View Full Version : Screen Shot thread

07-13-2005, 08:17 PM
Figured I'd start a thread devoted to the screenshots we've seen so far. Some of the newer ones from mmorpg are looking really great. Two got released yesterday at:


Looks good so far...

Also, one GM at the mmorpg.com boards said that we'll be seeing more Suwari (the fox-cat humanoids) screenshots soon.

07-13-2005, 08:19 PM

08-16-2005, 04:48 PM
2 New ones today.


That one, aside from the lack of shadows still, is pretty cool

08-16-2005, 07:28 PM
Baby got back.

But, yeah, it looks decent, but we really need to see it in motion. EQ2 is pretty, but once you see it moving, all the character models look like they're eternally constipated.

Oh, and... umm... cat people?

[Edited on 8-16-2005 by 3704558]

08-16-2005, 07:35 PM

08-16-2005, 07:52 PM
has anyone seen the HJ video? I have it on my computer, I could put a link up on my website, if anyone's interested.

08-16-2005, 09:02 PM
Has anyone seen the screenshots of the village where a girl destroys and rebuilds a home? Those houses have awesome detail. Those are my fav screenshots so far.

- N

08-16-2005, 09:37 PM
ut, yeah, it looks decent, but we really need to see it in motion. EQ2 is pretty, but once you see it moving, all the character models look like they're eternally constipated.
At the year before last's Simucon, Whatley did a showing of it and even though it was mostly just one female model walking around empty environments, it looked pretty decent (I was way too impressed at the time). How it'll be with a bunch of people in populated areas, I'm not sure. But the potential's there.

Doyle Hargraves
08-16-2005, 09:57 PM
Oh, and... umm... cat people?

Probably "inspired" from the cat race (called Mithra) from Final Fantasy XI. They sure look very similar, at least in the screenshot linked above.

While the game looks good in the screenshots, they usually don't look as good in the final product. If they do in HJ, I'll be impressed.

A quick note though: There was some article about HJ where Whatley was bragging about their "revolutionary" new idea that HJ will incorporate called -- targeted area of effect spells.

Guess Dave didn't do much research on his competition, or is just pretending that he's unaware that this "revolutionary" feature already exists in WoW.

08-16-2005, 10:00 PM
I think the "revolutionary" bit of it is that you can just target them better. Like a wall of fire spell, you'd draw the line that the wall would then spring up on. To me, it sounds like it'd be a pain to do against anything moving reasonably fast, but whatever.

The cat people are indefensible.

08-16-2005, 11:05 PM
Is it me, or do the people look just a bit disproportionate?

It looks...weird to me for some reason. If we get a free month trial to play it I'll give it a go, but other than that, I'm not that impressed.

08-16-2005, 11:05 PM
It looks...weird to me for some reason.
Probably because only some things cast shadows.

08-16-2005, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
Is it me, or do the people look just a bit disproportionate?

It looks...weird to me for some reason. If we get a free month trial to play it I'll give it a go, but other than that, I'm not that impressed.

Me either. Cat people or no, the art direction does not compare to whats already out, and coming out soon.

09-17-2005, 01:49 PM
Here's the link to the afformentioned video of HJ.

http://www.onlinewelten.com/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=3795&PHPKITSID=e5d023c2a26c 94d7417ce4ab00ab8905

The site is in German, but the video is of a demonstration Melissa gave at the E3 convention or whatever its called.

And, just an FYI, if anyone wants more info on HJ, let me know. I'm on the High Council in the HJ Hero's Council forums.


09-17-2005, 05:20 PM
Gotta admit, that video was pretty impressive. The combat seemed to be a bit dull, though. Auto-attack only?

But, again, where's the marketing?

The Ponzzz
09-17-2005, 06:10 PM
Yea... I gotta say, If the game was out, I would have the urge to play after the video.

There are plenty of questions though, that will only have answers after the game goes atleast beta...