View Full Version : Battlegrounds

06-09-2005, 07:26 PM
Hey if anyone is on Frostwolf server and wants to get banged, hit me up.. Shishio

only one S on this char.

06-09-2005, 07:27 PM
get banged huh... Wonder how many women that will work on.

06-09-2005, 07:29 PM
Sorry, If anyone wants to be defeated in player verses player combat, i would be happy to accept your challenge.

06-10-2005, 06:38 AM
Battlegrounds rock.
I havent done anything other than battlegrounds since tuesday, with the exception of travelling back to org to replenish flash powder and poison

06-10-2005, 07:23 AM
Originally posted by Itachi
Hey if anyone is on Frostwolf server and wants to get banged, hit me up.. Shishio

only one S on this char.

Ive seriously got to get some good pick up lines like that.

06-10-2005, 07:37 AM
I can't even fuckin get in.

Being level 27 SUCKS.

06-10-2005, 08:21 AM
I'm just tearing Arkans through levels now. These epic battlegrounds sound absolutely tight.

- Arkans

06-10-2005, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Battlegrounds rock.
I havent done anything other than battlegrounds since tuesday, with the exception of travelling back to org to replenish flash powder and poison

Thankfully they've got an NPC merchant in Alterac. I've gone through probably 60+ flash powders per day.

06-10-2005, 09:04 AM
wow...I thought I was bad.

I love how you get to loot alliance after you kill them.

My favourite part...apart from saving Arkans arse when he is getting raped by Alliance rogues that is :)

06-10-2005, 09:29 AM
The above may possibly be, but is most probably not, a completely and utter fabrication!


- Arkans

06-10-2005, 09:53 AM
Feel like teaming up tonight, Alorg? I haven't been in the battlegrounds yet, so you'll be in charge of keeping me alive.

06-10-2005, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
The above may possibly be, but is most probably not, a completely and utter fabrication!


- Arkans

Happy days.
Going to work on getting to 40 tonight. Will make things a whole lot easier if I can get on a raptor and whizz across the fields rather than trying to do it on foot.

Can you carry the flag on a mount? Havent seen anyone doing it so I am assuming you cant...curious though.

06-10-2005, 10:19 AM
You should be able too, I mean, you can do it in wolf form as well as other druid forms. I plan on hitting 40 by Sunday. Then again, since I do have wolf form and play defense on BG, I'm thinking of pissing my money away and getting myself fully decked out in some good mail. Oh the choices!

- Arkans

06-10-2005, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Tea & Strumpets
Feel like teaming up tonight, Alorg? I haven't been in the battlegrounds yet, so you'll be in charge of keeping me alive.

Well, I've only been to Alterac so far where pretty much everyone is in the same raid group. (Screw capture the flag, that's not PvP to me. I really don't think you should be getting Honor Points for it. Fucking joke. Maybe with next patch Blizzard will incorporate Team Tug of War for Honor Points.)

I don't think I'm going to be around at all this weekend. Possibly early evening, like 4pm-7pm I may be around today, that's about it. I'll gladly get you in then. I've had absolute blast, especially when we have some semblance of order and a leader.

06-10-2005, 10:25 AM
Talk to the leeather workers...they can make some swanky mail stuff so you might not have to spend a fortune in AH...or get doing some instancing and pick the stuff up from there.

Nothing worse than buying some phat lewt from AH and finding something better is a quest reward shortly afterwards.

06-10-2005, 10:25 AM
I'm hoping they'll make the epic battles for lower levels, but all I can do is capture the flag. By the way, is Alliance getting smoked in the epic battles too?

- Arkans

06-10-2005, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I'm hoping they'll make the epic battles for lower levels, but all I can do is capture the flag. By the way, is Alliance getting smoked in the epic battles too?

- Arkans

What bothers me is I'm hearing people are getting like 1600 CPs for a win in Capture the Flag. I find that a bit insane, when I can take and defend a half dozen graveyards, take the mine 5 times over, kill enemy commanders and spawned epic raid bosses, AND have 700+ HKs...and end up with 8K in points for the night.

Granted, 8K is nice, but it's a joke when compared to getting 1600 just as a reward for completing a 20-40 minute CTF game.

Yes, all three nights I went to sleep with the Horde having the Alliance pinned into their own base. The furthest I've seen the Alliance was Wednesday at the Horde base. Only because their summoned raid Elemental kept glitching and it's health would go back to 100%. After we finally killed it, we steamrolled them.

It's next to impossible to get into a base, I'm thinking that's gonna change in a near patch.

Frankly, there's a TON of bugs. I've taken countless mines over and over, and I've probably been credited with 3 mine takeovers when it's probably been more like 15. I've taken graveyards with 2 other players, and not received credit for a GY taken.

But yeah...it's still fun. I just like the terrain insanely more than TM or any other PvP area.

06-10-2005, 10:58 AM
What would be great is if you could get catapaults, meat wagons, ballistas, or dwarven mortars for taking over bases and do sieges. THAT would be pimp!

- Arkans

06-10-2005, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
What would be great is if you could get catapaults, meat wagons, ballistas, or dwarven mortars for taking over bases and do sieges. THAT would be pimp!

- Arkans

Siege weapons are going to be implemented in future patches. It's already pretty cool you can order air strikes, get elite wolf rider troops, a squad of reavers, goblin thrashers, and an enormous Ice Lord.

06-10-2005, 11:15 AM
I agree. As long as it looks and feels like a Warcraft battle. I think it has to be a huge rush tearing into battle with a ton of grunts running side by side you, even if the lag is a bit unbearable!

- Arkans

06-10-2005, 11:17 AM
Haha, that'd be awesome. BraveHeart style.

06-10-2005, 11:29 AM
i haven done it yet

06-10-2005, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

Originally posted by Arkans
I'm hoping they'll make the epic battles for lower levels, but all I can do is capture the flag. By the way, is Alliance getting smoked in the epic battles too?

- Arkans

What bothers me is I'm hearing people are getting like 1600 CPs for a win in Capture the Flag. I find that a bit insane, when I can take and defend a half dozen graveyards, take the mine 5 times over, kill enemy commanders and spawned epic raid bosses, AND have 700+ HKs...and end up with 8K in points for the night.

If people are saying they are getting 1600 Honor for CTF, they are lying. 290 honor for winning the game, plus any for HK's, which you wouldnt see...and if you are killing enough alliance to get 1600 honor (which would be 10 level 60 characters) then why should it make a difference whereabouts you are killing them. Same conditions for killing PvP anywhere (except TM) although battlegrounds is probably the easiest experience for killing I have had thus far :)

06-10-2005, 11:33 AM
Speaking of which, how is the lag at alterac, Alorg?

06-10-2005, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I agree. As long as it looks and feels like a Warcraft battle. I think it has to be a huge rush tearing into battle with a ton of grunts running side by side you, even if the lag is a bit unbearable!

- Arkans

Lag is a hell of alot better than TM ever has been.

And it does feel more like the old Warcraft with a dozen level 62 elite reavers charging in alongside you.

06-10-2005, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
If people are saying they are getting 1600 Honor for CTF, they are lying. 290 honor for winning the game, plus any for HK's, which you wouldnt see...and if you are killing enough alliance to get 1600 honor (which would be 10 level 60 characters) then why should it make a difference whereabouts you are killing them. Same conditions for killing PvP anywhere (except TM) although battlegrounds is probably the easiest experience for killing I have had thus far :)

Hopefully it's level range based then. I'm hearing people on the boards saying they're playing 8 rounds of CTF and ended up with 20K+ in CPs. They are ofcourse, claiming to win all 8 rounds as well.

06-10-2005, 12:18 PM
For example...some priest I've never heard of on the Alliance side is claiming he had just over 30K in points last night from Warsong Gulch.

What a fucking joke.

That's the only thing that I really dislike (I can even deal with the bugs and the near impossibility of taking the Alliance base), unskilled ass clowns that just play capture the flag are going to be the leaders of PvP on all servers.

That's pathetic.

06-10-2005, 12:30 PM
Well hopefully they divide it. I was only doing the capture the flag bit over in Warsong. I was actually having fun. No super powered ??'s on your ass and other than one group our side was so much more organized. Though our last run we did have some jerk who kept wanting to give stupid advice but we all just ignored him and played on.

I did not get my hk's and not sure on my contribution points because the damn screen goes by too fast I think I had total 25 kills last night but I was always on defense in the flag room so I also died a ton.

But it was much nicer than being thriple teamed by people in strangletorn.


06-10-2005, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque

Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

Originally posted by Arkans
I'm hoping they'll make the epic battles for lower levels, but all I can do is capture the flag. By the way, is Alliance getting smoked in the epic battles too?

- Arkans

What bothers me is I'm hearing people are getting like 1600 CPs for a win in Capture the Flag. I find that a bit insane, when I can take and defend a half dozen graveyards, take the mine 5 times over, kill enemy commanders and spawned epic raid bosses, AND have 700+ HKs...and end up with 8K in points for the night.

If people are saying they are getting 1600 Honor for CTF, they are lying. 290 honor for winning the game, plus any for HK's, which you wouldnt see...and if you are killing enough alliance to get 1600 honor (which would be 10 level 60 characters) then why should it make a difference whereabouts you are killing them. Same conditions for killing PvP anywhere (except TM) although battlegrounds is probably the easiest experience for killing I have had thus far :)

CP distributed between a 40 man raid in Alterac or CP distributed between 10 man raid in CTF....

