View Full Version : Quests in Contested areas (PvP servers)

07-04-2005, 03:45 AM
So how do you guys go about completing quests that ask you to go to contested areas on a PvP server?

Like, for instance, if I had a level 20 quest to go see Mr. Dude at Whereverville, which is deep in the heart of Contestedlands, what do I do? Do y'all get a group together or something?

07-04-2005, 04:45 AM
Not necessarily. Sometimes you are ok to solo stuff. At peak times, you are obviously more likely to bump into someone from the alliance, however you will also be able to hook up with other people doing those quests when you see them around, most of the time.

If you get hassled by alliance, just give a shout on the general channel or the guild channel for people to help you out. If anyone is around they generally come to play.

07-04-2005, 04:50 AM
Or just reroll into a rogue and stealth around.

Stealth, gank, stealth.

07-04-2005, 09:45 AM
It's a kill or be killed server, so it's just part of life. It used to be 10x worse prior to BG opening up. Now most of the HK farming is done there.

Just be aware of your surroundings.. if you come upon a bunch of dead mobs.. make sure it was your own faction that was laying the waste and not the other. Stay tuned to the general defense channel.. most people will throw up an alert of Alliance activity in your area.

07-04-2005, 10:10 AM
Let me know when you want to do some of them. I have stuff to do in Ashenvale and those can be frustrating when you're trying to cross and get ganked.

07-04-2005, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by kheldarin
Or just reroll into a rogue and stealth around.

Stealth, gank, stealth.

This is my recommendation also. Unfortunately rogues trade off being the most fun pvp profession to play with the fact that no one wants them to come on raids at End game. (Theres like a 2 rogue limit for MC raids in my guild, and we're the second biggest guild on the server).

07-04-2005, 10:30 AM
Why is that? I never understood the dislike for rogues in a big raid instance. They contribute by dealing 2nd most damage of any class, they can easily stealth in and knock your chained mobs down to sizable numbers, they open doors and locked boxes, they can stun their opponents to allow for healing....

They aren't as necessary as say priests and warriors.. but they certainly aren't useless in end game.

07-04-2005, 10:32 AM
They are referred to as mana spunges by the priests as they generall agg most the time and need lots of healing. The only way you'll be actively invited to a raid is if you have Improved Sap.

07-04-2005, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by Kheldarin
Or just reroll into a rogue and stealth around.

YEah, I thought about that last night. I did notice there were a lot of rogues in BF.

Originally posted by Parkbandit
Now most of the HK farming is done there.

I don't think the guy who got me got an HK out of it, he was either 40 or 60, I forget (I'm 20).

I had thought about taking on a level 25 NE druid underwater in Ratchet last night, I figured as an undead I'd be the best person to try it, but I wasn't sure if her aquatic form gave her any special attacks or whatever. I haven't died underwater yet and wasn't sure if it meant anything different than normal. So I figured I'd leave it for another day.

The nice thing about it being underwater I thought would be that her "level hidden" buddies up on the dock wouldn't smack me so easily.

Originally posted by CrystalTears
I have stuff to do in Ashenvale and those can be frustrating when you're trying to cross and get ganked.

Cool. I'll look ya up this evening if you're on.

07-04-2005, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
They are referred to as mana spunges by the priests as they generall agg most the time and need lots of healing. The only way you'll be actively invited to a raid is if you have Improved Sap.

Those are just piss poor rogues then.. or piss poor warriors who can't maintain aggro.

The only time Stabbed is a mana sponge is when he is forced to take on a Mob solo. Even then.. unless it's a boss.. not many elite 60's can hang with a skilled rogue.

And I do have improved sap. It's such a life saver to solo grind. I took out 2 groups of 5 mobs that were 1 level up on Stabbed solo yesterday. No way in hell I could ever do that as a shaman.

07-04-2005, 10:49 AM
Its got nothing to do with being piss poor rogues, warriors or anything. If you're up against Lucifron and you happen to do a crit Evis he will agg you and with his power (It takes 40 men to kill him) he will kill you. Mages can use their nukes in a restrained manner, letting loose once every few minutes to keep from getting the aggro. Even if they do the warriors can hit them before they get to the mages/priests at the back. Rogues need to build up to their high damage and are RIGHT NEXT to them should they agg.

Another issue with Lucifron alone is the 2k DoT he adds to everyone. The healers have a hard enough time keeping themselves alive over having to worry about rogues. Warriors with their 5k hp can easily shrug off that sort of DoT tho.

07-04-2005, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Its got nothing to do with being piss poor rogues, warriors or anything. If you're up against Lucifron and you happen to do a crit Evis he will agg you and with his power (It takes 40 men to kill him) he will kill you. Mages can use their nukes in a restrained manner, letting loose once every few minutes to keep from getting the aggro. Even if they do the warriors can hit them before they get to the mages/priests at the back. Rogues need to build up to their high damage and are RIGHT NEXT to them should they agg.

Another issue with Lucifron alone is the 2k DoT he adds to everyone. The healers have a hard enough time keeping themselves alive over having to worry about rogues. Warriors with their 5k hp can easily shrug off that sort of DoT tho.

2k DoT's hit everyone.. not just rogues. Personally, I am concentrating on stamina and agility items for my rogue to get the most Hps possible. By that level, I'll have 3k hps.

And a skilled rogue doesn't use evis in that situation. They will use kidney punch, rupture or a 2-3 point evis as to not gain the aggro. It's not that hard, in my opinion, for a rogue to stay out of the aggro race. It takes timing, feinting, waiting and not dropping 5 point finishing moves on the target.

07-04-2005, 10:56 AM
For Ashenvale and similar territories, what I do is stay/travel just off of the road. Mind the animals and things, but also keep an eye on the road to find out when to duck behind a tree or stealth if you see a group of alliance.

07-04-2005, 11:01 AM
Last I checked he's immune to kidney punches and usually can't do a Rupture as others have them covered. The DoT's as I said hit everyone. The warriors can survive it, but the priests have got to work hard to keep all the cloth wearers alive. This includes the rogues. When the guy can clock you for several hundred damage per strike it doesn't matter if you only get hit once.

Basically though most groups will say there's better classes for raids. If a rogue can't do his primary ability (which is deal damage), he may as well not be there as theres more useful classes that can use theirs.

07-04-2005, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Last I checked he's immune to kidney punches and usually can't do a Rupture as others have them covered. The DoT's as I said hit everyone. The warriors can survive it, but the priests have got to work hard to keep all the cloth wearers alive. This includes the rogues. When the guy can clock you for several hundred damage per strike it doesn't matter if you only get hit once.

Basically though most groups will say there's better classes for raids. If a rogue can't do his primary ability (which is deal damage), he may as well not be there as theres more useful classes that can use theirs.

I've never gone up against him obviously.. but I have done other instances with Stabbed. I think it's laughable that out of 40 members.. only 2 can be rogues.

I certainly hope our merged guild does not have such a rule. Once Stabbed gets to cap.. it would leave poor Alorg out in the cold.


07-04-2005, 11:10 AM
Its usually first come first serve. There are other benefits like being able to do 15 man raids with 15 rogues who just stealth to the end boss. Stun lock is a beautiful thing with 15 people doing it.

07-04-2005, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Its usually first come first serve. There are other benefits like being able to do 15 man raids with 15 rogues who just stealth to the end boss. Stun lock is a beautiful thing with 15 people doing it.

I can't wait to do that shit.

Pros: You can skip all the grinding and go right for the good item drops.

Cons: You have to roll against 14 others.

07-04-2005, 11:17 AM
You also only have to do the end boss, so you have more time to go back and do it again

07-04-2005, 11:17 AM
Ironically that con becomes a pro on MC raids. If something roguely drops you only have to beat one other person. Or just reset the instance. Thats how me and friend got four people to Barman Shanker in a matter of hours.

[Edited on 4-7-05 by StrayRogue]

Doyle Hargraves
07-04-2005, 01:56 PM
Ironically that con becomes a pro on MC raids. If something roguely drops you only have to beat one other person. Or just reset the instance. Thats how me and friend got four people to Barman Shanker in a matter of hours.

MC takes 6 days to reset.

[Edited on 7-4-2005 by Doyle Hargraves]