View Full Version : Semi-random little acts of cruelty.

06-12-2005, 10:24 AM
Is it ever expected that some characters are just outright bastards?

Ebondale can come off as a prick in conversation (mostly due to the attitude that comes with playing a Dhe'nar) and I can foresee this coming to violent outcomes from time to time.

I recall myself and Shisshio in the small park in the Landing a week or so ago laughing while watching this little Dhe'nar character named "Kadaj" die repeatedly (for being a moron and not actually ROLEPLAYING one of the first born, which makes him pretty much dirt in our eyes) right there in the park and actually coming BACK for more again and again.

I love roleplaying. LOVE IT. I am a member of an international LARPing group, actually. I enjoy roleplaying situations, but isn't it within the realm of possibility that an elitist prick of a sorceror might sometime succumb to a semi-random act of cruelty?

For example. Let say Ebondale was wandering through Danjirland and happened across a male halfling and a male dwarf making out. Would it be... WRONG of me to limb disrupt the living hell out of them to the point that they'd need to ROLL back to town for healing?

I'm using it as an example not for the male-male situation but for the halfling-dwarf scenario because of the disgusting racial inter-mingling that was taking place.

Input, anyone?

06-12-2005, 10:30 AM
My only thoughts on that matter would be, why not do that to two capped characters instead?

If you are going to rp the arrogant racially pure dhenar with the little people, just make sure to play it with the big ones as well.

Most people won't because it would tend to get their clocks cleaned.

If you actually follow through on it and are willing to be killed by your new much more powerful enemy whenerver it strike their fancy, then ok sounds good.

Otherwise it would just make you another bully who likes to pick on less powerful characters.

06-12-2005, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
My only thoughts on that matter would be, why not do that to two capped characters instead?

If you are going to rp the arrogant racially pure dhenar with the little people, just make sure to play it with the big ones as well.

Most people won't because it would tend to get their clocks cleaned.

If you actually follow through on it and are willing to be killed by your new much more powerful enemy whenerver it strike their fancy, then ok sounds good.

Otherwise it would just make you another bully who likes to pick on less powerful characters.

You're assuming I actually bully people.

Being level 10 currently hardly makes me worthy of being labelled a bully. I roleplay myself as a prick to the reknowned lords and ladies just as much as I do the apprentices. The difference is that the older characters is that the PLAYERS are usually more established roleplayers than some people that never seem to play a character past twenty (of which there are many, I'm sure).

I'm just as likely to tell an older Dhe'nar that their habitual kissing of a sylvan is disgraceful and revolting as I am to tell a young giantman warrior hunting in rats that they would fetch a fine price in a slave market with the strong back of theirs.

06-12-2005, 10:39 AM
I didn't assume anything about your character personally Ebondale.

I was speaking in the theoretical as was your original post.

My only point is that in the proposed situation of the original post, there was an actualy attack as opposed to a verbal reprimand. That would be more than slightly different and garner a far more powerful response from someone as well I would think.

06-12-2005, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I didn't assume anything about your character personally Ebondale.

I was speaking in the theoretical as was your original post.

My only point is that in the proposed situation of the original post, there was an actualy attack as opposed to a verbal reprimand. That would be more than slightly different and garner a far more powerful response from someone as well I would think.

Ah, I see.

Well as I may equally be likely to verbally abuse someone that is zero or a hundred, I might think it would be unwise to cast at somebody who will likely have over a 400 TD, you know? I may sting them with words and if I die because of it, so be it, but I don't see the point of WASTING mana on something I know I can't accomplish. :)

Suppa Hobbit Mage
06-12-2005, 11:00 AM
How would you know their TD, unless you'd interacted with them before? I think randomly attacking someone in Danjirland is weak. Try the dais in ta'illistim first before you go impose your roleplay on someone who may not like the interaction.

06-12-2005, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
How would you know their TD, unless you'd interacted with them before? I think randomly attacking someone in Danjirland is weak. Try the dais in ta'illistim first before you go impose your roleplay on someone who may not like the interaction.

Who am I to care if they like the interaction or not, though? It is a roleplaying game, is it not? :) If they're here and they're not roleplaying then they are wrong.

I suppose knowing that someone's TD is going to be ultra high might be considered player knowledge and not character knowledge but it makes sense to me that a character wouldn't be so stupid as to not realize that someone with an honorable title before their name would be powerful.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
06-12-2005, 11:07 AM
I don't wear a title and I'm 72. What's your excuse for not attacking me? Oh, I'm a little bitty halfling too.

Based on your two answers, I'd say you are just a bully spoiling for a fight.

06-12-2005, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I don't wear a title and I'm 72. What's your excuse for not attacking me? Oh, I'm a little bitty halfling too.

Based on your two answers, I'd say you are just a bully spoiling for a fight.

I'd totally cast at you. If you're renouncing your title then there is no way for my character to not know that you're a beast. :)

Suppa Hobbit Mage
06-12-2005, 11:12 AM
Then it's not an issue for me, so long as you are consistent. I'd still warn you from attacking folks randomly... I think that'll turn into a quick trip to visit a GM you do it often enough.

06-12-2005, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Ebondale

Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I don't wear a title and I'm 72. What's your excuse for not attacking me? Oh, I'm a little bitty halfling too.

Based on your two answers, I'd say you are just a bully spoiling for a fight.

I'd totally cast at you. If you're renouncing your title then there is no way for my character to not know that you're a beast. :)


Based on your two answers, I'd say you are just a bully spoiling for a fight.

I don't know how you come to that conclusion. Having played Gemstone for something like 8 or 9 years I've never killed a character before. Try and find someone else with a record like that. :)

06-12-2005, 11:31 AM
If you enjoy the entire racial aspect of RP, Inferno is the game for you.

I kind of laugh to myself about the whole Dhe'nar thing after I saw Evarin completely forget that he despises halflings in order to get some merchant service in IceMule. He later said that he RPed it out. :shrug: Not sure how you could rationalize that but.... I wouldn't go around blowing folks up, if it were me. There are better ways to RP racial derision than with a spell.

06-12-2005, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
If you enjoy the entire racial aspect of RP, Inferno is the game for you.

I kind of laugh to myself about the whole Dhe'nar thing after I saw Evarin completely forget that he despises halflings in order to get some merchant service in IceMule. He later said that he RPed it out. :shrug: Not sure how you could rationalize that but.... I wouldn't go around blowing folks up, if it were me. There are better ways to RP racial derision than with a spell.

Dhe'nar don't hate other individuals if they can prove useful to them. If that halfling was providing Evarin with a service then it makes perfect sense to me that he would use them in such a way.

06-12-2005, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Ebondale

Originally posted by TheRoseLady
If you enjoy the entire racial aspect of RP, Inferno is the game for you.

I kind of laugh to myself about the whole Dhe'nar thing after I saw Evarin completely forget that he despises halflings in order to get some merchant service in IceMule. He later said that he RPed it out. :shrug: Not sure how you could rationalize that but.... I wouldn't go around blowing folks up, if it were me. There are better ways to RP racial derision than with a spell.

Dhe'nar don't hate other individuals if they can prove useful to them. If that halfling was providing Evarin with a service then it makes perfect sense to me that he would use them in such a way.

Right. Well, that wasn't the point of my post, it was indeed to tell you that racial RP is a bit harder in Gemstone.

Kind of sad to think that folks will rationalize in order to use a merchant. Whatever. I usually avoid most folks who do the Dhe'nar thing. I knew Starsnuffer and Celtic - along with their players - I've seen it both ways - I prefer to see them in action.

06-12-2005, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale

Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
How would you know their TD, unless you'd interacted with them before? I think randomly attacking someone in Danjirland is weak. Try the dais in ta'illistim first before you go impose your roleplay on someone who may not like the interaction.

Who am I to care if they like the interaction or not, though? It is a roleplaying game, is it not? :) If they're here and they're not roleplaying then they are wrong.

I suppose knowing that someone's TD is going to be ultra high might be considered player knowledge and not character knowledge but it makes sense to me that a character wouldn't be so stupid as to not realize that someone with an honorable title before their name would be powerful.

Isn't it also player knowledge, not character knowledge, that another character has an "honorable title before their name?" Afterall, the "Lord" doesn't have a brand-mark in his forehead that indicates that he's nobility.

In fact it's the same with characters' names. If you want to go the route of roleplay, it doesn't really make much sense for your character to automatically know someone's name upon first meeting unless introductions are made.

As for the issue itself, I don't see anything wrong with it and think it would be great if all parties involved RPed it out. Your Dhe'nar being amused by watching the anomolies rolling their way back to town without their limbs, and the two victims actually acting out the rolling.

Problem is, there's no guarantee in GS that the victims will, in fact, act it out.

06-12-2005, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Jazuela

Originally posted by Ebondale

Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
How would you know their TD, unless you'd interacted with them before? I think randomly attacking someone in Danjirland is weak. Try the dais in ta'illistim first before you go impose your roleplay on someone who may not like the interaction.

Who am I to care if they like the interaction or not, though? It is a roleplaying game, is it not? :) If they're here and they're not roleplaying then they are wrong.

I suppose knowing that someone's TD is going to be ultra high might be considered player knowledge and not character knowledge but it makes sense to me that a character wouldn't be so stupid as to not realize that someone with an honorable title before their name would be powerful.

Isn't it also player knowledge, not character knowledge, that another character has an "honorable title before their name?" Afterall, the "Lord" doesn't have a brand-mark in his forehead that indicates that he's nobility.

A Lord or Lady is expected to be famous/rich/cultured enough that everyone SHOULD know that they have a title. It should be accepted that if someone CAN have a title in front of their name and they CHOOSE to have that title showing then they should be addressed with that title.

In fact it's the same with characters' names. If you want to go the route of roleplay, it doesn't really make much sense for your character to automatically know someone's name upon first meeting unless introductions are made.

There are VERY few GS players that actually bother with introducing themselves in that manner. It has been generally accepted as roleplay benchmark in Elanthia that if you are conversing with someone you somehow magically know their name. :shrug:

As for the issue itself, I don't see anything wrong with it and think it would be great if all parties involved RPed it out. Your Dhe'nar being amused by watching the anomolies rolling their way back to town without their limbs, and the two victims actually acting out the rolling.

Problem is, there's no guarantee in GS that the victims will, in fact, act it out.

Then I get to watch them bleed to death. Equally fun in Ebondale's point-of-view. :)

06-12-2005, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale

Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
How would you know their TD, unless you'd interacted with them before? I think randomly attacking someone in Danjirland is weak. Try the dais in ta'illistim first before you go impose your roleplay on someone who may not like the interaction.

Who am I to care if they like the interaction or not, though? It is a roleplaying game, is it not? :) If they're here and they're not roleplaying then they are wrong.

I suppose knowing that someone's TD is going to be ultra high might be considered player knowledge and not character knowledge but it makes sense to me that a character wouldn't be so stupid as to not realize that someone with an honorable title before their name would be powerful.

How would your character know they carry a title before their name? Characters don't SEE names. Characters don't SEE titles.

Edited because I didn't read the whole thread before posting.. hehe.

Thing is, what about "children" who are well known by parents but don't have a title? What if these children hunt in Danjirland or some such places?

It seems inconsistent to me. Like someone said before, not everyone wears thier titles, and even so, some characters that have their titles can/will dress like crap because that's their rp.

I must say, I'm a bit confused.

[Edited on 6-12-2005 by Divinity]

06-12-2005, 12:45 PM
Given the "roleplay allowed but not required" genre of Gemstone, I don't find any fault with people knowing names, titles, TDs, etc. etc. etc.

But you're trying to delve deep into the RP, and I'm afraid you can't realistically expect it to be a two-way street in GS.

As for the "they're famous enough that you should know they're nobility" thing, consider this:

There are hundreds of thousands of people living in Elanthia. The room descriptions refer to "virtual" people, some of whom are nobility, some who are filthy beggars, some just plain average Joes. There are NPCs wandering all over the place. Out of all the *hundreds* of nobles - you are expected to know and recognize each and every one of them? Does that expectation make any sense at all? If you're from Ta'Illistim, and you wander into Ice Mule for the very first time in your life, how is it that you are -expected- to recognize some Lord or Lady who's enjoying a cup of ale at the bar?

Again - please don't think I'm criticizing either GS or your RP. I'm just saying, that if you are trying to delve into the RP, and want to RP things "realistically" (an oxymoron for a fantasy game, I know!) then I feel you're not delving deep enough, because you're still stuck in the rut of using player information and not character information to play the role.

06-12-2005, 12:54 PM
My sorcerer is Dhe'nar, yet I dont feel the need walking around hurting others because my char is racially arrogant. This whole idea that it's ok because someone is Dhe'nar is bullshit. As for you harming halflings or anyone else because you happen to come upon them is not a good idea.. not to mention that it could bite you in the ass later. Some people who play Dhe'nar can't seem to roleplay outside the sterotype and actually consider those that do not "true" Dhe'nar, which is stupid.

06-12-2005, 12:58 PM
There are hundreds of thousands of people living in Elanthia.

God, where?!

I get what you're saying. It just seems to me that if we all act like we have no idea who one another are then we'll never accomplish anything. People would just walk past merchants like they weren't even there just because they're one of the hundreds of thousands of people that frequent the lands. :)

Thing is, what about "children" who are well known by parents but don't have a title? What if these children hunt in Danjirland or some such places?

If I attack a child then obviously I am prepared for whatever fallout there is for it. I'd be equally as willing to attack their parents as well at that point if they made it come to that. I'm all for equal opportunity cruelty. ;)

The point of all of this isn't me saying "Hey, I want to go out and pick fights with people who have lower levels than I do" its more along the lines of, "Well I suppose it makes sense to actually be a sadistic bastard once in awhile if I'm playing one and not ALWAYS try to roleplay around an asskicking that someone may or may not deserve like I have in the past."

06-12-2005, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
My sorcerer is Dhe'nar, yet I dont feel the need walking around hurting others because my char is racially arrogant. This whole idea that it's ok because someone is Dhe'nar is bullshit. As for you harming halflings or anyone else because you happen to come upon them is not a good idea.. not to mention that it could bite you in the ass later. Some people who play Dhe'nar can't seem to roleplay outside the sterotype and actually consider those that do not "true" Dhe'nar, which is stupid.

Damnit, I never said anything about attacking people just for the sake of attacking them. I DO NOT condone playing a Dhe'nar simply to 'have an excuse' to attack other players. Thats bullshit.

06-12-2005, 01:00 PM
My advice on playing a 'naughty' type will always be the same.

Play your evil character with the expectation that conflict is imminent. I've had confrontations simply over the manner in which my character speaks to another before. There are so many different personalities in Elanthia - of both players and characters. Never expect everyone to react the same to yours.

One thing you can expect however, is if you play a offensive type, you will get defensive reactions. So anticipate your roleplay accordingly and remember that behind the characters you are interacting with there is a player who has their limits too. You dont want to ruin anyones game.

I think playing this type of character requires a certain kind of responsibility though. I guess this is my own personal opinion here, because I know people who disagree with my on this. If you want people to feel comfortable interacting with your character they need to feel comfortable interacting with you the player.

So my most important advice is this: If someone requests in whispers that you tone it down 'just this one time', even if you feel its unwarranted, try to be considerate and remember that the objective is to roleplay *WITH* other people. ;)

06-12-2005, 01:03 PM
I think playing this type of character requires a certain kind of responsibility though. I guess this is my own personal opinion here, because I know people who disagree with my on this.

Deffinately! I actually like the RP challenge since I'm not like this at all out of character.

So my most important advice is this: If someone requests in whispers that you tone it down 'just this one time', even if you feel its unwarranted, try to be considerate and remember that the objective is to roleplay *WITH* other people.

Respecting peoples boundaries is important. If I'm coming a little too strong with the racist prick attitude and someone politely asked me ooc to tone it down then I would do it for them.

06-12-2005, 01:11 PM
Erm. I forgot to add that if your going to play an evil type plz plz plz try to forget there is a 'warn interact' option. PLZ? Unless it is an emergency, you really shouldnt even think about it. :no:

Also, if your going to initiate mechanical conflict with someone you dont know, a little OOC whisper is sometimes a good idea.

'OOC: my character might react violently to this situation', has always worked for me. :)

Edited to say: Have fun playing the evil char! It takes a little work to get it right, but they are the best!

[Edited on 6-12-2005 by JihnasSpirit]

06-12-2005, 01:16 PM
I've always felt that a true Dhe'nar would be far too arrogant to waste his/her precious time taking the lives of pseudo-sentient vermin. Such a Dhe'nar would more than likely just snort and turn away. To kill such creatures would be about as satisfying as stepping on a cockroach. :shrug:

06-12-2005, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
Erm. I forgot to add that if your going to play an evil type plz plz plz try to forget there is a 'warn interact' option. PLZ? Unless it is an emergency, you really shouldnt even think about it. :no:

Also, if your going to initiate mechanical conflict with someone you dont know, a little OOC whisper is sometimes a good idea.

'OOC: my character might react violently to this situation', has always worked for me. :)

Edited to say: Have fun playing the evil char! It takes a little work to get it right, but they are the best!

[Edited on 6-12-2005 by JihnasSpirit]

See. Right there. This is why I love Player's Corner. You guys (and ladies) are so helpful. If 'warn interact' is an option or verb or something like that then it is new to me as I've been gone for quite some time. How does it work and what is its function? :)

06-12-2005, 01:20 PM
Warn Interact has come along since I quite playing; however, as I understand it, it's a method by which a player can make it clear that they want no futher interaction with another player, thereby stopping unwanted PvP. I also understand it's often misused.

I'm sure one of the current players can elaborate on this.

06-12-2005, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
I've always felt that a true Dhe'nar would be far too arrogant to waste his/her precious time taking the lives of pseudo-sentient vermin. Such a Dhe'nar would more than likely just snort and turn away. To kill such creatures would be about as satisfying as stepping on a cockroach. :shrug:

Ethnic cleansing! :lol:

Well, killing other Dhe'nar has occurred to me before. I ran across some Dhe'nar female before with pale skin and red hair or some crap like that who was in a public place making out with some sylvan and giggling and doing all sorts of ridiculous stuff. She even had a name like "Sweetkisses" or (insert-crappy-luv-luv-name-here). I wanted to blood burst her so badly...

06-12-2005, 01:23 PM
UGH. I shouldnt be the one to tell you its uses (because i think its a silly option). Basically its supposed to let someone know you dont want to interact with them anymore. Afterwards they cant interact with you or something without getting in trouble. Idunno. I dont use it.

Somebody else answer this question......

thnx harmnone

[Edited on 6-12-2005 by JihnasSpirit]

06-12-2005, 01:24 PM
Heh, I am all for someone who rp's a character of any race/profession/train that sometimes is just an asshole to be an asshole for whatever justification they use.

that being said, I echo the other posters sentiments here which is that if you are going to do such a thing, you damned well better make sure you do it consistently to people of all trains and not just to someone you find in a young hunting area. Honestly, if I was to notice that you only cast/attack folks of younger train then you then I would call you on it OOC. It's a pussy way to do things. I can't count how many times jo's gotten herself in trouble for getting into it with someone who was titled or something because yes it's OOC to know their training and she doesn't care how old you are, if she's pissed, she's pissed. I don't have a lot of respect for someone who will only pick on someone younger.

06-12-2005, 01:25 PM
Harmnone I think all Dhenars will act somewhat different. Yes, all of them will be high and mighty but some will have he emotions that coincide with the personality type they have. So instead of squashing a roach first, my Dhenari will stalk it and watch it for 5 hours....THEN she will squash it when she gets bored. :lol:

06-12-2005, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
it's OOC to know their training and she doesn't care how old you are, if she's pissed, she's pissed. I don't have a lot of respect for someone who will only pick on someone younger.

I agree with this, I also have no respect for people that bully lower train characters.

I think, to be fair, I may reserve actual violent outbursts for out-of-line Dhe'nar and roleplay negative attitudes toward other cultures though UNDERSTAND that they don't follow Dhe'nar customs. So while other cultures may disgust me I can't really impose my own customs on them unless they were my rightful slave.

06-12-2005, 01:28 PM
Yeah. My primary bullys the high level people too. And when its Jolena her toes hurt. :sniffle:

06-12-2005, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
I've always felt that a true Dhe'nar would be far too arrogant to waste his/her precious time taking the lives of pseudo-sentient vermin. Such a Dhe'nar would more than likely just snort and turn away. To kill such creatures would be about as satisfying as stepping on a cockroach. :shrug:

I've actually seen this many times, the Dhe'nar simply turning away in disgust. The only time I have seen outright killing of one who he thought lesser than himself, was infact when the said halfing in question had stolen from him. It would make sense then that he would see some sort of vengence, yes?

And I agree Dhe'nar are all about power and using people, items, etc to their advantage. Be it a halfling or what have you, if said person can prove of some use, by all means use it/them.

Merji's Muse

06-12-2005, 01:29 PM
Teehee! But it fits so well Jihna! Jolena is a head taller then a hobbit and Jihna is a giant! For Jo to stomp on Jihna's toes is so classically funny it makes me cry :)

06-12-2005, 01:31 PM
HAHA. Yeah, it is. Is it wrong that i think its funny when my bad characters get pwnd?

06-12-2005, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
HAHA. Yeah, it is. Is it wrong that i think its funny when my bad characters get pwnd?

Nawww, that just brings a little humor into our lives. ;)

06-12-2005, 01:32 PM
Wait until Jo can climb up Jihna's legs and bounce up to nosetweak her for picking on Jo lol THAT will be funny heh!

06-12-2005, 01:33 PM

06-12-2005, 01:35 PM
By the way, I think something may be wrong with me because it seems the most well RP'd situations I've run into have been with folks who play evil characters..they always make me laugh and I end up walking away with a smile on my face hah!

06-12-2005, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
By the way, I think something may be wrong with me because it seems the most well RP'd situations I've run into have been with folks who play evil characters..they always make me laugh and I end up walking away with a smile on my face hah!

Well, Ebondale isn't an evil guy... he is just culturally different than most others. He was raised in a society that values power above all other things. Most people actually value things like family and the like...

Its just a different perspective on life. Not really evil per se.

06-12-2005, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
By the way, I think something may be wrong with me because it seems the most well RP'd situations I've run into have been with folks who play evil characters..they always make me laugh and I end up walking away with a smile on my face hah!

Hmmm. So many things i could say.....


Also: Ebondale is teh evil. And Ebondales player is in teh denial.

[Edited on 6-12-2005 by JihnasSpirit]

06-12-2005, 01:39 PM

06-12-2005, 01:42 PM
Also: Ebondale is teh evil. And Ebondales player is in teh denial.

:lol: Oh noes!!1 :lol:

Edit: SIG'D!

[Edited on 6-12-2005 by Ebondale]

06-12-2005, 01:50 PM
Ok, well.. everyone here knows who I have played. Basically in my experiences, people will kill you alot. Heh. Get used to it.

Secondly, ooc whispering to others about how your character can get aggressive during the situation you're in hardly works. They'll gripe about it later.

Get used to the fact that if you start something with someone, their "family" will come for retribution. Don't bother asking why or where it came from.

Not many people can handle this kind of RP. Most like the bunny, fantasy world. Most won't understand and will take it personal.

I don't know all the information of your character's background, or how they would react in every situation. For the one you described, I would see some type of lecturing and disgust. If "cleansing" is needed, I would warn the person that it would go that way, and proceed. Only problem is that people like to make mobs and give you random kills.

If you're up for it, good luck. Just be tactful. That's all I can really say without knowing further about your character.

06-12-2005, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale
I love roleplaying. LOVE IT. I am a member of an international LARPing group, actually.

/off topic
What group?

06-12-2005, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale

Also: Ebondale is teh evil. And Ebondales player is in teh denial.

:lol: Oh noes!!1 :lol:

Edit: SIG'D!

[Edited on 6-12-2005 by Ebondale]

Trust me on this. Robin knows. :-D

06-12-2005, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko

Originally posted by Ebondale
I love roleplaying. LOVE IT. I am a member of an international LARPing group, actually.

/off topic
What group?

/off topic

Camarilla. I play an Ordo Dracul Gangrel named "Shiro" in the Anchorage, Alaska officially sanctioned Vampire: The Requiem LARP.

06-12-2005, 03:05 PM
When I read the title of this thread, I thought ''Ahh that's Shimmy!!''

Was gutted to find he didn't get a mention.

Sylvan Dreams
06-12-2005, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Ebondalebut it makes sense to me that a character wouldn't be so stupid as to not realize that someone with an honorable title before their name would be powerful.

Chracters don't see titles. Your character has no way of knowing the specific titles unless they were given that information.

06-12-2005, 05:09 PM
Ordo Dracul = "I wanna be like everyone else!"


"If you enjoy the entire racial aspect of RP, Inferno is the game for you. "

I'll disagree with that one. If a game is too weak to handle antagonist actions within a group without players screaming for GM involvement, it really isn't a racial RP Haven.

I think racial based RP is fine as long as you're clearly not offending people OUT of the game.

06-12-2005, 08:07 PM
If you enjoy the entire racial aspect of RP, Inferno is the game for you.

I kind of laugh to myself about the whole Dhe'nar thing after I saw Evarin completely forget that he despises halflings in order to get some merchant service in IceMule. He later said that he RPed it out. Not sure how you could rationalize that but.... I wouldn't go around blowing folks up, if it were me. There are better ways to RP racial derision than with a spell. >>

I don't know what your problem is with me, The Rose Lady, but I would appreciate if you keep my character's name out of your slanderous remarks. I have no problems admitting to which character I play on these boards. On the other hand, we have you, who launches attacks at other characters without making mention of who she is.

What's wrong, afraid someone might actually judge you in return?

The situation was as follows: A drunken pair of halflings came to the Trace while Evarin and his Shira'qa were passing through on their way to Pinefar. Merjinia expressed interest in attending the affair, and Evarin had no complaints one way or the other.

During the celebration of the re-opening of the Nightowl Pub, these merchants began selecting people for either alteration services, or tattoo work. Depending on your status as a citizen, you were allowed to pick between to the two. If you were not, you could not choose.

Evarin was picked, and attempted to pass his work on to his shira'qa. They said either I receive the work, or the turn is lost.

As he was waiting for their services, Evarin continually commented about the heavy amounts of alcohol these two merchants were imbibing. He went so far as to question their ability to carry out even the most simple of jobs. That there could have talked me out of an Alteration. It did not.

Upon retiring to a table with those selected to work, Evarin remained silent as he pondered just what exactly he could use. Upon his turn, he explained that he would like a Dhe'nari caste tattoo placed upon his chest. He then sneered, and commented to the halfling that he would no doubt know the symbol well, considering just how many of their kind had the mark branded into their flesh.

This earned Evarin a massive stun, as the Halfling went to work with gusto carving into both skin and muscle. He was left with a sizable wound upon his chest, along with a great deal of missing health.

Did I roleplay this situation? Yes, I did.

You may have

1. Not have seen it as you had your work completed before mine
2. Thought it not worthy of some standard to which you hold the Dhe'nar.

Either way, I ask once again you not slander my name as to imply that I did not roleplay my racial and cultural bias towards that of the lesser races. I tell you now that you are mistaken.

[Edited on 6-12-2005 by Fallen]

06-12-2005, 09:01 PM
He then sneered, and commented to the halfling that he would no doubt know the symbol well, considering just how many of their kind had the mark branded into their flesh.

Priceless! I love it!

06-13-2005, 08:29 AM
It was a highly entertaining evening. I truly believe one of the defining aspects of the Dhe'nar (and all the arrogant cultures) is their interaction with the lesser races, not the avoidance of such occasions.

06-13-2005, 09:22 AM
Gemstone is full of a bunch of carebear idiots who will report at the drop of a pin. There is ZERO fun in the current PvP system. The only people who praise the over-zealous GMs are the carebears who kiss their ass to gain support for their reports.

I'd LOVE for gemstone the fallen to come out.:argue:

06-13-2005, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by Groldar
Gemstone is full of a bunch of carebear idiots who will report at the drop of a pin. There is ZERO fun in the current PvP system. The only people who praise the over-zealous GMs are the carebears who kiss their ass to gain support for their reports.

I'd LOVE for gemstone the fallen to come out.:argue:

Personally I think all these touchey-feely carebear players kiss ass like that to get GM favoritism at merchants. I've seen it in the past, I'm not sure how much of that goes on anymore since I've been away awhile...

06-13-2005, 09:33 AM
Yea its still here, and not to be mean, but many of them post/bitch/complain on these boards. Its fine if thats what they want, I guess. But simu-bad-business-models-tronics needs to come up with a viable PvP alternative.

So I could wtf Arkans and Sergey. And that stupid mage who talks like an idiot and swings off Ardwen's nuts at HS. Tayvin or something. =P Just playing.

06-13-2005, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by Groldar
Gemstone is full of a bunch of carebear idiots who will report at the drop of a pin. There is ZERO fun in the current PvP system. The only people who praise the over-zealous GMs are the carebears who kiss their ass to gain support for their reports.

I'd LOVE for gemstone the fallen to come out.:argue:

You warned me, if I remember correctly...when I helped Meridi kill one of your characters. ;)

06-13-2005, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque

Originally posted by Groldar
Gemstone is full of a bunch of carebear idiots who will report at the drop of a pin. There is ZERO fun in the current PvP system. The only people who praise the over-zealous GMs are the carebears who kiss their ass to gain support for their reports.

I'd LOVE for gemstone the fallen to come out.:argue:

You warned me, if I remember correctly...when I helped Meridi kill one of your characters. ;)

You make me sweat.

For multiple reasons....


06-13-2005, 10:14 AM
Out of curiousity, who do you consider the 'overzealous' GM's in the game?

06-13-2005, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Jolena
Out of curiousity, who do you consider the 'overzealous' GM's in the game?

Most of them are. Khaladon can be at times, and I think Zyllah is often as well. And that one GM that sleeps with everyone, Kyalia or whatever. And then there is always Emeredan? Its been a while... I never had a lot of problems with any of them, but some of my friends did.

06-13-2005, 10:44 AM
Dimmu was dragged out of town after he insulted a halfling on his apparent vertical incapacity. Dragged me down the forests below voln and started frantically casting at me. I just stood there as he failed miserably to "cop it to me". Eventually I was winded and bolted 2/5 times and a third time for death.

I was cool with that....(even though I did nothing to physically oppose him). But the second I caught him unaware and toy with him, removing a limb...he quits and bloody reports me

Ehe, GM intervention is my only qualm with any PvP activities.

06-13-2005, 11:00 AM
I'm of the opinion that PvP in Gemstone (as most things in Gemstone) is set up to benefit the people that whine and bitch instead of the people that actually roleplay.

Just my opinion, though.

06-13-2005, 11:02 AM
Ardwen gets made when he gets owned, despite his 100 expensive itam. =P

06-13-2005, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Groldar
Ardwen gets made when he gets owned, despite his 100 expensive itam. =P

...Uh huh........

06-13-2005, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale

Well, Ebondale isn't an evil guy... he is just culturally different than most others. He was raised in a society that values power above all other things. Most people actually value things like family and the like...

Its just a different perspective on life. Not really evil per se.

I may be getting to this late, but I was away for the weekend, so deal with it.

This attitude for Dhe'nar is, in my opinion, perfect. Dhe'nar are not meant to be evil. If you want to be evil, go be a Faendryl or Nalfien. Dhe'nar are just.. well to put it simply, arrogant assholes.

06-13-2005, 07:24 PM
Hmmm. I've always seen the Faendryl as being more arrogant, and the Dhenar as being more sadistic because of their culture.

I have one Dhenari and several Faendryl. I've always pictured my Faendryl as much more 'cultured' types. Aristocratic even. When they do something naughty it is calculated - thought out. They plan things. Because they believe they are superior.

When my Dhenari does naughty its because she was conditioned to react that way as her culture demanded it from the best of the best. It seems more primitive and instinctual to me. Because she *knows* she is superior.

I'd say thats root evil right there....when your body reacts to do harm by instinct rather than by a process of caluculation and thought. But then again, I guess I'm getting more into philosophy and off topic.

Errm...just one opinion. :)

06-13-2005, 07:39 PM
Well said, Jihna.

06-13-2005, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
Hmmm. I've always seen the Faendryl as being more arrogant, and the Dhenar as being more sadistic because of their culture.

I have one Dhenari and several Faendryl. I've always pictured my Faendryl as much more 'cultured' types. Aristocratic even. When they do something naughty it is calculated - thought out. They plan things. Because they believe they are superior.

When my Dhenari does naughty its because she was conditioned to react that way as her culture demanded it from the best of the best. It seems more primitive and instinctual to me. Because she *knows* she is superior.

I'd say thats root evil right there....when your body reacts to do harm by instinct rather than by a process of caluculation and thought. But then again, I guess I'm getting more into philosophy and off topic.

Errm...just one opinion. :)

That's EXACTLY how I see my Faendryl.

06-14-2005, 01:49 AM
Wait a minute Dhe'nar roleplay perfectly coincides with being an antisocial jackass rollplayer? How perfect, why don't some of them think out of the box and roleplay a caring person?

And you "evil" players why don't you just go kill cats or hang out in graveyards dressed in goth like all the other dorks? Or has your psychologist advised against that?

Making game death permanent would solve ALL of these problems in a heartbeat. And all those boulder idiots will go back to jacking off and playing quake.

06-14-2005, 02:22 AM
Wait a minute Dhe'nar roleplay perfectly coincides with being an antisocial jackass rollplayer? How perfect, why don't some of them think out of the box and roleplay a caring person?

And you "evil" players why don't you just go kill cats or hang out in graveyards dressed in goth like all the other dorks? Or has your psychologist advised against that? >>

Why would a human go around attempting to hold pleasant conversations with trolls? This is how the Dhe'nar, as well as many Faendryl..Even elves see the lesser races.

Elves are simply superior to all other races. They live longer, have extremely high immunities to disease, and are possessed of the most evolved culture and magics.

What you call being an anti-social jackass is what simutronics calls the Elven standard. Very few elves, if any, hold humans and the other lesser races as equals. Despite this, some elves will still treat the other races kindly, though only out of some sense of morality, or in an effort to guide and care for the weak.

Bottom line, Elanthia is not a nice place. I am not here to help everyone else out, and to play nice with others. I will attend to the goals and agendas that are central to my race and culture. If you believe yourself to be a good roleplayer, you should do the same.

06-14-2005, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by Fengus
Wait a minute Dhe'nar roleplay perfectly coincides with being an antisocial jackass rollplayer? How perfect, why don't some of them think out of the box and roleplay a caring person?

And you "evil" players why don't you just go kill cats or hang out in graveyards dressed in goth like all the other dorks? Or has your psychologist advised against that?

Making game death permanent would solve ALL of these problems in a heartbeat. And all those boulder idiots will go back to jacking off and playing quake.

Dhe'nar are NOT caring people or they cease to be called Dhe'nar. Maybe you should study up a little bit on the history of Elanthia and of the Dhe'nar before you spout verbal diarrhea like that again. Way to make yourself look like a newb.

06-14-2005, 07:48 AM
gemstone's problem:


check out the game section.

06-14-2005, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by Groldar

Originally posted by Jolena
Out of curiousity, who do you consider the 'overzealous' GM's in the game?

Most of them are. Khaladon can be at times, and I think Zyllah is often as well. And that one GM that sleeps with everyone, Kyalia or whatever. And then there is always Emeredan? Its been a while... I never had a lot of problems with any of them, but some of my friends did.

How long did you say you were away? It can't have been long because Emeradan is relatively new. Basically you're not an old timer are you? Dickhead.

06-14-2005, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by Fengus

And you "evil" players why don't you just go kill cats.....

I would if I didnt believe she would torment me even then and still wake me up every morning at 4am like the demon spawn she is. I threaten it constantly. And I know the bitch understands 'I KEEL U' in english by now. Throwing pillows will have to do, though.

Also, some people like to roleplay the races as the documents advise. I really dont think thats a valid insult. ROFL @ graveyards tho.

06-14-2005, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by Ebondale
Dhe'nar are NOT caring people or they cease to be called Dhe'nar. Maybe you should study up a little bit on the history of Elanthia and of the Dhe'nar before you spout verbal diarrhea like that again. Way to make yourself look like a newb.

I haven't read the whole thread, so excuse me if I'm redundant. I've heard this about Dhe'nar culture before, but I've never played one, so take this at face value.

If this is true of the culture...

Then Dhe'nar characters should be able to UNSET their culture. Once.

06-14-2005, 10:48 AM
I find it really funny that the members of the various castes are a tiny percentage of the Dhe'nar populace, yet you never see a peasant Dhe'nar.

The only official documentation on the Dhe'nar is what's on Simu's site.

06-14-2005, 01:28 PM
I haven't read the whole thread, so excuse me if I'm redundant. I've heard this about Dhe'nar culture before, but I've never played one, so take this at face value.

If this is true of the culture...

Then Dhe'nar characters should be able to UNSET their culture. Once.

You know, that wouldn't be a bad idea.

You know how Dhe'nar wear waist sashes, headbands, and have a caste tattoo on their chest, though? If a Dhe'nar were to be exiled it would more than likely be reflected in the way their hair is braided, the manner of their waist sash, their headband would (correct me if I'm wrong, Evarin) be taken away, and their tattoo would reflect it.

I find it really funny that the members of the various castes are a tiny percentage of the Dhe'nar populace, yet you never see a peasant Dhe'nar.

The only official documentation on the Dhe'nar is what's on Simu's site.

I consider Starsnuffer's history of the Dhe'nar to be more official than anything Simu puts out. Lazy ass company. Anyway, the characters you actually encounter in game represent only a very small population of the actual number of people that reside in Elanthia. That being said, there is a very small number of players that actually play Dhe'nar, as well. You're more likely to pass an exiled Dhe'nar NPC on the street and have no idea of it than you are to run into a real Dhe'nar (player-character).

06-14-2005, 01:42 PM
The thing that amuses me most about being Dhe'nar is that if you don't play them a certain way then you arent really a Dhe'nar. Theres no room for being differant or having a differant attitude. But I got 2 words for people who think like that "fuck you". Now I don't play my Dhe'nar as being sweet and nice and she certainly has her moments, but some of the ways a "real" Dhe'nar would react to situations are just not the way she'd do things. Regardless of what other people say, I view Gemstone as a roleplaying game.. and Dhe'nar sterotype as a guideline and nothing more. You cannot expect every Dhe'nar to be the same.. though certainly they wouldn't be all huggy kissy and I DO agree with that. Bottom line is.. you cannot sit there and say that my char isn't Dhe'nar just because she doesn't treat all halflings like dirt. (thats just an example of sterotypical behaviour)

06-14-2005, 01:48 PM
Ebondale is a Dhe'nar from Sharath. A certain attitude is expected of him. He can have his own personality quirks and things like that but what all Dhe'nar from Sharath have in common is that they were raised the same way.

As long as a Dhe'nar doesn't claim to hail from Sharath then they can have any number of varying degrees of additional quirks to them. :) Maybe even have an older player character as a 'parent', for example. (In Sharath, Dhe'nar are separated from their parents at birth and handed over to their caste.)

06-14-2005, 02:06 PM
I'm of the opinion that PvP in Gemstone (as most things in Gemstone) is set up to benefit the people that whine and bitch instead of the people that actually roleplay.

That's not opinion, that's fact.

When some jizzmop has perfected the technique of flawless RP combined with the most elite of PvP battling skill, let me know so I can worship them.

06-14-2005, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
The thing that amuses me most about being Dhe'nar is that if you don't play them a certain way then you arent really a Dhe'nar. Theres no room for being differant or having a differant attitude. But I got 2 words for people who think like that "fuck you". Now I don't play my Dhe'nar as being sweet and nice and she certainly has her moments, but some of the ways a "real" Dhe'nar would react to situations are just not the way she'd do things. Regardless of what other people say, I view Gemstone as a roleplaying game.. and Dhe'nar sterotype as a guideline and nothing more. You cannot expect every Dhe'nar to be the same.. though certainly they wouldn't be all huggy kissy and I DO agree with that. Bottom line is.. you cannot sit there and say that my char isn't Dhe'nar just because she doesn't treat all halflings like dirt. (thats just an example of sterotypical behaviour) Well said.

06-14-2005, 04:00 PM
As has been said...OH so many times. One is not born a Dhe'nar. One becomes a Dhe'nar through learning, and following the teachings of the First Born culture.

If your character worships the Arkati, then they would be foolish to claim they are Dhe'nar. They no longer are following the Tenets of the The Way, nor do they seek to aid in the ascension of The Family.


Let us speak now of differences. Kainen
, does your character believe it is equal to all other forms of life on Elanith? Does it believe the other races have as much potential, and as much of a right to live and thrive as it does?

One does not have to TREAT all of the lesser races as inferior beings to be a Dhe'nar. One must simply KNOW that they are a higher life form than all else around them.

No one is telling you that your Dhe'nar must eat halfling babies, and cover themselves in dark dark runes of power and destruction.

You are expected, if you claim to be a Dhe'nar, to follow the ideals and beliefs of the culture of which you claim to be a member.

Evarin and his Mis'ri

[Edited on 6-14-2005 by Fallen]

06-14-2005, 04:08 PM
I find it really funny that the members of the various castes are a tiny percentage of the Dhe'nar populace, yet you never see a peasant Dhe'nar.

The only official documentation on the Dhe'nar is what's on Simu's site. >>

How many peasant characters are there of any culture? Adventurers (Our characters) rarely, if ever, represent the NORMAL people of any society. We are granted extraordinary powers and abilities that separate us from the lower ranks.

As for the Dhe'nar, you would never see one of the Working Caste outside of Sharath or Eh'lah because they would have no reason to leave. The only possible explanation would be that our characters came back to retrieve one of them to serve in their household, or within the Tower.

There are indeed examples of this situation, as the Obsidian Tower has many NPC servants which tend to the needs of those who dwell within.

Finally, realistically, who would want to play a Working Class Dhe'nar. If you are familiar with the definition of the caste, you would know the Working Caste comprises of those that have either failed in the Caste which they had once showed aptitude, or have no real skills or abilities of mention. They serve the Dhe'nar in the only way they can, providing those WITH power to live out their lives without worrying over the small details.

That being said, if you are indeed interested in rolling up a Dhe'nari peasant, do seek Evarin out. I am sure he would pay quite handsomely for your services, as limited as they would be.

Evarin and his Mis'ri

[Edited on 6-14-2005 by Fallen]

06-14-2005, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
The thing that amuses me most about being Dhe'nar is that if you don't play them a certain way then you arent really a Dhe'nar. Theres no room for being differant or having a differant attitude. But I got 2 words for people who think like that "fuck you". Now I don't play my Dhe'nar as being sweet and nice and she certainly has her moments, but some of the ways a "real" Dhe'nar would react to situations are just not the way she'd do things. Regardless of what other people say, I view Gemstone as a roleplaying game.. and Dhe'nar sterotype as a guideline and nothing more. You cannot expect every Dhe'nar to be the same.. though certainly they wouldn't be all huggy kissy and I DO agree with that. Bottom line is.. you cannot sit there and say that my char isn't Dhe'nar just because she doesn't treat all halflings like dirt. (thats just an example of sterotypical behaviour)

I agree with you to some extent. Dhenars are special in that they are a very specific culture. I see them mostly as a cookiecutter race. I dont have the guts to play more than one because its so hard to conform to such standards. Even still, I believe there are variances to each individual. Things that cant be helped. Even after the mind conditioning and physical training each Dhenar goes through, these things will vary.

The variances I think are appropriate are as follows: sincere kindness, (in some cases) emotional tolerance levels, bravery and courage, sense of taste...smells, sincere hatred.

There are however some things I feel can never vary (ok, rarely): The symbols of the culture - braids, headband, sash, tattoo, instincual skills, illusive nature, (mosttimes unacknowledged) superiority complex, primitive/functional view on courtship and other relations with people, and lack of true faith in the Arkati.

*Fallen reminded me of the Arkati one. :)

[Edited on 6-14-2005 by JihnasSpirit]

06-14-2005, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Fallen

Let us speak now of differences. Jihna....

I think you mean Kainen.

06-14-2005, 04:16 PM
I think you mean Kainen. >>

Ah, my mistake. I will edit the post.

[Edited on 6-14-2005 by Fallen]

06-14-2005, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit

Originally posted by Fallen

Let us speak now of differences. Jihna....

I think you mean Kainen.

Someone's got Jihna on the mind hehe.

06-14-2005, 04:22 PM
Its the Avatars, actually. The red and black...Though seriously, I would like to hear your thoughts as to how your Dhe'nar varies from what she believes to be the cultural norm.

06-14-2005, 04:26 PM
I think that even with the best of training and conditioning in the world you cant take someones extreme fears or loves away. Thats her variance. Shes a coward, pure and simple.


06-14-2005, 04:27 PM
"I consider Starsnuffer's history of the Dhe'nar to be more official than anything Simu puts out."

Err, most of that was done by Mnar. Snuffy can't write very well or very realistically. Ideas like "poison sperm" aren't exactly the most palatable document fodder.

In order to be interesting, you have to be a "bad" Dhe'nar in essence. Starsnuffer himself fell into that role.

[Edited on 6-14-2005 by Warriorbird]

06-14-2005, 04:30 PM
"I consider Starsnuffer's history of the Dhe'nar to be more official than anything Simu puts out."

Err, most of that was done by Mnar. Snuffy can't write very well or very realistically. >>

M'nar did put out many documents which can be found on the Obsidian Tower boards. Starsnuffer, however, writes well enough. His posts on the official boards are quite well thought out when compared to most of what is on there.

I can't speak much about the founders of the Tower, however, as it was WAAY before my time. I do know that Starshadow is back in the lands, and she did alot to develop the culture.

[Edited on 6-14-2005 by Fallen]

06-14-2005, 04:32 PM
I think that even with the best of training and conditioning in the world you cant take someones extreme fears or loves away. Thats her variance. Shes a coward, pure and simple. >>

Hence her flight from the Promised Land?


06-14-2005, 04:34 PM
I think Alisaire will always be my favorite "bad" Dhe'nar.

06-14-2005, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
I think that even with the best of training and conditioning in the world you cant take someones extreme fears or loves away. Thats her variance. Shes a coward, pure and simple. >>

Hence her flight from the Promised Land?


Haha! Lets not even go there. (read: yes)

06-14-2005, 04:39 PM
I think Alisaire will always be my favorite "bad" Dhe'nar. >>

She is simply a fantastic roleplayer. Yes, and a very very bad Dhe'nar.

06-14-2005, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale

For example. Let say Ebondale was wandering through Danjirland and happened across a male halfling and a male dwarf making out. Would it be... WRONG of me to limb disrupt the living hell out of them to the point that they'd need to ROLL back to town for healing?

The problem is.. GS is a pay to play game first and then a roleplaying game second. Would it be roleplaying for you to randomly kill or maim anyone you meet out in the wilds? It easily could. The problem lies with the Terms of Service you agreed to in order to play the game. The TOS clearly defines this "roleplaying" as against policy.

From a roleplaying standpoint.. it would make sense that your character would do that. From a game play standpoint though.. it would be a disruption and if everyone did that when they pleased.. it would bother a good share of paying customers and Simu wouldn't be in the money making RPG business for long.

06-14-2005, 04:44 PM
I would have to agree with PB on this one. You would have to literally "Pick a Fight" before lashing out at them without suffering potential TOS/Policy penalties.

Not that hard to do, however.


06-15-2005, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by Fallen

Elves are simply superior to all other races. They live longer, have extremely high immunities to disease, and are possessed of the most evolved culture and magics.

What you call being an anti-social jackass is what simutronics calls the Elven standard.

Live longer, hah, we all live forever your statement has no meaning. A bonus +5 isn't anything to be overly proud of, humans have a +5 to strength so therefore they are better than you. And every mage has access to every spell, so those are equal for all.
As to the culture comment, all bigots feel they are culturally superior, that doesn't make it so, that only lets everyone know how closed minded and ignorant they are.

I don't think Simu supports your point of view. I also believe its a lousy RP crutch, and lame at that. Views such as yours tend to create large rifts between groups of people and at its heart is exclusionary, but at the same time public. A recipe for conflict.

If you wouldn't act like this in real life, then why would you do this in a game, the other characters are still people. And while I know racists and bigots exist, they sure as hell do not run thru Compton or Harlem telling the locals they are animals.

Thus Dhe'nar with this view would never create conflict because they would never lower themselves to even visit places like Danjirland, the Landing or any of the Human held lands. Your RP hook is false and merely a veiled attempt and rationalization to be a snert.

06-15-2005, 01:15 AM


06-15-2005, 03:21 AM
Originally posted by Fengus

Originally posted by Fallen

Elves are simply superior to all other races. They live longer, have extremely high immunities to disease, and are possessed of the most evolved culture and magics.

What you call being an anti-social jackass is what simutronics calls the Elven standard.

Live longer, hah, we all live forever your statement has no meaning. A bonus +5 isn't anything to be overly proud of, humans have a +5 to strength so therefore they are better than you. And every mage has access to every spell, so those are equal for all.
As to the culture comment, all bigots feel they are culturally superior, that doesn't make it so, that only lets everyone know how closed minded and ignorant they are.

First off, all of this pegs you as a classic 'roll-player'.

You should try role playing some day.

I don't think Simu supports your point of view. I also believe its a lousy RP crutch, and lame at that. Views such as yours tend to create large rifts between groups of people and at its heart is exclusionary, but at the same time public. A recipe for conflict.

Oh, because the Dhe'nar care so much about cultural rifts they may create in-game. Maybe if you actually knew what roleplaying was then you could use the term RP crutch properly.

If you wouldn't act like this in real life, then why would you do this in a game, the other characters are still people. And while I know racists and bigots exist, they sure as hell do not run thru Compton or Harlem telling the locals they are animals.

Of course I wouldn't act like that in real life. Thats what roleplaying is. Taking on the role of someone who ISN'T YOU and becoming the character.

Thus Dhe'nar with this view would never create conflict because they would never lower themselves to even visit places like Danjirland, the Landing or any of the Human held lands. Your RP hook is false and merely a veiled attempt and rationalization to be a snert.

The Landing is full of people just waiting to be kidnapped and sold into slavery. A Dhe'nar has every reason to visit a city like that.

You're either a really crappy roleplayer or you didn't think your post through very well. :)

*Edited to fix HTML tag.*

[Edited on 6-15-2005 by Ebondale]

06-15-2005, 10:49 AM
Well said, Ebondale. However, arguing with someone like Fengus almost seems to be a waste of one's time. He has seemingly no ability to grasp the concept of the villainous character type.

06-15-2005, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Fengus
A bonus +5 isn't anything to be overly proud ofThey get a +100 vs. disease.
If you wouldn't act like this in real lifeWe can't all be dark elves IRL like Arkans.

06-16-2005, 03:27 AM
My point is that no one is roleplaying a savior Dhe'nar, with all of that evil you would think playing the anti-Dhe'nar would have some attraction. But, alas, that is not the case. Why? Because the draw is that same follower mentality goth has, lets be dark, mysterious and jerkoff with dracula teeth on. You would think in a group of evil dorks with their black blackity black cloak of blackness an iconoclast Dhe'nar with a white cloak would be the most evil of all (from an internal perspective).

Anyway you're going to come up in here and talk about my RP when you are roleplaying an evil Dhe'nar? Gimme a break, whats your next great performance, a hoodlum pickpocket rogue? Or wait, how about a dark elf two weapon weilding ranger, thats fucking original too. Dork?

In summary there are good villians and bad villians, the bad villians are those looking for an excuse to kill people but yet somehow roleplay it so they can't be held responsible. Thats the first clue, and a question like this thread opener is clear this was the intent and motivation. If you could roleplay an encounter you wouldn't worry about the outcome unless you've preplanned to break the game rules and were merely looking for a rationalization. While the good villian role playing an encounter doesn't come into it thinking how it will end, thats just not roleplaying. But it is forcing your views on others, which is decidely not roleplaying and very much against policy.

Anyway I played a villian, back before you even knew your letters and it was much funner then, because snerts like yourself hadn't ruined all the systems. Notably I could murder in town and get away with it, I could escape prison, I could steal a person blind, but the evil rogue villian was only okay in secrecy and when there were few doing it. Now every other character is evil, evil is the status quo, think out of the box and play a good character.

06-16-2005, 09:54 AM
How many times have you roleplayed with me Fengus? Do you like talking out of your ass?

Name some of these fantastically original characters you have roleplayed. Let us see if accolades rain down upon you.

06-16-2005, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Fengus
My point is that no one is roleplaying a savior Dhe'nar, with all of that evil you would think playing the anti-Dhe'nar would have some attraction. But, alas, that is not the case. Why? Because the draw is that same follower mentality goth has, lets be dark, mysterious and jerkoff with dracula teeth on. You would think in a group of evil dorks with their black blackity black cloak of blackness an iconoclast Dhe'nar with a white cloak would be the most evil of all (from an internal perspective).

Anyway you're going to come up in here and talk about my RP when you are roleplaying an evil Dhe'nar? Gimme a break, whats your next great performance, a hoodlum pickpocket rogue? Or wait, how about a dark elf two weapon weilding ranger, thats fucking original too. Dork?

In summary there are good villians and bad villians, the bad villians are those looking for an excuse to kill people but yet somehow roleplay it so they can't be held responsible. Thats the first clue, and a question like this thread opener is clear this was the intent and motivation. If you could roleplay an encounter you wouldn't worry about the outcome unless you've preplanned to break the game rules and were merely looking for a rationalization. While the good villian role playing an encounter doesn't come into it thinking how it will end, thats just not roleplaying. But it is forcing your views on others, which is decidely not roleplaying and very much against policy.

Anyway I played a villian, back before you even knew your letters and it was much funner then, because snerts like yourself hadn't ruined all the systems. Notably I could murder in town and get away with it, I could escape prison, I could steal a person blind, but the evil rogue villian was only okay in secrecy and when there were few doing it. Now every other character is evil, evil is the status quo, think out of the box and play a good character.

Look, I'm done being nice with you. Talking to you is like talking to a pet rock.

I've said already that once a Dhe'nar stops following their cultural laws then they cease to be a Dhe'nar. That is why if they are a nice "Dhe'nar" then they aren't ACTUALLY roleplaying a Dhe'nar. Again, you need to read up on the history of the Dhe'nar and of Elanthia.

I've played a bubbly Empath for years and years. Playing an 'evil Dhe'nar' is an RP challenge for me. All of that ignorant 'jerking off with dracula teeth in' talk of yours just makes you sound like a fucking idiot, not that I'm suggesting that you aren't.

Anyway I played a villian, back before you even knew your letters and it was much funner then, because snerts like yourself hadn't ruined all the systems.

Do NOT presume to believe that you comprehend the first iota about my history roleplaying. If you were half the roleplayer you claim to be then you would probably have a stronger command of the English language. At least enough to know that "funner" isn't a word.

In short, go back to eating cheetos and drinking pepsi at your computer with delusions of grandeur, fatass. I guarantee that with an attitude like yours that you're going to go far in life.

Quit Gemstone. Sell your computer.

06-16-2005, 12:53 PM
Wow.. looks like I missed the fun.

06-16-2005, 01:13 PM
Yah. Fengus was being naughty. Although I'm sure we could start the fun back up again if we start spouting off in-depth roleplay opinions. Its like.....FENGUS H8 MAGNET.


06-17-2005, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by Ebondale

I've said already that once a Dhe'nar stops following their cultural laws then they cease to be a Dhe'nar. That is why if they are a nice "Dhe'nar" then they aren't ACTUALLY roleplaying a Dhe'nar. Again, you need to read up on the history of the Dhe'nar and of Elanthia.

What are you a 7 year old, rules are set in stone and cannot be defied ever? Dope, this is exactly the interesting RP hook I'm talking about. It should be obvious that playing an enlightened Dhe'nar will create conflict within their very culture. But to say they are automatically no longer Dhe'nar is plain stupid. Dhe'nar are born and bred and instilled their cultural heritage. When that culture differs greatly from the world at large and its influences there is just no way every being will accept it. To you I guess Dhe'nar is some defining view of the world, but to me its just a cultural theme which began with players and is not to read as a plot, but as a background story. For one claiming to LARP I find it hard to understand your lack of understanding here, do you LARP with a script? If so, what in your opinion makes that any different than a theater company?

Do NOT presume to believe that you comprehend the first iota about my history roleplaying. If you were half the roleplayer you claim to be then you would probably have a stronger command of the English language. At least enough to know that "funner" isn't a word.

Oh snap a grammar flame? HAHA, go back to 1996. Additionally, try webster.com, then amazon.com and replace your dictionary.

Quit Gemstone. Sell your computer.

Your flames are weak and unconvincing, lets stick to talking about role playing. While its possible you might say something funny its always better to at least keep it in context.

06-17-2005, 12:05 AM
Ignoring you, Pet Rock. Once again you have failed to make a point and, to me, you're simply a waste of space in this thread, on this website, and on the Internet as a whole.

I think you'll probably find Diablo 2 more to your style of roleplaying, Fengus. Why don't you go there and bother people.

06-17-2005, 01:34 PM

Dhe'nar are born and bred and instilled their cultural heritage. When that culture differs greatly from the world at large and its influences there is just no way every being will accept it.

To you I guess Dhe'nar is some defining view of the world, but to me its just a cultural theme which began with players and is not to read as a plot, but as a background story.

I think its a given that a Dhe'nar who lives within the 'seen' world of Elanthia will eventually have to evolve themselves in a way so that they may function in its society. Behavioral habits such as speech process, communication skills, body language are all subject to grow. Although change in these areas might vary on an individual bases I've always felt like it was safe to assume that successful members of a 'race' based on 'weeding out the weak' would always advance themselves to be functional and rational in whatever situation they find themselves.

However, I think what the argument I have with your opinion is that the internal Dhe'nar morality system is in some way static. I dont believe it is. I enjoy having this opinion because I've witnessed the products of fanatical belief systems in the real world. Not as extreme, (yay?) but situations that became comparitive when I tried to understand how a Dhe'nar should react to intigrating themselves into a 'non-Sharath' society.

I dont argue that there will NEVER be individuals who change when intigrated into a foreign society. That would be ridiculous. What I am suggesting is that the percentage of Dhe'nar who change their morality system for such a simple thing as societal intigration....even after the parent seperations, even after Ko'ar'lai'sha, and then even after formal caste training will be very very very small.

Just me being particular but as an afterthought, I believe those that DO eventually change their way of thinking to surpass the Dhe'nari way might even be very quiet about it, thinking themselves in some way a failure to the race. Even if only subconciously. Just my opinion. :shrug:

~Me giving my daily blah blah blah

06-17-2005, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale
For example. Let say Ebondale was wandering through Danjirland and happened across a male halfling and a male dwarf making out. Would it be... WRONG of me to limb disrupt the living hell out of them to the point that they'd need to ROLL back to town for healing?

Input, anyone?

Technically it would be apropriate for a Dhe'nar to smite an abomination and be distusted by it. A good friend dhe'nar said he'd have to kill my elf for mixing with a non elf race. The conversation was ooc, but I think he's one of the best RPed Dhe'nar I've ever met.

So as long as you RP this consistantly I say it's ok... but that doesn't mean a GM won't see it as unoconsented CVC. So it's up to you hon.

[Edited to add]

And killing Dhe'nar that are "rogue" and have not served their time/purpose in the culture are mentioned in the Dhe'nar history on the play.net website as killed by a true Dhe'nar, I believe.

[Edited on 6-17-2005 by OreoElf]

06-17-2005, 09:42 PM
Just me being particular but as an afterthought, I believe those that DO eventually change their way of thinking to surpass the Dhe'nari way might even be very quiet about it, thinking themselves in some way a failure to the race. Even if only subconciously. Just my opinion >>

An intrical aspect of roleplaying a Dhe'nar is the experience of having them cope with their surroundings. The Dhe'nar KNOWS it is wrong to go against the teachings he learned in becoming what he is, but he is also instilled with the drive to thrive in the Nothron Regions.

The responsibility is left solely up to the player/character to justify these cultural discrepancies, while still staying true to the Dhe'nari culture as a whole.

Evarin and his Mis'ri

06-18-2005, 01:16 AM
I suppose a Dhe'nar might be able to 'overlook' their teachings while living in the Northern regions *IF* it meant that they could achieve a greater power by doing so. I don't know how it might be acceptable any other way...

If not killing a someone will somehow further empower a Dhe'nar then it may be a means to a end. :shrug:

09-07-2005, 06:03 AM
You know, I've been killed twice so far since my return approximately a month ago by people 'RPing Dhe'nar'. In reality, they entered a room invisible, struck me down with a madnessed bolt (once while I was dragging a corpse to town) and then, once I was dead, started spouting off on their heritage.

I'm well aware that some Dhe'nars are good RPers, but I've met far too many that chose the race purely to be able to be jerkoffs and get away with it. I loathe them for that, as a player, and have retired a character due to the fact that I couldn't play her any longer without devoting a disturbing amount of time tracking down the Dhe'nar that had killed her.

Now, every character I have currently has never had a bad instance with a Dhe'nar. Therefore, they do not react badly towards them, even ones who I've known to randomly kill people. They also don't know my friends from my original character as of yet. That would be roleplaying there.

Before I start going off-tangent here.... If you want to kill people with your dhe'nar, fine. Be cruel. It doesn't mean you can't set it up outside of the game or through whispers/thinks to friends to somewhat stage the killings/sacrifices/etc. and have them be the victims instead of people who are trying to enjoy the game outside of PvP.

....Also, just as an aside, it's beginning to bug me how much Dhe'nars freak out over their racial guidelines when some of the other racial choices have somewhat restrictive ones as well. Dhe'nars aren't that difficult to roleplay, I'm tired of hearing the elitist tone from people who play them.

P.S. This is NOT aimed at anyone on this thread, do not take it as flaming, I just wanted to bring up that random killings disrupt other peoples RP, could be eliminated with some planning (if you want to really RP) and that if Dhe'nars are so esoteric in nature, then the players should spend extra time setting them up, but it doesn't mean the rest of us haven't spent as much time setting up our characters.

P.S.S. They really, really should make Dhe'nar an invite-only sort of thing, to reflect it's nature. Something a bit like the societies, only without abilities, of course. With that, people could become outcasts, and all people would need to know about the religious aspects to be given the title.

....P.S.S.S ....I feel a bit like I'm bringing up a dead thread, I was just too enraged by being killed again by a bad RPing Dhe'nar and now....well....I typed alot. ....someone has to read it.

09-07-2005, 06:14 AM
I know 3 characters who're RPing fallen - ex Dhe'nar culture.
That's the hardest thing in the world since their culture spells/says they are true Dhe'nar.
I think the 'Elitist' side of being a Dhe'nar cultured character is not as stern and unwaverable as most think.
If the majority of Dhe'nar do not understand or agree with the way you are RPing, do whatever you're doing well and show them you know what you're doing.
Show them it works and they'll respect your different view.
Or murder the crap out of them all.

[Edited on 9-7-2005 by Drayal]

09-07-2005, 07:07 AM
You raised several important points, Raine. You shouldn't just needlessly blast people, regardless of your roleplay. All killings should be justified, or lead to further roleplay.

09-07-2005, 12:31 PM
I RP evil characters sometimes. I have this one character who when he stumbles across dead bodies begging for help, he just sits and tells them to stop begging because he's enjoying watching them decay. As you can imagine, people are dead trying to get raised while this one person is sitting there perfectly capable of helping them and just chooses not too ... he hasn't made many friends.

09-07-2005, 01:38 PM
I didn't and still don't agree that Dhe'nar should be rped in only one way. It feels too much like people saying that "you can't be in our club because you dont dress and act the way we do". You have to allow for changes due to enviroment and expierences that the character has. In fact I have refused to play a "traditional" Dhe'nar because it doesn't allow any flexibility. Not to say that my Dhe'nar has teaparties with halflings and is amored with humans. To be perfectly honest, I quickly lose intrest in Rping with any Dhe'nar that rps in the "traditional" way because there is no variation in how things are going to turn out and for me.. that's boring. I am not saying that they are wrong for rping that way, because that's what they choose.

09-07-2005, 02:27 PM
To that effect, Kainen, you can see that certain specifications must be met to be considered Dhe'nar. One Dhe'nar can vary wildly from another, but there must be a baseline standard for the whole of the culture.

A Tower Dhe'nar, versus an outcast(pakra'a) Dhe'nar, a progressive Dhe'nar, an arch-conservative, ect

09-07-2005, 02:32 PM
A few ranking Dhe'nar have tried to get my empath to join OT a few times. They like the way that she heals, but I have no interest in being made part of a "group" rather than remaining an individual.

My empath is cruel. There is no hiding that. She would rather blow things to bits any day than heal. Having never had a raising cleric or a healing empath before, I'm not fond of my characters sitting on their asses for experience.

There are some Dhe'nar I avoid contact with all together, for the same reason that any person may avoid another; they annoy me. My empath terms it that she cannot heal them for not knowing them well enough to sacrifice part of herself. In reality, this is my own exclusion, though I practice it with strangers as well.

My point is this: Dhe'nari characters, in general, consider themselves above all else, but other player characters, most definitely consider most Dhe'nar beneath them. Until a Dhe'nar proves he or she is worthy of my empath's respect, she will not give it, much the same way they will not give theirs. In that way, most characters are quite the same, and the Dhe'nari RP is nothing different.


09-07-2005, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Showal
I RP evil characters sometimes. I have this one character who when he stumbles across dead bodies begging for help, he just sits and tells them to stop begging because he's enjoying watching them decay. As you can imagine, people are dead trying to get raised while this one person is sitting there perfectly capable of helping them and just chooses not too ... he hasn't made many friends.

Hahaha! Awesome. Ive always wanted to make an ivasian that did that. Just sat and stared at dead people. Obsessed with decay. I might still when i have the time to do the research.

Originally posted by Fallen

A Tower Dhe'nar, versus an outcast(pakra'a) Dhe'nar, a progressive Dhe'nar, an arch-conservative, ect

I'm interested in hearing more about these catagories, if you care to share.

Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
My empath is cruel. There is no hiding that. She would rather blow things to bits any day than heal. Having never had a raising cleric or a healing empath before, I'm not fond of my characters sitting on their asses for experience.


And I think I just figured out who ES plays. Nice... :yes:

09-07-2005, 02:55 PM
I doubt it; I don't remember ever seeing Jihna with my empath, which doesn't mean you may not have less well known characters, I suppose.

My point wasn't to out my character though, it was more to stress that even the most elitist factions in Elanthia are no different than the rest of the world. It is all about power dynamic; I know very few people who just give respect because they feel like it.


09-07-2005, 02:59 PM
As long as the roleplaying is within character and within touch of the game's setting and not off on some wild tangent, I see no problem with disrespecting/attacking people that are proven 'disagreeable' by your in-game culture.

Not that I would ever do it, as I am quite a peaceful roleplayer ... but, to each their own. It makes things more interesting, no?

09-07-2005, 03:15 PM
I still see no grandeur in being different for the novelty of it. I believe it takes just as much skill to play a wholey standard character, with all their race's/culture's flaws and strengths as it does to roll up any number of oddballs. That is not to say doing so doesn't have its merit, though automatically denouncing someone for playing the standard is just as tired as the 90th V'tullian blue skinned Forest Gnome.

My point is, weird for the sake of weird isn't the enth of RPing.

09-07-2005, 03:22 PM
I'm interested in hearing more about these catagories, if you care to share >>

As for abnormalities within the Dhe'nari standard, you really must delve into the cultural documents, both player written and Simu supported. Find an aspect of a Caste or tradition you find interesting, and overexert that trait through your character while loosely following the other cultural aspects. You could also take the opposite of that approach. Play a rigidly defined Dhe'nar, except for a single glaring flaw to base your roleplay around.

As for playing an outcast, I can offer little advice besides pointing you in the direction of several long standing examples. Alisaire is perhaps one of the most well known Dhe'nar of all time, and she is most certainly an enemy to her people. Beyond her, I believe Drayal also plays a Dhe'nar who has turned his back on his people. Those two would likely be able to help you far more than I.

[Edited on 9-8-2005 by Fallen]

09-07-2005, 03:35 PM
Play a rigidly defined Dhe'nar, accept for a single glaring flaw to base your roleplay around.

^I do that.

I just asked because with the specific sounding categories it sounded like you had privy to info I had not read. And I've looked into the culture obssessively so I got jealous super quick. :D

09-07-2005, 03:38 PM
I don't view my character's RP as weird, if that was directed at me, and she was not created to be an "oddball". Here we have the problem with Dhe'nar players in my estimation in general. They seem to come out swinging when you question their RP, intimating that you don't understand it, when you have, in fact read their guides and studied them closely. Can you say the same for other players, or have you judged them solely based on what race they are?

What you seem to be saying is that there is no power dynamic within the OT, when Starsnuffer's own site challenges that. All existing societies are modelled upon human ones, even fantasy realms. Eg: talking with Brinnea and Tiaral about the Dhe'nari language, it's even modelled on a combination of human dialetcs.

If the Dhe'nar are suddenly loving communists who want to make sure everyone gets the same, you'll have to enlighten me, but what I saw from the site and have seen in the RP is more the same: "we are better than so and so because (insert excuse here to make you feel special about yourselves)."

My empath doesn't hold a Dhe'nar at fault more than she does any person who refuses to have the freedom of mind to think for themselves. I, as a player, however, can't distinguish the ideological difference between a private OT meeting and a KKK meet. What Dhe'nari characters don't realize is that most of the populace does not fear them (and are not impressed by the headbands either). They laugh at them, either to their faces, on the amunet, behind their backs, or a combination of all three.


09-07-2005, 10:33 PM
If you want to RP a Dhe'nar who's turned their back on their teachings, the best you can do is try to RP 3 things.

1. Why you left your caste or beliefs.
2. How you're going to move from that point on, and how you'll treat Dhe'nar who have no clue you left your caste.
And 3, would be your survival. Since to become Dhe'nar you have to give up things and learn other things which would have taught you how to survive situations. Such as resistance to pain.
Would you take those teachings on with you or would you RP a character who'd relearned or is relearning how to be a ''normal'' character again.

It's nothing new to be a diverse Dhe'nar.
I love my character wearing the title.
Even though he no longer follows the path, he still has all the teachings in his head. Some he'll have to use the rest of his life becouse it's all he knew before he left them. And some he'll have to learn to forget/relearn if he wants to lead a life which differs to their culture.
No Dhe'nar are really the same.
Some are further along the path that others. Some are more powerhungry (Evarin and Xandalf).
But all follow a way which has too many steps and levels of commitment to label them as ''The same'' or ''type cast''.

Hope that made sense.

09-07-2005, 11:16 PM
My empath doesn't hold a Dhe'nar at fault more than she does any person who refuses to have the freedom of mind to think for themselves. I, as a player, however, can't distinguish the ideological difference between a private OT meeting and a KKK meet. What Dhe'nari characters don't realize is that most of the populace does not fear them (and are not impressed by the headbands either). They laugh at them, either to their faces, on the amunet, behind their backs, or a combination of all three.>>

A villainous race not being liked? Insanity!



Play a rigidly defined Dhe'nar, accept for a single glaring flaw to base your roleplay around.

^I do that. >>

I used accept in place of except. That makes me sad.

09-07-2005, 11:20 PM
I used accept in place of except. That makes me sad.
They have excellerated classes for people like you.

09-07-2005, 11:25 PM
School is just another tool of oppression for the white man.

09-07-2005, 11:30 PM
Or learning for everyman?