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07-01-2005, 01:05 AM
Sometimes when I'm in a serious/subdued situation, my imagination just starts going berserk with random thoughts of what would happen if I did something REALLY inappropriate. For example, there have been a few tours of the surveillance room with Macau executives coming through. Sometimes while they're in there and I'm explaining the SmartSearch for the zillionth time, I'll wonder what would happen if I just jumped up from my chair and ran around the room, waving my arms above my head and hollering unintelligable babble.

When I was in Junior High and my mom made me acolyte at church, I used to daydream about dropping the collection plates and mooning the entire congregation, and what the consequences might be.

Anyone else do this?


07-01-2005, 01:13 AM
Wynn is soooo late to Macau!

You should work for Adelson:P

And by the way, no, I don't think such thoughts.

If there's a woman present, I'm thinking what she's like in bed, and if there's a chance I can fuck her.

Maybe that's just me though...

Edited because I suck at making smileys

[Edited on 7-1-2005 by longshot]

07-01-2005, 01:15 AM

Every. Day.

It sucks when you start laughing to yourself for no apparent reason when nothing remotely funny has happened recently in a situation like that. Meetings at work, for instance. I remember a specific daydream I had recently where we were there at 8am (before store open) and everyone was gathered around a table talking all seroius business talk. I, of course, got very bored and began wondering what would happen if I suddenly had an electric guitar and just started wailing on it right then and there. I then pictured everyone getting up and just dancing and jamming out. I started laughing. The General Manager gave me a dirty look. It sucked.

07-01-2005, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by longshot
Wynn is soooo late to Macau!

You should work for Adelson:P

Edited because I suck at making smileys

[Edited on 7-1-2005 by longshot]

Hee. Maybe, though they're currently applying for liscenses in Singapore and Monaco. And I'd never work for Adelson, he's an ungracious, childish blowhard who doesn't treat his employees with 1/10th of the decency that Steve Wynn does:)


07-01-2005, 01:17 AM
OMG Tayre you're like my soulmate. That was so hilarious.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-01-2005, 02:06 AM
It made me very nervous when you had me on camera at the Wynn...

07-01-2005, 02:27 AM
LOL! That was cool. I pointed to you and said to my co-workers, "there's my friend Bill, drinking a beer! Watch him oogle the cocktail waitress!"


07-01-2005, 03:11 AM
I do very much the same thing during boring meetings or training seminars.

I was giving a demo on a new product to a group of hospital executives last week and suddenly wondered what would happen if I sang (broadway style) through the next 8 powerpoint slides instead of talking. I got so tickled I had to stop and grab a drink of water in order to maintain composure.

<-- owner of a very vivid imagination that sometimes gets the best of him.

07-01-2005, 03:18 AM
I can sorta relate.

If someone is talking to me and I get bored (ok, so this happens in almost every conversation) I will start to think inappropriate things about the most attractive person in immediate vicinity (who is sometimes only vaguely attractive). It can be an issue. Especially because I stare. And the person talking notices. And sometimes its a good thing that I try and impress the person talking. And then later Im all like "HI IM ROBIN AND I FIXATED ON YOUR ASS TODAY while boss#2 gave me instructions for a project I can no longer remember. IS THIS FRESH KOFFEE??"

(No i dont really say that and no the coffee is never fresh.)

Edit: Working at a casino sounds like awesome fun. You get to see people throw they're lives away. Or save it. Do you ever see people win big?

[Edited on 7-1-2005 by JihnasSpirit]

07-01-2005, 08:08 AM
People dont win big in casino's silly.

Yes, I ponder doing stupid things just to see the outcome. Half of the time I do say them before I catch myself.

Also, on a semi-sidebar, I was working about two weeks ago, and there was a new girl working, and after she did something, she said "PWNED!!!" to herself.

I couldnt help but crack up. Come to find out, she plays CS. Anyway, have a great day.


07-01-2005, 08:56 AM
Sometimes at work, when Tracy the dipshit idiot shift manager does something idiotic again and blames it on the computer, or the girls in the back, or me, or the fact that everyone "disrespects" her...

I get an image in my mind of me slamming her head against the drive-through window and giggling as I watch her head asplode like it was a pumpkin.

Does that make me a bad person?

Miss X
07-01-2005, 09:13 AM
Man, I do this ALL the time. When I'm sitting in a boring class, Il wonder to myself what everyone would do if I started running around the room screaming, then I end up laughing to myself and people give me weird looks.

