View Full Version : Izbin, the facts?
09-27-2003, 03:47 AM
- Was Izbin banned? I heard he was, but he mysteriously came back soon enough.
- How does he get away with it? With all of his blantant OOCness you'd think he'd be locked out by now.
- Give your thoughts and opinions about this person.
To start, I'll express mine.
I really don't like Izbin. He talks like any other teenager, using slang words such as,"Sweet", or , "w00t" you can really tell.
Same with Tsin. Tsin bragged to me once that he smokes marjiuana out of a bong. (Smart guy? Not)
Well anyway, back to Izbin. He's killed me twice, my brother once, and the cleric who raised me once. For no real reason. He comes to our table and constantly harasses us and refuses to leave.
09-27-2003, 03:50 AM
Hello Warclaidhm. :)
09-27-2003, 04:00 AM
I didn't know they taught Spanish in the 4th grade!
You must go to a super-duper school!
I bet you'd get in trouble if they knew about you riding around on a scooter...
09-27-2003, 04:42 AM
What makes you think he's warclaidhm?
09-27-2003, 05:04 AM
Not think, know. Quite a few reasons but you wouldn't understand unless you had logs or I completely explained it, which would really take awhile to explain, and at 4am it's not something I really want to spend an hour typing.
09-27-2003, 05:19 AM
I guess the scooter accident made him dislike fishsticks.
09-27-2003, 09:29 AM
It's Sean.
09-27-2003, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by LaVaca
Same with Tsin. Tsin bragged to me once that he smokes marjiuana out of a bong. (Smart guy? Not)
OMFG! He's so tough!
09-27-2003, 09:46 AM
Sure does post like Warclaidhm... but let's wait until he has to spell "pretty" to be sure.
09-27-2003, 09:51 AM
Warclaidhm doesn't post like that. Warclaidhm can't spell or use punctuation. Warclaidhm also would run sentences together. Warclaidhm doesn't have the intelligence to learn another language, even if its just a few words, or even spell them correctly. I'm guessing its Sean wanting people to talk about him some more.
09-27-2003, 10:25 AM
Why does it matter who he is? Let's bash Izbin! (yes, that was a joke)
09-27-2003, 10:41 AM
I know it's Sean in the game, dunno about here. In gemstone, Izbin was sitting in the trophy room when Jenisi walked in and he kicked her then walked away. Then I thought to Izbin, "Such anger, Sean?" and Seanydigital IM's me and goes "Yup"
09-27-2003, 11:14 AM
We know Izbin is Sean. I think they're insinuating that LaVaca is Warclaidm.
09-27-2003, 11:17 AM
Oh. ;p
09-27-2003, 12:53 PM
They are both annoying asses... :-P
09-27-2003, 01:22 PM
LaVaca is Warclaidhm, how do I know you ask? Because Warclaidhm came to my table a few days ago and said the same things to me ... If this is not Warclaidhm I apologize ... but you can understand why I would think you are ....
09-27-2003, 02:13 PM
I'm sure it would help to back the statement if it were made known what was said.
09-27-2003, 03:29 PM
Sycrid [subdued]: "Beating wives for husbands who don't have the time, or don't want to put up with the screaming and scratching etc. All beatings are done with 100% confidentiality, as stated in the 'Wife-beaters association guide of conduct.' 50k a beating. TTM"
So I find Sycrid and see Izbin there!
>kick syc
You kick Sycrid!
Nailtepes carefully cuts a nock into the end of his arrow shaft.
Asharlin came through a shadowy arch.
Izbin says, "What the..."
Kazami rubs a crystal amulet.
Sycrid beats you severely.
Sycrid beats you severely.
Sycrid beats you severely.
Sycrid beats you severely.
Sycrid beats you severely.
>sign of dissipation
Magic flows towards you, but does not reach you.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Kazami pulls on his crystal amulet.
>l sy
You see Sycrid Runetaker.
He appears to be a Giantman.
He appears to be time-worn. He has twitching silver eyes and fair skin. He has very long, black hair streaked with silver. He has a tangled beard.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a longbladed glaes seax in his right hand and a polished rolaren shield imbedded with arcane runestones in his left hand.
He is wearing a high holy symbol, a crystal amulet, a forest green woven vine harness, a brass-snapped black leather pack, a veniom-edged tweed cape, a gold ring, and a midnight blue leather breastplate.
Kalaman turns to Kazami and cheers!
