View Full Version : There Is No God...Only Fire!!

06-09-2005, 11:39 AM
I am still unaware as to what caused the fire, but the kid living across the hall from me somehow managed to set his apartment on fire at about 3:30am. I was up playing Doom3 (Fortunately??) because I couldn't sleep as per usual.

All i hear is yelling and shouting through 4 doors and I get up to give the brat a piece of my mind before someone else gets the chance. I open my door to find the bloody door to his flat, the bannister next to it going downstairs and the wallpaper in the hallway (up to my door) aflame. I ran back into my flat grabbing my boots and climbed out the window and hung from the "Landing" of tiles and jumped down.

All in all most of the 2nd story was torched. And joyus times, no insurance for me. Luckily I don't have that many bloody possesions since I just moved back Five months prior and started from scratch....i mean WTF!! There is no God!!!

And heres me starting a new job on monday with no clothes...HA!! The damage to my apartment was minimal really, carpets in the hall to the livingroom and my bedroom got the brunt of it. Spare room was fine...

Anyone else have to deal with enduring a fire?

06-09-2005, 11:41 AM
Oh, hon, I'm so sorry. Thankfully, you weren't hurt! I've never had to suffer a fire like that, so I can't really imagine how scary it is. :scared:

06-09-2005, 11:43 AM
Wow, I'm glad you weren't sleepin because as you said, your bedroom got the bulk of the damage.
I've never been through a fire, but it sounds really scary.

06-09-2005, 12:23 PM
They suck, hard. About.. 3 years ago I guess it was now, a freak storm came out of nowhere. Lightning hit the tree in front yard, traveled along the roots and then jumped from the root to the side of our house where it blew out the wall outlet and set the entire wall of a bedroom on fire. I was in the process of shutting the computer off and got fucking nailed by the electricity spike (it hurts btw in case anyone wonders). To make a long story short... spent 2 weeks in a hotel, and then 6 in an apartement before they had the house fixed, it sucked hard.

06-09-2005, 12:31 PM
That sucks. I just got off the phone with my housing agency and they are willing to put me up in temporary residence. I feel better already....but its better than nothing.

06-09-2005, 12:57 PM
Or rather.. 6 months in an apartment, not 6 weeks.

06-09-2005, 01:19 PM
About 8 months ago, my brother was playing with a heater, and started our room on fire. He screamed for me, and I thought he was just messing, so I slowly made my way upstairs towards the room. I get to the door, and see flames about 5 feet high. About a 4x4 area of the carpet was on fire, including my dresser and nightstand. Well, I wasn't gonna just let my fuckin room light on fire. I told my brother to move, I grabbed two fire extinguishers (Just in case I guess). The first one I tried was faulty because turns out someone messed with it. But the second one worked fine, and I managed to put the fire out.

Cost me about $300 in clothing, a new matress, a new carpet, and almost 25 to life for killing my brother (which I guess I decided not to do).

[Edited on 6-9-2005 by Chadj]