View Full Version : CM List..(Porcell's list)

09-28-2003, 04:08 PM
This is a pretty comprehensive look at the CM list, posted by Porcell, and reposted recently on the official boards.

Whatcha all think?


Alright, here's all the info I got from Simucon that I originally posted on the rogue boards.

Combat Movement: +2 DS of all types for every 1 rank in the skill, so a total of +10 to DS if you go for all 5 ranks for mastery. This is available to all professions.

Combat Focus: +2 TD of all types for every 1 rank in the skill, so a total of +10 to TD if you go for all 5 ranks for mastery. This is available to all professions.

Combat Press: Perform the maneuver to get in closer to the monster. This will give penalties to both parties for using ranged weapons and large weapons, and give bonuses to smaller weapons and short range spells (Like Mana Disrupt). Do not combat press a sorcerer! It also reduces the maneuver defenses of the target being pressed. A good situation would be if you are using a dagger and the foe is using a claid. Combat press and they will have a harder time hitting you while you have a bonus to your attacks. Warriors, Rogues, Paladins.

Armor Specialization: Slightly reduces penalties such as action penalty, spell hinderances, maneuver mods. This only works on armor you are over trained for (i.e. you can't pick this up at level 5 and specialize in plate). Available to Warriors and Paladins.

Shield Bash: Uses shield use skill for successes, modified by shield type (small shields easier for success, less damage; large shields the opposite). Causes stuns, RT, possibly knockdowns on high success. Available to all professions but monk.

Shield Charge: Like bash but causes knockdowns and more damage. If you fail the maneuver it will definately suck though. You must have training in Charge CM skill and Shield Bash skill to use. Warriors and Paladins only.

Charge: Idea is for using a weapon to charge forward, mainly a polearm concept; run up and stab your foe. Warriors, Rogues, Paladins.

Weapon Specialization: Specific weapon type, like dagger, falchion, axe, mace... gives AS bonus up to +10 (+2 per rank), also added bonus for weapon type maneuver attacks, i.e. +10 to your disarming MS if you use your specialized weapon. Warriors, Rogues, Paladins, perhaps semis.

Weapon Bonding: Like weapon specialization, but a single weapon; think Excalibur. AS bonuses, you get used to the weapon. A quest of some type would probably be reuired. Warriors only.

Side By Side: Bonus to group that has multiple members of the group who know this ability. Increased AS and DS, maneuver help, easier force on force, etc. Open to all professions.

Mighty Blow: Increased RT, fatigue (in addition to FPs, like Mstrike, can't do it constantly). Reduces the foe's parry, increases DF of the weapon attack. Warrior only.

Subdual Strike: Rogue Guild Subdue, things will be tweaked a little. All professions.

Bear Hug: Race a factor, gives RT to both parties, Warrior and Monk only.

Hammer Fist: Double handed fist blow, brawling skill, Warrior Only.

Stun Maneuvers: RG Stunman. Warrior and Monk.

Headbutt: Stun, RT, Minimal Damage. Warrior and Monk.

Cheapshot: RG Cheapshot. Bards and Monks.

Coup De Grace: Similiar to sorcerer Sacrifice in it is limited per hour. Bonuses not really clear yet. All Professions.

Garrote: If you have ever seen the Gremlocks take out a rope or wire and garrote a target. Really neat skill. This is for Rogues, Rangers, and Monks (Hey look, no warriors).

Hamstring: Slash to the back of the leg or back of the ankle, cutting tendons. This will put the target into a kneeling or prone position. Of course it would be modified by weapon type. Used by Rogues, Rangers, and Bards (Again, no warriors).

Sunder Shield: Break a target's shield. Useable only on non-magic shields (to prevent abuse, since all PCs have magic shields). Not really all that useful, since it would only drop DS by 20 against critters. Anyway, it's warrior only (GASP).