You can spend HOURS in Alterac killing the same people (diminishing returns). CTF games are faster, and provide 'fresh meat' for full CP HKs.

Not to mention the wait on Alterac on my server blows...Horde did have the first victory though.

06-10-2005, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

Hopefully it's level range based then. I'm hearing people on the boards saying they're playing 8 rounds of CTF and ended up with 20K+ in CPs. They are ofcourse, claiming to win all 8 rounds as well.

well HKs are level based for sure...we know that.
Cant say how the CTF points are distributed at higher levels but I would imagine the points for sompleting the objectives are the same, given the fact they are equally as difficult (i.e. taking on level 31-40's when you are level 31-40 is as hard as taking on 51-60 when you are 51-60).

The difference is the HK's which at level 60 is 160 CPs for the first kill with diminishing returns. plus there are only ten people you can kill...so there are actual limits to how many CPs you can get per game.

I have been playing constant WG since tuesday and have been playing WoW far more than is healthy thins week...and have been getting around 2k CPs per night. Compared to the 500 CPs I was getting per week previously, it sounds like a hell of a lot...but we need to remember that everyone elses honor will be a shedload more too.

I have no doubt that I will still be a scout come tuesday.

06-10-2005, 04:50 PM
I found Alterac Valley to be kind of boring. It's fun at first, sure. But it's way too easy to capture a graveyard. Yesterday was my first time there on the live server. Alliance had horde against the ropes pretty much the whole match, and had pushed them all the way to their base. You pretty much need your whole raid force there at that point, since you're dealing with lots of NPC's and lots of enemy players.

All it took was two groups of horde to capture two of our graveyards behind us. When the first warning went up, some alliance rushed out to try to stop it, but not enough, since if you sent too many, the horde could push out of their base and capture back the frostwolf GY.

Not to mention that a single full match there can take anywhere from 8 to 15 hours. Sorry, but that's fucking nuts, regardless of how fun you think it is.

I think I'll be sticking to CTF from now on, since I am so not willing to devote that much time just to be able to give out the bonus honor dished out at the end (if your side ends up winning.) I got my kickass polearm from the Korrak quest; I'm happy.

06-17-2005, 04:23 AM
Did my first battleground tonight. :) Either I'm a lot better at PvP then I thought, or Horde players on Khadgar suck, very bad.

1 game of capture the flag.

Alliance wins, 3-0

My stats. 98 kills, 2 deaths. My honor gained was some strange symbol..I could not make it out.

Also to note, do most players not realise Paladins have a blessing that removes ALL movement based negs? Blessing of freedom removes hamstring, wing clip, frost nova, roots, etc etc. I had 3 people waste half their mana trying to root me while I was pwning them.

06-17-2005, 04:38 AM
Originally posted by Adredrin
Did my first battleground tonight. :) Either I'm a lot better at PvP then I thought, or Horde players on Khadgar suck, very bad.

1 game of capture the flag.

Alliance wins, 3-0

My stats. 98 kills, 2 deaths. My honor gained was some strange symbol..I could not make it out.

Also to note, do most players not realise Paladins have a blessing that removes ALL movement based negs? Blessing of freedom removes hamstring, wing clip, frost nova, roots, etc etc. I had 3 people waste half their mana trying to root me while I was pwning them.

If you were able to beat three druids at once then they indeed were le suckyness

06-17-2005, 06:29 AM
How long does this blessing last Andy?

06-17-2005, 07:17 AM
Blessing of Freedom lasts 10 seconds, with it going up to 15 seconds if you invest 10 points into the protection tree (and another 5 points in the blessing improvement itself). Also has a 20 second cooldown unlike all other blessings, so you can't just spam it on your group in a pinch. But, I have to say I've seen very few paladins use it, on themselves or others. If I'm in an instance and the main tank gets webbed in place, or any other effect, I throw it on them to reduce the time the mob is wandering around without them.

06-17-2005, 09:23 AM
Actually, it's the opposite of what I've noticed. The only time I lost CTF was against on ally team who had 5+ Paladins who just circle jerked shield on each other. I havn't lost since.

- Arkans

06-17-2005, 09:27 AM
I've only been in 3 BG battles so far.. first 2 were 3-0 horde wins.. the 3rd one I crashed with the score 1-1.

I'm curious what alliance folks have found on their side.. from what I hear on our server, the horde is dominating the BGs. Is this all talk?

06-17-2005, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I'm curious what alliance folks have found on their side.. from what I hear on our server, the horde is dominating the BGs. Is this all talk?

im in the under 30 group. I have a PvP rank of Private so I have not done BG that many times.

Last night Alliance I was in went 2-4.

The problem with Ally is most have no clue how to 1 on 1 PvP. Soon as I get in to BG I start talking up the raid group and no matter what stay together

06-17-2005, 09:35 AM
Just wanted to add

If you know Ysin I hate his long range marking hunter who needs to hurry up and make 31 ass.

06-17-2005, 09:39 AM
And there lies the problem for Alliance. They can't use their main strength... Massive amount of Zerg. The Horde have been used to fighting out numbered and out leveled and I think this is starting to show. It could be this reason why its so hard to actually get a large Horde group into the BG.

- Arkans

06-17-2005, 11:05 AM
I started out 7-0 last night, with 7 straight pick-up groups. A couple of the earlier ones were awful too. 3 Shamans, no healers. Thanks guys. I actually died with the Alliance flag when I could see where to cap it, and was literally standing on one shaman, and ran through the other about 2 seconds before and both chose to frost shock instead of heal me.

We still shut them out. Went 7-0, and shut out the Alliance all 7 times...21-0.

The final game I played I did lose. The party makeup was horrible though, 4 people 55 or under, 3 warriors (none were 60), 2 rogues, 2 hunters, a warlock, mage, and shaman. It was a poor group and we were up against some of the Alliances' better PvPers (Grade, Invidious, Gillian) and it was still a close match.

06-17-2005, 11:09 AM
Just wondering how Carpe Diem is doing and if they are ready for any skirmishes against The Barren Fury?

- Arkans

06-17-2005, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler
I started out 7-0 last night, with 7 straight pick-up groups. A couple of the earlier ones were awful too. 3 Shamans, no healers. Thanks guys. I actually died with the Alliance flag when I could see where to cap it, and was literally standing on one shaman, and ran through the other about 2 seconds before and both chose to frost shock instead of heal me.

I have found something similar. Very few people with the ability to heal, actually heal. Druids are fuckers for running behind waiting for you to die so they can pick up the flag when you drop it. Shaman (other than Arkans who is an empath at heart) are into the fighting first and healing never...(although interestingly, Arkans seems to believe his healing spells dont work if you are being attacked by a PC)

CTF is a fucker for making people forget they can heal.

06-17-2005, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
Just wondering how Carpe Diem is doing and if they are ready for any skirmishes against The Barren Fury?

- Arkans

Why do I think he's using a Barren Fury statement right now...


06-17-2005, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque

Originally posted by SnatchWrangler
I started out 7-0 last night, with 7 straight pick-up groups. A couple of the earlier ones were awful too. 3 Shamans, no healers. Thanks guys. I actually died with the Alliance flag when I could see where to cap it, and was literally standing on one shaman, and ran through the other about 2 seconds before and both chose to frost shock instead of heal me.

I have found something similar. Very few people with the ability to heal, actually heal. Druids are fuckers for running behind waiting for you to die so they can pick up the flag when you drop it. Shaman (other than Arkans who is an empath at heart) are into the fighting first and healing never...(although interestingly, Arkans seems to believe his healing spells dont work if you are being attacked by a PC)

CTF is a fucker for making people forget they can heal.

And I think the Shaman's first place in BG would be to heal and drop totems. I haven't been in BG with Bayne yet.. but my comfort zone would be defensive and offensive assist.. like healing the flag carrier while running behind them. I tried to get in a BG last night with Alorg.. but ended up not getting in.

They need to rework the entry system.. giving preference to already formed groups instead of individuals.

06-17-2005, 12:42 PM
Arkans. The problem with the alliance isn't that they're sans zerg. The problem with the alliance side is that most horde groups are guildmates that PvP together, while alliance brings pickup groups to the battle. Other problems include CP whoring, not grouping, no coordination and no plan. I've won about 1/2 my matches, even with dealing with these issues and some effective strategies are now being used by the alliance...things are improving, but alliance is still behind the curve.

06-17-2005, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Lobster
Arkans. The problem with the alliance isn't that they're sans zerg. The problem with the alliance side is that most horde groups are guildmates that PvP together, while alliance brings pickup groups to the battle. Other problems include CP whoring, not grouping, no coordination and no plan. I've won about 1/2 my matches, even with dealing with these issues and some effective strategies are now being used by the alliance...things are improving, but alliance is still behind the curve.

I started out 7-0 last night, with 7 straight pick-up groups. A couple of the earlier ones were awful too. 3 Shamans, no healers. Thanks guys. I actually died with the Alliance flag when I could see where to cap it, and was literally standing on one shaman, and ran through the other about 2 seconds before and both chose to frost shock instead of heal me.

