View Full Version : Leaked 1.6 Patch Notes

06-20-2005, 01:18 PM
They're long...looks like huge changes in store for Warlocks. I'm happy to see that I'll never bitch about the corpse hike from Razor Hill back to Orgrimmar.

--Blackwing Lair Released!
Nefarian's sanctum, Blackwing Lair, can be found at the very height of Blackrock Spire. It is there in the dark recesses of the mountain's peak that Nefarian has begun to unfold the final stages of his plan to destroy Ragnaros once and for all and lead his army to undisputed supremacy over all the races of Azeroth. Blackwing Lair is a max-level, 40-player raid dungeon, with many new encounters and tempting rewards awaiting the intrepid adventurer that dares enter its halls.

--Darkmoon Faire!

A gathering of the exotic from around the world and beyond, Silas Darkmoon has brought together the Darkmoon Faire as a celebration of the wondrous and mysterious found in Azeroth. While the Faire spends most of their time in parts unknown, they do stop from time to time in Mulgore and Elwynn forest. When the faire is on its way barkers will stop by Ogrimmar and Ironforge to announce its arrival.


There is a new way to enter the battleground queues. Battlemasters! Located in some of the cities, right-clicking on a battlemaster will allow your character to enter a battleground queue just like you normally would if you touched that battleground’s entrance portal. The functionality is exactly the same, so when it’s your character’s time to enter the chosen battleground, you will be teleported directly in. Glordrum Steelbeard stands in the Hall of Arms in Ironforge, serving as the Alliance battlemaster for Alterac Valley. Aethalas of the Silverwing Sentinels stands ready in Darnassus, next to the warrior trainers, to send Alliance characters into Warsong Gulch. And in the Hall of the Brave, located in Orgrimmar’s Valley of Honor, Brakgul Deathbringer serves as the Horde’s battlemaster for Warsong Gulch, while Kartra Bloodsnarl will send you to bring glory to the Horde in Alterac Valley. Guards in their respective cities can give you directions on how to find them.


There is a new option upon the login screen. If you click the "Remember Name" checkbox on the left side of the screen, the game will automatically fill in your account name when it starts up.
Will of the Forsaken (Undead Racial) - duration of the lasting immunity effect decreased to 5 seconds.
Cannibalize (Undead Racial) - Regeneration increased to 35% of a character's total health over 10 seconds.
Stoneform (Dwarf Racial) can now be used to cancel self-inflicted poison effects.
Fist Weapons will now have the normal chance to parry that all weapons use.
It will no longer be possible to swap any equipment while stunned.
Pets will now enter passive/follow mode when their masters mount.
The Dazed effect caused by NPCs will now stack with all other movement slowing effects. Note that the movement slowing effects will not stack, but the debuff icons will remain to ensure the full duration of these effects persist.
Damage caused by environmental effects will now cancel stealth (e.g. swimming in lava).
Several creature spells that silenced players are now properly flagged as silence effects, which will allow talents such as Unbreakable Will to provide a higher chance to resist the effects.
Spells that drain mana will now properly report the amount of mana gained in the combat log.
Clarified the error message when no corpses are available for the Cannibalize ability.
Clarified the error message when trying to attack while mounted.
Resurrection spells should now check range properly when used on targets that have released their spirit.
Spell reflection effects have greatly improved visuals and functionality.
Knockback effects are now synchronized with any associated missile impacts.
Special abilities which are parried will correctly activate abilities which are usable after parrying.
Damage shield spells no longer damage you if you use spells that damage both you and your enemies.
Fixed graphical anomalies when using channeled abilities in a group with a grounding totem.
Fixed the duration of Frostbite on pets which are dismissed and then recalled.
Fixed a bug where broken off-hand fist weapons would prevent main-hand dagger abilities from being usable.
Health leech effects no longer give you health while you are a ghost.
You no longer spout profanity when talking about sitting while drunk.


Some optimizations for terrain loading and rendering were added for the Macintosh build.
Enabled multisample support in the video options.
Fixed an issue where inspecting crafted items on other users could potentially show attributes that those items did not have.
Updated the Mac sound code to use memory more efficiently.


Honor System
There is now a progress bar on the Honor tab of your character window that displays how close you are to your next rank.
The honor screen now displays a bar indicating how far along your current rank you are (Scout, Private, etc). This will let you know whether you are moving towards your next rank or falling back towards your previous rank. from week to week.
There is a new "This Week" section of the Honor tab, which will display PvP accomplishments of the current week.
The "This Session" section of the Honor tab has been changed to "Today", and will now display the entirety of your accomplishments for the day instead of the most recent session.
Players rank 11 or higher can now chat in the WorldDefense channel.
The WorldDefense and LocalDefense channels will now display your rank as well as your name when chatting.
Battleground scoreboards now display the time elapsed in a battleground.
Warsong Gulch
Warsong Gulch has new item rewards at the appropriate faction vendor near the entrances to the zone. These are available starting at Honored faction.
Friendly flag carriers are now displayed on the overhead map in Warsong Gulch.
Both the Warsong Outrider Supply Officer and the Silverwing Sentinel Supply Officer of Warsong Gulch now offer distinct tabards for purchase. Those heroes who are of Exalted status with one of these factions may purchase the tabard for 5 gold (discounts not included).
Players now receive a faction bonus for completing the repeatable Warsong Gulch quests.
Alterac Valley
Each team will now gain additional bonus honor if their towers are not destroyed by the end of the map. The more towers that remained intact, the more honor received.
If you manage to keep your faction's Captain alive for the duration of a battle, you will be granted extra points upon victory.
Several Alterac Valley vendor items are now bind on acquire.
The respawn time for tower guards (assuming the tower has not been destroyed) has been greatly increased.
Korrak the Bloodrager has gained immunities to many different spell and ability effects.
The minimum reputation needed to send a cavalry charge has been reduced to Honored.
Players of Revered or higher reputation may now call offensive air strikes if they have managed to rescue their respective Wing Commanders.
Alterac Valley's guard spawn is now controlled via a more intuitive mechanism. Please check the Officer Supply vendors for your faction to read up on the changes.
Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Alliance team from receiving honor for destroying towers.
Fixed a bug that was not awarding Horde credit for owning a mine at the end of a game.
Dispel Magic can no longer be used on players participating in a duel unless the caster is in the duel.
You are considered in combat for the entire duration of a duel.
You can’t assist players which are engaged in free-for-all PvP unless you are also in free-for-all PvP.
If you have PvP combat toggled on, it will no longer be cleared when taking a flight.
Hunter traps work properly in duels if the target is flagged for PvP and the hunter is not.
Removing an insignia in PvP no longer marks both players as being in combat.


