View Full Version : Dead Boulder.

05-30-2003, 10:47 PM
There's no serious duelling action these days. Should there be? Should we fight for a real Arena and duel support, like DR has with the cemetary and GM sponsored PvP?

The Glad Games are sorely lacking...

The duels at the recent fest were fun, but the competition was very unbalanced...

what should be done?

Red Devil
05-31-2003, 02:03 AM
cancel gs subscription and join DR its 100x better then gs anyways, no uber gay 12x longswords or millions of people MAing

05-31-2003, 11:27 AM
Yah, I like DR. I've played there longer than GS...but there's something fun about the more kill or be killed style GS duelling. DR melee fights usually take too freaking long, and non melee have too much running around and stunting and stuff. I prefer robbing people in DR, mind...much better system for that there.