View Full Version : Lyght

09-27-2003, 04:10 AM
Another truly harassing and idiotic person. I did absolutely nothing to this lady, I didnt even know her. I was taking a body to get raised by a cleric in the temple. (NPC cleric) He tells me my task is to sing a song about life, so, I try a few times, nothing happens. Then, out of the blue, Lyght says:

Lyght whispers, "Hey, dumbass, try more lines."

So I do my song with more lines, and it works.

Right after that happens ..

Lyght says, "Wow, that was real hard."
Lyght rolls her eyes.

I then go to TSC and see another body. I asked him if he needed a cleric (To know if he already had one or not) and he said he did. So I started to drag him to the temple to get him raised too. (This was 12:00 pm by the way, I was real bored had nothing else to do) Right when I get to the temple, Lyght comes in agian:

Lyght just arrived.
Lyght chants a reverent litany and clasps her hands while tightly focusing her thoughts...
>sign of dis
Magic flows towards you, but does not reach you.
Lyght traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Lyght gestures at you.
CS: +264 - TD: +123 + CvA: -19 + d100: +60 - +5 == +177
Warding failed!
An unseen force envelopes you, restricting all movement.
>wtrick ap ly
You don't seem to be able to move to do that.
>'Um what are you doing?
You ask, "Um what are you doing?"
You hear the ghostly voice of Taazzirlack say, "yeesh thanks"
Lyght says, "Raising the body."
Lyght says, "Gods you are stupid."

I never even know this lady and she is being such an asshole to me. I did nothing to her.

More and more idiots are coming in, I'm afraid, this is awful and totally downgrades the GemstoneIII experince.

09-27-2003, 04:18 AM
I do not know who Lyght is, but you are certainly right. She is acting like a jackass!


09-27-2003, 04:41 AM
I know that the player of Lyght now is not the original player, but that's all I know.

09-27-2003, 05:27 AM
Ack! Is this the Lyght who used to belong to Sylvanfaire? If so, she has obviously fallen into bad hands. I am sorry to see that.

HarmNone is disappointed

09-27-2003, 05:46 AM
Something like that must've happened. The Lyght I saw before was a peaceful scripting multi-accounter who kept to themselves.

[Edited on 9-27-2003 by peam]

More Lean
09-27-2003, 06:22 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Ack! Is this the Lyght who used to belong to Sylvanfaire? If so, she has obviously fallen into bad hands. I am sorry to see that.

HarmNone is disappointed


09-27-2003, 10:01 AM
Or, could it be that Lyght was getting ready to raise this body prior to (Warclaidhm) dragging him off to the temple?

Why do I feel we only got one side of what really happened.

09-27-2003, 10:04 AM
Lyght comes in agian:

Slit your wrist, Warclaidhm. Remember to go down the road, not across the street.

09-27-2003, 10:18 AM
Ok I would just like to point out something here. You should inform the body that you intend on taking them to the high holy cleric behind the pillars. I think your average dead person will definitely prefer to be asked first and I will tell you why.

There are a lot of people who don't know about him. If I was dead and dragged to a strange and unknown place, I'd be worried a bit. You can be located there but you can't be fogged to. Imagine the person dragging you there has weather and is booted to never come back. Chances are the dead person would decay. Also I do not remember if the cleric heals your wounds as he resurrects or if they must be tended beforehand but either way, that's also a legitimate reason for concern on the dead person's part.

I'm speaking from a clerical point of view. While this has nothing to do with Lyght, I think the dead person should definitely be informed that he/she is being dragged to the cleric behind the pillars so that they may decline (and close their group) before they are trapped in there.

Edited typos. Sheesh must not type shortly after waking up.

[Edited on 9-27-2003 by Adhara]

[Edited on 9-27-2003 by Adhara]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-27-2003, 10:24 AM
I'd be pissed if Idiothm put his grubby hands on my body too!

09-27-2003, 12:57 PM
I don't think we saw the whole story there.. If you thought nothing was wrong, why did you do sign of dissipation as soon as she walked in?

09-27-2003, 03:55 PM
Maybe I read the log wrong but i was under the assumption the person talking was going to actually raise the person. But the log was pretty painful, I may have skipped some.