Shapeshifting will now counteract the slowing effects of frost-based spells (Frostbolt, Frost Shock, Cone of Cold, etc.).
Feral Charge - Targets that are immune to immobilizing effects will no longer be affected by Feral Charge's immobilizing effect. The interrupt will still affect the target.
Shadowmeld (Night Elf Racial) - Now reports the correct error message when attempted in shapeshift form.
Druid shapeshift form buttons are no longer dimmed while under the effects of Polymorph.


Counterattack - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.
Wing Clip - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.
Explosive Trap - Fixed a bug where the trap's effects suffered inappropriate damage reduction against high level targets. In addition, damage caused by this trap should no longer kill opponents in duels.
Aspect of the Cheetah/Pack - Non-damaging spells and abilities will no longer cause the dazed effect. In addition, when switching between Pack and Cheetah, you should no longer receive the "A more powerful spell is already active" error message.
Beast Lore - Will no longer flag you for PvP or cause guard retaliation when used on an enemy faction target.


Frostbolt - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by Frostbolt's movement slowing effect. Damage will still be caused.
Frost Nova - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.
Blast Wave - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.
Cone of Cold - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by Cone of Cold's movement slowing effect. Damage will still be caused.
Detect Magic - will no longer cause guard retaliation in Goblin towns.
Ignite - Can now be dispelled by any effect that dispels magic effects.
Frost Armor/Ice Armor - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by the Chill's movement slowing effect. Targets will still have their melee attack speed reduced.
Arcane Instability - Fixed a bug where rank 3 of this talent was not increasing the periodic damage of various spells by the correct amount (was increasing by 2% and should now properly increase by 3%).


Blessing of Freedom - Will now counter the movement impairing effects of Frostbolt, Cone of Cold, Frost Shock. It will no longer prevent the damage taken by Frost Nova, Hamstring, Wing Clip, Mind Flay, Counterattack, or Blast Wave or the melee and ranged attack speed slowing effects of Cripple.
Consecration - No longer resets weapon timer when cast.
Improved Seal of Justice - Tooltip updated to be more clear.
Seal of Command - Should now correctly report damage in the overhead display and the combat log.
Summon Charger - New icon.
Fixed a bug where the Paladin did not always die when using the Divine Intervention spell.


Mind Flay - Will now cause damage to targets immune to movement slowing effects.
Shadowform - Changed so all spells except Holy can be cast rather than only Shadow and Discipline spells. Tooltip updated. This fixes several bugs that prevented various actions (creating tradeskill items, mining, summoning a mount, using a hearthstone and many more).
Spirit of Redemption - Tooltip updated to be more clear.
Touch of Weakness - Stronger versions of this effect on enemy targets will no longer be replaced by weaker versions.


Riposte - Targets immune to disarm effects will now take damage from Riposte.
Disarming an enemy faction hunter's trap will now flag the rogue for PvP.
Ghostly Strike no longer deals damage to you when you use it.
Premeditation - Fixed a bug where the combo points gained using the ability were not properly removed after the duration expired. Also increased range and duration.
The UI now properly shows that Preparation does not clear a Cold Blood setup.


Frost Shock - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by Frost Shock's movement slowing effect. Damage will still be caused.
Reincarnation will no longer be an option on death when a Soulstone effect is active on the Shaman. The Soulstone will be used as the higher priority effect.
Frostbrand Weapon - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by Frostbrand Weapon's movement slowing effect. Damage will still be caused.
Call of Flame - Fixed a bug where the damage bonus did not always increase various totems.
Chain spells cast on PvP targets by an unflagged Shaman will now properly bounce to other PvP targets.
The tooltip for Fire Nova Totem now correctly reflects the damage the totems deal.


Due to significant talent changes, Warlocks will have all talent points refunded and can be respent.
Cripple (Doomguard) - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by Cripple's movement slowing effect. Melee and ranged attack speed slowing effects will still affect these targets.
Demon Skin/Demon Armor - Now increases health regeneration at all times, as was always intended. Previously, the health regeneration only occurred out of combat. Tooltips updated.
Demonic Sacrifice - The sacrifice effects for the Voidwalker and Felhunter have changed. The Voidwalker will now regenerate 3% of your total health every 4 seconds. The Felhunter will now regenerate 2% of your total mana every 4 seconds.
Demonic Sacrifice now works properly on banished summons.
Summon Dreadsteed - New icon.
Dark Pact - Fixed a bug where the combat log was reporting an incorrect value of mana gained by the caster when there wasn't enough mana to drain from the pet.
Phase Shift (Imp) - While phase shifted, the imp is now targetable but will remain an invalid target for all spells and attacks except self-cast spells.
Improved Healthstone - The increased effect from this talent should now properly apply to other players that use the Warlock's Healthstones.
Ritual of Summoning - Fixed a bug where players could be summoned from outside the same instance as the warlock in some cases.
Unholy Power - No longer requires the Fel Stamina talent. Is now a tier 4 talent and is a prerequisite for the new Master Demonologist talent.
Master Conjuror - Talent replaced with a new talent called Master Demonlogist.
New Talent (Demonology): Master Demonologist - Grants both the Warlock and the summoned demon an effect as long as that demon is active. The effect granted depends on the type of demon summoned.
Unholy Power - No longer requires the Fel Stamina talent. It now requires the Master Demonologist talent.
Ritual of Doom - Should now display the cooldown.