Also, there is this one girl in my class that I cannot stand. I sometimes sit there and think about what would happen if i had a gun and I just shot her in the back of the head. I'd never do it obviously, I just like to imagine it when she's being really annoying.

Also, last year I was in the front row on centre court at wimbledon and I kept thinking "Wow, I should totally streak across the court and get on TV." ;)

07-01-2005, 09:13 AM
Sometimes on the subway, if someone is holding a pole, and their arm is close to my face, I think about biting it and what would happen. Its crazy, I know, and I would never do it. And even though I am only thinking it the person whose limb is in question usually seems agitated for some reason.

07-01-2005, 09:17 AM
I sometimes think to myself how awesome it would be if I was a dictator of a country and what it would be like to sign death warrants. Weird, huh?

- Arkans

07-01-2005, 09:21 AM
I'd love to shout into the phone, "No you're just a really fucking stupid customer! Quit fucking blaming ME for being a goddamned moron!". But alas, that would be rude. Le sigh.

I've also thought of bodyslamming my boss into the wall. A coworker was actually able to do this, but it was an "accident". I think not.

07-01-2005, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
I can sorta relate.

If someone is talking to me and I get bored (ok, so this happens in almost every conversation) I will start to think inappropriate things about the most attractive person in immediate vicinity (who is sometimes only vaguely attractive). It can be an issue. Especially because I stare. And the person talking notices. And sometimes its a good thing that I try and impress the person talking. And then later Im all like "HI IM ROBIN AND I FIXATED ON YOUR ASS TODAY while boss#2 gave me instructions for a project I can no longer remember. IS THIS FRESH KOFFEE??"
Ha, same. I mean, I literally catch myself staring openly at a nice fine ass or a juicy set of jugs, like bogusly. But, I'm fixated. I snap back to reality and wonder how long I've been doing it, and if the person saw me watching them.

I embarass myself doing that shit sometimes, especially when my attentions on the fucking soccer moms no less. :(

I also sometimes daydream about performing a german suplex on my boss, because quite frankly, she doesn't know when to shut the fuck up at times.

07-01-2005, 09:54 AM
...and some people think it's -easy- being a fast food cashier...

Me: What can I get you today?
Customer: (winking) How about a piece of you, huh huh huh?
Me: Sorry, that's not on the menu. How about a burger and fries?
Customer: (sighing) Well fine. What kind of burgers you got here?
(5 more people get into line)
Me: (groaning behind my smile and pointing up at the menu above my head) Everything we serve is right there. Feel free to pick from the list, Sir.
Customer: Uh - how much is a Big Mac?
(5 more people get into line)
Me: (offering customer an apologetic smile) Oh - that's the other fast food place. We don't serve Big Macs here. How about a Whopper Junior?
Customer: Oh.
Me: (waits)
10 customers in line (wait while staring a hole in my customer's face)
Customer: Uh, I guess I'll have the steakburger.
Me: Just the sandwich?
Customer: Yeah
Me (presses the individual burger button on the register)
Customer: And some fries. Uh - soda too.
Me (deletes the individual burger button, switches menus, hits the steak burger meal button). Will that be all sir?
Customer: Uh, yeah.
Me: That'll be $5.65. (hits the subtotal button)
Customer: Uh - never mind, I just want a cheeseburger. You sure you don't have Big Macs? I really want one.
Me: (calling back over my shoulder to the girls in the sandwich board) No necessito angus! No hace angus!
Girls in the back: groaning, because they already made it.
Customers in line: Sneering at me, at my manager, and sending death rays from their eyes into the back of my customer's head.
Me: (in the most polite, sweet, and helpful tone I can manage given the circumstances) I've got a great idea, sir. How about you take a step back to get a better look at our menu, and I'll take the next customer in line while you take all the time you like to decide?
Customer: No, I'll have the cheeseburger. That's it.
Me: $1.05 please.
Customer: No, wait, make that the whopper junior.
Me: Has dreams of picking this customer up by the hair and shoving him into a meatgrinder, then serving him up as a whopper junior to all the customers staring daggers at me for having the nerve to be nice to this guy.

07-01-2005, 09:55 AM
Everything to do with fast food makes me sick. You need a new job and immediately too.