Shadow Mastery: Negative RT to hiding and sneaking. Most likely be a -1 at the first couple of ranks and -2 at the last couple of ranks. Gives a bonus to staying in hiding, sneaking and not being seen, success when getting into hiding. Gives a bonus to remaining hidden when trying to snipe, either with a bow/crossbow or with thrown weapons. Gives a bonus to helping you stalk. Basically anything you can think about with getting, staying, and acting in hiding. I asked, this skill will provide no added bonus to stealing (Although with the new system you already get a bonus when stealing from hiding, and this skill would help you get there). This skill is for.... grr, I didn't write it down. I'm pretty sure it is Rogue, Ranger, and [possibly] Monks only.

Quick Strike: Less RT, Less DF and AS, reduces parry defense of target. Warrior, Rogue, Monk.

Sucker Punch.: Less damage, stun, less rt, brawling skill (one hand open), possibly reduces parry for that attack. Rogue only (There you go).

MFire: Mstrike for arrows. Used on bows only. Will max out at 3 arrows. Get 3 Arrow from Cloak, MFire. Most likely will have unfocused and focused options like MStrike. All Professions.

Haymaker: Brawling strong attack. At this point warrior only (these profession assignments are not final, don't complain).

Stance Perfection: Like warrior trick skill. Will have only 2 ranks. Rank 1 will let you adjust by 10% steps and the second rank will adjust by 5% steps. All Professions.

Disarm: Warrior skill. All professions.

Feint: Warrior skill. All professions.

Weapon Precision: Call the crit. Waraxe does slash and crush, so you could Slash Zombie to call the slash crit. Will add probably 3 seconds RT like ambush, which will be trainable off with RE and DE bonus. Weapon Precision is not useable with the Ambush or Aiming skills. All professions.

Dust Kick: Add RT, Blind (negative to perception), penalty to AS and DS of foe. All professions but Paladin.

I think I must have lost a page of notes somewhere, because I know there were some more he talked about.


09-28-2003, 04:15 PM
How many skills are you allowed to have? I like Weapon bonding, specialization and all the brawling skills. I can't wait for this stuff.

09-28-2003, 04:39 PM
I think it's 1 rank of CM list per 2 ranks of CM. So a max of 202 ranks of CM at level 100 so you could have 101 ranks, or be mastered in 5 (20 ranks to master) CM list skills. I could be wrong.

09-28-2003, 05:36 PM
Each training in CM Skill gives you one CM Point to spend on CM List skills. Each CM List skill has 5 levels to mastery, and each level takes increasingly more CM Points to get. So to get level 1 for a skill it may cost only 1 CM point, rank 2 may cost 3 CM Points, rank 3 may cost 5 CM points, etc up to Mastery.

The rough numbers we were given were around 25 CM Points to master one skill. This is all subject to change, of course.

09-28-2003, 06:08 PM
Shadow Mastery...weapon precision...



09-28-2003, 07:28 PM
Shadow mastery, garrote, mfire. That's all my rogue needs.

09-28-2003, 08:09 PM
Each skill costs various amounts of points, and that is by no means the complete list. Either way, we are not getting them until Phase II. I really wanted Shadow Mastery.

09-28-2003, 08:11 PM
To clarify, some skills cost less than others. Some have different completion tasks etc.

10-12-2003, 05:43 PM
About a dozen of the maneuvers are close to completion and may be released soon after IV goes live.

I'm going for Shadow Mastery, Combat Press (if I decide to do my two dagger/dagger and short sword wielding rogue), Garrote. We WILL be able to forget CM skills and pick up new ones, the mechanism for this hasn't been stated yet.

I've also heard a few higher level rogues talk about making Jack of all trades a reality, 2x'ing in CM and picking up one rank in as many skills as possible. That'd be fun, but not too viable, heh.

Hmm. What do you all think about Rogues/Warriors not being able to learn CM skills that are currently available to them through the guild? I've already taken both a rogue and warrior through 200+ ranks of guild work, and if I ever started a new one, I sure as hell wouldn't want to do that again. So, why not let us learn skills through the mangler and give us the same reduced usefulness that other professions get when they do it through the mangler (ie, mastering Disarm gives you the equivalent of 50 ranks as opposed to 63, and no level bonus).

10-12-2003, 07:34 PM
Some skills cost different amounts and have different tasks or points to "Master". None are available at the release of GS4.