View Full Version : Roll alliance or join an RP server ... bitch.
06-26-2005, 12:51 PM
So last night I'm riding from Splintertree to the ramp for some Warsong time and I pass two alliance right by the lumber camp intersection.
I didn't think anything of it as I was through the gates and into the Barrens, therefore right by the Warsong entrance that is loaded with Horde.
As I turn the corner I notice two blips on the mini map moving at the same pace as me, and around the corner there are no less than 12 horde in the road dueling and carrying on as normal.
So I pull up and turn around and see the same two Alliance that I had passed were chasing me and were now going to make a run for it. I dismount, equip my carrot, and mount again just as the other hordes are taking off. We chase the two into Ashenvale and up and down the first road twice before one of them runs into an ice trap I had set, and I immobilized the other with a concussive shot.
I resume my attack on the alliance warlock, Daredevil, with every horde that perused in the chase (Thuglife, Cholos and more that I've only noticed as annoying on the chat channels or in Warsong) tell me to stop attacking.
My first thought is that they want to toy with them, so I stop. After about a minute of hugging, kissing, flirting, and dancing ... I say fuck it and open up the can again. I target the druid Daredevil has in tow and get her down to a quarter health before she can figure out what's going on and then the pack of horde starts in with telling me to stop and then they start crowding me so I can't see my targets. So all of this leads up to one dead Kagg.
To add insult ... the horde stood over me and laughed. I wasn't fighting 1 on 2, I fought 1 on 12 or so since the only thing I could see were the horde crowding me while the two alliance ran into that gap that is beyond melee and to close to be ranged ... except for a scatter shot.
So I run back to my corpse to see the game of hugs, giggles, and patty cake still going on. I rez, mount, and ride back to the rampart to get into queue for Warsong.
Then I'm hearing over the defense channels that these two alliance are and were attacking anything that passed by while the rest of the horde played patty cake with them. I also notice that they're following me back to the rampart. I pull up short of the elite guards, give a yell that Alliance were on the road with horde traitors and send a message over the local defense channel. I dismount, throw up the only two buffs I have, and call my pet back.
Well unfortunately two sub-30 horde saw two alliance surrounded by horde and initiated an attack. They didn't think that they would be the only attacking horde. I sent in the cat after the Daredevil only because she was the closest and re-opened the can. The two attacking horde dropped like flies, but they gave enough of a distraction for me to drop Daredevil while keeping at least half of my health. By the time I had the cat going after the druid, the patty cake horde were on me again ... crowding my screen. I tried moving in order to change my view but it was too late. The druid was on top of me with everything in the book. Kagg goes down again. This time Cholos is on the defense channel laughing that Kagg died again.
Words flew, I told them to roll alliance side or join an RP server ... they didn't have what it took to be horde. More laughing that I died again. What can I say, I'm a hunter ... I tend to die when it's 2 on 1 against capped characters.
By this time a 54 shaman (Moodude I think) had been killed by the pair coming into the Barrens from Ashenvale. He had assumed the two alliance were occupied by the surrounding horde and tried to ride past.
So the two of us were running back to our corpses (Xroads to the rampart) when we picked up a third ... really really pissed of 60 Shaman that wanted to kill horde as well.
We make it back to our respective corpses and get up just as the PvP flag drops. The two attending Alliance are still playing patty cake with the lamest horde to ever enter Dunemaul. We heal up, drink up and drop both of them in under 10 seconds.
So for me it was 3 deaths, 3 kills ... I'm even. But seriously, why the fuck can't we kill our own faction? I can see setting up a trade out of game between factions, but setting up your own faction for a fall? Lame beyond anything else.
Heh, maybe some Horde players are just feeling bad that Alliance are getting so whalloped in most PvP scenarios when they don't have zerg?
- Arkans
06-26-2005, 12:58 PM
what a bunch of bitches
06-26-2005, 01:02 PM
That would annoy me to death. Those guys are clowns.
06-26-2005, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
but setting up your own faction for a fall? Lame beyond anything else.
not faction just you
I am sure the horde wish that you would go to a RP server
Since he is part of the Horde faction, they are setting up their own faction up for the fall by default...
They could wish all they want, but they are the once that really ought to roll Alliance or join an RP server if they're gonna play patty cake with two Alliance instead of unleashing a FUCKING PWNED like they should be doing.