- Arkans

07-01-2005, 10:15 AM
Heh - most of the time it's actually fun. We have "regulars" who come in the same time every day, know each other by name, can scold them when they're late and tell them we were worried about them, they'll ask us about our dog's vet bill after they learned our dog was sick last week...

It's a suburbian place that doesn't get all that much traffic, so it's more like working for a family diner than some corporate fast food joint. I always have time (except in the middle of the lunch rush) to run out and hold the door for one old lady who comes in every tuesday in her wheelchair and orders a small chocolate shake...

Lots of old folks, and they always have something interesting to say about their lives. And then there's all the hispanics in the back, and we get a lot of hispanic customers, so I get a chance to brush up on my spanish. We even have a couple of deaf customers, so I actually get to use some of the sign language I remember from college (which is admittedly limited).

Plus, it's only for around 5 hours a day, and I don't often get called to work a weekend shift. It's also in walking distance so on nice days I can walk or ride my bike and get some fresh air and exercise.

There are more pros to working there than cons. Sure, I'd love to earn $1000.00 per week, but to do that I'd have to give up a lot to earn it. Like - sleeping late. Getting home in time to make supper for hubby. Being able to walk to work. Not having to punch a time clock just because I want to run out for a smoke. Being allowed to joke around with my co-workers and customers.

I don't mind taking a dive on an income, or the occasional annoyances that come with fast food work, when I get much more out of it than I put into it.

07-01-2005, 11:05 AM
I have random daydreams like this as well. Never about my bosses, though, I seem to have liked every boss I've ever had (so far). I tend to play out possible future scenarios in my head and make them completely elaborate, and then of course, it never happens like that at all. Like, if I'm meeting a friend for lunch, I imagine the worst possible thing that can happen, the best, and all the permutations inbetween. It's like Heidegger's doors, and frankly, sometimes it paralyzes me into inaction. It kind of sucks.

I also have this slightly paranoid thing I do that whenever I'm waiting somewhere, I'm checking out the exits and the bizarre routes I would have to go to get to them if suddenly the federalis busted in and tried to take me down. I was once in a line for a roller coaster, and asked my friend randomly, "Do you think I can bounce off that fat guy, grab the fan, and make it to that ledge over there?"

Luckily I've known my friend since I was 7, and we debated the jounciness of the fat guy for awhile, only slightly disturbing the people around us.

And now I'm in San Antonio for the week to watch him get married before getting back on the plane to Africa. w00t!


07-01-2005, 11:29 AM
LOL -- these are great. I only wish I could daydream like this still.

When I was in highschool, I used to have pretty interesting thoughts though. What would happen if I called in a bomb threat (NEVER EVER EVER did it of course...ever no, that wasn't me). -Scenes from whatever I was writing (I liked to write books A LOT) if I stared unfocused long enough. -How the football players would squeal if covered in the bodily substances of their comrades and roaches; they were pretty much pussies, but I learned that you can never underestimate the power of idiots in a large group. -The ramifications of skipping around singing "It's a wonderful life" during the pledge of allegiance. How funny our principle's antenna would look atop the flagpole.

...And then later -- goddamn, I love my guidance counselor -- for putting me in college sophmore year.

My present line of work doesn't give me much unfocused time unfortunately. Most of it is looking for chart patterns and evaluating the longevity of those patterns, so I am pretty much always at attention.


07-01-2005, 12:04 PM
Always bad stuff. Like I'll be standing around talking to someone I totally respect and think "Let's see what happens if I throw my drink in their face!!" :(

07-01-2005, 12:18 PM
This reminds me of Gina in the HBO film The Girl in the Cafe.

She confides that when she has trouble sleeping, she pretends she is in a movie and that her character is dead... and there is a close up lens on the camera filming her. She must remain absolutely still then eventually falls asleep. Good character development, decent script, interesting movie but a little cheesy.

Kelly McDonald is gorgeous and her scot accent is too cute.

07-01-2005, 12:21 PM
I also constantly daydream about how to get out of dangerous situations. Like I could be sitting in traffic and I'll start visualizing the truck in front of me dropping his load (no pun intended) from the back of the truck and playing out what my reactions would be in order to get out of the situation safely. I do that alot.

07-01-2005, 12:31 PM
I've thought about dangerous scenarios too. However I end up thinking about how devastating my death would be, where my body would end up, how my family and friends would react, if I end up as a ghost haunting my home or sail into the clouds (or brimstone, heh).

Sometimes I daydream too much and have to be snapped out of it.

07-01-2005, 12:40 PM
Sometimes when I answer the phone at work and it's someone who's too stupid to figure out how (even after I have given them detailed instructions) to open the late check in lockbox at one of the hotels we have accounts for I want to ask them how they like being outsmarted by an inanimate object.

And sometimes when people get bitchy with me on the phone for something I have no control over I want to scream back at them and tell em too fuck off.. but instead I get super nice and stick to my guns.

07-01-2005, 12:45 PM
I think of what some of the girls look like without clothes on.

Unless I'm stuck in a room with old people (ie, conference call). Then I just think about what I'm doing for lunch.

07-01-2005, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
And sometimes when people get bitchy with me on the phone for something I have no control over I want to scream back at them and tell em too fuck off.. but instead I get super nice and stick to my guns. I handle all incoming e-mails at my company and you never really know how snappy a customer can really get until you get a nasty e-mail written by an angry ignorant fool. I revel in getting the curse-filled e-mails from customers at times, and instead of e-mailing them back I'll call them, and nine times out of ten, they're a fucking pussy cat over the phone and didn't expect a return call, only an e-mail. I love doing that shit.

07-01-2005, 04:03 PM
Oooh, DEV. I'll admit to being on the other end of that one... writing a nasty email over a bad CS experience and then when they call me and are soooo nice, I'm like... docile in response.

Though I did yell at someone from Wells Fargo on the phone once, I screamed at her that she was fucking useless before I hung up. :saint:


07-01-2005, 04:39 PM
I just tend to zone people out, thinking about what I am doing later. At times it can be very embarrassing when they ask "so...what do you think?" :(

07-01-2005, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Oooh, DEV. I'll admit to being on the other end of that one... writing a nasty email over a bad CS experience and then when they call me and are soooo nice, I'm like... docile in response.

Though I did yell at someone from Wells Fargo on the phone once, I screamed at her that she was fucking useless before I hung up. :saint:


I've cussed at WF CS reps too...they are so non-chalant about fucking with your money it's maddening...:flamed:

07-01-2005, 04:54 PM
Yeah, they blow extremely hard. We cancelled all our accounts with them in January and went to WaMu instead.


07-01-2005, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Yeah, they blow extremely hard. We cancelled all our accounts with them in January and went to WaMu instead.


I was actually thinking of doing the same not too long ago, then the urge left me.

Do you like WaMu better?

07-01-2005, 06:27 PM
I used to have a supervisor that was really good looking. He was very religious and if anything was said by anyone that was sexual he sometimes would laugh but he would blush like crazy. So, when he would be giving me my reviews, I would think of all these really out there sexual comments to make just to see if I could freak him out. (because my reviews were sooooooo boring) My mind wandered lots during those. Of course, I never did it but was fun to think about.

Or, these neighbors I don't like, I have fantasies about putting nails in their tires and egging their cars late at night. Or writing a letter telling them that I know they keep pot in the dresser drawer in their house just to freak them out. (my daughter was over there and their daughter showed her once) Or sending a letter to the wife about her husband and our wonderful affair. (evil I know but I REALLY don't like these people) I'm afraid that last one might get someone killed though.

I've also found that having children actually made me do some crazy things. My threat to my daughter and neice in the store if they didn't behave was that I was going to start singing and sure enough, I would. I find as I get older these crazy thoughts become reality. (not the destructive ones) It's like I just don't care. I do have my limits though.

And to think I used to be shy...


07-01-2005, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by DeV
I also constantly daydream about how to get out of dangerous situations. Like I could be sitting in traffic and I'll start visualizing the truck in front of me dropping his load (no pun intended) from the back of the truck and playing out what my reactions would be in order to get out of the situation safely. I do that alot.

I do that too. Mostly while driving or in large crowds. I try to persuade myself that its a useful instinct but I normally only use it to entertain myself. Example: "Ok, if that guy that just cut me off went up in flames, what would I do? Oh. Right. I'd kill myself in a wreck laughing and pointing."

[Edited on 7-1-2005 by JihnasSpirit]

Killer Kitten
07-02-2005, 11:40 AM
I love these boards. I read this stuff and no longer have to think I'm the only one who thinks or does off the wall stuff. I used to hate thinking I was so abnormal, though as i got older I found I gave a shit less and less. STill, it's nice to not be the only one.