Due to significant talent changes, Warriors will have all talent points refunded and can be respent.
Hamstring - Will now cause damage to targets immune to movement slowing effects. Movement slowing effect improved.
Improved Hamstring - Design changed. No longer improves the movement slowing effect. It is now a 3 point talent that gives a 5/10/15% chance to immobilize the target for 5 seconds.
Booming Voice - In addition to increasing duration, this talent will now increase the area of effect of Battle Shout and Demoralizing Shout by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Battle Shout - Tooltip updated to display area of effect (in yards).
Demoralizing Shout - Tooltip updated to display area of effect (in yards).
Improved Berserker Rage - No longer increases the duration of the effect. The talent will now generate 5/10 rage when Berserker Rage is used.
Improved Demoralizing Shout - Effectiveness increase from talent increased to 8/16/24/32/40%.
Piercing Howl - No longer has a prerequisite (Improved Demoralizing Shout).
Deathwish - Is now usable while under a Fear effect, which will also remove the Fear effect.
Bloodthirst - Design changed. Bloodthirst is now an instant melee attack that causes damage equal to 30% of the warrior's attack power. In addition, the next 5 successful melee attacks will restore health.
Concussion Blow - No longer requires purchase of the Improved Revenge talent.
Shield Discipline - Removed and replaced by the new talent Shield Slam.
New Talent: Shield Slam - Slam the target with your shield, causing damage and has a 50% chance to dispel 1 magic effect on the target. Also causes a moderate amount of threat. Requires the purchase of the Concussion Blow talent.
Heroic Strike/Sunder Armor/Revenge/Mocking Blow - Tooltips updated to indicate the additional threat caused by these abilities. There have been no changes to the amount of threat caused.


Felheart, Cenarion, Giantstalker's and Earthfury item sets now have updated art. The Felheart Skullcap is now also called something more appropriate to the new art.
Grand Marshal and High Warlord PvP Honor rewards have been updated with improved statistics and new unique art.
The Alliance Mail and Horde Leather and Mail Epic PvP Honor reward armor sets have received art updates.
The stealth detection bonus on the Druid PvP set gloves has been changed to work in all forms, including caster form.
The set bonus for The Champion's Earthshaker has a revised tooltip to more clearly state that all Shock spells have an increased spell critical chance.
The 8 piece set bonus for Dreadmist will now appropriately affect shadow spells.
The tooltip for the improved feint effectiveness set bonus of the Bloodfang armor set has been corrected to show the actual percentage increase.
When worn by female characters, the Beaststalker's Tunic had a missing texture piece last patch. This has been corrected.
Set items which are broken no longer contribute to set bonus listings in the item tooltips.
The Horde and Alliance PvP Battle Standards may now only be used inside PvP Battlegrounds, but the cooldown has been reduced to 10 minutes.
The Rank 3 Stormpike Insignia now has the correct health regeneration effect.
You can now only have one Flask affecting you at a time.
The Seal of the Dawn trinket now counts as though you were also wearing an Argent Dawn Commission trinket.
The Goblin Sapper Charge can now be used while moving.
Dark Iron Bomb tooltip text and stun effect radius has been corrected to be the appropriate 5 yards.
Librams are now considered to be Books when searching for these items in the Auction House.
The Discombobulator Ray's effect has been changed: it now reduces movement speed to 80% of normal and reduces the target's damage with both spells and melee by 40. The range is now 20 yards.
Snowblind Shoes are now properly marked as an Epic item.
Band of Sulfuras is now unique.
Fireguard Shoulders now have a graphic.
Flask of Forest Mojo can now be sold.
The Bloodseeker crossbow's firing animation has been corrected.
The damage from Smokey's Lighter will now show up appropriately in the combat log.
The water breathing ability of the Hydrocane will now continue to work if the player is shapeshifted.
Both helpful and harmful effects from the Deviate Fish will remain after logging out.
Dark Iron Bracers have been changed to Bind on Equip.
Set bonus for Stormshroud armor improved. It should be more compelling for rogues and druids now.
Winter’s Might recipe now displays the correct +7 to spell damage instead of +5.
Fixed a typo in the item tooltip for the Alliance's Rune of Recall.
Several lootable items in Alterac Valley have had their stack limit changed.


Thorium Brotherhood now offers several new recipes. Additionally, several of the old recipes now have different faction requirements.
Additional Smithing/Leatherworking/Tailoring/Enchanting Recipes added to Timbermaw at Honored Reputation
Additional Smithing/Leatherworking/Tailoring/Enchanting Recipes added to Argent Dawn at Honored and Revered Reputation. Also new First Aid recipe added to Argent Dawn at Honored.
Lokhtos Darkbargainer in Blackrock Depths now has many additional recipes that can be learned at Honored, Revered and Exalted reputation. Recipes are available for Enchanting, Tailoring, Leatherworking (all three specialty types), Blacksmithing (Armorsmithing, and Weaponsmithing (all three specialty types).

There is now an access quest to gain entry to Blackwing Lair. Happy Hunting!
Shadow Priest Vandis at the Bulwark should now properly buff players who complete any step of the "Return to the Bulwark" quest in Western Plaguelands.
Fixed a typo in the Horde version of the quest "Reclaimed Treasures".
Imps during the Warlock Mount Ritual in Dire Maul will no longer get stuck at their spawn-in portals.
Using the Collectronic Module on frozen rookery eggs for the quest "Egg Collection" will correctly consume them.
Obtaining a set of Thieves’ Tools in the quest "Tools of the Trade" no longer flags you for PvP.

--Raids and Dungeons

Several spawns removed from Scholomance. This should make for a more enjoyable 5 player experience.
Several spawns removed from Stratholme. This should make for a more enjoyable 5 player experience. Also, you will now be able to make additional attempts at Ramstein and/or Baron Rivendare should your initial attempt fail.
The trapped chests in Stratholme will now show up for Detect Traps and can be disarmed. In addition, the number of creatures that come out of the trapped chests has been reduced.
Many creatures in Stratholme have gained Detect Invisibility/Stealth.
The loot tables in Molten Core have been revised slightly.
Characters that die and release in the Molten Core will now receive a minimap corpse marker and arrow that will lead them to the window next to Lothos Riftwaker in Blackrock Mountain.
Phase shifted imps are no longer hit by Magmadar’s Lava Bomb.
Damage and resist messages from Magmadar’s Lava Bomb shows up in the combat log.
Fixed a bug that was causing the Cache of the Firelord (Majordomo Loot chest), the Chest of the Seven (Blackrock Depths seven dwarves chest) and the Gordok Tribute Chest (Dire Maul) from despawning too soon.
The chance for an Epic quest item dropping from the Majordomo's chest has been increased to 100%.
The Corrupted Forces of Nature in Maraudon will now pursue correctly.
Dire Maul has had several spawn locations changed and a slight increase in population.
Crystal Fang, the rare spawn in Blackrock Spire, will now potentially appear.