We still shut them out. Went 7-0, and shut out the Alliance all 7 times...21-0.

I feel you're wrong in this. I haven't grouped with a guild member yet, every single one I've done has been me entering solo, and a pick-up group. My current record after 3 days is probably something like 25 - 6.

The zerg is a HUGE factor. I've been fighting multiple opponents forever, the Alliance isn't. The reason I don't attack Paladins in the wilds is typically because within the 3-5 minutes it's going to take me to kill him, 75% of the time another Alliance is going to pass by and join in.

Well before Battlegrounds, I very rarely (MAYBE 15% of the time) lost a fight with even numbers to the Alliance.

This is pretty much exactly how I expected Battlegrounds to turn out. (Maybe even more unbalanced than I expected.)

06-17-2005, 01:09 PM
Well, I'm not one to toot my own horn often, but I can say last night, all three flag captures were solely because of me. Our group was a priest, a paladin, a rogue, a hunter, a warrior. Those were all I ever saw in the game. The same people. So I dono if we started with less then 10, or what.

The warrior, priest and hunter where there purely for HK's, you could tell. They ran out to the middle ground, and just killed. The gnome rogue and I did all thre flag caps, and we did it in about 15 min. His sprint, plus me healing him, and stunning the horde trying to catch him, made for easy flag pickings.

To answer Nin, no I did not take out three Druids. It was a Druid trying to root, a warrior who kept trying to hamstring, and a hunter who kept hitting me with stun shot. None of which where working. I managed to take out the Druid and the hunter before I had to back off. :)

I know people are used to having paladins live forever (it seems like), but I'm taking it they are not used to paladins hitting really hard (My average hit last night was about 500 dmg) and actually using their other blessings and skills.

[Edited on 6-17-2005 by Adredrin]

06-17-2005, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Adredrin
I know people are used to having paladins live forever (it seems like), but I'm taking it they are not used to paladins hitting really hard (My average hit last night was about 500 dmg) and actually using their other blessings and skills.

I so need a new weapon. I would kill for 400 damage. Is that 2 handed or 1?

06-17-2005, 01:23 PM
It's a two hander. But you got to remember my damage mostly comes from my spells.

Might gives me 138 more attack power. With just this, my hits are at about 140-300 depending on crits. Add in seal of command, which does anywhere from 260-450, and I do a heafty ammount of damage. Plus, seal of command procs like crazy for some reason as of late. I think it may be bugged. I had it proc almost 20 times in a row last night.

06-17-2005, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
Just wondering how Carpe Diem is doing and if they are ready for any skirmishes against The Barren Fury?

- Arkans

19 members
oldest is 30

right now we are doing all low end instances as a guild either DM/VC or stockades

wanted to add this is my current armor from my VC runs http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/itemset.html?setid=161

[Edited on 6-17-2005 by theotherjohn]

06-17-2005, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque

Druids are fuckers for running behind waiting for you to die so they can pick up the flag when you drop it.

I love being in bear form running with the flag

06-17-2005, 02:50 PM
STill a bit short for it to be a fair fight, but hurry up and catch up! We gotta have a rumble :P

- Arkans

06-17-2005, 03:14 PM
Shit... you can run with the flag in bear form? Why wouldn't you go into cat form and just run like a bitch?

Damn.. I'm going to have to go on offense as a shaman in ghost wolf form. SWEET.

06-17-2005, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Shit... you can run with the flag in bear form? Why wouldn't you go into cat form and just run like a bitch?

Damn.. I'm going to have to go on offense as a shaman in ghost wolf form. SWEET.

I dont have travel form so my bear and cat runs at same speed.

Bear gives me 180% more armor from items, 290 more health and immunity from polymorph

06-19-2005, 06:07 PM
I am seeing what you whored were talking about.

Today ever BG I have been in has been 5 alliance v. 10 or more whored.

Needless to say I got WTFpwtned every time

06-19-2005, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
I am seeing what you whored were talking about.

Today ever BG I have been in has been 5 alliance v. 10 or more whored.

Needless to say I got WTFpwtned every time

As far as I understand, the BG's are programmed to not allow uneven fights in them. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong though.

06-19-2005, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Adredrin

Originally posted by theotherjohn
I am seeing what you whored were talking about.

Today ever BG I have been in has been 5 alliance v. 10 or more whored.

Needless to say I got WTFpwtned every time

As far as I understand, the BG's are programmed to not allow uneven fights in them. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong though.

I think there are cut off points, but there most definitely can be uneven sides. Plus if people drop out midway through it can cause problems.

I was in one game where they started it then straight away they said there werent enough people and the game was going to end in 4 minutes (ironically there wasnt enough alliance). So we all made a mad dash to get the flag once before the game ended... :smilegrin:

06-19-2005, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Adredrin

Originally posted by theotherjohn
I am seeing what you whored were talking about.

Today ever BG I have been in has been 5 alliance v. 10 or more whored.

Needless to say I got WTFpwtned every time

As far as I understand, the BG's are programmed to not allow uneven fights in them. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong though.

look cock sucker quit trying to find problems with my posts unless you know what the fuck you are talking about STFU

06-19-2005, 07:18 PM
Wow, great posting style there TOJ. I'm starting to understand why the were so happy when you left BF.

Let me respond in a way you'll understand.

How about you shut the fuck up and stop thinking every single post made is a personal attack on you.

06-19-2005, 10:31 PM
did 5 BGs 20-30 lvl today.

Everyone one I had to wait a over a hour to get into.

Once I did get in, over 10 horde versus 5 alliance.

Unless Blizz comes up with a way to end BGs when the only thing going on is camping of the resurrection place instead of turning in flags, then BG will die before July is over on Dunemaul.

06-19-2005, 11:38 PM
maybe if alliance didnt suck so hard more would join ?

06-19-2005, 11:44 PM
That's like hoping the sky will turn green.

- Arkans

06-20-2005, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by crazymage
maybe if alliance didnt suck so hard more would join ?


I am 4 - 11 I think

I am starting to be much more assertive and just tell fuckers hey you are defending or you are attacking this time so STFU.

Last time I had 7 killing 42 deaths and 22 honor and 12 flag returns

another WTFpawned

06-20-2005, 09:31 AM
Yeah, I've discovered you have to be assertive and order people around. Yesterday we had a very uneven group (like 4 shamans, 4 rogues) and most were under 60. They're all raggedly charging up the middle, so I said we needed a rogue back on D, and told a level 53 shaman (Duun), to go back on D too.

30 seconds later I notice he's charging with the group, so I say "Or, you can just blantantly ignore me and go ahead and charge, Duun."

That got a few laughs and a couple "Gotta love pick up groups" or "Pickup groups ftw!" type comments. He quickly said "Er sorry, I'll get back on D now." We were down 0-1, and ran up 3 straight points to finish them off.

I can't stand how everyone apparently fears the duo of Deception and Extinction on our server. Every game is "Oh hell, we have to go against D & E, we're screwed."

Kill the healbot, and Deception blows. Everytime we face them now, I just say "I'm not playing O or D, my job is to kill Extinction repeatedly." She must hate me at this point.

06-22-2005, 01:51 AM
Battlegrounds is so addictive. :spaz: I just wish I could pick and choose who I group with.

06-22-2005, 08:24 AM
did my first 31-40 battleground last night,

WTF is wrong with alliance? The group I was with had no clue. Refused to make a raid. etc

no wonder whorded is pawning that age group

06-22-2005, 08:56 AM
And indeed every age group.

No babysitters allowed, therefore Horde 1 - Alliance didnt.

06-22-2005, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
And indeed every age group.

No babysitters allowed, therefore Horde 1 - Alliance didnt.

oh well you fuckers can have BG, alliance is winning the rest of the game

06-22-2005, 09:04 AM
In my first BG experience last night we won 3-0 with little trouble. I think i walked out with like 0 kills, 5 deaths and a flag capture. It at least gives me motivation to level above 34. The wait time for games is horrible though.

06-22-2005, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by Elrodin
In my first BG experience last night we won 3-0 with little trouble. I think i walked out with like 0 kills, 5 deaths and a flag capture. It at least gives me motivation to level above 34. The wait time for games is horrible though.

on dunemaul alliance side, my wait is a little over a hour.

Hopefully the next patch which has the Battlemasters in towns making it easier to join will reduce wait time

06-22-2005, 09:10 AM
oh well you fuckers can have BG, alliance is winning the rest of the game


No actually they are not. It is a blast and a thrill to pvp people near your own level. Or even be harassed by a few really old people when you have a chance through strategy to win. I love that part of pvp. I do not mind the deaths even when outmatched by a similar group.

But that is not how the alliance works.

Most times you have a few small battles with some alliance and instead of thinking of ways to stop us they immediately yell for the 60's. They can't win with their own skills or even enjoy the fact that it was a great battle. Now I am not saying it is everyone because it is not but it is the majority. I don't even bother to try and fight back when alliance gets like that I cluck at them and walk away. You would be surprised at how many don't kill me because I did that.

So some servers I have read because of this great tactic are actually losing good players on the horde side. They either quit or move to a server where there is more of a chance. So yes the alliance will win because they have no one else to play with. Not my idea of a fun time.