I do the escape routes one all the time. The other one I do is when I'm forced into an interaction with somebody who's a complete asshole is fantasize about what they'd do if I told them what I was really thinking.

When my boss told me his plans for adding birds of prey to our aviary I calmly pointed out the rather obvious problem with the scheme, when really I wanted to shake him and scream 'How did an idiot like you get to be in charge? You can not put hawks into an aviary full of ducks and songbirds and think that they'll all exist in peace and harmony!!!!'

I was right about that one, but every time I had to bag and tag what little remained of one of our pretty songbirds I hated being right. After about a year and a half, the forced relocation of the ducks and the decimation of most of the songbird population the hawks were finally removed.

I wanted so badly to fast the hawks for a couple of days, then rub him with bloody meat and toss him naked into their enclosure. I kept picturing it in my mind... they'd get his balls first, and finding precious little meat there move on to other things...

07-02-2005, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Killer Kitten
I wanted so badly to fast the hawks for a couple of days, then rub him with bloody meat and toss him naked into their enclosure. I kept picturing it in my mind... they'd get his balls first, and finding precious little meat there move on to other things...

I would sell tickets & pay big $$ to see that one :heart: :popcorn: What an ass.

I have to fight the urge ALL the time to say or do something that would totally flip the people around me out.

When I had an 850 pound woman tell me "Don't you think you ought to lose some weight honey?"(I need to lose about 10 lbs) THAT was the hardest thing not to say something or laugh my a$$ off.


07-02-2005, 12:12 PM
When I'm talking to women, 80% of my concentration is going towards not blatantly looking at their boobs.

Miss X
07-02-2005, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Artha
When I'm talking to women, 80% of my concentration is going towards not blatantly looking at their boobs.

Aaah, the joys of becoming a man... ;)

07-02-2005, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Artha
When I'm talking to women, 80% of my concentration is going towards not blatantly looking at their boobs.

FYI that will never change.

07-02-2005, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by Miss X

Originally posted by Artha
When I'm talking to women, 80% of my concentration is going towards not blatantly looking at their boobs.

Aaah, the joys of becoming a man... ;)

I do that too. :(

I do the exit thing. Scoping out the place and what not. I feel like I do it more with people though.

Like if someone just started a random fight with me, would I be able to take them? So I'll just people watch and stuff.

Also, with people that do annoy me, yes.. I'll daydream about different things that could be done to them. I never act on it.

More then anything if someone is talking to me, I'll people watch. I'll wonder what they're thinking, or what it would be like to be them. Are they just humoring the people they are with? Why does he shift his weight and look so depressed while the chick in front of him is smiling and all chirpy? Stuff like that. Heh.

07-02-2005, 01:20 PM
My daydreams always revolve around violence.

I always have thoughts of hurting people for little to no reason. Someone will have their back turned to me, blabbing on about something or another, and I think to myself, "If I took this cart and drove it into their legs, I could probably beat them into unconsciousness before they scream."

I dunno, I like challenges is all.

07-02-2005, 01:23 PM
:lol: Exactly Fallen. It's the random acts of violence and not actually doing them that just make me smile at the person. They usually smile back.

Ignorant little people. ;)

07-02-2005, 08:22 PM
To answer your question, Kym, I <3 WaMu. They don't charge for online billpay, and WF was charging us $7 a month for that. They're also a lot nicer about making funds available right away if you deposit a big check. Jake and I once had like 15k in our account and deposited a 5k check... they wouldn't let it clear for ten business days, even though we didn't have a history of overdrafts and even though there was already more than that amount in the account. Bastards.


Killer Kitten
07-03-2005, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
To answer your question, Kym, I <3 WaMu. They don't charge for online billpay, and WF was charging us $7 a month for that. They're also a lot nicer about making funds available right away if you deposit a big check. Jake and I once had like 15k in our account and deposited a 5k check... they wouldn't let it clear for ten business days, even though we didn't have a history of overdrafts and even though there was already more than that amount in the account. Bastards.


God, our old bank in NY, Dime Savings Bank, used to do that shit all the time and it would drive me bugshit.

There is nothing worse than getting a notice that they bounced a check you wrote and charged you 30 bucks for it because the more than sufficient amount in your account was 'uncollected' for 24 more hours!!!