- Arkans
06-26-2005, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
not faction just you
I am sure the horde wish that you would go to a RP server
Considering I have zero to little interaction with said group outside of warsong ... I highly doubt that.
There were several horde taken down by this, I and two others were the only horde that kept bringing it.
This thread has nothing to do with you little man, go find your own horde patsies.
[Edited on 6-26-2005 by Tsa`ah]
06-26-2005, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Originally posted by theotherjohn
not faction just you
I am sure the horde wish that you would go to a RP server
Considering I have zero to little interaction with said group outside of warsong ... I highly doubt that.
There were several horde taken down by this, I and two others were the only horde that kept bringing it.
This thread has nothing to do with you little man, go find your own horde patsies.
[Edited on 6-26-2005 by Tsa`ah]
what is the reason for deleting my posts bitch?
Because you play Alliance, I thought.
- Arkans
Originally posted by theotherjohn
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Originally posted by theotherjohn
not faction just you
I am sure the horde wish that you would go to a RP server
Considering I have zero to little interaction with said group outside of warsong ... I highly doubt that.
There were several horde taken down by this, I and two others were the only horde that kept bringing it.
This thread has nothing to do with you little man, go find your own horde patsies.
[Edited on 6-26-2005 by Tsa`ah]
what is the reason for deleting my posts bitch?
Actually, I deleted your post.
I'm tired of the trolling that you produce on a daily basis.
Bitch, whine, and cry all you want. I don't care.
06-26-2005, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
Because you play Alliance, I thought.
- Arkans
06-26-2005, 05:28 PM
I don't play WoW, but from a plotline kinda perspective, it sounds like the rogue set of horde are bored with the war and trying to make the campaign itself more challenging...for everyone.
I think it's cool, (might not think so if I was a player); sort of... be careful who you trust and start attacking because the red flag might be wrong. Given that the bordom factor is the downfall of political plots, which, if I've read the documentation from them correctly, this qualifies as, I'm not too surprised. They become stale quickly, as GS' WoN.
If I've read the thread/contention wrong, accept my apologies, Tsa'ah.
06-26-2005, 06:05 PM
If the alliance were doing the same (dancing and other such emoting) it would still be lame, but more understandable that the lame horde might be wanting people not to kill them...but if they are stood there doing all that while the alliance are killing Horde, then wtf?
Beyond lame....
06-26-2005, 06:49 PM
You got killed by Daredevil?
Wait till cap -- then you can pwnify her as her only skill is spamming DoT.
06-26-2005, 07:55 PM
I was killed by Daredevil, the capped druid/priest she had in tow, and the horde versions of the care bear cousins.
I drop Daredevil left and right in warsong. Hunters aren't the best in PvP situations where it's multiples on one.
06-27-2005, 07:56 AM
This happened to me yesterday too in stranglethorn. Troj (our newest member and I were returning from Naga cause as soon as Vik and Stabbed left they swarmed us so we decided to head to BB. Well we come upon a group of horde and alliance there in the buccaneers we assume there is a battle going on and jump in well there wasn't it was some kind of group huggy meeting between the two groups and we got swamped by the alliance and danced upon by the horde.
After 3 tries of trying to find out what was going on we ran for BB and I flew out of there way to weird for me.
06-27-2005, 09:41 AM
So....You got rolled on a PvP server? QQ more.
06-27-2005, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by peam
Actually, I deleted your post.
I'm tired of the trolling that you produce on a daily basis.
Bitch, whine, and cry all you want. I don't care.
You should care about the TOS where it says
The Moderator may at his or her discretion enforce the rules of this document within his or her folder
You are not the mod here so you have no right to enforce rules
I'm a Supermod. I enforce all the mofuckin' rules.
From TOS:
The staff of the Players’ Corner consists of those who moderate individual forums (referred to as a Moderator), those who moderate forums on a global level (referred to as a Super Moderator), and those whose responsibility it is to maintain the integrity of this document as it applies to the Players’ Corner (referred to as an Administrator).
Now please get back on topic.
[Edited on 6-27-2005 by peam]
06-27-2005, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Elrodin
So....You got rolled on a PvP server? QQ more.
You miss the point.
Alliance are supposed to attack horde and vice versa.
Horde that dance with alliance and get in the way of other horde trying to attack alliance are wankers.
That's the point.
06-27-2005, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Originally posted by Elrodin
So....You got rolled on a PvP server? QQ more.
You miss the point.
Alliance are supposed to attack horde and vice versa.
