View Full Version : Tsin - So full of crap I'm surprised he doesn't poop out of his nose
07-10-2005, 09:51 AM
So I was digging the boards for information on elemental bows when I came upon a hilariously funny post.
Everyone remember Tsin's derailing of the current Wavedancer ebow going up for sale?
Well he did it on the official boards too. So I'll quote that.
First off.. that is NOT a newstyle elemental bow.. That is one of the bows from the Wavedancer, and similar in that it makes it's own arrows, but the MAIN difference between the new WD ones and REAL elemental bows are that they flare on EVERY shot no matter what. The WD bows flare 1 out 5-10 at most, making them much less powerful.
When you refer to a "newstyle" elemental bow, you are referring to the ranger-based elemental bows released many many years ago. They are 5x base and increase enchant based on ranger ranks, each containing a single element, and flaring on every shot.
Then there were the "original" elemental bows.. For instance: an elemental bow of fire.. Which are fixed enchants usually 9x or 10x, with a single element and flaring on every shot.
So although the new WD bows, including yours is self making ammo and has flare every 1 in 10 shots.. It can not be considered a "newstyle" elemental bow since that name is already taken for the good ones.
SOURCE: e=2782
Now here's the funny post!
Or the snippet thats relevant...
Brand New Type of Elemental Bow
Possibly sellin one of the new bows that are similar to elemental bows.
It is freaking terrible how Tsin changes tunes based on whether or not he's selling a particular item.
I don't get how anyone deals with the shady buttplug.
07-10-2005, 10:03 AM
We all know he's a fucking douche. No need to bring it back up.
07-10-2005, 02:50 PM's just possible that Tsin was set straight by someone in the know since that earlier sale, and thought he'd share the information. But hey, don't let logic get in the way of your super-bash.
Tsin has always been extremely fair with me and those who I know. I'm curious, what did he do to you that would motivate you to go to the effort of trying to tarnish his reputation on a public message board?
...and just because I can feel it coming, I'm no personal friend of Tsin or anything, just honestly going by what I've seen and heard from his customers.
07-10-2005, 02:58 PM
I've always done good buisness with him. In my opinion if you're buying something from him that generally means you're getting a higher end item. If you've got that much to throw around coin wise you should generally know about what you're actually getting. Its not like Tsin is some prick like Vitruvian selling dodgy gear to the general masses.
07-10-2005, 03:00 PM
I never had any problems with Tsin in game. The few transactions I was involved in with him, I ended up either breaking even or making silver.
He's a merchant, of course he's going to put the best face on things he's selling.
07-10-2005, 03:03 PM
He was set straight since the sale? Like how, the bags of coins bashed him upside the head?
He knew the properties of the weapon and they do infact resemble that of an ebow. When he saw another version go up that could potentially screw up his current sale, he decided to bash the weapon since he didn't have one up anymore.
I've never dealt with Tsin.
I had considered it at one point, since his trinkets are nifty, however his reputation kept me a step back. Over time, I've witnessed how he operates and came to the conclusion that I don't like it.
What motivated me to post was he went on a nice, big tirade over how the Wavedancer bows weren't ebows. He did it on both this forum and the official. The posts on this forum were deleted by Anticor because it derailed the whole bloody thing.
Seriously, it wasn't just a tiny rant. He was all full of bluster and huff, on a holy crusade over how the WD ebows were violating the sanctity of the name of ebows. For someone that used the term for the same bow just a bit earlier, it really reeked of shit.
Need help seeing the logic behind anything else?
07-10-2005, 03:19 PM
I reviewed his posts here and there. I would hardly classify either as a 'rant.' They were actually exceedingly helpful, and invoked Khaladon and others to come post about the underlying dynamics behind each type of weapon. I'm not on some holy crusade to protect Tsin here, but I suppose one could read my posts and assume as much. :: shrug ::
I guess I do need more help in the logic department. Thanks in advance for your genuine efforts toward that end.
~nottan archer
07-10-2005, 03:55 PM
If he tries to sell you some armor and tells you it was once owned by Jon Voight, make sure its spelled "jon" and not "john".
07-10-2005, 04:00 PM
lol wtf?
07-10-2005, 04:02 PM
It's a Seinfeld joke.
07-10-2005, 06:47 PM
If you wanted evidence of his sketchiness, look at all the threads he has here on shit he's selling. He claims that he has current bids, but yet, it stays here for months. Obviously the guy is full of shit. No, I don't think he'll take your money and run, but I do think he'll inflate the price and lie about the demand for it.
07-10-2005, 06:49 PM
You guys, created his attitude..
Live with it.
07-10-2005, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
If you wanted evidence of his sketchiness, look at all the threads he has here on shit he's selling. He claims that he has current bids, but yet, it stays here for months. Obviously the guy is full of shit. No, I don't think he'll take your money and run, but I do think he'll inflate the price and lie about the demand for it.
i think you are a fucking idiot.
lets make this into really simple terms so you can understand it. we will choose something in the real world.
you have a house. you want to sell your house. you want to get $4.8 million for said house. you let people look at it, etc, make offers. someone offers you $4.2 million dollars. well then, you have a high bid of $4.2 million on your house. you are not willing to let go of that $600,000 yet between the offer, and your house. so you hold onto the bid, and keep showing the house, keep it on the market etc. 2 months go by, still nothing higher. you decide to sell it to that person who offered $4.2 million. done deal. simple. same thing that is evident with tsin and his selling posts.
07-10-2005, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Kitsun
He was set straight since the sale? Like how, the bags of coins bashed him upside the head?
He knew the properties of the weapon and they do infact resemble that of an ebow. When he saw another version go up that could potentially screw up his current sale, he decided to bash the weapon since he didn't have one up anymore.
I've never dealt with Tsin.
I had considered it at one point, since his trinkets are nifty, however his reputation kept me a step back. Over time, I've witnessed how he operates and came to the conclusion that I don't like it.
What motivated me to post was he went on a nice, big tirade over how the Wavedancer bows weren't ebows. He did it on both this forum and the official. The posts on this forum were deleted by Anticor because it derailed the whole bloody thing.
Seriously, it wasn't just a tiny rant. He was all full of bluster and huff, on a holy crusade over how the WD ebows were violating the sanctity of the name of ebows. For someone that used the term for the same bow just a bit earlier, it really reeked of shit.
Need help seeing the logic behind anything else?
yes, i need help seeing the logic behind your stupidity. you dont like him? dont deal with him. you don't like his antics? dont deal with him. simple. how are you being better than him and his 'full of bluster and huff, holy crusade over how the WD ebows were violating the sanctity of the name of ebows'? you are doing the exact same thing you claim he is doing.
07-10-2005, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
If you wanted evidence of his sketchiness, look at all the threads he has here on shit he's selling. He claims that he has current bids, but yet, it stays here for months. Obviously the guy is full of shit. No, I don't think he'll take your money and run, but I do think he'll inflate the price and lie about the demand for it.
This hasn't been my experience AT ALL, but whatever. He's a merchant, I expect a certain amount of inflation. Having said that, I can assure you I and others have gotten good deals from him. I must say, I'm amused by the assertions that are backed by absolutely no demonstration.
Whenever he's been approached by myself or my others, he's always been completely forthright. Either that, or I'm clueless.
07-10-2005, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by Kriztian
Originally posted by Mistomeer
If you wanted evidence of his sketchiness, look at all the threads he has here on shit he's selling. He claims that he has current bids, but yet, it stays here for months. Obviously the guy is full of shit. No, I don't think he'll take your money and run, but I do think he'll inflate the price and lie about the demand for it.
This hasn't been my experience AT ALL, but whatever. He's a merchant, I expect a certain amount of inflation. Having said that, I can assure you I and others have gotten good deals from him. I must say, I'm amused by the assertions that are backed by absolutely no demonstration.
Well, I wouldn't admit getting fucked in the ass either after the fact. Go look at his threads. Regardless of your opinion, it's the truth.
Whenever he's been approached by myself or my others, he's always been completely forthright. Either that, or I'm clueless.
My vote is for clueless.
07-10-2005, 07:12 PM
You don't make billion's of coins by being clueless. Thats my opinion though.
07-10-2005, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Originally posted by Kriztian
Originally posted by Mistomeer
If you wanted evidence of his sketchiness, look at all the threads he has here on shit he's selling. He claims that he has current bids, but yet, it stays here for months. Obviously the guy is full of shit. No, I don't think he'll take your money and run, but I do think he'll inflate the price and lie about the demand for it.
This hasn't been my experience AT ALL, but whatever. He's a merchant, I expect a certain amount of inflation. Having said that, I can assure you I and others have gotten good deals from him. I must say, I'm amused by the assertions that are backed by absolutely no demonstration.
Well, I wouldn't admit getting fucked in the ass either after the fact. Go look at his threads. Regardless of your opinion, it's the truth.
Whenever he's been approached by myself or my others, he's always been completely forthright. Either that, or I'm clueless.
My vote is for clueless.
:: chuckle :: Okay. Believe what you want to believe. Tsin has never f*cked me in the ass, I can assure you. In fact, I can assure you, I am of the opinion that he sometimes gets way *less* than what I would consider reasonable. But heck, what do I know? Believe whatever gets you through today.
Doyle Hargraves
07-10-2005, 07:24 PM
Tsin is mostly like a used car salesman.
If you stay on your toes, you'll be fine and probably get a good deal.
If you're stupid, he'll take advantage of it. Not to the point where you can technically say he ripped you off, but to where you might look back on it later and say "Damn, he got me"
I've seen him conveniently leave out negative details of high end items that if those facts were included, would most likely have made it a lot harder for him to get his asking price. If you ask him "Does this item have X limitation to it?" and it does, he'll tell you, but he usually won't reveal negative information about items unless he's specifically asked. He might not be that way anymore, as it's been a long time since I paid attention to anything in GS, but those are my past observations.
Imagine going to a used car lot and getting a real nice deal on a car where everything functions properly. A day or 2 later you realize that it only gets 5 miles per gallon, which the salesman conveniently forgot to tell you about when he was trying to sell you the car. Had you asked him "What kind of mileage does this thing get?" he'd tell you, but since you didn't ask, he didn't tell you because he wanted to make the sale.
07-10-2005, 07:28 PM
{Harvrave's post}
Which is about how I'd sum it up. "Buyer Beware" is definitely at work here, as it should be. If you do not, you probably deserve whatever comes your way.
07-10-2005, 07:35 PM
You can get a good deal from Tsin, just like you can get a good deal from a used car salesman, IF you are smart. If you go to him with a huge wad of silvers saying you are just dying to have that uber sword of doom, he's gonna take you for as much as he can.
Just make sure to follow the same basic principles that apply when buying a used car:
- Know as much as you can about the thing you're buying.
- Bargain up from a minimum, not down from a maximum.
- Don't ever let on that you NEED or even WANT a particular item. Show him he needs you more than you need him.
- Be prepared to walk out if you feel like you're being worked over.
- Have some sort of guarantee or recourse available.
He won't outright lie about an item, from what I gather. That said, he will do some quasi ethical things like inflating CB's, having people pretend to be interested in the same item you are in order to encourage a sale, or stressing some unverifiable intangible quality about an item (limited edition, no longer being made by GM's, once owned by some random legend name that you've never heard of but should have, etc.). This is why he's got the rep he does. Notice that Ardwen has as much or even more than Tsin, but notice that people generally respect and like him, just because his sales tactics are not as loud and aggressive.
The reason I don't like Tsin is because he tried to sell me 4m silver tickets to that bogus raffle that Rozak had awhile back that netted 400m in ill gotten silver. He basically promised me that I would be get a 20m+ silver item for every 4m ticket I bought. After the raffle was over, I was told people got small statues and other worthless trinkets. I was glad I listened to my instincts and didn't trust Tsin.
07-10-2005, 07:37 PM
Tsin got worked over himself in that raffle. And I learned a valuable lesson myself.
07-10-2005, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Tsin got worked over himself in that raffle. And I learned a valuable lesson myself.
Please elaborate? I never really found out what happened with the raffle in the end.
07-10-2005, 07:43 PM
::gasp:: You mean Tsin lost? Unthinkable. Not logical.
07-10-2005, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Farquar
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Tsin got worked over himself in that raffle. And I learned a valuable lesson myself.
Please elaborate? I never really found out what happened with the raffle in the end.
Well I'm not really sure myself. All I can really remember was one of Rozak's characters quickly doing the raffle. I'm pretty sure Tsin was going to do it, and I'm pretty sure he had bought tickets himself.
07-10-2005, 07:48 PM
Tsin's an ass.
I don't care about his sales tactics or how many virtual silvers he's got or uber items or whatnot. Caveat emptor, and all that.
He's an ass simply because he's an ass. Almost every time I've encountered him in the game or read his posts on the board, he came across as an arrogant cheesedick.
07-10-2005, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by hectomaner
Originally posted by Kitsun
He was set straight since the sale? Like how, the bags of coins bashed him upside the head?
He knew the properties of the weapon and they do infact resemble that of an ebow. When he saw another version go up that could potentially screw up his current sale, he decided to bash the weapon since he didn't have one up anymore.
I've never dealt with Tsin.
I had considered it at one point, since his trinkets are nifty, however his reputation kept me a step back. Over time, I've witnessed how he operates and came to the conclusion that I don't like it.
What motivated me to post was he went on a nice, big tirade over how the Wavedancer bows weren't ebows. He did it on both this forum and the official. The posts on this forum were deleted by Anticor because it derailed the whole bloody thing.
Seriously, it wasn't just a tiny rant. He was all full of bluster and huff, on a holy crusade over how the WD ebows were violating the sanctity of the name of ebows. For someone that used the term for the same bow just a bit earlier, it really reeked of shit.
Need help seeing the logic behind anything else?
yes, i need help seeing the logic behind your stupidity. you dont like him? dont deal with him. you don't like his antics? dont deal with him. simple. how are you being better than him and his 'full of bluster and huff, holy crusade over how the WD ebows were violating the sanctity of the name of ebows'? you are doing the exact same thing you claim he is doing.
I don't like him. I don't deal with him.
I don't like his antics. I don't deal with him.
I got that down pretty good, thanks.
I didn't jack anyone's thread or try to pushdown on someone's sale just because it might interfere with my sale. I didn't engage in some unreasonable, hypocritical bashing of a weapon I was touting as uber just weeks before.
If you want to ignore his behavior, that is fine. Feel free to ignore mine too if it bugs you!
07-18-2005, 02:05 PM
If you're an idiot with silvers and want something he has, you're about to become a poor idiot with an item not worth anywhere near what you payed. I've dealt a total of billions between Tsin and myself easily, you will get a very good deal if you're not a moron. Make sure you do your research just as with any major purchase and you'll be fine. I did NOT do research with one item he's currently selling, and.. well.. it's selling for about 40m more than I sold it to him for. I was a moron, he took advantage, all's fair. Help him out (knowingly) and he will return the favor as well, so he's a nice guy in that respect.
07-18-2005, 02:45 PM
His selling/bids methods are not unheard of for any merchant. He's aggressive and knows how to push sort of like a used car salesman.
Merchanting aside? He's a good guy. Don't have any problems with him.
07-18-2005, 04:19 PM
No problems with him. If I had 200+ million spare silvers laying around to purchase some of the items he had, I'd probably do it. However, to me, $2400 (200 million silvers sold at 12 bucks/million) would be more fitting to myself.
07-18-2005, 04:44 PM
I don't think i've ever laughed so hard in my life! So much love coming from so many people.. One of the funniest things is that it's very obvious that all the people who don't approve of my methods are people I have never spoken to or dealt with in my life! (Mostly becuase you are too poor or you smell bad) While those who know me, can agree that although I have a ruthless dedication for sales, I am still one of the most honest high end merchants you will find left in the game. Yes my prices are extremely high, because good shit isn't made anymore. You get what you pay for. Anyone who wants to continue to complain, feel free, because it has given me a few extra laughs each day.
[Edited on 7-18-2005 by bubbauno]
Originally posted by bubbauno
One of the funniest things is that it's very obvious that all the people who don't approve of my methods are people I have never spoken to or dealt with in my life! [Edited on 7-18-2005 by bubbauno]
You must be delusional if you believe that. I've dealt with you many times, and most of the descriptions above are accurate.
Keep telling yourself you're the Donald Trump of Gemstone, though. :D It is funny on SO many levels.
