View Full Version : Warn: the downfall
09-24-2003, 05:51 PM
You know, originally I believed that the warn verb, something I've never used except on myself (great way to get some very interesting sends, BTW) would be a great way for people to be able to warn off those elements of gemstone that just suck.
What has actually happened with this verb is more along the following:
1) Bitches like Warclaidhm (who ideally are the targets of this verb, so that maybe if they get warned enough, they cannot even interact with 90% of society, and thus leave because their time is made not fun) are the ones who constantly abuse it and warn everyone in sight. Honestly, if you've used this verb on more than 5 different people, you should probably play everquest or some other game that doesn't at least put up the illusion of roleplay. Either roleplay the conflict out, or walk away yourself and suck in your pride.
2) the above situation causes more people to use warn, some in self defense, escalating their own situation, and more importantly, use other forums to flame others on a record scale. They spread what should be a minor conflict between 2 people into an all out war of words and aggression, involving all of their friends and so forth. This ends up increasing the bitch ratio of players in the game, which is now approaching ridiculous heights, as even in Illistim, you get retards like Eylanna and whoever owns Darckwizard now thinking about conflict left and right with whoever they've managed to piss off that given week.
3) People begin to use warn as a primary means of roleplaying and avoiding consequences they have otherwise earned. I've been warned twice since this verb came out, once by the rectal probe known as Haashek for merely asking him why so proud a warrior needs to ask repeatedly for spells and cannot make it on their own, and once by "I fell on my head" Warclaidhm because I confronted him because he was badmouthing me and jaelus publicly on the amunet.
At some point in time, people have magically forgotten that you reap what you sow. The very troublemakers for whom warn was created are the ones making the most use of it, spreading their conflicts high and low, and creating a bitchery type atmosphere in which people are incapable of sucking in pride, walking away, or otherwise solving 2+2 by themselves.
Solution: Make improper use of warn a 30 day lockable offense on the first use, 60 on the second, and perma on the third. Or just get rid of the verb, and let people solve their own messes again. Warn hasnt stopped a damn thing, and if anything is just making 1 on 1 conflicts grow into 20 on 20 ones, which in the long run, are far more difficult to handle for staff.
09-24-2003, 06:04 PM
I must agree with most of the Anti-Warn sentiment. I've used it once, following a pattern of obnoxiousness by several characters belonging to one player. And the WARN followed a Report and Assist, and was witnessed by a GM. And it was useful to the GMs in stopping this player's actions...towards me. Others had to do the same thing of course, because naturally, I wasnt his only 'nemesis'.
But those who use this 'communications tool' ( I was told that's basically what it is) every single time someone ruffles their feathers are indeed ridiculous. And I've also noticed it is the ones the verb was probably intended to be used ON that seem to use it the most.
Come on now, people. YOU get your character in a bind, YOU RP your char out of it. Or walk off. WARN isnt just poor RP, it's NO RP.
The above is MY opinions only, and I'm sure many do not share them, considering how often WARN is used.
Acolyte Kurili
09-24-2003, 06:23 PM
I'm not sure if the WARN verb is to blame as much as the lack of enforcement in the HMC policy. Haashak, Warclaidhm and many others we all know should be BANNED under HMC. Why isn't HMC enforced?
09-24-2003, 06:25 PM
Warclaidhm, Haashek and Enormis are the three that come to mind when discussing idiots and their use of Warn.
I was going to say Vif, but I think she warned me by saying "I want everyone here to know that I have told Falgrin to leave me alone or I will report him to the Game Masters. Thank you" I don't think the stupid verb was out when she and I had our issue.
I know I've been warned at LEAST 10 times though.. and all by idiots who could not roleplay the situation out. Hell, I was warned once because someone thought Falgrin was stealing from them.
The verb needs to go. Period. Too many players of the game are too inept at roleplaying to have it.
09-24-2003, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Gokkem
I'm not sure if the WARN verb is to blame as much as the lack of enforcement in the HMC policy. Haashak, Warclaidhm and many others we all know should be BANNED under HMC. Why isn't HMC enforced?
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
**Edited to take out some extra $
[Edited on 9-24-2003 by Parkbandit]
09-24-2003, 06:29 PM
Right after I posted that I was like DUH! Don't I feel stupid! $$$$$$$$
09-24-2003, 06:29 PM
WArn is the dumbest shit and challange verb oh and TONE that gs has ever done..right behind gs4
09-24-2003, 06:34 PM
You know, if someone's using WARN to avoid conflict, continue the conflict. Chances are, if they report, and you explain it to a GM/GH, they'll take away the warn. If they don't report, you're fine anyway. All the verb does is stick an invisible mark on your character that says 'Soandso warned soandso on [date] for [excuse]
Edit: Also, Simu has thousands of you really think they care about $12.00 a month from those three?
[Edited on 9-24-2003 by Artha]
09-24-2003, 06:51 PM
<Edit: Also, Simu has thousands of you really think they care about $12.00 a month from those three?>
Yes I think Simu does care about every dollar. If they didnt they would follow their own rules
09-24-2003, 07:56 PM
Hi! I'm Garr a little warn slut..... Kill me please. I think this thread was made with Garr in mind at least in my mind.
More Lean
09-24-2003, 08:37 PM
09-24-2003, 09:15 PM
warn interaction morelean!
warn interaction gokkem!
warn warn warn warn!!!!
09-24-2003, 10:27 PM it possible to get over things with you? at all? sure im stubborn, but hell, i havent warned someone in like two months (not saying much, i know, but my character hasnt been around nearly as long as just about any of your characters)
Weedmage Princess
09-24-2003, 10:42 PM
Garr--quick question. Your signature....was that something taken from Gemstone? As in, someone said that in the game?
09-24-2003, 10:42 PM
Bah. damn the warn verb.
09-24-2003, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by GarrsSoul it possible to get over things with you? at all? sure im stubborn, but hell, i havent warned someone in like two months (not saying much, i know, but my character hasnt been around nearly as long as just about any of your characters)
I am glad to hear that you have learned some things about getting along in Elanthia, Garr. If you take the lesson as just that...a lesson...your enjoyment of the game will increase greatly. However, it is going to take some time to live down the damage done by early behaviors. It will take longer with some people than with others. Just hang in there and keep learning and trying to improve.
HarmNone thinks it is great that you are making an effort to improve :)
09-25-2003, 12:54 AM
I hate warn. I've never used it. I've never had a reason to use it, doubt I ever will. I'm sure it gives the GMs a lot of headaches and probably brings them more work than help.
I do love the tone verb though and don't want to give that up even if too many misuse it.
09-25-2003, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Garr--quick question. Your signature....was that something taken from Gemstone? As in, someone said that in the game?
Yes, a GM said that during mine and Garr's make up session regarding the Player's Corner.
And she specifically asked us not to quote her. Garr has no manners. Who's surprised?
09-25-2003, 01:27 AM
I hate the warn verb as much as the next person.. but.. if there's a major problem, the GMs/GHs almost INSIST you use it. Example..
I've been having problems with everyone's favorite heathen, Izbin.. He started attacking me over problems I had with Ganryu.. So I decided to take the high road.. ignore it and talk to a GameHost about it. They pretty much told me, unless I warn him, they can't really do anything about it. So really, I dont have a choice BUT to use the evil Warn verb reguardless of my opinion on it.
09-25-2003, 04:25 AM
Nothing wrong with the WARN verb, it's the people using it to hide behind that are the problem.
No system, command, or solution will ever be perfect or cover all possible permutations of a situation.
I think the WARN verb should have been explained to the population instead of just showing up one day. Sorta like, "Hey, here's this neat tool to use with those twerps that annoy and harass you. It comes in handy for PvP situations you don't consent to. But don't use it as a shield, because if we see you're abusing it, we'll remove your ability to use and it, and then you won't be able to wield it when you really need to!"
09-25-2003, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by Adhara
I do love the tone verb though and don't want to give that up even if too many misuse it.
Easy way to fix it... make it usable for ONE comment on tones that clearly are not meant to be used for every word. Once you say something, it reverts back to no tone. Tones like quietly, softly, etc.. that make sense being used most of the time would not have this feature.
Voila.. fixed.
09-25-2003, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by Snapp
I hate the warn verb as much as the next person.. but.. if there's a major problem, the GMs/GHs almost INSIST you use it. Example..
I've been having problems with everyone's favorite heathen, Izbin.. He started attacking me over problems I had with Ganryu.. So I decided to take the high road.. ignore it and talk to a GameHost about it. They pretty much told me, unless I warn him, they can't really do anything about it. So really, I dont have a choice BUT to use the evil Warn verb reguardless of my opinion on it.
But the thing is.. there you have a VALID reason to use it! Izbin suddenly attacks you for no reason.. you've never met him before.. and he continues to harass you. THAT is why the verb was put in place!
It was NOT put in place to have non-roleplaying hacks use it whenever they feel like it.
The verb was intended to help.. it probably has helped some people.. but to most it is simply a joke.
09-25-2003, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by Tayre
Yes, a GM said that during mine and Garr's make up session regarding the Player's Corner.
And she specifically asked us not to quote her. Garr has no manners. Who's surprised?
Well if it was said in a lounge or other ooc area than we can not complain about it I guess.
The Cat In The Hat
09-25-2003, 11:20 AM
>>Warclaidhm, Haashek and Enormis are the three that come to mind when discussing idiots and their use of Warn. <<
Teeoncy's a warn whore too.
09-25-2003, 11:27 AM
Garr comes to mind as well.
09-25-2003, 11:28 AM
Amd Tayre.
09-26-2003, 12:43 AM
Heh, Teeoncy a warn whore. Now that's funny!
She harassed a friend of mine recently in Ta'Illistim for no reason, other than she was jealous they were being affectionate in public. Teeoncy got her friends to join her and logged in her other character too.
09-26-2003, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Amd Tayre.
Someone put colgate on a toothbrush and chase the Brit away, plz. kthx.
Weedmage Princess
09-26-2003, 09:53 AM
I'm going to throw WARN in the same category as TONE. They're both useful, but abused. WARN is just more severe, however..because it's an OOC tool, meant to help tone down potential harassment. I don't know much about WARN, having never used it, but it seems like it's being used TO HARASS people. Unlike TONE, though, I wouldn't mind if they took that feature out of the game. A better option would be to start penalizing people who abuse it. People who abuse it get spoken to, then a warning against their account. That might be a little harsh, but it's one of the few things I could think of that would curb the misuse of WARN.
09-26-2003, 10:00 AM
If it's really stupid, you can ignore the warn, and the GMs will probably side with you. For example, if they talk shit and challenge and then take the first swing, can't touch you and then warn interact you, feel free to jam a dagger in their eye or whatever, because the GMs will probably side with you.
09-26-2003, 02:17 PM
:shrugs: I think the GMs should just explode the stupid people. But this isn't a free MUD.
:grins evilly right after:
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