06-23-2005, 04:21 PM
Speaking in Guildspeak to Donas, Endasa says something you don't understand.
Speaking quietly to Saskie, Ardenes says, "I'd slash Shimm just for earlier's stunt which interupted a perfect afternoon, except he is Dhe'nar and hence should have some reasoning."
Nauriel snickers.
Saskie chuckles.
Donas nods to Endasa.
>pond ard
You ponder the meaning of Ardenes's existence.
A trickle of nightshade-scented smoke rises languidly up from the dark crimson censer on Saskie's belt.
>glance naur
You glance at Nauriel.
Mortwuk just arrived.
Mortwuk just went south.
Nauriel glances at Ardenes.
Speaking to Endasa, Donas says, "Quite boring."
>'was that a threat?
You softly ask, "Was that a threat?"
>tilt naur
You cock your head at Nauriel.
Legielis just arrived.
Nauriel looks over at Ardenes and shakes her head.
Wutaki just arrived.
Wutaki just went west.
>ignore ard
Nauriel nods to you.
You turn away from Ardenes, ignoring her.
Wutaki just arrived.
Nauriel ducks her head.
Rimsch peers quizzically at Ardenes.
Mertyn recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Mertyn gestures.
Mertyn bristles with energy.
Mortwuk just arrived.
A rush cheetah saunters in.
Mortwuk just went north.
Mertyn recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Mertyn gestures.
Mertyn bristles with energy.
Speaking somberly to you, Saskie says, "I believe she was saying why she would not, I wanted to see blood."
Donas clasps Endasa's hand tenderly.
The air about Wutaki stops shimmering.
Ardenes begins chuckling at Saskie!
Ardenes just licked Rimsch!
A placid monk arrives, looking just a tad guilty for doing so.
Speaking in Guildspeak, Nauriel says something you don't understand.
Speaking quietly to Ardenes, Rimsch says, "Now you're claiming the Dhe'nar have reasoning..."
Rimsch stares off into space.
Legielis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Legielis gestures.
Legielis suddenly looks more powerful.
Nauriel shakes her head.
You laugh at Rimsch!
Legielis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Legielis gestures.
Nothing happens.
Lord Zackeron just arrived.
You agree with Rimsch.
Legielis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Legielis gestures.
Legielis suddenly looks more powerful.
Legielis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Legielis gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Legielis.
Endasa smirks at Rimsch.
Nauriel gets a blank look on her face.
Wutaki just went north.
Zackeron gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zackeron gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Zackeron.
Legielis makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Legielis gestures.
Nothing happens.
Nauriel pulls you closer.
Zackeron gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zackeron gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Zackeron.
Speaking quietly to Rimsch, Ardenes says, "No, I am claiming they should, and those who do not should be purged."
Legielis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Legielis gestures.
Legielis suddenly looks more powerful.
Ardenes smirks at Rimsch.
Legielis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Legielis gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Legielis.
Zackeron gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zackeron gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Zackeron.
You softly say, "I'm so good for not being flustered into killing."
You nod to Nauriel.
Legielis makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Legielis gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Legielis.
>You smile at Nauriel.
Zackeron gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zackeron gestures.
Zackeron suddenly looks more powerful.
You beam!
Mortwuk just arrived.
Mortwuk sits down.
Zarston just arrived.
Ravynwing just arrived.
Zackeron gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zackeron gestures.
Zackeron suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
Zackeron is surrounded by a white light.
Ravynwing just went south.
Mortwuk carefully inspects his blue starstone earring.
Zarston just went west.
You feel less drained.
Speaking quietly to you, Ardenes says, "You are the one showing yourself as Dhe'nar."
Senja laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Zackeron traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Zackeron gestures.
A dim aura surrounds Zackeron.
A rush cheetah scrambles out of sight.
Rimsch quietly says, "Dhe'nar with reason....and honorable Nalfein no doubt."
Legielis slides a gold ring off his finger.
Mortwuk attaches a pewter and blue starstone earring to his earlobe.
Legielis slides an intricate gold and brass ring on his finger.
Suddenly Legielis vanishes!