Izbin points at you, ruining your hiding place.
l iz
>You see Izbin the Scout.
He appears to be a Half-Elf Pariah from Ta'Nalfein.
He appears to be an adult and taller than average. He has sparkling crystal green eyes and tanned skin. He has long, flowing silver blonde hair. He has a square-jawed face, a thin nose and a broad chest.
He has a soaring black dragon tattoo on his arm, and a soaring red dragon tattoo on his neck.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a feras dagger in his right hand and a twilight grey vultite shield in his left hand.
He is wearing an elven-scored infantry bandolier, a flowing silk cloak woven in archaic elven style stitched with a raven perched atop a Ta'Nalfein crest, a whorled bloodjewel pendant, a pair of black suede half-gloves, some deep black rolaren scalemail, an old cracked leather belt pouch, a black leather dagger sheath, a studded black leather sword belt, and some elegant elven leather boots affixed with Ta'Nalfein crests upon the sides.
Izbin asks, "Are you kidding?"
Izbin peers quizzically at you.
Kalaman quietly exclaims, "Kaz!"
Kazami exclaims, "Kalaman !"
Kalaman becomes solid again.
>'Aren't you supposed to be banned?
You ask, "Aren't you supposed to be banned?"
>peer iz
You peer quizzically at Izbin.
Izbin asks, "Why whatever do you mean?"
>You say, "Oh"
Lloil just went out.
Kalaman quietly says, "just kidding bud"
>'I think you know
You say, "I think you know"
Kalaman leans softly against Kazami.
>sign of striking
Kazami exclaims, "i told you not to call me that in public !!"
You grip your rolaren warblade with renewed vigor!
Asharlin just handed Zorst some coins.
>sign of swords
Kazami stares at Kalaman.
You grip your rolaren warblade with renewed vigor!
Nailtepes removes a single rough arrow shaft from a bundle of rough arrow shafts.
>sign of smiting
You grip your rolaren warblade with renewed vigor!
[Graveyard, Crypt]
The entry foyer to this enormous granite crypt is stark, adorned only with grisly friezes sculpted in low relief into the walls. Bands of bluish-green ahnver are inlaid into the stone in thin strips just below the ceiling throughout the entire structure, bathing the rooms in a subtle light. A shadowy arch curves overhead and leads deeper into the inner sanctum of the sepulcher. You also see a cracked urn.
Also here: Fanon, Lord Astaway who is sitting, Asharlin, Kazami, Avien who is kneeling, Geri, Kalaman, Nanerel who is sitting, Sycrid, Zorst who is sitting, Izbin, Nailtepes, Snowwolf who is sitting, Apprentice Celexei who is lying down
Obvious exits: out
Astaway traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Fanon searches around for a moment.
Kalaman quietly says, "blame demie"
Nailtepes pares away the excess wood from a single rough arrow shaft, taking care to keep the shaft straight.
Izbin says, "I know not. However, I will kill you for making any such references again."
Kazami says, "what we do in private is or business"
>whisper kaz you a sorc?
You quietly whisper to Kazami, "you a sorc?"
Izbin nods to you.
Kalaman grins.
Kazami nods to Kalaman.
Zorst meditates over Geri.
Zorst takes Geri's back damage.
Astaway gestures.
A brilliant aura surrounds Astaway.
Asharlin amusedly says, "Oh, wait I still have an arm wound..."
Asharlin smiles.
Astaway traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Astaway gestures.
Astaway stands tall and appears more confident.
Fanon thoughtfully asks, "any healers available?"
Kazami cackles!
Asharlin put some acantha leaf in his heavy backpack.
Astaway traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Kalaman snickers.
Masoe just arrived.
Geri just handed Zorst some coins.
Astaway gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Astaway gestures.
Astaway suddenly looks more powerful.
Astaway kneels and begins to meditate.
Zorst meditates over Fanon.
Zorst takes Fanon's right arm damage.
Journeyman Fandril came through a shadowy arch.
>[Graveyard, Crypt]
The entry foyer to this enormous granite crypt is stark, adorned only with grisly friezes sculpted in low relief into the walls. Bands of bluish-green ahnver are inlaid into the stone in thin strips just below the ceiling throughout the entire structure, bathing the rooms in a subtle light. A shadowy arch curves overhead and leads deeper into the inner sanctum of the sepulcher. You also see a cracked urn.
