View Full Version : And you thought tampon commercials IRL were bad....(log edited for brevity).
07-19-2005, 11:06 PM
You hear the faint thoughts of Nevea echo in your mind:
"Funny thing happened to me today.."
You hear the faint thoughts of Nevea echo in your mind:
"being a lady..I said a feminine product..I think we all have used.."
You hear the faint thoughts of Galesmight echo in your mind:
"oh yea?"
You hear the faint thoughts of Nevea echo in your mind:
"Would you be offended if I used the word TAMPON?"
You hear the faint thoughts of Katrana echo in your mind:
You hear the faint thoughts of Nevea echo in your mind:
"Because - I most certain will not deny using one"
You hear the faint thoughts of Yukito echo in your mind:
"A tampon? What's that?"
Your mind tingles with Goldelocks's thoughts, "Wow, really?"
Marclar whispers, "Wtf? are you listening to the net?"
You hear the faint thoughts of Nevea echo in your mind:
"its a blood clotter"
You hear the faint thoughts of Galesmight echo in your mind:
You hear the faint thoughts of Galesmight echo in your mind:
"Your pretty daft huh?"
You hear the faint thoughts of Yukito echo in your mind:
"I see. So it is for wounds then."
You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind:
"Things here certainly have gone downhill."
Anyway, the discussion of what kind of wounds it heals went on for awhile, and Neava made a few references to "that time of month."
[Edited on 7-20-2005 by SpunGirl]
07-19-2005, 11:11 PM
I hope that you REPORTed that :weird:
07-19-2005, 11:44 PM
I did, that shit was retarded.
07-20-2005, 03:01 AM
Reminds me of someone running around with a 'red rag' she pulled out of her pants/skirt whatever. Stupidity.
07-20-2005, 03:12 AM
Sign of Staunching, genitals
07-20-2005, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by Caiylania
Reminds me of someone running around with a 'red rag' she pulled out of her pants/skirt whatever. Stupidity.
I remember that.
Vif was crazy.
07-20-2005, 08:22 AM
Nevea? Please tell me the original player sold her and this is someone else being senseless like that. I can't imagine the player I know acting like that. :(
07-20-2005, 08:26 AM
Ick. People like this need to be killed quickly, buried, and the GMs told they just up and died. :rolleyes:
07-20-2005, 08:33 AM
That's insane. Yet another reason why I hate going to Solhaven.
07-20-2005, 09:18 AM
Nevea? Please tell me the original player sold her and this is someone else being senseless like that. I can't imagine the player I know acting like that.
Pretty sure she ebayed a while back, was a character similar enough on the block, conquest book and all. Far as I knew, she was the only one with one of those.
07-20-2005, 09:35 AM
I knew she quit and sold her stuff, just didn't realize she sold the characters as well. That makes me feel better that it wasn't her.
Now I feel better calling the current Nevea a complete dipshit for talking like that in the game. :D
07-20-2005, 12:50 PM
In a society as bent on magic as GS is, I dunno if I'd run around discussing womanly flows.
In such a society, it seems it would be a good way to make yourself the target of a very malevolent sorcerer's experiment as they'd not understand the shedding of the uterus. I'd love to have seen a really nasty sorc step into that one, almost makes me want to roll a sorc for such discussions.
Shit shit shit where was I?
I'd have had a field day if I'd have thought of that!
07-20-2005, 01:05 PM
Yea... that's worse than Rocksand I think it was... going on about maxi pads to absorb blood when some Luukosian serpent made the gh ooze blood from her pores at the cathedral wedding.
Its usually better to just report and ignore those people... if not giving them a hopeful and polite word about ooc.
Edited to add: In a case such as this I doubt I'd do much more than report...
[Edited on 7-20-2005 by OreoElf]
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
In a society as bent on magic as GS is, I dunno if I'd run around discussing womanly flows.
In such a society, it seems it would be a good way to make yourself the target of a very malevolent sorcerer's experiment as they'd not understand the shedding of the uterus. I'd love to have seen a really nasty sorc step into that one, almost makes me want to roll a sorc for such discussions.
But two women getting married is definately okay in the Elanthian society. Please, it's either accepting or backwards.. Not what is convieniant.
- Arkans
07-20-2005, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
In a society as bent on magic as GS is, I dunno if I'd run around discussing womanly flows.
In such a society, it seems it would be a good way to make yourself the target of a very malevolent sorcerer's experiment as they'd not understand the shedding of the uterus. I'd love to have seen a really nasty sorc step into that one, almost makes me want to roll a sorc for such discussions.