Zackeron traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Zackeron gestures.
Zackeron begins to breathe more deeply.
Mortwuk removes a copper and peridot neckchain from his neck.
You softly say, "Although I am far from it."
Ardenes smirks at Rimsch.
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Zackeron traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Zackeron gestures.
Zackeron stands tall and appears more confident.
You nod to Ardenes.
Mortwuk carefully inspects his peridot neckchain.
Nauriel beams happily at you!
Zackeron traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Zackeron gestures.
A brilliant aura surrounds Zackeron.
Speaking quietly to Rimsch, Ardenes says, "Lets not go that far."
Nauriel agrees with you.
Ardenes smirks at Rimsch.
Nauriel glances at you and makes a little purring sound.
Zackeron traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Zackeron gestures.
An opalescent aura surrounds Zackeron.
Nauriel grins.
You smile quietly to yourself.
Mortwuk hangs a copper and peridot neckchain around his neck.
You stifle a yawn.
Zackeron murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Zackeron gestures.
Zackeron's eyes narrow in concentration.
You examine your fingernails.
Rimsch snickers.
Zackeron murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Zackeron gestures.
An aura of resolve suddenly fills Zackeron's expression.
Speaking quietly to you, Ardenes asks, "You are an outcast then?"
Nauriel tinkers with your appearance.
Zackeron murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Zackeron gestures.
Zackeron gets an intense expression on his face.
Ardenes smirks.
You softly say, "I'm far from that too."
You laugh out loud!
Nauriel grins.
Some indigo puffs of fragrant nightshade-scented smoke drift upward and about the dark crimson censer on Saskie's belt.
Speaking quietly to you, Ardenes says, "I do not think you know what you are."
Mertyn recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Mertyn gestures.
Mertyn bristles with energy.
Ardenes leans on Rimsch, giving him a companionable grin.
Mertyn recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Mertyn gestures.
Mertyn bristles with energy.
Lord Zackeron just went north.
Nauriel shakes her head, clucking her tongue.
Taveron returns to normal color.
Donas nods to Endasa.
Pithius just left.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Saskie.
Speaking in Guildspeak to you, Nauriel exclaims something you don't understand.
Great Lord Transfusion just arrived.
The bright luminescence fades from around Saskie.
Mortwuk rubs a crystal amulet.
Mortwuk gets an odd look on his face.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Saskie.
As Mortwuk pulls on his crystal amulet, his expression grows darker.
Riftshark rubs a crystal amulet.
Riftshark gets an odd look on his face.
As Riftshark pulls on his crystal amulet, his expression grows darker.
Nauriel clears her throat.
Endasa grins at Donas.
[Town Square, Small Park]
You notice a placid monk, the Taveron disk, the Endorian disk, the Nauriel disk, some ambrominas leaf, a dented mithril chest, an enruned modwir coffer and a reinforced shield.
Also here: Great Lord Transfusion, Mortwuk (sitting), Doughboy, Lady Lyghtia, Taveron (sitting), Riftshark, Yean (sitting), Raithdragon (sitting), Mertyn (sitting), Rimsch, Ardenes, Senja, Cydrick (sitting), Endorian (kneeling), Kadaj, Lady Nauriel, Apprentice Shaelari, Endasa, Donas, Grumon, Saskie, Lord Hectos (sitting), Eathwain (sitting)
Obvious paths: north, south, west
Endasa chuckles.
Donas winks at Endasa.
Speaking in Elven to you, Nauriel says, "I know what you are..."
Nauriel nods to you.
You smirk.
Nauriel flashes a wide grin.
[Town Square, Small Park]
You notice a placid monk, the Taveron disk, the Endorian disk, the Nauriel disk, some ambrominas leaf, a dented mithril chest, an enruned modwir coffer and a reinforced shield.
Also here: Great Lord Transfusion, Mortwuk (sitting), Doughboy, Lady Lyghtia, Taveron (sitting), Riftshark, Yean (sitting), Raithdragon (sitting), Mertyn (sitting), Rimsch, Ardenes, Senja, Cydrick (sitting), Endorian (kneeling), Kadaj, Lady Nauriel, Apprentice Shaelari, Endasa, Donas, Grumon, Saskie, Lord Hectos (sitting), Eathwain (sitting)
Obvious paths: north, south, west
Ardenes shakes her head at you and clucks her tongue.
