View Full Version : Great roleplaying

06-23-2005, 01:42 AM
XXXXX calmly says, "I want my picture on the cover of a rolling stone."
>whis XXXXX stay in character.
You quietly whisper to XXXXX, "Stay in character."
XXXXX nods to you.
XXXXX whispers, "What does it matter."
XXXXX whispers, "No one cares."
>whis XXXXX it's a roleplaying game, stay in a role. I do care.
You quietly whisper to XXXXX, "It's a roleplaying game, stay in a role. I do care."
Tirayana gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Tirayana warmly says, "You two are trouble."
XXXXX whispers, "No one has any frickin clue anyway\."
>l mer
You see XXXXX the Crusader.
He appears to be a Half-Elf from Allace.
He appears to be wizened with age and taller than average. He has pale blue eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, white hair. He has a gaunt face and slightly pointed ears.
He has a tattoo of a lovely ice maiden with dreadful twisted blue horns on his wrist.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a wide-lipped short crystal glass in his right hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a blue starstone necklace, a brass-buckled brushed leather sack, some black eelskin trousers, an eel skin hat, a black eelskin vest, a light siren lizard skin longcoat, a carved thanot mandolin case, some large eel skin boots, some black eelskin gloves, and an elaborate Charl symbol.
>whis XXXXX well I'm asking you to stay in character. You do not have to, but I am asking you to and if you don't I'm not going to joke around with you anymore.
You quietly whisper to XXXXX, "Well I'm asking you to stay in character. You do not have to, but I am asking you to and if you don't I'm not going to joke around with you anymore."
XXXXX whispers, "No wants to play."
XXXXX whispers, "No one knows anything."
The air about you stops shimmering.
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
>whis XXXXX no one knows anything about what?
You quietly whisper to XXXXX, "No one knows anything about what?"
Tirayana whispers, "Night."
>whis tira gnight hun
What were you referring to?
XXXXX whispers, "About the history of elanth."
XXXXX whispers, "And no one cares."
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
>whis XXXXX apparently you're not roleplaying with the right people. If you actually care, you'll find other people that do too.
You quietly whisper to XXXXX, "Apparently you're not roleplaying with the right people. If you actually care, you'll find other people that do too."
A gentle breeze springs up, and the many branches of the oak tree sway gently, making a soft sighing sound as the wind courses through the leaves. The swaying tree rocks you as if it were a giant cradle.
XXXXX whispers, "Whatever, no one cares what I know or how I know it."
>whis XXXXX you are speaking with someone right now who does care. So stay in character around me.
You quietly whisper to XXXXX, "You are speaking with someone right now who does care. So stay in character around me."
XXXXX nods to you.
You sit down.
s>pet rat
You pet the rat, gently rubbing his fur.
XXXXX calmly says, "Kill that rat."
s>'if you were to try, something tells me the rat might kill you first.
You say, "If you were to try, something tells me the rat might kill you first."
You chuckle.
s>rem amul
You remove a crystal amulet from around your neck.
s>wear talis
You hang an oak talisman carved into the shape of a rat wearing a spiked collar around your neck.
s>open cloak
You open a heavy silk moon-and-stars cloak.
s>put amul in cloak
You put a crystal amulet in your moon-and-stars cloak.
s>close cloak
You close a heavy silk moon-and-stars cloak.
XXXXX calmly says, "No stinking rat will ever kill me."
s>take yumi
You remove a rat-carved hoarbeam yumi from in your leather bow sling.
A vernal white rat cocks his head, squeaking fiercely!
s>'then you haven't met Mashaka or Spike.
You say, "Then you haven't met Mashaka or Spike."
[Wehnimer's, Treehouse]
This sturdy wooden platform, built of planks and wedged into a fork of the oak's trunk, provides a place to sit and rest in the shadow of an overhanging branch. A glance through the foliage affords a bird's-eye view of the lamplit town square below. You also see a corroded brass chest, a large acorn, a vernal white rat and a tattered squirrel's nest tucked between two sturdy branches.
Also here: XXXXX
Obvious paths: down
XXXXX calmly says, "Well."
XXXXX calmly says, "I'm not going to fight with a god."
Great Lady Rocksand just arrived.
Great Lady Rocksand just went down.
s>'a god?
You ask, "A god?"
XXXXX calmly asks, "Spike?"
s>'Spike's not a god.
You say, "Spike's not a god."

it went on a little longer where he just started saying he hates elves that think they're special. When I said I'm not an elf, he said whatever. I just left. I love ROLEPLAYING with great roleplayers.

06-23-2005, 02:00 AM
Sadly this is what has happened to most of GS's customers... I doubt that person knows much about Elanthia's history... I try to read more and more of it but still haven't finished it all hehe...