Also here: Journeyman Fandril, Masoe who is sitting, Fanon, Lord Astaway who is kneeling, Asharlin, Kazami, Avien who is kneeling, Geri, Kalaman, Nanerel who is sitting, Sycrid, Zorst who is sitting, Izbin, Nailtepes, Snowwolf who is sitting, Apprentice Celexei who is lying down
Obvious exits: out
>'will you?
You ask, "will you?"
>l iz
You see Izbin the Scout.
He appears to be a Half-Elf Pariah from Ta'Nalfein.
He appears to be an adult and taller than average. He has sparkling crystal green eyes and tanned skin. He has long, flowing silver blonde hair. He has a square-jawed face, a thin nose and a broad chest.
He has a soaring black dragon tattoo on his arm, and a soaring red dragon tattoo on his neck.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a feras dagger in his right hand and a twilight grey vultite shield in his left hand.
He is wearing an elven-scored infantry bandolier, a flowing silk cloak woven in archaic elven style stitched with a raven perched atop a Ta'Nalfein crest, a whorled bloodjewel pendant, a pair of black suede half-gloves, some deep black rolaren scalemail, an old cracked leather belt pouch, a black leather dagger sheath, a studded black leather sword belt, and some elegant elven leather boots affixed with Ta'Nalfein crests upon the sides.
Fandril kneels down and begins to meditate.
Fanon just handed Zorst some coins.
Zorst meditates over Asharlin.
Zorst takes Asharlin's left arm damage.
Nailtepes carefully cuts a nock into the end of his arrow shaft.
Izbin says, "Try me."
Fanon thoughtfully says, "thanks "
Izbin smiles at you.
>take blue cr
I could not find what you were referring to.
Izbin makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Izbin gestures.
Izbin looks charged with power.
l in bas
>In the flower basket you see a bottle of hibiscus perfume, a single red rose, a charred scroll, a white flask, a sheet of old vellum, a dark leather locksmith's toolkit, a fine silver-brushed flask, a white flask, a crystal amulet, a crystal amulet, a bone-handled dark invar lockpick, a Mandis Crystal shard, a gold ring, some acantha leaf, an adorable pink toy elephant, a bottle of hibiscus perfume, a small statue, a slender locker manifest, a weathered leather bankbook, a small statue, a jointed ebony link bracelet and a white flask.
Zorst says, "welcome"
Nailtepes removes a single rough arrow shaft from a bundle of rough arrow shafts.
Zorst murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
[Graveyard, Crypt]
The entry foyer to this enormous granite crypt is stark, adorned only with grisly friezes sculpted in low relief into the walls. Bands of bluish-green ahnver are inlaid into the stone in thin strips just below the ceiling throughout the entire structure, bathing the rooms in a subtle light. A shadowy arch curves overhead and leads deeper into the inner sanctum of the sepulcher. You also see a cracked urn.
Also here: Journeyman Fandril who is kneeling, Masoe who is sitting, Fanon, Lord Astaway who is kneeling, Asharlin, Kazami, Avien who is kneeling, Geri, Kalaman, Nanerel who is sitting, Sycrid, Zorst who is sitting, Izbin, Nailtepes, Snowwolf who is sitting, Apprentice Celexei who is lying down
Obvious exits: out
Asharlin went through a shadowy arch.
Nailtepes pares away the excess wood from a single rough arrow shaft, taking care to keep the shaft straight.
Zorst's right arm looks better.
Vesanya just arrived.
>l iz
You see Izbin the Scout.
He appears to be a Half-Elf Pariah from Ta'Nalfein.
He appears to be an adult and taller than average. He has sparkling crystal green eyes and tanned skin. He has long, flowing silver blonde hair. He has a square-jawed face, a thin nose and a broad chest.
He has a soaring black dragon tattoo on his arm, and a soaring red dragon tattoo on his neck.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a feras dagger in his right hand and a twilight grey vultite shield in his left hand.
He is wearing an elven-scored infantry bandolier, a flowing silk cloak woven in archaic elven style stitched with a raven perched atop a Ta'Nalfein crest, a whorled bloodjewel pendant, a pair of black suede half-gloves, some deep black rolaren scalemail, an old cracked leather belt pouch, a black leather dagger sheath, a studded black leather sword belt, and some elegant elven leather boots affixed with Ta'Nalfein crests upon the sides.