06-22-2005, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
did my first 31-40 battleground last night,

WTF is wrong with alliance? The group I was with had no clue. Refused to make a raid. etc

no wonder whorded is pawning that age group

So that's where you hang out.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be there tonight after say 8pm. I'll meet you in there.


06-22-2005, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

So that's where you hang out.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be there tonight after say 8pm. I'll meet you in there.


I try to do one BG run a weeknight and 2 on the weekends.

06-22-2005, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
oh well you fuckers can have BG, alliance is winning the rest of the game

I'd like to send out my congratulations to the amazing skill of the Alliance players able to best mindless, computer controlled pixels with strategies they've read from people that defeated said "monsters" many times before they even attempted them. They sure can read and follow directions well!

We are on a PvP server...I'd put accomplishments in Battlegrounds WAY ahead of MC and Onyxia. Besides...the Whor3d is basically in the same spot in MC as any Alliance guild is. No Alliance guild has defeated Ragnaros since the patch a few weeks ago. And KG did once before the change. (I read on the general forums that almost no one has on any server since some changes.)

06-22-2005, 09:23 AM
Arkans and I were in BB last night.. trying to get some quests done and just minding our own business (uh huh) when we were attacked by a 45 hunter and a 40 warlock. We were otherwise engaged with a mob and quickly pushed up daisies.

We came back and they were gone. We ended up quickly ganking this 40ish paladin and then went back to Mobs. While we were hunting, I heard a hunter calling his pet, so I circled around and sure enough, there the two were from earlier. I sapped the warlock and Arkans and I rushed the hunter (who went down like a whore on a $100 bill) and spun around and took out the Warlock. We basically camped there for a bit and sure enough, in comes the capped Paladin to babysit for them.

06-22-2005, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler
We are on a PvP server...I'd put accomplishments in Battlegrounds WAY ahead of MC and Onyxia.

I wish that honor kept track of non BG kills.

I feel that shows true PvP skills. I know a lot of my kills in BG are thorn, guy stops running others attack I get finishing blow. I dont think that shows to much skill

06-22-2005, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
We basically camped there for a bit and sure enough, in comes the capped Paladin to babysit for them.

If I learn the secert to getting the capped paly, I will surely pass that on.

I hate that shit.

Fight your own battles. if you cant fucking stop sleeping till you can

06-22-2005, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by Parkbandit
We basically camped there for a bit and sure enough, in comes the capped Paladin to babysit for them.

If I learn the secert to getting the capped paly, I will surely pass that on.

I hate that shit.

Fight your own battles. if you cant fucking stop sleeping till you can

That is how 90% of the PvP battles end.. a capped alliance comes in and helps them out. I always joke "I wonder what the call on general looked like.. 'HELP UP, 2 LOWER LEVEL HORDES ARE KICKING OUR ASS. SEND A CAPPED PALADIN IMMEDIATELY!'"

06-22-2005, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Arkans and I were in BB last night.. trying to get some quests done and just minding our own business (uh huh) when we were attacked by a 45 hunter and a 40 warlock. We were otherwise engaged with a mob and quickly pushed up daisies.

We came back and they were gone. We ended up quickly ganking this 40ish paladin and then went back to Mobs. While we were hunting, I heard a hunter calling his pet, so I circled around and sure enough, there the two were from earlier. I sapped the warlock and Arkans and I rushed the hunter (who went down like a whore on a $100 bill) and spun around and took out the Warlock. We basically camped there for a bit and sure enough, in comes the capped Paladin to babysit for them.

Heh. Me and my flatmate (who plays a capped rogue) camp for about three hours outside of Gurabashi Arena and the ruins there killing anything that makes the mistake of trying to get to BB or vice versa. After killing the same people about 3 or 4 times each and doing this for an hour (I accumulate about 50-70 HK kills an evening doing this) a big group of Alliance are summoned. We just hide in the bushes somewhere (STV is the uberest area for stealthed rogues) wait for them to get bored and move on. Then we get back to the ganking.

06-22-2005, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by Parkbandit
We basically camped there for a bit and sure enough, in comes the capped Paladin to babysit for them.

If I learn the secert to getting the capped paly, I will surely pass that on.

I hate that shit.

Fight your own battles. if you cant fucking stop sleeping till you can

That is how 90% of the PvP battles end.. a capped alliance comes in and helps them out. I always joke "I wonder what the call on general looked like.. 'HELP UP, 2 LOWER LEVEL HORDES ARE KICKING OUR ASS. SEND A CAPPED PALADIN IMMEDIATELY!'"

I've learned that Uden means help ;) They shout it alot when me and Scurgar are around.

06-22-2005, 09:29 AM
Do you mean keeps them seperate?
They are obviously recorded.
If you only play one game of BG a night, I would say that most of your honor comes from outside BG.

BG most definitely skews the honor you got.
Lef got something like 4k honor from BGs when she was in there regularly...this last week I didnt do BG at all and got something like 500 honor...but then I was questing in teh main and only PvPing when I happened across it.

One game a night wouldnt amount to a great deal really, honor-wise.

06-22-2005, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by SnatchWrangler
We are on a PvP server...I'd put accomplishments in Battlegrounds WAY ahead of MC and Onyxia.

I wish that honor kept track of non BG kills.

I feel that shows true PvP skills. I know a lot of my kills in BG are thorn, guy stops running others attack I get finishing blow. I dont think that shows to much skill

Then the Whor3d would still be "winning". I said well before you left for the Alliance side, and well before BG was introduced, when I got involved in relatively even fights (even numbers, about the same levels) my side probably lost about 10-15% of them.

Western Plaguelands is/was the perfect measuring stick. A few Alliance would go around in a group ganking low level 50s players. Then they'd come to the Bulwark with half a dozen people. Horde would pass through, get ganked one at a time, then as they'd all rezz and realize they'd have close to even numbers, then we'd proceed to wipe the floor with the Alliance time and time again.

I really think the whole thing is adapting as you level. I mean, are their Horde running around the Hillsbrad Farm ganking Alliance there? No. Is Sun Rock retreat getting invaded and level 30-35 Horde camped by superior levels/numbers? Yes.

The Alliance doesn't really deal with nearly as much as that as the mid level Horde do. Plus, they can always shield/hearth away if they were.

06-22-2005, 09:51 AM
Uden = help
bur = lol

I figured that out. Either way though, getting the capped Paladin to help out against the two lower level Horde is a common practice. It's this why that Alliance really can't compete at all against Horde when it comes to PvP on BG. All of a sudden, the instant Zerg is gone as well as the ?? shielded Paladin coming in is gone.

Also, when the Horde orginizes itself together, they completely decimate the Alliance. No questions ask. Then the Alliance are all like, "UDEN!!!!11" and in comes each of their capped Paladin. It's pretty silly, but heck, it makes my job easier since no Alliance can really compare on a 1 to 1 or even 2 to 1 battle against me.

- Arkans

06-22-2005, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
One game a night wouldnt amount to a great deal really, honor-wise.

You would think that.

Unless the CPs/Honor System is screwed up again in Warsong, I got alot of CPs yesterday for nearly no PvPing.

I did two CTF games in a row, the 2nd one I quit on my team after being down 2-0 because I was sick of losing to an inferior team because no one would listen. Two fucking games in a row I tell a warrior to go back to our base and take the flag from the rogue holding it (once it was Ferian, once it was me holding it). Both times I asked multiple times, both times I was ignored. Both times the Alliance sent in a squad of 3, and with zero defense for a rogue standing in the open hold a flag, we lost it.

Another time I find the paly holding our flag, hiding in their base lying down behind a pillar (love those exploiting fuck Alliance. Seriously, they can't win, so they use every possible mild bug exploit possible.) I say "Get another rogue or two or druid to me and we'll take it back."

So what does my team do? Keilum and a mage run into the flag room, Keilum gets killed. The mage blinks and runs up to where I am on their roof, bringing two mages, a warlock, and a rogue chasing him. They AoE and Fearbomb and I'm dead within seconds and so is the mage.

And the fucking mage has the audacity to say "We couldn't beat the paly because he used his lay on hands spell." Yeah...we died because the mighty 40 Dps Paladin healed himself.

So anyways...I digress...(alot)...

I went back and played one more game, we got to face Team KG. Deception, Ellusion, 3 priests, NOT good times. Well...we won 3-1, even though Deception had 30 killing blows and 3 whole deaths.

So I was 1-2 last night, with 60 HKs...And I have just under 5K in CPs from yesterday.

I was absolutely shocked. The ONLY thing I can think of, is that it states that after the 4th time you kill someone, you receive ZERO CPs from them for the next 24 hours. So those days I was going 7-1 and getting 7-8K in points, I was killing the same people over and over again. While last night, I was killing different people a couple times a piece. I had 6 or 7 solo kills roaming around Winterspring myself, but that was it other than the 3 CTF games.

06-22-2005, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

The ONLY thing I can think of, is that it states that after the 4th time you kill someone, you receive ZERO CPs from them for the next 24 hours.

thanks for the info.

06-22-2005, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
thanks for the info.

Sure thing. I always thought it was 3 kills in an hour, then you don't get anymore CP. (I thought it was 100% point value first kill, 50% 2nd kill, 25% 3rd kill.) Then they posted this a few days ago on the Official Site.

Figured I'd repost it here so PB can read it as well...quite informative.