I can't figure out why they still do that crap. Don't we live in an age where things are verifiable instantly by computer? Why would a bank 'hold' your check for days when the funds can be verified with a couple simple clicks of a mouse? Grrrrrr.

07-03-2005, 12:46 PM
I just edited out my entire thing because it made me sound like a fucking pervert.

I'll simply say I like women. Alot.

Oh, and I also dream about someone breaking into my house and giving me license to beat the ever loving snot out of them.

07-03-2005, 12:50 PM

I loved the movie Liar, Liar with Jim Carrey for the premise of it all. It was hysterical because there were so many situations where you wish you could say something like he did in response because he couldn't tell a lie, or kiss ass..

My old supervisor used to get on my case for walking in 1 or 2 minutes late to work, when she would walk in 10 minutes or more late most days, and leave early...I so wanted to say.."Why are you leaving early, aren't you scheduled until 5???" and say it loud enough for the managers to hear.:grin:

I don't work for her anymore and got promoted too, so I guess it was best I kept my mouth shut..:lol:

Of course there are guys that are complete cuties that I would never say anything to..I met a guy last year at Simucon for example that I was drooling over, first time I met him..mm. Never said anything though, and he still has no clue.:lol: I'm horridly shy though, believe it or not.


07-04-2005, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Ilvane

I loved the movie Liar, Liar with Jim Carrey for the premise of it all. It was hysterical because there were so many situations where you wish you could say something like he did in response because he couldn't tell a lie, or kiss ass..

My old supervisor used to get on my case for walking in 1 or 2 minutes late to work, when she would walk in 10 minutes or more late most days, and leave early...I so wanted to say.."Why are you leaving early, aren't you scheduled until 5???" and say it loud enough for the managers to hear.:grin:

I don't work for her anymore and got promoted too, so I guess it was best I kept my mouth shut..:lol:

Of course there are guys that are complete cuties that I would never say anything to..I met a guy last year at Simucon for example that I was drooling over, first time I met him..mm. Never said anything though, and he still has no clue.:lol: I'm horridly shy though, believe it or not.


that must have been me :irule:



07-04-2005, 11:25 PM
While I was in labor, they gave me some kinda IV painkiller before the epidural that didnt work.
And I was there, but it made my mind wander like crazy. And I started imagining all these crazy things, and conversations. Except I started answering the conversations in my head,or laughing at something I was picturing, and my husband was like.. wtf.
I figured that must be close to what its like being really drunk or high, since I have never been either.

I have though, imagined the same as CT.. like what my death would be like and what people would think and stuff like that

07-04-2005, 11:35 PM
I've imagined telling people who I really felt about them when they're being idiots at work.

For those who don't know I work at an answering service. There is one account that that I answer for which deals with computer related stuff in hospitals. I want to rip the phone off the hook when I get the same people calling nightly over the same problem(s). "Hi this is so and so from this hospital. I know it's 3am but I can't get my scanner to work. Can someone call me?" I've give anything to tell them to stop being a fucking retard and learn how to use their equipment, instead I need to fake being nice and just think about all the nasty things I could be saying.

Where I work is also in the middle of the uptown bar crawl. I've dreamt about shooting people as they're staggering out of the bar when it closes if they're being particuarly annoying.

Killer Kitten
07-05-2005, 09:27 PM
I took Mike out for dinner tonight to celebrate his birthday. We ate in a place about on the scale of Outback.

The waitress came over and sat down next to me in the booth. I had a brief but intense fantasy where I shoved her off the bench onto the floor.

I hate places that have the waitstaff sit down at your table like they're joining you. Of course I also get wiggy when some stranger sits next to me at the movies. I guess I need more 'personal space' than most folks.

07-05-2005, 10:19 PM
The waitress came over and sat down next to me in the booth. I had a brief but intense fantasy where I shoved her off the bench onto the floor.
Welcome to life as a male.

Terminator X
07-06-2005, 03:56 AM
i always rely on impulse
i wont do no crazy shit, but if i start talking a someone who i think i can tell is trying a act all proper and what not, i deliberately start flaring my nostrils like crazy or twitching an eye while continuing convo like nothing is even happening
one time this lady was all like 'what the hell is wrong with your nose?' and i pussied out with that old 'what do you mean?' and what not and stopped doing it :no:
next time i'm a pick it