[Graveyard, Crypt]
The entry foyer to this enormous granite crypt is stark, adorned only with grisly friezes sculpted in low relief into the walls. Bands of bluish-green ahnver are inlaid into the stone in thin strips just below the ceiling throughout the entire structure, bathing the rooms in a subtle light. A shadowy arch curves overhead and leads deeper into the inner sanctum of the sepulcher. You also see a cracked urn.
Also here: Vesanya who is kneeling, Journeyman Fandril who is kneeling, Masoe who is sitting, Fanon, Lord Astaway who is kneeling, Kazami, Avien who is kneeling, Geri, Kalaman, Nanerel who is sitting, Sycrid, Zorst who is sitting, Izbin, Nailtepes, Snowwolf who is sitting, Apprentice Celexei who is lying down
Obvious exits: out
The appearance of great calm leaves Vesanya as she looks up and glances around.
Vesanya stands up.
Fanon clutches his jaw into a grimace of pain, his eyes pleading for relief.
>at iz
You swing a sapphire-set rolaren warblade at Izbin!
AS: +35 vs DS: +326 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +74 = -185
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Sycrid traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Sycrid gestures into the air.
A silvery fog coalesces around Sycrid, obscuring his form. When the fog dissipates, Sycrid is gone.
Vesanya removes a golden ora-studded cestus from in her belt pouch.
>You say, "Doable"
>nod iz
Kazami says, "what ya doing in here"
You nod to Izbin.
Izbin utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
...wait 1 seconds.
Zorst murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Kazami peers quizzically at Kalaman.
Vesanya slings a reinforced shield off from over her shoulder.
Vesanya just went out.
Zorst's back looks better.
>sign of madness
You are filled with berserk rage! Attack! Attack! Attack!
Geri kneels down.
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
>am iz head
Izbin put a feras dagger in his dagger sheath.
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sapphire-set rolaren warblade at Izbin!
AS: +329 vs DS: +166 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +39 = +234
... and hit for 76 points of damage!
Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray.
* Izbin drops dead at your feet!
Izbin returns to normal color.
Izbin seems to lose some internal strength.
Izbin appears less powerful.
The light blue glow leaves Izbin.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Geri raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Geri gestures.
A pearlescent emanation extends outward to encompass Geri and those nearby.
>smile iz
Kalaman quietly says, "just messing around"
You smile at Izbin.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
The ghostly laughter of Izbin echoes through the room, sending a shiver down your spine.
>stance def
Geri applauds you.
You are now in a defensive stance.
>group close
You hear the ghostly voice of Izbin say, "Sweet."
Your group status is already closed.
You hear the ghostly voice of Izbin say, "Now I have a reason."
Fanon searches around for a moment.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Nailtepes carefully cuts a nock into the end of his arrow shaft.
Your SIGN OF MADNESS is no longer effective.
You feel drained!
You say, "Yeah"
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>The appearance of great calm leaves Astaway as he looks up and glances around.
>'Don't threaten ladies
You say, "Don't threaten ladies"
Zorst murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Nailtepes removes a single rough arrow shaft from a bundle of rough arrow shafts.
Astaway raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Zorst's right leg looks better.
Astaway gestures at Izbin.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Izbin, then fades into the body.
>'and i'll kill the wife beater free of charge as well
Nailtepes pares away the excess wood from a single rough arrow shaft, taking care to keep the shaft straight.
You say, "and i'll kill the wife beater free of charge as well"
Kazami says, "bored"
[Graveyard, Crypt]
The entry foyer to this enormous granite crypt is stark, adorned only with grisly friezes sculpted in low relief into the walls. Bands of bluish-green ahnver are inlaid into the stone in thin strips just below the ceiling throughout the entire structure, bathing the rooms in a subtle light. A shadowy arch curves overhead and leads deeper into the inner sanctum of the sepulcher. You also see a cracked urn.
Also here: Journeyman Fandril who is kneeling, Masoe who is sitting, Fanon, Lord Astaway who is kneeling, Kazami, Avien who is kneeling, Geri who is kneeling, Kalaman, Nanerel who is sitting, Zorst who is sitting, the body of Izbin who is lying down, Nailtepes, Snowwolf who is sitting, Apprentice Celexei who is lying down
Obvious exits: out
Kazami nods to Kalaman.
Kazami says, "very bored"
Kazami nods to Kalaman.
