View Full Version : warrior guild
06-28-2005, 02:33 AM
Alright, I finally got my new warrior to guild year. Was wondering what skill you all would recommend to train up first?
06-28-2005, 02:37 AM
Tackle. Its harder to master when you hit higher levels and its nice to have. At least thats a personal opinion. I am also partial to Warrior Tricks because they are just plain fun. :D The first rank in each skill is basicly free so you might want to try each of them out and see whats best suited for your needs.
06-28-2005, 03:15 AM
Berserk, tackle, disarm.
Those three suck to train at higher levels, tackle and disarm being the harder of the three.
06-28-2005, 07:26 AM
I mastered disarm first, then tackle. So I would recommend those myself.
06-28-2005, 08:11 AM
06-28-2005, 09:19 AM
Depends on if you plan on using em.
Berserk and warrior tricks if you don't care about the rest.
Otherwise warcry disarm and tackle depending on which particular flavor of slow/reliance on others you favor.
06-28-2005, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by Gigantuous
Berserk, tackle, disarm.
Those three suck to train at higher levels, tackle and disarm being the harder of the three.
Berserk I mastered in little over a week at lvl 54. It's cake.
I would say tackle and warcry. Tackle you'll use alot, warcry is a bitch. Disarm again I got ranks easy enough around lvl 50 that I can't say it's that though at higher lvls (unless you're talking 70+ then yeah that would suck)
06-28-2005, 11:27 AM
Tackle is entirely superfluous and sucks to train in. Just get a cman knockdown.
Berserk is awesome. I don't see why it would be harder to train at higher levels (unless we're talking capped).
Disarm is neat. Tough part is finding partners.
Warcry is about as useful as disarm (sometimes) and I've heard it gets much harder in the upper levels.
Tricks has some good stuff (feint, appraise) and a lot of pointless stuff (spin). Like CoL, there are rest periods (audience reps), so I recommend getting this going ASAP. Get an audience rep off before you hunt, or once a week, or whatever.
Batter is cake. Get like 10-20 ranks so you can smash stuff open reasonably quickly then leave it to the end.
06-28-2005, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
Tackle is entirely superfluous and sucks to train in. Just get a cman knockdown.
The point of getting your guild work done, like tackle/feint/disarm, is so you don't have to spend your CM points on a CMAN you can get for free. Having your guild maxxed allowes you to get alot more cmans making you more verstile.
06-28-2005, 11:39 AM
I believe you misunderstood me: The CMAN knockdowns (bull rush or shield bash) are much better than tackle. I am not suggesting to get CMAN tackle, I'm suggesting get one of the clearly superior knockdown maneuvers. If there was a guild bull rush, I would recommend getting that.
06-28-2005, 12:31 PM
Berserk is a joke to master now in GS4. Hell, it was pretty easy in GS3, minus the wait time. I mastered it at 84 in GS3, and waiting till I was higher trained made it easier because after 80 trains in GS3, you could get reps from a critter 20 trains below you. Does anyone know if that level difference still applies in GS4?
[Edited on 6-28-2005 by Jonty]
06-28-2005, 01:14 PM
Well, people seem to be debating two different factors - usefullness of the skill and ease of mastery earlier than later. Id rank like usefullness like this. Descending order
Berserk or Tricks
Berserk is awesome for the stun/web/bind breaking. Its somewhat inconvienent to use offensively because of the lack of control - but the AS boost is a nice touch too.
Tricks is Strong thanks to the feinting and to a lesser extent the spinattacking. Feint is the bread and butter of killing caster critters.
Tackle is alright, I dont find I need it often anymore. Anything I cant hit in its offensive stance is unlikely to let me tackle it anyway. The 7 second roundtime is also unforgiving.
Disarm is not a bad skill, unfortunately bite and the pounding fist are so ridiculous that you dont want to disarm some of the critters that do carry weapons. Disarm is just the least generally useful because theres only a handful of critters it will help you on.
Warcry has the fact that it doesnt use stamina going for it. The group boosters are useful. Unfortunately for warcry, it's crowning jewel (growl) is outclassed by feint. Also the success rate on the power seems undesireable if you have low inf. Worse, the fucking equation is hidden so you have no idea what your success rate is to begin with.
Bash - as mentioned you only need a handful of ranks. Also, its a major pain without disarm skill.
Ease of Mastery:
Berserk (can be done independantly - is risky in the field)
Tricks (requires audience reps)
Bash (requires certain boxes later - goddamn lethal if you cant disarm traps)
Warcry (requires instructors, bastardly critter reps)
Tackle (requires partners )
Disarm (requires harder to find partners)
06-28-2005, 03:05 PM
Personally, my warrior's going to be maxxing out Bashing, Tricks, and Tackling...and that's all. Bashing is starting to be a bitch now (at rank 22, she's starting to need critter boxes, and she just recently got rid of all her Disarming Traps ranks...stupid idea), Tricks are only annoying when I get Spit reps (and once Tricks are maxxed, one can make sheaths and such), and Tackling is now uber-fun due to spiked armor. :D
06-28-2005, 03:47 PM
I did tackle and warcry first. Warcry sucked for me to master - waiting for voice recovery when I have no patience in the first place.
Berserk is really really easy to master and I use it a lot.
But I wanted to get most of the tasks that you can't do independantly out of the way initially. I regret now that I was so lazy with disarm training, feh. Its hell to find a disarm partner.
I hate bashing reps more than anything else, leaving that for last.
My order was ...
06-28-2005, 10:36 PM
My order was:
Disarm Weapon
War cries
Warrior Tricks
Batter Barriers
Dwarven Empath
09-17-2005, 05:16 PM
Anyone have a map of the Ta'Vaalor guild?
09-17-2005, 05:18 PM
Get like 13 ranks of tackle and then master warrior tricks. Then master tackle.
^ plan of champions
Alternatively, master tackle and then master warrior tricks.
09-17-2005, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Celember
Anyone have a map of the Ta'Vaalor guild?
Here's all the (warrior) guilds at once...
(Editted to add the fact that I didn't realize it would actually show up...thought it'd just link to it or something. *whistle*)
[Edited on 9-17-2005 by mgoddess]
Dwarven Empath
09-19-2005, 03:02 PM
Thank you so much for the maps!
Do you have any idea where the leaves are in the Vaalor guild? I found the rake.
09-19-2005, 03:07 PM
Scattered around the outer loop? If they don't show...try putting your rake and bag back.
[Edited on 9-19-2005 by Warriorbird]
09-19-2005, 03:15 PM
Celember hit me up on IM I've got scripts for the Vaalor guild that are just nasty.
09-19-2005, 03:25 PM
Now that you can work on more than one skill at a time, I wouldn't just focus on tricks.
I'd focus on warcry and while your throat is recovering practive tricks. I'd get up to spitting atleast while young, that was a bitch trying to spit on creatures.
I didn't master warcries or tackle until I was well over 50 trains. I found it real easy to find critters that I could tackle with no problem. However, it seemed harder to warcry them so I'd say do warcry first.
Dwarven Empath
09-19-2005, 04:16 PM
Oh Anticor, btw, your never on your AIM.
09-19-2005, 04:19 PM
It's always on. I'm just never home.
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