Horde that dance with alliance and get in the way of other horde trying to attack alliance are wankers.
That's the point.
and you are missing the point.
They were just getting in the way of Kagg because they do not like him
06-27-2005, 10:03 AM
Well, it looks like after almost a year, the appeal and intensity of WoW has died off, and far too many players are bored of it now, and spend their time "just messing around" instead. :shrug:
06-27-2005, 10:04 AM
Are you sure they weren't dueling?
Often times a few Alliance come down from their Warsong BG entrance and duel right in the area you described.
06-27-2005, 10:32 AM
You miss the point.
I didn't miss the point at all. You however did miss mine. I was just wondering why you(Tsa'ah) are crying about dieing on a pvp server? Maybe you should roll on a RP server so you wouldn't have to bitch about dieing in a PvP zone.
Alliance are supposed to attack horde and vice versa.
Horde that dance with alliance and get in the way of other horde trying to attack alliance are wankers.
That's the point.
Thanks, this helps my point. If you are going to play on a server where PvP is abudent throughout the game then expect it to happen. Do not bitch when it does happen to you. If you can't take it then play somewhere else. By the way, you can never expect realmmates to help out. Everyone plays their own game and it doesn't always coincide with your gameplan. Deal with it, move on and continue playing your game for your own enjoyment, in the end thats all that matters.
06-27-2005, 10:36 AM
If other horde don't want to get involved, then just stand there and don't do anything. Kinda lame but understandable. Horde purposely getting in the way of others who ARE in PvP are ultra lame.
The ones who should be rolling into alliance are the dumbass horde who want to be jerks. The horde and alliance are at war. Don't want to participate in said war, fine, but don't get in the fucking way is all anyone is asking.
Kinda hard to have a good time playing PvP when your own faction gets in the way of you doing just that.
06-27-2005, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
If other horde don't want to get involved, then just stand there and don't do anything. Kinda lame but understandable. Horde purposely getting in the way of others who ARE in PvP are ultra lame.
The ones who should be rolling into alliance are the dumbass horde who want to be jerks. The horde and alliance are at war. Don't want to participate in said war, fine, but don't get in the fucking way is all anyone is asking.
Kinda hard to have a good time playing PvP when your own faction gets in the way of you doing just that.
I agree with this but dont send them to alliance send them to GS or something
Alliance side has enough clueless as it is
06-27-2005, 10:40 AM
My little brother uses teamspeak and when he first started on our server, one of his friends from another game joined Argent Dawn, but as Horde.
He and a few friends on teamspeak decided to meet up with this horde one day in Westfall. The horde was flagged (I think they were dueling) when myself and another HP guildie walked up and proceeded to slaughter him. I was unaware that they were all friends talking on teamspeak.
Fun is fun, but not everyone is in on the fun. In a game of Horde vs. Alliance - you need to expect people to react differently.
A good example is the "Mr Nice Guy" WoW video of a friendly Tauren going on a rampage after he's attacked. Very amusing.
06-27-2005, 10:40 AM
Heh, sorry. You are right.
Go to another server then, you useless hordes! :D
06-27-2005, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by Elrodin
I didn't miss the point at all.
Sorry, but you did miss the point.
It can't really be explained anymore thoroughly than it already has, so I won't attempt to.
06-27-2005, 11:01 AM
I understand exactly what she is saying Hulkein. Do I think its right for the realmmates to crowd the target? Not really. Do I know that there is nothing that can be done about it? Yes, I have seen my share of people who just want to play their own game. It doesn't matter to most people what your intentions are. They are just there to play their own game. You have to just realize that this shit happens in these sorts of games and deal with it. Im guessing Tsa'ah either doesn't know this or isn't dealing with it becaue of the fact he is bitching on a message board. Bottom line is just play the game and when shit happens just roll with it. Bitching about it wont change anything.
06-27-2005, 11:05 AM
Maybe it won't change anything, but at least he can get his frustrations out and be at least of a warning that it is in fact happening to him and could happen to others. I find no fault in it.
06-27-2005, 11:07 AM
And I found no fault in the comment I made. While it may have been directed more at the hypocritical views of some posters here it was still relevent and fitting.
06-27-2005, 11:36 AM
What hypocritical views?
06-27-2005, 12:05 PM
Mainly the ones where people on PvP servers say that their servers are the only real PvP servers and then when they die they complain about how unfair it was. It happens in every game.