Kalaman quietly says, "i hear you there"
09-27-2003, 03:32 PM
09-27-2003, 03:32 PM
You are my freakin hero Jenisi.. I was about to post a log of that as well! BTW, who killed Sycrid (AKA Izbin's bitch) after that?
09-27-2003, 03:51 PM
He's having fun trying to kill me back though.
You exclaim, "go away!"
[Raging Thrak Inn, Trophy Room]
The charred form of a fireplace occasionally billows small clouds of dust from a spot away from the crowd in the tavern. Charred animal skins lie before the hearth, flanked on either side by clawed and raggedly ripped couches. Broken and blackened trophies of forgotten hunts line the burnt and stained walls. You also see a simple wooden wastebasket, a large fireplace and a thrak hide curtain.
Also here: Izbin, Jaregard who is sitting
Obvious exits: east, northeast
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Izbin searches around for a moment.
>'or I will taunt you a second time!
You exclaim, "or I will taunt you a second time!"
Izbin searches around for a moment.
Izbin has spotted you!
>sneak ne
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room]
Loud and abusive noises emanate from behind the swinging kitchen doors, much to the laughing delight of some of the customers, and to the chagrin of others. Tapestries hanging from the walls depict soothing idyllic wildlife scenes. Hard wooden tables and chairs are placed evenly, allowing enough space for the cook and wait servants to pass. You also see a single light crossbow shaft and some inviting tables.
Also here: Serivim
Obvious exits: south, southwest
You do not believe anyone noticed you slip out of hiding.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>think Stay away Izbin!
You focus on projecting your thoughts...
Round time: 5 seconds.
[Entering rest any key to resume.]
>>go in
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
>[Raging Thrak Inn, Trophy Room]
The charred form of a fireplace occasionally billows small clouds of dust from a spot away from the crowd in the tavern. Charred animal skins lie before the hearth, flanked on either side by clawed and raggedly ripped couches. Broken and blackened trophies of forgotten hunts line the burnt and stained walls. You also see a simple wooden wastebasket, a large fireplace and a thrak hide curtain.
Also here: Izbin, Jaregard who is sitting
Obvious exits: east, northeast
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Izbin utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
Izbin gestures into the air.
Nothing happens.
>'didn't work
You say, "didn't work"
sneak e
You giggle.
>Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]
A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see a doorway.
Obvious exits: north, south, west, out
You do not believe anyone noticed you slip out of hiding.
Izbin just arrived.
Izbin makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Izbin gestures.
A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Izbin's hand!
[Edited on 9-27-2003 by Jenisi]
[Edited on 9-27-2003 by Jenisi]
09-27-2003, 03:53 PM
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>sneak w
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Raging Thrak Inn, Trophy Room]
The charred form of a fireplace occasionally billows small clouds of dust from a spot away from the crowd in the tavern. Charred animal skins lie before the hearth, flanked on either side by clawed and raggedly ripped couches. Broken and blackened trophies of forgotten hunts line the burnt and stained walls. You also see a simple wooden wastebasket, a large fireplace and a thrak hide curtain.
Obvious exits: east, northeast
>'you really need a new hobby
You say, "you really need a new hobby"
>think to izb you really need a new hobby
Izbin just disappeared.
09-27-2003, 03:54 PM
If you suspect that someone is stalking you, there's a very easy way to break it without needing to search or any of that. In case Sean does not know this trick, I won't post it here for his viewing pleasure but if any are curious, U2U me and I'll explain.
09-27-2003, 03:56 PM
I dislike Izbin quite a bit. It's rather obvious that he's Ganryu being as he will blatantly use Izbin to attack people he's never even met, but Ganryu did. I used to kick Ganryu's ass too, and I've killed Izbin a few times when he felt the need to kill my wife for literally no reason. However we've decided to play the God game in hopes that we'll get him banned again, so unfortunatly I'm not allowed to kill him anymore... Ah well.
I really hate that Izbin's chosen Nalfein (even half!) as his culture. Lysistrata will just have to put it down to him being a mongrel.
09-27-2003, 04:04 PM
I'm pretty sure mole boy didn't choose that. He just bought it that way.
09-27-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Syberus
I dislike Izbin quite a bit. It's rather obvious that he's Ganryu being as he will blatantly use Izbin to attack people he's never even met, but Ganryu did. I used to kick Ganryu's ass too, and I've killed Izbin a few times when he felt the need to kill my wife for literally no reason. However we've decided to play the God game in hopes that we'll get him banned again, so unfortunatly I'm not allowed to kill him anymore... Ah well.
