View Full Version : Erithian dilemma
09-26-2003, 03:57 AM
I live in Japan. I teach English. I hear the worst English you can possibly imagine. I hear this daily. I have Japanese English down cold. I could very well make you snort <insert beverage name here> all over your keyboard with an imitation.
I have given some thought to rolling up an Erithian at the start of GSIV.
I'm worried though... I remember from a past thread people were talking about how terrible it would be if this place turned into Dragon Ballz, and something about a million death recovery points to the first punter who calls me so and so-san.
I can do the language screw ups. I can do them perfectly. I'm worried about there being a lot of people trying to do this though. I'm also concerned that there will be a backlash against people who do this...
I also don't want to offend anyone.
What do you all think?
09-26-2003, 06:09 AM
I don't think you could pull it off without offending. People are pretty sensitive to such things. Were I asian, I would probably be more than irritable over it.
Think of it as promoting a stereotype. Would it be acceptable to promote any other stereotype in game?
09-26-2003, 07:28 AM
People often portray giantmen as stupid or oafish and it doesn't seem to get much of a backlash to me. Often halflings are stereotyped as 'cute', dark elves as evil, etc... True, some of this isn't liked by a percentage of people, but it's accepted in general I think that stereotypes exist.
I think the use of vernacular is a valuable rp tool and should be used when it can be used well. The question in this case if I understand correctly, is that the vernacular is indicative of a stereotype in real life that some might find offensive. Stereotyping within the game itself exists and always will. Bringing in an real stereotype is a bit different from that.
When I first read your topic my initial reaction was, hmm, don't see a problem there really. Having read Tsa'Ah's reply though I have to say he's right and that it might not be appropriate. It's not an easy call really. I'm reminded of a fella that used to adopt what I considered a fairly thick russian "accent" in game. Lot's of z's and v's and all that. He role played well and it came off ok, though I do recall thinking, hey, he sounds like a stereotype of a russian speaking english.
Morstanya, Witch of the North.
09-26-2003, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by Morstanya
The question in this case if I understand correctly, is that the vernacular is indicative of a stereotype in real life that some might find offensive. Stereotyping within the game itself exists and always will. Bringing in an real stereotype is a bit different from that.
Morstanya, Witch of the North.
I guess.
Would you find the following speech patter offensive?
I wrote this in an e-mail to a friend, explaining how utterly screwed I am trying to get a letter of recommendation.
Here we go...
"Mr. Joe was assistant foreign teaching assistant in a school of high students. I'm sure he had many problems with his teaching and trouble in his mind. Because of he has wide heart. We thanks Mr. Joe for him teach us English language and share wide heart and smile all days except free days who are two in a week."
09-26-2003, 08:15 AM
Ugh. Don't. Please. You'll be opening the door to idiocy such that we've never heard of. Bad enough people like Klaive will be rolling up Goku and going around saying, "Do rou rike fried rice roo?"
09-26-2003, 08:33 AM
Ri now Edaalin rika de fried rice.
09-26-2003, 09:58 AM
something about a million death recovery points to the first punter who calls me so and so-san.
I've decided to be more realistic, and it's only 500,000 now. Still stands, though. I'm thinking about 250,000 for anyone who mixes up their Rs and Ls.
09-26-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Ugh. Don't. Please. You'll be opening the door to idiocy such that we've never heard of. Bad enough people like Klaive will be rolling up Goku and going around saying, "Do rou rike fried rice roo?"
And this is why in the end I probably won't.
It kinda pisses me off, because I could do some truly amazing stuff with this.
And it wouldn't be changing "L"s and "R"s,
It wouldn't be calling anyone San,
Or bowing,...
Or talking about dishonor, or some other old Kung Fu movie subtitle bullshit.
It would just be the best fucking grammar you have ever heard.
"Please look at my Englishes, and then have you red pen and make the answer on back paper."
The above was from my class today. This person has been teaching English for 20 years. You can only imagine the inventory I have...
I just know there will be a ton of assclowns making a piss-poor attempt at it...
