View Full Version : Harry Potter Fans (spoiler)

07-16-2005, 01:19 AM

Don't read the URL if you don't want to know the spoiler!!!

07-16-2005, 12:01 PM

Or go there if you want to read the book.

07-16-2005, 12:09 PM
If only I liked Harry Potter. That's pretty amazing that it's already fully typed on a site.

07-16-2005, 12:22 PM
Edaarin just gave me a birthday gift.

Harry Potter!

07-16-2005, 09:59 PM
I have my copy in hand. I'm going to go curl up with my sore throat, my hot, honeyed tea and my new book.:tissue:

07-16-2005, 10:01 PM
aw. :(

07-17-2005, 01:56 AM
Edaarin, you freaking rock.

Even though I fucking ordered the book from fucking Amazon.com three fucking weeks ago with the fucking assurance it would be in my hands on fucking July 16, fucking UPS DID NOT DELIVER IT. Yes, I'm fucking pissed. So without your link, I would have been unable to read it. BLESS YOU.

07-17-2005, 02:04 AM
I love it when chicks cuss.

07-17-2005, 02:46 AM
You guys are talking about a children's book, right?

Just making sure...

07-17-2005, 02:47 AM
Harry Potter rules, longshot:)

Hope you feel better, HN.


Killer Kitten
07-17-2005, 02:54 AM
Mike picked up our copy this morning on CD. We're already on disk 4, having taken a long drive to a ren faire today. Tomorrow (Sunday so I guess it's really today) we'll get through the second box of disks driving to and from a cave/tourist trap we want to check out.

The Harry Potter audiobooks really rule, the guy reading them is phenominal. Mike and I really like 'reading' it together, too. One of those old married couple things, i guess. It's one of our favorite things, taking a long drive while listening to a good book.

Edited to add:
The Harry Potter series is a pretty adult series of kid books. I think she stopped writing mostly for children after the third book, though they still read easily enough. A great series, no matter your age.

[Edited on 7-17-2005 by Killer Kitten]

07-17-2005, 02:58 AM
Aw, that sounds nice.

I went to the store today and the books were scattered everywhere, my brother went down the candy aisle and they were hidden behind hershey bars and stuff. Hah.

07-17-2005, 04:03 AM
I was going to go buy it first thing in the morning but I got a text message at friggin TWO AM from friends in NORWAY saying they bought me a copy.

I just know they did it so I wouldn't read it before them :(

07-17-2005, 08:42 AM
I can't wait until the next book already...I can't wait to see Harry go after Voldemort...and maybe get Snape.


07-25-2005, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Ilvane
I can't wait until the next book already...I can't wait to see Harry go after Voldemort...and maybe get Snape.


BIG TIME SPOILERS BELOW. (so if you haven't finished the book, click out of this post)

You know, I was pissed at Snape for offing Dumbledore but after I finished the last chapter I got to wondering. Dumbledore was NOT stupid and he had a REASON to trust Snape. (and I don't think it was that flimsy one that Harry told everyone) I started thinking about the fact that Harry heard a tone he'd never heard from Dumbledore in front of anyone on the tower ... pleading. (with Snape.) To me it seemed like a code. Maybe he had made Snape promise to kill him under certain circumstances. (though I still want to believe Dumbledore isn't really dead, it's probably just hopeful thinking) He had told Harry before they got back to school he needed Snape ... maybe that potion was killing him anyway. (and he didn't want Malfoy to have blood on his hands or something) Also, the way that Snape could have taken Harry and held him for Voldemort to kill when Harry kept trying to stop him outside Hagrid's. (remember he stopped the other Death Eaters from killing Harry ... but what was to stop them from capturing him?) Those few things make me think that maybe Snape won't be the bad guy everyone thinks. Anyway, just a couple of theories I had.

Also, I didn't get the 'full' feeling from this book as I have from the other ones. Did anyone else feel that? I mean I liked it, just wanted more answers. It was interesting to find out more about Voldemort's past, but it just seemed like this particular book had more filler than substance.

Just drives me nuts knowing I'll have to wait to find out.(which is what the author wants of course)<grin>


07-25-2005, 09:55 PM
It was meant as a filler book. It was meant to fill in every gap and set up a book 7 so full of substance that they wouldn't need to cover any of the past or minor spots they caught with this book. This was basically a book that said, "look at what you will get to read in book 7"

07-25-2005, 09:58 PM
Honestly, is there anyone who believes that in the last book (book 7?) every existing problem won't be solved with a weak Deus Ex Machina?

07-25-2005, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Alarke
It was meant as a filler book. It was meant to fill in every gap and set up a book 7 so full of substance that they wouldn't need to cover any of the past or minor spots they caught with this book. This was basically a book that said, "look at what you will get to read in book 7"

Nevermind the whole point of a second-to-last installment is to get you to [b]want to know what happens[b], especially for a conclusion.

07-25-2005, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by Alarke
It was meant as a filler book. It was meant to fill in every gap and set up a book 7 so full of substance that they wouldn't need to cover any of the past or minor spots they caught with this book. This was basically a book that said, "look at what you will get to read in book 7"

Yeah, I suppose you're right. You know it never even occured to me that this was the next to the last book. (duh) I guess after all the hype I wanted a longer book too. That's true of all us book addicts however.

I'm still thinking that maybe Snape might end up surprising us all. Then again, he seems the perfect villian. Those early thoughts (in my post above) were me speculating since no one around me has finished the book and I can't talk to them about it yet. (and I was hoping someone would comment on what they thought about what I said or give their own take on it)

I think I stated before that the author left us wanting and I know that's what any good author would do. And she did. This is the only series I will read that is not completed. I learned my lesson with WOT. (that wheel is NEVER going to stop turning!)

Least Tonks's hair is pink again.<wink>


07-26-2005, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by Vesi

Originally posted by Alarke
It was meant as a filler book. It was meant to fill in every gap and set up a book 7 so full of substance that they wouldn't need to cover any of the past or minor spots they caught with this book. This was basically a book that said, "look at what you will get to read in book 7"

Yeah, I suppose you're right. You know it never even occured to me that this was the next to the last book. (duh) I guess after all the hype I wanted a longer book too. That's true of all us book addicts however.

I'm still thinking that maybe Snape might end up surprising us all. Then again, he seems the perfect villian. Those early thoughts (in my post above) were me speculating since no one around me has finished the book and I can't talk to them about it yet. (and I was hoping someone would comment on what they thought about what I said or give their own take on it)

I think I stated before that the author left us wanting and I know that's what any good author would do. And she did. This is the only series I will read that is not completed. I learned my lesson with WOT. (that wheel is NEVER going to stop turning!)

Least Tonks's hair is pink again.<wink>

I actually got to talk to my friend about your thoughts and this is what her and I came up with: I have changed my point of view on Snape because of what you stated above, I now believe he is good. What she said (and she's way too smart about this stuff) is she agreed and said that the reason Dumbledore was begging Snape was because Snape made that unbreakable vow to Dracos mother.

Dumbledore knew this and knew that if Snape didn't fulful the vow, that Snape himself would die. Since Snape was already on the inside, the killing of Dumbledore would only cause Voldermort to trust him more, and allow him to continue to work from the inside. Dumbledore was willing to die to help the cause, that is the only reason that he would ever beg anyone... he wasn't begging for his life, but for Snape to keep his.

Her and your thoughts combined make perfect sense to me, and I can't wait until the 7th book to figure it all out.

07-26-2005, 02:41 AM
Yeah, I had thought about the unbreakable vow too. And Dumbledore was selfless enough to give his life to the cause. Plus, Snape can do that magic (it's slipping my mind) that probes other's minds and I think some of that was going on between him and Dumbledore on the tower. Again, all spectulation, but isn't it fun?<grin>

Will love to see in the next book if any of my theories pan out.


07-26-2005, 02:56 AM

Rowling has also said in the past that she may consider going beyond the seventh book...so who knows what will happen after number seven.

She has also said though, that she has had the last chapter of book seven written and locked away in a safe for a long time.

07-30-2005, 05:06 AM
Any thoughts on who R.A.B is? I wasn't sure, but then Briah's player told me she thinks it's Regulas Black, Sirius' brother. That sounds like it could be right to me.

I think Dumbledore is dead for good, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sirius came back. I've also thought for awhile that Draco might eventually come over to the good side of things.


07-30-2005, 05:59 AM
I kind of had the feeling that there was going to be this "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine" theme near the end. With all the phoenix action near the end of the book I feel like there is some sort of way that Dumbledore only knows that he can come back. He is afterall the greatest wizard of all time, and we know very little about him.

Not sure where I stand on Snape...double/triple/quadruple agent? I'd like to think that he's still working for the Order of the Phoenix though.

I think Sirius is gone. But anytime something happens that I'm not too happy about, I just remind myself that in Harry Potter, things aren't always like they seem.

Miss X
07-30-2005, 06:33 AM
I definitely think Dumbledore wanted snape to kill him. He knew about the unbreakable vow and he chose to sacrifice his own life for the greater good. I think that's why he told harry about the horcrux stuff, so he knew what he had to do and could do it without dumbledore.

By killing Dumbledore, Snape can infiltrate Voldermorts gang and be totally trusted, I think he will end up having to protect harry at the end of the last book. I also really think Draco isn't evil, and will come over to the order eventually.

I agree with Spun about RAB being Regulas Black, since he was a death eater. I so need the 7th book now!!

07-30-2005, 07:22 AM
The book was grand. I think Dumbledore split his soul, and the pendant that Harry has is Dumbledore's horcrux. Who else to trust with part of his soul than one as loyal as Harry. I think Dumbledore found a way around having to kill someone to split his soul. He'll be back, and this gives Snape the perfect opportunity to get even closer to Voldemort, as close as one can to someone who wont trust anyone. At the same time, Dumbledore's perceived death will motivate Harry that much more to become the wizard he's destined to become, and also harden Harry's resolve for preparing for the future.

Book 7 is going to be a whirlwind of action. I cant wait.

[Edited on 7-30-2005 by Ganalon]

Sean of the Thread
07-30-2005, 11:13 AM

Already been spoiled above but.




[Edited on 7-30-2005 by Xyelin]

08-01-2005, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by Ganalon
The book was grand. I think Dumbledore split his soul, and the pendant that Harry has is Dumbledore's horcrux. Who else to trust with part of his soul than one as loyal as Harry. I think Dumbledore found a way around having to kill someone to split his soul. He'll be back, and this gives Snape the perfect opportunity to get even closer to Voldemort, as close as one can to someone who wont trust anyone. At the same time, Dumbledore's perceived death will motivate Harry that much more to become the wizard he's destined to become, and also harden Harry's resolve for preparing for the future.

Book 7 is going to be a whirlwind of action. I cant wait.

[Edited on 7-30-2005 by Ganalon]

actually by killingg vold's hortcrux's maybe that gave him the power to create his own

08-01-2005, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by Xyelin

Already been spoiled above but.




[Edited on 7-30-2005 by Xyelin]

OMFG I laughed so hard at that. Because of you I spit water all over myself and the floor. :lol:

08-01-2005, 11:55 PM
I have a feeling that Sirius isnt dead. I mean, they havent given us readers any information on how he dies or that tapestry thingy that he went through. There is a reason JKR hasnt delved into telling us exactly whats behind it and why Sirius cant come back. Also, I dont believe that Snape is evil. Dumbledore is too wise and powerful to be killed by Snape without allowing it. There is also the fact that he bound Harry with his wand right before Draco came through the door. He WANTED Harry to see what was happening.

And I busted my brain trying to figure out those initials R.A.B. Its a good assumption that it is probably Sirius's brother. And yes I do believe Dumbledore is dead. If he wasnt dead then his picture wouldnt have appeared in the head masters office along with the other deceased Hogwarts headmasters\headmistresses.

I believe the next book is going to focus more on Harry and his growth as a wizard. Snape made it very clear at the end of the book that Harry still had a lot to learn and I think he is going to be working on that.

08-02-2005, 12:20 AM
<<There is also the fact that he bound Harry with his wand right before Draco came through the door. He WANTED Harry to see what was happening. >>

Or he knew he was fucked and didn't want Harry to try anything stupid. But that could also say he had planned this and didn't want Harry interfering.

Also, there is a reason Snape didn't kill Harry at the end, like, SNAPE = TEH GOOD YEZ?. So I agree that snape != bad, but I don't know about Dumbledore.

08-02-2005, 12:24 AM
I'm bitter at Snape, and I think he's bad. If he were good, Dumbledore would have told one of the other Order members why he trusted him so much. After this, no one in the Order is going to trust Snape, therefore him being a "double agent" on the inside of the Death Eaters will be useless.