But two women getting married is definately okay in the Elanthian society. Please, it's either accepting or backwards.. Not what is convieniant.
- Arkans
While homosexuality was an accepted (though less talked about) fact, talking about your period outloud was a good way to get you shunned during the dark ages eras. Though some people of high rank didn't bother to be discreet about their homosexual practices.
Yeah, get caught doing something homosexual during the Spanish Inquisition or any other time during the era of Fundamental Christianity, we'll see how good of a day you have.
People of high society could talk about their period as well if they should want too. They'd be considered odd and rumors would be spread (just like with homosexuality), but that's what power bought you. A certain amount of freedom. Mr. Joe Blow traveller? Well, let's just say Joe best now blow Moe and get caught.
- Arkans
07-20-2005, 02:44 PM
Wow, I'm relieved to know it more than likely wasn't the Nevea it used to be. I had a hard time picturing the Nevea I knew pulling something like that.
Still, I'm hardly the roleplaying police, but you'd think some things would be common sense.
07-20-2005, 02:48 PM
I wasn't speaking about the times of the Spanish Inquisition. Homosexuality was actually encouraged and an accepted way of life in many non biblical societies. Look at Rome, Greece, heck the Amazons.
That said however, most ancient cultures DID view blood as a sacred thing to be used in ritual practice. Therein lies the difference IMO.
These are ancient cultures. Gemstone does not mimic ancient cultures. It is more closely related to a Dark Ages/Middle Ages time period. It's not okay to be gay back then, that's for sure.
- Arkans
07-20-2005, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
These are ancient cultures. Gemstone does not mimic ancient cultures. It is more closely related to a Dark Ages/Middle Ages time period. It's not okay to be gay back then, that's for sure.
- Arkans
Perhaps not, but I don't see how GS most closely mimics pre-monestary, dark age christian culture.
Even if it did, individuals in that society still did not understand womanly flows. Further, those individuals openly discussing such a matter would have definitely been 'reprimanded', while I can name several artists from the period you describe who were openly homosexual that were not persecuted.
As adventurers in Elanthia, according to the player documents, are considered "above" average people/heros, I think they'd be at least in the same standing as a few painters if they were homosexual.
However, I'm fairly sure homosexuality would never have been discussed as blatantly as the above topic, and I'm also fairly sure that discussion of your period was fairly frowned on (because among a general populace, even today, that's considered somewhat disgusting).
07-20-2005, 03:08 PM
She RP'd the time of the month thing - I dont get it. If one of my characters has a boner..I'll RP the shit out of it (I use that moldy bone in my pants trick all the time). I mean - dont women get the bleed as a NATURAL cycle?
07-20-2005, 03:09 PM
Absolutely, women bleed every 30 days. Most don't discuss it among potential company of hundreds of other people.
edited to add: I think people also had a problem with the tampon aspect as the word was coined in 1929 by it's "inventor" Dr. Earle Haas. Vif's rag was actually more IC.
[Edited on Wed, July th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]
07-20-2005, 03:16 PM
So when she asked if anyone would be "offended" - why didn't someone speak up then (i.e. why didn't this conversation take place last nite). Personally I didn't find it offensive at all. She asked a question - what was so wrong with that?
I didn't think people were so edgy.
07-20-2005, 03:21 PM
I don't hear people in game going around talking about "taking a piss or a shit". It's not something talked about in game. Nor should menstrual cycle or tampons.
And point already brought up, tampons were not heard of. This is a medieval game, is it not? I don't think females used anything to stop the flow during their cycle. But I could be totally wrong because I've never researched it.
07-20-2005, 03:23 PM
I don't know. It's not so much about being offensive, it's just not the place to be discussing it.
I personally have no problem with the discussion in and of itself. If you wish to discuss it privately with your friends, that's fine. This is a game, however, with impressionable minds. There needs to some common sense (yeah I know, asking for way too much these days) in how to conduct yourself in a multiplayer game. There are some things that do not need to be discussed publicly. This is one of them.
[Edited on 7/20/2005 by CrystalTears]
07-20-2005, 03:28 PM
I love how people constantly get into these arguments of history and relating everything to current life, etc. when something comes up in GemStone.
07-20-2005, 03:30 PM
then why should tampons or menstrual cycles exist in a nonexistent world?
07-20-2005, 03:35 PM
Actually, hon, they did. Link below. It's just that the term tampon wasn't coined until 1929, hence the person on the net asking what it was.