I did have fun rping with you on the wavedancer and watching your... "marriage" hehe. Take heart and ignore those idiots.

06-23-2005, 07:02 AM
Blah, that guys crazy anyway. He once kept accusing me of putting an arrow in his head (I didn't), but he bugged me so much about it I eventually had to.

And the funny thing is, before that we'd supposedly been on good terms.

06-23-2005, 09:10 AM
You shouldn't XXXX out his name.

06-23-2005, 09:12 AM
Yeah...Mer who?

06-23-2005, 09:38 AM
He's right to a point though. Not many people care. GM's don't care so why should he? If he doesn't want to stay IC, who's to make him?

06-23-2005, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
He's right to a point though. Not many people care. GM's don't care so why should he? If he doesn't want to stay IC, who's to make him?


I think all most GMs care about is getting items and silver to sale

06-23-2005, 10:14 AM
Yeah well I guess my point was I told him that I do care and asked him to stay in character, several times. He just refused to. Anyways, who are you OreoElf in game?

06-23-2005, 11:01 AM
Report this situation should you get that type of response in the future. I am willing to bet Evarin's silver that the character will get atleast a SEND, possibly get pulled up to the lounge for a chat.

How do I know this? I have dealt with situations like this before. Warnings mean little coming from players, but you should always give them anyway. If ten people told him to shut up/report his behavior, perhaps he would not be working under the mistaken impression no one cares.

Good on ya, Omens. People do care.

06-23-2005, 11:57 AM
I was going to report but as he started actually trying to be offensive, the quake in sol came and the rain started so I wanted to get down there as soon as I could. I emphasize the "trying to be offensive" because he was definitely making an effort to offend me as the player. Poorly though, he used insults like "You ain't nothing" and shit. He doesn't know his history either and I told him he should learn it if he wants to criticize others. I think he just said "yeah whatev" to that.

06-23-2005, 12:06 PM
Either report or "Roleplay nominate" him and include some of the lines he says.

06-23-2005, 01:45 PM
I thought the GMs get pissed when you use RP nominate like that.

06-23-2005, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Showal
I thought the GMs get pissed when you use RP nominate like that.

Gets their attention though.

06-23-2005, 01:48 PM
I've noticed they don't pay attention when you RP nominate where as a report, I imagine, comes up on their screen like a send does.

I've RP nominated people during good RP to have nothing come of it.

06-23-2005, 01:57 PM
I have never had a report ignored when it had to do with someone being OOC. I report often.

06-23-2005, 02:00 PM
Yeah? Lets see you step to Showal when he tells you the latest score on the Red Sox game tonight.

I've reported OOC stuff and had it ignored.

06-23-2005, 02:01 PM
I guess where is the line for reporting. I wouldn't want to report someone immediately off the bat for something OOC, which is why I wanted to tell him in whispers first to stay in character. I would have reported him for turning into an asshat afterwards had I had time but where do most people draw the line?

06-23-2005, 02:06 PM
The GMs aren't going to freak out and insta-ban the person. Just report the string of text you found OOC. The GMs will then give a SEND to the person telling them politely to shut up.

If he persist, report in the same way, just by copying the text and letting them see it. They will then grab the person, stick him in the lounge, and knock it off. If he/she gives them an attitude up there, they will likely give the person an official warning, and have them read policy.

THAT is the most that could happen to someone being blatantly OOC. SENDS are the usual minimum, and will usually stop the behavior on the spot.

Miss X
06-23-2005, 02:17 PM
Personally, I would try several things before resorting to reporting (which should only be used in an emergency.)

As players, if we care about GS, we have a responsibility to try and keep everything IC. That includes helping out those who perhaps do not understand these rules.

When encountering OOC behaviour, the first thing I would do is use polite whispers to explain things, perhaps some links to verb websites etc. I would also direct the player to Silverwood Manor. There are lot's of mentors who are willing to spend time helping if you do not have time to do so.

Reporting, I would use as a last resort, OR if the OOC behaviour is harassment towards you or is extremely rude (although GMs should get those words flagged.)

06-23-2005, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Showal
Yeah well I guess my point was I told him that I do care and asked him to stay in character, several times. He just refused to. Anyways, who are you OreoElf in game?

Well what elf wizardess was at your Wedding??? You forget so easily...

06-23-2005, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
I would also direct the player to Silverwood Manor.Ugh, one time my little empath went to that place and this Chica person just wouldn't keep her hands off!! I was like "Please stop rubbing my bodice, Mentor lady." and Chica was like "STFU I BAN U." True story.

06-23-2005, 05:14 PM
I think I might have used the report verb a grand total of 10 times ever... with the exception of just bantering between myself and a couple GMs.

If you are using report on a consistant basis.. then you are either being a puss or hanging out with the wrong people.

06-23-2005, 06:15 PM
I have never been corrected in my actions of reporting OOC nonsense by use of the report verb.

What you consider allowable, I may consider an emergency. I honestly don't witness out-and-out OOC behavior with all that much frequency for the amount of time I play in comparison to others. However, as I said, when I do witness it, I will use the verb with little hesitation.

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

06-23-2005, 06:32 PM
You don't ever try to speak to the person in an OOC whisper first Fallen?

06-23-2005, 06:40 PM
A lot of people know my stance of reporting. It should frankly be unused unless the following reasons:

1. Bug abuse
2. Explotation of game mechanics
3. Real life threats
4. Hacking
5. Sexual harassment
6. Excessive griefing
7. Major disruption of the game atmosphere

It should be a 9-11 call, not a "Hey, my cats stuck in a tree, HPEL GMS!!!1" type of thing. I personally hate the verb.

- Arkans

06-23-2005, 06:40 PM
I reported once when I saw these two talking about how they're learning french and spanish in college and then speaking to each other in those language. When I asked them to stop, they said something along the lines of "We're just talking to each other, you should ignore us". I told them they could go to a table, they said that I could just leave. I was in the treehouse. So I reported. One of them started IMing this guy we both knew and complained to him about me ... our mutual friend just said "showal's right ... sorry, but you shouldn't be talking like that in game in public".

06-23-2005, 06:41 PM

06-23-2005, 06:42 PM
<<showal's post>>

Now see, that I would report as well. I use a general rule of thumb that I try to talk to the person first about it and if they don't respond favorably and continue to do the same BS then I report. Normaly I get a good reaction from speaking to them about it first. When I have reported though, I've never been sent something back saying it wasn't appropriate to report on.

[Edited on 6-23-2005 by Jolena]

06-23-2005, 06:42 PM
Yeah, in public, that's a bit stupid to be doing. At a table or in a room, I'm all for it.

- Arkans

06-23-2005, 06:44 PM
Oh hell yeah, that's in my opinion what rooms and tables are for. I mean I've heard of folks who got busted for cursing or speaking OOC at a table but I've personally never been busted for it and I have been known to speak OOC at tables or in a house to people when appropriate for our discussion.

06-23-2005, 06:44 PM
I curse like a sailor at tables and in rooms. If any GM ever gave me a hard time for it, I'd tell them what I thought.

- Arkans

06-23-2005, 06:45 PM
Yeah like when showal was talking to Arkans and Raulda in a private room. Showal thinks Arkans is a ho bag asshole shit eating dark elf jackass loser and he doesn't like him. But I think it's ok we were talking OOC in a private room.

06-23-2005, 06:46 PM

06-23-2005, 06:47 PM
I've heard tables are actually not acceptable for OOC speak, but if they're not causing a disruption ... I don't disagree with it. I've heard that locked rooms are the only acceptable places. I could be wrong, but since no one really sees if you go ooc at a table, that's probably why it's never reported.

06-23-2005, 06:52 PM
Usually I whisper OOC things to the person I'm RPing with and put a big OOC: before whatever I have to say in the whisper.

Stun and I used to talk OOC at tables a lot and found that it was harder to stay IC and RP with each other when we did. Now it's just become a habit with each other and with others to whisper it with a OOC: in front if we need to go OOC about something.

06-23-2005, 07:36 PM
You don't ever try to speak to the person in an OOC whisper first Fallen? >>

Rarely. I tried this before in the past and basically got the response of STFU.

I report first, and let the GMs do their jobs. Should they care to create a verb specifically for the purpose of reporting OOC behavior, I would use that instead.

Such a request has been made repeatedly on the official boards. The GM response is always the same: Use the report verb.

06-24-2005, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
1. Bug abuse
2. Explotation of game mechanics
3. Real life threats
4. Hacking
5. Sexual harassment
6. Excessive griefing
7. Major disruption of the game atmosphere

I personally hate the verb.

Good job nutcase, you feel it should be used for all 7 of those things, all 7 of those things have and will continue to happen, yet you hate the verb. Therefore you must want that behavior to go unnoticed and unpunished.

06-24-2005, 02:26 PM
Fengus, despite the fact that you've obviously been huffing glue and completely lack the ability to put anything into context (working around to much radiation, Navy boy?) I'll say that if the verb was used for those reason alone then it would be good. If you could comprehend what was written, you wouldn't obviously understand that I meant it is terrible right now. Nice try though.

- Arkans

06-24-2005, 02:56 PM
Yeah, the last time I reported was after Alfue got hung and thrown outside the gates and the game was acting like he was still in the stocks.

I have however been reported for various reasons, the funniest being stealing from someones character.

Strangely enough, an hour after posting this I had to use report to respond to a GM

[Edited on 6-24-2005 by Alfster]