View Full Version : Something fun to do in non-PvP servers.

07-12-2005, 05:25 PM
Heh, I did this by accident the other day and it was funny as crap. I was in Gadget and there was an undead mage running around flagged. I followed him out of town and attacked him, and after all that went down went back to town, still flagged. There was an orc warrior there like 2 levels under me (making him 47) who was farting and spitting and all that other 'Please attack me' nonsense, but he had challenged a level 40 rogue to a duel. Thus, inspiration struck me.
I challenged him to a duel.

The countdown uh...counted down, and the duel started. I threw up Blessing of Kings and made sure my Divine Protection aura was up. He charged.
About a 10 Gadgetzan Bruisers opened up a can on him.

I didn't get an HK though :sniffle:

07-12-2005, 05:52 PM
yeah, that happened to me in booty bay, and the bruisers got me like .00000134254 seconds after i cast CoA

07-12-2005, 05:54 PM
Heh, Tayre and I took out some punk ass mage in BB too. He ended up dieing, but I escaped into the water. It was just really funny because it started as a duel.

07-12-2005, 06:35 PM
I was stealthed next to a couple of alliance in BB at the weekend as they were duelling. They both let off some AoE spells which hit me so they both got mashed by the bruisers.

07-13-2005, 09:21 AM
That doesn't seem to be specific to RP servers.

Another dirty trick to make someone flagged for PvP is to duel them, let them dot you, and then end the duel. As soon as the DOT hits you after the duel, the person is flagged for PvP.

07-13-2005, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Tea & Strumpets
That doesn't seem to be specific to RP servers.

Another dirty trick to make someone flagged for PvP is to duel them, let them dot you, and then end the duel. As soon as the DOT hits you after the duel, the person is flagged for PvP.

Ah, that's what happened to me when I got rolled n the Barrens last week! I used my standard set of DoTs, but being vastly younger than the person I was dueling, he beat me before the DoTs wore off, so he promptly killed me when the duel ended. Dernit!