View Full Version : Empathic Link -- WTF?

06-23-2005, 04:18 PM
Can someone explain this spell to me?

Maybe I've forgotten more about GS magic than I ever knew. Maybe I'm just dumber than I realized. Whatever. I really don't get this spell. :shrug:

Seriously. If you would explain it like you're talking to a 7 year old newbie, that would be great. That will allow me to fully enjoy a moment of having it all become painfully clear to me, wherein I can feel foolish for having asked in the first place.

Miss X
06-23-2005, 04:22 PM
From the website:

This spell will create an empathic link between two targeted opponents of the same type. When creatures are linked in this fashion, damage dealt to one of the creatures will also be dealt to the other(s). For example, if two creatures are under the effects of Empathic Link and an archer shoots one of the creatures in the chest, the other creature will also take damage to the chest.

The mana cost for Empathic Link is 8 + (Critter Level/10)

Training in Mental Lore, Telepathy increases the number of targets that may be linked, up to 10 targets.

So basically: You cast empathic link at 2 or more critters, when you hit one, damage is done to all linked targets.

So, say I cast link at two war griffins then bone shatter one of them, the other one will get damage too. More telepathy lore means you can link more targets.

06-23-2005, 04:37 PM
Link two players, a giantman and a halfling. Do 200 damage to the giantman. Halfling dies.

06-23-2005, 04:53 PM
Link two professions, sorcerers and empaths. Do 200 damage to the state of Gemstone . Sorcerery dies.


06-23-2005, 07:46 PM
Yep...already got that much anticipated lightbulb moment wherein I felt silly for having posted in the first place. The documentation on the website just didn't...do it for me. The crucial information being that you have to cast it twice. Boy that makes a world of difference. If I'd been patient I suppose I would've stumbled onto that eventually but....hey, it's not one of my virtues.

Think I'll go take a stab at that spell now. Thanks again.

06-23-2005, 08:04 PM
What about if the creatures are in separate rooms? Does it still hit? Are there any penalties?

What are the chances of failure once linked? Are there any skill checks?

06-23-2005, 08:22 PM
I watched Wezas link two idiots in the crypt once, then one of them got smoked which in turn smoked the other. Was quite funny. :lol:

06-25-2005, 11:39 AM
I lost the clip, but when I cast empathic link on a war griffin it caused so much lethargy that the griffin crashed to the ground in a limp ball of feathers.

Intersting. This was without casting any other spell on the griffins, which were 3 strong in the room I tested it out on.

06-25-2005, 07:04 PM
Sweet -- makes me want to train my empath for linking. She's a hunter, not really a healer (her RP is that she won't take the pain of others until she feels very very very strongly for them -- makes traditional gs 'healing' difficult ).

Presently she's level 26, singled in summoning and manipulation for firespirit and boneshatter. Would it be worth it to switch over?


edited to get rid of the damn smiley and for clarity

[Edited on Sat, June th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]

06-26-2005, 02:30 AM
The only lores I have my empath trained in are:

manipulation (boneshatter - more ranks means more damage per and even multiple damage done per cast)
transformation (48 ranks at cap for no rt in healing)
telepathy (empathic assault - more ranks means more repeat assaults during the link)

06-26-2005, 08:58 PM
I have Nilandia trained in:

Singling summoning for her fire spirit and spirit servant
5 ranks of telepathy for her second CS wave of 1110
40 ranks of manipulation for boneshatter

Side question: I know the mental lores for our spells pretty much cap at 40 ranks or thereabouts as far as our offensive spells go. Is that the same for spirit lores?


06-26-2005, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by Nilandia
I have Nilandia trained in:

Singling summoning for her fire spirit and spirit servant
5 ranks of telepathy for her second CS wave of 1110
40 ranks of manipulation for boneshatter

Side question: I know the mental lores for our spells pretty much cap at 40 ranks or thereabouts as far as our offensive spells go. Is that the same for spirit lores?


where did you get that manipulation caps out at 40 ranks for bone shatter?