You glance over at Ardenes and wince.
Endasa gently bites Donas.
You softly ask, "What?"
Endasa nods to Donas.
Donas pokes Endasa in the ribs.
Xzamoth just arrived.
Xzamoth just went south.
Speaking quietly to you, Ardenes says, "Better to use and control than flee an kill?."
Ardenes winks at you.
Xzamoth just arrived.
Xzamoth just went north.
Nauriel glances at Ardenes.
Grumon just opened a black bear-hide mantle.
Nauriel sneers.
Grumon removes an arcane parchment from in his bear-hide mantle.
Donas stares off into space.
You softly say, "You're totally basing everything you're saying on assumption."
Lord Eokurmi just arrived.
Speaking in Elven, Nauriel says, "No one controls me thank you."
Grumon put an arcane parchment in his bear-hide mantle.
Nauriel sniffs.
Palindaris just came trudging in.
Grumon removes a light scroll from in his bear-hide mantle.
You softly ask, "Do you usually stake your life on such?"
Nauriel sticks her tongue out at you, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from her lips!
You cock your head at Ardenes.
Speaking quietly to you, Ardenes says, "No, basing it on your own words."
Grumon put a light scroll in his bear-hide mantle.
Mortwuk asks, "How dangerous is the trail to ZolLogoth?"
Ardenes whispers, "Check your profile lately?"
Eokurmi nods to Riftshark in greeting.
Some indigo web-like patterns rise up into the air, as the faint scent of nightshade emanates from the dark crimson censer on Saskie's belt.
Eokurmi coughs.
Grumon removes a sheaf of aged paper from in his bear-hide mantle.
Endasa leans softly against Donas.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Eokurmi suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Eokurmi nods to Rimsch in greeting.
Lyghtia shrugs at Mortwuk.
Grumon put a sheaf of aged paper in his bear-hide mantle.
Riftshark nods to Eokurmi in greeting.
Nauriel leans softly against you.
Speaking to Mortwuk, Lyghtia says, "Not to harsh."
Grumon removes an old scroll from in his bear-hide mantle.
You quietly whisper to Ardenes, "You cant see my profile you idiot . . you're in character."
Eokurmi rubs his pale sapphire bracelet, causing a golden incandescence to dance around its edges briefly.
Eokurmi gets an odd look on his face.
Grumon put an old scroll in his bear-hide mantle.
Speaking in Guildspeak, Senja says, "Have fun Shimmer.. I am going somewhere else before I get nausiated."
Eokurmi pulls on his pale sapphire bracelet, his eyes narrowing for a moment.
Mertyn recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Mertyn gestures.
Mertyn bristles with energy.
The dim aura fades from around Endasa.
Lord Eokurmi just went north.
Senja turns towards you and renders you a sharp salute with her claidhmore.
Palindaris just trudged away moving north.
Speaking teasingly in Elven to you, Nauriel asks, "Do I need to distract you?"
Endasa blinks.
Ardenes whispers, "Which is why I am whispering not speaking."
Nauriel cackles at you!
Ardenes smirks.
Nauriel snickers.
Senja laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Senja just went north.
Nauriel removes a scale-hilted black rolaren warsword from in her silver-edged harness.
Donas taps his foot impatiently.
Nauriel glances at you and slowly draws her finger across her throat meaningfully.
Nauriel licks a scale-hilted black rolaren warsword in her hand.
Lyghtia smiles at Mortwuk.
You quietly whisper to Ardenes, "What? so why whisper it to me?"
Endasa flirts with Donas, tossing him an inviting smile.
Mortwuk nods to Lyghtia.
Raising her arms slightly, Nauriel arches her back and gently lets her head rock back.
Endasa snaps a slender midnight black steel lockpick case closed and its clasp clicks into place.
A placid monk goes north.
I'd had enough, I left the room becouse my bank account said I couldn't kill again.
