View Full Version : Coupla bard questions

06-17-2005, 02:43 PM
Just a coupla questions.

Do renewals count as 'casting' for armor hindrance purposes? IE, if I go to some of the heavier armors, will I occasionally fail renewals?

I'm 1x armor, 1x pt, 1x dodge, 2x poles, 1x cm, 1x spells, 1x air lore, with swim, climb, perception and controls thrown in. Telepathy thrown in. I want my armor, want more share for bigger pulses, want telepathy and I want dux. Points are thin, so I gotta compromise.

At what point does diminishing returns really kick in from air lore. Whats the formula for how much sonics flare?

Will I ever get bardux? If I stop pt at max health anmd only .3x swim/climb?

06-17-2005, 04:31 PM
If you stop at max health you won't get any redux. PF is your main contributor towards redux.

Song renewals, to the best of my knowledge, don't have hinderance issues. But God help you if you're stunned.

06-17-2005, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Janarth
At what point does diminishing returns really kick in from air lore. Whats the formula for how much sonics flare?

At about 44 ranks, near 80 ranks is about the best your flares will get.