There are three sources to Honor during the week:
Honorable Kills
Killing racial leaders
Achieving Battlegrounds objectives
Honorable Kill: killing a player character within your XP range, i.e. a character whose name is colored (green to red), not grey. There are several factors influencing the Honor value of such a kill:
Your victim's level: killing a level 60 character gives more Honor than killing a level 50 character. Killing a "grey" player gives no Honor.
Your own level: a level 60 character killing another level 60 character gains more Honor than a level 40 character killing another level 40 character.
Subsequent kills: killing a character a second, third or fourth time within 24 hours after the first kill will give reduced points for these kills (75%, 50% and 25%, respectively). The fifth and subsequent kills give no Honor at all. Note: the Honor notification in-game when killing an opponent does not take this diminishing return into account.
Group or raid: killing while in a group or raid will share the Honor among team members in the same way as XP, with the exception of the raid penalty on XP not being applied to Honor. Lower level members will get a smaller portion than the higher level ones. Note: kills made in a group or raid still count towards your subsequent kills penalty (see above). Members of the group or raid group will not receive honor points if they are too far away from the group member who got the kill, much like earning XP.
Your or your team or raid's contribution to the kill: each solo character, group or raid participating in the kill gets their share of the Honor. The share is roughly equal to the percentage of damage inflicted to kill the target. Notes:
If an opponent does not receive any damage for one minute the record of who contributed to killing him is wiped clean. Thus, even if you come upon a lone enemy someone else might have fought him (and lost) recently and you might not get the full share of Honor for killing him.
Monsters and NPCs take their part too. If you jump a character already injured by a monster or NPC (and maybe still in combat) your reward will be smaller.
Your victim's rank: Honor Ranks make the target worth more Honor.
Being present at the time of the kill: you need to be alive and close by at the time of the kill to get your share of the Honor. Note: The opponent being healed during combat does not mean he's worth more points, only that it takes more damage to kill him.
Killing racial leaders: killing one of the NPCs considered leaders of their race. There are only a few of these, all on a two hour spawn timer, and the bonus for their defeat is divided between participating solo characters, groups and raids based on damage contribution. The racial leaders are:

Cairne Bloodhoof
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon
King Magni Bronzebeard
Arch Druid Fandrag Staghelm
Achieving Battlegrounds objectives: the Battlegrounds contain several opportunities to gain Honor in addition to killing your opponents, one of them naturally being winning the Battleground. E.g. in Catch-the-Flag Battlegrounds each returned flag gives your side a share of Honor. All members of the Battlegrounds team (Alliance / Horde) will receive the same amount of Honor for a flag capture.

Battlegrounds objectives are intended to be a substantial part of your Honor for a week. Don't ignore them if you wish to attain a high Rank.
As kills in raids give fewer points to you personally but still count toward your subsequent kill ratio, try get some kills alone or in a small group earlier in the day / evening, then join a raid to collect more kills to meet the cut-off.
If your number of Honorable Kills is a bit low for the week, join a raid or go play a Battleground to collect some more before the weekly calculation.

Dishonorable Kills

Killing an NPC labeled as a "civilian" is considered a Dishonorable Kill. The civilian label appears on NPCs such as vendors and quest givers when your level substantially exceeds theirs. Beware: penalties for dishonorable kills are applied immediately and may cost you Ranks outside of the weekly Rank calculations.

Calculations - daily and weekly

Daily - calculating Honor: each day, a few hours after midnight, the previous day's Honor is calculated for all characters. All your kills and achieved objectives are added together into your Honor for the day, completely independent of other characters.
Weekly - calculating Standing and Rank: during the Wednesday maintenance your weekly Standing is determined and Rank adjustments are calculated. Your Standing is your position on the scoreboard for having the most Honor among your faction on your realm this single week. I.e. the character on your side on your realm with most Honor gained during the week has Standing 1. The Rank adjustments are a bit more complicated.
There are 14 Ranks. Behind the Ranks is a hidden number scale, each Rank representing a range of points. These points are not your Honor points for the week, but something we'll call Rank Points for the sake of this guide. The exact points and scale will not be revealed here, but it's important to keep in mind that there are numbers behind the Ranks to understand how the Ranks work.

There are three steps in calculating and adjusting your Rank:

1. Excluding those with too few kills from the pool.
a. Those with less than 25 Honorable Kills will not be included in the calculations this week, and their points for the week will be 0.
b. A cut-off is calculated based on the number of Honorable Kills made by all characters of your faction this week. Those having less Honorable Kills than this cut-off (but at least 25 Honorable Kills) will not be included in the calculations this week, but their points for the week will be enough to at least attain or keep Rank 1.
2. Calculating your points for the last week. Factors involved are:
a. The total Honor of all characters of your faction on the realm who made the cut-off: this determines the size of the pool of points to be given out to your faction this week. A more active faction will have a bigger pool to share, but also more characters to split it between.
b. Your Honor for the week: this determines how many of the points from the pool will be assigned to your character.
c. Your level: characters lower than level 60 will not get their full share of points for the week. The penalty is especially significant at levels below 50, and for someone of level 30 or below to attain any Rank above 1 is hard indeed.
d. Thus, for maximum points for a week your faction needs to collect a lot of Honor, you need to be one of the characters collecting the most Honor, and you need to be at or very close to level 60.
3. Adjusting your Rank Points and thus your Rank.
a. This is done by comparing your points for the week with your Rank Points. If the points for the week are higher than your current Rank Points, your Rank Points are adjusted upwards by a set percentage of the difference. If your points for the week are lower than your Rank Points, your Rank Points are adjusted downwards by a set percentage of the difference. The set percentage is higher for upward adjustments than downward adjustments.
Example: (note that you will never actually see any of these points in-game, only the Rank) During your first week with the Honor System your activity awards you with 14000 points for the week (not Honor, but points from the faction pool). As this is your first week and you had no points from before you will get a set percentage of these points added to the Rank Points. Let's pretend this is 2000 points, which then determines your Rank for the coming week.

During the second week you get 25000 points (again, not Honor, but those points from the faction pool). You will now gain the set percentage of the difference between 25000 and those 2000 points, bringing the points determining your rank up to let's say 5000 points. This probably means you will have a higher Rank than last week.

In the third week you're not as active, earning only 3000 points (from the pool), which is lower than your Rank Points. This means your Rank Points will be adjusted down by a set percentage, but a lower one than the percentage used when you gain points. Let's say you go down to 4500 points, which would probably not lose you a Rank.

Additional notes

Gaining two new Ranks in a single week is possible, but only likely below rank 6.
Rising in Rank every week is possible until about rank 11. Above that each rank is expected to take two weeks or more, each week with the same high performance as the last.
Getting to rank 14 is expected to take about three months even for the most efficient and active players. Staying there is also quite a challenge.
About 5% of the players participating in PvP are expected to have a Rank of 11 or above when the system settles itself after some months.

06-22-2005, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

About 5% of the players participating in PvP are expected to have a Rank of 11 or above when the system settles itself after some months.

in the above when it says "players" is it talking about both factions together or individual

06-22-2005, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

About 5% of the players participating in PvP are expected to have a Rank of 11 or above when the system settles itself after some months.

in the above when it says "players" is it talking about both factions together or individual

Pretty sure that refers to 5% of each faction. Atleast, it did a few months ago when they were originally talking about the system.

06-22-2005, 09:10 PM
the BG finally lets me in and this is what happens

Warsong Gulch herald yells Stabbed captures the Alliance flag

Warsong Gulch herald yells The horde wins


06-22-2005, 09:39 PM
nice attack you whored scum while i was encased in ice

and oh yeah hi LF it was nice to see you on defense:D

06-22-2005, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
nice attack you whored scum while i was encased in ice

and oh yeah hi LF it was nice to see you on defense:D

Come now Toj.. let's not cry too badly.

First time I saw you.. you were being babysat by 3 others.. and I still had to attack you.

2nd time I saw you, you got motherfucking SHEEPED bad (See screenshot)

3rd time I saw you, you got wtf was that crunching noise FUCK IT'S STABBED AND I DON'T HAVE NATURE GRASP ON AND NOW I R FUCKED BAD.


Good job. You guys almost touched our flag that game.

06-22-2005, 09:50 PM
ROFL pwned!!!

- Arkans

06-22-2005, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Come now Toj.. let's not cry too badly.

3rd time I saw you, you got wtf was that crunching noise FUCK IT'S STABBED AND I DON'T HAVE NATURE GRASP ON AND NOW I R FUCKED BAD.


Good job. You guys almost touched our flag that game.

yeah you WTFpwned me while I was in ice

I really wasnt going for the flag I wanted to see LF but since whorde was turning in another flag I had to change my plans

06-22-2005, 10:01 PM
and PB you have to admit

it does add a little something knowning who is on the other side

06-22-2005, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
and PB you have to admit

it does add a little something knowning who is on the other side

Absolutely... the only reason I was in BG tonight was because you said you frequent them. And when I saw you in the flag room.. I think I felt movement.

06-23-2005, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Absolutely... the only reason I was in BG tonight was because you said you frequent them. And when I saw you in the flag room.. I think I felt movement.