09-27-2003, 08:14 PM
As far as I know, Lyght's the same person she originally was....played as a cranky meanspirited nasty character. And if a cranky meanspirited nasty cleric has a body dragged off on her, what do you expect?

09-27-2003, 10:15 PM
Does no one notice the fact that the dead person thanked Lyght.. ? hmm

09-27-2003, 10:39 PM
Lyght was always cool with me when we hunted Raptor's at the same time, never a problem and we helped eachother whenever we say the other had a need.

09-27-2003, 10:55 PM
I notcied that too Rysk. My first thought after reading this was that Taazzirlack IM'ed Lyght saying "quick the guy is dragging me away I need help."

My impression anyway. I think bodies should be asked if they want to be raised, I've made that clear in another thread. Here I will state that I also think bodies should be asked for permission before they are dragged anywhere (unless we're talking one room drags to save the rescuer's life of course).

[Edited on 9-28-2003 by Adhara]

09-28-2003, 04:18 AM
I saw an incident today where someone was dragging a body AWAY from both the healer and the cleric that fogged TO her to raise and heal her.

She had to close her group just to stop the person from dragging her away from the very people trying to help her...... *roll eyes*

09-28-2003, 06:01 AM
I saw an incident today where someone was dragging a body AWAY from both the healer and the cleric that fogged TO her to raise and heal her.

I've had that happen a lot when I was playing my eldest Cleric. And it's downright annoying. What part of "Cleric fogged in...can fog out with body" doesnt occur to some people. Or Empath for that matter...or any one with the ability to fog rather than drag. Especially when the body is dragged AWAY from the fogger, and the poor dead person is saying "WTF" in that eerie ghostly voice.

Rant over.

Acolyte Kurili, serene once more

09-28-2003, 12:25 PM
You know Warclaidhm, when you Warn Interaction on someone you aren't supposed to talk about that person anymore.

Suitable for expressing to the other party that you wish to have NO INTERACTION WHATSOEVER with them. This option should not be used unless you are willing to remove yourself from the presence of the person to whom you issue it. Upon issuance, both players should immediately go their separate ways and cease all interaction with each other, including (but not limited to) conversations regarding the other player with third parties (besides staff members).

Anyway, if someone wants a bit more of the log, first the temple altercation:

>go ramp[Temple, Chapel of Life]
Far beneath the roots of the Temple, you stand in a place of judgment and change. Two statues face each other across the chamber. One, made of pale alabaster, gleams in the dim light. The other, carved of diorite, soaks up all light and is barely visible. A bell tolls somewhere unseen, deep and sonorous, as the heartbeat of its mother must sound to the babe yet unborn in the safety of the womb. There is a sadness to the sound that instills in you an intense sense of loss and foreboding. You also see a high holy cleric that is kneeling, a white marble altar with a slender white candle on it and a narrow ramp.
Also here: the body of Voldermort who is lying down, Warclaidhm who is kneeling
Obvious exits: none
>Warclaidhm chuckles.
>app voldYou glance at Voldermort and immediately realize he has 0 spirit levels out of a maximum of 9, and is currently preserved for 3385 seconds.
You also notice that he has no apparent injuries.
He is also quite dead.
>'I can raise if you want.leanYou say, "I can raise if you want."
You shift your weight.
>Warclaidhm sings:

"A song about life"

The high holy cleric frowns at Warclaidhm and tells him to try harder.
>Warclaidhm scowls at a high holy cleric.
>Warclaidhm says, "cleric here is helpng us but cant figure out what I have to do"
>grinYou grin.
>'You know he's pretty expensive right?You ask, "You know he's pretty expensive right?"
>Warclaidhm says, "only 2k for voldermort"
>Warclaidhm rummages around in his pockets.
>'Well, then sing your song.You say, "Well, then sing your song."
>You hear the ghostly voice of Voldermort say, "Ill repay you for sure"
>Warclaidhm says, "what do I have to say"
>'Sing a song about life...You say, "Sing a song about life..."
>roll eyeYou roll your eyes.
>Warclaidhm says, "Its not that easy"
>Warclaidhm sings:

"The high holy cleric frowns at Warclaidhm and tells him to try harder.
>'So try harder!You exclaim, "So try harder!"
>'More lines maybe?You ask, "More lines maybe?"
>Warclaidhm sings:

"The high holy cleric frowns at Warclaidhm and tells him to try harder.
>Warclaidhm sings:

"The high holy cleric frowns at Warclaidhm and tells him to try harder.
>Warclaidhm sings:

"The high holy cleric frowns at Warclaidhm and tells him to try harder.
>Warclaidhm says, "Jeez"
>Warclaidhm scratches his head.
>whis vold I give him another two minutes before I raise you myself.You quietly whisper to Voldermort, "I give him another two minutes before I raise you myself."
>Warclaidhm sings:

"A song about life"

The high holy cleric frowns at Warclaidhm and tells him to try harder.
>Warclaidhm sings:

"A song about life"

The high holy cleric frowns at Warclaidhm and tells him to try harder.
>Warclaidhm sings:

"A song about life"

The high holy cleric frowns at Warclaidhm and tells him to try harder.
>Warclaidhm sings:

"A song about life"

The high holy cleric frowns at Warclaidhm and tells him to try harder.
>Warclaidhm stares at a high holy cleric.
>whis warcl Hey, dumbass, try more lines.You quietly whisper to Warclaidhm, "Hey, dumbass, try more lines."
>Voldermort's spirit murmurs a few whispered words of pleading, though you can't quite make out whether he is begging for mercy or revenge.
>Warclaidhm sings:

"A song about life
This is a song about life
You know

The high holy cleric applauds!
A bolt of soft white light streaks down from above and surrounds the aged cleric before striking Voldermort's corpse and sinking into it.

A brilliant glow forms around Voldermort, lingers for a moment, and finally fades. Voldermort awakens looking somewhat confused and seriously drained.
>Voldermort hands the high holy cleric some coins and quickly signs a piece of paper and hands it back to the high holy cleric.
>'Wow, that was real hard.You say, "Wow, that was real hard."
>roll eyeYou roll your eyes.
>Voldermort chuckles.
>Warclaidhm tries to pull Voldermort towards him.
>Voldermort stands up.
>Warclaidhm stands up.
>Voldermort says, "whew"
>go ramp

So there you go. Now for the second part, which was immediately afterward. I had enough time to walk from the temple into TSC when this happened:

>w[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a white cat that is sitting, some sovyn clove, some aloeas stem, some basal moss, some woth flower, some woth flower, some wolifrew lichen, some haphip root, some aloeas stem, some torban leaf, some torban leaf, some haphip root, some woth flower, some haphip root, some torban leaf, some basal moss, some basal moss, some aloeas stem, some wolifrew lichen, some wolifrew lichen and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Starkeoki who is sitting, Lord Trewlos, a stunned Myentin, Angelilly, the body of Taazzirlack who is lying down, Kashalina, a stunned Flashmerk who is lying down, Vaaz who is sitting, Lord Nakiro, Crystalwind who is sitting
Obvious paths: east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest
>app taa
>You glance at Taazzirlack and immediately realize he has 0 spirit levels out of a maximum of 8, and is currently preserved for 348 seconds.
You also notice that he has no apparent injuries.
He is also quite dead.
[Looked at the few people around Taazzirlack to make sure none of them were clerics who could have fogged him in]
>prep 308You raise your hand while murmuring a soft orison, focusing on the Well of Life spell...
Your spell is ready.
Starkeoki tenderly says, "lyght" [She's asking me to raise here]
>Starkeoki applauds.
>cast taaYou gesture at Taazzirlack.
A silvery translucent thread extends from you encompassing Taazzirlack's corpse.
For one fleeting moment as your soul touches Taazzirlack's soul, you feel an overwhelming sense of fright and desperation. Then a wave of blissful calmness settles upon you as you sense your souls have linked together.
Roundtime: 15 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>grinYou grin.
>Starkeoki points at Taazzirlack.
>Warclaidhm's group just arrived.
>Warclaidhm asks, "need a cleric taaz?"
>Starkeoki tenderly says, "Lyght if ye care to taaz"
>You hear the ghostly voice of Taazzirlack say, "aye please"
>Warclaidhm grabs Taazzirlack and tries to drag him, but he doesn't budge.
>Warclaidhm grabs Taazzirlack's body and drags it east with him.
[Me Chasing after the body]
>e[Wehnimer's, Erebor Square]
The dome of a large temple rises above this peaceful square, silhouetted against the starlit sky. The circular building is surrounded by marble porticos and teak columns, and a promenade leads to two pillars, through which the inner sanctum can be glimpsed. Priests and worshippers wander here and there, engaged in various rituals of devotion or study. A locked almsbox is securely bolted to an iron pole alongside the pillars. You also see a wrought-iron gate and a glowing white stone.
Also here: the body of Taazzirlack who is lying down, Warclaidhm
Obvious paths: south, east, west
>Warclaidhm says, "I'll be right back"
>prep 311You chant a reverent litany, clasping your hands while focusing upon the Blinding spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast warclBe at peace my child, there is no need for spells of war in here.
>relYou feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
>prep 214You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast warclYou gesture at Warclaidhm.
CS: +264 - TD: +123 + CvA: -19 + d100: +60 - +5 == +177
Warding failed!
Warclaidhm suddenly stops all movement.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>app taaYou glance at Taazzirlack and immediately realize he has 0 spirit levels out of a maximum of 8, and is currently preserved for 283 seconds. Upon closer examination, you sense a translucent thread linking Taazzirlack's soul to you.
You also notice that he has no apparent injuries.
He is also quite dead.
>Warclaidhm asks, "Um what are you doing?"
>You hear the ghostly voice of Taazzirlack say, "yeesh thanks"
>'Raising the body.You say, "Raising the body."
>'Gods you are stupid.You say, "Gods you are stupid."
>Warclaidhm says, "I am getting him raised though the cleric in the temple"
>prep 350You raise your hand while murmuring a soft orison, focusing on the Resurrection spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast taaYou gesture at Taazzirlack.
Roundtime: 35 sec.