[Edited on 6-23-2005 by Drayal]
Speaking quietly to Saskie, Ardenes says, "I'd slash Shimm just for earlier's stunt which interupted a perfect afternoon, except he is Dhe'nar and hence should have some reasoning."
Nauriel snickers.
Saskie chuckles.
Donas nods to Endasa.
>pond ard
You ponder the meaning of Ardenes's existence.
A trickle of nightshade-scented smoke rises languidly up from the dark crimson censer on Saskie's belt.
>glance naur
You glance at Nauriel.
Mortwuk just arrived.
Mortwuk just went south.
Nauriel glances at Ardenes.
Speaking to Endasa, Donas says, "Quite boring."
>'was that a threat?
You softly ask, "Was that a threat?"
>tilt naur
You cock your head at Nauriel.
Legielis just arrived.
Nauriel looks over at Ardenes and shakes her head.
Wutaki just arrived.
Wutaki just went west.
>ignore ard
Nauriel nods to you.
You turn away from Ardenes, ignoring her.
Wutaki just arrived.
Nauriel ducks her head.
Rimsch peers quizzically at Ardenes.
Mertyn recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Mertyn gestures.
Mertyn bristles with energy.
Mortwuk just arrived.
A rush cheetah saunters in.
Mortwuk just went north.
Mertyn recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Mertyn gestures.
Mertyn bristles with energy.
Speaking somberly to you, Saskie says, "I believe she was saying why she would not, I wanted to see blood."
Donas clasps Endasa's hand tenderly.
The air about Wutaki stops shimmering.
Ardenes begins chuckling at Saskie!
Ardenes just licked Rimsch!
A placid monk arrives, looking just a tad guilty for doing so.
Speaking in Guildspeak, Nauriel says something you don't understand.
Speaking quietly to Ardenes, Rimsch says, "Now you're claiming the Dhe'nar have reasoning..."
Rimsch stares off into space.
Legielis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Legielis gestures.
Legielis suddenly looks more powerful.
Nauriel shakes her head.
You laugh at Rimsch!
Legielis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Legielis gestures.
Nothing happens.
Lord Zackeron just arrived.
You agree with Rimsch.
Legielis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Legielis gestures.
Legielis suddenly looks more powerful.
Legielis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Legielis gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Legielis.
Endasa smirks at Rimsch.
Nauriel gets a blank look on her face.
Wutaki just went north.
Zackeron gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zackeron gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Zackeron.
Legielis makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Legielis gestures.
Nothing happens.
Nauriel pulls you closer.
Zackeron gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zackeron gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Zackeron.
Speaking quietly to Rimsch, Ardenes says, "No, I am claiming they should, and those who do not should be purged."
Legielis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Legielis gestures.
Legielis suddenly looks more powerful.
Ardenes smirks at Rimsch.
Legielis gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Legielis gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Legielis.
Zackeron gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zackeron gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Zackeron.
You softly say, "I'm so good for not being flustered into killing."
You nod to Nauriel.
Legielis makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Legielis gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Legielis.
>You smile at Nauriel.
Zackeron gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zackeron gestures.
Zackeron suddenly looks more powerful.
You beam!
Mortwuk just arrived.
Mortwuk sits down.
Zarston just arrived.
Ravynwing just arrived.
Zackeron gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zackeron gestures.
Zackeron suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
Zackeron is surrounded by a white light.
Ravynwing just went south.
Mortwuk carefully inspects his blue starstone earring.
Zarston just went west.
You feel less drained.
Speaking quietly to you, Ardenes says, "You are the one showing yourself as Dhe'nar."
Senja laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Zackeron traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Zackeron gestures.
A dim aura surrounds Zackeron.
A rush cheetah scrambles out of sight.
Rimsch quietly says, "Dhe'nar with reason....and honorable Nalfein no doubt."
Legielis slides a gold ring off his finger.
Mortwuk attaches a pewter and blue starstone earring to his earlobe.
Legielis slides an intricate gold and brass ring on his finger.
Suddenly Legielis vanishes!
Zackeron traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Zackeron gestures.