I went 0-3.

the one that ended at 12am est was the best of the night.

see ya on the BG whorde scum

06-23-2005, 08:23 AM
Good to see you also TOJ. I think it was my frost trap that got you iced up. Heh

Only got to play 2 games last night. I leveled between game 1 and game 2 and snuck into the game as a 41. But the game caught me after game 2 so after a 30 minute wait to get in for the 41's up I took off for the evening.


06-23-2005, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by Littlefang
Good to see you also TOJ. I think it was my frost trap that got you iced up. Heh


Congrats on the DING. Im still 31 so it will be a while before I see you on BG

06-23-2005, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by Parkbandit
Absolutely... the only reason I was in BG tonight was because you said you frequent them. And when I saw you in the flag room.. I think I felt movement.

I went 0-3.

the one that ended at 12am est was the best of the night.

see ya on the BG whorde scum

It really didn't help that we had retards on our team. Fucking 2 priests, a shaman and a druid. HELLO. WHEN THE FUCKING FLAG CARRIER IS SAYING " I NEED SOME HEALING, HEADING THROUGH MIDDLE TO OUR FORT" How about NOT PASSING HIM without healing him next time?

Fucking Toj was following me the entire time back.. spamming that moon crap at me, weeding me down... until I got to the top of the ramp and ended up dying.

But by far, that was the most competitive match of the night. You had some very skilled players on your side.. some level 38 rogue nailed me twice. Bitch.

06-23-2005, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

It really didn't help that we had retards on our team.

I can relate to that statement

06-23-2005, 11:49 AM
And I won't even mention the time where my "Net-o-matic" nailed us both in place forever. We were exchanging moonshot for gunshot.

I had a blast.

06-23-2005, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
And I won't even mention the time where my "Net-o-matic" nailed us both in place forever. We were exchanging moonshot for gunshot.

I had a blast.

I had no clue what that was.

Now if you can just figure out how to net yourself so you dont get feared would be a good thing I think

Yeah I had fun also. Paid for it this morning at 0500 but much fun indeed

06-23-2005, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by Parkbandit

It really didn't help that we had retards on our team.

I can relate to that statement

In that last game.. we fielded the worst team of the 4 games I played. I knew we were fucked when some idiot said "We don't need defense, everyone just go offense and get your HKs". None of the healers actually healed when they were supposed to except for a priest later on. The one time you killed me with moonspam.. he actually PASSED me as I was yelling for healing. Fucking retard.

Also, that last game had the best alliance players of the 4 as well. You guys actually seemed like you had a plan of attack and that you were woking like a team. You had a good druid, paladin and rogue team that fucked me up on a couple of occasion. You also had a hunter that actually set traps (useless against me though.. as I had detect traps up the entire time I was in your building)

I love playing a rogue in there because I can just sit in your building and let our team know what is going on. As soon as Sade gives me my mageweave cloth bolts.. I'm making a cape that will allow me to drop down from roof with no damage. Add that to my belt shield, net o matic, dragon trinket, concussion bombs and normal rogue tricks.. I will be a bigger force to recon with in there. I just need to remember to get more healing potions and bandages... that last run I had nothing at all to self heal except eating the faces of those I put down (which was fun on a couple of occasions)

06-23-2005, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Now if you can just figure out how to net yourself so you dont get feared would be a good thing I think

It's called being undead. It's a racial bonus which must drive the alliance priests and warriors nuts. Will of the forsaken I think it's called.

06-23-2005, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Also, that last game had the best alliance players of the 4 as well. You guys actually seemed like you had a plan of attack and that you were woking like a team.

maybe I had a little to do with that.

I was yelling my ass off in raid

trying to explain to them why mounted players should be on defense to catch fucking cheetah shamans, etc

I mean I have gotten beat so many times. I have a little clue about it

my only job on defense was to not die so quick that I couldnt put out on raid which direction you whored were running :)

06-23-2005, 12:09 PM
Heh I was being defense bitch on the raid channel - "Lets heal the banner carrier guys!"

Meanwhile we had this whinning guy lets get HK's! Let's stop I need to kill people! He was peeving me off. Then go kill someone!


06-23-2005, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
As soon as Sade gives me my mageweave cloth bolts.. I'm making a cape that will allow me to drop down from roof with no damage.

Fucking n00b.

Rogue - Level 40.
Safe Fall
Reduces damage from falling. You can use this to jump off high locations without dying

06-23-2005, 01:53 PM
Level 39 != level 40

06-24-2005, 11:11 AM
Well, after about 5 days of BG work on my undead I'm sitting on 500+ kills and about 1500 Honor. Not bad for a level 28, I'd say. :)

Though I do have a question for you undead rogue types. I've been pretty much owning every class I came across in BG one on one. I've even been able to take care of people 2 on 1. But there is one group I cannot seem to kill.

On our server, there are two level 26-28 priests that always work together. I've tried everything to take these two down, and can't seem to get it to work.

My normal tactic is something like thus :

Sneak up, sap #1. V off and gouge #2 before she gets ahold of whats going on. Move behind #2, SS, start moving, staying behind #2 to disrupt casting, while SS'ing. Once full on combos, ES.

By this time, she is near dead..and shielded. I'm trying to break down the shield when #1 breaks the stun and starts healing #2. It just goes downhill from there. :(

I don't have blind, and I don't have coldblood yet, so I'm sure that's making things a litte harder. I just wanted to make sure I was not missing something. :)

06-24-2005, 11:15 AM
Am I the only one who's gotten extremely bored with the Battlegrounds extremely quickly?

I dunno, it seems like it's always the same thing, over and over again. The same tactics are always used by both sides. The map is always the same. It's just gotten stale.

My capture the flag gaming experiences is limited to Unreal Tournmanet and Tribes 1 and 2, and in that game everything is always mixed up. You weren't always restricted to one roll. The maps were always changing. There were vehicles, etc.

I dunno. Maybe it's just me. It also doesn't help that the Honor system is a piece of junk that would require you to live in WoW almost permanently in order to get any of the good rewards.

06-24-2005, 11:18 AM
The roomies and I have pretty much come to terms with never being above rank 11. We don't care THAT much to want to be in the top 5% of the PvP in the entire server.

That said, the BG's really are what you make of them. We see it as a way to get into somewhat non-predictable fights (ie, not AI based). We have fun working together, even though we normally get stuck on D because we do work so well together.

06-24-2005, 11:25 AM
Nope.. I only use evis in PvP when it's my finishing move... I'll always try to stunlock them up. And don't waste your vanish so early. I only use vanish to set up my next move or to escape. Eye gouge will give you the 2 seconds you need to get behind as well as save you the vanish to use later on if need be.

This is how I would do it: Sap the youngest one and just use eye gouge on the other one. Get behind, use backstab, ss and then kidney punch. I will usually have 4 by then.. so that's a solid 8 seconds of stun. You might have less due to talents. Keep spamming SS for 5 seconds.. then drink tea and eye gouge again, ss and then Evic. If she's not dead by then.. you are using the wrong weapons. Make sure you are loaded with poison by the way. If I KNOW I am going after 2 casters, I'll throw the poison that makes their spells slower just to fuck up their timing. That whole battle should get you one dead priest and one still stunned priest. If you have improved sap.. you can then stealth and start off with a cheapshot on the sapped priest. If not, use eye gouge and do the same as you did to the first one. Give yourself enough time to recover your energy before you do and you should be able to lockkill that one as well.

Result: 2 dead priests and a full of health rogue to issue the /no storms of their life. Oh wait, you are not in our guild.. so that /no storm is not available to you.

[Edited on 6-24-05 by Parkbandit]

06-24-2005, 11:34 AM
I don't have kidney punch yet. :(

06-24-2005, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
If you have improved sap.. you can then stealth and start off with a cheapshot on the sapped priest. If not, use eye gouge and do the same as you did to the first one.

Why? This is beyond all logic.

I'd think it was a mistake, but I swear I've heard you say this before.

Why imp sap #1, then cheapshot #1?

Sap #1, wait a couple seconds to get more energy before cheapshotting #2. Priests go down fast, so I then hemo/SS, then gouge...

Move behind them (even if you're not backstabbing, because it'll take them a second or two to turn around to cast/attack you), wait til gouge is about to wear off (you really should be using the Stunwatch timer/addon if you're a rogue), then eviscerate, preferably coldblood if you have it. That priest 'should' be dead, or at worst, less than 20% health left. Hit 'em quick, then kidney shot and finish them off.

Now...this priest should be dead, and the other should just be coming out of the sap. If not, feel free to toss a blind powder at priest #1 right after your eviscerate. The last thing you want is the sapped priest coming out of the sap just in time to heal his buddy or fear you right before you finish them off. Vanish (or move far enough away from the sapped priest to restealth), and finish him off at your leisure.

06-24-2005, 12:27 PM
I can never tell when my sap is going to leave the priest and I certainly don't want him to get the jump on me. If I imp sapped him, I can still stealth and get him with cheapshot (I might be calling it wrong.. the one with the knife to the eyeball icon) to ENSURE that I get the drop on him. That's 2 points for me and if I follow up with my backstab, most times than not that's 4 points. I simply have to hit him with SS once.. stay behind him for a second and then hit him with kidney punch. Normally, he hasn't gotten off a single shot on me. From there, I'll spam SS until I can get off the final evis to kill him.