08-02-2005, 02:25 AM
Well, can't Voldermort tell if people are lying (read minds?) and what not? If one of the members of the order were to get captured, and knew about the whole Snape/Dumbledore relationship, Voldermort could find out? And isn't snape really good at hiding that, and would be able to hide a plan from Voldermort?

Ligilmency or Occlumency or something I thought. Heh.

Or do I have books mixed up, ahhaha?!?


Upon further Googling:
"Occumency means keeping your mind closed," Mad-Eye lectured in an impatient growl. "Legilimency is much more. You open your mind to perceive the thoughts of others."

Voldermort is skilled in Legilimency, and Snape is super skilled in Occumency.. so I guess Snape could keep his thoughts from Voldermort, but no one else would be able to do that, so Dumbledore didn't trust anyone with the information? Just a shot in the dark :).

A further edit, perhaps Dumbledore made an "Unbreakable Vow" with Snape.

Hahaha, I'm way into this fucking book.

[Edited on 8-2-2005 by Chadj]

08-02-2005, 02:40 AM


08-02-2005, 04:06 PM
There are a lot of mysterys as to what exactly or how exactly that tapestry works, thus, why its in the Department of Mysterys.

I feel like Sirius really is gone, but I also have a feeling that in the next book a character will come back through the tapestry, or that more information will be revealed about it.

This is a theory I came up with that I'm not completely sure of. I've reread the book a few times looking for clues but haven't found anything that I can definately claim as proof.

But I think that Snape and Dumbledore could have switched places via polyjuice potion. Snape went with Harry, got the Horcrux, and Dumbledore kills Snape. Now Dumbledore is in a position to spy on Voldemort and can continue getting information. Snape is now dead.

My other theory is that Snape said Avada Kedavre outloud, while actually focusing his magic behind a different non-verbal spell. Dumbledore was put into a death-like trance, and the phoenix will eventually wake him up.

This doesn't work too well though, since it means Snape will die for breaking the unbreakable vow.

Thats why my third theory, Dumbledore sacrifices himself, permanently, or knowing that he also has a way of cheating death like Voldemort (I doubt that he has a Horcrux though) in order to give Snape more influence among the death eaters and make him a better spy for the Order of the Phoenix.

I'm certain that there was more to earning Snape's trust than his grief over James and Lily dying. I want to say that Snape made an unbreakable vow with Dumbledore. But there may be something other than that.

All of the phoenix references at the end though make me think that we will see more of Dumbledore in the next book. Perhaps he knows a way of getting back through the curtain in the Department of Mysterys.

I think this book gave us a beginning of understanding as to why Dumbledore was the only wizard that Voldemort ever feared.

08-02-2005, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by JadeScarlet
But I think that Snape and Dumbledore could have switched places via polyjuice potion. Snape went with Harry, got the Horcrux, and Dumbledore kills Snape. Now Dumbledore is in a position to spy on Voldemort and can continue getting information. Snape is now dead.

I'm more of the belief that Rowling would rather have Harry dealing with Snape and remove Dumbledore as a powerful influence to give him more fuel to go full speed into defeating Voldermort, but that's just my guess.

My other theory is that Snape said Avada Kedavre outloud, while actually focusing his magic behind a different non-verbal spell. Dumbledore was put into a death-like trance, and the phoenix will eventually wake him up.

My friend and I were in IMs yesterday and she said the same thing to me, and I thought it was a very clever idea. They made a big deal about non-verbal spells in this book, so I'm inclined to agree with this theory.

Thats why my third theory, Dumbledore sacrifices himself, permanently, or knowing that he also has a way of cheating death like Voldemort (I doubt that he has a Horcrux though) in order to give Snape more influence among the death eaters and make him a better spy for the Order of the Phoenix.

He also did it to save Malfoy, I believe.

All of the phoenix references at the end though make me think that we will see more of Dumbledore in the next book. Perhaps he knows a way of getting back through the curtain in the Department of Mysterys.

And he's now sitting in the portrait in the office and may be able to communicate that way as well. I'll have to reread the books again, but I don't remember anyone stating that the portraits are of dead headmasters, just former ones, so that's something to ponder as well.

I think this book gave us a beginning of understanding as to why Dumbledore was the only wizard that Voldemort ever feared.