A brilliant glow forms around Taazzirlack, lingers for a moment, then fades.
Your surroundings grow dim...you lapse into a state of awareness only, unable to do anything...
Taazzirlack seems slightly different.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Warclaidhm is informing you that he wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! He desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.

>The air calms down around you.
>l[Wehnimer's, Erebor Square]
The dome of a large temple rises above this peaceful square, silhouetted against the starlit sky. The circular building is surrounded by marble porticos and teak columns, and a promenade leads to two pillars, through which the inner sanctum can be glimpsed. Priests and worshippers wander here and there, engaged in various rituals of devotion or study. A locked almsbox is securely bolted to an iron pole alongside the pillars. You also see a wrought-iron gate and a glowing white stone.
Also here: a stunned Taazzirlack who is lying down, Warclaidhm
Obvious paths: south, east, west
>You recover somewhat from the strain of the spiritual ordeal, taking great comfort in the thought that you had the opportunity to sacrifice part of yourself in the service of your god.
>Taazzirlack stands up.
>Taazzirlack says, "thanks lyght"
>Taazzirlack just went west.
>.name red warclaidhml[Wehnimer's, Erebor Square]
The dome of a large temple rises above this peaceful square, silhouetted against the starlit sky. The circular building is surrounded by marble porticos and teak columns, and a promenade leads to two pillars, through which the inner sanctum can be glimpsed. Priests and worshippers wander here and there, engaged in various rituals of devotion or study. A locked almsbox is securely bolted to an iron pole alongside the pillars. You also see a wrought-iron gate and a glowing white stone.
Also here: Warclaidhm
Obvious paths: south, east, west

So now you know the real story. That being Warclaidhm is an idiot.

09-28-2003, 12:44 PM
Personally, I'd have been sorely tempted to just bane him. Which wouldnt have done the body any good, and would have been costly.

What? You just now discover the High Holy Warclaidhm/LaVaca? It's been there right along.

Acolyte Kurili, who is truly amazed once again

09-28-2003, 12:46 PM
I'm speechless.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-28-2003, 12:51 PM
WTF, did the Fishsticks name get banned or something? Why would La Vaca choose a new name? And in a whole 5 or 6 posts people figured it out.

Some drink from the fountain of knowledge... Warclaidhm apparently gargled and spit.