The only time I'll open with anything other than cheapshot is when the player is already engaged with a mob.. then I'll open up with ambush and hit him from behind for a while because it usually takes them a couple second to figure out they are being ass raped. By that time, I will have enough points to use kidney and me and the mob will finish him off.

06-24-2005, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I can never tell when my sap is going to leave the priest and I certainly don't want him to get the jump on me. If I imp sapped him, I can still stealth and get him with cheapshot (I might be calling it wrong.. the one with the knife to the eyeball icon) to ENSURE that I get the drop on him.

I'm still lost n00bcakes...

Aren't you fighting two priests at once? Is the second priest reading the forums or something while you sap/cheapshot/butt rape his buddy?

06-24-2005, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

Originally posted by Parkbandit
If you have improved sap.. you can then stealth and start off with a cheapshot on the sapped priest. If not, use eye gouge and do the same as you did to the first one.

Why? This is beyond all logic.

I'd think it was a mistake, but I swear I've heard you say this before.

Why imp sap #1, then cheapshot #1?

No.. I think you misunderstood. I don't initiate contact with one player with a sap.. THEN attack them. I said sap #1.. go kill #2 and if you used imp sap on #1, just re-stealth and go back and kick his ass.

I never use sap.. then attack the same target.. that's silly and stupid.

Let me take that back. I HAVE done that before. I'll sap them.. then go in front of them, issue them a no storm, /rasp them, slap them.. THEN kill them. Now I HAVE done that.


06-24-2005, 12:32 PM
I guess I'm just not high enough level to take on 2 priests yet. Seems it takes skills I don't have yet :(

06-24-2005, 12:33 PM
For priests I've found the best way to kill them is to Ambush, then backstab. Both abilities against cloth armor can knock them down a good 75% hp if you're lucky with the crits. Otherwise I usually just cheapshot, BF, SS, SS Evis.

06-24-2005, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Adredrin
I guess I'm just not high enough level to take on 2 priests yet. Seems it takes skills I don't have yet :(

When you get sap and blind you'll be able to take on two cloth wearers at once pretty easily.

06-24-2005, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
For priests I've found the best way to kill them is to Ambush, then backstab. Both abilities against cloth armor can knock them down a good 75% hp if you're lucky with the crits. Otherwise I usually just cheapshot, BF, SS, SS Evis.

I agree, especially if you "cold blood" before the ambush.

06-24-2005, 12:44 PM
I tried taking down two mages last night, a 59 and a 60. I was half drunk, really tired, and was on the phone. Oh yeah...and mages are by far the hardest for me.

I was SOOOOOOOOO close. If I had both my vanishes and poison on my blades I woulda had them. I knocked one down to like 12% and he was screaming "UDEN UDEN!" while his buddy ran in circles confused.

But then I got snared and couldn't vanish out of it...so they killed me. =(

I'm not sure why I thought I could take on two mages when I have a hard time with one.

06-24-2005, 12:45 PM
I've heard 2 different things on getting cold blood. Is it worth it or are there other talents that are more important? I know preparation will be worth it for me.. which I will have next training I think.

06-24-2005, 12:51 PM
Cold Blooded can miss. Which means I won't get it. The Cold Blood/8 in combat/Preperation build is so typical that I went against it. I'm current 3 Assassination, 25 Combat, and 17 Stealth. I'm either gonna go for preperation or the combat ability that gives me 100% energy regen for 15 seconds.

06-24-2005, 12:52 PM
Stunlocking mages is crucial. They need the smallest amount of time to blink or freeze you. Then when they have range they can chill, polymorph etc.

06-24-2005, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I've heard 2 different things on getting cold blood. Is it worth it or are there other talents that are more important? I know preparation will be worth it for me.. which I will have next training I think.

Eh, it's preference. The "standard" build is 21/8/22. And you get prep and cold blood.

I went 21/4/26 because I like Hemo, Imp Sap, Imp CS, as well as points to throw around the MoD and Camo skills.

You may want to try a combat build, I hear they're alot of fun.

I just don't like backstabbing all that much, which is why I didn't both with imp backstab (which is what the 8 points in the combat tree go to). I'm starting to change my tune after Invidious backstabs me for 1050-1150 damage all the time...I'll see with time.

I'm getting very good at jumping/circle strafing and spamming SS, KS, Gouge, and coldblood eviscerates. I dropped two KG rogues guarding their flag yesterday...which I'm still not sure how. I'm sure they each have atleast a few epics...I think the gnome rogue had a Krol and Felstriker...

That's just sad. :(

06-24-2005, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I'm current 3 Assassination, 25 Combat, and 17 Stealth. I'm either gonna go for preperation or the combat ability that gives me 100% energy regen for 15 seconds.

Only problem with that combat ability is I think it's on a 6 minute cooldown...

I'll take prep over that any day.

06-24-2005, 01:00 PM
If I'm in combat longer than 30 secs' I deserve to die anyway. While I agree the cookie cutter coldblood/Prep build is good for PvP I think it sucks for Instances. Thats where combat really shines. Blade Flurry, S&D, Improved Sap and Gouge and Blind means I can take on about five normal mobs at once.

06-24-2005, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Blade Flurry, S&D, Improved Sap and Gouge and Blind means I can take on about five normal mobs at once.

S&D's usability was nerfed last patch, Imp Sap, Gouge, and Blind you still have with the 21/8/22...

And Blade Flurry really isn't that great, is it?

06-24-2005, 01:08 PM
I use it will S&D. Over 50% attack speed with swords... plus I attack one other opponent.

My build is not an end game build. I think going for Cold Blooded before hitting 60 is stupid. Its something I think you should do when you don't need to worry about exp grinding anymore.

06-24-2005, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

Originally posted by StrayRogue
I'm current 3 Assassination, 25 Combat, and 17 Stealth. I'm either gonna go for preperation or the combat ability that gives me 100% energy regen for 15 seconds.

Only problem with that combat ability is I think it's on a 6 minute cooldown...

I'll take prep over that any day.

And tea is pretty easy to make.. which has only a 2 minute timer.

06-24-2005, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I use it will S&D. Over 50% attack speed with swords... plus I attack one other opponent.

My build is not an end game build. I think going for Cold Blooded before hitting 60 is stupid. Its something I think you should do when you don't need to worry about exp grinding anymore.

If you are having trouble grinding for experience with a rogue using ANY talent build.. you are doing something wrong.

06-24-2005, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

Originally posted by StrayRogue
I'm current 3 Assassination, 25 Combat, and 17 Stealth. I'm either gonna go for preperation or the combat ability that gives me 100% energy regen for 15 seconds.

Only problem with that combat ability is I think it's on a 6 minute cooldown...

I'll take prep over that any day.

And tea is pretty easy to make.. which has only a 2 minute timer.

I can see why you want Prep PB. You just want more, more MORE, like another half-gallon bottle of soda.

06-24-2005, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by StrayRogue
I use it will S&D. Over 50% attack speed with swords... plus I attack one other opponent.

My build is not an end game build. I think going for Cold Blooded before hitting 60 is stupid. Its something I think you should do when you don't need to worry about exp grinding anymore.

If you are having trouble grinding for experience with a rogue using ANY talent build.. you are doing something wrong.

Yeah, but some are easier than others. Cold Blooded is not something you need to grind at all. There exist other talents that make exp grinding so much quicker and easier.

06-24-2005, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue

Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

Originally posted by StrayRogue
I'm current 3 Assassination, 25 Combat, and 17 Stealth. I'm either gonna go for preperation or the combat ability that gives me 100% energy regen for 15 seconds.

Only problem with that combat ability is I think it's on a 6 minute cooldown...

I'll take prep over that any day.

And tea is pretty easy to make.. which has only a 2 minute timer.

I can see why you want Prep PB. You just want more, more MORE, like another half-gallon bottle of soda.

Heh.. that's so true. I went to BG with Bayne last night and while I had a great time, I felt almost useless and half naked compared with the stuff I carry in there as Stabbed.

With Stabbed, I have:

Shield belt
Parachute cloak
Sticky glue
Explosive sheep
Mechanical Draginkin that fights
Energy Tea

LOVE playing an engineer Rogue. So many fun things. My pocket hates it though.. Stabbed has like 10 gold to his name right now at level 39 1/2. I guess Bayne will have to go cash hunt for a little bit to get him a mount.

06-24-2005, 02:13 PM
Or you can throw $10 at a gold farmer for 100g.

Do the cost/benefit analysis.

06-24-2005, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Stunlocking mages is crucial. They need the smallest amount of time to blink or freeze you. Then when they have range they can chill, polymorph etc.

Stunlocking a mage generally isn't the way I go. I prefer to ambush(very high crit %), then if I get 2 combo points I SS, CB, Eviscerate. If I only get 1 combo point, I CB and Backstab. Both of those usually either kill the mage or take him to less than 10% health. Even if they sheep me I can almost always get to them before I'm less than 30% health...they die. Usually they don't react quick enough to do anything other than release and walk back to their corpse.

On cloth wearers my ambushes usually crit for 1200-1300 and backstabs for 1000+.

Mages are the only class I don't usually stunlock...unless I find a warlock or priest with less than 80% health.

21/8/22 works well against mages, while the more combat oriented rogues do much better against the melee classes.