06-27-2005, 12:06 PM
Yeah well, I'm sure if you were an American fighting in a war and other Americans stood in your way from shooting at the bad guy and you couldn't shoot them in order to get them out of your way, you'd be pretty pissed off too, and rightly so.
Granted this is a game, but can be just as frustrating.
06-27-2005, 12:09 PM
I didnt see anyone complaining about dying...only about stupid people
06-27-2005, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Yeah well, I'm sure if you were an American fighting in a war and other Americans stood in your way from shooting at the bad guy and you couldn't shoot them in order to get them out of your way, you'd be pretty pissed off too, and rightly so.
Granted this is a game, but can be just as frustrating.
Nevermind that the Liberals would raise a fuss if the American fighting the war, ended up shooting those fellow Americans providing a human shield for Osama Bin Laden, so that they're able to kill him.
06-27-2005, 12:55 PM
Then those liberals need to be shot too. :moon2:
Doyle Hargraves
06-27-2005, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by Atlanteax
Well, it looks like after almost a year, the appeal and intensity of WoW has died off, and far too many players are bored of it now, and spend their time "just messing around" instead. :shrug:
Chances are they were just killing time waiting on the queue to get into Battlegrounds.
Have any 2 minute climaxes lately? :P
Originally posted by Elrodin
Mainly the ones where people on PvP servers say that their servers are the only real PvP servers ...
But this is true. It's not a PvP game unless you are on a PvP server. The RP server is an RP game that allows the option to PvP if both parties willingly consent to combat. Apples & oranges.
Not to mention the risk-free (PvP) questing and travel in contested territory...or did I mention it?
06-27-2005, 01:57 PM
PvP by definition is Player vs. Player. If you can find me a server that excludes this then you have your carebear server. EQ is a carebear game. Our server may not have as much PvP but it is still there and those of us who enjoy it can still find it without the abundence of l33t. It's more like granny smith apples and royal gala apples. There is PvP in both its just a bit more restricted in one. The PvP servers remind me too much of the PvP server in DAoC which was horrible.
06-27-2005, 02:01 PM
I played non-PvP up until around level 35, and am currently 45 on PvP.
They really aren't alike at all when it comes to PvP. Try questing in an area with more members of the opposing faction on a PvP server.
It's no where near the same as being able to flag when and when not you want to fight someone.
It's just a different style of play.
06-27-2005, 02:06 PM
If I had to do it over again I would most likely roll PvP. But as it is I dont really feel like starting over since I dont have the playtime like I used to. It just annoys me to be called a carebear when the little time I do have in game is spent PvPing on a RP server because I dont have the time to roll on a PvP server.
06-27-2005, 02:13 PM
There is always time if you really want to create a new character. I'm living proof that it really doesn't take that much time.
I created a mage a week and a half ago. She's almost 20, and that's with me playing sparingly, no more than an hour or so when I get a chance every few days. I'll let you know how I feel once I get into contested areas. :D
Give it a try. Perhaps calling PvP players on RP servers carebears is a bit much, IMO, but you have to admit that they're not the same thing. I'd rather go on a PvP server if I was in the mood for that type of invovlement, and then go back to RP servers if all you want to do is quest and be left alone.
[Edited on 6/27/2005 by CrystalTears]
06-27-2005, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
and you are missing the point.
They were just getting in the way of Kagg because they do not like him
Yep, Kagg is so unliked by his own faction that he gets several pms and mail requests for leatherwork and instance invites.
Stop with the displacement. I'm not the one that changed factions.
Originally posted by Elrodin
So....You got rolled on a PvP server? QQ more.
I'm a hunter, it's not uncommon for me to get rolled in multiples on 1 situations. I usually take no less than 1 with me.
That's not the beef. The beef is with Horde aiding in the rolling. What it amounted to was the patty cake club giving these alliance twits some easy HKs, and not just from me.
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler
Are you sure they weren't dueling?
Often times a few Alliance come down from their Warsong BG entrance and duel right in the area you described.
No ... they weren't dueling.
I rode past the two alliance who were alone at the Warsong lumber camp/rampart intersection.
They mounted and pursued through the Ashenvale/Barrens gate. When they saw a group of horde (the patty cake club) at the base of the rampart, they turned tale and ran.
