View Full Version : Ever just wish you could take your foot out of your mouth?

06-11-2005, 06:11 PM
Ok, to start with I have been gone from Gemstone for about 7 months. I rolled up a new little rogue for my playing enjoyment. It is one class and profession I have never played. I wish I had logged my session but here is a general run down of what happened and why I feel like a total IDIOT!

I am hunting nymphs...I chase one a room over and hit it and kill it, then notice there is someone in room. I am a little embarassed because I really got used to not chasing from my older characters... so my character blushes and says sorry. Then the lil tart there scowls and I said "sorry I was chasing that lil buggar" The other player proceeds to say " well saying so before you killed it would have been an idea". Then I get ticked cause you know its pretty obvious it ran in I ran in and hit it. So I say "Well its not rocket science is it?" OKAY WTH...rocket science? Thats not a really retarded blatant OOC/OOG comment is it? hehe So I am slapping my own self and I had to post it. So there ya have it my own pwn of the day...ON MYSELF!!


[Edited on 6-11-2005 by Aenstaas]

06-11-2005, 06:18 PM
Ok ..well welcome back...Least ya know ya did it ..most dont even care about it an act like they did nothing wrong