09-28-2003, 12:51 PM

I love it when the truth comes out. I wonder how long Warclodhm thought he could go incognito?

09-28-2003, 12:53 PM
He chose a new name simply so we wouldn't automatically condemn him for the idiot he is with his old name. Of course, him being the idiot he is (;)) we saw through his facade easily enough.

09-28-2003, 12:58 PM
Of course, if proof was even needed, Lyght provided it. Truly amazing. Here is a Cleric, who is using 350 for heaven's sake...which leaves the recently alive with a good bit of spirit...and Warclaidhm thinks the High Holy is preferable. Although even 312 or 318 would be better, in my opinion, than the High Holy.

Acolyte Kurili

09-28-2003, 01:41 PM
First of all, I am not an idiot. Perhaps some of what I do sometimes isn't the best of things, but that doesn't make me an idiot. I am far from an idiot.

This place is full of, I wouldn't say idiots, but truly malign people. Coming to a forum outside of a game to harass and insult a person is wrong. For whatever reason, it may be because they want to release their anger, or for revenge and a sense of comfort because other people "agree" with them.

I am not stupid, nor am I some evil scammer like most of you people assume.

This is my last post. I really don't belong here. Talking about people behind their backs is wrong, like some of you have done to me. There is no excuse for it. Coming to a message board outside of a game where people have fun just to harass someone, is wrong. I am not reading these forums anymore. I come to realize that this is wrong, and I am better than wrong.

09-28-2003, 01:44 PM
Warclaidhm, your signature is too fucking big. And you're an idiot. We don't care what you think. We're happy you're leaving.

We also don't want you to waste our time by telling us you're leaving. Just do it like a man.

09-28-2003, 01:46 PM
(Atheana hugs Bobmuhthol .. September 28, 2003.)

09-28-2003, 01:46 PM
Warclaidhm, you're an idiot.

09-28-2003, 01:47 PM
You can't say that, you're a Staff Member!

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-28-2003, 01:49 PM
Well, he's right

09-28-2003, 01:49 PM
Excuse me...YOU came here to malign Lyght. And to have the rest of us validate your problem with her by agreeing with you.

Of course, you left out the pertinent information, posting only what would suit your purposes. So dont go getting all sanctimonious now about people 'talking behind someone's back'

Please go back and read YOUR first post, in this thread that YOU created and be objective. You dragged a body away from a Cleric who had already linked to it because you were bored and it seems you're newly intrigued by the High Holy. I dont see any valid excuse, but that could be because I've played mostly Clerics.

Another quote for you...'You reap what you sow.'

Acolyte Kurili

09-28-2003, 01:50 PM
I think Warclaidhm personifies that last quote of his.

09-28-2003, 01:52 PM
Nothing like a good old female cow...

09-28-2003, 01:52 PM
I'll lay this out for you as simply as I can, considering your recent scooter crash.

People come here to complain about you because taking action in game would result in a lock out and eventually a ban.

You are warn happy.
You are consistently OOC.
You whine.
You constantly push the bar of idiotic things done in game. (Hence this thread)
You have scammed. Considering the recent duping scheme, you probably still do.
You post here anon style in hopes to gain sympathy or to defame someone that has taken action against your ignorance.
You said some time ago that you were done posting on these forums.

If policy were less sheltering of your chosen style of game play, you would have learned before now.

[Edited because I type too fast]

[Edited on 9-28-2003 by Tsa`ah]

09-28-2003, 01:54 PM
I'll lay this out for you as simply as I can, considering you recent scooter crash.


Tsa'ah = God

09-28-2003, 01:59 PM
Ohh, I like your new title, Soulpieced! Peon Slayer!

Acolyte Kurili, untitled

09-28-2003, 02:01 PM
Gee, I wonder who the 1 guest viewing this thread is. :rolleyes:

09-28-2003, 02:02 PM

Also, this isn't a flame on Warclaidhm, but I could swear he said he'd stop posting here like twice already....

09-28-2003, 02:04 PM
Also, I just noticed in his initial post, he referred to Lyght's actions as 'idiotic' Yet...he doesnt like that term when it's applied to him.

Not flaming, merely observing.