--User Interface

Raid UI has been significantly improved. You can now open the raid UI and drag the name of a class to your gamefield to have a listing of all players of that class be displayed on the game field. Likewise you can drag a group name to your playfield to have the players in that group displayed on your gamefield. In either case the display will show the health, mana and limited buffs or debuffs on each player in the group or class and you can click on a player listed this way to target that player. You can then right-click on the class or group UI element to make some modifications to how the UI displays or to remove the UI element.
If you cycle through targets with the Tab key, manually select a different target using another method, then quickly hit Tab again, your last Tab-selected target will be re-selected and you can continue Tab-selecting where you left off. Clearing your target will restart the Tab selection process.
Items on the action bar now remain there even after they are consumed.
If you shift-click on an item link while you are entering chat text, the item link will now be pasted into your text.
Mail recipient auto-completion will now use names from your guild as well as your friends list.
Hitting Escape will now cancel ranged weapon auto-shots.
The pet UI will now be greyed out while you are mounted to reflect the fact that you can't command your pet.
NPCs which give dishonorable kills have the rank of Civilian and show up with a white title background in the targeting frame.
The effect of damage resistance and vulnerability is now displayed in the combat log.\
Combat abilities which are fully blocked show up correctly in the combat log.
Crushing and glancing blows show more information in the combat log.
Damage from poisons and curses now shows up in the UI after the caster has been killed.
Players now receive an error message if they try to join a meeting stone queue and are in a raid or are not the party leader.
TargetUnitsPet() is obsolete and has been removed from the scripting system.
Added UnitInRaid(), TargetLastTarget() and TargetNearestRaidMember() to the scripting system.
The GetPlayerMapPosition() script function will only work for you, your party and raid.
Fixed an issue where chat window positions may not be restored to the correct positions when re-entering the world.
Fixed occasional crash when speech bubbles are enabled around NPCs that talk a lot.
Fixed occasional crash when listing a chat channel with a large numbers of players.
Fixed temporary lockup experienced by spell casting players when they are kicked.

--World Environment

Flight Paths
Added a Wind Rider Master to Camp Taurajo in The Barrens.
New Horde Flight Paths --
Camp Taurajo in The Barrens <-> Crossroads in The Barrens
Camp Taurajo in The Barrens <-> Thunder Bluff in Mulgore
Camp Taurajo in The Barrens <-> Freewind Post in Thousand Needles
Fixed several problems with the flight path from Undercity to Hammerfall while passing through the Ruins of Andorhal.
Fixed some problems with the Ironforge to Stormwind flight path.
The Darkshire <-> Booty Bay flight paths no longer fly over the Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale, and therefore no longer flag fliers as being in Free-for-All PvP. Also, they should no longer fly through the zeppelins coming in and out of the Grom'gol Base Camp.
Feralas, Durotar, Mulgore, Darnassus, Tirisfal Glades (excluding the Bulwark graveyard), Elwynn Forest & the Eastern Plaguelands have now all been converted over to the new graveyard system. The system will place your character's spirit at the closest allowed graveyard in the zone. For example, an Alliance character dying closer to the new Darnassus graveyard, detailed below, will use that graveyard rather than the one located at Dolanaar. Starting area graveyards are still reserved exclusively for characters of similar faction that die within their confines. For example, the spirit of a Horde character dying right outside of Deathknell will not use Deathknell graveyard, but will instead go to the next closest Tirisfal Glades graveyard.
A Horde-only graveyard has been added in the northern section of Durotar, just to the south of Orgrimmar. In addition to serving northern Durotar, Horde characters dying in Orgrimmar, The Hall of Legends and Ragefire Chasm will use this new graveyard. Alliance characters dying in Durotar will continue to only use the Razor Hill graveyard.
A Horde-only graveyard has been placed at the northern base of Thunder Bluff in Mulgore. Horde characters dying in Thunder Bluff will also use this new graveyard. Alliance characters dying in Mulgore will continue to only use the graveyard at Bloodhoof Village.
An Alliance-only graveyard has been added at the eastern end of Darnassus. Alliance characters dying in Darnassus will use this new graveyard. Horde characters dying on Teldrassil will still only be able to use the graveyard at Dolanaar.
An Alliance-only graveyard has been added just outside of Ironforge, around the side of the mountain. It is only for use by Alliance characters that die inside Ironforge and in the Gates of Ironforge sub-area of Dun Morogh. Horde characters dying therein will continue to only use the Kharanos graveyard.
The Ruins of Lordaeron above Undercity now has a Horde-only graveyard. Horde characters dying inside the Undercity will use this new graveyard. Alliance characters will continue to solely use the Faol's Rest graveyard.
A neutral graveyard has been added at the Eastvale Logging Camp in Elwynn Forest. The graveyard at Goldshire is now for use by the Alliance exclusively. Horde characters dying in Elwynn Forest and its sub-areas, as well as in Stormwind, The Stockade and the Deeprun Tram, will have their spirits travel to the new graveyard at the Eastvale Logging Camp.
A neutral graveyard has been added on the island of Caer Darrow in Western Plaguelands. It will serve characters who die on Caer Darrow and in Scholomance.
A neutral graveyard has been added in the Eastern Plaguelands near the northwestern shore of Blackwood Lake. Characters that die in The Fungal Vale will continue to use the Darrowshire graveyard due to the mountains between it and the new graveyard. Additionally, characters dying in Stratholme will now use the new Blackwood Lake graveyard.
A neutral graveyard has been added in Feralas, just to the southwest of Dire Maul. Characters dying in Dire Maul will use this new graveyard.
Darkmoon Cards have been seen dropping from high level Humanoids around the world. Collect a set of them and bring them to the Darkmoon Faire when it is in town!
The "Human, Theramore" faction is now the "Theramore" faction. This faction is allied with the Alliance and is at war with the Horde.
High Elves now have their own distinct faction – "Silvermoon Remnant". This faction is allied with the Alliance and is at war with the Horde. Not all High Elves are a part of this faction.
Several NPCs around the world are now associated with the proper faction.
Dimetradons in Un'Goro Crater should be found more regularly now.
Fire Elementals in Searing Gorge should be easier to find.
The pair of gryphons guarding the entrance to the Hinterlands have finally decided to stop staring at one another and will now wander around the entrance to the pass.
Rashona Straglash was moved to be with other cloth-centric citizens in Orgrimmar.
Several NPCs that were not marked as Civilians are now correctly labeled.
Dark Strand Cultist and Enforcers are now correctly labeled Humanoid.
Morbent Fel’s level was slightly reduced to better fit the level range of Duskwood.
Brinna Valanaar in Azshara now sells higher level arrows.
Hadoken Swiftstrider of Camp Mojache, Feralas and Dinita Stonemantle in Ironforge received promotions; they are now significantly tougher than before.
Certain floating herbs, minerals, and chests should now be more down to earth.
The Barrens should now feel more alive.
Sickly Gazelles now have a sickly look to them.
Jarven Thunderbrew in Kharanos warns players in Common now, and not in Dwarvish.
The Wastewander Scufflaw of Tanaris now spells his own name correctly.
Swift Green Raptor has been renamed to Swift Olive Raptor for clarity.
An icon has been added at the Kalimdor continent map level for Revantusk Village.
Revantusk Village will now have an arrow pointing in its direction on the mini-map when you get close enough to it.
Fixed some typos in Gilnid's text in The Deadmines.
Fixed some typos in Supervisor Raelen's text in Elwynn Forest.