09-26-2003, 12:28 PM
It won't fly. You'll come off as an insensitive idiot to most people. I truly think this is one of the worse thought out ideas (releasing an Eastern kind of people and monks at the same time, also rereleasing Oriental weapons). Bra-vo. However I look at it, I just see it as mocking an ethnic background.
09-26-2003, 01:09 PM
I reserve the right to dent the skulls of anyone in my character's immediate vicinity that peppers their speech with "baka", "kawaii", and stupid shit like that
09-26-2003, 01:20 PM
As far as I know, though, Policy 2 (I think it's policy 2, I'll check when GS is back up) will still be effective, and anyone speaking japanese beyond 'katana' or whatever will still be reportable. I urge everyone to report them.
09-26-2003, 01:40 PM
Hello :tap tap:
They aren't talking about speaking Japanese, or mixing r's and l's, just using bad grammar. It's not all that terrible of an idea, but I still don't think it will fly for various reasons already stated.
09-26-2003, 01:42 PM
Out of curiosity.. is it possible to communicate in japanese using the english alphabet?
09-26-2003, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Pallon
I reserve the right to dent the skulls of anyone in my character's immediate vicinity that peppers their speech with "baka", "kawaii", and stupid shit like that
I will too. They will be reported, and they will get a thorn. And quickly.
Originally posted by Tayre
Out of curiosity.. is it possible to communicate in japanese using the english alphabet?
Yes, but sometimes very difficult to pick out the meaning. There can be multiple kanji per mora (linguistic unit of sound), so without the characters there, it's difficult to tell what's going on.
I will seriously thrash anyone that pulls some anime shit on me. I hate that stuff with a passion. I have to put up with large numbers of anime freaks that teach near me.
They all have pasty white skin, because they never leave their apartments. It's rather sad...
09-26-2003, 11:56 PM
It is my considered opinion that with the release of monks and an Eastern-style people, the Anime-type roleplay is going to be rampant. :(
I would like to point out that just because the Erithians will be bringing over some of the traditional Asian items, they are most definitely NOT (NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT... how many more times can I stress this? NOT!!) Asian.
In fact, by their mannerisms that I saw in logs and slightly stiff scholarly bent (Asians can be very scholarly too, but they seem to have a smoother way about them... less rigid in some areas and more rigid in others... I don't know how exactly to put the feeling into words) they seem more Athenian Greek to me.
The trappings of Asia do not an Asian make, and I think it will be an utterly disgusting mistake of many to assume that because they will have a katana and possibly a kimono (I'm really hoping they let us have these now and hana-kanzashi as well, because I'm particularly in love with those sorts of hair ornaments) that they will be Asian.
Just as an afterthought, I'd like to add this observation... In some ways, I think the Dhe'nar are very Asian... not the halfling-eating, slave-keeping part, but in their "The Way" philosophy.
09-27-2003, 02:10 AM
I wanted to thank everyone for their replys. I think you all gave really good advice. I will not be doing this. Although I feel I could do a very accurate portrayal of Japanese English, I realized it really doesn't have a place here, and would offend people.
I would also hate to think that I somehow contributed to the oncoming onslaught of anime culture that will soon be crashing down upon us.
09-27-2003, 08:56 AM
I think if we just deed every person who tries to be an anime turd, they'll learn and quit eventually.
Oh, we can't deed. We could still give them an obscene amount of DR points, I guess.
09-27-2003, 12:23 PM
Japanese English. Ugh. That would be the equivalent of me rolling up a ghetto warrior, using jack blades, and speaking ebonics. Would that fly? Hell no. Would I even consider it? Hell no.
09-27-2003, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by longshot
What do you all think?
It is good that you want to consider others but you pay to play this game for your own enjoyment.
and concerning DR points. Please post any logs that you guys have doing that. It will be very funny when your character gets banned for repeated attacks and you have to either start over or purchase a character from me
09-27-2003, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Pallon
I reserve the right to dent the skulls of anyone in my character's immediate vicinity that peppers their speech with "baka", "kawaii", and stupid shit like that
Heh, I have a char stashed away, a sorcerer. His name is Bakaretsu :-P
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