View Full Version : Survival Horror
Anyone else into this series of games? Just picked up a $17 used copy of Silent Hill 4 and I couldn't be more pleased. Can't believe I waited this long to get this game. Definately continues to outshine Resident Evil in every way.
- Arkans
06-25-2005, 01:24 PM
Sorry, no time for horror flicks! I must save the world!
/heroic pose
Back to CoH!
06-25-2005, 02:17 PM
Arkans cant get live womyns.
That is all.
Don't hate just cuz I won't date :(
- Arkans
06-25-2005, 04:18 PM
(ok im done. i promise. sorta kinda.)
It out shines RE4 in EVERY way? I thought RE4 had a unique style of play that was intense, even more so than Silent Hill 4. Although RE4 wasn't nearly as scary as Silent Hill 4.
Sean of the Thread
06-25-2005, 04:19 PM
Silent Hill series rocks.
06-25-2005, 04:40 PM
Anyone else into this series of games? Just picked up a $17 used copy of Silent Hill 4 and I couldn't be more pleased. Can't believe I waited this long to get this game. Definately continues to outshine Resident Evil in every way. >>
I have played every single one of the Silent Hill series multiple times. It is a fantastic series of games, with a simply awesome soundtrack. I have 2, 3, 4, and listen to them often.
I suggest once you finish four, you pick up 2 & 3 for the computer. They are also for the PS2, but the dated graphics might be a bit much for you. Silent Hill 2 has the best story by far, with SH 3 just behind it.
I hope you enjoy the series as much as I did... You can say I am a bit of a SH Freak. There is a fifth game on the way, the series is long from over.
Funny story, I remember back seeing a commercial for Silent Hill 1 for the PS. I decided to rent it, eh, why not? I liked Resident Evil after all. The game blew me away. I then decided to pick up Silent Hill 2 when it hit the PS2 and was absolutely floored by the story line and the horror of it. Silent Hill 3, while not as good as 2, was simply amazing and the only thing that turned me off a bit was there as just a bit too much action.
Now, Silent Hill 4, I've managed to get pretty far in the game and I'm still loving it. Not sure what's going to happen next, but so far, it's definately leaving up to the creepy psychological horror that it excells in. The only problem is, the areas seem to be a bit more wide open and it is not nearly as clostrophobic as Silent Hill 2 was.
Now, comparing Silent Hill 4 to Resident Evil 4. Well, mechanically, RE4 wins hands down. There are no two ways about it. As far as story and creepiness goes? Resident Evil can't even hold a candle to it. Unfortunately, Resident Evil suffers from the syndrom of "Man, this series should have ended a LONG TIME AGO, BUT IT JUST WON'T DIE!!" where as Silent Hill series still has a lot of life in it. Overall, an excellent alternative to the RE series.
- Arkans
06-25-2005, 06:37 PM
Resident Evil 4 was simply amazing. It was the most balanced, most brilliantly designed game I have played to date. The mechanics behind the title were stunning.
Silent Hill cannot hope to hold a candle to RE4 in ANY possible way, in terms of gameplay. RE4 is the definition of polished.
The story was quite good as well, as was the voice acting. The difference being, Silent Hill has the best storyline of any video game I have played to date. It is the story behind the game, the story of Silent Hill that keeps the series alive.
Have you read the graphical novel, Arkans?
I havn't no, any good?
Let's put all the cards on the table. Resident Evil 4 had a storyline that was reaching at best.
So yeah, random virus and random cult in a random place in Spain appears just as Umbrella goes under just to bring them back from ruin? Give me a break. Umbrella failed and they were just looking for a way to bring them back. End the series already.
- Arkans
06-25-2005, 10:39 PM
This makes me very sad and want to get a playstation again... I loved Silent Hill... I thought the story was much better, and enjoyed the game more than the RE series... Unfortunately when I was in TX my roommate's cat killed my PS2 :( Maybe it's time to get another...
Oh and Arkans... you're not only my drunk uncle, but you're also my drunk necropheliac uncle... I am afraid... very afraid...
Resident Evil 4 was intense.
I've never felt total panic within the first 5 mins of gameplay before.
On the otherhand. I've only played Silent Hill 1, back on the PS.
I totally loved it though.
06-26-2005, 03:47 AM
Resident Evil 4 was intense.
I've never felt total panic within the first 5 mins of gameplay before.
On the otherhand. I've only played Silent Hill 1, back on the PS.
I totally loved it though. >>
I have a kick ass surround sound system, and I seriously considered to stop playing when I hit those crazed dogs running around in the hedge maze.
Too much fun.
I had to go drink coffee outside, for a few minuites.
I'll look into the Silent Hill series if it's the same kind of fun.
06-26-2005, 04:17 AM
Silent Hill, especially SH2, was more about psychological fear than jump out of the shadows BOO type fear. There are events and situations that just fuck with your head.
I've never played any other game quite like it.
Hey! Dead girls don't say no!
But yeah, the fear in Silent Hill is completely different in than in Resident Evil. Nothing beats when your radio starts spouting static and weird noises when monsters are lurking around. The game is just unsettling.
Resident Evil 4 didn't give me a scare really. It was a great action game, but that's about it. Maybe because when monsters were around, they played fast paced music and I knew I wasn't safe. Ehh.. Just killed it. Nothing beats the uneasiness the Silent Hill series makes you feel for sure.
- Arkans
- Arkans
06-26-2005, 01:24 PM
Both series have gone on far too long in my opinion, Resi especially. I guess Silent Hill can do different stories etc, but they need to stop milking dry the Resi franchise. They should have ended the storyline at number 3.
Heh, Resident Evil 3 definately should have been the last one.. Silent Hill is great, but I just don't know how Silent Hill 2 fits into the story line, since I really didn't see how it had anything in common with 1, 3, and 4
- Arkans
06-26-2005, 03:45 PM
Both series have gone on far too long in my opinion, Resi especially. I guess Silent Hill can do different stories etc, but they need to stop milking dry the Resi franchise. They should have ended the storyline at number 3. >>
Which games of the two series have you completed?
06-26-2005, 03:59 PM
All of the Resi. Silent Hill 1, 2 & 3. Resi has gone wayyyy too far and the story is just bloated now. 1 & 2 were excellent games and the third should have just capped everything off. But no, they wanted to milk it for a whole lot more...
Resident Evil 2 was by far the best. They should have quit while they were ahead, though I don't see that with Silent Hill though. Why do you?
- Arkans
06-26-2005, 04:16 PM
Well its not so much the same with Silent Hill, I have to admit. But when I see another new game all I can think is "cash in".
06-26-2005, 05:45 PM
On a slightly different note... anyone ever play D it was just simply D as I remember it and was weird as fuck... seemed like a weird rip off of Silent Hill in a way...
06-26-2005, 06:03 PM
Never heard of it. Other survival Horror Games I have seen/played is the Clocktower, Nightmare Creatures (More action oriented), Siren... and that one where you take pictures of the ghosts to trap them.
Silent Hill 4 is drawing to a close. Anything out there in the same vein?
- Arkans
06-26-2005, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by OreoElf
On a slightly different note... anyone ever play D it was just simply D as I remember it and was weird as fuck... seemed like a weird rip off of Silent Hill in a way...
Don't you mean Vampire Hunter D? That game sucked.
There was a game called D. Didn't get a chance to play much.
- Arkans
06-26-2005, 10:32 PM
If you get Silent Hill 2 for the Computer, or for X-box, you can play the subgame - Restless Dreams. You take control of a completely different character from James.
I haven't played through it ... Gemstone keeps me busy.
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