06-21-2005, 02:32 AM
Wow, very nice stuff assuming it remains the same. Emphasis on these two points should make some people very happy:

Due to significant talent changes, Warlocks will have all talent points refunded and can be respent.

Due to significant talent changes, Warriors will have all talent points refunded and can be respent.

06-21-2005, 07:00 AM
I like the idea of Battlemasters

06-21-2005, 07:03 AM
Finally a flightpath in camp T

06-21-2005, 09:35 AM
Fuckers need to make a flight path from Eastern Plaguelands to Western Plaguelands

I'm tired of going from Eastern -> Hinterlands -> Hillsbrad -> Western, when they're right next to each other! :compcrash:

06-21-2005, 09:46 AM
Is there even a flightpath in WPL? Or is that an alliance only thang?

06-21-2005, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
Fuckers need to make a flight path from Eastern Plaguelands to Western Plaguelands

I'm tired of going from Eastern -> Hinterlands -> Hillsbrad -> Western, when they're right next to each other! :compcrash:

I'd like one for TM to Kargath as well. Pretty stupid that TM is closer to Badlands than Arathi and UC, but I need to fly to one of those two to get to Kargath.

Also, the flight paths north and west of Orgrimmar are kinda screwy. Like Felwood is right next to Azshara...but you need to fly to Org to get from one to the other. Really just a waste of time.

06-21-2005, 11:52 AM
The graveyard stuff looks better too :yes:

And CT Raid assist just became redundant

06-21-2005, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by Odups
Wow, very nice stuff assuming it remains the same. Emphasis on these two points should make some people very happy:

Due to significant talent changes, Warlocks will have all talent points refunded and can be respent.

not people like me that just spent 10g to respec my warlock last night 15 min before i saw the patch notes

06-21-2005, 12:06 PM
Yeah but when is this going to be released? Have they said anything?

06-21-2005, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by hectomaner

Originally posted by Odups
Wow, very nice stuff assuming it remains the same. Emphasis on these two points should make some people very happy:

Due to significant talent changes, Warlocks will have all talent points refunded and can be respent.

not people like me that just spent 10g to respec my warlock last night 15 min before i saw the patch notes

I can make that back in less than an hour at lvl 45, so I doubt it will be too much of a pain for most folk.

06-21-2005, 12:32 PM
Mind letting me know where you can make that back at level 45?

I'm at 43 and owe some gold to Keller, heh.

06-21-2005, 12:39 PM
Well its a rogue only grind. Just go into the SM and kill the guy at the end of the library instance. He drops an item that disenchants 100% into a shard that can be sold for a hefty price (in bulk) at the AH. That is of course on my server.

06-21-2005, 12:52 PM
Well, no luck for me, not a rogue.

Just a random question I've been meaning to ask, how does one disenchant an item? Can it only be done by enchanters?

06-21-2005, 12:56 PM
Yep. Its gained witht he Enchant ability. Sort of like how smelt is granted when you take up mining.

06-21-2005, 01:02 PM
Very tempting at some points to drop the gathering skill (mining/skinning) and pick up enchanting. Even rank 1 enchanters can disenchant Bind on Pick-up level 60 gear.

At 56 I can make 10g in a cinch just grinding. Each beast drops a few silver, but they often drop greye weapons/gear that are worth 1-2g each. Not to mention the occasional blue/green that sell for nice cash.

Eastern Plaguelands is the shit. I stay around the small town west of the Chapel and easily kill everything. Almost all the beasts drop between 1-3 runecloth each and often drop the major healing potions. verra nice.

And yes, there is a flight path in Western Plaguelands, it's southwest of Andorhol(sp). It may be alliance only, I'm not sure.

06-21-2005, 01:09 PM
Sorta on topic, sorta off.

Does anyone know what a good spec for warlocks is? I'm sure i'm doing a good job of fucking it up.

Doyle Hargraves
06-21-2005, 01:15 PM

Frostbolt - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by Frostbolt's movement slowing effect. Damage will still be caused.
Frost Nova - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.
Blast Wave - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.
Cone of Cold - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by Cone of Cold's movement slowing effect. Damage will still be caused.
Detect Magic - will no longer cause guard retaliation in Goblin towns.
Ignite - Can now be dispelled by any effect that dispels magic effects.
Frost Armor/Ice Armor - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by the Chill's movement slowing effect. Targets will still have their melee attack speed reduced.
Arcane Instability - Fixed a bug where rank 3 of this talent was not increasing the periodic damage of various spells by the correct amount (was increasing by 2% and should now properly increase by 3%).

Hooray for more mage nerfs :(

Maybe one day they'll fix the Arcane Missiles bug and do something useful for mages instead of nerfing them every patch.

06-21-2005, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves


FIX Frostbolt - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by Frostbolt's movement slowing effect. Damage will still be caused.
Improvement Frost Nova - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.
Improvement Blast Wave - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.
FIX Cone of Cold - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by Cone of Cold's movement slowing effect. Damage will still be caused.
ImprovementDetect Magic - will no longer cause guard retaliation in Goblin towns.
FIX Ignite - Can now be dispelled by any effect that dispels magic effects.
FIX Frost Armor/Ice Armor - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by the Chill's movement slowing effect. Targets will still have their melee attack speed reduced.
Improvement Arcane Instability - Fixed a bug where rank 3 of this talent was not increasing the periodic damage of various spells by the correct amount (was increasing by 2% and should now properly increase by 3%).

