View Full Version : Fucking Idiot: Psyck.

Terminator X
06-13-2005, 01:19 PM
Psyck says, "The beggar there is just pouting."
Psyck nods to Talonas.
Talonas shrugs.
Jewlin stares off into space.
>say ::psyc I beg for you to shut up.
Speaking softly to Psyck, you say, "I beg for you to shut up."
Having found a trap on the trunk, Orbsmasher begins to attempt to disarm it...
Jewlin puckers up and blows a kiss at a blue diamond engagement ring.
>nod psyc
You nod to Psyck.
Psyck gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Psyck gestures at Malaekai.
A misty halo surrounds Malaekai.
Verstohlen says, "You're the only cute thing this side of the river though."
Verstohlen leans on Jewlin.
>'how about that for begging. Dark elf
Malaekai says, "Thank yo."
You softly say, "How about that for begging. Dark elf."
Malaekai nods.
>glance psy
You glance at Psyck.
Psyck nods to Malaekai.
Malaekai coughs.
Hjorr recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Hjorr gestures at Talonas.
Glowing specks of light red energy begin to spin around Talonas.
Psyck traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Psyck gestures at you.
CS: +91 - TD: +77 + CvA: +15 + d100: +5 == +34
Warded off!
Hjorr recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Hjorr gestures at Talonas.
Glowing specks of deep blue energy begin to spin around Talonas.
Orbsmasher laughs!
Mhalick gawks at Verstohlen.
Psyck shrugs.
>stand robe
You stand back up.
As you rise to your feet, you give your robes a shake so that they drape properly.
Malaekai just wandered down a dusty path.
Hjorr recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Hjorr gestures at Talonas.
Glowing specks of deep blue energy begin to spin around Talonas.
Mhalick points at Falcons.
Hjorr recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Hjorr gestures at Talonas.
Glowing specks of sparkling silver energy begin to spin around Talonas.
Having found a trap on the trunk, Orbsmasher begins to attempt to disarm it...

Orbsmasher removes a pinch of greyish-white putty from within his locksmith's toolkit and pushes it into the locking mechanism of the trunk.
Mhalick chuckles.
Orbsmasher quietly says, "Finally."
Jewlin shows Verstohlen her engagement ring.
>snicker psyc
You snicker at Psyck.
Kenstill nods to Falcons.
Orbsmasher quietly says, "Now for the easy part."
Talonas deeply says, "I share my mass colours all the time because I want to. I guess to each his own."
Orbsmasher grins.
>say ::psyc try that again and you will be begging for a cleric.
Speaking softly to Psyck, you say, "Try that again and you will be begging for a cleric."
Verstohlen asks, "For me?"
Verstohlen beams happily at Jewlin!
>get kat from my hav
Get what?
Jewlin says, "No."
Talonas deeply says, "Thanks Hjorr."
Kenstill asks, "Someone finally called Riverman on being a little beggar?" Nice. Fucking retard.
>Verstohlen says, "Oh."
Hjorr nods to Talonas.
Verstohlen frowns.
Kenstill says, "That's good to see."
>look kens
You see Kenstill Stonemountain the Warrior.
He appears to be a Giant.
He appears to be advanced in years. He has blue eyes and tanned skin. He has long, dark brown hair.
He is in good shape.
He is holding an engraved modwir strongbox in his right hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a gold ring, a butterfly charm, a long black leather cloak, a dark oilcloth backpack, some soft dark leather trousers, some polished black leather boots, a dark leather sack, a black brocade sheath, a veniom threaded harness, a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield, and a fitted black metal breastplate.
Orbsmasher taps Verstohlen lightly on his shoulder.
Falcons gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Jewlin says, "And my fiance is a very jealous person, when he becomes jealous, he loses his temper."
Psyck says, "You're welcome to kill me whenever you wish little beggar."Okay.
Speaking darkly in broken common, Mhalick says, "Riverman is a good guy, pleaz dun attack him."
Jewlin says, "We wouldn't want to see that."
Falcons softly asks, "Who needed water walking?"
Speaking quietly to Verstohlen, Orbsmasher says, "I wouldnt try anymore Bards arent good to upset."
Verstohlen asks, "Who is the good man?"
>say ::psyc Cast at me again. See what will happen.
Speaking softly to Psyck, you say, "Cast at me again. See what will happen."
You mutter something inaudible.
Orbsmasher snickers.
You notice Orbsmasher turn his head in your direction.
You fail to slip from hiding unnoticed.
>glance psyc
You glance at Psyck.
Talonas deeply says, "I think part of Riverman's prollem is his delivery."
Orbsmasher removes a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick from in his scale lockpick kit.
>say ::psyc just knock it off. Okay?
Talonas chuckles.
Jewlin says, "Braedamant."
Speaking softly to Psyck, you ask, "Just knock it off. Okay?"
With a quick toss Orbsmasher sends his white vaalin lockpick popping into the air, whirling like a top! As it comes down, he easily snatches it from the air and begins to pick the lock on a plain silver trunk...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
Psyck gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Psyck gestures at you.
CS: +91 - TD: +77 + CvA: +15 + d100: +82 == +111
Warding failed!
The air thickens and begins to swirl around you.
Verstohlen stands up.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Psyck says, "Go for it."
Orbsmasher deftly twirls a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick between two fingers.
Orbsmasher put a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick in his scale lockpick kit.
>sneak path
You attempt to move silently down a dusty path.
[River's Rest, Commons Circle]
Here, the dusty roadway splits and continues to the northeast and northwest. The rush of River Road traffic to the south is faint in the air and the pace of life seems slower and calmer to the north. Between the roads, a dusty pathway fades into a broad expanse of green lawn.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest
Roundtime: 3 sec.
open my have
You open a rugged suede mage's haversack.
>get blue cry
You remove a blue crystal from in your mage's haversack.
>rub cry
You come out of hiding.
You rub your blue crystal.
An invisible force guides you.
The blue crystal suddenly disintegrates!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
cman surge
>get kat from have
get kat from have
You remove a red-flecked enruned imflass katar from in your mage's haversack.
You remove a red-flecked enruned imflass katar from in your mage's haversack.
>sneak path
You attempt to move silently down a dusty pathway.
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Birdsong fills the air and intermingles with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see the violet Jewlin disk, the earth brown Hjorr disk, a leaf hawk that is flying around and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: Lord Talonas, Psyck, Verstohlen, Tarhen who is sitting, Lord Galmaedril who is sitting, Kenstill, Mhalick who is sitting, Lady Falcons who is sitting, Jewlin who is sitting, Hjorr who is sitting, Orbsmasher who is sitting
Obvious paths: none
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Mhalick pulls a wickedly curved faenor waraxe from his bandolier.
Speaking quietly to Kenstill, Orbsmasher says, "See not nearly as long as that time i took yer box to jail with me."
ambush psyc head
Mhalick carefully slides his waraxe into his leather bandolier, adjusting it for optimal angle.
ambush psyc head
You leap from hiding to attack!
You punch with a red-flecked enruned imflass katar at Psyck!
AS: +271 vs DS: +59 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +29 = +273
... and hit for 83 points of damage!
Beautiful shot pierces both lungs, Psyck makes a wheezing noise, and drops dead!

* Psyck drops dead at your feet!

The guiding force leaves you.

A nearby goodwife screams, "Murder!".

Roundtime: 5 sec.
* Psyck just bit the dust!
You've gained 1 mental training point.
(To use these new points, type GOALS and adjust your skills.)
Unconverting 1 Mnt points to return 2 Phy points. (See HELP TPS)

Training Points: 190 Phy 0 Mnt (46 Phy converted to Mnt)
>nod psyc
You nod to Psyck.
>sneak path
Orbsmasher begins to meticulously examine an engraved modwir strongbox.
Speaking darkly in broken common, Mhalick says, "Oh well."
sneak path


I edited this copy & paste to take out all those darn LOOKs.

06-13-2005, 01:21 PM

Normally I don't condone the blue crystal, but the airwall is a pain in the ass.

Also, call him a dirt elf next time.

06-13-2005, 01:22 PM
* Psyck just bit the dust!
You've gained 1 mental training point.
(To use these new points, type GOALS and adjust your skills.)
Unconverting 1 Mnt points to return 2 Phy points. (See HELP TPS)

Not sure why, but that part made me chuckle.

06-13-2005, 01:23 PM
Way to miss the kill shot.

06-13-2005, 01:36 PM
Ent had to take a trip off the island yesterday because the inhabitants were getting under her skin. She would have started legging people had she not taken the boat to cool off.

Such as Revon begging for her to open his boxes, not wanting another locksmith to. Sorry, don't play favortism with her. She growled a retort and took off for hunting, not opening his boxes. But came back later and picked his boxes, because no other locksmith was around.

And around the same time, Lalasa, for reasons unknown to Ent, refused to raise Orbsmasher. Is it now coming to the days where clerics don't care if they raise or not? Come on, we have limited clerics in RR to begin with.

I was actually surprised to see Psyck awake in your post! Usually when Ent's around, he's sleeping or just not around.

06-13-2005, 01:38 PM
A bit off topic I suppose, but as to clerics not caring if they raise or not, they have the same right as an empath does to choose if they heal/raise or not. There are a few folks that my empath would not spit on if they were on fire. :shrug:

Terminator X
06-13-2005, 01:43 PM
I think he's healed me one time, ever?

I was asking my buddy Hjorr for some magic in the Commons, and since he was resting, I saw Jewlin's disk, which was violet, so I decided to ask her, one time, if she could cast me some strength. This fucking guy decides he's going to go all anti-begging patriotic on my black ass, but why, I'm not really sure.

06-13-2005, 01:47 PM
Clerics don't have to raise people they don't like it's one of the pains you deal with when you're playing someone that piss people off. My old warrior used to decay because he was an ass to everyone.

06-13-2005, 01:49 PM
Terminator X - Heh, which is why I said I was surprised he was actually awake for once.

Jolena, you said a few. I'm assuming those characters did something to cause the animosity and the refusal for your character to heal them?

It seems that Lalasa finds raising similar to dirtying her hands, from what Ent's seen of her. Umm, she's a cleric. If I didn't want to have a character to raise someone, I wouldn't roll a cleric, imo.

Edited to add: Thank god for Urisk - such a great guy. He was running around left and right last night raising people, a day after his wedding!

[Edited on 6-13-2005 by Nobody Cares]

06-13-2005, 01:53 PM
Clerics don't just raise. They are also known for releasing the undead, worshipping their deity, etc.

Raising is just one of their perks. Don't think so cookie cutter.

Chica hates to heal, she's an empath.

Anticor hates to bolt, he's a wizard.

Bisco hates to bathe, (nothing really to put here but I thought I'd throw that in the mix)

06-13-2005, 01:53 PM
Who's that Jewlin chick? Hahahahaha. *COUGH*

Terminator X
06-13-2005, 01:56 PM
hehe Anticor.

<<Nobody Care's post>>

As long as people like Shak, Urisk, Aki (basically, most Beacon members) are around, it could be filled head-high with turdstains like above and I'm a still stick around.

06-13-2005, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Clerics don't have to raise people they don't like

Unless they're in House Sovyn.

Or so I hear.

06-13-2005, 02:03 PM
yeah I have to agree with Anticor. As to the few folks that my empath won't heal, yes they gave her some issues and that is why she won't help them out anymore. (Although to be honest, she will at least point them to some herbs to revive their blood if need be)

However, there are times that she's resting in TC or something and someone comes running in and wants healing. Because she didn't do it, they started in on her about how she's an empath and MUST heal. Not true. It's a choice, not a requirement.

As to why roll one if you don't plan to use the skills, well, if raising/healing were the only way to earn experience then I could see that being justifiable. As it's not, and they can hunt from that profession, I don't see it as a requirement to do either anymore. Perhaps the person playing the character just wants to be able to heal themselves down if need be. Or will only use his/her powers to raise on family or something. Who knows, there are dozens of reasons. Hell there are tons of empath spells that are not related to healing just as there are cleric spells. Perhaps they RP their character to only use those spells. :shrug:

06-13-2005, 02:24 PM
You play Riverman, Terminator? Judging from your demeanor here on the boards, I really must commend you on your roleplaying skills. COMPLTELY different people.

Evarin was only around for a short time on the isle during his vist, but we ran into each other once or twice.


Terminator X
06-13-2005, 02:29 PM
Thanks Ev'

I do it to escape reality! :spaz:

06-13-2005, 02:37 PM
Thanks Ev'

I do it to escape reality! >>

As do we all, Riverman. As do we all.

Terminator X
06-13-2005, 06:23 PM
Sorry to bump this, but I kind of don't like making new threads:

Has anyone had a problem with a guy named Kenstill? I don't know whether he is actually the same account as Psyck, but he just killed me with little to no interaction. I'll save the details, but, has anyone had a problem with this guy? I could totally understand if you have.

Just curious.

06-14-2005, 09:12 AM
Heh, didn't know you played Riverman. I think he's well played, except I want to punch you when you keep saying "neat-o."

I haven't had a problem with Kenstill, or with Psyck, for that matter, but they may be the same player. Where did all the beggar stuff come from, anyway? You were asking for spells? The way you do it has never bothered my chars.

-Bingnob's player

Terminator X
06-14-2005, 09:30 AM
yeah the "neat-o," thing I say is dumb, I try and RP as well-spoken as ..Erithianly.. possible, I'm a stop that shit; I got respect for those who can throw in a jillion apostrophes to bastardize speech, but it ain't my thing. Good pointer not getting beaten.

As far as the beggar business, it's mad frusterating because I really do not have a *clue*.

I mean, Psyck, yeah, there was interaction which is cool, even if I was the one laying dead. All that Kenstill been doing was glaring at me all day, I only responded with, "stop kicking me," when he tried Fu-ing me. I dunno if he was playing the whole MA biz, but to me, at least, the GH and GM actually seemed real anxious to help me out on this one ::shrug:: - And yeah, Bing, I wasn't doing it (asking for magic) in a mad sweet way or a grotesquely push and shove manner... no clue.

06-14-2005, 09:38 AM
Well like I said in another post, Shimm murdered Ent because according to him, she was 'begging' for spells. Heh, murdered her *after* he spelled her up, tha brat.
Some characters just have an attitude complex :P

I'll have to sit in the commons and 'beg' for spells, see what it gets Ent :whistle:

06-14-2005, 09:59 AM
This name looks all too familiar.