View Full Version : GP: Various Comments/Responses

01-14-2003, 09:25 PM
Magic Item Activation - There is a modifier for encumbrance and being undertrained for armor, and most of the extreme failures that I have seen can be attributed to this. We're planning to remove these factors from RUB and TAP activated items, and WAVE will have a different method for handling these factors. INVOKE and RAISE activated items will still have these as factors, but we're considering adjusting the magnitude of their influence. TAP activated items are more easily activated but have reduced durations (never below the base duration, however). RAISE activated items are more difficult to activate but have increased durations.
Racial TD modifiers for Dwarves and Halflings were reduced by 10 vs Elemental and 5 vs Sorcerer spells.

Archery - AS bonuses increase with Perception and Ambush training beyond the first 40 ranks of each. DS bonuses are based on the archer's skill in Ranged.

Thrown - AS bonuses increase with Combat Maneuvers and Perception training. Weapons that are not appropriate for hurling now have significant penalties. War hammers have joined hand axes and daggers as OHB/OHE weapons that receive hurling bonuses.

Prayer (313) - This spell does increase the caster's Spirit TD by 10, and has remained self-cast only (same as before, in this regard).

Song of Mirrors (1035) - The maximum bonus for this spell is now 60 DS.

Haste/Slow (504/506/512/514) - We're working to resolve the AS/DS/etc. oddness with these spells. The current versions of Haste/Slow are short-lived. GM Altiron will be releasing the new versions sometime in the coming week.

Self Control (613) - The increased TD bonus from this spell has been shifted to Nature's Touch (625), where it increases by 1 Spirit TD per Ranger spell known beyond 25, to a maximum of 12 bonus at 49 ranks. GMs Dimigor and Uska will have more to announce on Ranger changes within the next day or two.

Cloak of Shadows (712) - This spell provides 15 Generic DS and 20 Sorcerer TD, plus a small increase as the caster learns more Sorcerer spells.

Elemental Focus (513) and Melgorehn's Aura (913) - One of the problems that arose last evening was the inadvertent release of some wizardry test code. The test spells have been removed. For 513 and 913, these two spells are currently providing a more benefit than intended and will be adjusted within the next few days. The bonus for Elemental Focus will increase by 1 AS per 2 Major Elemental ranks beyond 30, and the bonus for Melgorehn's Aura will increase by 1 per 3 Wizard ranks beyond 13 rather than 1 per 2.

Armor hindrances are indeed scaled between the major training steps. Thanks for reminding me, Gullman.

Characters must check in to an inn before their damage reduction is activated.

Bard Song 1006 is Lucksong, a group song that aids in many maneuvers and in a couple of other areas. Lady Luck is fickle, though, and may not always come to the bard's aid. Increased song knowledge increases the likelihood that she will aid the bard.

Finally, many of the Dev team have been up through the night responding to emergent issues and making adjustments. If you were experiencing a bug last night, it may well be fixed already. If you're quite certain something is a bug, and it's still not resolved, post a notice here and we'll look into it as soon as we can.


This message was originally posted in Strategies, Tactics, and Hunting, Game Balance. TO discuss the above follow the LINK below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=30&CATEGORY=4&TOPIC=19&MESSAGE= 19091

09-18-2008, 02:58 PM
Do... do I win?...


09-18-2008, 02:59 PM
I am become death, destroyer of worlds.

09-18-2008, 03:00 PM
jesus fucking christ...i quit PC until things start to make sense again