Acolyte Kurili, who needs to be muzzled, quickly

09-28-2003, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin

Also, this isn't a flame on Warclaidhm, but I could swear he said he'd stop posting here like twice already....

*Warn impending tricycle crash Edaarin*


It's not a Warclodhm flame thread. It's a Lyght flame thread started by Wardoofhm but quickly back-fired when Lyght posted the whole log.

I'm willing to let this one run it's course considering this is the second time such a thread has back-fired on him and he scampered off wounded.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-28-2003, 02:32 PM
Already been mentioned, but notice how hypocritical he is? PC is a place where mean people talk behind others backs. That lyght is a jerk!

Someone call the whaaaaambulance, order up some french cries and get him some cheese for his whine.

09-28-2003, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
*Warn impending tricycle crash Edaarin*


It's not a Warclodhm flame thread. It's a Lyght flame thread started by Wardoofhm but quickly back-fired when Lyght posted the whole log.

I'm willing to let this one run it's course considering this is the second time such a thread has back-fired on him and he scampered off wounded.


09-28-2003, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by OoK
.Anyway, if someone wants a bit more of the log, first the temple altercation:
*Insert complete log*
So now you know the real story. That being Warclaidhm is an idiot.

Heh. That do make a difference, do it not?
Thanks for posting that!

Warclaidhm, by posting an incomplete log that made someone else look bad, you just lost any modicum of respect I, personally, might have been trying to nurture for you. I shall defend you no more. You have dug your own hole and deserve to live in it.


09-28-2003, 05:59 PM
D'oh. He's gone and pissed off the nun. That's quite a feat. :D

09-28-2003, 06:06 PM
Run away....
Run away....

09-28-2003, 06:18 PM
I think it calls for your vorpal whomping stick, HN.

09-28-2003, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by HarmNoneWarclaidhm, by posting an incomplete log that made someone else look bad, you just lost any modicum of respect I, personally, might have been trying to nurture for you. I shall defend you no more. You have dug your own hole and deserve to live in it.


Folks who don't know the real deal with Warclaidhm often feel badly that people pick on him so... but as you can see, in over 3 or 4 years of being socially inept.. he continues to make the same exact mistakes as always.

The idiot comes here to belittle another.. then denounces the boards as a place that happens? Can you BE any more pathetic Warclaidhm?

And I see you haven't gotten a clue how WARN works yet either.. you worthless pain in the ass.

Clueless to the end.

*edited to put on my new signature line

[Edited on 9-28-2003 by Parkbandit]

09-28-2003, 07:18 PM
The worst thing is? I can fully see him heading into college. Shudder at that thought, all.

09-28-2003, 07:30 PM
For what? Hypocrisy101?

09-28-2003, 08:44 PM
Liberal Arts major to the max.

09-28-2003, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by peam
Liberal Arts major to the max.

Hey... HEY!!!!

I graduated with a degree in LA&S!

That's just low!

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-28-2003, 08:52 PM
I was thinking
Elementary Reading (P/F)
Elementary Writing (P/F)
Anger Management (Audit)
Masturbation Addiction Therapy (He'll excel at the extra credit)
and the award winning series of classes.
Mental Retardation and You, a guide to surviving Scooter accidents and bed wetting (Now with more absorbant pads!)

A full load, for sure.

I hear he is taking WARN101 as an elective. An introductory class on how to back out of every situation your alligator mouth gets your hummingbird ass into.

[Edited on 9-29-2003 by Suppa Hobbit Mage]

09-28-2003, 09:13 PM
I can just see the college essay now....

"Describe who you are and where you see yourself in 10 years."

I am Lord Warclaidhm Powerswing, and in 10 years I will be level 100 and guildmaster.

09-28-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by Artha
I think it calls for your vorpal whomping stick, HN.

Such a person does not deserve the honor of the Vorpal Whomping Stick of Ultimate Doom. Warclaidhm can be handled nicely with a wet mop. :D

HarmNone does not waste vorpal whomping sticks on mere vermin

09-29-2003, 12:49 AM
hey, he don't have a warn in on me yet..if I get the implode off fast enough, I won't get into trouble. WooT


09-29-2003, 01:03 AM
No warns for my ladies either. We arent loved, Adredrin. Or we need to try harder.

Acolyte Kurili