View Full Version : The Power of Dispel (417)

09-25-2003, 12:23 PM
I can't say when or even if this happened but it seems to be the only logical explanation. In looking for a set of 2x leathers, I used my siren scale as a known 5x testing piece. Strangely, my siren scale tested lowered than a set of double leathers being worn by an 11th train ranger. Yeah that'll make ya blink twice. Something was seriously wrong. Further testing (rift aged bard singing) showed my siren scale to be +12 instead of the usual +25. All other stats were the exact same as typical 5x...even value oddly enough so let the buyer beware on that one! Naturally I called for an assist only to get up close and horrified by the power of the spell 417 (dispel). No, I did not intentionally cast dispel at my leathers however if I did cast it at someone whose name was a bit too similar to "leather" and this person moved out of the room before the spell went off, my leathers would have been the next logical (in some worlds anyway) target. There is no special messaging in doing this. Given sufficient scrolling going on, I may not even have noticed it. And yes this spell has the power to take +25 to +12 in one cast. Now, I would feel a whole lot better about this IF I had the ability to regain the lost enchants myself but given that siren scale is padded, that's just not possible. Seems unfair to lose enchants by my own hand but not be able to regain them. And even if enchanting merchants were around, the cost of bringing these back to what they were would cost me far more than purchasing a new set. Do pass on the power of dispel to destroy enchants to your friends, maybe it will save someone's gear from the same damage done to mine.

Thanks for listening.


09-25-2003, 12:26 PM
Thanks for the warning.

09-25-2003, 12:30 PM
Well...it went down an entire 13. That's really not that much, especially with the padding they have. You might take a few extra hits, but you really won't feel them. I'd be upset about it, but not devastated unless you were planning on reselling them.

You might also consider assisting and getting a referral.

09-25-2003, 12:35 PM
I did assist...no dice.

I'm not the first this has happened to either...they got a "tough luck buddy" as well.

Lord Whirlin
09-25-2003, 12:41 PM
Thats because the GMs and Gamehosts recently have just become stupid policy whores. They don't care about the players like they used to. "Its against policy" Thats all they ever say. GMs are just the high authority that say NO... I could create a quick script to do a GM's job.
A: Teleport to <next person in queue>
put say "No, sorry, its against policy"
Goto A

09-25-2003, 12:46 PM
"Its against policy" Thats all they ever say.

Cripes, some people want them to enforce policy without flexibility, some want them to ignore it occasionally.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

09-25-2003, 12:59 PM
Well I definitely do not agree with the way Dispel is implemented. First off, why can it remove multiple enchants and yet only one spell on at target ? Enchanting is a far more difficult and lengthy magic process that say, an airwall, or guards. Secondly, why would anyone ever dispel their own gear ? I can't think of a single reason. Thirdly, the targetting of this on your own gear is random in that usually you'd be dispelling a person and have it accidently hit gear with a like name. This is wrong. It should only target an item if you actually have it in your hand. It should also never take more than a single enchantment, as that is one casting of Enchant Item.

Usually when I dispel someone it's by request (vast majority of the time) to aid them in some matter. I will no longer be willing to dispel anyone unless I have a dang good reason. I'm not going to run the risk of hosing my expensive gear.

Oh, I just thought of 2 more things.

1. why don't other spells target your items if your target walks off ? all of the elementals ? Because they shouldn't, that's why.

2. In every frpg I've ever seen, enchanting is the strongest, most binding of all magics and is NOT easily dispelled, especially multiple times by a spell that's suppose to only get one spell at a time.

For a spell that's wimpy compared to Spirit Dispel, this sure works good on enchanting.

Morstanya, Icewitch.

09-25-2003, 01:00 PM
Yep, its always been like that. As for GM's, they run a business, they do not care one shit about your or your fucked up item, just your money. Years back, when the God's actually walked the lands, actually gave a shit beyond what Warden and the policy tells them, you would have had it fixed.

09-25-2003, 01:51 PM
Just a hint: When using dispel or a bolt spell, fully type out the target name. That will ensure that horrible things do not happen to innocent items. ;)

HarmNone did this and it worked well

09-25-2003, 01:56 PM
I tell you what, when you cast on someone named Leath, while wearing enchanted leathers, let me know. Until I see that I'll only be dispelling people that really piss me off.

Morstanya, Witch of the North.

09-25-2003, 02:15 PM
that's pretty stange, have you tried it on any other sets of enchanted leathers you have? I had some of that lizard scale armor once and for some reason I had problems with it similair to what you described except I never cates dispell on them. It would seem to loose enchants for no reason.. then be end up being fine again later on, be it a couple minutes or hours I can't remember because I had them a while ago. But I did notice them acting strange, I called for an assist they told me I might be in a room where it affected DS, I'm not retarted... I treid different areas... but then it would come back to normal, I had this problem about 3 or 4 times I think... maybe it was something else I over looked, but I could never make any sense of it. I was dispelled and all so spells shouldn't play a roll in it... I don't know hun, just my experince, take a look at them again soon and see if they're still that way. I never liked how they are "a siren lizard scale leather" either, that just bothers me.

09-25-2003, 02:41 PM
Hiya Meows!

I wish I could say that I've noticed them acting strangely before but I haven't. I'm afraid the dispel explanation makes all too much sense...not that I agree with the power of it to do this kind of damage. Also, Methais posted elsewhere (official boards under Magic) that several people have discovered their gear isn't what it used to be due to dispel defaulting to their own equipment when the original target person moved.

Hehe, yeah, I've had a few comment on the "a siren scale leather" description before.


09-25-2003, 03:06 PM
I bought mine a long time ago as "a siren lizard scale leather". I dyed them and they came out as "a pure white leather", which was not acceptable. I got a referal and got them changed to "some pure white leathers". Later I had them altered to be "some pure white leathers with a moon and stars tooled on the chest", so all ended up well.

Morstanya, Icewitch.

09-25-2003, 04:54 PM
I hate to disagree with some of you, but I don't think players should be given replacements for things they did.

I like to play a game where there are consequences to your actions and that is realistic. If I accidentally shoot my dog in RL, there isn't a GM to go and get it replaced...instead I learn not to shoot guns around the dogs...

So this is a lesson, learn to safeguard your things.

With that being said, I do feel sorry for you messing up your leathers though..:(


09-25-2003, 06:15 PM
There are products in the real world that are "recalled" by their manufacturers due to serious repercussions by their users. Some even end up in court aka GM Land.


09-25-2003, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by LdyImraith
There are products in the real world that are "recalled" by their manufacturers due to serious repercussions by their users. Some even end up in court aka GM Land.


That's when the product is defective. The product wasn't defective in this case.. you simply misused a spell on it, causing the problem.

I'm with Straight. There should be consequences for your actions.

Dispel has always had the ability to 'dispel' enchantments. It's a feature of the spell... use it wisely.

09-25-2003, 07:06 PM
I find a spell that defaults from a person target to a worn item target defective.


09-25-2003, 09:07 PM
Geesh, that dog analogy and everything pertaining to it is rediculous. In the "real world" you aren't governed by a game engine. It's true, really, it's just reality, trust me. I actually deal with reality everyday so I consider myself well schooled on the subject.

Gemstone however is subject to "reality" changes based on perceptions of those coding it. Unless I'm greatly mistaken, that's a cornerstone of all frpg'ing.

Morstanya, Icewitch.

(by the way, in that impertinent analogy regarding the dog, Immy didn't shoot the dog, she shot her foot and ruined her 5 million dollar boots cause the dog somehow disappeared at the speed of light...)

09-25-2003, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by LdyImraith
I find a spell that defaults from a person target to a worn item target defective.


It's not the spell, it's your usage.

Use the word AT when casting.
Use more than 2 or 3 letters of the target's name when casting.

It's like blaming your sword when you type PUT SWORD instead of PUT SWORD IN MY BACKPACK.

Shortcuts will someday catch up with you.

09-26-2003, 01:18 AM
I went to Beta and played around with dispel. Not only was I not able to dispel my leathers but using AT made zero difference. I cast over 50 times at them. Also, using LEA caused me to hit an item inside a container...some torban leaf. I had to use LEAT to hit the leather. FYI and most interesting.


09-26-2003, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by LdyImraith
There are products in the real world that are "recalled" by their manufacturers due to serious repercussions by their users. Some even end up in court aka GM Land.


That's when the product is defective. The product wasn't defective in this case.. you simply misused a spell on it, causing the problem.


Have we forgotten the woman who was too stupid to realize that hot coffee placed between her legs while driving out of a fast-food drive through could HURT if splashed?

That was hardly defective coffee, merely lack of common sense. Misuse of product you might say. And she prevailed.

Keep hounding the GM's?

Acolyte Kurili

09-26-2003, 09:05 AM
No, I am sorry, I didnt mean to imply Imrith was stupid, nor that she did anything stupid. What I mean, is even irl, NOT all court actions (GM actions) are a result of faulty products. Actually, in this case, I would more say it is a faulty product. And she should keep bugging the GMs about it.

I am sorry, that just didnt come out right before.

Acolyte Kurili

09-26-2003, 09:07 AM
The coffee-spilling woman I mentioned WAS stupid. Not Imrith or you. And I had no idea gear could be disspelled either.

Acolyte Kurili

09-26-2003, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by LdyImraith
I went to Beta and played around with dispel. Not only was I not able to dispel my leathers but using AT made zero difference. I cast over 50 times at them. Also, using LEA caused me to hit an item inside a container...some torban leaf. I had to use LEAT to hit the leather. FYI and most interesting.


Cast it at your shield in Beta. You'll lose enchants on it, I bet. I doubt the fixed 417, it's just impossible to cast 417 at padded armor and for it to lose enchants from what I understand.

I'm sure the GM that answered the assist thought they were giving you the right answer, I just don't think it's a possibility that this was user error.

09-26-2003, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
I don't recall seeing Imraith *ever* try to say she had used the spell correctly. Your arguments, Parkbandit, are all true. And all entirely beside the point she is trying to make. She is questioning the mechanics that allow such a DRASTIC result from such a WIMPY spell. It's severely unbalanced and there is a LOT they could (and should) do to make it right. Yes, we all live and learn, but the fact still remains that the spell just shouldn't a) be SO strong on enchanted items when it can only remove one spell at a time (especially now that a 4-5x enchant is not ONE cast, but FIVE.) and b) it should not automatically revert to your gear. Some spells do and others do not. This is one that should not, if it's going to be so damaging.

You are assuming that dispel was intended NOT to dispel an enchantment.

It's considered a feature and not a bug... or at the very least a bug that is now considered a feature. Either way, it's always been that way.