Hooray for more mage nerfs :(

WTF, you had improvements and Fixes. And most of the fixes still do damage even when they probably shouldn't.

Which one exactly are you bitching about?

06-21-2005, 01:25 PM
Heh, because the targets that should have been immune to the slow movement will now be immune as intended.

Damn them for fixing those great features! :D

06-21-2005, 01:43 PM
I know one mage that posted on the Argent forums was pissed over the ignite change, that it can now be dispelled as a magic effect. Guess it mostly affects the ones that put talent points into it and rely on the few seconds of DoT that do some damage. But, I've seen plenty of people that never even catch dispellable effects, tons of paladins that don't ever bother with cleanse. To me, it seems like stuff was fixed, just like they fixed the paladin Seal of the Crusader. Sucks that people have gotten by used to the bug, but it's not an outright nerf.

06-21-2005, 01:52 PM
I'm a little confused as to why warriors are getting a huge revamp before classes that desperately need one (hunters, paladins.)

Were warriors really that bad off?

I'm also a little annoyed that they're adding yet another powerguild farming spot with Blackwing's Lair. With the PvP honor system being the craphole that it is, all of Blizzard's claims that this is and always will be a game for casual gamers is being shot to hell.

06-21-2005, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by 3704558
I'm a little confused as to why warriors are getting a huge revamp before classes that desperately need one (hunters, paladins.)

Paladins "Desperately" need a huge revamp? :lol:

Like what??

Hunters maybe.. I personally think they need some sort of quick immobilization skill to gain range distance from their target. Once I'm in melee damage distance.. DOWN GOES HUNTER. DOWN GOES HUNTER.

06-21-2005, 02:45 PM
Hunters are the masters of PvE. I think its a good tradeoff that they suck in PvP. They are excellent in raids.

06-21-2005, 02:56 PM
Aside from the paladins bubble, they're kind of crummy.

Hunters are good at SOLO PvE. They are good at MASS PvP.

They bring nothing to the table when it comes to mass PvE (dungeon crawls) and solo PvP. In dungeon raids, hunters are nothing but DPS. And, in a lot of cases, mages and rogues offer more DPS, along with superior crowd control. In solo PvP, if somebody gets a hunter into melee range unexpected, unless that hunter has impvoed wing clip/counterattack, they're in a heap of trouble.

Basically, though, hunters have been shafted ever since launch. Almost every patch has seen huge nerfs to hunters, with very few buffs. The class doesn't have a solid definition yet. In essence, it's incomplete, and should be receiving the most attention.

06-21-2005, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Hunters maybe.. I personally think they need some sort of quick immobilization skill to gain range distance from their target.

Erm...what do you call wingclip, icetrap, that rogue blind-like ability, as well as a pet that's attacks cause a 'dazed' status to run interferance as the hunter gets some distance.

Really, if it wasn't for me always carrying sticky glue on me, hunters wouldn't be nearly as easy as I make them sound.

06-21-2005, 03:09 PM
Hunters have never been an issue for me.

Wingclip only slows.. so by the time they start running away.. I'm following them, never allowing them to get into ranged distance for very long.

Icetrap isn't quick, and any PvP that I'm engaged in with a hunter, I'll always throw up detect traps.

I didn't realize they had a blind ability.. I don't think they've ever used it on me. Weird. Does it work just like rogue's blind?

And the pet doesn't disable me.. just dazes me once in a while.

Maybe I've just faced really piss poor hunters.

06-21-2005, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

I didn't realize they had a blind ability.. I don't think they've ever used it on me. Weird. Does it work just like rogue's blind?

Scatter shot. I think it works up close so doesnt have to be ranged for it to work :(

06-21-2005, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Maybe I've just faced really piss poor hunters.

No, you've faced sub level 40 hunters with gimped talents still wearing leather.

I don't know when they get the blind-like ability. It doesn't last as long as the rogues ability, but it definately is a pain. Early on they have ice traps like a mage's frost nova. At later levels it puts you in a solid ice block. I don't know what determines how long it lasts, but some last 10 seconds, while others last up to 20 seconds.

Also, the duration of wingclip is dependant on talents I believe. Since sometimes it lasts 6 seconds, other times over 10 seconds.

06-21-2005, 03:20 PM
Is scatter shot a older spell? I don't think I have that yet.


06-21-2005, 03:23 PM
The Hunter last night had a spell that encased me in ice that was kinda cool but I don't have that either.

But for like level the pet doesn't really help much. I mean its great if someone is dumb enough to go for my pet but most people ignore the pet and head straight for me. I did try traps last night. But even the one that supposedly slows down the person by 40% didn't seem to work well. I can't get out of range fast enough to make a difference. I am gonna duel more even though I lose terribly and see if I can find some ways to be better at pvp one on one.


06-21-2005, 03:25 PM
I need a talent build suggestion. I am sure mine sucks. And yeah I don't have much in my survival talents so my wingclip is I am very sure lacking.


06-21-2005, 03:31 PM
Bayne has probably been in a dozen fights with different leveled hunters. Not one has given him a real tough time.

Perhaps it's that hunters are easy for shaman to kill.. Stabbed hasn't had a problem yet with any hunters, but they are still mostly in leather armor. I destroyed a level 39 hunter not once but 3 times last night.. and I specifically allowed him to sit and regain his health/mana the last time JUST to see. He never got me to below 50% of my health.

Doyle Hargraves
06-21-2005, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves


FIX Frostbolt - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by Frostbolt's movement slowing effect. Damage will still be caused.
Improvement Frost Nova - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.
Improvement Blast Wave - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.
FIX Cone of Cold - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by Cone of Cold's movement slowing effect. Damage will still be caused.
ImprovementDetect Magic - will no longer cause guard retaliation in Goblin towns.
FIX Ignite - Can now be dispelled by any effect that dispels magic effects.
FIX Frost Armor/Ice Armor - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will no longer be affected by the Chill's movement slowing effect. Targets will still have their melee attack speed reduced.
Improvement Arcane Instability - Fixed a bug where rank 3 of this talent was not increasing the periodic damage of various spells by the correct amount (was increasing by 2% and should now properly increase by 3%).

