View Full Version : WoW expansion confirmed
06-22-2005, 06:55 PM
WoW Expansion Confirmed (
Given the increasing popularity of World of Warcraft--which reached the two-million subscriber milestone last week--it was only a matter of time until it got an expansion pack.
However, developer/publisher Blizzard Entertainment has remained mum on matters of an add-on for the massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Some rumors speculated the silence was due to a large number of designers assigned to the project had left Blizzard for NCsoft, stymieing work on the project. Others pointed to the numerous new job openings listed on Blizzard's Web site as evidence the company was just starting to ramp up work on the project.
However, it was only today that Blizzard made it official--or one of its employees did anyway. On the official World of Warcraft forums, Shane Dabiri, lead producer of the World of Warcraft development team posted a lengthy message titled "World of Warcraft Battleplan." Besides outlining increased customer-service, the addition of servers, and gameplay additions, Dabiri's post also addressed the $64,000 question. "Some have asked about an expansion and what it might hold," he said. "I wanted to let players know that it is in the works, and we’ll release details as soon as we can."
Unfortunately for PC gamers, that's all Dabiri said regarding an expansion, and Blizzard officials contacted by GameSpot had offered no further comments as of press time.
However, Dabiri did outline some forthcoming free updates for the game. "In our next major update, we will be releasing Blackwing Lair, a 40-person raid dungeon, where you will be able to battle against the epic dragon Nefarian and his minions," he said. "We are also working on a 20-person dungeon called Zul'Gurub, and the mysterious lands of Ahn'Qiraj in Silithus. Outside of dungeons, we want to continue adding new world events, such as a carnival that will take place in Mulgore and Elwynn forest."
GameSpot will have more details on the World of Warcraft expansion as soon they emerge.
06-22-2005, 07:05 PM
This is why I didnt want to get too involved with WoW. Now in order to play with most people, you're going to have to buy new expansions after expansions leading eventually up to a WoW II.
I hope they release the "Hero" classes... or at least raise the cap.
06-22-2005, 07:08 PM
I predict either Outland or Northrend.
Northrend is a continent north of Kalimdor and Azeroth. It's the frozen wastelands of the North, former home of the Spider Kingdom, Azjol-Nerub. It's now the seat of the Scourge led by Arthas, fallen Crown-Prince of Lordaeron. Icecrown Glacier would probably be the big dungeon.
And if it's Outland... then Blood Elves, Draenei, and Naga will probably become a playable race, on a seperate faction... Enemy to both the Horde and the Alliance. The Naga are sworn enemy to the Night Elves... The Blood Elves betrayed the Alliance in Lordaeron when they fled to Outland... And the Draenei are sworn enemy to the orcs since they were practically wiped out by them.
06-22-2005, 08:18 PM
I read somewhere that Blizzard recently trademarked the title "The Burning Crusade."
Not sure if it has anything to do with WoW, but it probably does.
06-22-2005, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Showal
This is why I didnt want to get too involved with WoW. Now in order to play with most people, you're going to have to buy new expansions after expansions leading eventually up to a WoW II.
Unlike GS4 where they have prime, prem, plat, and various other pay to play events
06-22-2005, 09:32 PM
Besides Forest Acres, which is a ghost town 99%, there is no separate interactions for Prime and Premium Gemstone Suscribers.
06-22-2005, 10:04 PM
<<Unlike GS4 where they have prime, prem, plat, and various other pay to play events >>
Yeah but I see the difference in paying the same price and being able to download the game than having to pay that monthly price and pay 50 bucks on top of that each time something new comes out. This all leads until the whole game's eventually trashed when WoW II comes out and then the cycle begins all over.
06-22-2005, 11:39 PM
I'd be happy with:
Woodworking profession (staves, arrows, crossbows, bows, shields)
Increase the cap (80?)
Addition of more races and/or another faction (though another faction might be a bit much)
Let's get goblins as a playable race, eh?
- Arkans
06-23-2005, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by Izalude
I predict either Outland or Northrend.
And if it's Outland... then Blood Elves, Draenei, and Naga will probably become a playable race, on a seperate faction... Enemy to both the Horde and the Alliance. The Naga are sworn enemy to the Night Elves... The Blood Elves betrayed the Alliance in Lordaeron when they fled to Outland... And the Draenei are sworn enemy to the orcs since they were practically wiped out by them.
if they are smart, Blizz will do something like the above to keep capped players into the game
06-23-2005, 12:58 PM
I hope I'm 60 before they raise the cap.
I personally like the fact that expansion packs are coming out. Sure it's another purchase, but I'm eager to pay for it and get all the new areas and whatever else they'll implement.
[Edited on 6-23-2005 by Hulkein]
06-23-2005, 01:07 PM
I guess what makes me weary is how compatable are each one? Would someone who walks out of one of the old areas into the new area just disappear to someone who doesn't have the expansion? Would they be considered different games altogether?
06-23-2005, 01:08 PM
That happens as part of the game anyway. Whole load of reasons why someone might just disappear...and there are already places where not everyone can go
06-23-2005, 01:17 PM
Graphical games take a different mind set, in my opinion, then text games do.
I have played Gemstone for 212 years, since the dawn of time, without ever paying for an extra expansion. However I have historically dropped probably an extra hundred or two a year on pay events. Gemstone has been around forever, Gemstone will probably be around until Simutronics can not milk 12.95 out of it's decaying husk.
Graphical games however, I don't expect to play for more than 2 years. Max. More than likely in 6 months I'll be bored with the content of WoW and go play City of Heroes or EQ2 until this new expansion comes out. When WoW II comes out I'll probably buy that too.
And if you think Simu isn't already in development for the first Hero's Journey expansion, your probably wrong.
[Edited on 6-23-2005 by Iqxero]
06-23-2005, 02:38 PM
EqII expansion is coming out, called Desert of Flames. I'm honestly surprised WoW's is taking so long. A lot of my friends play so it is always interesting to see whats going on with the wow world ;)
I can't wait for our expansion, hope the one for WoW is awesome too :)
06-23-2005, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Iqxero
I have played Gemstone for 212 years, since the dawn of time, without ever paying for an extra expansion.
Holy crap, are you a dirt elf IRL?
06-23-2005, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by Iqxero
I have played Gemstone for 212 years, since the dawn of time, without ever paying for an extra expansion.
Holy crap, are you a dirt elf IRL?
No, I attribute my longevity to a strict diet of carrot juice and woodland animals less then 6 weeks old. Typically combined in a smoothie. I swear, Jack Lalane's juicer is the greatest invention ever.
Doyle Hargraves
06-23-2005, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Showal
<<Unlike GS4 where they have prime, prem, plat, and various other pay to play events >>
Yeah but I see the difference in paying the same price and being able to download the game than having to pay that monthly price and pay 50 bucks on top of that each time something new comes out.
Expansions for most graphical games typically run between $20-30 and normally have a lot of new content. I don't remember ever seeing an expansion for any game that ran $50 or even $40. Not to mention the fact that every couple of months you get free content updates.
You do realize that anytime something "new" (and I use that term loosely) comes out in GS, it's sold at a merchant pay event that runs anywhere from $30-300 right? And half the time you're not even getting anything new for it. Instead you either get "personal" GM time where you are free to shove your head as far up their ass as you wish, a bunch of alter merchants (which results in getting nothing new, just a different description for your items), or a teddy bear that squeaks when you hug it or something equally stupid.
I'm with Nien on this one.
[Edited on 6-23-2005 by Doyle Hargraves]
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