The patty cake club mounted and began a chase, of which I joined. Once up the road to the "T" intersection that goes to Splintertree, and back down again. Talos tripped an ice trap I had set, Daredevil caught a concussive shot that immobilized her. The other patty cake club surrounded both and started in with the telling me no. I thought they were going to torment them, like cats with mice, but it turned into a huggle kissie care bear fest so I opened the can of beat down.
Originally posted by Elrodin
I didn't miss the point at all. You however did miss mine. I was just wondering why you(Tsa'ah) are crying about dieing on a pvp server? Maybe you should roll on a RP server so you wouldn't have to bitch about dieing in a PvP zone.
I'll refrain from tearing into you since you have no interaction with me.
This is venting, not crying.
Fuck off.
Thanks, this helps my point. If you are going to play on a server where PvP is abudent throughout the game then expect it to happen. Do not bitch when it does happen to you. If you can't take it then play somewhere else. By the way, you can never expect realmmates to help out. Everyone plays their own game and it doesn't always coincide with your gameplan. Deal with it, move on and continue playing your game for your own enjoyment, in the end thats all that matters.
You don't join one faction to aid the other. If patty cake is what you want to play ... play it somewhere less trafficked or join an rp server. Hindering those of the same faction will garner a poor reputation. Last night was a perfect example. Thug and Cholos couldn't play in a full Warsong group. It would start out full ... then drop by no less than 4.
If you have a reputation for aiding the enemy ... no one will trust you in a group setting ... outside of your patty cake club.
06-28-2005, 11:42 AM
There is always time if you really want to create a new character. I'm living proof that it really doesn't take that much time.
I created a mage a week and a half ago. She's almost 20, and that's with me playing sparingly, no more than an hour or so when I get a chance every few days. I'll let you know how I feel once I get into contested areas.
Give it a try. Perhaps calling PvP players on RP servers carebears is a bit much, IMO, but you have to admit that they're not the same thing. I'd rather go on a PvP server if I was in the mood for that type of invovlement, and then go back to RP servers if all you want to do is quest and be left alone.
I might give it a try. I reactivated my account last week and have only had a grand total of about 3 hours to play so far. Might not be worth it. After live 8 I should have a bit more playing time so maybe ill pick up one of my dune chars again. I think I already have one around 15. Although I might lose even more playtime if my company gets the NY work bid.
This is venting, not crying.
Fuck off.
You may not like to hear it but its crying. The only thing people here can do is blacklist those people. They can't really do anything else except wipe away your tears.
If you have a reputation for aiding the enemy ... no one will trust you in a group setting ... outside of your patty cake club.
That is apparently something they are willing to risk. All in all they got what they wanted. They stopped you from killing the alliance player and you died for it. This is why I say play your own game and don't dwell over this stupid shit. If you let all this get to you every time you wont enjoy the game. Believe me I have seen my share of people crying over stupid actions when I played DAoC. It's the same there just people crying over different mechanics. If you take it as a personal attack then go ahead, flame away. But from your actions I am guessing this is the first time you have played a mmorpg based around pvp. If its true then just get used to stupid people dragging you into stupid situations like this because I guarentee it wont be the last time it happens.
06-28-2005, 11:45 AM
it was worth reading until some people started replying...
06-28-2005, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by Elrodin
You may not like to hear it but its crying. The only thing people here can do is blacklist those people. They can't really do anything else except wipe away your tears.
There is a great lack of comprehension on your part it seems. What happened, you get teased as a child and now walk through life with that lame insult?
If you want examples of crying ... there are plenty throughout this forum. Hell, I'm almost convinced that you and a few others have some sort of tearing problem with the way you let that one fly. Learn the difference between bitching/ranting and crying/sobbing.
I could easily go through your posting history and bump every bitch made by you and request that you quit crying ... or perhaps join a different forum.
[quot]That is apparently something they are willing to risk. All in all they got what they wanted. They stopped you from killing the alliance player and you died for it. [/quote]
No they didn't.
This is why I say play your own game and don't dwell over this stupid shit. If you let all this get to you every time you wont enjoy the game. Believe me I have seen my share of people crying over stupid actions when I played DAoC. It's the same there just people crying over different mechanics. If you take it as a personal attack then go ahead, flame away. But from your actions I am guessing this is the first time you have played a mmorpg based around pvp. If its true then just get used to stupid people dragging you into stupid situations like this because I guarentee it wont be the last time it happens.
I hardly let it hang on me for very long as it is. This was nothing more than me posting a bitch.
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