Hooray for more mage nerfs :(

WTF, you had improvements and Fixes. And most of the fixes still do damage even when they probably shouldn't.

Which one exactly are you bitching about?

Sorry, I should have been more specific and only quoted the relevant parts:

Ignite - Can now be dispelled by any effect that dispels magic effects.


Shapeshifting will now counteract the slowing effects of frost-based spells (Frostbolt, Frost Shock, Cone of Cold, etc.).

I think Druids are invincible enough against mages already.

06-21-2005, 09:24 PM
At this point, I don't think Blizz has any plans with paladins other than to create some uber +Cleansing gear, yeah that's sarcasm. But it already looks like they're pigeonholing paladins into heal/buff bots with the epic sets. I would love some kind of legitimate variety in the class, but I'm not expecting it. Looks like the paladin class is working as intended, boring and mindnumbing as usual.

07-12-2005, 05:16 AM
Patch day today.
Especially interesting day for warriors and warlocks.
Bye Bye CT Mod.
Goodbye ridiculous corpse runs.
Hello Camp T windrider. w00t

07-12-2005, 07:46 AM
"Ghostly Strike no longer deals damage to you when you use it."


07-12-2005, 07:47 AM
did it deal damage to the user before?

Never noticed that

07-12-2005, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
did it deal damage to the user before?

Never noticed that

Yea.. it would hit me for about 125 each time at level 46. I didn't really notice it either.. until it critted me and the big red crit showed up.

07-12-2005, 08:24 AM
Why are you getting rid of CT mod?

07-12-2005, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Why are you getting rid of CT mod?

Because Blizzard is supposedly implementing the same thing into the game, so no need for an add on.

Frankly, the patch is third on my list of WoW things today. First is the guild merge (reminder: 5pm server time we're trying to finalize it), and second, I'm really hoping to make Champion (rank 10) in PvP this week.

Can't wait for those shoulders/headpiece.

07-12-2005, 08:53 AM
Ok I should have asked a better question...

What is Blizzard adding to the UI? Cause CT mod seemed general to me unless it means a specific mod, and I don't know what that is. :D

07-12-2005, 08:59 AM
I meant the raid assist mod actually, though I am going to go through and check what add ons I dont need or arent working and delete them.

I downloaded the quick mount equip add on last night and it is the bizniss. Love it.

07-12-2005, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Ok I should have asked a better question...

What is Blizzard adding to the UI? Cause CT mod seemed general to me unless it means a specific mod, and I don't know what that is. :D

I've never done a raid, so this may may more sense to you than it does to myself, but:

* Raid UI has been significantly improved. You can now open the raid UI and drag the name of a class to your gamefield to have a listing of all players of that class be displayed on the game field. Likewise you can drag a group name to your playfield to have the players in that group displayed on your gamefield. In either case the display will show the health, mana and limited buffs or debuffs on each player in the group or class and you can click on a player listed this way to target that player. You can then right-click on the class or group UI element to make some modifications to how the UI displays or to remove the UI element.

From: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-general&t=3781928

07-12-2005, 09:12 AM
Ah okay. Thanks guys.

Yep, made no sense to me since it doesn't apply to me yet. I'm just a lowbie n00b! :P

07-12-2005, 09:14 AM
It's a great help to healers especially as they can keep an eye on th health of people outside of their group, whilst raiding (such as the main tank).

07-12-2005, 11:10 AM
Anyone got a place to download this patch from... I hate blizzard downloader..

07-12-2005, 11:17 AM

07-12-2005, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Meos
Anyone got a place to download this patch from... I hate blizzard downloader..

Here's fileplanet's link:


Here's a couple mirrors:



People are saying it's only taking 5-15 minutes via the Blizzard website...I don't think the patch is all that big compared to the BG patch.

07-12-2005, 11:42 AM
i'll have it uploaded shortly so you can all skip the bullshit waiting for it, be about 15 min.

07-12-2005, 11:55 AM
I’m very excited about my changes as a warrior.

Imp Hamstring will just rock. I hope it helps us with the constant kiting of mages.

I realize we have intercept, however the mage can simply nova/blink. I have imp intercept and the cool down is still to long to counter this.

Also, lets form a UBRS run soon and go into BWL to maybe kill a couple trash mobs for a chance at epic drops. :fingers:

07-12-2005, 11:57 AM

07-12-2005, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Scynd-
I’m very excited about my changes as a warrior.

Imp Hamstring will just rock. I hope it helps us with the constant kiting of mages.

Meh, I sure hope it's the same bullshit that imp wingclip is. I can't tell if these hunters have a macro that does imp wingclip and wingclip at the same time (it shows as two buffs) but as if they don't have enough to kite me with, it's like kidney shot without having to build up any CPs.

Also, lets form a UBRS run soon and go into BWL to maybe kill a couple trash mobs for a chance at epic drops. :fingers:

I had alot of fun in Alterac last night. I'm only 1300 from being Honored...which means I'll be able to order around the wolf riders and reavers. It's a damn shame it got so late.

I heard DoD went into MC over the weekend and farmed trash mobs. They managed to pull 4 epics out of there in a couple hours from there group of ~30 or so.

07-12-2005, 12:01 PM
Stuck at 98%, gah! :(

07-12-2005, 12:07 PM
Wow that blows.

I just spent 35g respeccing my warlock YESTERDAY.


PS, thank you for posting the mirrors, I've been looking for one all freaking day. Unfortunately the place I go to to burn stuff is 'cracking down' on burning copyrighted material, so I'm going to have to wait 4 hours for my dial up to slug it down.

07-12-2005, 12:13 PM
I had alot of fun in Alterac last night. I'm only 1300 from being Honored...which means I'll be able to order around the wolf riders and reavers. It's a damn shame it got so late.

I heard DoD went into MC over the weekend and farmed trash mobs. They managed to pull 4 epics out of there in a couple hours from there group of ~30 or so.

Yeah that will be nice. I didn't get in to the opening round, however got in after the server restart, lagged, got booted and could not get back in. I really wish we had AV going daily.

DoD took 25 members into MC and farmed trash mobs for 4 hours. They did get four epics, however is 25 people grinding trash mobs for that amount of time efficient?

I guess I'd rather find 20 more players and go for the first boss instead.

Never the less, its probably a good idea to get a feel for the instance before going on an official run so more power to them.

07-12-2005, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Scynd-
Yeah that will be nice. I didn't get in to the opening round, however got in after the server restart, lagged, got booted and could not get back in. I really wish we had AV going daily.

We were winning when the server crashed, and we were winning when I finally went to bed (entirely too late...). Our IceLord had been up for amazingly about a half hour, and we'd just killed off their elemental.

Too bad we couldn't get any more people to run supplies. I swear myself and the rogue squad spent entirely too much valuable time doing shit the level 51-55 players should have been doing. Instead they were yelling "Let's kill Korrak!" "Plz can we kil Korra!K!!"

I hate Korrak...

PS. Hippie is going to try and put together AV every night this week. We'll see how that goes off. Hopefully BOC/Oni doesn't rush to try BWL right away (they haven't completed MC yet). Doesn't matter what the Alliance guilds do...they'll still have enough for AV.

07-12-2005, 12:29 PM
Meh, I sure hope it's the same bullshit that imp wingclip is. I can't tell if these hunters have a macro that does imp wingclip and wingclip at the same time (it shows as two buffs) but as if they don't have enough to kite me with, it's like kidney shot without having to build up any CPs.

Impvoed wing clip is a proc on wing clip, not a separate skill. And it's a talent on a tree that most hunters consider worthless.

07-12-2005, 12:32 PM
-You no longer spout profanity when talking about sitting while drunk.

-You are considered in combat for the entire duration of a duel.

second one kills hunters for dueling. the first one was just funny.

Doyle Hargraves
07-12-2005, 12:36 PM

Extremely fast. You have to register for the site but it's free.

07-12-2005, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by 3704558
Impvoed wing clip is a proc on wing clip, not a separate skill. And it's a talent on a tree that most hunters consider worthless.

Thanks for clarifying. Since it showed as two debuffs, I wasn't sure how it was applied.

Worthless huh? Some of the "best" hunters on the Alliance side have this skill. The MC ones with their supersoaker 3000 guns.

I wish more of them considered worthless.

07-12-2005, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by Betheny
Unfortunately the place I go to to burn stuff is 'cracking down' on burning copyrighted material, so I'm going to have to wait 4 hours for my dial up to slug it down.

Game patches aren't copyrighted. They're available to the public and free. They shouldn't have any problem with it.

07-12-2005, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Meos
-You are considered in combat for the entire duration of a duel.

second one kills hunters for dueling. the first one was just funny.

This is MUCH worse for rogues. I'm still trying to figure out if it's "duels" only, or all PvP.

It's not like the whole "You are in combat!" crap isn't screwy enough as is. At one point I was in combat in Alterac Valley last night for a good 10 minutes. And this was after rezzing...and not seeing a single hostile mob/player the entire time.

07-12-2005, 12:44 PM
Worthless huh? Some of the "best" hunters on the Alliance side have this skill.

Didn't say the skill was worthless. My hunter has it, along with a few others from that talent tree. Of course, in order to get those skills, I had to give up Trueshot aura, which cost me about 6 DPS.

The Survival talent tree as a whole is pretty worthless. The ultimate talent on it starts off as a 3.6 DPS bleed attack.

07-12-2005, 12:45 PM
Kinko's FTW.

I was really expecting this patch to be much larger though. I'll just stain the deck and watch the bar slowly turn green...

07-12-2005, 12:45 PM
That's happened to me at times, and it happened to Diplomat last night when we were questing, and nothing was attacking nor had DoT spells on him. Very strange.

07-12-2005, 12:52 PM
But a hunter can still FD for 2 seconds and pull themselves out of combat, I'm assuming.

07-12-2005, 12:53 PM
Thats fine, as long as they can't run out of range.. thats kinda cheap. FD atleast has a cooldown.

07-12-2005, 12:54 PM
I think disengage will pull you out of combat, too, if you time it right, you could Disengage and lay a trap or what have you.

07-12-2005, 12:57 PM
I also didn't understand that whole "always in combat during duels" thing. If that means you can't vanish/feign death out of combat... well, rogues and hunters are now pretty screwed when it comes to duels.

In any case, I just wish Blizzard wouldn't spend so much time on uber-instances like Blackwing Lair that only the hardcore uber-guilds can go to. Some more content for casual players would be nice. More 10-man instances, instances with scaling difficulty, even solo instances.

07-12-2005, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Betheny
Kinko's FTW.

I was really expecting this patch to be much larger though. I'll just stain the deck and watch the bar slowly turn green...

slowly turn green?? wow, it took me 7 seconds to download the patch from fileplanet.

07-12-2005, 12:59 PM
Someone in my guild told me about a 20 man instance which would be pretty cool. I didn't see anything in the notes about this time. Perhaps its in the works for the next patch.

07-12-2005, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by 3704558
IMore 10-man instances, instances with scaling difficulty, even solo instances.

There are remarks in the patch notes about making 2 places more 5-man friendly

07-12-2005, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by hectomaner
slowly turn green?? wow, it took me 7 seconds to download the patch from fileplanet.


I read here about how much it is. I start it go to the kitchen to get my lunch and it is already done

07-12-2005, 01:05 PM
That 20-man instance will be Zul'gurub in STV. I imagine it'll be a lot like UBRS, just a bit tougher.

And as for making Strat and Scholo more 5-man friendly, they were already very 5-man unfriendly (except for Baron-side Strat.) All they did was remove a few spawns and increase the spawn timer, which was needed. If they hadn't changed it a few months ago so that you can no longer do quests there in a 10-person, the change wouldn't be needed.

What I'd like is more 5-man instances like Dire Maul. What would be best, though, is an instance that could scale its difficulty depending on how many people are in the group.

07-12-2005, 01:12 PM
You guys probably don't live in the boonies, or use dial up on a split phone line (Read: 24k connection *gag*).

Can't get cable unless we pay to run lines, Satellite is just ridiculously expensive for the crappy, unreliable service you get, and we can't get DSL.

07-12-2005, 11:12 PM
Sorry Rennick and Diplomat... ever since I fogged out of the instance I can't stay in WoW. I disabled everything and rebooted umpteen times... hopefully it's not just me. If it is, I may have to reinstall...
