View Full Version : Kwaldor, Windermere, and friends.

06-16-2005, 09:42 PM
So I'm in Vaalor helping out a friend with council work, and I happened to be socializing in the Ancient Gardens last evening when I logged off. I come back and decide to dabble around the area and maybe get a few skinning jobs. Anyway, I take ONE step north and see a bunch of shmucks just standing there. I ask if one of them could spare a disk...

[Ta'Vaalor, Garden of Ancients]
A small niche has been carved into the high city wall, providing a resting place for a small statue of an elven woman. Thick ferns cluster about the foot of the wall and the bases of the nearby trees. A small stone bench provides a resting place for quiet contemplation. You also see a falcon.
Also here: Lord Kwaldor, Kirlamus, Windermere, Persant
Obvious paths: north, south

You ask, "Anyone here that could spare a disk perhaps?"

Speaking in Elven, Windermere says, "Not when you do that."

You raise an eyebrow in Windermere's direction.

>Speaking in Elven, Kirlamus says, "Please works wonders. I am unable to either way though."

>Speaking in Elven, Windermere says, "Come up and be so forward with a stranger. Nothing out of your mouth but begging."

Windermere rolls her eyes.

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Perhaps I'll just look elsewhere."

// So then I just decided to say fuck 'em and go someplace else. After spending a couple minutes in VC I decided I could go restock my herbs. I went to the gardens to forage for some cactacae spine. I happened to move through their room and forage, they got all butt-hurt about me "rummaging around their feet." I then realized, "Hey those bastards are assholes. I'll go sit in their room."

The log is really long and boring. But I'll give you the meat of what happened. They continue to go on calling my ranger brutish, oafish and rude. How I had no manners at all for not asking them permission to forage in the room that they were occupying. I then foraged for a couple apples to eat and called in my AC. I fed her and pet her a little and they continued to insult me. Finally, a few of my friends came in and we started talking, they then started insulting me in front of them and when my friends spoke up, said they had no manners for hanging out with an oaf like me. Go figure. Anyway... after having a few words with them, Kwalador and the other mule threatening my tiger, and FLIRTing Windermere I got slapped. If the room hadn't been sanctified, I would have taken a shot at all of them. Maybe I'm just an oafish, rude asshole... but I don't feel like I did anything wrong, other than resorting to the childish ploy of sitting in the room while they were publicly enchanting things. I won't disclose my plans just yet, but keep an eye on the Dueler's thread for a few upcoming nifty posts. :smilegrin: Oh, and if any of you guys are reading this thread, remember Windermere... you slapped me first.

06-16-2005, 10:06 PM
Maybe they were just, gasp!, roleplaying bitchy snobs. I must admit I'd be annoyed by them too, but them's the breaks. RP ain't just sunshine and helpful spellcasters. Or it shouldn't be, anyway.

06-16-2005, 10:13 PM
I know it's within their rights to RP little snobs, but it's also within my right to RP a hot-headed, trigger happy sniper that doesn't like to be insulted and slapped.:smilegrin:

06-16-2005, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Kenn
I know it's within their rights to RP little snobs, but it's also within my right to RP a hot-headed, trigger happy sniper that doesn't like to be insulted and slapped.:smilegrin:

Exactly right. Just behave as your character naturally would. That's what roleplaying is all about.

06-16-2005, 10:34 PM
If you understand and support it, then why are you complaining about it..? Just go with it, whatever you're gonna do, and be thankful you have some RP going. I feel so isolated lately, I'd give a lot for a random slap!

06-16-2005, 11:28 PM
I should have posted this in a different thread now that I think about it, I guess I'm just seaking validation for my desire to put an arrow in each of their eyes.

06-17-2005, 02:09 AM
You got your validation...KILLIM! :D

And if you're interested Dex...Jesae could slap some of your chars around...

06-17-2005, 02:17 AM
The group of them roleplay that way with all of their characters. Their roleplay involves irritating whomever will listen for as long as possible before running to a table. Kill them.

P.S. Thank you for reminding me to kill Kwaldor. I had completely forgotten. He is not logged in enough for it to stay on the forefront of the things to do list.

06-17-2005, 03:19 AM
They're just looking for a fight.
It's not uncommon for characters with the ability to share guards or disks to be total assbags, once asked for them.

If a 1/4 of what you'd experienced had happened to Shimm, most of them would be lying dead in an unfathomable mass of guts and charred veins, while the one remaining ''alive'' would be crawling over the dirt, totally inside out, uttering muffled screams.

06-17-2005, 03:33 AM
If a 1/4 of what you'd experienced had happened to Shimm, most of them would be lying dead in an unfathomable mass of guts and charred veins, while the one remaining ''alive'' would be crawling over the dirt, totally inside out, uttering muffled screams.

Oooh... the thought of that makes me squeal with delight...

06-17-2005, 04:25 AM
Sanc. Otherwise as soon as the female wizad slapped me, she would have been thorned. They didn't leave the area.

06-17-2005, 06:08 AM


<stalk windermere>

<ambush windermere neck>


<get the hell out of Dodge>

06-17-2005, 06:17 AM
Psh, nuts to ambushing.

<stalk windermere>
<aim right eye>
<get 1 arrow from my sling>
<fire bow at windermere>
<point windermere>
<laugh windermere>

06-17-2005, 03:38 PM
Kwaldor just looks for a fight... And he's a total pansy about losing.

I had a few runins with him as my baby cleric... My cleric, was also a total hotheaded Charl Zealot, with an itchy bane finger. So, when my cleric kicked his ass multiple times, he cried to the GM's.

This happened about 18 months ago.

06-20-2005, 05:13 PM
I think Izalude has exactly the right idea here. You want nothing to do with these people.

[Edited on 6-20-2005 by Warriorbird]

06-21-2005, 12:43 PM
Probably just the desire to RP in a way that makes the hair stand up on peoples' arms. As was said, kill them if that's IC. My empath would go off on them totally, my bard would frown and ask them why they felt they needed to be so rude, my 2wc ranger would probably sulk and be hurt and think she did something wrong, and my archer would probably try to slaughter them from the shadows.

Also, the first time Shimm met my empath she pissed him off, yet STILL managed to get set to warm demeanor :smug: