View Full Version : Should "take-out" be left to the "experts"?

06-16-2005, 04:32 PM
So yesterday I decide to order some sushi from a local Japanese restaurant. I get the number from the phone directory, call them, order a sushi lunch that comes with miso soup and salad, then order an extra side of miso soup and rice to give to my daughter when I get home.

I pick up my food, pay with my bank card, and leave. I get halfway back to work and notice that there is only 1 miso soup and no salad so I turn around, go back to the restaurant and ask them for the additional soup that I paid for and the salad that is supposed to come with my meal.

The waitress comes out with my items, hands me the items with no apology whatsoever, so I put the items in my bag and leave.

Today, I'm checking on my bank account and an additional 3.25 is added to the receipt that I signed yesterday. WTF? The stupid bitch charged me for the soup that I already paid for and I'm assuming the salad which was supposed to come with my meal.

I call the restaurant and voice my complaint and the lady is apologetic enough but then has the audacity to ask me to go there today to clear it up. :rolleyes: I tell her no, give her my receipt number and she tells me she'll fix it.

Sushi plate: 11.95 +tax
Extra items: 3.00 +tax
Getting to satisfy a sushi craving: so not worth it. :no:

Anyone else have problems ordering take-out food from restaurants? If so, please share your story(s) here.

06-16-2005, 04:45 PM
They always :fu: in the drive thru.

06-16-2005, 04:47 PM
Yeah, Nona Emilia's has the best italian food, and we do the take-out thing with them for their pizza.

We've come accustomed to always checking our pizza when we leave because they tend to make it extra crispy.. aka, black. Heh.

Just always check you have everything before you pay and especially before you leave.

[Edited on 6-16-2005 by Divinity]

06-16-2005, 04:48 PM
I've had lots of problems with any type of takeout. Now I sit there and go through each item in my bag and make sure its what I want before I leave. It usually helps so that I don't have to come back and bitch later. I can just usually say HEY where is insert random food item here.

06-16-2005, 04:49 PM
I've been pleasantly suprised by some of the delivery/take-out recently. Places like Chili's, Ruby Tuesdays, Boston Market, etc. haven't fucked up my order at all.

One particular McDonalds in my area on the other hand is so bad I've complained to the manager on two separate instances. Even the local radio show guys comment now and then about how much that particular McDonalds sucks.

06-16-2005, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
They always :fu: in the drive thru.

I always feel like it's just me. I'm ALWAYS missing items when I go drive-thru, or they give me the wrong item.. yadda yadda.

I guess it pays to stay at home and take the extra time to just make something yourself.

06-16-2005, 04:51 PM
I don't do cheese so imagine how tough it is to order stuff and all the time saying no cheese on that.

I order this grilled veggie wrap from TooJays yesterday with "NO CHEZ". I pick it up and get to my desk, open the bag and low and behold.... A wrap with just chez and no veggies for a discount price of $7.95 + tax!!!!

I feel your pain Kim

06-16-2005, 04:52 PM
I hate it when either:

1) They put shit on my chicken/burger when I ask for it plain (and not shit you can easily take off, I mean mayo, pickles, etc)

2) They totally forget an item..... but charge me for it

3) They forget the straw. FUCKERS!!!!! :shoot:

06-16-2005, 04:52 PM
I've never worked at a fast food or take out joint, so I wonder do the workers there mess up orders on purpose? Or is it just because of the bulk of orders they get they just make more mistakes? Cause it always seems to land on me, but then again I bet everyone feels like that. :D

06-16-2005, 04:53 PM

06-16-2005, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Tromp
I don't do cheese so imagine how tough it is to order stuff and all the time saying no cheese on that.

I order this grilled veggie wrap from TooJays yesterday with "NO CHEZ". I pick it up and get to my desk, open the bag and low and behold.... A wrap with just chez and no veggies for a discount price of $7.95 + tax!!!!

I feel your pain Kim

My all time favorite is going to Subway, asking for no cheese and extra something else and having them be super stingy about it. Then asking for extra cheese on a friends sandwich and being charged .75 extra. :rolleyes:

06-16-2005, 04:58 PM
I had the hook-up at Subway before this guy stopped working there.

I like my sandwiches plain (meaning bread and turkey..... that's it). The guy there would always be like "Are you sure?" and then give me 3 cookies for free because I didn't get any toppings.

Also I've noticed alot of the restraunts are now doing "Rewards Cards". You buy a $25 gift card and you get the card (of course) and a $30 reward card good for $5 off your next 6 meals there.

Don Pablos and a local place called "Hops" is doing it.

06-16-2005, 05:05 PM
The first step is to make your sig less fucking huge.

Then, don't expect good service on food to go when you're in a sit-down restaurant. You're worth less to them.

06-16-2005, 05:48 PM
That sucks, I get take-out orders that are screwed up all the time, I "try" to make sure to check my order before leaving so I can just tell them right then and there, but sometimes I forget... you know how I get.

PS. I love the sig! That's how I feel about my pillow!

PSS. I love the new pic! I want a copy!

06-16-2005, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by ChalaRoque
That sucks, I get take-out orders that are screwed up all the time, I "try" to make sure to check my order before leaving so I can just tell them right then and there, but sometimes I forget... you know how I get.

PS. I love the sig! That's how I feel about my pillow!

PSS. I love the new pic! I want a copy!

Yeah, that's what I guess I'll have to do IF I ever order take-out from there again.

The only other alternative is never ordering/eating there again based on the quality of service, I don't think that just because I'm picking food up that gives them the right to fuck it up and/or treat me worse than a dine-in customer (especially when I eat there at least once or twice a month). :shrug:

06-16-2005, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
I had the hook-up at Subway before this guy stopped working there.

I like my sandwiches plain (meaning bread and turkey..... that's it). The guy there would always be like "Are you sure?"

I like it pretty much plain too. The cold cut combo with honey mustard and cheese, sometimes on wheat.

06-16-2005, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by KymberlynX
Yeah, that's what I guess I'll have to do IF I ever order take-out from there again.

The only other alternative is never ordering/eating there again based on the quality of service, I don't think that just because I'm picking food up that gives them the right to fuck it up and/or treat me worse than a dine-in customer (especially when I eat there at least once or twice a month). :shrug:

Yeah, I probably wouldn't eat there again, whether you get take-out or eat in, the quality of service should be the same, since either way, it's money in their pockets. If they are going to treat you like crap and not care about your food just because you are getting take out, why give them your business. Especially when you can take your business elsewhere, at much better japanese restaurants. Like Sushi Kamon!

06-16-2005, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by ChalaRoque

Originally posted by KymberlynX
Yeah, that's what I guess I'll have to do IF I ever order take-out from there again.

The only other alternative is never ordering/eating there again based on the quality of service, I don't think that just because I'm picking food up that gives them the right to fuck it up and/or treat me worse than a dine-in customer (especially when I eat there at least once or twice a month). :shrug:

Yeah, I probably wouldn't eat there again, whether you get take-out or eat in, the quality of service should be the same, since either way, it's money in their pockets. If they are going to treat you like crap and not care about your food just because you are getting take out, why give them your business. Especially when you can take your business elsewhere, at much better japanese restaurants. Like Sushi Kamon!

Well...since travelling over 400 miles just to get tastey Japanese is NOT an option, and I most likely will never be patronizing that other restaurant ever again, I guess I will have to stick to weekends or after work to satisfy my sushi cravings. :flamed:

I'm willing to travel farther for better sushi AND service anyway. :yes:

06-16-2005, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by KymberlynX

Originally posted by ChalaRoque

Originally posted by KymberlynX
Yeah, that's what I guess I'll have to do IF I ever order take-out from there again.

The only other alternative is never ordering/eating there again based on the quality of service, I don't think that just because I'm picking food up that gives them the right to fuck it up and/or treat me worse than a dine-in customer (especially when I eat there at least once or twice a month). :shrug:

Yeah, I probably wouldn't eat there again, whether you get take-out or eat in, the quality of service should be the same, since either way, it's money in their pockets. If they are going to treat you like crap and not care about your food just because you are getting take out, why give them your business. Especially when you can take your business elsewhere, at much better japanese restaurants. Like Sushi Kamon!

Well...since travelling over 400 miles just to get tastey Japanese is NOT an option, and I most likely will never be patronizing that other restaurant ever again, I guess I will have to stick to weekends or after work to satisfy my sushi cravings. :flamed:

I'm willing to travel farther for better sushi AND service anyway. :yes:

Eh, 400 miles isn't that bad. We're going over there later tonight if you want to come with. MMmm, sushi...

06-16-2005, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by ChalaRoque
Eh, 400 miles isn't that bad. We're going over there later tonight if you want to come with. MMmm, sushi...

Punk :P

There's a better Japanese restaurant up here anyway...mmmmmmm IKA! :lol:

06-16-2005, 07:06 PM
Nu uh! Sushi Kamon is far better! Ika is gross!

06-16-2005, 07:20 PM
[quote]Originally posted by Wezas
I've been pleasantly suprised by some of the delivery/take-out recently. Places like Chili's, Ruby Tuesdays, Boston Market, etc. haven't fucked up my order at all.

Chilis is awesome I love the boneless wings :D

Boston market has never messed up an order either. Now there is a place here called Jason's Deli great big huge sandwiches but you have to "check" everything before leaving other wise you end up with someone elses order or missing the fruit cup etc.

06-16-2005, 07:22 PM
Boston Market = the only place in northern Virginia that has "sweet tea". I miss being in southern VA & the carolinas where every restraunt had it.

And no, regular iced tea with sweetener isn't the same.

06-16-2005, 07:28 PM
Delivery people can be.. um.. yeah.

Me and my friends were having a mini-party and ordered five large pizzas. We called the shop in our area, which was a nice neighborhood ten minutes from downtown so it's not like it was obscure, and they said the pizza'd be there in forty-five minutes or so.

We wait.. and wait.. and wait. Gets to be two hours. We call and they tell us the delivery guy had to go back to the store two times because he couldn't find the place. We give him directions and wait and wait and wait, until another hour goes by and we get our pizzas which, even though they made them over again, were cold and congealed. We are not too grateful to this bozo by this time but we give him a tip anyway.

Fast forward a couple more guests and an hour later and we decide to order more pizza for the new people. The pizza place says wow, they'd love to, but they have no way of getting the pizza to us because the delivery guy got back from our place and quit earlier.


06-16-2005, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Boston Market = the only place in northern Virginia that has "sweet tea". I miss being in southern VA & the carolinas where every restraunt had it.

And no, regular iced tea with sweetener isn't the same.

What makes sweet tea so different?

There is a place in So Cal that had sweet tea, I tried it and didn't care for it much. I prefer regular tea with sweetner. :smilegrin:

06-16-2005, 08:39 PM
Sushi (and anything else containing fish or sea animals) makes me nauseated.

I've also never had problems with take out, but I don't get it a lot. When I do get it, I do as someone else suggested and check it over before leaving. Helps.


06-16-2005, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
Sushi (and anything else containing fish or sea animals) makes me nauseated.


06-17-2005, 12:55 AM
"Boston Market = the only place in northern Virginia that has "sweet tea". I miss being in southern VA & the carolinas where every restraunt had it.

And no, regular iced tea with sweetener isn't the same. "

Preach on, my Southern brotha. I had some damn good sweet tea with dinner tonight. My wife thinks I (and most of the South) are strange.

06-17-2005, 03:08 AM
Very rarely are my orders screwed up. I usually check everything before I take off.

I WAS, however, witness to a takeout dinner episode at my parent's house. They had ordred Streets of New York (pizza/italian place) for us and the neighbors. My sister's pasta dish had a hair in it, so my mom called them, and told them, they were apologetic and said they'd replace it. My sister suddenly decides she'd rather have a salad so my mom tells them and they say that's okay. She orders it with NO chicken (my freakish sister is a vegitarian). So my mom drives all the way there and back, gives it to my sister, who opens it...its covered with chicken. She picks it off, gets a quarter of the way through the salad.......and finds another hair.

At this point my mother's best friend and neighbors calls them up and rips them a new one. They ended up giving them gift certifigates but I don't think they've ever been used. :D

I've worked in a couple restraunts and haven't ever forgotten anything on an order, but I've messed up side dishes and the like. I had to jump in my car and drive 5 miles to give this guy his steakfries that he had ordered. I felt so bad because he had complained to my manager about it that I offered to give him the tip back he gave me. He was nice enough to decline. 5 miles for some fucking steak fries. Gimme a goddamn break.

I have never worked in fast food, but I agree, it fucking BLOWS when they forget your straw.

06-17-2005, 03:39 AM
The burger king and pizza place on post constantly screw up.

And I had pity for ya girl, til you mentioned sushi. Ugh. Sushi??? :::: runs ::::

06-17-2005, 03:43 AM
Sorry to say to all you sushi-haters out there, it must be terrible to go through life and be so uncultured. :)

Sushi > Oxygen :lol:

06-17-2005, 03:47 AM
I was never big on sushi. Something about raw seafood just creeps me the hell out. That and I don't like the taste of the seaweed.

I do, however, LOOOOOOOOVE the pickled ginger you eat with it. I can eat a whole jar of that shit. Gari, I think its called.

06-17-2005, 03:52 AM
You don't have to get raw fish in your sushi, there are many different types. Often in America you'll find imitation crab meat instead of real crab in sushi rolls.

If you want to try out some good sushi without raw fish then maybe check out some california rolls or cream cheese rolls. Maybe some spicy shrimp rolls (which has seasoned shrimp in it and is quite good).

One of the problems with eating sushi in America is that no one really understand the etiquette of eating it, for one thing. Most people think they're really cool for using chopsticks to eat sushi... this isn't actually done. :)

Edited to add:

Just did a quick Google search on 'Sushi Etiquette' and found the link below. It has some pretty good information for anyone who is actually interested in sushi and the differences between eastern and western cultures while eating it.


[Edited on 6-17-2005 by Ebondale]

06-17-2005, 05:54 AM
I can't eat seafood. Just.... ugh. Sorry :/

Doesn't mean I am uncultured though, just different tastes :D

06-17-2005, 06:06 AM
The seaweed they use to wrap them grosses me out too though, the flavor is just totally undesirable.

06-17-2005, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by Caiylania
I can't eat seafood. Just.... ugh. Sorry :/

Doesn't mean I am uncultured though, just different tastes :D


Much love for the seafood haters.

I went to a Japenese Steakhouse once.

Lets just say I had alot of the beef strips and stumbled out of there fucked up on Sake.

06-17-2005, 08:59 AM
Very little grosses me out; I eat my steak pretty much bleeding dead, cold in the center, but I will not eat seafood. I can't stand any kind of fish, freshwater or sea. It tastes disgusting.

This is a huge joke in my family because dad is a taurus and won't eat beef; I'm a pisces who won't eat fish, and my mom is a cancer who is actually allergic to crab. It's not that we planned it that way, just something amusing I noticed one day.


06-17-2005, 09:03 AM
This is all cause I told you I was eating California rolls, isn't it. :whistle:

06-17-2005, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by Ebondale
One of the problems with eating sushi in America is that no one really understand the etiquette of eating it, for one thing. Most people think they're really cool for using chopsticks to eat sushi... this isn't actually done. :)

Although I will agree that westerners don't understand the etiquette, I've never heard of not eating sushi with chopsticks. Is that really true? I really didn't think they should be eaten with your fingers. Very weird.

06-17-2005, 09:09 AM
I eat my steak pretty much bleeding dead, cold in the center

Stun it and bun it, I say!

06-17-2005, 09:58 AM
Who cares about sushi etiquette? I mean seriously, as long as its made fresh and tastey I don't care with what I eat it! This isn't Japan, y'know!

- Arkans

06-17-2005, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Czeska
This is all cause I told you I was eating California rolls, isn't it. :whistle:

Yep! :P

06-17-2005, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by Caiylania
The burger king and pizza place on post constantly screw up.

And I had pity for ya girl, til you mentioned sushi. Ugh. Sushi??? :::: runs ::::

Don't be hatin... :(

06-17-2005, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale
Most people think they're really cool for using chopsticks to eat sushi... this isn't actually done. :)

I don't know where you heard this tidbit of info but I think you're wrong.

All the Japanese people I know, including myself, use chopsticks when eating sushi. :rolleyes:

The only ones I wouldn't use chopsticks with are the hand rolls...for obvious reasons.

06-17-2005, 12:32 PM
Damnit. Tomo for dinner again. I swear if I'm not getting carry out at least twice a week, the staff there asks if I've been sick.

06-17-2005, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Czeska
Damnit. Tomo for dinner again. I swear if I'm not getting carry out at least twice a week, the staff there asks if I've been sick.

I was trying to think of somewhere else I could go today to get sushi too. :lol:

06-17-2005, 12:45 PM
Kym, I tried squid salad. OMG. I'm growing up.

come on over, I'll take you to Tomo.

06-17-2005, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Czeska
Kym, I tried squid salad. OMG. I'm growing up.

come on over, I'll take you to Tomo.

Tempting...I'll have to take you up on that offer some day.

I eat dried squid all the time...it's soooooooooo good. It grosses out my niece, which cracks me up, so I'm constantly bombarding her IM's and U2U's with one word: IKA! :smilegrin:

But now I'm sad because I just realized that I don't have anymore squid here at work. :(

06-17-2005, 12:53 PM
I told the sushi chef I couldn't eat it, that the texture was just too nasty for me. He put some chopped marinated squid in a bowl and pretty much ordered me to try it.

06-17-2005, 12:53 PM
I'm seriously about to puke reading all the delicious squid talk. Time to ignore this thread.

06-17-2005, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
I'm seriously about to puke reading all the delicious squid talk. Time to ignore this thread.

Answer my sweet tea question first pls?

06-17-2005, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by KymberlynX

Originally posted by Wezas
I'm seriously about to puke reading all the delicious squid talk. Time to ignore this thread.

Answer my sweet tea question first pls?

It's just different. The closest I can get is putting sweet and low in a regular iced tea. But it's just not the same. Sweet tea just seems to be sweeter on a totally different level. Sweet and Low in your iced tea starts to just taste like sugar water.

06-18-2005, 12:21 AM
He gave you free squid? Thats freakin' sweet. I'd have ate that up. :)