07-18-2005, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by Tea & Strumpets
Originally posted by bubbauno
One of the funniest things is that it's very obvious that all the people who don't approve of my methods are people I have never spoken to or dealt with in my life! [Edited on 7-18-2005 by bubbauno]
You must be delusional if you believe that. I've dealt with you many times, and most of the descriptions above are accurate.
Keep telling yourself you're the Donald Trump of Gemstone, though. :D It is funny on SO many levels.
Seriously? It is? Seems not funny at all to me. He's maybe the third richest in GS (Ardwen#1, random packrat #2) so it kind of seems appropriate. He thinks rich and is. If I had to guess, I'd say he could make a decent living off Gemstone and not have to work. This guess is based on what I myself have made in the past few months.
07-18-2005, 08:15 PM
<<Seriously? It is? Seems not funny at all to me. He's maybe the third richest in GS (Ardwen#1, random packrat #2) so it kind of seems appropriate. He thinks rich and is. If I had to guess, I'd say he could make a decent living off Gemstone and not have to work. This guess is based on what I myself have made in the past few months.>>
If you all only knew how he made all the GS money in the first place. Too funny.
07-18-2005, 08:21 PM
Stick to the subject. Off-topic posts will be removed.
07-18-2005, 08:57 PM
topic=Tsin - So full of crap I\'m surprised he doesn\'t poop out of his nose
and we're discussing Tsin and his full-of-crap-ness. how are we off-topic?
07-19-2005, 02:40 AM
I bet if you ate through your butt you could poop out your mouth...
07-19-2005, 02:42 AM
Originally posted by Kaeynne
topic=Tsin - So full of crap I'm surprised he doesn't poop out of his nose
and we're discussing Tsin and his full-of-crap-ness. how are we off-topic?
Perhaps, if you'd seen the post I deleted, you'd understand better. The statement was made to keep your topic on-topic. :)
07-19-2005, 04:39 AM
woohoo I'm richer then Random Packrat! I so win!
Originally posted by Ardwen
woohoo I'm richer then Random Packrat! I so win!
Now if you'll just cap you'll have beat Gemstone.
07-19-2005, 02:19 PM
capping is for losers and Tsin.
07-19-2005, 02:54 PM
Whatever happened to Edgeleaf?
07-19-2005, 03:01 PM
I would have to say you haven't officially "beat" Gemstone until you have enough experience to cap TWICE over, filthy rich with at least 3 billion or more in assets, and have your name mentioned with poop, nose, and cheesedick in the same topic.
07-19-2005, 03:02 PM
Dunno, Makkah. I haven't heard from Edge in ages. Last I knew, he was in Florida.
07-19-2005, 03:07 PM
Maybe that psycho died.
07-19-2005, 03:23 PM
Tsin = Dick
I lent this guy around 10m because how much he was crying to me that he got hacked and lost all his shit years ago. Few months down the line I find out he's got all this high end shit, hundreds of millions, then I come back and ask for my shit, he throws me some lameass mithril alloy items and tells me he'll get me back, I've gone up to him a few times and just ignores me. Money-driven jerk-off if you ask me, but what do I know.
07-20-2005, 12:34 AM
You and about 1000 other people.. Weird how suddenly the rich guy owes everyone money, even people he's never met or talked to in his life.. Wait let me guess, your sister's brother's dad's cousin used to know me and thought it might be a free easy 10m.. Nice try.
Seany Analog
07-20-2005, 03:39 AM
you should sell all your silvers and shit and buy an RX-7 so you can try to be awesome like me youll fail miserably but at least you can say you tried thatll still probably get you laid if you walk up to a chick and be like hey I tried to be like Seany once and shell be like HOLY SHIT YOU KNOW SEANY? and you can say yeah and shell hump you right there you should do it HOLY FUCK IM AWESOME
07-20-2005, 01:08 PM
it's a trashy version of Edine... I mean The Edine.
I'm still trying to imagine the impact, capping twice over would have had on my life.
I'd be grey, overweight and have nothing to show for my time here on earth.
Sell it all and it would all be worthwhile, though. :)
Originally posted by Kaeynne
it's a trashy version of Edine... I mean The Edine.
What is that supposed to mean, and how did i get brought up in this topic?
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