View Full Version : ? for the Brits about a school

07-19-2005, 04:11 AM
I've been burnt out a bit here at work, and I was thinking of taking some time off. I'd like something nice and relaxing to do, such as getting my Masters in Economics in the land of Adam Smith himself. Some of my colleagues and old profs suggested the London School of Economics. I was also considering Oxford, since its obviously the big school over there.

I'm going to be firing off some apps, so if you've heard/know of anything about the programs at either school, or if you know anyone that goes there, I'd appreciate the information. I have no idea when the school cycle is so I'm not sure if im going to be early or late with my apps.

Miss X
07-19-2005, 07:48 AM
Oxford is very hard to get in to and is not nearly as well respected as its students and fans like to think. LSE, I do not know much about.

The academic year runs from mid september to mid june usually, so if you are applying to start this september, you may be a bit late. I'm not sure if overseas students are allowed to use the clearing service though, so you should look into that.

Forgot to add, fees will be very expensive if you are from outside of the EU, masters degrees are not usually funded (Woohoo, got lucky with mine) so that's something else to look in to.

[Edited on 19-7-05 by Miss X]

07-19-2005, 08:34 AM
Are there any other program considered more prestigious than Oxford or LSE? Cambridge perhaps?

07-19-2005, 11:09 AM
I don't know about prestige, but I would think the tutorial system at Oxford would be a great educational experience.


07-19-2005, 11:58 AM
You might look into Surrey. They have an excellent reputation in the field you're considering.