It includes the history if you scroll down.
I'll agree that GS specifically does not have a time period, but I also think if someone discusses something like this in public, they should have to deal with the RP consequences (for good or bad).
It seems reasonable to me that an evil sorc (or character in general) might want to investigate the bleeding and figure out what properties are keeping all these women alive for days with no empath.
The only problem I see is the use of the word tampon. I've seriously never heard it used in game and wouldn't expect it to happen.
I don't see a problem with her roleplaying having a bloody ass period though. At least she's keeping it real... :weird:
07-20-2005, 03:45 PM
Why should it not?
There isn't an argument strong enough to support either side, but since it wasn't offensive and it wasn't a personal attack on someone - what’s the harm? I guess I never understood the flavor of the original post.
She just asked a question - what’s the harm there? Well..maybe she should have used the term "cootchie patch" instead.
07-20-2005, 04:00 PM
I disapprove of her inability to use adverbs (certain vs. certainly).
07-20-2005, 04:06 PM
I disapprove of her use of the word tampon; the discussion in general is fairly tasteless, and I don't think it would be one of those things you would openly discuss in public where you were fairly sure you had an audience of several others, unless you knew you were acting under some kind of anonimity and trying to get attention. I can't remember any time any PC poster did a thread devoted solely to how her tampon felt.
That said though, I'm not above being just as tasteless and RPing it out if I had the means and was present.
07-20-2005, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
I disapprove of her inability to use adverbs (certain vs. certainly).
LOL!! Good point Bob..I think that made me get a nervous twitch too.
07-20-2005, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
You hear the faint thoughts of Nevea echo in your mind:
"its a blood clotter"
Not to mention the fact that this is also wrong. Tampons, if you want to get technical about it, don't CLOT your blood. They absorb it.
07-20-2005, 10:31 PM
While homosexuality was an accepted (though less talked about) fact
Look of the Pear of Anguish.
07-21-2005, 12:22 PM
lol I heard about this on my guild's wow vent server...hehehe, awesome peeps in haven nowdays
07-21-2005, 12:54 PM
I just think that its a game about fighting monsters and being in a fantasy world. It tries to be realistic, but not THAT realistic. I mean, no one RPs going to the bathroom (or do they? I think my character has been holding it for about 6 years now. She's probably bouncing up and down by now). No one eats regularly for the purpose of staying alive.
I know there may be some "private encounters" between couples or perhaps wealthy young gentlmen and ladies of the evening, or maybe even wealthy young ladies and gentlemen of the evening, but as far as I know the only way to make a new character is to roll one. They don't spontaneously appear from females nine months after one of these encounters.
Feeling randy and amorous is one thing, but talking about tampons just doesn't fit with the game as I'm used to playing it. Maybe if she said "sorry I'm feeling like a bitch, the moons are having an effect on me," it would have been less...anachronistic?
I'm not offended by tampons. Hell, those little white cotton balls get more action than some guys I know, but I just don't expect to see them mentioned in a game which I play because I like killing zombies.
07-21-2005, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Nobody Cares
I don't hear people in game going around talking about "taking a piss or a shit". It's not something talked about in game. Nor should menstrual cycle or tampons.
And point already brought up, tampons were not heard of. This is a medieval game, is it not? I don't think females used anything to stop the flow during their cycle. But I could be totally wrong because I've never researched it.
Actually.. heh.
Puking, farting, and yes.. the above mentioned are RP'ed out by some people.
07-21-2005, 02:26 PM
Some people who suck.
05-03-2009, 01:38 PM
Okay I just found this out of boredom searching Nevea and EWWW. No that's not me. I was the original Nevea, and I'd have never. I dunno who has her now, but it's not me and I take no responsiblity for whatever moron is her these days :P
I realize this is an old post, but blech. No, not me.
(And thanks for sticking up for me, whoever you guys are that did!)
05-03-2009, 05:25 PM
05-03-2009, 10:09 PM
Yeah, where did she go? Did she become a GM or something?
I'd rather post here than be a GM.
Saying that, why not create an alt account Simu won't know about and continue posting? I really miss a lot of them who've had to quit PC (for whatever reason).
05-04-2009, 09:24 AM
Yeah, nothing could possibly go wrong.
05-04-2009, 09:37 AM
I'd rather post here than be a GM.
Saying that, why not create an alt account Simu won't know about and continue posting? I really miss a lot of them who've had to quit PC (for whatever reason).
One slip of the tongue and some ass-hat will try to pin you to the wall. Not worth the risk/bother.
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