I totally agree. He has a lot of tricks up his sleeves and I don't think he's completely gone either.

Miss X
08-02-2005, 04:24 PM
Oh my god you're all making me need the next book now!!

08-02-2005, 04:25 PM
I liked this one a whole lot more than the fifth one. I hope the seventh one is justifiably great.

08-02-2005, 04:26 PM
I didn't think they were that good or original. Either way when the eventual film comes out my gf will be happy of having more Alan Rickman time. And after reading about how Rowling hates the hype and hysteria and the fact she's writing a gloried children's series, I doubt she'll go beyond the one's she contracted for.

[Edited on 2-8-05 by StrayRogue]

08-03-2005, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Vesi

You know, I was pissed at Snape for offing Dumbledore but after I finished the last chapter I got to wondering. Dumbledore was NOT stupid and he had a REASON to trust Snape. (and I don't think it was that flimsy one that Harry told everyone) I started thinking about the fact that Harry heard a tone he'd never heard from Dumbledore in front of anyone on the tower ... pleading. (with Snape.) To me it seemed like a code. Maybe he had made Snape promise to kill him under certain circumstances. (though I still want to believe Dumbledore isn't really dead, it's probably just hopeful thinking) He had told Harry before they got back to school he needed Snape ... maybe that potion was killing him anyway. (and he didn't want Malfoy to have blood on his hands or something) Also, the way that Snape could have taken Harry and held him for Voldemort to kill when Harry kept trying to stop him outside Hagrid's. (remember he stopped the other Death Eaters from killing Harry ... but what was to stop them from capturing him?) Those few things make me think that maybe Snape won't be the bad guy everyone thinks. Anyway, just a couple of theories I had.

Also, I didn't get the 'full' feeling from this book as I have from the other ones. Did anyone else feel that? I mean I liked it, just wanted more answers. It was interesting to find out more about Voldemort's past, but it just seemed like this particular book had more filler than substance.

Just drives me nuts knowing I'll have to wait to find out.(which is what the author wants of course)<grin>

Vesi You summed up alot of the thoughts I was having toward the middle and then the end of the book. I also sort of agree with Ganalon in hopes that Dumbledore split his soul in two knowing he would be Harry's greatest guide and protector and if abondoned he would be left on his own. Notice how everyone always seems to think he is way out in left field with his theories which are more correct than not. Also, it was annoying once again to see that Harry was still being kept in the dark about alot of things going on within the order, such as what everyone has been up to in their defence against the Death Eaters/Voldemort and whatnot.

It was also very odd that Dumbledore choose to take Harry with him on such a life threatening mission to destroy one of the Horcruxes while he is still enrolled at Hogwarts. So many questions that need to be answered.

I'd be lying if I said I can wait for the next book to come out. Clearly, I cannot, damnit!

08-03-2005, 01:05 PM
Heh, it was 500 pages of Harry saying, "OMFG why doesn't anyone believe me?!" and then 100 pages of "Holy crap! WTF just happened?!"

I don't think Dumbledore is completely gone. Nor do I feel that Snape is all that great and good. Even Rowling has said in her interviews that she doesn't get why people like someone as evil as Snape so much. Then again, she's a writer and could be just stringing us along.

I had posted this in my blog, but as I was reading Harry and Ginny's breakup, I kept thinking, "Ok Rowling, this was already said and done in Spiderman. Seen the movie, do something else!" :D

08-03-2005, 01:23 PM
I agree CT. Alot of the themes, creatures and other elements in her books aren't exactly new or original. I guess thats why I don't regard them as some super fantastic feat of literacy.

08-03-2005, 01:27 PM
Oh don't get me wrong. I loved the book. I love the creatures, magic and characters in its simplistic form. I'm simple that way.

However after 5 years of proving everyone wrong about various things, to still look at him like he has a third eyeball was kinda grating on my nerves.

Now that HP is out of the way for now, I can get The Chronicles of Narnia read before the movie comes out. Woohoo!

08-03-2005, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
I had posted this in my blog, but as I was reading Harry and Ginny's breakup, I kept thinking, "Ok Rowling, this was already said and done in Spiderman. Seen the movie, do something else!" :D

I had the exact same thought... :lol:

08-03-2005, 01:44 PM
I don't think her books are some fantastic bits of fiction that should be exalted from up high. Never that. She is gifted though and her ability to create fiction as surprisingly simple yet oddly complicated as this series is the reason I find the stories to be solid and very well written. She's able to appeal to children (the intended receivers of the moral of the story) and adults alike which is quite brilliant of her, in my opinion.