Zackeron begins to breathe more deeply.
Mortwuk removes a copper and peridot neckchain from his neck.
You softly say, "Although I am far from it."
Ardenes smirks at Rimsch.
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Zackeron traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Zackeron gestures.
Zackeron stands tall and appears more confident.
You nod to Ardenes.
Mortwuk carefully inspects his peridot neckchain.
Nauriel beams happily at you!
Zackeron traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Zackeron gestures.
A brilliant aura surrounds Zackeron.
Speaking quietly to Rimsch, Ardenes says, "Lets not go that far."
Nauriel agrees with you.
Ardenes smirks at Rimsch.
Nauriel glances at you and makes a little purring sound.
Zackeron traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Zackeron gestures.
An opalescent aura surrounds Zackeron.
Nauriel grins.
You smile quietly to yourself.
Mortwuk hangs a copper and peridot neckchain around his neck.
You stifle a yawn.
Zackeron murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Zackeron gestures.
Zackeron's eyes narrow in concentration.
You examine your fingernails.
Rimsch snickers.
Zackeron murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Zackeron gestures.
An aura of resolve suddenly fills Zackeron's expression.
Speaking quietly to you, Ardenes asks, "You are an outcast then?"
Nauriel tinkers with your appearance.
Zackeron murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Zackeron gestures.
Zackeron gets an intense expression on his face.
Ardenes smirks.
You softly say, "I'm far from that too."
You laugh out loud!
Nauriel grins.
Some indigo puffs of fragrant nightshade-scented smoke drift upward and about the dark crimson censer on Saskie's belt.
Speaking quietly to you, Ardenes says, "I do not think you know what you are."
Mertyn recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Mertyn gestures.
Mertyn bristles with energy.
Ardenes leans on Rimsch, giving him a companionable grin.
Mertyn recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Mertyn gestures.
Mertyn bristles with energy.
Lord Zackeron just went north.
Nauriel shakes her head, clucking her tongue.
Taveron returns to normal color.
Donas nods to Endasa.
Pithius just left.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Saskie.
Speaking in Guildspeak to you, Nauriel exclaims something you don't understand.
Great Lord Transfusion just arrived.
The bright luminescence fades from around Saskie.
Mortwuk rubs a crystal amulet.
Mortwuk gets an odd look on his face.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Saskie.
As Mortwuk pulls on his crystal amulet, his expression grows darker.
Riftshark rubs a crystal amulet.
Riftshark gets an odd look on his face.
As Riftshark pulls on his crystal amulet, his expression grows darker.
Nauriel clears her throat.
Endasa grins at Donas.
[Town Square, Small Park]
You notice a placid monk, the Taveron disk, the Endorian disk, the Nauriel disk, some ambrominas leaf, a dented mithril chest, an enruned modwir coffer and a reinforced shield.
Also here: Great Lord Transfusion, Mortwuk (sitting), Doughboy, Lady Lyghtia, Taveron (sitting), Riftshark, Yean (sitting), Raithdragon (sitting), Mertyn (sitting), Rimsch, Ardenes, Senja, Cydrick (sitting), Endorian (kneeling), Kadaj, Lady Nauriel, Apprentice Shaelari, Endasa, Donas, Grumon, Saskie, Lord Hectos (sitting), Eathwain (sitting)
Obvious paths: north, south, west
Endasa chuckles.
Donas winks at Endasa.
Speaking in Elven to you, Nauriel says, "I know what you are..."
Nauriel nods to you.
You smirk.
Nauriel flashes a wide grin.
[Town Square, Small Park]
You notice a placid monk, the Taveron disk, the Endorian disk, the Nauriel disk, some ambrominas leaf, a dented mithril chest, an enruned modwir coffer and a reinforced shield.
Also here: Great Lord Transfusion, Mortwuk (sitting), Doughboy, Lady Lyghtia, Taveron (sitting), Riftshark, Yean (sitting), Raithdragon (sitting), Mertyn (sitting), Rimsch, Ardenes, Senja, Cydrick (sitting), Endorian (kneeling), Kadaj, Lady Nauriel, Apprentice Shaelari, Endasa, Donas, Grumon, Saskie, Lord Hectos (sitting), Eathwain (sitting)
Obvious paths: north, south, west
Ardenes shakes her head at you and clucks her tongue.
You glance over at Ardenes and wince.
Endasa gently bites Donas.
You softly ask, "What?"
Endasa nods to Donas.
Donas pokes Endasa in the ribs.
Xzamoth just arrived.
Xzamoth just went south.
Speaking quietly to you, Ardenes says, "Better to use and control than flee an kill?."
Ardenes winks at you.
Xzamoth just arrived.
Xzamoth just went north.
Nauriel glances at Ardenes.
Grumon just opened a black bear-hide mantle.
Nauriel sneers.
Grumon removes an arcane parchment from in his bear-hide mantle.
Donas stares off into space.
You softly say, "You're totally basing everything you're saying on assumption."
Lord Eokurmi just arrived.
Speaking in Elven, Nauriel says, "No one controls me thank you."
Grumon put an arcane parchment in his bear-hide mantle.
Nauriel sniffs.
Palindaris just came trudging in.
Grumon removes a light scroll from in his bear-hide mantle.
You softly ask, "Do you usually stake your life on such?"
Nauriel sticks her tongue out at you, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from her lips!
You cock your head at Ardenes.
Speaking quietly to you, Ardenes says, "No, basing it on your own words."
Grumon put a light scroll in his bear-hide mantle.
Mortwuk asks, "How dangerous is the trail to ZolLogoth?"
Ardenes whispers, "Check your profile lately?"
Eokurmi nods to Riftshark in greeting.
Some indigo web-like patterns rise up into the air, as the faint scent of nightshade emanates from the dark crimson censer on Saskie's belt.
Eokurmi coughs.
Grumon removes a sheaf of aged paper from in his bear-hide mantle.
Endasa leans softly against Donas.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Eokurmi suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Eokurmi nods to Rimsch in greeting.
Lyghtia shrugs at Mortwuk.
Grumon put a sheaf of aged paper in his bear-hide mantle.
Riftshark nods to Eokurmi in greeting.
Nauriel leans softly against you.
Speaking to Mortwuk, Lyghtia says, "Not to harsh."
Grumon removes an old scroll from in his bear-hide mantle.
You quietly whisper to Ardenes, "You cant see my profile you idiot . . you're in character."
Eokurmi rubs his pale sapphire bracelet, causing a golden incandescence to dance around its edges briefly.
Eokurmi gets an odd look on his face.
Grumon put an old scroll in his bear-hide mantle.
Speaking in Guildspeak, Senja says, "Have fun Shimmer.. I am going somewhere else before I get nausiated."
Eokurmi pulls on his pale sapphire bracelet, his eyes narrowing for a moment.
Mertyn recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Mertyn gestures.
Mertyn bristles with energy.
The dim aura fades from around Endasa.
Lord Eokurmi just went north.
Senja turns towards you and renders you a sharp salute with her claidhmore.
Palindaris just trudged away moving north.
Speaking teasingly in Elven to you, Nauriel asks, "Do I need to distract you?"
Endasa blinks.
Ardenes whispers, "Which is why I am whispering not speaking."
Nauriel cackles at you!
Ardenes smirks.
Nauriel snickers.
Senja laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Senja just went north.
Nauriel removes a scale-hilted black rolaren warsword from in her silver-edged harness.
Donas taps his foot impatiently.
Nauriel glances at you and slowly draws her finger across her throat meaningfully.
Nauriel licks a scale-hilted black rolaren warsword in her hand.
Lyghtia smiles at Mortwuk.
You quietly whisper to Ardenes, "What? so why whisper it to me?"
Endasa flirts with Donas, tossing him an inviting smile.
Mortwuk nods to Lyghtia.
Raising her arms slightly, Nauriel arches her back and gently lets her head rock back.
Endasa snaps a slender midnight black steel lockpick case closed and its clasp clicks into place.
A placid monk goes north.
I'd had enough, I left the room becouse my bank account said I couldn't kill again.
[Edited on 6-23-2005 by Drayal]