PS. The only 2 classes I have a problem with when I get the jump on them are shaman and warriors, with warriors being much easier. Between totems that impair movement, healing, chain armor and good melee the shaman are a pain for me.

06-24-2005, 02:30 PM
Its the annoying blink, sheep, chill shit that gets me. I agree though if they're engaging a mob I'll ambush/backstab and hope for a crit kill.

Warriors I leave well alone. I never use evasion against them.

06-24-2005, 02:48 PM
If I don't stunlock a good mage.. I am dead. Period.

I can get them down to 50% of their health before they even move usually.. but that is all it takes. If they get a moment of time, all they have to do is:


And they are back up at 100% and I am laying there out in the open. Then it's a matter of fireballing my ass from ranged and doing all that other aoe shit they do.

I will always try to stunlock them.

06-24-2005, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
If I don't stunlock a good mage.. I am dead. Period.

I can get them down to 50% of their health before they even move usually.. but that is all it takes. If they get a moment of time, all they have to do is:


They blink out of cheapshots anyway.

The mages that give me a problem are the bouncing little AoE spamming ones. I could care less about the sheeping pyroing ones. Gouge, kidney shot, kick...all of them stop them from casting. It's the instacast AoE and the fact they don't have to be facing me to hit me with their AoE spam.

If I've got the jump on the mage, my preference is to cheapshot them, expect them to blink, pop vanish and sprint, run up and cheapshot them again, CB evis, then gouge.

They're pretty much dead at this point regardless of what you want to do next.

06-24-2005, 03:27 PM
The mages I have fought with Stabbed haven't moved that quick to blink out of gouge.. which allows me to get in a backstab, SS and normally a kidney shot. Didn't know they can blink out of that stun though.. that sucks hard.

06-24-2005, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
The mages I have fought with Stabbed haven't moved that quick to blink out of gouge.. which allows me to get in a backstab, SS and normally a kidney shot. Didn't know they can blink out of that stun though.. that sucks hard.


They can blink OUT OF CHEAPSHOT. Not Gouge.

Last night I caught Ellusion alone in CTF. I said screw and went for him since I had all my cooldowns available.

I cheapshotted, hemo'd, for some reason he paused a second...then he blinked all of 2 inches right into the light post near the entrance to the Alliance tunnel.

I evisc'd, vanished and CS'd again and finished him off.

06-24-2005, 03:37 PM
Where is all this hate coming from?

You make Bayne's milk turn sour.


06-24-2005, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Where is all this hate coming from?

You make Bayne's milk turn sour.


It comes from explaining things to over and over again because you don't listen n00bcakes.

You know it's all love, yo.

(And I KNOW you've said atleast once in the past "What?! Mages can blink out of cheapshot, that's bullshit.")

06-24-2005, 03:55 PM
oh he listens its just he forgets it 20 minutes later

06-24-2005, 03:58 PM
Got a 60 human fire/arc mage on Aggramar server. The perception helps with the rogues, also, the pvp trinket seems to work with some of the rogue stun effects once the blink is used.

Best tactic against me is to hit me hard early. The stun stuff, I unlock quick, percept, ice, blink, trinket to unlock effect since blink is gone (if needed), AoE, etc.

It's usually over pretty quick after a POM instant pyroblast, instant fireblast, frost nova, AoE if close or cone of cold, arcane missles, fireblast is back up, done.

If I'm low from the inital hard hit, that is my hardest time. Walking around with that mana shield on is a big help, cause it lessens that big initial blow.

I usually do not sheep unless multiples are about, cause with the trinkets that dispell the sheep, it's kind of a waste of casting time. If I'm sheeping you, it's cause you just hit me real hard and I am about to die in a hit or two, and I am desperate for distance and a bandage.

If I can see a rogue with any kind of distance, it's lights out, you might as well be wearing cloth. I love ganking rogues btw, cause of their rep.


07-17-2005, 10:22 AM
Played AV for the first time last night.. and all I have to say is "HOLY FUCKING SHIT".

If I knew what I was doing, I imagine it would be a whole lot more fun, but it was fun as shit to just gank the hell out of alliance all night.

I tripled my lifetime HKs with Bayne last night and was in 10th place for a long time. I wasn't in the game from the onset, but quickly climbed up the rank by using Chain lightning alot. I started as a healer.. but was tired of healing retards. Chain lightning, fire totems and a big ol' axe knocked some sense into some of them. Took us quite a bit of time.. but we finally won.

Great game though.

07-17-2005, 10:30 AM
Yeah...I went in as Sade and me and Bayne finished 14th and 13th respectively in the rankings.

I was the second best druid in the game which is cool and out of over 80 people dipping in and out, 14 was pretty cool. Ended up with 1600 Honor from the game which was pretty massive and about 1200 HKs

Best fun I have had with the honor system.

07-17-2005, 10:34 AM
And talking of sheep, I havent played Sade competitively for ages, and I knew that her trinket gets rid of stuns and fear, but I also thought that it would get rid of polymorph.

So some mage sheeps me, and after spamming the trinket button, figured that it didnt remove sheep...so waited the sheep out.

Only a little while after did I realise that Druids + shapeshift = no more poly.


07-17-2005, 12:34 PM
Alterac Valley is loads more fun than Warsong Gulch. The problem (at least on Argent Dawn) is getting the damn place to open. The horde just don't show up, at all, so you've got a bunch of alliance waiting in the AV queue for hours.

The horde are content to farm honor in Warsong Gulch against the alliance honor farmers. Most of the casual PvP'ers have gotten bored of Warsong Gulch (you're prancing around capturing rags on a stick... that ain't PvP, it's crowd control,) except for the two or three alliance groups who practically live there. The highest ranking alliance on our server, who won that custom tabard from the Blizz Honor contest, literally spends 8 to 15 hours a day there. I'm hoping he's a cripple, because spending that much time doing the same thing, every single day, is horrifying.

07-17-2005, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I tripled my lifetime HKs with Bayne last night and was in 10th place for a long time. I wasn't in the game from the onset, but quickly climbed up the rank by using Chain lightning alot. I started as a healer.. but was tired of healing retards. Chain lightning, fire totems and a big ol' axe knocked some sense into some of them. Took us quite a bit of time.. but we finally won.

Great game though.

Hehe...Bayne kept sending me tells like "Hey, you think you can get us switched together?" "I'm sick of healing retards." "Damn, why am I healing these retards around me, this is dumb."

I told him to stop healing, and start blasting away with chain lightning. Healing is rough there, since you're not going to be able to heal someone fast enough when they're being swarmed.

I got booted and missed about an hour and a half of the game. When I left, we were just about full on all supplies needed to call in reinforcements. We were pushing them back near their fort.

When I get back in the game 1 hr and 20 min later...we've got them pushed into their base with one of their towers down already.

That was the first time I've seen one of their two towers in town taken down, nevermind a full blown victory. Good times.

07-17-2005, 01:22 PM
I guess the alliance in Dunemaul haven't discovered that insta-win thing that the horde in AD are protesting.

07-17-2005, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Artha
I guess the alliance in Dunemaul haven't discovered that insta-win thing that the horde in AD are protesting.

no but we are reading if you want to list it

07-17-2005, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

Hehe...Bayne kept sending me tells like "Hey, you think you can get us switched together?" "I'm sick of healing retards." "Damn, why am I healing these retards around me, this is dumb."

You should have been on vent listening to him :P

I told him to stop healing, and start blasting away with chain lightning. Healing is rough there, since you're not going to be able to heal someone fast enough when they're being swarmed.

And thats the point I got to. I started off with a healer mentality and I just couldnt keep up, so became a moonfire bot. Did well too. :yes:

The only time I really throught about healing after that, was when the icelord came out and I was healing him

He was way cool :)

07-18-2005, 11:52 AM
The ice lord was very cool. I probably dropped 10K in mana into him on 2 different occasions.

Alorg, you said you were full of supplies for reinforcements. How can you tell? It wasn't until I left the fighting and ran all the fucking way back to our base that I turned in the heads, scraps and other items.. but got no indication of any reinforcements.

Is there a website that will tell you what to do inside AV somewhere? I was just following everyone with my chain lightning.. but not really knowing what the hell I was doing except killing alliance.

07-18-2005, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
The ice lord was very cool. I probably dropped 10K in mana into him on 2 different occasions.

Alorg, you said you were full of supplies for reinforcements. How can you tell? It wasn't until I left the fighting and ran all the fucking way back to our base that I turned in the heads, scraps and other items.. but got no indication of any reinforcements.

The official website lists the quests and rewards and such.

Basically...if you turn in alot of blood, you can summon the Ice Lord. If you turn in alot of armor scraps, you get an armor boost to yourself, and after enough scraps, an announcement will be made that new troops are entering the field (basically upgraded NPC troops).

The Nightelf Heads, Dwarf Spines, Human bone chips, and Gnome tufts of hair aren't for any quest, they're just good for raising your faction rep.

Supplies you get from the mine, and turn them in to the quartermaster. When you get enough, you can summon the Reavers. You can ask the quartermaster (as well as the armorsmith, and the Thermagist that takes the blood to summon the Ice Lord) how far you are along, and they will hint at how many more items are needed to summon each NPC reinforcement.

07-19-2005, 11:37 AM
Ah.. sweet!

Haven't even been to the mine yet. LOL