View Full Version : Tipping
09-24-2003, 06:48 PM
Just outta curiosity, what does your character usually give in the way of appreciation for services rendered?
For empaths, if it's a regular heal after a hunt, I try to give 1000 plus whatever amount over that I have on me. I usually get raised by people I know now, but I'd give clerics a pearl or ruby type gem, and same with empaths that heal when I'm dead. Rogues get squat because I use Larton. Heh.
Can't wait to pick again, I've used Larton for the last 10 levels, ever since I stopped getting stuff picked by Chaum, and it's like 3k a box.
Just depends on what gets healed is how much an empath gets. They at least get 1,000 coins.(for a minor wound) Oftentimes they get a gem. (if I have some on me... garnets, sapphires, star rubies). Clerics get gems also. (unless I'm out then I make a bank run) Rogues get well over half of any coins I get from the boxes. Sometimes even more if I find gems, wands, etc in my boxes. Lots of times I will also offer them a white or black crystal if I find one. (since I know they can come in handy for a rogue) The rogue always gets any scarabs that are found too. And, most important, I always say thank you. (at least that's important for me to hear when I'm the one picking)
I even try to tip people that cast mass blurs with wands, scrolls, or crystals. Most won't take them though.
Vesi (yeah... I like to tip!)
09-24-2003, 07:07 PM
I give them experience, and usually a thank you. Occasionally, I'll give whatever I have on me. But shamblers are few and far between, and pumas have nothing, so it's not too often.
[Edited on 9-24-2003 by Artha]
Miss X
09-24-2003, 07:17 PM
I keep some nice gems on me for clerics, but I usually get raised by friends who wont accept tips.
My empath and cleric rarely accept tips, if I'm busy, or dont see someone tip me till they have gone then il keep it but most of the time I hand tips back, because I get quite a lot of exp sitting and healing and thats enough for me.
I guess, once they modify how much we learn from healing I will accept more tips, and hunt more but for now whether someone tips of not, and how much they tip isnt an issue.
I had a young empath ask me today, if she should keep healing people that dont tip her, and another one say he thought people should be considerate and tip in notes not coins because he was getting to heavy. I was actually really shocked that people are that greedy!
09-24-2003, 07:21 PM
The great thing about being an empath is clerics and empaths usually have this unspoken agreement (at least in icemule they do) that they don't tip eachother. I'm usually pretty good about handing all my tips back regardless. I tip rogues though. Usually a large chunk of whatever silvers i get from the boxes. Then again I rarely hunt so that's not much of an issue.
09-24-2003, 07:38 PM
I had a young empath ask me today, if she should keep healing people that dont tip her, and another one say he thought people should be considerate and tip in notes not coins because he was getting to heavy. I was actually really shocked that people are that greedy!
You're in the landing though, right?
I'm not too surprised.
09-24-2003, 08:25 PM
RichEmpath heals you.
PoorCleric resurrects you.
PoorCleric just went west.
You have two notes for a total of 20,000 silver.
Give RichEmpath.
Give RichEmpath.
You now have 0 silver.
I felt like killing myself. It was long before I had even 5mil.
More Lean
09-24-2003, 08:28 PM
nothing they are getting exp i am doing them a favor they shood tip me
09-24-2003, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
RichEmpath heals you.
PoorCleric resurrects you.
PoorCleric just went west.
You have two notes for a total of 20,000 silver.
Give RichEmpath.
Give RichEmpath.
You now have 0 silver.
I felt like killing myself. It was long before I had even 5mil.
Ack, Bob! I cannot believe that empath did not hunt you down to give it back!
I chased a warrior over half the lands once because he gave me a 100,000K note for healing him. I was sure it was an error. Turned out it was not an error. I think the poor dear was just a bit addled. ;)
Nevertheless, you should have been given the opportunity to rectify your error. To keep that kind of tip without making sure it was intended is shameful.
HarmNone thinks that was a lousy empath
09-24-2003, 09:10 PM
Cleric speaking here. generally if i raise someone i dont take tips. On very rare occasions i do and thats only if i dont know the person or im in landing. If you ever see reyek in Vaalor, Mule, Sol Haven or RR he wont take tips from you. Why should i get 1000 silver or any amount of gems for raising you when you just filled my mind? same when i play my empaths. I dont take tips I learning off your pain why should i get paid for it too? true im not making silver suchs as hunting but if i needed silvers that badly i can get off my butt and go kill a critter just as easy and the next warrior.
09-24-2003, 10:57 PM
From my stand point as having my main character be a rogue who picks boxes I'm not overly picky about how much silver they tip me. Heck, I gain experience from the boxes so the silver is only secondary.
When I seek out the services of a healer or need a cleric I'll tip gems (scarabs, sapphires, ect) or silvers. It all depends on what I am carrying or if I feel like making a bank run.
09-24-2003, 10:59 PM
Oh and I forgot to add, if a cleric/empath is a vulture I won't tip. Period.
09-24-2003, 11:07 PM
Most people don't take my tips anymore. They know that they can come to me for spells any time. It works well. When I run into someone I don't know and they heal/raise/pick for me they get tipped very well. I have no plans on getting rich at the cost of not being very generous. Empaths will get mana and a nice gem or coins. Clerics I'll give 5k or more (no mana I just got raised). Pickers I give 1k or more per box and they always keep the bugs, not the first bug, all bugs.
Originally posted by Praefection
Oh and I forgot to add, if a cleric/empath is a vulture I won't tip. Period.
I tip lots. That is one instance I wouldn't think twice about walking away from. Though, with a cleric, I'd rather decay. Unlink until I can depart. <nods>
I guess I like giving other people stuff. Heck, if I could give away diamonds and emeralds in real life, I would. I figure either they'll take it and remember me (maybe) or refuse it and I will always remember them. (not saying I won't remember the ones taking the tips because I really do tip all the time)
In all my time in Gemstone, I haven't sold one item. I really enjoy getting things just so I can give things away.
P.S. Oh, I did sell a mage-rechargeable gem once... forgot about that.
09-24-2003, 11:20 PM
I never sold items, either. There was always someone around who looked like they might enjoy something I may have grown tired of.
I always tipped heavily for services. I played an empath, and a cleric at one time or another, and knew their pain, so to speak. Besides, I enjoyed the opportunity to give back. The gain was both ways, as far as I was concerned.
HarmNone appreciates those who try to help
09-25-2003, 09:36 PM
Bah, what's all this talk of empaths, clerics and locksmiths ? I'll have you know a witch gets offered a fair number of tips for various things and I refuse them all. Well, excepting two special occasions from friends that had something particular to offer, which they knew I'd like. Those would have ended up as gifts some other time, so I don't count them.
To me, a person lowers themselve accepting a tip unless they are actually in need of coin for relevant items, like decent armor and such. Having such, and that being my status for some time now, I take no tips.
I do tip folks, and I leave it to them as to accepting it or not. It's not up to me to decide how honorable they are. They are the one's that have to live with themselve.
Morstanya, Witch of the North.
I never think of it as tipping. I think of it as legitimate payment for services rendered. I almost never allow a cleric or empath or bard or rogue to go unpaid. It's like a debt of pride. I will go to great lengths to pay people, even if they refuse it, although some times I'll let it go if they seem to be doing it for religious reasons and want their devotion to be pure or something...
And I want my bard and rogue and cleric and fledgling empath to get paid as well. They go out of their way to do this for another person, not out of the goodness of their hearts (I have a hard time playing true altruists..) but because it is their job. Or it is a skill they have that can be put to use for others in return for silvers for the use of said skill and time.
If you think they lower themselves by that or that they are unhonorable, well... I don't know what to say to you but that I will gladly not pick, loresing, resurrect, or heal for you ever again.
09-25-2003, 11:29 PM
I'm known to hand over a bunch of coins then go inviso real fast if someone is refusing a tip from me. Sometimes it works, sometimes it gets dropped or the person fogs to me while hunting and I get real encumbered real fast :cool: Ever been handed 40k in silver while hunting then get grounded from a weed? The clerics loved me that day.
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