Heh. Maybe if everyone he harasses played the "god game" with him, he would run out of people to harass or get his arse banned, whichever came first! :D
HarmNone thinks this is an excellent idea
09-27-2003, 05:06 PM
The gods told me to warn/report/assist as well.. So I'm not allowed to kill him anymore either. :( Here's hopin he gets banned.. again!
09-27-2003, 05:24 PM
Wouldn't be nice if the Ebay folks refused to sell him anymore characters too? Ah well I doubt that will happen as everyone just wants to make their money. Be nice though he had to go away for good
09-27-2003, 10:50 PM
Warclaidhm was Vorthais. Vorthais was a scammer, cheater, and darkling at times.
As for if I'm Warclaidhm, I really can't say, just consider it preternatural.
09-27-2003, 10:52 PM
That reminds me. I better put add a signature to the end of my posts. I didn't realize you could do that in these forums.
09-27-2003, 11:57 PM
Edited for reasons.
[Edited on 9-28-2003 by JustMe]
09-28-2003, 12:39 AM
Attacking Izbin was stupid. You just consented to PvP. Nice way to go if we're trying to get rid of him. Would have been better to let his mouth and ego do the talking until he attacked you.
Izbin's nothing but a troll, and if you keep feeding him, he's gonna stay. If you ignore him, he'll go away, either from boredom or because he's so pitifully small in the weenie department, he'll need to kill someone to prove himself. Then I hope he's locked out.
09-28-2003, 12:41 AM
How old is he, just in case I suddenly get into a fight with him? :D
09-28-2003, 12:52 AM
My guess is 40's somewhere.. and he's a ranger.
09-28-2003, 12:57 AM
Ranger? Pffft I could take him.
It's not that he's hard to kill really, or that he is so powerful you cannot defend against him. It's the methods he uses to kill people. If he thinks he will have trouble killing you, he'll hand you 50k in silvers then spikethorn you. Most likely he'll wait until you are AFk before doing anything, and if he fails to kill you, he'll log out. He's a big pussy basicly.
09-28-2003, 07:58 AM
one good smite should do it ;)
09-28-2003, 08:03 AM
Smite/bane is SUCH a lovely spell! Always nice when it infuses too.
Acolyte Kurili
09-28-2003, 03:26 PM
<<As for if I'm Warclaidhm, I really can't say, just consider it preternatural.>>
You're a fucking idiot. Please kill yourself.
09-28-2003, 03:28 PM
Oh, and focusing on someone constantly and being extraordinarily harsher towards them is too fucking obvious you moron.
"Warclaidhm was Vorthais and Vorthais is the stupidest person ever and I hate him so much and he is wicked stupid."
We're smarter than you. Learn to deal with it.
09-28-2003, 03:57 PM
It's kind of annoying to spell pretty with two e's when it's obvious you're doing it on purpose.
09-28-2003, 03:58 PM
Knock it off Bob.
09-28-2003, 04:03 PM
Do me a favor Bob. Read the TOS, pay attention to (b).
And it is Tsa`ah, no spaces or it butchers the transliteral.
09-28-2003, 04:04 PM
Okay, thank you for paying attention to my U2U and congratulations on making yourself look like a jackass.
09-28-2003, 04:07 PM
I read the U2U Bob and I have no problem with being perceived as a "Jackass".
We can go round and round all day if you want. Just stop violating the TOS by creating accounts to pose as other people.
09-28-2003, 04:08 PM
Congratulations. You sure proved a point.
09-28-2003, 04:16 PM
Prozac and decaf are your friends Bob.
09-28-2003, 04:16 PM
Bob was Warclaidhm? Or did I miss something entirely by not looking at the boards every ten minutes like i usually do.
09-28-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Congratulations. You sure proved a point.
You're the jackass, jackass.
09-28-2003, 05:15 PM
Bobs a jackass :)
09-28-2003, 05:18 PM
The topic is Izbin, not Bob. :P
Bob made a post as another person. It's over, let's move on to the topic.
09-28-2003, 05:33 PM
Izbin's almost as stupid as bob.
/on topic.
09-28-2003, 05:45 PM
09-28-2003, 06:04 PM
At least Izbin doesn't spam.
09-30-2003, 03:55 PM
I prefer Bob to Izbin/Sean. Where did Makaveli go, btw? I was looking forward to the Sean-emergence.
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