 09:44 PM
Hunt in advance stance. That AS is plenty to kill anything around that age.
09-28-2003, 10:26 PM
I don't advice you fire guardian, cold guardian and wraith if they can get you with their bolt attack
bolt now do extra damage with 100% rate of succes of a minor damage, sometimes you get bad luck and got a 101 end roll and get a 25 damage, 4 round stun and the like. So if you have low health, avoid them.
sol haven is your friend, a lot of stuff there, and rich (shelfae and cie et cetera)
09-29-2003, 04:40 PM
Don't bother with steelies, they take forever to kill. You could try just about anything that swings in 10 seconds. The glacier might work, though it swarms frequently. Fire Guardians in the landing are easier than cold guardians, as there aren't any ogres to remove your head when you're in round time. You could also try hill trolls, though that's where alot of people go to get guild work done, so it could get busy at times. Another place to try is under the AI, with dark orcs.
Carl Spackler
09-29-2003, 08:36 PM
hmm all these sound good i'll have to try them...right now im basically stuck because i don't have any climbing right now... I didn't put it in during reallocation because i intended to use another attempt and fix some stuff, so basically this guy was a trial in some ways... but i soon went back to playing my ranger and the period of time ran out.. so i can't get to cyclops in sol haven or up to ta'vaalor
09-29-2003, 11:47 PM
If you need in cyclops in Sol let me know I'll set a ring for ya. Ain't no thing but a chicken wing on a string.
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