Her plot is nothing new by any stretch of the imagination.

Part-Muggle born anti-social freak who doesn't want to be thought of as just an ordinary boy seeks to show the world he is different through a series of violent, eccentric, and self-fulfilling actions. In the process he developes a cult following of those who are pure-blooded quite unlike himself, to torture and terrorize those who are not of pure-blood or who are "traitors" to the pure-blood race.

It's definitely been done. Hitler anyone...

08-03-2005, 01:48 PM
If you don't want people to like Snape, don't cast Alan Rickman for the role in the movies! Heh!

I completely agree that most of the book was Harry going, "OMFG why doesn't anyone believe me!?" It got to the point where I was starting to get annoyed by it.

How much shit does Harry Potter have to go through for us to get that he's got it rough? I understand that he's going to have to face Voldemort alone, and that's why she killed Dumbledore, but I wish she'd at least bring him back in some kind of advisory role. It's like she's sucking out the magic and goodness more and more as the books go along.

Deal with it bitch, you're writing children's books whether you like it or not.

Also, I felt like it was turning into some stupid Spiderman crap when he broke up with Ginny because of who he was and what he had to do. Like breaking up with her is really going to protect her.

Whoever mentioned Dumbledore being put under a sleeping spell, I thought that was a really interesting idea to play around with. Especially the way the phoenix singing was worked into it.

08-03-2005, 03:07 PM
It's funny. I've felt a more up and down progression in her books. Some have been great, some have been eh to me.

08-03-2005, 05:23 PM
The fourth book is still my favorite, though whoever said that this one is just a setup for the seventh was spot-on. #7 is going to rule hard.


08-03-2005, 05:43 PM
It never even occured to me that Dumbledore might have split his soul. (add that to my lists of what ifs)

Also, why would he distance himself from Ginny, but doesn't put up any real argument about Ron and Hermione going along to battle Voldemort. (I mean doesn't that put their families in danger ... even though we have never met Hermione's family) Of course, I can see that we really can't break the three of them up. I was just wondering why Ginny had to be ousted too.

Gee ... we keep this up and we'll have a 7th book written way before JKR does; it just won't be the official version. <heh>


08-03-2005, 06:12 PM
It's because Hermione and Ron both turn 17. That is the age a young Wizard or Witch becomes an adult in the Wizarding world. Their parents should be sure to protest them accompanyting Harry but they are a very stubborn bunch. They will be free to follow Harry if they so choose. Ginny doesn't have that option as she'd still be underage.

After all, even the twins abondoned Hogwarts to start a very successful joke shop instead of finishing school.

08-03-2005, 07:32 PM
Reading all these ideas about the unanswered questions and mysteries of the HP series makes want the 7th book so badly.

You know, it would really suck if JKR died (god forbid) before she finished the 7th book. That would really really suck hard. Lets all pray for her good health!!!!

08-03-2005, 07:40 PM
She has the events of all the books sequenced already anyways.
She's had them done for a long time.
They're on cards and stuff, all in chronilogical (VERY huge sp in there somewhere) order. That's how she's always been able to say "There's only gonna be 7 books, and in the 5th and 6th someone will die, (blah blah blah)." So if she died, we'd find out what happens anyways!:)

08-03-2005, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by DeV
It's because Hermione and Ron both turn 17. That is the age a young Wizard or Witch becomes an adult in the Wizarding world. Their parents should be sure to protest them accompanyting Harry but they are a very stubborn bunch. They will be free to follow Harry if they so choose. Ginny doesn't have that option as she'd still be underage.

After all, even the twins abondoned Hogwarts to start a very successful joke shop instead of finishing school.

Yeah, I had forgot about the adult age of the wizard world. I was thinking more along the lines of the reason he broke it off with Ginny was because he didn't want her hurt if Voldemort found out he cared for her but he cares for Ron and Hermione too. I guess I'm overthinking this. <grin>


08-04-2005, 12:01 AM
I waaaawwwnnnnt it! I want the next book now! Patience is not my strong point, dammit! I'm probably gonna break out in a case of hives that'll last until the bloody book comes out. :spaz: