View Full Version : Katrianne
06-11-2005, 09:40 PM
All right, so I paid 1.5M for a couple of Katrianne tokens.
These tokens are supposed to be good for both her and her sisters. How often are they actually around and how will I even know if they are around?
I've never really been able to find an Alterer except on the Jugg before. :(
Evarin & Xandalf - I'd like to alter some of my equipment (such as my cloak and my sash) into some nice Dhe'nar alterations. Have you guys had any interesting ideas in the past for alterations?
06-11-2005, 10:05 PM
I'm guessing thats Kyalia's merchant.
She used to be around REALLY often - like every couple weeks or once a month, not so much anymore.
She tends to have a persona or two aboard every pay event but why would you want to pay the ingame coins on top of cash for the alters?
Best way to find her is probably keep an eye on the calendar. She's sure to turn up eventually.
06-11-2005, 10:14 PM
I suppose it gives me plenty of time to come up with an idea of how I want my items to be altered. :)
06-12-2005, 07:40 AM
An ancient Dhe’nari stalking cloak crafted from a myriad patchwork of shadowy black leather
An idea for an altered voluminous black stalking cloak or similar commonly available non-scripted cloak. I was just hoping I could get some opinions on this from people that have actually been fortunate enough to have an altering merchant give two shits about them in the past. Am I thinking along the right lines and could this actually be created according to Simu's guidelines? Could I actually get a little more creative with it than this?
[Edited on 6-12-2005 by Ebondale]
06-12-2005, 06:42 PM
if you type ALTER in game, it will tell you all the rules, and guidelines.
06-12-2005, 06:43 PM
Thats nice. I like myriad patchwork. :yes:
06-12-2005, 07:07 PM
Merchants eh.
>merchant soulpieced
Your last merchant alteration was 1168 days ago.
06-12-2005, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by isebumples
if you type ALTER in game, it will tell you all the rules, and guidelines.
I've read through those. I don't see how a 15/15/15 rule can apply to the alteration I posted above. Does Katrianne do long descriptions?
06-13-2005, 07:35 AM
Yea she does long descrip as well as 15/15/15 with shows you should be ok.
06-13-2005, 07:36 AM
Now I just have to track her down.
How does the err.. token thing actually work? I just give it to her and she has to take me as a customer?
06-13-2005, 11:57 AM
Well usually you find her or one of her alternate selves when they are working mention you have the token and she will get to you either next or after the others are done.
I heared rumor of some gent doing an assist on his token and another GM actually did the alter for him then so..
06-13-2005, 11:59 AM
Wow, so there might even be a chance for me to use ASSIST to use my token like any time? That would be nice if they'd actually do that. :)
06-13-2005, 11:59 AM
She's been having problems OOG for a while now. She's set to return...sometime however.
06-13-2005, 12:16 PM
Yea really hard to miss any pay event that shes not at but then again if your at one of her events your not likely to leave without an alter anyhow HEH. I might save them and try to pawn them off on a random alteration merchant traveling about.
06-13-2005, 12:37 PM
Evarin & Xandalf - I'd like to alter some of my equipment (such as my cloak and my sash) into some nice Dhe'nar alterations. Have you guys had any interesting ideas in the past for alterations? >>
Though I am guilty of the practice myself, try to avoid tossing the word Dhe'nar into the short of your alter. It is often overdone, and realistically, it would be unlikely some human from Jantalar could recognize a pouch with Dhe'nari themed designs. I understand no one should demand realism in GS, but it is better to be part of the solution than the problem.
Items that are classically Dhe'nari are the headband, waist sashes, dice, and whip-blades.
Here are some of my items, old and new:
A darkened Dhe'nari headband
The evenly cut leather bands that form this headband appear to be completely identical in size and coloring. Dispite stringent inspection, the spacing of the leather strips seem to flow together without flaw. Supple strands of the darkly dyed material are tightly interwoven around a great jagged-edged tusk. The petrified tusk has been maticulously polished, giving the stone a deep ebony hue in luster.
A strap-laden suit of elven scalemail
Jagged protrusions of overlapping scales cover the amor's surface, their blackened contours designed to both deflect and absorb oncoming blows. When examined from differing angles, the interior of the armor is found to be fitted with numerous invar-buckled straps. The thin, richly worked lengths of ebon leather allow the armor a perfected fit and positioning. Three golden rune-incised rings, the innermost wreathed in frost are deeply etched upon rigid iron scales that guard the wearer's heart.
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